4 Vy-f r 4c V- V V.- . .if vt ,-i -- 7 - the ct;p of roicxi ws.t no l?t arm hie mare erm',t.tteinpia; hi e earner was one erar.il mistake elotdnv i ! trraJjivrr. These two worj vrers, in time. I corruMe J, and the .meaning is now at Iktl t.l unfortHMt , La waa.w lisjVAea, ;f 4m,w tLe practice which rave rise to it, " l?t arm lite mare ermi httemt.ia: h,. s . , - jii-niotin&le rVroiir-t.Tlte editor ol t With a w?et young lady who was reported 'to !'Jown eat" piper request those of hi (ubsori U ;rtuc.- U discovered to., te to r. tr.ct bori wb never intend to ray to give Lim no that ai.e watlie dowe;-Ij daughter of an ri-: ,- - tri,pt insolvent. To vU to hi disappoint- " P"""010- V rmpfranre. Temwrance i a great virtue, therefore aiiray he moderate in the use of .ar dent spirit. Six glasses of slinj before break fast are a good a a thomand. went, Mrj. YVeavti p.-.ved an inrnrrtciblo shrew. These eloquent t Jiigue annoyed hiin un- ccaatfiatlr. ' ,, ;.JP-fv'!L tiy:?v(T, of hi blasted lactam abili tie. Weevil resolved tn lame her; nj after r" .-iiiC'in- for a-ian miMUh tirifYn tt,..,to ' "l U pat i.i form the. following navel .n.l A wimr-s-t was txamiti ettmonMn.tr; experiment. r- a judge in a caw .i'c!andf-r, who Maime purchased -.ine while aianic. upon j t'fi(""! him tr repeat the precise .words iVs.iiainw. ,i-tv,.jh h tlttl pwfl wmiiiiarjiMh J,ix3 tW.illU&i JlftilUkCtl. UiiUl.hc.xttv be eeiisigiw-J the deleterious itimerat to j J"::' t' nttimiioii oi tlic wuulo court upon ;nl repiriinht-.i the envelope w.th , ''. then ItXii.r hit r-yes earnestly on the ar. Walchinr; !i;t opportunity ; J'"''-"'' '' hcij.in: ' May it plea.se your hon- Weevi! was in her Uni-ii-n, he ra am! steal, ;m I tret your living by Jed ip the clotet. a;i ! p.nirini out ' Pltttboro Acaticair, nr. C. " The Tratee of thii louUiition tak( great pleature in nooaorln ( th Irianrt of eJuea lion fhrooghoat th State, that the haveenip.;el the valuable terviee ol Mr. J. M. tovejaf to take eharge of (hi Afiitemt. The Tmueea have received very lliiterina; 'lftimnnili (LoiJ at regaF-dihii qmiifititioa at a teacher and h" Lie ;':;7T Ul.i'e r:r. ,r profi'Jni le me cioir:, ;i p. Hiring out a C'.hi of i.i:!k, iinm'J i,p t!- vt p ,',im,.i!. 'a.' crieiiri in a inot metancholv tinc.etir !'iit!ie p irtlin viiU the fire (in m t nl In- riahl l.an-i 'Jane. Iiten t rue ir a tew s'iT-t n u-lu'.i-i' I ': ri jl I 11c a litmi,, r c . ii't i i'i r.,r,'iM c inuii'irr f.icrrn? t!ie t-irin. Q'Hitim t !: r j : : i.t :.e -ini. he et liieeup n.t.i t prate, and t'atf .t ih? pi. p-r e inn tiic griunJ . MS'htt irave ynn done?' kSrirked Mm, Wee vil, fite!.f,a up tlu- p.-,per, an,l turning t.-alc m "i ..ini'i; . 1 ne i.iee r 1 trie jmijje reticen '!. ?!ni he immediately exilaituej, " Tarn to the .jurv, sir." JRtcommtnJed'Ly the MfJttat ruciliv. ' Dclom HfMtref 9fcdicine$. i. rnEiit JhAtTJ-nuuous tomato r - , PILLS- The ill aupply Hie .laea cf eaiomel and rrTerl"n eur ,or- " "f the l.vt-r.i w T' "rviie -. " 'hrooie afiic- liont and tverv other mi n r re, ,.: . . teojenoeof the I tie or hruk Dixnuiu, .,,! i'i.- j ..5 . "n,,r 1 eompclleit to abandon a very flouriilimf tchool, j 3d. TttElH f.Tf)lSPr. ,iuinu-rinir uoui (cvciitv oovi w men. in ainu-f I'flHr lion 10 retter received Irora tireenville. are an ! 1 hett rillt rr-a- evidence of the high eitinwitoit in hirh fhipei-mdigeio.'' JTie jg'eht! t , -. . . . - naon aa a een'Unian, J I runt seveial eentlrmen ol (ireenvilje,. ". irhere, is cootequenaeof r i;s !, .p. Two centh ineo whj : ail. n.n' i A eli,titj- eitn-n, w re taikiiir it at'trr-A .ir,is in r.',,.:inv. ' D.l'nt r .m ')! ttiC tl i'l:in muf-ere.! Ji-e, .with . m.-.-i tl-.r'.'l--' - lr'f- :y-'!o"k lm c .. ', at:me; and !wj in? Viyh -ri-i. t . bi !"i- c. he buried .i. bead in t!;e C5(;iiif.: t 'i rv ,,! 1. A 'lin. ,i. t ,i,nvL'd by an Swful tilrtirr. on-'-f !t -rl;!u'i!,l to poi-p botweeu hu i'm re.'i. r (;),., !. 114 l i sco hi ril rtre.!e,l on the Ifa"'. ruj iij 3 kW,!o:i, but slie lu,l v-mnhtrd . 'U !... r.- !,e (!; k,,,s ,,,, ,e -on.-'' rncd he, ri-in2. 'J.ni"' ii iimvrr. H- r.::-l i. vm I. eibotv and !i!e,t. A tr I'lif 'in? ,f tn.tnv f t np.-Ji llie 3Uir aroufeil bun I'mtn his po-i-ire; 1 ! t thp next nnni -nt hi, better hiilf rushrd wildly i.ilo the nmm, billowed by three men u:id t!ir spivatit mriTil. 1 . " 'i , denr .Mr. Wectil,' s.ii J lre fnreiirn.-it cen t! '.! 111 o'ack, in utiosn Jco t'Mitiiusil a nci'hbxriii'; apothreary hat Could bav:cu.:i- --jiPiii',1 y,i,i t,i tins rali art7 Weevil wn rea II v iiiannr,', l y the crnwj wli ch ho hail no uncxpecti'dir brought abouThi ran. U'!t a-l?' der.iande.l Wee-il. ' ' I "a have swal,-rd piion!' '.VoiKeiisp iicascrise ' ivj Weevil. 'V, here is the eup. ma'ju"'' 'lie his thrdwr) it aw,rr replied Mrs. Wee vil, robbing nloud; -but here is the" horrible pa. , per.' 1 i.r apothecary looked at the paper, fhoek his head, shruced his Fhnublera, and tlien lonked ,r ili 'anllv at hi aoistant.i, who immediately laid viide.nt hand upon the diiconccilrd Wcc v,l, i:ul threw him nl length Opnn Ibenefa. What in the devil arc ynn alxiutV demanded Sntte, glaring mildly upou tiu- medical ope 1 a tor, a4 htr drew a slnmarlt pump fieri) his p irket. 'Vou mast auhmit, sir,' iid he, r:ivlJ.co, will avail you nothing.' rh: pijob! lie:is,R,s,pn my aoitl 'twad oi ly a jobs! a taere ritf don't he a foohr f'' Jw, atroj;;ling. 'May I die if ' '."ho fure.itde inlro-luetiori of the admirable miidiii.j put an etui to further opposition. Wee vil iieked snd pinned in vain. The whole opcra t::m was a Imirably performed; and feeble, pirit .le'viind ex hamate I, the unfortunate patient iva? b't evtrndel 01 the eoiuh. The apothecary p.oi.iNf.! ! send a composing; draught immedi- etcly, and left bun tn the meanwhile, to the ten der earn of hi wife, w ho nhcrnatrly wapt and ne.'bb'd; wi'idinit lip her hysterical harnzMe ttitiia bitlci remark upon bin cruelty in wishing is ::ravo her U'lproudtiJ fr! Shirt 1. V loifer reir.atl.od (he other that da he should like to have eleven more shirtn. "And why do you wish for deven preeiselyl ' asked a by star.der. " Because," naid he, "I think every gentleman ouqht to bavo a deien." 1 in s s rin ,ii t n. i'i pin-ii the t ier, ' mi".-i. but Iv. f,!c' it." Tin . ni r Vi-r 11. linn t.ie i;viit.eiTii!ii t rctr-tet. v!iat lie ' 1 am in,!.' reili:'.i T 'lrart nr." veord.i. I r.ii.i vou bad st : 1........ . . 1 , v .-;i: . , r 1 ,1 n-:i'i;.i!io 11 Mne an. I rr f rriti. t the bt..k t!'3i i tii,,uaii! it 'w-i-t ta ken fr'en ! f'vwl n their.' AN T(midI(;d A' tii'NT OF - coLoay.n di p,!.. (leroari wat held ai an inttrurtor. ' Mr. Iieioe i a graduate, ii laid to be a firt ha'e malhem licinn and linguitt, and (what it of Rieat import. nce is S3 id to possets the rare 'faculty nl, im parting knowledge ith very rrest fac'.b'y. The f.9.4E'SdlJ.Rrui.ioji,in..U"j,itrlara! Academy will embrace all the laweraudhigber biancbrs oi ruueaugn, laciuiiing Latin, l.reek h Kreneh. It is dcnigneil to make (ti is, at it it believed it will lieeanie, a first rule Preparatory School for such as are desirous of tiiterinr eit'ier el the clussesof the University. The firsf sestien id" the school W commrnee nn tht ill. Mnn.liia .1 .Itilr intt. Board cm be bad in respectable fui I'lesat f iO per inoiitb. Tuition at the ordinarv rnte. It it vu!j a AV.H t )':d J'Ub'd on t h'J.I e:li,l. he i.zicre.icr, vr ar,t In ii I'i this nistarier I will; n the ';"iiivi'.i; I rn,eiye It it unnecessary in s-c of the freat advtn- j leeti produced bv lit;et rittstioieiijh oilers in point of hful'h anil t peiitic Slinperv K soeie'y, as K 11 helie.e.l they are superior to ;!i'e of nn'v town in North f'andii.a M. Q U ADUI-.t.l Kcc. to Trustees July 11,1 ;..S ,v 7w The. A ilir.mfr'on Advertiser-, 1'denloii ( 7ei. -, iae'iO' O r ree I test, up, I Klinbeth Jit I I'oo-r.iv, will piilditli the ull.ive t,ll ! '.'-m'. u.i, mv. lui-mri! ihnr Hrcr.iimt to Hie I'.nn ter :l I '.I I shor'Mlli f,T pl!l.',wt. to thebels, reaiore Ihe .. .,. ,v ...,..:..; .nn by ttieir nmcy use te- d.nn-.-r tnlband are inva'unble h, .;,,..,.' liar to females and children '" "'- l "- Tl 1 ' , JllMUUlSfiMllSUOlHswJ, the imibu.,,1. .,..1 .ot-i... ... .i. , -?! ""!"? J7 I ' " . , e.F;.. e- . S.I .......v, K K ua.iv pr!s,, S1J: b. . perior intrmsir tuni.:i f .,.. .... , , . !, c , . 1 " 1 ''i ter-.ntuifit. ,,mv,i:iiKin aci .iin lo u, pvirqjisgt oi me poWlc ,, (,, .... r..r. rn..raiel e ! (.U, K:..Hucn rr Korn , it.nmon.,!, , ,,. i "SiiotanK ei,ii.)lTi Tc all whom it may coneem. iJi i, t:fy, thut I have iinestei! m,.,. PTic sup. i 'ATVt?itVj. i'1"" '""" PILLS. I 5iif,X &?A&.?Si Whalebone, th aire ofl'letiLle. 1 brother t V r, ,ei;....i . C7 '-,Tii'.'9ts-, r Jt I'enelone bv i rumneter. I'l.ineHs l, ll,,.l,H.r. Pi.-r...e ty T'ZKl I SM& I !'l? s."'; l ". V V,...e. j 7 , : t.- . " in rirnioie it mui umiei: tlie best blooil or 77. ctldroei EngiUk Katt . FLEIIRLTi '... fBred br the Karl at Krciuoni) bv Vl,)e- ! bine, lm 1 eTiYt-iiihnecerer, porrhtsvit tbe Earl of. Fgif mcialiirTtie 4ing ol I'nissia) j her dain llaoa ,j (inbanna, Hiimmirg liird ( nsltr lot a'liarir.?, t.oi.Li ie and tonng -(-Miotla - me oam 01 .tin.ine anil Aileirreti Iy ooii- am, ItTOiiciie iy in stilus by the ttm'ul j biVTi,fti'i ! the ttam of Mandaae and Allegntia) ly U o ' fj y J:ZflJ ! pecker, Camilla, by Trtntl.am, t:Tijiiciie by i ik&$S?j ! fonipton lUrb, sisier to Hctnlu by the tin.' foe I giei pi.e,;i,!.oy ,m e. ahli hei! demand t v .liable n.etieiee. renders ilie f....i.,,. II3M-.II !! ;, .,, ,l,i;..-enl i Niinier,,. i eeiveiT 5 If .. tborrlf A. ft peitic Mipperv Kim I' i . il "'at with9t pain "r u,,ea-. , not betitstc to recointr,eii( i!,,,,, lr, ,; ' fun uncommonly plenuM ,i uuoui ! In '.estunntu , t ihat ci.iol.irii.... ..'. lho.it .ml to I Willi you 10 101 IV'll lJ it;,. Ii.';.er.iliiv. '1'UHS. MIlCHLli;. ratio X. i. !.: OU-i'-ll t'O' I i stri of Th- tnes; n I.T.te'i lillO'.V HOI' fi.'ht tn . i.'.;!o---i1 a -": r ilir.r ji-inetilioiis prnvi-siotis eairvj ol!' )- r.f.rii!" took y, P'Jti i regular the ;nvt ri.e eoiie t wei.l;. of the . en a mall NN'e do not i'-tilty wa, lo us.i the i we.a cross- I I IMI.O SVlltXU fur tir.l.. I hit v-.Iu.vile propei tv the tubseriber now v;. lers (o.- sule,, and will ell nh good teems, il id'cuuon Ii- made by the Villi nf rre,( Ileceln-l(-j- This Spring i linured iiial.eal'hv and t't.le see. ion iiie .imi v, in ;hecouo'vef I-c- "iirr. i a., wtn rmi.-t leoni ;iarktvilie I'buf.iR, : r.t uoii!iii!S villne.; on :lie Itcannke lti-r, 17 .Ailes lieni Uojdt.in,' st which place Han.l.'lph ,.lac -ii College it locale,!, and miles Iron, Oxford, N. i;. 1 he mediemal proprrtie. water are Kpsora Sails. Iron, Sulphur, Nine anil Mtjnesia. i, . . , . ., Ti. ' we eroS- - 1 ! i.ei:e.i ut tois viler wueatit it him i-ora ir us ' m? '" ,h5 ' " ir:f-eiert:. any ,;.. i.ini ..o..a inus r, lnlrr mlie Sfl)e (j ,p,re imilni1 and certain ip eiitan'ua dite-isra, disrate of r.r v: ,T w-ipro-,. ; the stmoarli, bo.el.., kidneys, bladder, sine tfui.irs iia tin v4-l'.ve. a'"1 nienne iliteatra. an, I a nrnnni .iBr. vt.-re Siib.itanti.tliy as fob '.'r "e"!:!' and strength to convaletceiitt lunn ,M,ri ,,, lesuniosnais ringlit he i.ir- iii. he,! ol its rfliracy in the abnve and niarv .oh- er dl-,. art. it llcr-irv ,i,l mmnnir .1....',! tlietr p,)M. I ol ene,.t ph,sicsns both in North Cm' .. k. i- lu. ' m b'v-T r?i III . v, an;; rolling t.tv rVr. I nis was a ruifi- ! 1 here is Mta.!,cd lo Uin Snm iv;,, -i in LMHitiu i i i.iii iii'Tiiiir H (tf I hi : ijisui rm i i i i (ii wn r it nn ru (snii,-.. .. J titer eprr.pil v. tlii I extremely wsrll-atijterl'twreieTBwKJRie" hoif-U I say, nirrca. I nrvs n.v -.vet-, ., ,rc ""'" 'y '. mot nl which hi,e Ven wnniii ir.e us. (nrce or tour year, aal for "' "i'i soipassen ty UnlKtiiu-t t Willi ms: proved Ushi on, at s'tn rise ol tho Mi't.une rotii! '.v,',.:t t:c ,.;, ',-n ii f-.xerjit 'hat one ot t'n jdllMs,' , f ono nftiie Kllei i in U'b h ib-: .:,!rr; - !. :' s.:1.! d'.i, s::. :-..M Ve have , f. ent at the ouh it. the fr.lP.jpi'f-.!. The Iowa: Alt -r having t li.er, il,r ir ? tar.d K..e.,n,s ti'ittOfil th:.. r.wi'mr to tiiri-BaaJiL'tt.'iv; nr-; hif was a ni.Ti- piHinu ii itjt.vieriiirr and hf e,il t'd out oi:e of thn .ler.ee K p'.Vi. .,.,, ,.,-.;. Ih i.UIvii,r n lei : n to err- I t-ta. v el- ! ii.ti-lVs- : Iptp. l- ; ! i it, lie . 'o- 'icine. ' i l emeu, I , 'luiih. ' i. I) ol iiie '"'r ,n,,1,e""!- '. proib.ee the n.t iervlie.al ' .h. cts nn n.y svstem, her.ever I hue bad ocea- ! sion to me tNin. Itei,re:i,;;v, I TOK.VIT) N. WllJAijs. I FrC!7 'am,, A. U,d(!ieW liinerai.i Kl- ' -cr of the Merho !, Epitceps, I, botch. i , . Elilabelli ttitv, V. (; 1 s'i i m teslrymg to the virtue, , 1'O.xinr A N I. j narre,, A,,,,.!), pf.()- ; shpper, Klin I'ilit, 1 rel tree to aayZ-hat I have ied lieta in tevei,! insi.i,re,, centide.ahle henefv Tli,, ,.. rate jdratantly withmit nauseating the a'on.ern : ami in my nwnes., thev he I.e.- eutirtlv .. ' " lh n. .1 t A ,u J' " .""l'H" oi l y, ir. ihA.' t roai h t' ts. Th- , bv.-v .,l the I'i At M. "p'lnfe, I .Maied-rm, Her-.l and Kci I Lf'.XHSLr. wen nine laeet when three 'car iin.oe. sviry. hl (inclmhnz a run of 4 miles' ami ht hur.-i, I'.le h.leh re- I l.oni-wa'el. Dr. Vaotrtit. r-,.,,H i.'..,,...nl et.. I l lie ..iilMt r-v,,c, i. t.a. ,i,or ma. V h,Uuwi-.,i. Oawrrtrv. T.nTii..- :h rt.,,1,, Miirame, ftc. I'lesible alriit in Knj tl,e !.,ol ai elevti soverci-t.s -(., ua' to J5 .l.dl.rf t ir. lie is M:I'I IJ-hi--. incj.a byb, niih g-eM r- " 'i'vii!.(r,pnwei.s.ii,el ,,r ion- pr'upnrtipns 't. - . t ' oo it'cd bv lew. fie rs te el the J., st e.f u o h-d.-ftone, dememh d frerauel.e fuo b l ' Whetitan ni,fe.thii.r.b!t;eroas Uistpee-', i" it to, end temper if", .,, ,j l0 .iny 1(lfw , Un it. ' lit ii noi,t liii .ti,,;, The ea'.n"Vfrr' fieitf-th- 1 4rh ttav nf 1-L, o., nv.-,r.- ..an t.:iu:cii ii--rt. I nr tlie j r.:iici.-;,- ,.( ,,, ,:, - - r ' '"( r bis r, lis ; I", ,.!;,,!, frt ...,,, .o -i.t l. i'f.t, elnth -.!? .,- I,K-p.i U l.l.'iO. (.-aev.lle CO S. il. Jaii'iart f), ll.iS, 5 'i oi.a.s ol t f.'lt hie.'i eti r. tboe nrc.,iii(.s'i i,. eti -ir apol'entri'l t'', a iv ol '.'".s ' e pot op . a s.:, i t vi i--',ia: ,:ng A" ftiTTf vie- te! ,.. ,l(.r 4rx p,, n, ihe t, r,i f cettio.iksien :.rd 1 . 'i v. niiri.'.JeailtillS W ,.l be pi oil JMilAS I.. ,.1'JMV, C.en'l A;-"i--e, Merv'tt. S. l;..-.eh, 1st ooct -t I Frain 1 ! IV.ce: j LI.2, I I),C!0t '.. .if J. , ) ear mane leetpient ue N. ' 1 ha. f .our An.i Vt liotii K;iy f(M(('i i ;i, 'I'e-te Wake Com.ty ('...!, I y a ,j i ; l !iiji.ia(; JV !j! Mui,- rr-l tv .l-,,-. .. . ..,, ,., .. l j 'bereior-, h.-e'jt i- e nr-iite to -'he p'.l-li... that I I e ill lo -u .oi,t;-.J.'iw. f.i(. ,. w coliliartH e.ll(., I Oi'o ht h.i.ii. : v., II ,..,v ro , drbls' 1. j en the e.tnlrtn, .l ,e,l .leoronis !., :hc , meiil jo tnf--e i v. Hi"S. y. w t:tr;itr i. Jul., -i, t V jX '.I.I W Llliil, 4 if ier. Fra .-.kitp I. r -Tir atio th tJ.'i'Cnicr oj ,V. Wlisrrta, -by an vt paaae.) if ih,- i. ol the '.enetoi A.-i.',!v cl 1 1 .1 V -w a -?6i -ae ati ' se: rr.o. and iet!i::g .he !,,. It e ,ii S,..,, . d h lien-y -vilhthe I ),er, ! n"'l tlie .1 n iv ol liie tin , ro'ir. taen ol li.e !;.shu.! !'!. I J'.r, !.'. rei.tn-h- n.-whI pt,ees -is . "aid e., is ,.. h, I'l ''S', -li.- soil pae .-I nl.-. a : 1 eat, nil Field It'll ks in.ie been, t, 'U.'U. il -s- oi . ,.l,.,-. t; ''T ' - t'.e I h, -" ui:u ais. Iivii-ir.v Irom the obt-.j', on roe ii'i ,tan..;,rv ;.; , n.-.-m man roe.! .ill'l;.!) . ioi ...ei tv ihe pre, -,(y i f Charles . I i i , .lecrtBe.l lie is t o l;eil t ii: i.e i.t-'e-bbarlinrxl where the s dd 11,11 .::T- ""ii'tr.v llvtii: I Pe al.ose e j " waid ot'Twetny-fiee dnllan will I br river, to si,t person ln will deliver the mid ' tu t- All , .1 y me al r-iV ie.ii.l ijne, six siiil-i weif t . Ii"t sh,ii t, or confine him in l.ouishuig Jad sc I lha: tp. t Inn ayain. , '"f I -il I ij'vr n t'e'e. ipi'ion ef the !kv 1 be i 1 !i".i: l y I h oi a siil'uiei.t l'-na-li ol liri.o to oUitite oi leeuileet any parttenlar no, w.m. M. st.r.ntif- l'rsrklio re , V. C. I',.!,. S U.11 S tl 'I 'h- cesslul hi reini,vn . . . 1 1 . . . ,, . autiuiu ne Kept ,:, t, ln, 0f evrrr f:,In;!v . J.rspectlullv, JAMES A. RiniJiCK an,', Now .Ver: h nnib!v giviiie or I. P. H.e 'II fie'f I i - I I ttons to l! ItJ Ro-ill pet.'; rnv ivct.-i on .'.it no- ! do rules r.h ail do cdoi f i ip !-nt Rishtin. .. .. . . .,. i..-.. i , ,,. in-cuon 't Of tain shir-oi rtider too s;-b-re and niake i my p.itt- cipal roll hint rve n!'oo-,'dnv too nvioh '' ii- i",. .... . m, -,yy hero, did m Wp ehnek a doll; r lor dcelud,-,- ol) fround, an, rip l ?Pt bir.i inviPl! " Yes, I Uttcws yott did; Intt den fair play's at jtil,.,;, and I".v; no notion r.h secin my tVr:i I'.-onptiA-ril tipn?i iind lose all ile a Ivt T.nt.ic " t ei!, nigca. I'se no notion ic l's: j.,, a.t ipioo a rini in nan no notion a t yon sit-i s its'..; ca sc.tiiti tic ma-ttor mst u v is and "' . I At thi.j iirei.ire a .frien.lU' el. vol end., it t.ie ntai s;t, at..l inv water.nj place in Virginia. One hundred and i. t people can lie comlnrtably aeconimothfert al this plaee. A lin of stages continue to run from llririebl 10 Uantille, l ,l,i, Spring, and visitera en.mng bv Stage will meet. with ennvyaaeelrom er.hn o! these plaoci. ., , , , Jonx srKf.r). .Me.klenbtirg ro. Va. July, I US. ,tt N. . I! not tlitpeseil nl l.v ibr iiih f )c. ceo.'.er next, this Spring will be for eni. the en tunc; year oriinper. Letter adrir..ae,l t, ih. ; t'lbeiiher al 'Vli.le Hni.t. I....1 ' i ... : ,ie I. in- r. lu.ir, v litf C0tK.lv, N. t; l "-peei! receive , t iir,r.i, lo an- prompt mter a respectable ,lj- J S. at otu-cb sc--; aj.titi t;-ok tlieip position';, an I'f'.'e prfihup.aflcx'bciRr,- settled. r i;':Ol-.loo to . rent Tl... tn j. ...! " til -Tret I .'.-, ftr rii.:n ;.-, o i . i ...... i i 1 tli! the i ' eaeii otic r-d from Hi , OA.T.n-1 otrrte of Hpunk, V'uxif. J'hc IIcv. Doctor (JrilFin, in hi e!o ftiet speech before the A merican Education Society, at a mectinjr, in Xevv York, appealed to that aex, who like ministering atigeia love to Uo var about tlie chamber of kickneR--who owe o much to'ohrodiam'.y , and introducei tlie follow, iti beautiful quotation: "No', she with trait'rom kit her Saviour tunj; Not i;.e e!enied him with unholy tonjue; Mic, wltten apostles shrunk, coulJ dtners hrsve, Last at the ere, and eailiet at the grave," Ditgracrfu!. It i slated that the gravo of OscroL.t, at Fort Moultrie, in Charleston har bor, has been violated, tho head cut' ofTaniJ car ried to New York, where it is undergoing tho procos of pickling, prior to ita being erhibi- 'ffd?wThw"rwtdr who pterjicTrated the art, if --hir-ctrnM-lHty- jijafU-at..a. fiJIialirjce for a aabilitule, would coin hi heart into gold if be could! J Healthy City. Cincinnati, with a popula tion or, 40,000, cannot tnuater (exclusive of ttcamboat accidents) more than eight or ten ca r of death per week. The "great lcveler' appears to harbor an special aversion to pork, an articla of food which enjoys a high reputa tion ia tho west, and ia supposed to favor Ion geyity. Cincinnati i the placn -vhcre, accord ing to tho Boston Time, strawberries ro eaten with lard and bridle, iinstead of crcaru and nut ' A fellow in tljcae parU Jeein;ig on the took his piatol ready enehe, Unto i.ianitl-.ate.l a tulevabh: alth:ii- !i a bluish Ta!r::r-s.i snr-.'a.l ityclf or t.'tetr blaek ehc.tks. T.'te second who vrre, to givtt.ent tlie fatal er,i; r which miobl send thoni out of t!iis tv oi!d now- took hi.; around. Raisiiii; u voi.-o lio bf-trrtn; " fietttlenieu, your time am comr." Bfdll signified 'heir assent. " f you rtir? Fiah! one, two. tree." L'anr;, pon, we: PlonsJut Hill Afiidemv .j.. , . . .t . . i c, ' D" inejouowing imn? iiiTron i rv ii Sess'u. u e ,ie, I ,itin Mirit fireek I let.ia. (ii-nairlrv. So Hni;lih firaiiiiliar, MoOeia I ani." Ariihno tit'i rtt both pi.stoU at otiee, , ball raising a dust in the mi. idle r f the road whils..tlic other took a ' siatttindiculat" course in among the by staad.r5," to! ftmatelv without hittinp-any one. It -wart nnw time to inti.'rposc. and one of their seconds sot himself jhont it. After a littlo conversation tho challenged darkv stepped forward and. said to his 3iitar.uist " Xijnra, is you satisfied?" ' I i?." ' .So U I, and I'se (jlad tc pet ml ?.a, N,r;t time dey eatehes di nipijj re. it 0it gieh a foolish exhibition as dh dev'll iiah to f-t.-h me, dat dey will for sariin," " Dem'a my sentiments, e-ZBok!'-,' retorted the other. v hen vmir onmonal iuotru A t'LWift WASTEIl. I be siibsr, ,rr wuhes to employ a clerk, who it jfTiorotlghlv af.piainled with the llry (Joods bntmrss, ae, i book-keenintf. To one of tniial.1,. I niiallHl-Mllor-fl (ttill U Ilia a..' r, a... It mcnt rf def went off dcclar I thought I ! c,od wage, and a pVnen, was agono ehilu; but Tie so happy now ! XK R'en. A personal application, if ; rac- U'jmi, tct a snatc ur.nua and go back to ctft i "ca.ne, ia oesieeu. a-va.vi:.) ko- ' "ll 50 I irogeaphv 10 00 i rjo-,r. including htdding Ji.d washing rtn b. (,),. I timed ir. private bomit,, .,r tlx rtollaci eer I m-.ntli in a Satire. ' J This Academy, located six nnlri sooth ol Pltts- borough, potterons advantages li r.m its liealtbr t.ttiation, cheapness of hoard, and (he high mora! Itliaraeter .,1 Hit serionndieg -nr.gbi.w hood I wr-ich. la Ihe opinion r. i,e sob.crib.r lady rn-" j litis il to ihe 'roufnlenre nf such of hi. tcllnw v,.,t-,, ues.ee in seeure-loi ihrir tea;, (,e bnehtol a thorough Academical K.I.K.vion or a p. epai-ation lor anv of our Colleges. ! Th' 'fhno1 ' opee.l under the difee. turn ol Hatter Ctegg, J,ra graduale of H.n lolph Mac,,,, College, nn whote liiersrv ami Jnota. qilsluicat.nr.s, be thinks, horn intimate ,e- j .piaini.-.e.- eounnmg publie may firmlr rclv for such a line nf conduct at will merit for the school extcnsite pntrenage. Vv-M- M. 'I1A n.VF.5, r.. M. I leasant II ill, CLatbam co. N. C. .V) 3w ' "tn air. tthailej Hrirtil ebti.t. r. - Fiilabeth City, N. C. 1S3!. Ueutlemen Thi i, U eerli'v. that I believe your Atit.-lliilio.,, 'Feoi.to P,l, to be a g v' amt genuine niedieitHv and thai they eeniain all JnequahtiVt for which Ihrv arc recomineedej 1 have used them in inv land I v in .etersl c:,5es, anrl they hae prcved eft. ctosf our., Sic, CIIAS. IIAKHFI.L. . From a rcspeelahla citizen ol Pasotiatank ca. C.entl.-tnen - hi, i ,0 cerl.lr t ,he erficacv of your Ami-Hilinua Totnalo l',!l,. s I e.icw m liter aneetion connected with tlerange mentol ihriung, their .., .fended w.ih he mo.t.alutarvM.t,,!,,. )., ,rMed prcmni. Iv yet wuh nemliar milln.. ,1 ' , ele.emg ,!,,. ;,rnh ,nJ howpl ftf ,p ! ma-tert. Itlonk il.em a superior medicine ana i recommend them wilhn-jt hesuaiin- m.l.i - t tiee and ptPonage, 1 ' j JOSU PHU CHMU). Frcm Mr. tharle, H.-.?h', hrm-r, Psnrpiotai.k ' -r ,, . '""'''r, N. C., ?3 1 oa.I whrm il nut er.ncrrn. Thit is to ce-- ' lily that I l.j.r i,l.n n,..i e t. i u I - . " ""iin. n. n j. iiareu Anil HiJtotis l oinato 1'iila wi.b great Wenefif. I have been !y tnbjen to tic hru,Ij,, l.avc r , ,,,,,1 i,, n,,ie ri,. br ,hr r. medics I r-.or. i!0 Hy the use of yo,,,-,:!. .,. eve,-, have real iced nnieli advai.tai.. .-...I I ! Hunk hv the i further u-c- ttiat I d,U ; nrntly cuit.!. They mer.l imiversal c, 'It spcctluilv, ClftS II'IUPIT. Prepared m MnaVth Cilv, N. r l,v t1,- n-o-prie-H,, anripr,cipallv traiianorf-d fenrii Nor lolk, irginn. For a!e at the Uriig !i'ort of Wis. 71. Masm, t co. , , Wc.yAi,.Vr:1 Co -hta. July U, 1S3S. j,, '-ird I) :i.:-..r, : i, in r heilr, t.n.. , , rt bt ..vie this e thai ibe sale '.n c man, ore at the Tom, nl l1: """tit v of Maer.n.nn ibe firtt . t -r i,eti. an, I eentipoe tion e iv tt.-.ee we. ks aod no biee;i r, P. ''-.''.-rtfi-ei .'.o. re e.l ,., fn-,, - I too antl Cliarl. t I. Ilinton, '.( 5,01. ei r K-rp'-Kiitei! for ibat pm ;o the pi.v.isions el the said act. IN'iet.:T.ony wbn e. i siaJ.. - II. Do.lley, (.otrrooi ''.J. at:sv.l !. Crei S,al 'fl he- heri or, to .(Tlie,!. and ', r, At- )ili.sf;it I 'US I ,. -jo mr rf y aVi ,. I'rorln I If,, I ill j lo .. -i ekl-o. in the j in e't in S-oein- j s- r-t ba.e I, . 'o .. lor , who-ij is the i I ini.t.T the : l.'I'ot-rb, tt'i'l - 1. I'ml:;'. I t.""ra b ia, eel. tins nh day tl !nv , in ihe r.OVAtO . ULIH.KY, . - . 'i'J '7-v Mar ami .'-Un lard, tiithrrfirrf ('; tur the tUiifl Privs. ''I'- ri-in-Hv ha3 he, j cn I .heu m.-sMilelV,' iu tinoe and effi-an-v i ,e. vi. li irsie.l, aad. i i nueieicu i.oran i i'.e ir.",- are av-.l l. rtrit ol li e ,',,.r t t :.! ease- h.s il hern k-,n ( '(,;i ci -.fa ,-ure Matt ,,..,,,..,.1.1 t e Hintniir,') I,. eOiean ; 0Ipr 1-v. Wot. A. Sniilb. r,i the . f.' I'.dilor i-t the C. n.v, ence .lroi-1,.1 I own ext -.i.-me. ee.li.le,.'! , " Mlliio-s- I - ',-,'ii. -i'.a 1. -ri trie po'Oie at -, agiee-ablc It:, f lirn iixT ai.vi nv I, Kdvar.' j r tl ul.'. s';M' j SAJl. tZO.Xlt ttuty, " 1 re snoici n - .l, rs 10 Hnp.,,1 , wits, V. i M-ieJ in a.,y ol the , . Ia.it r e w in et. tt.M r-n.i ..... 1 . " 'I I'ilP lei in. .-""i.N w. I'kiut I1..1 v'S oauJi th-.tie same. L- id. "n fnr fia!!- I ft In Columbia 1 e!.t.- I.vnclib'll e V ir, will each mseii the above 01 sale. .,ii(lmi! (I.t.) all'J Knoxi.lc Week It. K II. i;i?:-tr-i',1 .! riill-h-ini-;, r,,,... JS'li oj Jit,, 18:', 8. At raeetur f J, Iloar.l r.l tlt.......... ttv n 'rs tins T.'ial if,, .H nn t.- It, .. c . ... . . .w.gusl i,ei, ac "' !l-er:sprtit .'.alolni.. lesrjlvril, tlic-iimoti.tv I II 'Holies vii't ?-inie ll,t .Vier'r. A enpv f.-rm the .t-uirtiat hi, a.,. I I t Ita, eip.il and (i.istoii -, (,., , 1 ( aupcrb qnalitic. of the plumb fruit, and w-"H-Dul ,!,.,, mvrelf with m'arble tv, ratinj Ua many virtue. i.I Uiat 11 " wouiu make first rat ptoch brae Jy ! he suppcacJ. Forever and a Day. We ahoulJ think that la tnacbtnery on boar 1 the Ureal Wratern wa mad of pretty good tuC, aw Xorihero paper nay that it aut Uitt fmt , a i tUo Is-uh good price for W irnl t An Inreie c " A fopefww e- - . y t utcript erraon, altw, orifil eananw ' Aa- aixt, Visitation, Conurtnauoa, ua any g.ven text," r lrtieo lnJo faper by aaopkeeper on th Strand, wher t. clergy are repctful!y inited to call J tmiii.; and purcbai if th lik. w uppota. 'Ti trange, r....in atrnrW-U pitiful, tl wondroo piliful' thi manofacturu tf eermon to uit the latest fashion. . Origin J tkl -mtrd - LaJ'-Totmnly ha the sfflusnl th 7 '"""d their mansion in di oontry, th Idy of th manor distributed to her poor neighbor, with her own kwtid. one week, or oftenar, a ter tain santiry f . brasd, and she w called by JtfiB thsr UJT-4a$, tk ia. in the Baton, th ah oe ati orcs." in live milliner iirr.c ail itTnTTrrrfrrrttT?, frienOK, darkteg, whites and a!! were on the road home to work, perfectly satisfied with the sports of the mornine; .,',.. From the .Yew 1 ark- .imericnn BOYHOOD. Br Lr Ci. W. IVitk. I". S. Asxt I never ee the laughing cyi Of joyous boy at J lav. Dot memories fond within me riso Of childhood' happy dav; To -rport up m the festive grouild Baemrd all 1 hd tn fjtr, And wbtn my comrades liua'd iround, ,ft hfrt was !:appy too. I seldom cared for dual and nxi.s, & ,. ...t.i-.i ol nun a. i.uoiiieu i-iuiv, Oh! richer far than now; I never pined for foreign land. Tint aigh'd for distant sea: The top which turn'd benea-h tnj lianJ, Had charm enough for me, But now, upon roy'troubled aoul, Come visions dark1 and deep; My thoughts ere where the billowa roll And where the whirlwind sweep.' I Inva t , aee the bending matt Bow down before the storm, And hear a raid theruabing blest i ht wihf wttfitul a form. I wander o'?r the plain of death, As thro ldy'e bower; Deep watching for the battle breath, . - As for thought of powerj Alas! the lesson Manhood bringsT ' And little understood; To leave th lor of gentler thing, For toil by field and flood. Flow en, calm blood of Childhood flow! Speed not yonr currant thin! Hot let the conscious bosom know, Th fires which ileep within, ' Toe son u will come the moment when Esch pulse anew will start. And thou with purple tide of men, ' Must battle with the .heart. lislei-h, .Inly IT, 18.13 H. TUCKKit, .Vi tf. E1VTEHKO, On the Hanger's Hooks ol Hiehinond crrunty, on the -JSlli June last, a tlatlt ehesnnt sorrel borsp, i leet w, hire, with a blaze in hi face, ten or twtlve j tart old, fifteen or sixteen bards high. ( 1 STANSILL, I . Ilaogcr. Rock i ugh am, Uithmond co. July 6. lots ' ; . - JO M "- FOR V.Mr, . -: 20,000 lb, prime 'Bacon, - - '2it Barrel Shad. Itae and trim. - 1 Herrinra. 0' expected a quantity of New Flour of the beat brand mi UaiTcla. A ho, for Kent 3 or 4 comfortable Bed Uoem?. Cash paid for g-ood Beef at all time. Apply to CIllilSTOPUilUS & SMITH, iraleig-lt, June 12, 1838 30 tf ' FIFTY DOLLARS IthlVAnO." ItWAWAY f, em Ihe Suliee(. Iter's plantation, in Onslow eouni ly, about (he eighth of b,sj momh two negro men, IIKKCl'l.F.Sand SOLOMON. Hercules wasrais ed in Johnston cnuniv, by Kd muml Johnson, dee d, aetl sold by the Adiuinihfrnt.ir in ll.,..n.i,-- lat in the (own of Smuhiield, ..,d p.trch.seil by me at said sale. Il is of rather .la-k com plexion, Ihotigh not black, aged about twenty year, and (ruin f.ve leel ix lo eight inches l.,gl, tout and well marie for stiereih It. .. ' doubt lurking .bout in The county where i.TT at raised. Solomon waa raised in Wake conntv and ptircbssetl by me- nt ihe sale of llennet j ' Hlake, on Ihe 21( Decemhcr Us; . ijt is ol bght compUxion, though not tnuliitto, aged bout twenty twnyeaes. ami about live feci eight to ten mchei high,, of. ordinary aie..le i doubt lurking aUttut in VVske county. 1 will gire the above reward of fittv. dollars for tlie ap- prchet-.tiop and confinement in Ihe Jail at Smith-' nein, mr ine two nef,ioe, in that I jet them a gain. or lirenty-five dollar for either one rf thorn. Ant person apprehending one or boih of slrijl negroes will please atltlress John J. Faro, Frriivh'f Mills, Onslow county, N. l, who has chiutge ol my business and will attend to the natter. DANIF.L L. RUSSil.L. July 10, 158. ( $w ' " stop thl Tincrr Tl ha i e the liri-ir. i f their It th, Iran .ti, now lor-o, between I ens line oi i 1 1 to Ihe- Non!,. )n ; pip c bout 30 ni'lea mure i f eaiiire lo ;,n.iounee 'o It..- .',;:. Ii,- i'v-tl on e the Itoannke-ait.! ts!ve nt-!- el I" ing f.nn'n; I an,! ro us,., r et-,-1 ,nj,f pei .tis n-:,t ,,, f,,.v ir.re ilieu'to; ! tion ..I ,'h tu iti.u.i ehii.rnil iitiif !',.i,., ii,,.. , u rniif,,,,,- tl :-. :..... hum l..lilel,,n rce ,it h leu we, ks, a eir !.':i I h'i.i u i! hr tolvr'l iheir cr periors l.av in. if KIllH v v?x t"riV ritolvc,l. t,. o: .v. ,i,,,;..,. y i l..,.. , . '""'""'I' ht ttoili.:.! e. me. L C e-lain.t avt.nai -0,l C. , tent I hem to K ..... . v. .. " -' , V ' t!" e let woo.' ,.r nn llinao ,.VI,tt, n l "I tege ,v ( o. ire r.,;,,,.,,! v .:!, s.i. Fvkn, ei SkUc I'KIF.U I'Vtvs , , F.. I'. I'ATJ.lHuV. -I-W.vl6.lfij,. cii.t C. jy v to c!l and et'i a- .11 .1 , lel'e ( hai k lor ihe .. ,-,! intti ad iea.lv, win-.; a Lcrntnoti Levi I f'lle.idersnn l)i-pt nl l.tttleton at at pi-esec!. This it th.. tireiit mad ten!,-, urd i!,e difTerent Rail Hisad Cooipaniet now run iheir iN,l, n,a,; line frnm I.iul,ion m New Ytk in 30 !,r:oi s The FROsFKCTliS FOR T II E niCKOCO S jr. 1 11 A i M. 1 r K 1 11 MICKOOOS.M i-ri..i' . thrC:,y of R,;,.; ,,f , r:.,t,r;.:i.h.ne..Vhi:...rrr. a.,!,..,; ......... .. 1 "-., vi. 111:11, -1 - ivnri,, ... .. . , . running ixioe, .ut ri,4iliioi( tll-siewpt n tr-,s I T,n-1 .P.' r ; -: r t-1 t;,Ji .t-'-"--il-la A i 1, . .u;.l I...... ' , . -. : ,0 tor Iiovcc itian 43 :i..'.ii s. wnhent the lost m a ir.;ie sleep. Tiaie'l.rs from C.reeiisborni;h,' ttslisbmr and the West rre informed ttv. In tskin" tin's rotile, ibe.v wdl retih VV'sehtP jf.-iti' ft-iy In hour Iron) l.rernsbui ooh ai.i! hsve 111'e berht of two night's sleep. Thi is (he jileasaatest and v, etpe'litii-in route to ibe Wgmia Snrinst. A f.i-.i , fir" "li.,e 8 S nf Cnnrhet is kept up In n. I,.; eijtti, wm,-re th-iiiin Ntj Hal, il.- .-e.tfj -A. iMitb Au a i'je r... 11 nn. 1 wnvre it unneiVith 'h i;iv,, ern ma t Lie to Fayeltev.lie, l;plur.i';.a, gutta am! l.tli 11 letioii. lllj The !(leili e;it't', l-b' -y Watch man, Oreenshoroiivh I'al- ir.t, I'si r oti ;i'e Ob server, Knoaville Kegister, ( hersw (iax.-tir. Cnlrrtrihia - 'FeresCojir., tnyent ' Cnnrh ', anrt Mi!ledi;ctillc .loiirtTrd will isi-.t o:iee ntek until 1st ol August, and tot w ir.l ll -ir aco.iots to the orlite, nlihe Kalrt-h lieislt, . Ita ilr gU Ma) 12, lS.ffl - '.'-,' II w rtAitm am 1. a no. cnm.aroniriis c sith ii-..e jtm're. eeive-l a supply of lupeiOne Tj.OI Ji m hall ban-el. Also, a -planter of LA KI. Halrigh, July 2J, tS.iS. Slate ofjVortlt Carolina; ' A'asA County. Court cl Pleat and Quarter Sessions. Original attachment le ied on four cows St calves, S leather bed. bonsrhoM and kitchen' furniture losiah O. Moei KRRRO WOMAN named laurtitr, book, note tad J eeoiints. Baiile k Drake v, ringkm and oilier summoned a rarnishe.. It appearing to the satitfaciion of ihe court that Josnh C Motes, th defendant in Ibis case is net a reeident of .0i State, It ia therefore or- tlrretl that pttblieatioa ee-tnaile lit Ihe Raleigh Star far ix week, ootifjuig the said Josiah 0. Mow to appear at our oort of plea and quar ter session la be held lortke eouaty of Nsh, at the cotirt houae ia Nashville, ea the second Monday in Augot next, then and ihere to plead and replevy, or fiul judgment will be trtrxi gainst him, and the property levied on son. deatsed lo the utisfaelio of the plamtifTs re. envrry. Wiinets, Uetiiamht H. Blount, Clrrk of one said Ooort al Oliice in Nashvflle, the ttl .-tioaaar ot Slay, I ass. U. If. BLOUS'T C. C. ft Pfitead.f 6J1.. . . 9 tm ' Stolen from the stable of A. S. Wvnne the night of the Hih inst , one orrejl horse. eigm years mil, anil about live leel high. I here are anme scan on hi ramp, occasioned by bi'et f.-nm other horse. The horse, when tinker 'the saddle, bobli a high head anil appear grand. Any' iolcrmtiioii will belhankbillv received and a liberal reward will be paid lur the bo, te and thief, or lor either " - J. R. COOPF.R. 1 mile north ol Raleigh, 7 July 16, 1S3S. 30 3a 7 Jr. ftclson Pliillips: TAKF, NOTICE-1 shall on Wednesday the 5th day of September next, at the Court House in the city of Raleigh, proceed to take the dsrpo tition of .Mrs. Mary A. Fhillipss and nn Thurs day, the Cih, at the tavern ol Mra. 1'almer, in the town ol Hillsboro'. oroeeed tu-take tW rien. John C. Drake, Robert H. liant, John H. ALIIHiT f M' . Stephen Moore, and Mr. Ann p-AaV-t. Lawelling, to be read in evidence in a eeriam mtter ol controversy in the Court of F.eniity fttr Ihe cotintr of Ci tntille, September Term, U3I, peotling, herein I, Susannah F. Phillip, am plainliff, .p i yoo, Nelaon 1'lnllipt, are defendtnt; when and where yuu may attend and cross examine said witnesses if you think proper. Thi, 84th rl.r nt Jolr. !T8. bOi.VNNAH F. PHILLIPS. SI t 5th sept trr If.. XV. ItllLLEK ban remov ed ht office to Ihat of the Superior Coort Clerk, in the Court House, where he may be loond, except when necetaarilv absent. I Ualeigh, Nov 1.113 43 - DLAXKITOU 8 AXE HERE. cljveijaj os:i)r:fi. lictud (juarfrtrt, Waimrsrosr, N. V. July 18, ISIS, S U tieer eommanthng . the ililteii.t It.-iTi-o; t otnprising the 7th Division N. C. Mit-.e,; Von are heir by notified anil commanded t- have ynnr regimantt formed on the us-ial groiin.l ntpara.'e, by Ibe hour of 12 o'clock, h,r re-tiew, nn the lollowing tlayt and places, napielvi The 2ih Regiment, in l.nultborg, on iatnrdav Ihe tind September. The 35th and .Villi Krgimente in Ualeigh, on Monday the 2t:h. Tl;e2'2nd K-giioenl in Nashville, nn -Wednetdav die Pfiih. The 21st Regiment at fieiilge.'i, in Kdereninbe er.unly, on Friday the 2Sih. I he Sibh Kf gimenl in the man of Tarheroiigh, en Satunlav the Shh 01 s-plember nest, the lh Regiment in the town r.f WiHiamston, on Mmdy th 1st October. The Ifith Regirni-i. in Jack? ,n, on Wednctilay Ihe 3rd. The Htb and laih Regi ments in the town nl Halifax, on 1'harsilav the 4th. And tbo 2.1nl Regiment in town nt Warrenlon. rnSaturiUy the 61I1 nt OeUirr next . The eorpmituoned cfticer and musician of etch regiment must be drilled nn dat t preeeiljng day of review, according to law auu aiilitaty discipline. By order of General M. T. IMWKINS SAM 1 B. FlilLLIfS, Aid. Jaly18,l3. ' 31 jLir.TiBEie ron sale. The Subscriber hstnow oq hand, at hi Mil! flate Blake.) 17 mile Eat of Raleigh, 100,000 feet of choice Lumber, nf ever ileu.ir.i';n taawed' out of tng Lef Pme, the pecu'bar ex- cciirnac nnr v(l c" nown to neen an-v puff. PersrATs desiring t purchase will please make pplictlon to Mr. William Peck, Raleigh, er In Henry llorton, at ibe Mill I he price at the Mill will be f 1 perhnndre-d; but, if a large quantity be bought, even leu than that Will be taken. , ' PETER, FOSTER. Wake en., May 21, lt? K tl vera of Literal,. r . ,1 .:e..,.,l. .... ""Kiaai n.ueea oi important iniprnve u.enta n.i any of tbr brauche of .Science (, ' marcnand Agrieil'.t,,,,.; to Rnm.rili P,v's.'fl0,j to the particular honor ami intcreM nf .N0,H, ( arolma. It eschew, pa(;y politic, .) mu.ldy etreama of angry contro.emy u,,n ,r, cry a.ilyect. One ereal object of the ntildica,,,,,, ' ,h to convey instnjciio,, to tho young, in on i n etceptionablr., eha,. ,rf mUu m.e,. toe.eitnmihem 3 ,t.,ir,t f1)r kiiowVlee and .ondi,e, fr retdi,,?; l0 iet!cain open their. mm.U eofr-rt principle, and incite them to'tho pr.iel.ee of virlne nn-l morality; Anolher is to fuimah a much am ming mafer, inh-ecaiinr newa,.nd valuable inrorrnaiicn '.TTtfte-riTor' every clan, and np;e, a, can paM,ty en the rhctrprrt terms. And we rriav ,-...' to aert.w-thoutaubjeelineitrrjc': (to ie-a fai-hionnble editorial .,m.'-t.r.a.C. ,..,.n' ' to ine imputation of egotiani, that it w.t not ho fiMurd wanting in itmclbinft both to plea.-e the taste aa.l tickle tho fancy r,fUI, It ia in'ended, provided wifricient firnre. merit he given, to enlarc the paper without .1. lertng'ihr terma. which will mate it divided: ehenprr than any other published in the 8, nil,, ern country. A apcciinen of the wmk Bccompaiiiea ih,. proapectns. so that all who receive it will , an opportunity ot tudiring of ita merttt r.t. amine it if .you like it. .end u, Vout riamea it oee, and "down v iih your iHiit." a") Though verv young, beine; o-ily nin years of nte. the publisher ha learned to art typeset pertly, and aftc.rmurb imnrrlunitv hit been indulged in hie inebriation 10 print a p' per. The proceed will be ereluiely hia own; and aa he hope to'learn the practice of eenno. my, as well at indnatrv, in tho proreetttion of. his nndertaking. he Crpecta to provide a fmt.l which will awisl him in his favorite porsi.it hf knowledge. He confidently look to the pens of literary grn'lrmen and ladies in the Rrn'e, !e 'd him in hi (ahora, and to tho p,itronrr of the liberal and the approbation of the public for hit-reward. Txarws $1 50 per annum. OZ" Po(itiaTera end other, who reef ive (f,;, propctiis, are repeetfn!ly requested to lend their aid tn-proc-arirjij stibaeTiber. They any if they choose, "eta!n and circulate thi atrenir their friend, and communicate by letter. Lei tors to the Publisher on business, except from those whbw.ocuro subscribers, mutt be post paid. 1 RAIL ROAD IVOTIC17. The last ii.tialrre..t of ten dollai t per thai on Ihe cardial tek of the Raleigh and Canon Rail Road Company it required to be na... blt, or herore lli first day of AnpiMt next. Iniereit will be allowed and ebatged, a here, tofnr. ryment, will he received at the OtTep ln Raleigh, and by Mr. Samuel Mordeeai, at I'e tersbnig. . , . By order of ihe Rnard ol Director. fiEO. W. MOHliBCAl, Pre.l. Jely 8, IWI.

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