J- &9 MT ;lIEli!lM14J4S --' RALEIGH, N. C. WBDNESdA'ST, -AUGUST 7, 1830. VOL. XXIX NO- 33 THOMAS J. LTGttAY, K D IT 8KA1C D, PRO FB I ETO 4. v . -TEEMS. SnsaeafrTin, tb. dollar per 11100111011 If in a.lvanee. -" rrrt re'iiiiii5 "VltafW Wi1Yli' rwqaireil to pay Ike white amount of lti yer" tuMM-tplm. in advance, i- --RirKi-Or' ADVRIttlSIXn. . Firvery soiitre (not eieeeilin; 16 tinea VM 1 . lyno) arst iaaertbm, one dollar each sob t sentient insertion, twcntv.uc cents. . CCy The advertisements of Clerks and 5firiff-f. wit b altar;! i per cent. bigben and a ne. Inctian of 33 pee ee.it. will be nHe from be regular prieet Ine aifv ertiser by the year. T Letiera to the EJilor mutt be post-paid. THE FAK.TICirS ADVOCATE, . !aisccUanvonvttcrortr. Jlgrienliurf, Imici-iu ;, A'ciewe, ami Mr x thanical -V, the tmntru't uuf, and nmmn't vrntlh Kotwithstaii.i.i.t tbe iciiv variety of news. rtanera anil pertollt, nnhliihed thrbvctiotit the country, and the diversity of .nhjeel. thernsuj mbraeeil, H la nSvliiOt to every rtiiM.a ma rc Heating m.n'l, tint Ibe epndtlctnrs of those nW. t rrful, and j rightly eualed, thoe aalittary vehi tales of infnrmiuinn. have hern loo fnerlly aeiu " Hd by party mnllii fi7l ihat poitJJ MI . , fr re hcM a r.d 4ieb an alarming client, at W threat! llie ttisvj'iitinn ( ,our n Mr iiuii.it linni; while sibj, cts rth'iiif lo Atri' tlltnre. Lit erature, 5ewreu, ami (lie .Mccliiiiiuml a r " ...l.if-.ti iiniuediiel connect ril wnb our be" Interests, arnl which" wotrid eventually place nt in an independent sitiulrin,' have measurably re niained unnoticed. Actuated, therefore hy these views, the ttlli eriler intend publishing in Jame.tuwn, N. C. a periodical uniler, and comporting with the ab.'tve title; in the eieeutinn of which, he designs in the fir t place, to use all laudable exertions in procuring and disseminating practical informa tion, etsenlial to the interests, and calculated to fuerrase the dignity of the farmer. Seenndlr. Kducation, and lite literary institu tion of the country, will find in his columns a warm and Irlendly' support. Thirdly.- Seiente, and the Mechanical Arts, will also be suhircts of discussion, aq! invariably reit' a liberal share of attentiun. Fourthly. Due attentiun will be paid lo snb jerts calcalated to promote the cause of virtue and reli-ion. " Kiflfilyr A'Viict fiotre 11t aTsolie Taken of parsing events, of an important and interesting naiuiv, both foreign and domettir; excluding all j.oliticsl contests, and subjects calculated to cre ate party animosity. In short, no pains .ill be spared, to render the Advocate avaluable and interesting visiter in etcry lamilv, and to every virtuous aud intelli gent slats nf the otnmtiiiily. In order therefore, llie more rffeetually to prosi-eiite our purpose, we resiectlully solicit llie frieuilly aid of every intelligent farmer, Me siiiuicr litejary anil scieni ilia gentlemen, aha Tuay have talent and inclination, to communicate in us eueti discoveries and praeli-al hints, on Vihjectt within iMir provinee, as ma enrich our eOlilitiiW, and by a reciHrueal inlerehango of thoughts, beaoine a valuable source id mlurma Hon. Comtniinieaiions also on suhteala -eithee Urligious or Moral, will he ll.aoklully received. TKUMS. The Advocate will lie published in monthly numbers, consisting of thirl-!!! OtlnTQ parrs, (two sheets) neatly printed, on gnodimper, fold d and stitched, aud prumpllv mailed to subscri bers; making in a Jrar, a neat volume of SM pa ges, and rurntdied with title page and index, at (I .C5 per year, m ailvanca. Any pert.tn by Inrwardiag flO. free from cWgr, will be euliiliMl In t' n copies. In c.nsau--nee of the ibfRculties and losses. invaria'il, il nilin thr crdlrclion of small sums al a ditixn.rr, no onler Tor the paper will He at tended la, until tte subsrriplion price is forward r t, or the paineut K-siind by some known re spiMoi'de pvrvm. All lrllera.enmmnnleaiiona. tea In the publish' er, must come'Tr. from postage, or they can not' be alicmleil lo. As wa iuirnd commeneing the ntiblieation some time in the mouth of August next, all per- sum bidding swwseriptMnt are requested lo Ion ward ITieflt as earfv-as- tmssihle. All editors favorable to ourdetignC and those who may leel disposed lo exchange with us, will do us a lav or bv giving our iH-oapreliis an inser tion. J NO. SHtUW OOI). Jamestown, V. C. June, t3S. 2 To Dry Goods Mtrchuntn yythrough out iht United Saiet. C la A It K Ac IS IT N T, Form. It J. at O. Clark kt Hum, Importers aud Jobbers, No 99, William Ktreet, New York, have constantly en baud a Ircsh and exten sive astoViment of ruKEiartf domestic .......D.UV.sUiOD 'wbaji iliry offer at very low prices. Particular t altenlinn paid lo Prints Slieetlns. Flanacls TirliinKxt, Ac Ooaieslic Oootlit Keaerallyi lloiblerr, Itlitnkrl.i;J lollisj, Cw- fciaiereft, Sattl lit'ts, cr" ; - Those who visit New York 10 make purchases are respeeHolly invited 10 a-dt and examineilar ihemtelves, opposite lha Mertt.ants' flxtnang Reading Uoora. New York. JnneS. tU t6 Sm Book avaia! More Book!! TUH't-t U HL'UHKS, Vnblisheri and Uookaellers, have often re minded the good eilisrnt of Kaet Carolina 1 he very extensive stock of DiX)K3 kept on band, and being added lo bv weekly arrivals; but ihey seem in have fnigolten III fact. I os tler lo refresh their memories, riiey deeaa it e kestary occasionally to la hrfore Ihein a cata logue of a very small pouion of recent arrivals. Head llie lollowiog then call at No. I. cheap aide, and avail yourselves of the opportunity ol ti chasing a a"loble library: I. de of Anhur tee, l L. D by Richard Hen ry lee, I vide. The Life of Yhooiar Jefferson, with parts of hisenrrrspondenee, by Geo. Tuck er, S vols. Works ol Joseph Addison in 3 vol. Travels in F-urepr, by Wilurr Frk, II. I). I vo. The works ol Charles 1-atuH, with Ilia life and letters, by K. N. Falford, 8 vols Webster' Rpeechrs, -2 volt: W il l's Lite of Patrick lien IT, I vo. Steam'a Works, I vo. Lit ol Sir Walter Seolt. by J. G. Lo, Whsrl, 8 vols. A. ' lan'a Life of Scoit, 1 vo. Scott's History of Scot land, I vol. Kollin's Ancient HiMoty. Plu tarch's Lives 4 vols. Stewan'a works .in 7 vols. JlistAiT of the Political System of Kurope and lis Cofonira, from lb disaovery of America lo I he mdependenee ol the American Continent, from Ibe Ueraaan of A. II. Ileeron, t eola. Martin's History of North Crolioa, . Hiatory 4 Ibe Horse. I vo. Mcintosh's Itevotution in Knrland In t8S. 1 vov Wranall'a Memoir. I it. tiibbon'a History ol Rome, 4 vo. F.mbaa a to lha Eastern Courts of Cochin China, Sunn and Muteat. m the U. S. Sloop of War Peaooek, . Lv Ktt.auiid Hidani ls. I vo. Memoir of Commo- rfM Karwer. 1 vo. Uliham's Mental Phileo- t.kv. o.' Baoo.'a wwks, 10 o. IWnett's ii.nr nf kisewa tint. S to. I July Ulessmg ton" works aomplet in one vo. T acker's Light mt MMa 4 on. Comnlel wajrks ol Vollair f Til -ai. Pmia's works, 10 vol. Swift's work. 11 vols, lirttials Kasajiat, i vols. . Alt of aJhich ai kw sold a. lis most acorn. aClai..g teema. XHUNER k UL'GUKS. July 1. 1S3. , , JOB PRINTING Nvatlr ants expeditiousla esecaied at titrt OSct. DUl'OS ItlEDICINEjS, Sisn ( h Golden Mortar. mm WEI. fil. XOASOU A CO tiavinc SMsrchnaed the entire slock of Metws T. $. Urckwith fcc Co. have commenced the A POT IIKCARYbutincsaat the stand formei ly occupied by tham nn Kayrltevtlla Street, second door north id W. Sc A. Sliih. where ibey have jusl received a further supply uf Drns. Mfdicliies, Glas, Oil, Faints 1J StntTs aud Per fninery, tOKther with a ffcaeral asoriincnt of K A VC ' A R tl L E S. , .,r i- - ., . which Iheywiir tlispov l on Ibe most reason- ble 'terms. ", Itlerrharils and other tan be Ibrnislieil Willi jiatcnt (nil other medicines on a reasonable trrmt as ihey ran be gnt south of the Poimiiim. IVi tout would do wi ll to call and examine lor tliemsi-lvi-s. ItiVMcisnt at a distance, who inay ?vor us aiili Ih ear orders, will have tht-m jiromptly alu-ndrd lo No pains will be spared 111 sefectiiig Chemicals anil I'hartnacrutical pre pntiont, at tl.e) are ilrirriniaril that no medi einrt but such at are grnuinif, shall be sidil by them. One of the Firm having hern brought up to the business, lo which he will give bit umli- vnled attention, thereby avonliug Ihosc latul mistakes llit too often occur ihrnogh incompe tency or carelettlett, ihry hoie, by strict alien- lion to business, to merit a share of the public , patronage. FebruaryvJ,M8. 10 if ! State of North Cnroliua, IVenktin County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1838 ORIOIXAL B1IX. Of Mississippi; Ann Merrill fc William Mere rut. infants. 01 (he euuily of Todd and stale ?tKy"rVrlT ZZXZSZ. oi'Lcoum or'Fri,:.: lin aforesaid defti.ilaiits. It piearinR 10 the tallttaetinn nf the Court, that Join; 11 oorn and bis wife Nancy tiiay il.ii Court: it it inert-fore ordered hy ibe Court, that pntiHcatmtt he finite for sit successive e fcs in the Sisr, published and piiaied in ibe city ol ltaleie.lt, that ike uid ilelemlanls appear al our ; neat Superior Court ol Fruity 10 be held for ibe .mint, (.1 S-Mnltl.tt . (I.v I.mi ... I ..... isborj, on th second Mouday all- r tbe founh Monday iu Scpletnbrr neat, and :hrn and Ihii to plead, ansa er or demur to suiil hill; other wise tbe same will be -taken as entih.-tieil by litem, beard ex part at to tbcm, and a decree made eceorUntJy. Witness, Saiu I .Tolmton, Clerk and Master of oar said Court ol't'nuitr, al office the 2d Mon day after lb 4lh Momlav in March, A. I). 1B68. SAM'L JOHNSON, C. M. E. S7th June, 1838 88 6t Price adv. f 8 50 ADVKUTISEMEKT. Tit impnssibility of carrjing on tb Witch- man as h might to be eondu.le.1 while ahsenl on 'Sfdn't'X": for M year of labor, have determined roe lo ell the e.tablitlimrnl at lh rnil or llie present year. The subscription list is about 00, and on the increase, and ihr job limiting .nil adver. tiling good for si least five hundred dollars a j - . . ndiiKiiHi. ,., in.c.a mm-. an..,.., w i.-k nan nave inr paper on ine mnsi iiDerai lerms. t would not willingly It-t it wo into any other scr- tic. An early application i. renur.trd. II. C. JONKS, Ed. be Proprietor July, 1838. SS 77ie celebrated English lace Joise FLEXIBLE, (fired by lite Karl of Kgremom) by Whale bone, dam Themis by "Sorterer, f"purchatrd of the Karl of r.gremont lor lb King of 1'ivssia) her dam Manna by (anhaniia, lluniming liini .;.. in f n-i.k.:. ..j ,..:... ritft.iH'nr M.iutaMj. ...i a ii....t i.-tij 1 tatcker, CamilU by Trenlbam. Cnquelie by ihe' Um.orib, Harbi sister lo ttctrulu. bv Ibe tiidol. L fthalebmie. the .Ire of Flexible, j. bn.ll.ee I. I pnuv Asavran. hlut.ti 1 he urn 01 Complaint oi John unnn, ol me i.voted to the ftowera of Literature, ori.in.i t us kneech ol Ooncan's is to Ue pUt)- iuc spreau reputat - Sih.M ft the Statesman of a speech delivered hy Mr. Bond 10 ouu-aieasurv ptun- lhanicl Ilium ami Mary Cooper, ol the county , , , , rfCl . . . . .... . ' . ,- - -" , - uerers. ol FrauUm and Slate of North Carolina, ' ment in anjr of ih. brnchea of Science, Com-! ofhce, for general Circulation in this I heir note IS a distinctive o.iet trtC, . fl nrnvk against m.rce and Agriculture; to general New.; nd Statei 0 sickenine,' 'vrnfli scale,' 'shackling.' great cttort ot ur. Uuncfcn John Broom od bis w.fe N.ner. of ,,e S,.te-of J? the particular honor and interMt. of North T, character trf the forthcom. The main object of attack, in .his in- ',",' ,S. SUP" "t'wasliing of th. Tenne.-e, Gray Dunn, of the .onniy ol C.rohn. Ii eschews prty pohuc, and all th ! 1 1! i ,i PInftr,i troductorv "HOWL " it certain an- Globe- with a most hideous "hotvC' k' Limestooe .ml s.aie of .Alabama, Thom.. muddy stream, of angry contro.er.y upon ev-i 'g speech, is explained and rendered troiluctory r t! r ' cain,t the National Intelligencer, the Dunn, of Wr.kiey .ml Stat. r,f Tennet.ee- erv .abject One great object of the publication 1 apparent by the fact, that on tts appear- propria! lonrmaile by confers, for con- U ' '"'V r;ncer l"e -".. s iviuiv- -ou.itT ami -t-t , m cuncY iiisiruciion io me Tounf. in mn nn i mice ine 1 num. 1 nrnixi uunn, rnii r iriuwcii. auu rtrT rlistai ami mrm mm rin nnMihiv Hnn . r Mcrrnt William AUrriu -a4 Hani, W 7 t " , . ' I V-,0,y 08 "one, b , ft of jaw to nsWt.r for n ' J 1. 1 on the cheapest term.. And w. may venture I . A. c ... ,. Tharpe, adm msti mor nf V m llunn, ileecnsed, , , ,ithnt .i.l.it.nar eo M tKai t" Outrage, for which 110 jury Could seven ol the defendants to this bill, reside beyond ' "','r, ,tn.out "bJf"nf lf. (to Una the Bn' , :n,l.:- IV.a trirt Ihnt .... c 1 . fashionable editorial hlurat.tinri!ar nronounl ! le eilipannelled in IIUS UlStriCt tnat Whisker. Wnlul, and Web. by Waxv-daml' , v j . ,u , Peimp. by Trumlcr, Prunella by lliiilifl er. VTl" t Z ft""", u . Pmmitc by Sp. Speclalor's dsm by Parlor. K",:h' Mr- S,nUe, M"",n"' " Pfe In Flexible is Inns united Ibe best blood ol ' Ur r.L n j . rv- . Matchrm, Herod ai.d Eclips. j J VnR&i H- FLKXrBLR won nine rices when three rears , , ..Z MORBECAl, Pre.1. aid (inclnding a nip of 4 miles) and has beaten J'"Tg' "3' iw lmgwairt. Dr. Paiistits, Araehra, General Mi-I M ' na, aignorina, Wbiilingion, Otwerlry, Luzbo. , , . , , . , rough. Mutame, k. Fltxible stoml in P.ng. 'om tht 0h, bU,e liH' oTsTTT;' ('Ktoss doit.rs ) DR. DUNCAN. II is full 15 hands 3 inches h all with ereal . .1 -.- mnsruiir n-r....i i... . " " 1 :" 1 his Dersonase represents the Cin- nualled by few. iu it one oi ib- hrU ol hiI''T' """eJ"i' tl two b st Ara-jhas Sians, withnntaniinfathinnablcerost. Ilissneed bottom, and temper i. en. loy l.o'a iT b.; d.y. lie i. now at his st.,,1,,. The season .dl ?ir.o!!V i'. d"r of F; w""r. rearlier. it required. Foy u,e p,riicu ars of bis ruiinin nnrt ii.. r t,;. -..I.. i . . V !"a w ..... , n.s e ..ui i m r.nKi,rt, . hnd bill.( .... . n.n MiKii ix iiheral. v:. ... H. CARTBH. al . n. c sT HIBW, ISfainTIII O. ? January 19, 18SS, S If aa REWARD. Ranawsy from, the snbseriher, " ihes'll 'anuiirv, II.1S, a negro anan n.mcti JLFIiEn.HorttmTXj Ihe property ot Charles A. Hill, deeeaaeil. It na ,onl,, jn ,ne neighborltnod where the Mid Hill formerly lived. The abov re ward of Twenty-five dollars will be given lo any person whs will deliver the (aid bnv Alfred to me at ray rrsidi-nee, six miles west of lnuithnrg, or enanac km m LauiaiMirg Jail so that I g-t hint afain. (XT 1 would a drtertptio of the boy boll hav not had him a toRtcient length ol lime to observe or reeollest snv partiewtae anarli. VVM. M. SLEI1GK. Franklin ., K. C Feb. I, SS$ (if DAXCIXG SCHOOL. Tff on. Ponce HI. If iteJitern ttespcltly wlorwit ike iitiras of Kaleiah and ks vieiony. tl.at be will rtiani in Ociaker est. ta oprm Shol sjaiar s4 namt tka to ii. DIl. XV. IV. IWARSIIAtla'S Olntneat for the Bliad Piles. Thia invaluable remedy hat Wee. aeveral years before the mibrwi its virtu and efurac; have been well tested, and, in aomeroua insiaa- ees, m lha most aggravated forma of lh daaease. In not a solitary cate-tiav-ft bees Ino. t. fail in effeerinr a cure. Manv vertr retnecubla ner- aons have Some testimony to its efficacy j among whom is the Iter. Wm. A. Smith, ol ta. M. B. Church, knd Editor of lha Cnaerence Jaarwal, who, from his own experience, confidently re- eomroenili il lo the pnblie as A sure, aobiia blx, aid urnrissT oemkdi." It mav be had at the Store of R. TUCKER, Agent, Halrigh, N. C. HAIL XtOAD IRON. I The subscriber offers lo import Iron fen Rail ways, delivered in any of the Allantie porta or in New Orleans ok the most reasonable terms. JOHN W. PKUIT. Philadelphia, June 1, 1838 25 oawSt oamSt Bank of the Stale of X. CarolluaJ : 18h 0 July, 1838. At a meeting af the Hoard of Director this cllv. v-"' I : Krtolveil, nmnirooutly. Thai tint Dank anH ils li.ancl.es will, on the first of August nex l,Tl resume me p:ivroeni 01 ineir respective lubtlil ; gbettt A copy froth the Journal, C. UK WRY, Cashier. JV. .11 Copartncrslilp IMnwolved. K. J4 W. Pirtrnlgt- a Co. hate ibis day dis solvod iheir eopariiiership by mitlual ennsenl. All persons having claim) agsinttssid firm wil present them to Kvans oc Nelle at Havwood, for patirent. 1 All Ihose 'ii'lehted lo mil K. be W i'ai iridge h Co. are requested to call and settle 1 of the Heads of Departments, to be b said Evan, K"j,ETER FVArs all lies, is beyond the reaJi of our irtt E. P. PATKIlx;V.. I agination to conjecture. It will also with July IC, 18.18. 31 3 PROSPECTUS ron THE niCHOCOSM. BV .MASTER ITKOMDAS . LEMAT. Th MICROCOSM i printed, weekly, u the City of Raleigh, on a half sheet of medium, 'iiy ui ivanriuii, uu uaii succi 01 medium. -.i ' ai.u " l iiew mall , it contains a world" of matter. It is .Iccntion.ble. cha.te. and atreeaU. m.nnert ...:,.; ,h.m . ,i;r.t l u fondneMfo vW. .nd to practice of virtue and morality. Another is, to furnish a. much am leing matter, interealinif 1 oewa.and valuable information, lo render, of to the imputation ot egotism, that It will not be j found wantln? Irt sorrtetliing both to plea. the taste and tickle the fanev of all I, j intended, provided anOicienl ncoura5. m,nl je , e,a ,b(J wi,hollt . . " r i f sfW n 1 ill lartXlt a,'riLli vasralJ malraa it daa"j4eultw cheaper than any other published in th ern country. A apecitnen of the work arenmpaniea thia proapertua, so that all who receive it will have an opportunity of judging of it. merit.. Ex amine it if you like it, aend u. your name. at oxrr. and "down with your dust." n Though very young, being only nine veara of nze, tho publisher ha. learned to set type eiprrtly, and after much importunity ha been indulged in hi inclination to print a pa per. The proceeds will be exclusively hi own; and a he hope, to learn the practice of econo- wp inJr, jrt th promotion of I evere BCCOUIlt. I nndertakin,. h. fa to pUd . fudjhave a cheering an i wh'ch ,rt nim ln hw l"t" porauit nf j dence in being able . Knowienijn. n connuenuy iooks in me pens of literary (ren'lemen and ladies in th Stale, to aid him in his labor., and to th pitronag of j th lilwral and th approbation of the public for feWfd Term $1 60 per annum. 23" Postmaster, anil other., who rerriv this ! prnapertus, are respectfully requested to lend ,ne,r,'J 'Wrw-HrJttiis slander, vvill IT they choose, ret.in ami circulate .hi. among ' t - , favor at lh ;r ,,anjS lhe.r friend., and comtniinic.t. by letter. Le c;f ,Kn. w nn.A era to th Publisher on, business, except from those who procure .ubacribera, must b post pj ' RAIL HOAO NOTICE, ThcTlSaf intlalmenl ol ten dollars per shar. C," V'f, "f.t1 "" -f ,h" T' fi'a 'r"J' " fn-red b. p.td. o. 1 or before ibe firsl ilav of Angutt next. "'" ""owatl and charged, a. here- cinnati Conffressionsl District. He rendered himself notorious through- ... . i . , I ! 0U 1 the cuunt7 a v,u,ont partisan. a brawling politician, and, withal, an I arrant boaster. He has held his seat I ... r .u . . r .u ' I al 1'ie ernpnae nf the rent) latum of the I . .. i people wno piacetinim in it, aim oi me ; State at large. The latest exploit of, t A" . I t" the ligh'ing Doctor" as he is styled J in derision, is thus narrated in the Con grcssional Reports: 'Mr. Duncan was understood to fa vor the amendme.it of the Senate. He was going into a general reply to Mr. Hond's speech upon retrenchment, de livered some time ago. when "Mr. Jenifer and Mr. Sibley called him to order for irrelevancy. "He resumed, and had made some more progress in the same strain, when "Mr. Reed called him to order for irrelevancy.. "Mr. Duncan proceeded, insisted on hip right to do so, and seemed deter mined to da so. "A motion was made that the gen tleman be permitted to proceed. The committee decided that he be not per .... - . j . . i muiea io proceed, ana Mr. Duncan still insisted, at whlchJttL Nobody, it m presaand, iassfjAed Wiere were loud tad prolonged crie of order rrom all parts ot tiie 1 loose. wYht Chairman. The gentleman from Ohio will take his seat. " wMrDancati resumed his.seat.1.. Vt time after,") Mr.ri;ncn rose, but, having been refused permission to proceed, objec tions were made to his ctiinu on. He said he held a book in his hand, under stood to be Mr. Bond's speech,; out of which he wished to make a speech. But if the Committee would permit hint lo write it out, and call it hit tpeeen in Committee of the whole, he ibould detht. Load cries of agreed ! j from nil quarters of the House ensued, ! acadlr. I)uncan sat lon. ! "Mr. Kond hoped that his colleague 1 would state in such written speecli that it was not tleliverett. in. .the pre-; sencc of the member to whom It was a reply. ' ! TK- .fi-rw.r.U tvr'.tlpn ! out by the D.ictor, lias already appear-! etl in lha tilobe. ami U to annear in the Globular concern in this city. It ' is lliriiwrt nhrnail nt litis limp, as a full I refutation of the great speech uf Mr. Horn!. How it can succeed in this unless it proves the Blue Bonk, the Congressional Reports, ant! the Reports agination to conjecture. It will aiso Ka fl ilirTiilf tn'tlfsti tsf o nratail ma fur the .learned Doctor to deinonc-ti ale, that J51 1,490,459, the amount of money ex pended by Mr. Adams in one year, is not a cent less out of the People's pock ets, than 859,164,745, the amount ex- 1 1 , m 1. v pended by Martin van Buren in one 7er! But ,he8e th,nS a9 tl,ey 1 . treiiiieiiiniii v euimrs ui uiiii - At-. I l.l . ,-l,I.U ,1,. I.,!.,. ' I";""""-' - . "Our brt impale, on readm; the part of the speech in which allllalun is made to the erTltnl't of this paper, was brinj the author and publisher of the would not mulct lliein in exemplary damages. Upon St'COIld thought, how- ever, we have deemed that in wear and tear of temper, and waste of time, it would cost us more than it is worm to ish-Hrrmty aboate Hr atltl would oesltlea be likely to inflame party leelins; a mong our fellow-citizens, in the midst of whom it is our happiness to have a -ways lived in harmony and quiet, and our desire and hope su t live always. "We relinquish, therefore, anything ' like a vindictive purpose towards llie perpr-Jrat,ors of this injury, for which we Have no uoubt their consciences will in time hold them to a sufficiently For, ourselves, we d sustaining cunh- so to live as to live down the vilest calumnies." We mention these things, to the end that the People of Ohio -may under stand the nature of the document to be circulated among them. It canuot be, that a budget of assertions which .have rendered their author liable .la the l J t7..,W V.IW .. . V. ..MB f ' ' " " , we have met the following caustic ar ticle on the subject from the pen of Mr, Hammond of th Cincinnati Gazette, Mr. Hammond alludes to the Doctor's display, of fire-arms. We have heard. that at the close of the present session, the champion of Locofocoism purchas ed an immense raw-boned Rosinate, equipped himself with an ordinary pair of nocket pistols, besides a brace of polished duelliug pistols, and flinging his rifle on his shoulder, placed hi "It ' 'face towards sunset, with the declara Ition, that he hail rendered himsell such an impediment to Whigisin that it was I necessary lie should guard against any atteirrpts upon a life so valuable to his country! Whether true or false, the 'ory gives the cliaracteristics of the n.i, Doctor. DOCTOR DUNCAN'S "HOWL." Saftirda- J..U r tho l..t .la of tl.. mJ. JUly 7, tllC last Hay Ol the :. r Jr...J.. . , session oi to isress. escent sunnav. when tn item ; one of the appropria. ,: k;i!a ,.,i ,n.;.i.I; 'n. r,uncan the Representative of the first Congres:onal District of Ohio, com menced a speech, which he said was intended at a reply to Mr. Bond. The absurdity ot attempting this, at that period of the session, was manifest to every one. It was at palpably imprac ticable as it was absurd. There was such a general declaration against hear ing him, that Doctor Duncan proposed a compromise i he asked for leave to publish a speech, and assert that it urns delivmd,thotghin POINT OF FACT, no'aicA delivery took place. The lib erty thus to write and print himself a falsifier, was conceded to. him by ac clamation. The members from every side of the House giving an Qprorinus consent, Mr. Bond only asked Dr. Duncan to note on the speech that Mr. Bond himself had not heard it dattrer. that J)r--buncan was in earnest. Doubllesi his proposal was regarded as one of those bravadoes, by which he had obtained notoriety) such as travel ling with bifj-rifle-atHl pistols, and ps ratling them fdr observation. Never theless it appeari that the speech pro posed by llr. Duncan, is forthcoming in tl tlailr Globe of JulyjSth, and a veritable document it is, -covering twelve close printed columns of that paper. . . " Men sometimes lemi themselves to a rather iainiible Servicr will) a con- sciuusnes that exposure would render tln iu contemptible, but in the hope that mch expoure will ni-ver take place Literary and political laurels are often s"tight,'br beciming a mere channel thiuaili which the thoughts of other men, embodied in their own language, are fient abroad tlirotiKh the prrss: but this is seldom attemnted witli the con. vicliiitilhnt tllU fUU. of tile conceited ''aw 'i'l jackas must be exemplified, Dr. DuiiQan ' ha lilaicd himself in, this discreditable posiiltMii, tnou-i nciiils,alemtnt Irom-that-presented from rathe rate occurrence. A very small porti.in of the speech i his own pro- ductioii. the greater part has been pre-1 pared Tor him. To ni", it seems easy, 1 c 1, in place mv fiiiccr unnn the paraj;rjp!is r1, ' - ,' r .7... ' of his paternity. In farmer iiliraae, pat they bear 1 1 . , 1 s "Uraail ami earmark," and the residue I- .1.. .1. ....l is distinctly staiiipitl ... , r . ... - w , w.th the impress of the kitchen Cab me ,m?vil,rC8n ,.sc 'a,.a.ct;,,'"J b a H()L,' peculiarly h,s rtwn, and,. it may be traced through the first seven: I r 1 fr 1 , t it... i.t. ..Ii . . . t ,l.u ,lllr 1 1 ''heae may be considered introductory. I hey ntipoit that the speaker was goatl "HOWL " bv the ion amUirctilation " ..,,. v. s. -.- tritt of Columbia. .. .... 1 have once seen a .hacKiinff waon may, eu io put inrin ins , . .. . r . ... l. i.T . r 1 1 . 1 i i . . i i . - i. ,t. "Mr. Kendall, under an appoint- raent from the Secretary of the Treat' ury. viaited the cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, to negociate with the banks, and spent some days in each city. He had ne rp.mrilv i ta much comnanv at the hi. loll u.'lira ha at, .nnl.il- ami thi.a. tvhn .. , - have had octasion to take private par? tors, and have private tables at the public houses in those cities, where they necessarily sc and treat civiliy many gentlemen calling on them, know that the actual expense including tra velling, can scarcely average less than tei dollars a tlay. Mr. Kendall paid all these out of his own pocket, and re ceived from the Treasurybarely e nougli to make himself whole. . This it the whole of this mighty s flair, 4' the sum received, all told was 316,11." An illustrative example of republi simplicity and economy! Ten dollars . ,i r.- -r i i imj mr ciiHTtjaiiie, lor pat lorn auiii tables and "gentlemen" visiters assod ation, whilst plotting the great robbery, in which originated all Ihe busint-ss difficulties that from that tlay has dis turbed the country!! The calumnies upon Mr. Southard are thus wound np: "Great reform was notoriously ac complished by Gen. Jackson's admin istration, in expelling' from power the direct, profligate and felonious plun derers' of the Treasury. Yet it is said there hat been rto reform, and the peo ple are appealed to, to restore the old onler of things Yes, to restore South ard to the Navy Department," and per chance Watkins jtrTjhe Fourth Aodi tnr's office, and Clay, "the head man of tbsj whole corrupt gang, not to tbe orawnuyiwo mu.es no . a j.ick, u - rabiJ ,he fierce.t hmpt of t! merara team.; so poor that .me ini-ht c , , nQ fetntcUofi hang hi, hat on their hip bones. I Ins fn ft (.g,ue of ibe establishincnt was driven by a nt-gro rwu tnJ ga milli t the latter pof. half naked, lame of one leg and bd (ion f ti. conUin, Q , of one eye. h.s, s,r is a specimen ail( He,fon .re .ingled and mailed of he use made of what is called th , tfn r w,)id mtCQr bottom turnpike road." j lone CJtllJ prrtduce. Dr. Duncan is This, gentle reader, is a specimen 'strong in ertinity. p-.psonal and politi of Dr. Duncan's "HOWL,' mtroduc- calj but the libels, in this portiriri of , tory to the Kitchen Cabinet disquisi- the speech, are of a character that he tion, which commences thus; -liui could not have uttered. They are f the perch." And thia i Ui Wow". topics not litely to occupy his atten in a different way. ti(,n with whith he could have no fa- The first subject taken up is that of ,niliaritv, up;n which he could have m the public lands. And under this head, personal feeling, no wrankling ven the increased expenses are attributed aticc to wreak upon liatei individu4''' to the increase of labor. For the rest, a.. yot he stand before the citizens theft is a dead silence. Not a word thL. United States, in the character about the Sub-Treasury operations a- f a nin capable of a most fiendish " mong Surveyors aud Receivers, who personal vituperation of an individual have Tobbed the Nation's cash, and leu f,.om whoirt ie rou!d never ha.ve receiv it the bag to hold. !ed a personal affront! Though, in Fici, 5rconrfi-?-Tli old story of the Ru-I, mere conduit pipe only, Ins position fu.s Ki"g .mission to Englaud is revived)';, therefore the more opprobrious and with the despatch voyage of Mr. IMca- lnhriiliat h. a"!,s- , . ! With the whitewashing r-f (lit Oloba Jlnrdly -Amos Kendall comes r.to intermixed a portion or iheprnbeed review, and Amosoccupiesmuchapace. J irgi f Blair's Whitewashing Commit- He is white-washed with great care, tee, from no rPport has been. both as Fourth Auditor and Postmaster Jma,tc to the House. Tlu-se selection General. And with, Amos, the wretch- ,,ow (hat the Committee are preparing ed Dr. Watkins is dragged from his ob- their varnish with all industryj ami Bcurity, and Senator Southard shame- !,,at erery facility is promptly furnUh Tully vilified and calumniated. Hut in ted hy the department. Mr. Secret, requital, we have one item of infonna- ry Woodbury answers without hesita tion, worth something: it relates to the fn or reserve. J. K.Paulding, of mission or Atnris Kendall, when nr- jt,e Navy, makes his debut, in thia raiiKing to rob the U. S. Bank of ..the j wash-pot, apparently nothing lothj and -public drpositcs. the Globe publishes the entire "howl" State Department, but to the Presideu cy dejure, as he was once President de facto. And poor old Gen. Hatrison having, with one v hite been used by thenrmrrfit'-ttiTr'y "leel itronjr, is to Ba laid on the shelf, and yield all honors to Monsier Brag, the corrupted of thai corrupt." Here is a "howl" as rank in ferocity is if it received tongue from Dr. Dun can himself. But it is the bay of a bet ter practiced hound, tinder whom, it may be profitable for Dr. Duncan to take lessons. fourthly Certain doings iri the War Department are takn up for Vindica tion. The Paymaster General, and the Surgeon General, and the Quarter Master General, and the Commission er General of Subsistence have each directed a campirative examination of Mr. nn,d's speech. Tht Paytnsster shaws an increased expenditure In his office, and so shows every one of the Generals. Each finds Some trilliriT variation in Mr Horn ;,, nicp. The wholo Ip.vp. tl, Bnh- jcct in suc, , ta(e lht jr ouncan thus essays to gloss it oVer. . . , . , "Abuses do exist, always have ex- -, , , , ... , itetl, and always will exist, in this and , . . - . f .. .1. ,c iiiiiiisu ai.11,11 u 1 an uitier iriiv - .,...".... 1 ti n iiiijm.ssiuic 111,11 nil ..... , f 1 1 r . i"i i,'iiini,ai icuriai lauriu can oe con- vt,lthoUt J(,m abusM 0 , frailty.and depravity exist, and furm A -()f fhe J J f . -f - ,, ' J Here is not a "howl," but a wh'int apolnn-etical. 1 here Is no virtue lit t,,e democracy, more tTrin in others, to ress ibusesIl-A comfortable con- " . 'V"6' nnrres WHO prOCUretl Allen : the aODomtment. This is the vomit f-h 4 concVction of ,rnom a4 with commendations and thanks!! These cannot force it into reputation. It must find the doom which a Senator in Congres once pronounced upon th Navy "leave to sink by i:s own von dtron'yP This document, of which . Dr; Dun.' can has beer! bedoled to beCoitiethe pu tative father exposes him to odium ev ery where. Its outrages sfriks persona and things in wanton malignity Par ties Districts, Cities. Groups, Individ, ual emoluments tr aJj jn turn asiU ed. A famishing spirit of vampyre intensity pursue the high and low, the living and the dead Samuel Southard and Tobias AYatkihs, Henry Clay and litifus King. Can a production of such loathsome ingredients find favor with the country? We shall see. MODERN DEMOCIiACTj Nolhine could exceed, in noinf tf.1 .. - . . accuracy oi delineation, the detcrip n. n 1.1.11 ,.y Kir., a aninaugi, oi llie Democracy' abouf which we have heard so much' since Ja'cksonism and Jacobinism became Synonimous terms. This graphic picture was drawn by Mr. T. at the close of his powerful Speech in reply .to Messrs. Wright, Benton and Strange, when it was proposed to repeal the principal features of the de posit e law. Let the reader hole dis passionately the positions here taken, and see if the are hot true to the fife. flteAmW tPhlg. Mr. President, fsaid Mr. Tallnadae) the Senator from North Carolina Mr. Strange ,J has this morning mourned o ver the humiliated, the (alien, (be da. linn .... St. 'V--.. I . traded, tha disgraced condition of thai Demoratb part, a.b Is pltdtMr

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