X V ' 7 found U -diffics.il t return than to forward. lie could here returned easily l"rim the pint where he diseu .c inhered hielf,but the fact that he -ilUilm iirrnarr. hue aril, and tn near Vl groanu.anr-aier ue m ; mora than double lhat height on the other side, are clear proof, that to in scribe hi name wavnot, and to climb (lit bridjewas hi object. He had al ready inftcribed hi iume,aborWash jin;ton himself, wore than fifty leet. , 'n' , . . Around the face of thU huge column, and between the cleft he now moved backward ah J' forward, still ascending, ' as he found convenient foot hold. When he had ascended about one hun dread and seventy fet from the earth, and bad reached the point where the i pi!Urterlianzi i the ravine, hi heart leetnetft t Tail.' He : s'opped, and eeme I io i to bef bslacing midway between lieaven and earth. We were iti dred suspense, expecting every mo- i -r. rk. i. ..i -.4 . . I eWirt to ee him dahed to attains at liir feet. We had already exhausted igr powere of entreaty, in persuading ,Vim to return, but all to no purpose. Nw. it was perilous even to speak to Jim, and very difficult to carry on con- variation at all, from tbe- immense r l..ti.t.i t.Iul.K li, ln.t aaranJnil und the 1 uic made by the bu'juiing oi me lime rook, a U Wmbled tn rainy cascadrs ver its rocky bed. at our f.et. At tnft Ia mtAtt in l tt .liarnver tlmt one cf the clefts before mentioned, retreat ed backward from tit over hanging xsitiolt of the .pillar. '"'Iota (Iim h - - -Hmranirat once, and 'vai soon out of aisht and out of danger. There i not a word of truth in all tint story about our hauling htm up with rones, and his faintinc awy o soon ai r e landed on the summit Thoge acquainted wi Ii the localities. will at unee perceive i's absurdity, for we-were benea-W the -arrh.and " it 11 dmlf a mile round the ten, anil for the most port up a ragged mountain. In at cad of fainting away, Mr. Piper pro ceetlcd at once down the hill to meet u, ar.d obtained hit hat and ahoea. We met about half way, and there he laid down for a few momenta, to recover himself from his fatigue. We dined at the tavern of Mr. Don ifeou, half way between the Bridge and Iexinrton. and thera we related the whole matter at the dinner table. Mr. Duailioo ha since removed to the St "Clair, in Michigan. Mr. riper was preparing himself for the ministry, in the Presbyterian church, and the presi dent of the College was his spiritual .preceptor, as well as bis teacher in col lege. Accordingly he called him up, YICAl WBWIUIMg, IV MMWIIW MtlW V, .mur ing, perhaps, that it was not a very proper exhibition for student of the ology. The Reverend President is still ' alive, and ran coroborate my testimo ny. I mean the Rev. George A. Bax- ter,D. D., at present at the head of the Theological Seminary in Virginia. As to the other witnesses, Mr. Hevely afterward became a member of the Legislature of Virginia, and somewhat distinguished, I believe, for a young roan) but he unfortunately fell a vie . iim to poison, as 1 have been informed. "Mr. Wallace was then of Richmond, but a native of 8cotland,whethrr he re turned soon after. It strikes ma that I -once heard of his death, but of this I -am not certain. He may be still a live, and able t substantiate my state ment Mr. Piper himself afterward married daughter of Gen. Alexander Smyth, of Wythe, and was soon after appoint ed principal of some academy in the West, which he abandoned, however, as he had done the Hninistry before. Tim laat I heart! of htm. waa durtns lHe Tail summer, when I saw his name registered atone of the Virginia pring. I was told he had become an engineer. mnti Mr h ft men vniriieii in or,e,inir road between some two of the springs. I have thua briefly and hastily rela ted every thing about the exploit, which 1 have any reason to believe will be in teresting to the public, either now or hereafter. " WILLIAM A. CARUTHERS. from ih AUwoy Evening; Journal. OVESTIOXS OUT OP A POLITICAL CATECHISM. ; Cl Qaestion. Pray, air, what politics do you profess? r Answer. Sir, I am a democrat. -Q. In what does your democracy ' consist? ' - A. To be "all things at times to all men." To advocate the establish ment and utility of a national bank in 18l6,and to repudiate it in 1828. To oppose a sab-Treasury in 1834, and to laud it to the skies in 1837. To ad vocate the democracy of August and September, 1837, ha then declared and expounded by the Albany and New York republican committees.snd to ad vocate what it was declared ana '. ex pounded to be by the republican com mittees in December, 18Sr, after the Locofocos ( which were till the tail-end of all parties, aa pronounced by the Globe and Argus,; were admitted Into our ranks. Q. What, then, ia yoor definition of s Lototor - " A. The present definition ia equit alcntte democrat. Before this was found out by Van Buren to be the case, . we called' them Agrarians, Fanny ' Wright-men, Infidels, Radicals. Flour barrel psrty, c bo t Mr. Ming and Mr. Slamm, and their associates, sat isfied Mr. Van Buren ther wer the Uxt denocrafif party, and, there - 1 f.re, the Conservatives were turm oat of the parlj. . O. hat do yon mean or conserva tives? n,rtT y.t .nrportJ- A Van Buren for Presi and thin, and afterwards would not obey his orders to support the aub Treasury system? Q..W hat do you mean bylhe sub Treasury system? A. I mesa a system that would con centrate the whole money power with the sword, in the hands of the execu tive, and ruin all the banks a power that would enable the Executive to ac cumulate patronage and power td an extentjhat would perpetuate him and us in office. O. I thnuirlit that the Constitution gave Congress the power of regulating the treasury f A. So it did according its ancient construction.but we have found a shorter way, that is, "to construe the Constitu tion as we understand it" And sure i'ir the party can only. understand it in such a minner as it shall anwer best theg.nd of the party. Ak Mr. Butler the former, I mean (he preent Attor- ney General of the Uniteil Statea till September whether thi i not the true definition; and Mr. Butler is cer tainly the best expounder or constitu tional law we have ever had in the country. Q. Is then the constitution to he so conitro-d as to subdue ofily the interest of the party. A. Certainly. Q. hxs not the country at large somtthing to say about this affair? A. The country at large has noth in to do with it. We, the demorac, are Ibe country in its proper and legit imate snse. Q. In what -dictionary do you find your definition? A. In nt dictionary. We want no such traah as Webster's, Walker's, or lohnson's dictionaries. They were all rank arittocrats, and that is enough for the true democrar r. Q. Do you hold'to the doctrine that the democracy of numbers, or, as II. Hleecker quaintly calls it, King nam-bt-rs, is the true test in a republican country as to what the People want and uught to have? A; It wss once the doctrine when our psrty was in the majority, but it has been since exploded. Q. Why so? A. Why because because it is rather now an inconvenient doctrine. y.. Please explain? A. Well, if the truth must out, we have lost already twenty States in the recent elections, antl we are confoun dedly afraid that we shall soon lose the remaining six. Wo now incline to the opinion that the "minority of num bers" should govern. Q. Dorou consider a President's orders and opinions to be always de finitive and conclusive upon the par ty? A. Certainly 1 ao long aa ha " proles see our democracy. ' Q. What do you consider the BiGle of your democracy? A. The Globe and Antus. Q. Do you believe all they say? A. Certainly. ' Q. But when they contradict them selves, how do you then manage? A. We take their last assertions to be the true democracy. We follw, in this, the Revised ' Statutes, fand 're member Mr. Butter was one of the re visors,,) "the last clause, or section, shall prevail." Q. Good day, sirj I may ask you, perhaps, at another time, a few more question. " ' ".' ', . , At T shaU "answer them with preat pleastire. - - - - Q. A propotilion for our Van Buren rete.- The-patriotie intentions of the party," to force " their opponents to the adoption of their on peculiar views on tne suuject ot hard money, having been defeated by Congress, we have a proposition to make to them which wethink cannot fail to meet their approbation, and accomplish their object, so far as they themselves are concerned. i ' The members of the party, one and all, having such a horror of banks, b.ank officers, and bank notes, we res pectfully propose that they forthwith le U, or ((ivraway, all the banE etacfc titer hold, resign all their offices in banka, and resolve themselves to re ceive no bank notes,but to sell alt their goods, receive all their fees, and pay all their debts, in hard money, only. As we take it for granted that it ia only because this plan has never sug gested itself to our opponents, that it bus not been adopted, we anticipate ita immediate adoption, by acclama tion. We look for the speedy relin quishment of his Stock by the wealthy Stockholder who regard the banka as vampyres, aucktngthe Mood of the dear people," the retirement in dis gust of the Director and officer, who have auch a horror of the corrupting influence of banks, the refusal to re ceive, a fee, and the resignation of his office, by the Bank Attorney, who, be lievjng all bank to be unconstitution al, cannot consent to sue for a judg ment against a delinquent debtor. And last, but not least, that all the faithful will at once and forever, refuse to sell goods, or do any manner of labor, for the "worthless bank rags," for wh they have such a thorough contempt. Anticipating, aa we have eatd, the I immediate adoption of this suggestion. ) we first publish it here, in Fayetteville lt r.,mirln,L tint our neighbors may have the glory of taking the lead in the great wora, enu uoiun 7" the benefit of the flood of prosperity jthieMfSpflwr "P"" thfll ' CPftl ouaiy commaea mai me vunj - only be saved by a return to a hrd money currency, that business would flourish, and honor and fair dealing end Min.l rirhta b secured br the banish- ment of "baflt ;Tgiimf as thelgne- rant Whigs know not what is good tor them, and utterly refuse to come into this wholesome measure, U is but fsir that the wiser Vans should liave the benefit of outtin? in practice their .1 and speedy accomplishment of the treat object, we proposed to them to rry out their planibr hblding meet- notable scheme, ror me more euecui- F ar.VS. ing of the "dear people" on to-rnrrow, at the various election grounds, wnere ihey will have a full assemblege of all their forces, and can fully concoct the plan, of which the above is only an outline. Fay. Obu !!! DUNCAN'S SPEECH TO BE STEREOTYPED !!: We read in the Eveninz Post last evening that the non-spoken speech of Mr. Duncan, of Ohio, was to be stere otyped'by the People of the Evening PoatJ-a Speech never before deliver ed in Congres, but manufactured sfter the adjournment. Now aa tne fc.ui tor of the Post has some merit In the eve ol the world as a man of Edit Lttirtt, we do hope, that before he Htereotvpes this budget ol vulgarity and Falsehoods (which we do not ex pect him to correct) that he will, at east, lor the Honor 01 tne language we all profess to respect, put it under the screvrs of the "King the Grammar," and give it 4 touch Syntax at least.' Of of As tlii unspoken Speech is to be the Loco Foco Talisman, it is well to look at it a little now. The following article is taken from the Washington Globe, where, it will be observed, credit is given for it to the Raleigh (N. Carolina; Standard "Ma. Duncax'b Speech. We are inclined, at first to condense this speech, fearing its great length would prevent many of our readers from per using it) but we saw no part that could with propriety be omitted, and hope, from the importance of the subject, all will read, examine, and decide for themselves. That Mr. Bond ia a most reckless and abandoned libeller, does not rest on the assertion of Mr. Dun can alone, but on a crowd of eviden ces and a mass of documentary proof. We might suppose tint Mr. Bond's speech could have no effect on the peo pie, who are. aware 01 tne tricks 0 Federalism, and who have been so of ten deceived by that party. But if this has been the rase, the speech of Mr. Duncan, with the accompanying proofs wilt remove evert dowbt;' ana show that the Federalists charge their own profligacy on the present and pre ceding Administrations. This game they nave for aome time played. They have deranged the currency, suspen ded -specie payment, hampered the public Treasury and brought ruin upon many and embarrassment upon all, for political purposes, and have charged the consequences upon a patriotic Ad ministration and they have now, through the "automaton" Bond, charg ed the Government with extravagance, produrrd by 'Federal' or 'Whig' votes. Rulagh(N. C,) Standard.' We think it was a judicious deter minatnn in the editor of the Standard, not to attempt to condense Mr. Dun can's speech. A msnmighOawell undertake to condense the contents of an air-blloon, a full blown foot-ball, which, the moment a hole U made in the bladder, loses its wind, and be comes perfectly flat and vapid. Dun can's speech is without exception the most accomplished piece of bombast and froth, the most tumid and t urged speciminof inflated, foaming, windy oratory, that it has ever been our for tune to encounter. The following fiss sage may be considered as affording (inclusive proof of the remark we have just made . "Yes, it is said that the Government is trying to be divorced from the State banks. Sir, I deny, that ever the Federal Government waa wedded to the banks. Fhere is an alliance between the Gov ernment and the States; you regard that alliance in the character of a hus band, friend, protector, guardian,! or what you pleaae. To accommodate the Wfiigs. we will call it husband) will agree that the sister Statea con federated, and gave up certain por tions or part of their independence. kupreinacy, and means, and out of those constructed a Federal Govern ment, and impoaed on that Government the duties of a husband toward a them, defining specifically the power lie shall exercise over them in a written Con stitution, which was to stand lor all time a a wall of fire to secure, them from any Federal innovations upon their reserved rights and sovereignties. All this we know to be true; but was the Federal Government thereby to play the husband with and for every hand maid that the State might take into their employ. Was she to bed and board with every wrinkled yellow and toothless washerwoman tates might engage to do that which was beneath their dignity to do themselves? When the Federal Gov enment united in the honorable' bonds of matrimony with the States,' that Bin ion wa Superinduced by their youth, beauty, intelligence wealth, and chas tity .and every othef requisite "ssa rv to" make auch an nnion desirable 11 IS OIU1CUII V "J - sense or pomposity is the predomin ant characteristic of this passage. The confederation of the Statea ia here ex i.;k;.i .iiIm th endarint name of a husband, married to a large number of wives, counting at tne prseninmB.i rewer than twenty-six, - ber is almost constantly increasing. One would think this would be pretty in a Christian coantry, where At.. ant allowed. But It seema these weooeo oum, vi - Bed with heir relati "h'rr wives of the ancient Pr'.4rh' undertaken to turn out their han like me have handmaids for the benefit of their lord and master j nd if to imnesch his taste, as well , hia morals: these Haeara. and Bil- KKa and 7ilnliaa. are described as the .. , .. -r . most ngly, repulsive, anu aisgusiins; all human Deings wnnaieo, yeu-, nd toothless. And to such a degree r rhantiutir. tnthniasm does the Doctor's imagination and feelings carry him, that,in the twinkling of an eve.he transforms his Conleileratert nusnanu, who seemed at first something like the Grand Tork with Ina Seraglio into 1 temale. with all these wives on hanil Rot" savs he "was the Federal Gov eminent thereby to play the husband with and for every handmaid mat tne Statea might,tke into their employ? Was si to bed a ad board with every wrinkled, yellow, and toothless wash erwoman that the Statea might engage to do that which was beneath their dignity to do for themselvey" The old notion of transmigration, is a fool to this. It is a short mode of making a "Grey Mare," otherwise called a She Husband. The North Carolina writer suggests, that if Mr. Bond's speech could have produced any effect npon the public mind, Mr. Duncan'a will remove every doubt, and shew that the Federalists charge their own profligacy on the pre sent and nreceedine administrations. The great object of Mr. Duncan'a speech, as far its meaning can be un dei stood, is, not to prove that Mr. Bond does not tell the truth in the in stances of extravagance that he de tails, but he attempts by a reference to other cases to shew that the Whigs are as bad as the Loco Focos. The a mount of this is, that the Loco Focoa claim no higher credit for themselves, than that of placing their best deeds anon a footing with the worst ot t. -tr onnonents. This is a low species of merit especially as they charge the Whigs with every thing that is base, unworthy, and unprincipled. N. F. Exprtit. CORRESPONDENCE. " Halifax Cturt ., Fa. nly id, 1839. Dear Sie At a meeting of many of the Whigs of Halifax, convened for the purpose, we were appointed a com mittee to invite you, in their name, to visit their county on your return to your home in South Carolina, and to dine with them at their Court House on such dsy as may suit your conveni ence. VV e give but a feeble expression to their sentiments, when we declare to you that your steady devotion to, and able support of, principles dear to all true Whigs your constant, unwearied and eloquent defence of the. Constitu tion when sttacked by many and de fended by few your efficient and man ly resistance to the tvrrannv and cor ruption of the most dangerous Admin- tsiraiioa wnicn mis or ny iner coun try hat ever been cursed with, have called op feelings of gratitude and res rect which they woul jWTTelTghted to have an opportunity personally to ex press to you At a time like the present, when they find many of those whom Virginia has been pleased to honor and to trust, fall ing one by one f-om the faith of our fathers, they turn with an honest pride to a native born Virginian, who, in an other land, illustrates, by his life and his character, the political creed of the Old Dominion as she once was. We feel that we do no injustice to the sen timents of the meeting, when we say mat 11 ia uieir earnest uesire to acenrd to vou a vet more decided and unemiiv. ocal mark of the high estimation which they place on your character and ser vices. V e cannot permit this oppor tunity to escape without expressing to you our inuivinuai concurrence in these sentiments. While the South, now the weaker portion of the confed eracy, bnds herself on every side as saulted in her dearest rights, it is a source of much satisfaction to know that we have such a champion as vour self on our aide. We have the triple security 01 taieni, integrity, ana a com mon interest. Hoping that we may be permitted to return lo the meeting whose orvan we are, an affirmative response from you, we are, with sentiments of distinguish- cu consiuerauon. Your most obedient servants. Jss. C. Bruce, Thos. S. Flournoy. u. uauas, rt. oarKMiaie, jr. Thos. J. Green, Thomae Leigh, J. S. Lewellen, William Holt, Wm. Bailey, P. A. Gilmer. , T. Baker, Win. D. Sims, ' 1 nomas Davenport, Committee to correspond. 4 Columbia. JtJu 14. IftSft. Gentlemek I have had the honor f receiving from you, a Committee of' 7 the Whig of Halifax, an iuviUtionU a dinner at your uourt Mouse, lour letter was received at the very Instant I was quitting "Washington, and not read until I waa on board the boat. jftHwgihe-maiVt moment at which I could acknowledge and thank yon for this nattering testi monial, elicited, I doubt not, more oy the kindness with which you have re rarded my wishes and purposes to do good, than by a just consideratitfnof the emciency wun wnicn 1 nave piue cuted them. I came into the Senate, gentlemen, at the moment when the un parallel led esurpat'.ons of the Executive, consum mated by the aeizure and detention of the public treasure, brought into exist . 1 v l 1 ....i 1 1 ance me mg prij compwaw, those who struggled to preserve the constitutional limitations of power, or the principles of free government. A gainst those usurpations, so utterly de structive ofjtverylhing that the revo lution won and aancttneu, we nave con tinued to struanteir with a xeal which thus far has not been rewarded by a proportionate success. In 1833, the public money was found in the hands of the Executive, unregulated by law; but, even Gen. Jackaon was unwilling that it should continue thus, and ear nestly recommended that the danger ous trust should be taken from his hand and placed in the custody of the law now in 1833, a willing Senate proposes to place iri the hands of this President, exempted from legal restraints, the funds his predecessor seized. If there were no other indications of the pro gress of rigbt principles, the patriot Whig might be disposed to surrender in despair; but recent events adminis ter consolation, aad teach us confi dence ih the permanence of our free institutions. The power and patron age party has been rebuked by the House ot Bepresentatives at each ap peal made to it, by a stronger and stronger voice. The people are com ing -have come to the rescue of the constitution. The mad and wild pro jects of a pampered and reckless party are and will be defeated, liut, at the same time, it is my deliberate conclu sion, painfully and reluctantly arrived at, that no defeat, however disgraceful; no warning, however solemn; no expe rience, however disastrous, will tnrn the party in power from the error of i's ways. Its w hole organization, princi ples and practices are wrong. essen tially immoral and revolutionary. As long as it is in power, the country will be tossed with violent agitations, liar rassed by sudden changes, subjected to rapid alternations of factitious pros perity and real disaster, be divided in to sections and classes, in bitter hos tility to each other while a general uncertainty, confusion & anxiety, will pervade the public mind. These are the necessary and inevitable conse quences of the domination of such a par ty as now govern the country our on ly hopes-are in'a change ot the dynas ty. Let us expel the Stuarts whoever may replace them. Is there any man who will look back upon the history of the last eight years, and believe it possible that our coun try can produce any other party or set of men who in the same space can do as much mischief? The kind temper in which my fel low citizens of the Whig party of Halifax have been pleased to regard my humble efforts, will be a stimulus to increased exertions in the common cause of the Whigs and the Constitu tion. For the favorable terms, gpntlemen, tn whicb you, Jiave- been pleased -to couch your communication, I beg you to accept my sincere thanks, and that you will be assured of the high respect a n ffTTOTife1rlTTiTfiwfv. which -I am yMrr-beatiJWt aervantr W. C. PRESTON. TOTHE PEOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whether the present Banking Cap ital of North Carolina, amounting only to three millions of dollars, and lesa than any other State of the union, is adequatonier wants, I shall leave to the decision of her Legislators and Fi nanciers. The question is sn important one, and requires mature reflection and dis passionate discussion. If we are to continue as we have been and as we are, it is perhaps enough. But if we design to develop our resources if enterprize is to be stimulated and en couraged, our manufactories multipli ed, and our buried wealth brought into activity and nsefulness, our credit must be employed, and our currency enlarged. . The hazards and" the errors of Banktngfor the future must be greatly diminished. The. system wiU.be ba id upon a better digested and more stable foundation, or we have paid the price of experienee without its profit. The experiments of the Government upon the currency the novel postulate that all who trade on borrowed capi tal ought to break," and the atrocious war which has been w aged so obsti nately against the entire credit system, have amused the public mind to reflec tion, and concentrated as with a burn ing lens the intelligence of the country upon me auuject 01 mnKing. anu goou must oe uenuced irom it. finance as a science ha .ttin twii tlvnr century, and it is to be honed that we win no longer grope in the darknesa of ignorance, atumbling over rash experi ments losing ourselves. in the mazes of visionary expedients, and at last sinking into the pits of universal Li 1 runt tv. -r--J. - But why labour Tor t:iemeans at the importance of the end ia not v'i a.r t .1 k would mat we t,t tongue to speak to every hamlet ofu State, and rouse it to its wants aad ! teresta. Would that we could se( people rising up in the majisty r power, shaking off their patty j; their sectional jealou'siei; trnjuTsZ- local objects, and their abssrbinv rfZ votion to federal politics, and r$Z themselves with equal earnestness the improvement of their native Rt.u luuitl iiirj liiiiHKiiru IU pestpw at her one tnhe of the zesl which they freelygive to party politics, w soon see our water courses cleared and deepened ntilwaye crwsing them a' the head of navigation the rich art. l acts of the interior Sowing onwarsta the seaboard and our ports ana Kin bours whitened by the sails of oar crowinz commerce. , . - ; Is sogionous.a consummation n(Tn to be attained? " Will our people still sleep on in the dull embrace of ljntt, ranee or listessness suffering their no. . ble gifts to remain unimproved, or t be snatched Irom their nerveless hands by their more enterprising neighbor! of Virginia or 8oitth- Carolina? 1 Peopl of North Carolina, let not4your chil dren beap.soch 4.reproach po" .-. Pride of our native State, let not ton. temptuous pity smile a( your imbecili ty nor the broad laugh of derisioa mocK you yet longer as ine sieepmr partner 01 this sunn anu enterpri2it r I II,.. llinnM lwl AhIa:. . conlederscy. 1 our lovely ViVies are depopulated by emijrrarion your r'nJi alluvions are falow your mineral wealth unexplored, or lying a burdea on your hands and all yoar superflu ities rotting in your groaning Darns-ibe. cause you win noieneci a communica tion with your seaboard.andan outlet U all the markets of the world. Fellow labourers of the press, call upon you to discharge your para. mount uuiies 10 me oiuic. ui seam ing local interests and narrow prejudi ces, let us take an enlarged, an elevt. ted and patriotic view of the public weal. Excite and reform public feel ing concentrate public a Ue a tion sn. on the subject inform the public mind and devote to the advancement of your State, a portion at least of (hose talents which you have so zealously giv en to partisan warfare. The period is propitious, this day ends oer party struggle, and decides for the present the political character of our-Sute. A happy breathing time is left ., This is a neutral ground upon which we ran all meet .as- brethren, and is calculated to allay irritation, and har. mooise animosities. As to our course it is simple and plain our duties are written with a pencil of light. We must decide p-" on the - general principle whether tha interest of North Carolina, ftee yWe and lienor, require that she should ex port her own products or continue tributary to her neighbours. , . , If as, we. hope, there can be bstan response to this, our next business will be to select the seaport most : clegible for our purposes, and then build up its means of communicationjwith the inte rior. v -, The subject only wants voir reflec tion, the honest and delibrratedecisioa of your understandings, and your pens, your energies, your moral influent, will bring about its accorojilifhnif'rt'.' The State has ample means at her com mand, and it is for you. to ru 'h pffblrc wilt, and bri rig th08eTSeWt bear upon the noble enterprise- UUR PRINCE iNGLlKiT Johh"Tan"TBuren,nrTnirof our Pre sident, is in England. He is a man talents and of very agreesble com panionable qualities. Mr. Bennett f the New Yoik Herald, writing front London, thug speaks of him: "ly fiiendyoung John Van Burta is behaving very well here. 1 Hepd up at Long's fashionable Hotel in Bn street, and quizzee the English dsn dies most unmercifully. I understand also t at the Queen ia much better pleased with our Prince than with th . white-haired .sprig of royalty fro France I meari the Due de Nemourl. John lias a great deal of natural drollerf" & wit about him a littlebizareitistrs but the poor Frenchman has littlest either. Both have long lejs, twt th form and figure of the democrat is cidedfy much straighter than thatnf the tri-color. On each aide of the Queen, when she is at the dinner table,' w chair generally vacant. r "When she wants to talk to an f her guests, she sends her page toll person with a request to drink wis with her majesty. The person tk honored immediately gets up; sad walks to one of the vacant chtijV drinks with her majesty, and enters in to conversation. When John b invitation, he entered I am told intoi interesting tete-a-tcte with the pretty little Queen. He talked Of the Unit ed States of the big ri vera big moos tains and his prairies. The Q'f" was highly delighted" with young J' indications of which crossed her fi' cheeks in the form of sweet smile-" ARer a little while" her1 resjesty seal her page lo another of hex guests. This was the signal for John to retir to his former seat at the table, which k did with ereat price, her little mffJf eyeing him from beneath ber left rT1 an tbe time."

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