V, 7. "Vll B STA R M A Ilk tl CJ L of subserlptiona to the . i i nni in mrrx-atw -.nl of SUMCnpimn. - Mt. -cUlly who til remai -' firm- .aecyJ'" in- L . -j. .l:. -.ill Mctm frtrf one wno rr i address - - i Iwieeowrt without further delay. "1. rrrmn, at dlfttnce mriy very safely JlnVrniently "" the .mount due by LsherilT of their respective counties, who tt be coming to thi. City .hortty to make .k-ir annual return. TH08. J. ...(...m nancr iti the Stsf l.EMA Y. I rill confer a bforby jirifK the above one or two mer. ELECTION RETUK2VS. BERTIE 3 Member. Coleram, 7lh July, 1838. t. tlie Editor of the Star. -Dear Sin Our election Uover.aml has re judia for of the Whig Dr. Mebane .jbsentfrom the county about 10 or 12 ,bi during the canvas, smj some of his fait In to console themelve Uy altribnt- Rtherr defeat veTfiuTcTt-ioaJsiaireei bHt hit were active and industrious during , stale time, and I do'nt think hit auc competitor received the vote of a eol- Yn Bat" nn ,n t,,e 0"ntr 1 hope kre trreA the State, and that it will be rtetepfnnirK of better timet. Branch re. ni larger TO,e ,n thia-county than I ex- But ruch ia the tyatem of organ! aa .C.ril .trill with " the party" that it only uirrtthe word of command, and they ral V it the polli. Below I give you he ttatement ofthe poll. Srn.tr, Wm. v. . Cherry. W. S56, A W HebincV B . For the commons ja. IUyntr. V v 481, I-ewit Bond, W. 451, JohnF. L'. " V,t,e ol1 memoerj (m S Pr Jen 136. Mr Hayner wa run by Hit W1 Bt. Ooad being the only Whig can didte. nwny of our friendt voted for Rayner, prefering him to the othert. For Gov. Dud lty5j Branch S25. John Freeman, for iheriff, received 723. The whole number polled rn 898. CARTERET, 1 Member. Elijah S. Bell, Whig, in the Common a Whig sain. CHATHAM 4 Member. Senile, Wm, Albright, W Common, J. S.Guthre, Clegg, Waddell.all whig. Whig gain 1. Poll: Senate, Albright 541, lan 392. Common, Clegg, 812, Guthrie fll,W.ai!fll 900, Cotton, V. B. 800, Fou itt, V. B. 675, Jno. J. Al.ton, V. B. .161. fhftiff, Harmon 985, Lightfoot 578. For Gov mor, Dudlrv 1026, Branch 250. COLCMBUS 1 Member. Gtta a majority for Dudley. In the 8onate, jnrtw. V. B. beat Hall W. B8. BMm end Innrvick yet to be heard from. Thi elec toa will be very cloa.. 8mitb W. elected to tx Commons, over Powell, V. B. No change. - DAVIDSON 3 Member Arnate.Dr. Wm. R. Holt- Common, Dr, !. LBeall and Charle Brammell. All whig. Xarbang. Poll: Senate, Holt 662, Jno. W. ThooMt 4S2. For Governor, Dudley 1412, Bnoch 70. fheriiT, Col. John M. Smith. GREENE 1 Member. Commoni, Jamea William, Whig a Whig pin Poll: William 308, C, Harper V. B, l!0. For Governor, Dudley 369, Branch 61 GREENE AND LENOIBV ' Id tbii Scjiatorial Diitrict. the vote stood jl Mow: In Greene, J. Harper, W. 187," A. , Vr'ootta, V. B, 66; in Lenoir, Harper 65, Wooteo 15, majority for Harper Gl another Wfcii JONES 1 Member. "WiiKan Hugina, Whig, is elected in lb Commons. No change. ' CARTERET AND JONES, (a this Dutrict, Maj. Enoch Foy, Whig i e f! Senator. No change. NORTHAMPTON. 8nate, W. Moody, Whig, Commons, Ju lias Amis and Herod Faiaon. Mr. Faion is a Whig; Mr. Ami is opposed to the Admini. mutm, bat tupporu the 8ub-Tressury. We cuei him with the Whig a in oar Table. ORANGK 5 Members Ttths Editarof the Star. dear Sir: The long agony it over. The Foeot have carried the county, with the "ption of Mr. Graham. The vote is as FOR GOVERNOR. Doill-y Branch Allison Waddell Trnlingrr Stkard. " Graham Sim Mangiim rekea Boon John! on 1 1489 1308 731 1566 1536 1485 1474 1468 1345 1299 1277 SENATE. COMMONS. SHERIFF. Turrentine Terry Gant Scattering 2181 62 72 3 There;, a CteSf1 IfMB VAN Will (IM,V, ftf A j r , members. Oramrhu fnn. Tt, nrm. - vrcun oi ine standard and iu mi a gone abroad, and tha nlinawnr fuwl...- .. O- - trion,m of the county have, for a too- wunered beneath it touch. Men and however inmpficant, will have their ew influence and the people of the TVM ,,,e Su,e m,y no to whom tot Waterloo defeat are due. B-t, -, B.gtt-toujea and patriotic are sot dit courage..!. We are stricken down, but not conquered. The flag of the country is still flyingthe vetl fire of revolutionary free, domyet burnt brightly upon our -country altar.- ' Palsied be the arm that would dart extinguish hi ' Our cause la 'he cauae ofthe. country i it advocatee are .the advocate of the country, and the hour of peril ha prov. en, and will again prove, their czclutire and ditintereited devotion te it Interests. But whatever may be the difficulties and (loom of Jbe. present, theJVVhiga.of Orange., yet, fearlrta and tinsublued, conjure their fallow citizen Mill to pretent an undivided front a gainst partisan fury and executive opprrnion. And here, to the pretence of the honored living, and betide the gravea of the illuttriout dead, with a long line of brilliant triumph achieved elsewhere, in their rear and before them, VICTORY playing from every atar of our national emblem, hand locked and heart mingled in patriotic communion around their eouniry' altar,' they pledge- to their fellow citizen and to each other their "i'ive, their furtiinr, and their tacred honor," that their descendant shall participate In the bleatingt of an undimmed and unturrendered freedom! SURRY 4 Member. "I hasten to give you tha result of oar elee. tions. The Whigs have gained a glorlou victory. Metback Franklin, Senate, majority over VV. P. Dobson. 90. Common. Poreor. , Bogden and Ogleiby by bandaoma majoritie.' Whig gain 4. WARREN 3 Member. Senate, Weldon N. Edward. Common William Eaton, Jun., 500, Samael A. WU" liama-479. Gen. John Hawkin 356, Thoa. II, Chrintmaa 112 Eaton At Williams Vana, e lected no change. 8heriT, Joaeph 3. Jone 997, Thomaa T. Judkiaa-256, Matthem M. Drake 163, John E. Watken 117. For Gov. ernor Branch 6S1, Dudley 106. WAKE 4 Member. Senate, Samuel Whitaker. Commonn, N. G. Band, D. MaMeyr Mangum. All V. B. Whig Iota, one. Poll: Senate, Whita ker 54, Dr. Hick 412. Common, Rand 1158, Maaaey 1145, Mangum 1081, Galea 907, IIarria791, M'Cullera 411, Hmton 540. ForSheriit, Burt 1058, Roger 699, Ashton 177. For Governor, Dudley 937, Branch 920. Notwithatanding the fotil play that wat uted againat- Mr. Gale, he would no doubt have been elected had there not been four Whig' candidate! for the Common. The people of Wake county have been grottly deceived and imposed upon by the vile ttUe-. hood, eipecially against Mr. Gale, that have been invented and circulated among them by designing politician!) but wa truat the day ia not far diatant, when their eye will be o pened to the imposition which have been practised upon themi and when they will deal out even handed justice to those who have so wilfully and wickedly abused their confidence. We learn from the Rrgiater the 'following additional reaulta, In Randolph, all Whig no change. In Guilford' all Whig Whig gain, 1. In Cumberland, all Vans, as heretofore. In Robeaon,twe Vana no change. In Brun ick, one Vliig no change. In Bladen, a Vu Kuren Commoner a Whig loss. - . In Brunswick, Bladen and Columbus, Whig Senator lost- In the Robeaon and Richmond Senatorial District, Gen. Dockery Whig ia re-elected. In Richmond county, two Whigs- no change. In Moore and Montgomery, a Whig Sena tor no change.. t In Montgomery, two Whig Commoners. no change. In Moore, McNeill, V. B. by ne vote no re"Mar ' IlECAPITtXATIOX. CaimdVa. Whig V. B. If. gain W.lou. Edveaosab- -& S Kni. a j i o s 1 s 0 0 1 .1 0, 0 1 0 3 s - 0 i 4 4 3 a 3 I t t ' 4 1 3 4 0 3 0 ,t o 3 I 0 0 3 1 i I 0 4 3 4 0 0 3 O 0 0 0 0 1 O 0 o 0 0 o- 9 0 1 - 37 Beaufort, Johnson, Franklin, Granville, waininjion, Wayne, Lenoir, Halif.s, Bertie, Craveo, Wake, Cumberland, Orange, Kobeaon, Northampton, Gretae, W arven, Richmond, Guillord, Chatham, Kandolnh, Carteret, Stokaa, Colnmbus, Jones, Sorry, Hninswlek, Davidson, Kowan, Hladca, Monigomery, Moore, 17 10 GOVERNOR'S ELECTION. Countia. 1838. 1836. Dudteg. Branch. DuJey. SfiaiiM Edgecomb Pitt Beaufort 165 500 75 1191 637 275 217 46 142 460 252 483 511 768 755 377 236 34 308 m 564 391 716 679 637 Washington 322 Johnston 732 Franklin 234 820 35m 903 977 180 102 92 Granville, Wayne Nash- Warren Hyde Halifax Lenoir 106 403 , 139m. 221 937 651 225 260 920 608 1308 444 300m. 100m. 192 389 864 891 499 830 1J7 1132 401 507 100m. ,257 669 000 000 150m, Wake Cumberland 657 Orange 1480 Robeaon 450 Halifax , 137m. Craven . " 519 . 309 Narthawpton 000 000 Gcearst 350 61 Moor. ' 555 281 545 905 Guilford - 1342 . .13 J 1 S5 -."475 Chatham 1026 1 250 932 626 Randolph 1150 70 - 1009 112 Carteret 428 48 28m. Stoke 1030 800 828 802 Jones ,' 21 3 - 39 j 22jt 2Q CoTeDU I90"l37 210 185 Bertl 403 225 336 489 Surry ' HtJtO 266 68T 1035 Daridion 1412 70 1218 68 - , " 17752 9002 14078 13363 . . THE FARM ER'S .ADVOCATE.- We have received the first number ofthe " Farmer' Advocate and Miscellaneous Re porter,9 -published at Jamestown, Guilford county ,.N -C. by Mr. John Sherwood. It is published semi-monthly, in octavo form, each number to contain 16 pages, stitched and co vered, at f 1 25 per annum, in advance. It will n doubt be a uaeful publication to farm, era. lor whose benefit it is specially intended and we hope the Editor will be liberally en couraged in hi laudable undertaking. The Armj and Navj Chronicle mertions as a rumor, that the Ship of the Line Ohio is to befitted out for the Mediterranean ttation, under the com mand uf Commodore Hall, The Riclirr.utid Enquirer contains a erjr significant paragraph. It con cede! that "it is among the possible e ventl of futuritjr, that ihe election of President msbe-sentfo the next Con gregs."-?:' The first of the three bonds of the U. S. Bank to the Government, for two millions each, due in 1839, has been purchased br the Bank itself, at par. The third due in 1841, has also been bargained for. It is stated that the United States Bank has engaged to make a loan of Qve millions of dollars to the Govern ment of Texas for 20 vears, with an un derstanding that the notes oi that bank shall be current in Texas, and that they are to make consignments of cot ton to the credit ofthe bank in Liver pool. The Banks of Charleston and the Commercial Bank of Columbia have' determined to resume specie payments on the 1st of September. At a barbae ue givn near Columbia, S. C. on the 4th intt, ah affray occur red in which a citizen named Addison was killed. A Western paper says that "the T I. ,: , . ., ... latftsuii pu icy IS looking up' Ijllte a man we suppose whj is lying flat of his back. The editor of the New York Ameri can, speaking of the Webster dinner. says "The phenomenon of the day was S. 8. Prentiss of Mississipi. lie is a wonderful man, with ideas as clear as the beautiful Ohio. He has the migh ty Mississipi of language, to bear them onward, in a never-failing stream, to the hearts of his hearers." Resumption tn Kentucky.' The Maysville, Ky. Eagle remarking upon the doings of the late Bank Convention at Philadelphia, fixing upon the 13th inst. as the day of resumption, says: "Tb Banks of Kentucky are prepared to follow the example of those in the North and East. " Speedily, therefore, the government thtnplasleri, counter- 1iIIIFiubn the only irredeemable countrv." paper in the TFhal next? A Homopathean Doc tor announces that his practise is a sure care for Hydrophobia the millioneth part of a grain! We should like to know how they would treat a sudden violent ease of Croup; would it be by an infinitismal fraction of a drop of Coxe's Hive syrup? We regret to hear that Mr. Wise of Virginia is in ill health. On his arri val' at Petersburg, on his way to White Sulphur Springs, he was invited to a public dinner but declined. Benj. Watkins Leigh, Esq. who has been suffering from dropsy, has undergone an operation, which with a short resi dence at the White Sulphur, has, we are gratified to hear, quite restored him to his health and profession. The Secretary of the Treasury has given official notice that the money be queathed by the late James Smithson, Esq. of London, for founding an insti tute in the city of Washington, amount ing to about a half million of dol lars, will it is expected, be received du- rintr the present month. The act of t7 Congress passed July T, 1838 directs the Secretary to invest the same in 'stocks of States, bearing an interest at a rate of not less than five per cent per annum," and he announces that he is now prepared to receive proposals from persons who have stocks of this de scription for sale.- ' - ' ' " '' MESSRS. CALHOtTN 4c PREST0X Aa invitation was given to Mr. Calhoun to partake of a barbaca giea at Columbia, 8, C. on tha Seta July, at a "wicome horns to Sena tor Preston," by the citizens of that diatrieU ftATSffdecnoea on the ground 'that be and' Mr. Preston had differed so widely, on a ques tion (the aub-treesaryj of auch magnitude and importance, lie could not accept an invitation to partake in a festivity intended to honor the course of hia colleague, without condemning and dishonoring hTi ownT" Iq hie letter to the committee, we observe that among other rea son which ha assign for advocating the Sub- treasury scheme, he states that adeslre to unit tha South wat not the least The onion ofthe South is ceruinlr very desirable ob ject; but Mr. Calhoun, however correct and honest hi intentions, ha certainly missed the maik widely in tha'Wahaby which It is to be ac complished. Instead of uniting, it is dividing and distracting the 8oulh more than any other question; and if division had been his object, herould not, therefore, have employed a more uccful instrument with which to cfTet hia purpose. It will not evtn unite 8. Carolina; and we believe it separates it advocates in that 8tate from the great body of the Slate Right party in Georgia, North Carolina and Virgin ia. The organ of the State Rrieht partv in Virginia, the Richmond Whig, is one of tho ablvat and moat zealous opponents of the sub trestory in the Union; the leading Stale Righla papers in Georgia have taken against that dangerous "experiment;' and only on Slate .Right paper in this State, the Wes , , I tern Carolinian, goes with Mr. Calhoun on. the subject. These facts, together with the tri umph of the Whigs in Maryland ind the Old Dominion, and the probability of llirir success here and in Georgia, show conclusive ly that the South nrver can be united in Ihe support of the sub-treasury; fcut that they are much more likely to become united against a scheme so fraught with mischief, to tbemselrr and lo the whole Union a scheme which ia so obviously the germ of a centralizing influ ence, which must ultimately consolidate all power in tb Federal Government; and finally concentrate it in the hands of the Executive. and make him a despot both in name and in fact. We ahall publish Mr. Calhoun' letter and some acount ofthe barbecue, which was a splen did affair. There were 600 person present. and one half sub-treasury men but all adinir- srs of the unrivalled orator and alatesman, Mr. Preston, whose speech waa a scorching dis section ofthe sub-tressury party. Tostts for this despotic project, however, were given by person present. .SOUTHERN LITER A KY MESSENGER We regret that we have been unable to look over the pages of the August number of the .Messenger, which has been several days upon our table. We observe, howeverthat it is spoken of in high terms of commendation. The National Intelligencer notices it in the fuUowing complimentary manner: "It contains many interesting arti cles. Among them mv be-waeniioned. as of sterling merit and interest, "He marks on a late review of Bacon," 'Biographical sketch of Captain Sam uel Cooper, of Georgetown, D. C." "Benefits of the Reformation on ihe Happiness of Man,", "Biographical Sketches f Living American Ports aritf Novelists," &c. Not-the least meritorious feature in the.Messenger is the great punctuality of its appearance at its stated time.'? , 7aco Foco Laming. The Philadel phia Gazette acknowledges the receipt of a rapid loco tico communication, headed Fax fur the Ptcpit," the or- thography of which it says, is'equalleil only by that of an advertisement once tausntxtketeM on I ung mounting." We never pretended that we had been "authorized" to say that Judge Strange intended to resign, but that he did so intend, and that lie will do so, unless the "party" be more liberal than we have ever known them to be, we have not the slightest doubt. We hadour first intimation r.f this intention from friend in Washington City, some months ago, which was confirmed bv the secret Circular from Raleigh, urging the democrats in the 3tate to energy, as "there would be a senator to be elected br the Legisla ture ducing Ihe approaching session.;' We do not wish to go farther into the alleged causes that imperatively, de mand ! the Senator's resignation, but until he shall have either formally de nied the existence of such intention, now and heretofore, or again taken his seat in the Senate, we shall continue to believe that he mutt and tcill re- . . . .. '.. tine thing is certain, that according to his own doctrine, he ought to resign, as he does hot represent the wishes of a majority of his constituents. Newbern Spectator. Uiglily Interesting, if 'Drue. The Siecle of Paris says that one of the ob jects of Marshal Soult's mission to En- gianu,waa iv ouiam permission iu re move the remains of Napoleon to France! and in this, it is said, he has succeeded, with the aid of the Duke of Wellington. It is stated further, that the Prince de Joinvi le is to proceed to St. Helena, ia command of a frigate, having on board a soldier from every regiment in France, and that the' re mains of Uie Emperor are to be deposit ed under the column in the place Yen dome, with solemn . religious ceremo nies, at which, the Duke of Wellington will b invited to be present. It has long been the aim of the admirer of Na poleon (and all Frenchmen are ehlranc ed by his glory,) to get hia remains from St, Helena, ami to deposit them rn TnietTOe TentloineTTn the-nearToT Parts. Probably Louis Phillipe would strengthen his dynasty more by that movement than by any other he could make. .The Steele, however, is not a Journal to be depended upon. ' It sees gowtmimy thi ftg'tf'Ttf advance ofthe mail" and often mistakes fancies for tacts. .- , From the New York Tines; August t. Awful contiTgraiiori end lost of life, At A o'clock this morning a fire broke out in Ihe rar ol 31r Vtest street, which spread witli alarminz laputiiv. and destroyed about 45 houses, being the1 entire block, Perry, Hammond, West ami Washington streets. These h ue were occupied for the most part by poor people, and we understand that upwards uf 80 lamilirs have been thus deprived of their home. One of the fire man discovered the remains ol a liumtn being in a sethn" posture, the head some distance Torn the trunk, and the w'luU so dreadfully ournt mm uisugureti tijjft recognition was impossible. It w's fnund in the rear of the house in Hammond street. and is supposed to be the body ufa man t tr t a 1 t mr i . a i namoi a. i naiiiri ... .. i ne vnroner was called to view the ' o:ny, an tniiiesi nrhi, and a verdict returned accordingly to the above facts. The Legislature of .North Carotins f. .... . has ordi'ied that the lands in .that State lately occupied bv the Cherokees, shall be sold on the first Monday of September next, at Franklin, Macon county. BOND'S SPECIL I he Editor of the Genria Constitu tionalist, intending to reply to Mr. Bund's speech, has written three or four long articles by way of prelimina ry flourish, without arriving at all at the merits ofthe subject. He promises to get t' the gist ol the matter lly and by. Ve beg linn, to remember the esse of Hie Duchman, who being about to jump over a wide ditch, and wishing to take a fair start, went back three miles and ran the who'e distance with such tremendous speed, that, when he arrived at the ditch he had to ait down on the edge of it and rest himself with out being able to jump at all. Lou. Jour. ; We learn Verbally, thaJt the cars on the Ualeigh and Gaston jlaillloadran over a negro man in the neighborhood of Mrs. Little's on numlsy evening him to death. War. Rep. - last, and crushed MEETING IN TENNESSEE. A meeting of the "original friends of Judge White" was recently hdd in Shelbyvillt. Bed foul county, Tennes see, wifli the view of obtaining an ex ptsiion of opinion hostile to M r, C ay'. Achaiiman was appointed, two Van Buren Orators addressed the meeting, and resolutions were presented. Uen. Barringer. late a tnemuer ol Congress from North Carolina, opposed the res olutions, and expnsed the true charac ter and object of the originators oi the meeting. The Nashville Whig says: "Loud huzzas rang through Ihe house as this vrtfrnn in the Whi cause proceeded in his remarks, and ere he had become warmed with the subject, (he people gathered around JiifltjuiiJi the ''most enthusiastic interest. "The 'waTiirappTau'lvTtTrwTiTch the remarks of Gen. II. was received stung the Loco Focos to madness. The Chair man abruptly abandoned hia post, the ting call.il upon- their lul lowers lo-et)ejjiMloIabout fifteen persons left the meeting, leaving ueiiinu incm ny lar the larger portion. The people insisted that Gen. B. should proceed, which lie did with the most triumphant success. At the close of his speech, he demanded whether they would "stick to the Whig cause ami uenry tjiav." - Every voice res ponded av! ay! The noes were then called for, hut not a tongue responded. Mr. Clay's strength anil popularity far exceeiira ins most sanguine cxpecta tions of his friends. The Wabash (Ind.) canal now in progress, is to reach from Manhattan, at the mouth of the Maume river to Teire Haute, on the Wabash. 510 inilesf thence, by a cross-cut 24 miles. to Central canal, and down the south ern section of that 110 miles to Evans- ville, on the Ohio river, it) Ihe south western part of Indiana, making a to tal distance of 444 miles. The sum mit level, about 200 feet above Lake Eriev is at Fort Wayne. One hun dred and ten miles of this canal, west of Fort Wayne, are ready for naviga tion. One hundred and six miles east ward from Fort Wayne to Manhattan, its termination, are under contract. partly made, and to be completed by October 1, 1839. C7 Did it nevet strike our readers, that the Globe newspaper never fails to discover some fault tn every dismissed member of the Cabinet, just as soon us he gets his Mva!kin. papers," althongh it may previously have vindicated him against every aspersion, and sworn dai ly to the immseulateness of his virtue as well as to the infallibility ot his wis dom? Secretary Dickerson has scarce ly been superseded in the Navy De-( partment by Mr. Paulding, when the j Globe admits that "the discipline and ckaracter of the Navy are at a ver low ebb;" and accounts for itbysav- iug uiai ca oecrrtary uicKersnn "wat too indulgent in granting leaves of ab- jejlCfLjyjlnniiLiliia diacrir permitting officers to accept or reject a winvn ne nia ordered them --and in various other ways neglecting or declining to enforce those rigid role of discipline so indisnentible t th. ! Jirinciplt pfe.very. aervWlTbat ' an tfiia ia true, we have no doubt-,fof the yhigs have been bringing forward these charges for years past, but they were treated as "Whig: lies , ind Mr. Dickerson, instead , of being promptly superseded, was retained in the De partment, to the . manifest ruin of the Navy, and the injury of the country. Is Gen. Jackson's old doctrine of the Unity of the Executive, and conse quent, responsiblity of the President for the acts of his Secretary, sliU rec ngni.ed at Washington? " - , Lync, ilrg. The, New York papers an nounce the death of Judge Andrew 1). W. Rruyn. one of the (Loco Foco; members of Congress from that State. An election will, we presume, beheld to fill his plare this Fall. At the elec tion last year in that State, the vote in his District was very close Whis; ri6l, Van 7108 a small - Whig ma. jnniy, witicti we none which we hobe has been subse- ouentlv increased. Ib. More than JlonmH De not ion. T lie" Springfield Mass.) Gazette says that Judge Mor(on'gtve the following an swer to the commiUee wha waited upon him to inform him of hi last nomina tion by the Loco Foco party for the of fice ol Governor: 'Gentlemen, raid lie, I think I am pretty well used up, hut if you think there w any thing left of me, you are welcome to the use of it." . POSTSCRIPT- MEKI.ENBURG 4 Member , fente, 8. Fox V BS9, VV AAndrev, W 4S4. Common.. O VV. Caldwell 1SU7. J Hutchison 1043, C Erwin 1072, all kVU no change, W 8 Normrnt 90, J Osborn 809 For Sheriff, T N Alexander 1013, J I Smith 785 For Governor, Dudley 781, Branch 979 STOKES 4 members rm change Senate, Matthew It Moore, W 641, George F Wilaon V B 480 Commons, Jamea W Co vington. V 1 034, Caleb It Matthews, W 1037, iamea Stafford. V I) 1033, Samuel BoUjoak, W 933. D F Folgrr, V B 068, Jit Z Brown, V B 064 For (Sheriff; 8 8tone. VV 950. el Crewa, V B 1083 For Governor, Dudley 0C4, Sranrh 763. Rf)WAN--4 member For Governor. For Dudley, SOOS . Branch, Id jf- , General Assembly, ' Senate Samnel Ribelin. Csmmont Wm. D. Crawford, Hamilton C. Jones, Jesse A. Clrment. ISIsle ofthe Poll. ' Senate Rilielin 687; E. D. Austin 35 Commons Crswford. 1478t Jone 1I83 Clwrrt 0?U R. II. Kil ntrlck 734r 'Adam Rnseman o35i liilta VV. rearaon' 33S -Au Winn!! " . For Slieriff. John II. Ilardie rlrrtrd. ; Sfat. menl Hardie Ml; John Jone. 871. Tlidma Foster Is eleeled Sheriff el Davie County hy a large msjarity nver B. Ijara - iied, r - 0 At hi residenre, ,in Franklin eaanty, mn Thursday last, Mr. John O, Rahote.!, ttr. fcr merly of ihia city. Mr. R. earn lbi death by an injury received by b. Inj throws fr. m hi ulky 8 or 10 days ago, on hia wy from Louis. burg home, lis was taken np out of the road, where he wa found, in slate of insensibility, and we understand continued (pceehlesa to the last. r - At hi residence in Jfaslv eoiinlyanllie -n'jjht of the 25 h ultimo, in the 56th year of his ape, Capt Franri Drake, leaving an aflee (innate wife aM right children, lo lament their Ins, and (cnly regretted by an exten sive circle iif relative aiwl devoted friends. - the Gist rarof hi (re, in whose death hia nt'Tghhora and tha county generally have so.- tainrd a g'eat loss. Alao, at hia residence lis Alabama, Green VV. Drake, formerly of Naati count, on the 3rd ol June, in the 31st year of hi a iff. leaving an affectionate wife and fbur yonnjr cWihhen to deplore their irrepar. able loss. He moved from hi nstiv hum (Nash County, N. C ) last fall, in search of more fruitful anil, but he ha been taken from hi friend in the ptime of life. The onlv regret manifested in dying, wa parting with hi rcctio"(e wife and children, which dUp'ays an evidesce of great goixlnea of heart. Beside liis own rWar fml y he In left an extensive circle ot friends ana relatives ' to mourn hia departure. - . , (Csn. ATTElMTIOIlt j , rai.eigh ro.ujrrEjtsa. The jentleruen who have enrolled their names "' Tor the purpose ot iormins- a Volunirvr Corns in the City, are n-tjuritrd tn meet m the Court Itmis to-morrow eight, (Thursday ihs Itth,) at anll IirIm, lor lbs pMrjww ot orvsniuima. . Clnsen wb h not entered ihsir nsmes, , mcinber of the Company, are Invited to tua and unite U so lauitslile an enterprise. ' ' VV. U. CAItHIXG rO.V.Ca'm.ofCow. KOTICC, Will be olit for ea.h, belora tha Csurl Honsa door in tire town of Hertford, on Mnndsr th tOib day of September neat, (bwinf Ihe aseonit Momlay) one ti aslof taad, or much thereof a will 'i at (lie lanes lo thereon, lor Ik year IS3S, and aoat of advertising, lying near th wa ter of Lilll River, ai'iomiiit; K limit of Jsmet I. Wbedhea, Edm'd C Mount and ethers, saw. -timing su acres, liiterf andee lb nm oi Gear tc Rossell, taxes snioimtiag to $18 SO, and snsa. monly called the Tarkey UMge Met of Isad. N ATII N O AGLET, ShtT, F. C Aogost 1st, H3I M 4 Prioesdv. 8 A CI-EKK WANTED. The subscriber withes to employ a sltrk.who it Ihoronrblv armisintsd with tha Dry Gotxis basinets, and book-kepin.. To one of tnitsbl) qoalifisatiotia, ana? ho aa on well reeom msleu, goot w.grs Slid a permsncpt ihuatien will be i-. A pestoaal applieati'oo. it Braa ticsbl, leUeawoil. ; , Rsleigh. July 17, l't.1 : so ,t w JOB PRINTING Neatly and expeditiously ciecufoJ at' this Office- r -x