............ .v..-. in tin Mifctm. 'It. Ei;to: The P1 Office is always a f 17 vniif r-trt t tr,ier long abaont from m ''flu " I" ji' " titiiwyw lhw' prin'cd fthct-t, how hi townsmen, fare hi! chicly hts U'ltin heart anxiously ex-..i.-? ths oK-.se wa'.ti-n little parte!, scaled i;:i full "f that xr'.iich comes hjine to his owu I. 'li ''iii's a il boi:ii. IV t'-ii thousand ym-i'-.ei -A' iioiuc, from which he i "nepara- not iliitt.iiU:il." conm clrtsterinjr a- ,i id Ut ln-i.rt In wilo anil children his i-l ; U-i-.ti-tri'-il friends even the whole ity w'..i re lie Ir-i 1-jveJ to reside e I.ih aiaii tien. Vt hat rlmng.fi liave ... r !.!:! r that lnrse cin-le? rii d? W li'i removed! lin ffl'inesl Win uro Iwkrupt' :i enrm their 7."ailh and -t null i itit.i thttr iJt iiyridiar. am! the horizon. Am: ;!'es to... their 'riry have their her.- they are sub- !( zes an I eir.ikms Ihey r o .vn i;r!ii!ssow or fist as they are regular, others are eccentric etrav;iirrtiit sosiiettmrs they t.a.'ai.Ie! sometimes in direct oppnsi- tii:i siimtimrs they turn their backs snail times they revolve so as to make com. p'eti; sonier.-j'.-ls. They all have their antip odes. Why, s lid i, slemld wo fix in cur winds the simple idea that a microcosm must be round like a ma.hli ? The City in which wo dwell is laid oil' in nquares. I see noth ing round hut the f.'apitol dome. I know The Miepicosm bofirc me. is not round nei ther is that complex microcosm, man. BesiJes I found great ditfieitlty in explain ing sonic of the most beautiful and sublime passages in the poets, before I considered man as a microcosm. For example, moving down Fayettevillo street, I saw a lovely ynjnf female han-ring placidly on the arm of a inar.ly, noble-looking gentleman, atvl it reminded me of the hue poetic Tiypcrbole, Tfcey movd with niatcbicsa grace, He brave at Cxiar, ahe at Helen fair; They fieni'd In wortda blended in ane; . Fur each wia all the world to the other." l8ec Ik.w it is,' said I delighted; 'these froatlninen poets lake the liberty of very .toar insr flights of fancy ho means only a micro cosni and a constant gaUsJIite, inovuig in the Barnc orbit: a happy married couple.". Having occasion to attend to somo busi ness soan after, I took the stage and had for a follow passenger a man of tho siic of three Uro men. I had not rodo many miles be fore an. involuntary trembling seized my limb , s I looked at my companion, on the t tm neat. The stage was full no chance tn chamrc niv orbit. What a microcosm, thought 1!! Here is Shakspoarn's "world of flesh, larding the lean earth an he moves along." "My friend," aid 1, " if this stage should happen ro tuni over (it creened frifflitfullv,') what will become of mel I shouhrEe crushed to a jelly." Instantly the j.'.oa flashed on WT imnd, 1. "AiniJ the war of elcinenta Hie wrecli of matter, And tho cruuh of woiIJj' " I seo it Eureka the poet was a small msn. has been upset in the' stage, and had v.ia m.Vrnensm mashed un by the collision of n much larger microcosm." I knew the ccnurctal and centrifugal forces would keep the planets from dashing against each other " l'ass'uiiT a"lort5 down street, I saw an old bardielur doubled up in a k,not, as if striving to dfaw all his system within his own orbit. He was evidently eclipsed, opnntic, and rap idly sinking toward tho horiaon he had no congenial satellite near him he had no wife he caulJsuy, " t im no brother, I have no brother, I am myself, alone.'1 Compassion prompted me to speak tn him; but the lowering clouds wore a frowning as pect, and 1 forbore to whisper to lum, For sake your accursed avarice, jnd sordid sel fishness, practice every hour the sympathies antcultivate. the noble affections of hlc, sit pirintrnd yrnir oxen phuw niw'nir gmxLJjcfor yw die, vUc others will squander your idol ?....a .,,wnco. with scornful execrations that it was no more." Alas ! thought I, what is man! I see. it now, an unmarried man Campbell, thou reasoncst well, " A vrUl without a un." n microcosm with no kindred satel!i:v-.I have found it out. Tho poet moans, .hat playing cards, backgammon, and drinking liquor all night by candle ligfil, is a cheerless business." . , v- T 1 went out to walk m the garden, whe e l heard a" voice mutter, " Unreasonable, capri cious woman!" The person xvas hid by . clump of trees at first, but I soon saw he had a pensive, .ubdued look. 1 frit a mixture of indignation and pity for the man, tt touched me to the quick. My -nd I have sever exchanged a aoui look, (she has a look of radiance like star, and a yoico like a rephyr.) What has this poor man done, that he is obliged to shoot from his orbit into the gardeol I watched him; soon I saw his wife cotne and eiy otnething softly to him, H dressed in smile. Ah! I awe it now! Campbell's wife must have driven him into t pardrn. and thsncame soon after tosoetbe his noble naMrt. S'ocn his heart tclmud, !, nr.- un , -i.-i.s.. ! I t t'uo jrraVr! . ith ...ri !i';;; sli s,' I broke Ih ; ear. !; ui ;.,V t.wii's jiiiper, an I fiend ; , s.-.T pi'irli s litiie j.ijM r. . . f .' '. f' v;i u ith: 1 it. Ai'! r gl.iiii-iiisr- ,; MV ;.V( T ill -y- I t.V.-k yOlir. 'r.i" Vi''f i-usni," r.ai'l 1 ti n ywlf, " Thr r i .',r : iii'ist a;i;'''pn:ite immeior .,- , : :i ii ' r .. Piuvtrii try ton sue.i an . , !, .-. M:7 po'.'i KP.J! cuia'-rir.-jr ami mi ! ' " ' t t'U a f:'..r..t. .:..--'.;. . ijr . wil ., . , r,.,rVl. 1 t(. - ru.i.lryd 'U'-i ri i""'-' 1 - ; ...... . , t ,!,,.k,; . t: r.-v.-r!" '!-' i!i.ii'.nU ! t . : I : V 1" j ,'.,. ;. , s,jriri.s-.l t I , I,;,. i '..,, j v'ii,'i er"ii i-t u.; v.- -rJ, a!-r a'! t!i,- v-tit-a! a-iiin: ,v.,l,,,.. ,,.,...,!. T a I . :' ! ' ! . . (; t'.- -a.;!;.'- ii--::To me. ,.j J,.,,... I Li.- ''r-i 'I.at il y.-ii .'l .1 l :ce-:- j-.ti .. (.,. ,r,,s .i :'.! ?.i '.ea-.t d. -.-ve a I.i.-'V' ' ' ' !in f.i'.ile . -,v ..,,r ,r ,. ! ;.!!. 'I5'il Il.oiaid h-.- a t-ad.-ney .. l.nv j;lt(. I' !' ii.l s .';!! ;-. HibH'tlt lira. r',;t (if lie ..)!( V4,tlill'.'.l bi f'-t- it, s 1 ui.! n"t y t lme niv j irii.i'.f ;' ! ,y y. ' w.rn.- i ,-, i p. I. it ' V .:'.! :'. -'.! i.h m in j ,fi , i i 1: f -.v. I ail a' ' iii my ; "'..r,. .,, .-r.i ttt' .. yiT . ! i'.:i;.il i ity. j , : i -i i !i.';!v i..i;i"i" iii..", i V'.iy i.hiir; lit:- j i,,l,,s ' i . s : . I i ' .( : a laic: " ? r..mnti U a , ..,'.-!. i iir-' ii"! .ii;.'! riKMis. j ;'' . t ! ii"i'c r. i.: i - eniu::ii.:i rpn;-p !li" r.i ai. i r .'i;ii'iiii(";s. i nry rm n.i.r a po- i.i.ir rl'it, thi-ir own sphere .l" lit'.- .lati.e i.r 'i;:. .::.'.!: . l c ni.; ne and oliscuri -.- ' are ii:' !iXei! ' ' Is "ii" rs iie r mi- , it. . I ... v : I 1 i'. t!n i; a i.i i: hn-i ;;t:'l di'-s.-i i.'j,. v !ii:'.e cU ar nnvt eft ins." ri' ri. i iev iiav; 'Ik ir i.S'U; oi.ie ar.' i ir.i Jt irt"rtiliar. am! fi'::' i'l 't :'M:.T f i'V, tin y a!! ':.!'. l"i -ir sate! m"i !)') a ri-:ii;i.i'.i -ri-!. riiii;, aa 1 t''ir a'::i ::-.p i. -i t" .-! r a i. Iir ui )'. .' in t:n jin.'ii.r; mi' d'll liili! V and this give rie to thosfr requisite line, " The wrld waa eJ, tha gardea U wild, And neu tin her nut aighed, till woman tniffd. 1 iniu'-d iitwi;; near ay logshop, m wafnne vsjeabs a wh..l club of fat. drinkinir, lountrinfr, red faced men. What means thin, aid II Art they setting the ustrUou firel Ah! I hare iy. " The full-orb'd (noon reddening lik blood." vix: she had a round, drunken, red' fee. On my way Jipuie I met a bevj,o Cetnales. I blush to tell tho truth they were of that class which 'unrelenting, remorwdesa villai ny at first rudely d ratrerd from their proper 'rhit, the path of virtuous peace. Now they vi;e,t upon a no. iety, (which uoi only tole rates, hut mine countenance, perhaps uncon sci.jusly, tti. ir hy K-riiical murdererH,) tha a'J"s "of piirruptiuii. by contaminating, in their turn, innny an atniahlc aud proiuisinir vomli. 'I'ln ir 1 jiul ai-.d cnaw voices, tlieir t. istcr -Vs pr'.fa.iene-; i. s'.iuekcd me, & made iste vi.ih f ri ms. 1 thour'i i f ruined tcm--ji'.i -ii, v !: "i'l wutt a. 1 1 "every refinement oii'fht t.i h.ive I'vcoit wrl.li in ruini. A!a-! I ! w:;!i .1. en huinility and rever- i e;ii-c. tiie-,11 .n" thev of whom it l- written. 1 I. r !i.M;s.i.4 tiio v. .tv t hell uet cham- ! !' r i ar t!i 'i.' of .U-.Ul.! H j iJ'rtn dart. i:;istnl t!ie blacii ie visttod in sleep ii d so much oJ my friend who accost s ;!', i i niv drea'ns, W'irl.1 with v ell!"' I replied, . ..nr., . rl O ai iiiuvs in !i" ymr wife and children?" ii'tnv s.iteiiili'hl" Soiaeliiuis usumed a ludicrous tnrn, at f mcy- la s :v !.f another. " lie h is nt ui a. I i- as lay little linger nail ! !"' .:?.! I. is Ih ' u.r!Jin .m'-.-'i-.'." 1 1 1 . -i ;'i-' n .;sr. .ilia ivor'.l without e'an thi.iLT I kn-.w. A sjullt'.i.; :ni- At other limes my lhoiii;hts expanded into t:ie suliliiii", ami rv n the t Trific. 1'assing tlie ''hounds of Haiaiug space," "where worlds on Worlds in ike up one I'nivetsc," so .ieli aji'ivinhis world, tUnt jt seeine.1 only a ittle sncek, 1 could discover millions of dis embodied spirits, with immensely expanded i.nensiouv. win.r'ui'i their wav up t.. wards the ti'ird heaven, there ta fivr an account fir the thoughts, words and deeds d.mc in the b4y 'iWwMitti -wicnXjiMUtdyiLMutl sai t I", and will shine as the stars forever and ever, if they have moved in their preper or bits, around the Ureal Sun of Righteousness: while the lurid, oparjuc bodies who blasted men like devious- comets, misleading from virtue, and swelling the tide of vice and in famywhose light, only shone on fouueves, or was a . liirtl, luring the microcosms around tiiein toshipwrack methotight I saw them falling like lightning, and smouldering and hissing in the burning lake! " My ipieen of beauty and love, said I, do move your microcosm a little further, I feel as if I had been asleep in the universal solv ent." And I awoke to find myself alone, bathed in profuse sweat, in a torrid clime, among strangers. I hese thoughts hastily thrown tigethcr 1 send you, with a request to yon to send a Microcosm" regularly to Mrs. re siding at . - I hough 1 havo gono on " from grave to gay, from lively to severe," she will recognize the author by a single ex pression, the key which awakens all her ten- derest affections. Wishing you abundant success and patronage, so well merited, I remain your obedient servant, K. 1 . is. You shall hear again from K. NOTICE. Will be lei out, on the S7il. of July next, at the Uridge acroii Deep Hiver, enllcil and known by the name ol Kvan'a Uridge, Chatham coun ty, llie repairs nf aaid bridge, innilljr to be built new. The committee will re.uiie bond, with approved security, from the undertaker, for the faithful achievement of the proposed repaira. 1 hn will be a jnu ol very coniideralile magm mde,' and is worthy the attention of genticmc liom a uiitance. jnilN FOSHEK, THOMAS FAKISir, 1IAVII) WATSON, rBTKR EVANS. Jane li, 17 5 PROSPECTUS FOR xnir itii cboco siti. ar atiTiu liosiuii b. linat. The MIOKOOOSM ia printed, weakly, tj the City of Kalei;h, on a half ahect of medium, new type, and fine white paper. Although small, it contains a " world" of matter. It is levoted tu the flowers ef Literature, original slid aolected; to notices of important improve inenuln atiy of the branches of Science, Com merce and Agriculture; to general News; and to the particular honor and intcretla nf North Carolina. It eschew party politics, and all the muddy atreaim of angry contro.emy upon.ev. ery subject. One great object of the publication is to convey instruction to-the young, in an un- f exceptionable, chaste, and agreeable manner; to excite in them a thirst lor knowledge and fondness for routing; to inculcate upon their minds correct principles, and incite them to tho practice, ot virtue and morality. Another n. to furnish as muc h am ising matter, interesting news, and Talutihlo information, ti readers of every class aud aire, as can posfihly be done, on the cheapest terms. And we may venture lo assert, without subjecting ourtr'f, (to use the fashionable eJitoriul fititrul-siiifrvfar pronoun.) to the imputation of egotism, that it will not be found wanting in something both to plcane the 'taste and ticklo the fancy of in. It is intended, provided sufficient encourage ment U given, to enlarge the paper without al tering tbe terms, which will make it decidedly cheaper than any other published in the South ern country. A specimen of the work accompanies this prospectus, so that all who receive it will have an opportunity of judging of ita merits. Ex amine it if you like it, send us your names at oeTnu "down with your dust." a.ThstfBh reTJ young. beini only nine vears of jtc, the publisher has learned to act types etpertly. and after much importunity has been indulged in his inclination to print a pa per. -Tbe'proceede will be exclusively his own; and aa be hopes to lenrn the practice of econo my, as well as industry, in the prosecution of bis undertaking, he expects to provide a fund which will assist him in his favorite pursuit of knowledge. He confidently looka tn the pens of literary gentlemen aud ladies in the State, to aid him in his labors, and to the patronage of the liberal and the approbation of the public for his reward. Tias 1 1 60.per annum. ny Postmasters and others, who receive this proepecttis, are respectfully requested to lend Iheit aid in procuring subscribers. They may, if they choose, retain and circulate this among their friends, and communicate by letter. Let ters to the Publisher on business, except from those who procure subscribers, must be post fid- O bu xsis roK sAjyin cue. Ppttbor' Acadenr, If. C. - Th TraMcc of h laatilatkm take great pein im HtMamiH ta IrMMia iam ihreuthMt lb State, tkat tker ft 1 1 uka charge of tbia Academy. The Truaieea kare rcMie4 very fladtrioa teatimooUla (botk aa npnli kia anaii&ealuat aa a teaaacr anal ai. . . w . . . . ii ii.fi habila aa a eeauemaa, irwaa aerarM - oU.reeaTillc.N. C wbere. taaoaaeeeeaeof ibe akbliana et ibe aliaaate, Mr. Looy baa beae uclled to abeadoa a very BoenalMOf aeaioui. mmbennf abeot aemtj ltafi im", m tioe io leltcra reeeived Irom Greenville, are aa evidence of tbe bifh eatioulioa in which thiafea tleman vaabele aa aa inalructar. Mr. lrjoy ii a craaiale, ia said to be a Brat rate naineaM lieian aod linguiat, sod (what te of freat iaiport aneeyt ia said to poaaeaa the rare UooltJ '"' parting knotedra ith very (frwrt facility. T eoarae id inatmelioo ia the filtaboro Academy will embrace all ibe lowor sod fiigher braochea of rduralion, including Latin, Greek h Krcaeh. Il ii drained lo make Ihia, Ilk ii believed it w.il become, a 6 rat rate Preparatory School lor clataeaof the Uoivcraitr. Tho 6'rat acnioa of (he Khonl will commence oo Ibe ith Monday ot iulr intl. Uoard can be had in respectable (am itieit$10 per mouth. Tuition at lha ordinary ralea. It ii anneeesiary o apeak of the great aavao- tapi I'.lllt.orOujIi offer! in poiol of health and ori.tr, ai it it believed Ihey are superior lo ihow of anv town in North Carolina. M Q. VAUOELL,Sec lo Trualeea. J.ily II, 1S38. 30 Tw The Wilmington Advertiaer, Kdenton Ga Mttr, Tarbmo' Kree Preaa, anil Bliiabeth Oilj I'iwnix, mill pnliliih the above till III Septem ber, ami forward iheir accounts to (he Poatmai trr at I'ltuh iroilRh for pill meat. EJI J'lVVLO SPKINO for SALE. 'I tiie tahuMe property the subscriber now ef. lei i fur ikle, an. I will sell on good terns, if ap iiie.iti.in be nwie bv the '25th of nest Decern. ij. t Thii Spring is limited lo a healthy and textile aectmn.ul. country, in the county of Meek lenloiix. Vs., awen miles Irom Clsrkiville, s D'Hii iilung vilisge on the Koanoke River, 17 mil. s from Ho.dton, at which place Kandol;ih Meuti College is located, and miles trnm Oxford, N. C The. medicinal properties ol this water we Kjiivra Salts, Iroa, Sulphur, Nitre and .Xl'ignesia. The many cures efleeted hy Ihis water warrant me in sating that it is not inferior to sny mine ral w.ner in llie Slate. Its effects are prompt ami certain in cutaneous diseases, diseases of the stomach, bowela, kidneya, bladder, sore eyes, and uterine diseases, and a prompt rcitor- o( hmvlb l strvagth to contslesceaf a from lever. Ilun.lreils nf testimonials might be lur in. he. I of in tfficacr in the above and soanv olh er diu-airi, it neeeasary, and among Ihem these nf eminent physicians both in North Carolina k Vinrmia. There ii attached to this Spring 190 acres of land: part of which is first rate bottom land, extremely well suite(! lor meadows. 1 he build. iiiks are nearly new. most of which have been built within the last three or four years, and for enmfnrt are not surpassed by buildings at any watering place in Virginia. One hundred sad fitly people can he eomtortsbly accommodated at tits place. A line of stages continue lore from Kellielil to Danville, by this Spring, anj visiters coming by Stage will meet with sonv-yaoce Irom cmicr oi inose pieces. JOHN" SPEED. Merklenhur eo. Vs. July. IMS. 90 9m N. B. II not disposed of hy tbe 45 ih of De cember nest, this Spring will be for rent the en suing yejr or longer. Uelters addreiaed to tbe siih.erihrc at White House, Mecklenburg eoua. ty, Vtrrnrr-TuTnr-ftdward Speed, Oxford, Uran villa county, N. C. will receive prompt atten tion, j. Pleasant Hill Academy Jf ilt open Um firtt scuion on the 15 A of .at gust on IM jouowmg ttrmti Tiitioh (ria Sassiow, ia ABVAca.Y for Latin and lircck LaMswaircs SIS 00 Algebra, tieoinetry, Surveying ka. , 50 Kiiglish Grammar, Modern Geography and Arithmelick 10 00 Hoard including bidding and washing ean be ob tained in private families for sis dollars per month in advance. This Academy, located six miles south ot Pitts. borough, possesses s.lvantsges from Ms healthy aituation, eheapnesi of board, and the high moral character ol the surroundiar neiehborhood. which. In the opinion ol the subscriber fully Ce line it lo the conauenee nl such ol Ms fellow citizens ss desire to secure tor Iheir sons the benefit of a thorough Academical Edacalioa, or a preparation lor anv ol our Uolleges. ne aenooi win oe npenea anner the niree- tion of llaiter Clrgg, late a gradnata ef Ran. nnipn vi scon college, on whose literary and moral qualifications, he thinks, from intimate ae iitiaintance, a confiding public max firxilv relv for such a line of conduct as will merit far lbs school extensive patronage. WM. AI. BARNES, C. H. Pleasaat Hill, Chatham eo. N. C. SO Sv Book :saln! More Books!! TUIIKEK a HUGHES, .Publishers- and ftaok sellers. Have oft err re minded lha good eilixens nf North Carolina nl the very exiensive stock nf BOOKS kept n liand, ami being added to by weekly arrivals) but they seem tn have forgotten the fact, la ox iter lo refresh their memories, they deem k ne cessary occasionally lo lay before them a cata logue of a very small portion of recent arrivals. Urad I he lollnwing ibe call at No. I. aheap- line, ami avail yourselves oi llie opportunity ol piirvuas.ng a vaieame iinrarv: Life of Arthur I'e, I- LI) by Richard Hen rv lee, 4 vole. The Life of Tbomar Jefferson, with parts of hisenrrespnndenee, by Geo. Tuck- er, 2 vols, works nf Joseph A.triisnn in S vol. Travels in Europe, by Wilber Fi.k, IX D. 1 vo: The works of Charles Lamh, with his life and letters, by F. N. Falford. S vols Webster Speeches, 2 vols! Wet's Life of Patrick Hen rv, I vo. Steam's Worki, t vo. Life of Sir Walter Seoit. bv J. fi. Ickhart, vols. AI lan'a Life of Scott, I vs. Scon's History of Sent hind, 2 vols. Itnllin's Ancient lliitorv. Flu tnreh'i Lives 4 vols. Slewsr's works in 7 vols. Hiitnrv nf the Political System of Rampe and its Colmurs, from the diseovery or America "TBI the latlependrnce of the American Continent fiom the German of A. II. Heeron, S vols. lsrtin's History of Nnrlli Carolina. History ot the Horse. 1 vo. Mcintosh's He volution in Liiglsn.l in IfiSS. 1 vo. Wransll's Memoirs, i v... Itibhnn's fiislnry ol Rome, 4 vo. F.mhas . sy to the Eastern Courts nf Cochin China, Siam ami Muscat, in tne u. . Moon of War Peacock hy Edmund Roberta, I vo. Memoir of Commo- dore Harney, I vo. Upham'a Mental Philoso. . phr, 4 vo. Bacon's works, 10 vo. Farnell's lli.iorv nf his own time, 6 vo. Ijuly Bleaaing. nm-s woraa eompieie m one vo. I ticker's Uglit . of Nature 4 vo. Complete works of Voltsir I 71) vols. I'niw's works. 10 vols. Swift's works, 19 vols. Ilritnh Eisavist. S vols. All of which will be sold on the most aeenm. modaliag terms. TURNER k HUGHES. July I, I8.. it Mr. Nelson Phillips: TAKE NOTICE-I shall o Wednesday Ibe 5th dsy of September next, at the Court House in the city of Haleigh, proceed to take tbe depo sition of Mrs. Mary A. Phillips) and on Then- day, the otn, at tne laser of Mrs. Palmer, ih town ol Hillaborn', proceed to take the dep ositions ot .wr. strpnen Moore, and Mrs. Aaa M. U leweii mr, to be read m evidence t-rtaio matter of aoatroversv in tbe Court of Equity foe the county of Granville, September Term, 1SJX, penrtmg, v herein I, Susannah r Phillips, am plainiifT, and you, Nelaon Phillips, are defendant! when and where you may attend and cross examine ssid witnesses if vow think ... - r t . ... . proper, i rs nav n jetv. IS3S. SUSANNAH 'F. PHILUPS. 31 t th sept ntcommen hd by tht Medtcal Faevlfy. notf'lairs IlarrelPs Medicine. tat. THEM AJfTl.ttlL1.IOUS TOMATO TTT.T. S. These pilla-jopply the place of calomel and are a certaia aura sor an Disease oi ins mn, l differewt varieties of fever, all chronia afl'ee- ioaa. and every other malady requiring a saihae- ti or brisk operatioe, and the aid of alterative medicines. . 4d. THEIR JJVTTDISPEPTIC SUP PER r ELM PrLUS. These pills are a sure and certain remedy for indigestion. Tbey gently open end give Strength to Ibe bowels, restore tbe appetite by impsrting toae te the stomach; and by tbeir timely use se rious attacks are prevented. Tbey are a fine dinner pill aad are invaluable oisesses pecu liar to females aod children. Tbe above preparations are now patronized by the profession and others of the highest reipec tability, and are giving daily prools of their su perior intrinsic virtues. These euniiderations, therefore, give them a claim to the confidence tt patronage of Ibe publw anil physician! generally. 1 he reapectable eertihcatee of the tollnwmg gentlemen are given aa testimonials in iheir favor: Pasqaotsnk county, N. U. 1X37. To all whom it may concern. This if to eer- fy, that I have witnessed the mnit labitarv ef fects produced by A. k J. llarreH's Anti-Djs- peptie Slippery Mm Tills, especially in dpipep- sia, and that without pain or uneasiness; and do not heaitateto recommend them lo the imMic as ae uncommonly pleasant and uiehil medicine. In testimony ol that conndence. eentlrmen, 1 wish you to forward me a thousand furthw'ub. Keipeetlully, THOS. MITCHELL, M. 1). From Horatio N. Williams, Juiticc of the Peace: Elizabeth City, N. C. H3S. Doctovt Jl. y J. Jlarrell: have the pait ear made Ireqiient uie of your Auti-Dysprptie Slippery Kim Fills, and find them a most valun- sle medicine: they produce the ninit betieheial etieeis on my iv.tera, whenever 1 hare bad occa HOD to uie them. Kespeelfully, hORATIO N. WILLIAMS. From the Rey. James A. Kiddiek, Itinerant El der of the Methodiat Epiacopal Church Elizabeth City, X. C. IX.S8. In testifying to the virtues of Doctor A. k J. Hsrrell's Anti-Urineo ic Slinnerv Elm Fills. I leel free to ssy, that I have uacd Ihem in several Instances with considerable benefit. They ope rate pleasantly without nauseating the stomach, sod in my own esse, Ihey have been entirely suc cessful in removing the symptoms nf dyspepsia. I regarn inese pills an excellent medicine, and should be kept in the house of every family. Itcipectluliy, , JJUlJaajLMUaCKa.. From Mr. Charles Harrell, a respectable Mer chant. Elizabeth City, N. U. 183. Gentlemen This is lo oertitv. that I believe your Anli-llillinus Tomato Pilli to be a good and genuine medicine, and thai tbey contain all the qualities for which they are recommended. I hsve used them in my family in seversl cases, and they have proved effectual in every Instance. xours, sto, UIIAS. HAitilKLU From a respectable citizen ot Pasquotank eo. Gentlemen This is to eertifr tu the eflieaev of your Anti-Bilious Tomato Pills. In a recent attack of liver affection connected with derange ment ot the lungs their oae waa attended with the most salutary lesulis. They operated prompt ly yet with peculiar mildness, reihicing fever snd clearing the stomach and bowela of Iheir morbid Batters. I think Ihem a superior medicine and recommend them without heaitation to uublic no tice and patronage. . JOS1AH PKtTCHAKU. From Mr. Charles llrrght, lartner, Pasquotank county, rs. U., 1838. To all whom it msv concern. This ia to eer. tily that I have taken Doclore A. k J. Harrell's Anti-Bilious Tomato Pills with grest benefit. 1 have bee always subject lo sick hesdsebe and have found but little relief by the remedies I have resorted to. By the oae of your pilli. how. ever, have realized much edvanlat-e. and I think by their further use that I shall be perms- cony cureu. mey merit universal confidence. Kespccllully, . . . CIIAS. BRIGHT. Prepared in Elizabeth Che. N. I!. h th. prietera and principally transported from Nor folk, V irginia. For sale at lb Drug Store of Wm. M. Itlnson & Co. . , Haleigh, AbrtA Cirsiuo. JeJy IS; IU. ' to FIFTY DOLLAICS UK HA It I). RANAWAY from the Subscri ber's plantation, in Onslow coun ty, about tbe eighth of last month, two negro men, HERCULES snd SOLOMON. Hercules was rais ed ia Johnston county, by Kd- mueu jotmann, oee'd, snd sold by lbs Administrator in Deeemher Isst m the tow of Smiibfielil, snd purchased by me at aaid sale. He is of rather dark com plex ioo, though not black, aged about twenty years, and from live leel six lo eight inches high, Moot and well made for strength. He is bo doubt lurking about in Ihe eoenly where he waa raised, . Solomon was raised 4 Wake county; and purchased by me at Ihe aale of llennet T. make, on the Slat December lai( He is ef light complexion, though not mulatto, aged a bout twenty two years, and about five feet eight to ten inches high, of ordinary size. He is no doubt lurking about in Wake county. I will give the above reward of fifty dollars for the ap. Srehensioe. and confinement in the Jail at Smith eld, for Ihe two nejioea, aa that I get them a gam. xr twenty-five dollars for cither one of ihem: Any person spnrehendinr one or hmh of said negroes will please address John J. Faro, French's Mills, Onslow county, N. O, who hss charge of my business and will attend lo the matter- DANIEL L. RUSSELL. July 16, 1838, 30 tw State of North Carolina, Na$h County. Court ot Pleas and Quarter Senloni. "1 Original attachment ti Xed on four cuwig'eMTVa Battle k Drake f3dnther beds, household va snd kitchen furniture, one losiah C. Moses NEGRO WOMAN nsmrd SUKRY, books, notes snd J sceonnts. John C. Drake, Robert H. Hunt, John II. Ar rington and others summoned aa gsmiihees It appearing lo Ihe satisfaction ol ihe enurt thai Joaiah C. Moses, the defundsnl in this case, .. inrc-,u w, ,, oiaie, n ia inerviore or dered that publication be made in the Haleigh Star for aix weeks, notifying the ssid Josiah C. Moaes to appear at our court of pless snd quar ter sessions lo be held lor the county of Nash, at the court bouse in Nashville, un ihe annnd Monday ia August next, then and there to plead aad replevy, or final judgment will be entered against him, and Ih proierty levied on con demned to Ihe satisfaction of the plaintiff's re covery. Witness, Benjamin II. Ulnunl, Clerk of our aaid Court at Office in Nashville, the 2nd .vjonoay m nay, isjs. B. II. BLOUNT, C. C. C. Prieeadv. il 62. Sl tw A CLERK WANTED. Tbe subscriber wisl.es la employ s clerk, who is thoroughly acquainted with the Dry Goods business, and book-keeping. To one of suitable qoriinuations, ana who cbb some well recom mended, good 'wsges and a permanent iituai ion will be given. A personal application, if prac ticable, ia desired. R. TUCKER. Raleigh, July If, 183S 30 if, CT II. W. MILL E It hasremnv. fd hia nflie to lhat of the Superior Court Clerk, a the Court House, where he snsy be lotted. except van neresaariiT aesens. Raleigh, Nev 1, 1837 41 t ... w i k rv nvt "l ha treat DODUlarMV aod established demand lor this valuable medicine, renders tbe eontin uationofa lengthy advertisement unneeeasary. NnmerouateatiraoniaU or their value (lately re ceived) from gentlemen of ihe highest respecta bility, in addition to those accompanying each box, may be seen on application lo sriy of lbs agents. Tbe pills sre put up in s superior style, in lin boxes containing 40 pills, with lull direc tions. Price 50 cents per box. 'Io agents nr purchsters Ihe terms of commission snd .1 acount are liberal. All communications will be prompt ly alteoded lo, by 3 THOMAS L. JUMP, Genl. Agent. J Office, Morgan St. Raleigh, 1st door vest of the Fresh) leriau Church To whom It may concern. At May Term of Wake Countv Court, I was appointed Guardian of l).inuso l Sacsih.ii:, declared bv sjury to be non com'" -h'i I, therefore, hereby give notice to the public, lhat I will be sccountshle for no contracts entered into by bim, nor will I pay sny of bis debts, but un the contrary, will reiiit all demands lo tbe exleut justified hy law. TIIOS. V. WRIGHT, Guardian. Franklin Co , July 4, 1838. ) PISOCLAMATIO. By Ihe Governor of No. Carolina. Whereas, by an aet paised al the last seni..n of the Ceneral Assembly ol thii State, entitled "an nn act prescribing the mode of surveying and selling the Lands of this Stale, lately acquir ed by treaty with the Cherokee Indians," it is made the duty olba'!Governoi upon the re turn of Ihe Maps and Field Books of said sur vey, to the Se.eral places ss prescribed by said act, to issue his Proclamation of the time and place of side, and whereas, the said Maps and Field Books have been returned accor dingly Now I, Edward B. Dudley, Governor or North Carolina, in obedience to said set of As sembly, do hereby isue this my Proclamation, giving notice that the sale 'of ssid land will commence st ibe Town of Franklin, in the county ol Macon, on the first Monday in Sptem ber oeatr ond continue from ...day .ta.dHy.,fi,.r three weekiand no longer, by snd under the superinterdsnee and direction, of 8. F. Patter son snd Chsrles L. Hinton, Eiqn., Commis sioners sppointed for that purpose, agreeable to the proviiiona ol tbe ssid set. " IN testimony whereof, I, Edward t seal. 7 B. Dudley, Governor, kc hsve 4 ' caused the Great Seal ef the Stale to be hereunto affixed, and signed the same, this 7th dsy of Msy , in Ihe year of our Lord, 1838. EDWARD B. DUDLEY. 30 ITw Star and Standard. Rutherford Gazette, Columbia I'eleTiSfpe, Southern (Ga.) Recorder, Lynchburg Virginian, and Knoxviht Register, will each insert lbs above, weekly, until dsy of sale. GREAT EXPEDITION, Tbe Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company have the please re to announce to the public lhat the Bridge over Ihe Roanoke aod twelve miles of iheir Road being finished and in daily use, for the transportation of persons and produce, they bow I or id, since Ihe completion of the Rail Road between Richmond and Petersburg, a continu ous line of railway eommnoication from Littleton to the North. In the course of a law a ulii, a. bout 30 miles more of their Rail Road will be ready, whea a Locomotive will daily leave Chalk Level ('Henderson Depot y forth North, instead of Littleton aval present. This is the Grest mail route, and the different Rail Read Contpaoiee now run their daily mail line from Liltletoa to New Yoik in 39 hours running lime, or including all stoppages ia less than 48 boors, without the loss ol a siugle night's sleep. Travellers from Greeoihorough, Salisbury and the Welfare informed that, by taking this route, tbejr will reach Washington Cily in 74 hours Irom Greeiisborough and bsve tbe beufil of two night's sleep. This ii Ihe pleaaaatest snd most expeditious route to Ihe Vaginia Springs. A first rate line of Coaches is kept up Irom Littleton through to u.i.i.l .k... .k. iv... i: sects il snd where it unites with the gr al Soulb era mail lie t Fyelte-v ille. tiirluinb ia. Au- gusta and Charleston. iXr I he Italeigh Register, 3aildury Watch' man, Greeosbnrough Patriot, Payelteville Ob. server, Knoxville Regnter, f.'hrrsw Gazette, Columbia Telescope, Augusta Courier, and Milledgeville Journal will insert once a week until lit ot Auguit, and forward tlieir accountl to the office, olthe llalrigh Ri (istcr. uailegh .Ml) VI, IBJ8 22 II a FLO ITH AND LARD. CHRISTOPHERS k SMITH have iust re- eeived a supply of lupciCi.e Fl.OUIt in ball uarreli. Also, a -inaulity -of LAUD. - . Raleigh, July 23, I8S8." GENERAL ORDERS. Head Quarters, WlMHTOI. N. i:. Il.lll lu lfllfl C lLLQAjceri rnnimanding iho ililli'ivnt Itpnimentt comprising the 7tli liivismn is. 1;. Milma: Yntl are h'tpy notified and enmmaiided to have your regiments formed on the usual ground of parade, by the hour of 12 o'clock, lor review, on the following days snd places, namely: The SOlh Regiment, in Louisbnig, on Saturday the liind September. Tha 3.1ih and .Villi Hegin&riti in Raleigh, nn Monday the CWi. The '2'ind Krginieut in Nsihville, on Wednentay tbe 2nih. 1 he 21it Regiment at Bridges ', in K.lgecnnibe county, on Friday Ihe 28. h.. 'I he 20ih Regiment in the town of Tarbnrouh, on Saturday the 39(h of September next. 'Ihe l.'hh Iteginunt in Ihe town of William Hon, on Monday the lt Oatober. The Ifith Regiment in Jackson, nn Wednesday the 3rd. The 1 Itli and lSih Regi ments io Ihe town nl Hslifsx, nn Thursday the 4th. And the S3rd ltegin .ni in the town ol WarrcntOB, on Saturday the full ul October next Tho commissioned ofnieia and niusieiant of each regiment mail be drilled nn ila s preceding dajs nl review, according to law and military uiacipiine. By order or General M T. IIWKIXS. SAM'L. E. PHILLIPS, Aid. Jsly 18,1851. 31 LUMBER FOR MALE. The Subscriber hss bow on hsnd, st his Mills, (late Blake's) 17 miles East or Raleigh, 100,000 feat of choice Lumber, of every description, sawed out of Long Leaf Pine, the peculiar ex cellence ol which is loo well known to need any puff. Persons desiring In purchase will please nvake application 10 Mr. William Peck, Raleigh, or to Henry Hortmi, at the Mills. The price sttbe Milts will be Jl per hundred) but, if 1 large quantity be bought, even teas Ihso that will be take. PF.TEil FOSTER. Wake ae.. May 91, 1838 US if a sax. l AH.ULU S AwVOClx ItlfscvMlaneAiis It nuirsn't wenliA. ' . IvoiwixnHanonig me extensive vsrwt, if papers and periodicsls, published thrwJIL country, hnd the diversity of sbwJJi?i embraced, it is obvious lo even r,o fleeting mind, Ihst the conduelori( ,i erful, and if rightly gni-led, those sahnsn' eiesos "".' ixites.ia.i n ;-t-. laled by party motives; and that P"lie Miviccicmm iv .u,i. en aiarniau. est 1 lothrealen the d'usoluiiim el "ooe ajsl, lions; while subjects relating to AgriraliJH erature. Science, and Ihe Mechanical Arta subjecla iranied'utriy connected waa a inlcrests. and which would eventually Vu in s independent situation, hart ttriiirAl mained unnoticed. Aetukted, llierrforu by these views tU icriber intends iiublishina in Jam .. a periodical under, and comporting ';,? above title; in tbe execution of whiel. k. j . :j..-i ..i , .C t ill ii in Ihe first place, to use all laudable ciw procuring and dilaeniinsting iraeliea iJ' tion, essential to the interests, and saitiuZT increase the dignilv of ibe farmer. Secondly. K.ducation, aud the literan tions of the country, will find in hit warm and friendly support. """cai Thirdly. Science, and tho Meehiniej will also be subjects of iliscumon, ans receive a liberal share of attention. "4 Fourthly. Due attention will bepaw)!, jecti calculated to promote the un, j and religion. t Fifthly. A brief notice will also be tih, pasung events, of an important and iatw nature, bulb foreign and domeiliciexclaai., political eonteits, and subjects calculus i5 ate party animosity. . In short, no paint Will be snared, i,. the Advocate a valuable and intrmiu,, .Jr? every lamiiy, aad lo every vkiuouiigdjV gent els of the community. In order iherctore, llie more effrctatlb h prosecute our purpnie, we respeelfulli eJ b ik. r-. : . . . i o'.i nr.. ini.ui. . ' t -" '"s"' inaef nB ahanio, literary and scientific geulleace, sL may have talent and inclination, to toram'ie, to ui such discoveries and practical hrnti , subjects within our province, as niav eanuie, columns, and by a reciprocal intertfawi , Ihoujhls, become a valuable source of staa. don. Lommumeations also on siihircii uuh Religious or Mural, will be IbankluilyreseM f TERMS. The Advocate will ber published is mmlL I numbers, consisting, of xhirty-lwo azUTopg, (two sheets) neatlV printed, on good pjper.lei. ed snd stitched, snd promptly mailed tosaban. bert; making in s jesr, s neat volume of sua. ges, and furniihed with title page aiidiadti,a f 1 ,25 per year, in advance. .-.Any;p8r,so!L..bjrlorw charge, will be entitled to ten copies. In consequence of the difficult-! sad loan invariably attending Ihe collection of snullsui at a distance, no order for the paper will st tended lo, until Ihe subscription price Nforsai ed, or the payment secured by some kjioii n. sutiniible person. All letters, cnmrannlcstions, ks to the tcblia. er, must some free from postage, or tliti ax not be attended to. As we intend commencing the mbliotia some time io the month of August next, slim- sons holding subscriptions are requested It kr warn them aa early as pomble. All editors favorable to our designs, snd Ike wfii may feel disposed lo exchange ash M, will do us a favor by giviug our pmspeeies n her. tion. JNO. SHEUWODI). Jamestown, N. C. June, 1838. H To Dry Good Merchants C7Ari'fc out tht United Slafet. CLAHK A HUNT, Formerly J. kU. Clark k Huat, laqwwn and Jobbers, No. 39, William BtrvK, Xn York, have constantly en baud a tresk asf titn. live assortment nf FORRtGtffi DOMESTIC DltV GOODS, which Ihey offer at very low prises, fartices; sttention iaid to Prints, SlMx-tlntr. FlnnBcf Tickings, A OomeBUc Uootts treiiernllyi Hosiery, Blankets, Cloth, Cm simcrcs, Sattiuets, aVc Those who visit New York Id cuke sense are respectfully Invited to exll aod eisawaisi themselves, opposite tbe ilvrcbamx4 Eanesp Reading Room. New York, June I, I83S. Xle COACHES, BAHOL'CIICS AND BLGOIES. The Subscriber hss on hand aa asMrlswata1 ihe above Carriages. Some very rieldj luisW, wbicli will, lie tbiiiks, hear a enmnarw sift any manutactured tdsewhele.Thewekit, 'ra'n'te'd'To be iaitlifully Vxlcu'iCaiin'iHVS on as favorable terms as ean be afforded. Tkw wiihitig lo supply thrmseltes, will plesstos aud judge for Ibcuisclves. 1HOS.C0IIBS. Raleigh, Msy 21, 15,18 FOR CASH, 20,000 lbs. prime Bacon, iif llai rela Shad. Roe and trimmed lltrrinri Daily expected a quantity of St Fan' nf the he hi hrit.i.l in X llurrela. A 1st), for Rent 3 or 4 comforuble id Rooms. Cash paiil for gind flref a -" '' Apply 10 CHUI!tt)PHEllS SMTh RaleiRh, June 12,1838 SO H DR. W. W. MARSIIALI Ointment for Iho Jlllnd Pdr- lW.4jdabfe.-fent3jr'fi- years bef'ire the public; its virtoe asd efcal have hern well lesled, and, in numerrHil in1 eWfTTSThe" most aggravated forms ef the dis In not a aoliisrv aasr harit-beea laoea Is BU Sp .fly cling a cure. Many very resjrectsble yw son 1 have borne teitiinony lo it s efficacyi ssiesj whom is the Rev. Wm. A. Smith, of Ih' Church, snd Editor tit 'the Conference ijiicrss, who, Irom his own experience, ennfioseMj " commends at to the pnblic ae -x SAFI, ie" Bis, ami rrrit'irsT iixtinr." -...rrril It niav be bad the Store of R. Til"1' Agent, Raleigh, N.C. ill If. Iff) in IRON. Tbe snbserilrer offers lo import Iron far' . . 1 .1.1.- A .I.MlU BnrBSfS wavs. nenvercii in anv 01 ne n 1 - r- ' . .. . l.t- ..iwt Kef U. leans oa Ilia moil. reas..nau. '"' - JOHN W. PRKlt' 1,18.58 2 0w3js; Philadelphia, June ltaitk of the Stale of I.CorW 18h of July, is-'8- At a meeting of the Board of Direct" " iteiolved, unanimoutlr, That this Bssl"J !.. 1. ..-1 .L- ... ..r Anrast s"1 ... iirmciic. .111, 'n u.e ... - , iba-W resume the payment ol their respective 1 in apecio. a . 1 ,L. iM.l 1 VUI.J ,1V... I .... . M". . 17 li UHWEY. Cssl" 31 8w If ANCING SCHOOL. . m WS.-.S.SAHXI .lIOIsM. POnce ffa. ivs sss..-.- .1 Reiieetfully intorms the ainzens ol IJ" snd its vicinity, that he will return next, 10 ope ocnooia jam, , ersisrs. Jan 30 " " fatltaT WT TTxa r Wr. . . ' a. ' . " ' . . .... v . ... ., -;

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