Sr.. HALBIGH, II. C. WEDITC3D ATT, AUGUST 29. 1C30. VOL. SXIX NO- 36 X if TMf TKl ETOS. TEEMS. " , 7 hair him., E3-Pern warfinr tthMi the State will na , ,rT'rl J waatfeeaeuat ot tk yea M'V, Jrv"pRTlSIVr. . K ITIva Or ADVKKTI3I1. fee avery yrm ( lln- 16 line thia era type) Sea twaeriioii, one dollart each nib- .- 1nBUrtiweay.U. (O" The .nverfHwment of Clerk. and Sheriff will be .har-ed i per aent. higher; and de- dne1lefJ.1t per aent. will be mnW from 'he regular priee lor advertiser by the year. Uler to the Editor matt be poet-paid. MHaMipMBMMaM rrnr r irvialr' lliivoriTE. tue runiR s aim tA i . Ittisccllangoino Reporter. tjr(rwlrre, Meratnr, Scirce,.and Ihe ,1r . thanicat ,iru, lAereury' Hay, unit . KowJlaatroi;nt:theeKtehe wlety of newa apei4 and nnindicale, publbhed threghnt the c and the direraitt at - anhiacta therein mhraaeil, it if fhr'mijiwy radoijil and re- j aluwhy nvhit," thai the ronduftort of thoae pow. j erfiil, anl if rightly snided, thoae aalalary ehi-j "i'ornii..nt ue un toogenerjitty aua- te.! by party motirta; and that political eoi.te.ta " I""""""' ' n aUrm.nR tent. aa threaten the dittoluliun af our naole inatiiir - - v- ." . i " . " r rhir. Swna. anil flit 1 K.ii imI 4.rf!he mhjeeta Immediatrly eonneeted with our et 2lwa(a a.n.1 avku.K aHAaaM eMtlrta.l tar hlatf II in an indrpendent aituation, hate meaaurab'y re " w " -T I"" i I . i n hlta niM attfK'v le mmned unnoticed. Aeiuaien, "re.o t mr-e iewa, in .-. aeriber Mitrnda piiblnlimjr in Jamrttown, iN. t, , a pei iiHiaal umler, and ciffliporiTn; with tlie ahnre tMe; in the eaeeui'mn of which, be deaigna in the firat place, to m all landable eirrtinna in rocnrinr and diaaeminaling practical inform lion, eaarntial to the ii.tereiti, and calculated to iHervaae the dignity of the farmer. Secondly. K.Huca'iiin, and the literary intiita- tiona of the country, ill find in hia colurnm a warm and Iricndly'iuppori. . a a r a .a Thirrttr.' Science, and the Mechanical rt, will alao be luhjecta of diacuii'inn, and invariably reaeive a liberal ahare of attention. Fourthly. One ittcntion wllj be paid lo aub jeeta ralcnlated to promote the' eauae of virtue and religion. KiHhly. A brief notiee will atao he taken of nailing erenii, of an important and intereating k,k r. ...,i ...I. .11 faotkieai ena'eata, and auhjetti ealoulated to ere- ate puny animniity. In aliort, no paina will be apared, to render the Vivneaaluaule and intereitmg viaiter in evuiy ta-mlY, and lo every tirtuoui ana inteiii- J1" e'aiiol llieeoinrounity. Ia Order therefore, the more eflectaally to proaeiile our pupoae, we rrapcctlully aolicit the friendly aid olevery intelligent larnier. Me chanic. Iiliirai-v and eeientifte gentlemen, who may hare talent and inclination, lo communicate to ai .itniwfri i practi-ai ni.ita, on suhiecta Within our province, mav enrn h our eolumna. and by a reciprocal interchange ol Ibmij-hia, beeome a valimbla aourceof inlortna- lion. Communieationt atao oa inhjeela either Ketigioui or Moral, will he thanklully received, TKUMtf! The Advocate win be iiubiuned ia montniy J7"''K' 'T!:.12e"!lP:'!iH' J.Vwd tie,. .ndKpromp'ily mailed" ti i'bi- ted wilds of nature. Mine are tlie autum bera "!( b a year, a went voluota of 3S4 pa. nal skies the withered leaf and fading Ka, ad furoiabed with title pace and indei, at beauty of nature in decay, ft ,8i per year; in advaaee. II am the " soul of song." To me minic Any perann by I n-warding f 10. free from ! owcg ju mo8t subduing charm and tODoray harge, will be eiitilled lo ten "JV- I give the pathos and the passion wTiich sol- nvtf.wr 800th8 theheartJnd in.too know, at a dkuaee, no order for the paper will be at- my influence. I not only create its enthusi- tended lo, until the aiibacription price la forward- asm, but give a constancy to its rapturous t, at- the payment acourvd by tome knows re- emotions. Of genius too I am the chosen ubnl"e peraon. ..... companion. Not opt v the lover and the poet Alt letter., enmmnnleat!ona,fcetothepubl.en- mincbutl dwell in lh classic halls er, moat eon; frtt fro Jp. 7 - where wi8dorab and scienc0 hold their court, A. .VlSmer-la- ... P-blieatio. d throw my mystic spell, around their vo aome time ta ithe month of Augu.t t. all per- taries. To devotion also I give an energy and aona holdieg aubanriptiona are rcquealed to for- seal. I am not a dark and gloomy power ward them aa early aa poaaible. but" nymph of mild though pensive mem," , All eaitnri iivoranie to ooieMgnaann tirnw who may feel diapoaed to exchange with aa. will n. fevAr hv rivinv mir iiroanectua aa inaer- ' iv-f. viiuniL'iun r.sst m wmm. Jameatoan, 88 Hoiithcru Lilernrr jncoiiKor. MiJ ming ,owad ,he birn. .And h,rk Aew term for the pre$ent tulume onfy. ye john-dont give them too much Aa you In eonaequencaot repeated apilietieationa lor know they have 'tatt,' the Maaaaanta for a laa period than an en- , . . . , . , ti.-e vear, the I'ubliihrr haa concluded lo alter Cobliet once compared the Interest excited the eomliiixna, fr Ae pretent year tnlg, so far by watching- a certain poliiician's career, to that a to rreive aea aubtei-tbera lor the remainder which ia felt on witneaaing duck hunt the of thia volume to aoinaneKCe wilh either the principal eurioaity being to gueaa, when lb May of .Inly number. ! Hie ataaT m'r. wil d k di where it will coma up. ,o.i 3S4S Ihe sit numbers ( half year,.; i 50. - - ' A wagginh candidate enminf In lbe"cWuriia of The heavy eioenae, which ihe publwation of hia canvaaa to a Uilor'a ahop, 'What look for Ihe Me.aei.grr in ita preaent here,' aaij he, 'are meoaiirr. not men.' voidable, and the wiah of ihe Proprietor anil . farther to improve It, makee il abwlntely necea- j Ctnundrvm. Why is a newapaper like a t1ry that he hnuld hereafter receive all aubacrip- tooth at De give it opt - fjjrBeeauae tiona ant no4y l nte- ' every body ahould have one of hi own, and not Anneal after anneal haa been made to del in- -iKltfl .f iibbold their juat duet. , h' neighbor. V hy tWa it . cannot be eoneeive.1, amee it ia Unanimity. A Scotch par-on in bia prayer, ,ek.ledged. on all h.ada thai lbs :aMiin mJj .Ui, bUu U r,nJ coanci, ,h. it. I richly worth Ihe amount charged for lit no ' , " . , ,,er evidence of a hivh aeed be mentioned than . nt. nd rant they may hang together, the laet that Ihe tuhavriptioa price ia known -o L A country fellow standing by, replied, " en, have been trrqnrntly paid tor old volume. air, with alliny heart, and Ihe aooner the belter Aa heavy draft bave recently been made on ami I'm sure it ia the piayer of all good peo the Proprietor, for capenwra incurred in ettabliah- pie," Ing and conducting the Muuviii, H ia Imped, guti (,),,,, ,siJ the parann, "I don't meaa thoae aubaenbera no are aun in arreara, win immediately hand in or remit the amounla they il when rerreatw reaneetiiHIV owe I wnn-n, mourn ima aaHlered aeparatrly, yet, taken in the aggregate rirevent a fact. t ran amount of eonaiderable importance. , Jl'ene Ao"lhe amount du hire could he i n . :. I i Li I .11- obtained, Ihe Proprietor would be enabled lod ta T"::r:i:,rrjz that done, he would bring out the next volume of the Mrtaenger in new dre.t, and improve It NTriArfSL aubaeriplion. by ill be uatamcd by the Proprietor. But every auhvariber thni trantmitiing pij raent, iareqorat- ed Iwaide taking propel evidence of ihe fact, and date ol mailing,; tn retain a memorandum of the nnmberand pertieuUr mark a of die note aent. LaTSIBEK FOU SALE. The Sabaerihor haa aow oa hand, at hia Mill, (late Klake'a) 17 mi lea Eaet of Raleigh, 100,000 , fret of- choice Comber, of every detcription, I tawed owl of Long Leaf Pine, the peculiar e ' eelteaae of which ia loo well known to need any ' purl". Peraon desiring to pnrehaa will pleaae 'make applieaima 10 Mr. William Peck, Italtigh, or to Henry llnrlwi, at the Mill. The price at the Mill will be f 1 perbondredi 7 bat, if a large qaanlNy be boagkl, etca lea thaa that will be taken., PETER FOSTER. Wake eo.. May 81, Is3 , . U tf Handy Jack. On of our Jack tar in Ar " dent square, wm amunng hlmaelf with remark en paaaers-bv lately, when a dandy cam trip ' ping along with hia abort ieggej unmentiona ble Inahed rather light at the bottom. 'I aay friend,' said Jack,'aint yon got on your breaches wrong end opt' 'No, fellow, why Jo you ekV tSWKSK ZZZS ndefyea llw., sgESEBAL OKDIJRS. '"'. Head Qnart era, ? Wimiwi, N. C. July 18, 1838. Oflie aaomanandine lha itiT ut !! t . cnwinun( in ia uiviaioa N. U. Militia: I Yon re hereby aoti5ed and aommanded lo hlt.Wgcii. omed on the around j vmdmt hj ha dmt of U Vlo.k, lor review, pi..., namely, Th. KeKiment, m Louiiber-, on Saturday the Se.mber. lb S5h and 36. Ii Krsimenta jn ,,iKh. na lloaaav the 94th. Th nd Regiment m Naativille, ia VVednewlay ihe S6ih. SNI K.-rimeat at Brids.'erTa KAjfceftmt aa fridayhe9fc,. The (10, h hVrireen ta , lo9n TaHwroneh, on Saturday I be gQ,, of September net. f he 13th Krriinrnl in ( ,own f Williaraatoa, on Monrlav ihe Ut iUefnber- The 16th Heeiment in Jackaon, on Wwtneadiiy the 3rd. The 14th ami 15th Iteei- mtBW ,'h. ,own , i,,,jf Thl,r,(,y the iih, And Ihe 83rd Keriment in the town ol j Warrentoa, on Saturday the 6th ol October next. viae wiiBMpae aBcera and muiieiaat of each regiatenl B)itl be ririlleil on davi preerding daya ot tveicv, aeeordtng lo law and military eiwijiline. .4 lij order of (tenant TH. T. II WVK1XS. 3AM Ln t. I'HIUUfS, Aid. TO- KrrmM ,ilt ktu., 10SL. ge,,ae ,rauc )r lhrougllB,l(e gloom on ligh, W(TC ,)Ut nm(,'nm. " j .Jirt is)l., v.. .1... i-.i.inrl ..i.,n,... Tt. " 'fre uriii! a jounr uuaa ana . J aummor'i fiow- Are minted with thr chanp-lcsa green . . " , I M tuit'X' wulk iafl ivlvaii hnu frsi . " a tnnniMIV Mil. lalitiuuw Ulll Uiat pa. r:.... u..b i...';..iw.w ;... .j,.. Ami (Iftzziins touuu wnow Mivcrr uiccn XVhe rn,KMllnml ki ,he oe,,, ,,, llicn woiild we acck it distant aUore, - And jorlo greet each other there; Nor liph that we return nn more Where all we trust ia fnlwlr titir; . I!ul heart with heart dimtld mingle there, ' In bliu unchecked, Unchanged, to Jmrc, And the pure love of early exi-a, Kre we liave know n Uic iiife oao'a guile, Or abed tle4rt-repeiitaTifteaTS," """ t Should win us to that lonely isle. ! PROM THE MICROCOSM. , MELANCHOLY. I come at the evening hour when the stars of love shine softly from the azure heav enswhen the sweet smiles of the morn fall gently on the tthadowy grove below and in. fuse my spirit into the meditative bosom. f como at tlie midnight season, when all is jar), around, and all is 81 cnt there, save when tho Whip-poor-will is heard, or Chanticleer's more cheering Toice comes gaily from the neighboring bower. I jraze with rapture on the settino sun: J vaH'li his calden beanwas they slieu a h?.!&on the wood-crowned hill . anJ listen with delight to the ocean's waves, M foam and dasll B?aill3t the rocky . ' , . ,.. , e . .: c- 1 w"d yerc the forest rises In nl' l ffrand and Impressive majesty and dear is tlie night song of the winds as they whistle round some isolated dwelling. Hove the thunder's toue and the liirlitning't flash aniid the deepeniiist irloora. and strav where thecatoriU-!!! th uncultiva- norn t0 ranUvatC Out the JeeUng neari, JJJ j . JUAN. -c ? .T.j Mtfiitfe -John7 aaid a Creiui lamer, don'l give cousin Simmon's borate too many uni. knAW lk.u k... JLnu Yjfh ihlir ' .l,. ,. JnM u, . B -n .. '"f eloer m sceord and concord." mi,ler what cord," replied the other, 1. 1' . ! tia but a atronff one. Sunbeam. A Xew Loan. aay, Jack,"- ahonted dro.r a. otw d.r, tn -M. pai. "the eora'd sheep von't move in this veatber, leud J . bark of your dog, will you? ' A gang of thieves h.ving been taken white their captain waa abaent, they were conveyed 10 the whipping poat. Their captain meeting a friend, inquired after hi fellow. "They are all well," waa the anawer "every man at hia pott-'' I A tnmanre ta said to he nearly completed, ! entitled "Cin Viodictd.'' It appears from it thai Abel wa a Banker, and that Cain killed him because he would not reeutne specie pay ment! ,.. . ' ', - , Tkt North f nteec-The annexpn lit erary gem waa nent tn the ediior of'down e-ast" paper f.r pitblication. .The . acjiool house must have been moved , out, m( the neirrliborhood where it was written,' or 'else tliev never had any: . . , r JVIr it Mrs Yew bcaing duu- ;ly colled out, both on ye, as sojers inlantry of i ar heroy oaerea to apear at uie nous of in keper on tusda the 1th, day next at rnc ocloek p m armd & quipt a the law direx fo militerr dty & inspexioru ,-,t.i-' ,. Sy order t l.ifauuui. A few... tlatf a?o. a gum Valen .near Ko.ciaako, MU.'tMtppt. A bbek, gtrl, whj pro- feued to know all about the circura- tance, charefl a retpeciaom wns person with being the thief. Upon her testimony the citiren. leized him, tied him to a tree, and lrneheil"r him with extreme severity. During the opera tion a roan named Parker otood look, ing on and exclaiming, Giro it to him. He haa the money! lie i the thief, and will aoon confeaa it!w . The lyncher found, howeter after nearly killing their victim, that he would con feaa nothing, ami he waa at length re leased, torn, bteeeding, and unable to aland. A few houra afterward! suspicion began to rest upon Parker himself, who, on being tied to the aame tree, roared out, have the iBOiey." The whole aum waa lound infiit . po- seasinn and that of the . wench on that of the', wench whone false testirhony the Innocent j man had been so horribly maiilateiaV This occutrenrc should be. a tnem- orable lesson to all who are 'tlinposed ' to take the venstance of the law rntoi their ownhands. The atrocious pracr tice of "lynching" dreervtt lo le KlamptiLmlh the, indignation of men nnd Ihe wrath, of God. Every actor in the bloodv traecdv at Kosciusko; .t.nnl.l atnnre he driven forth, an eiilc' from society and all its sympathies, Louisville Journal. Expunging in Missouri, The Ad Vacate, an aoie nig paper, laiety j,lmr ,r Clav J,u mt started at Mayaville, K.y., mentions frjen,, Urir,? nilM fr4fj , a ci.l haing seen a twenty dollar note on ,,. for tls ffl(t j rrl,i,Ieiit it lately the Hank ol naouri, wun tnc en-. United .Stale, it is our duty cm-o-ravetl heads of Messrs. Benton nnd)a,6ru nm especiallv aa tu Van Buren first ...?n circled with- Umk jrxaiiiihe liis to t he ?f ywr. lines and then cut of. The gentleman jjJ(li whoe impnrtence now eriad who owned the note is egaged very :0wsall others. We are necking, and extensively in business in Missouri,' confidently expect to witness the vl- antl assureu me enuor oune yuvocatei that he had not in the whole course ol tii business received a single note which had not been similarly mutilat ed, so odious have Benton and Van Bu ren become to the people of thatatato. A'ew York, August 2. .Imalzamation.Qu'iie a rumpus nr., fif-jacinnfl in tli tinner niirl nf tlie city lastevening, by the promenading! oTa "Tolbreilgcinmanand a white ladv.jnn1z",of, "iiety which was got up arm in arm, in Broadway. A parcel j "7, ,,a ever cntnlled by alave- of boys, observing the phenomenon, sct"ul"s, avowemy ir tne ueneiu oi up the cry. "Wlate woman and nig-i,,averJ b; h "."n0-1 "f the tree ne Ker! .-White woman and nigger!!" ?r"; manager. 1,e al- White woman and nigger:!!" of course, following in pursuit. This at tracted others, including . many full ev-v-" ""j"t Vi the matter," some to "correct abuses, and some fur reasons best known to themselves. However, the procession soon became quite too long and noisy for the comfort of the promenaders, and accordingly the lady turned into a grocery store for protection, while the colored man walked on alone. Some of the supernumeraries followed, and brought him back. By this time there was a great crowd around the store, anxiousjto learn the whole story. A friend olours who happened to be near, went in, and was told by the lady that she was an English woman, and not aware of the state of public Reeling here on the subject of color, that tfinegr6w!flfTer was in the emnloy of her brother, and that she had taken him with her only as a pro tector. While the crowd were enlight ening themselves as well as they could in regard to facts, two peace officers made their appearance and took both the man and woman to the watch-house for safe-keepins. until the embryo mob should be dispersed, litis was t heend of the matter; t)uf informant waa afterwards told by a captain - of tl watch, that the parties in ques tion were man and wife - our. Com. The following extract from the Watchman," a Florida paper, has been sent to us for publication. Thw Editor, it will be seen, says that Gov. Branch has never become an actual Citizen of the Territory. Western Carolinian. 'We observe by a correspondence in the North Carolina papers, that the linn. John Branch is a candidate-tor Governor of that State. "We regret this exceedingly j we had Ironed ,tUt Gov. B. would fee a members of;. oar Convention to bu heUb at &tx! Joseph, in December next, llis-t tongue sperience in public tile. the ee-navStency, integrity and ltide pendenc which have markedhis po litical career, made it an object, of great desire with a large and respecta ble portion of the people of this county, to obtain his services in the important work of framing a Constitution for the people of Florida. There will- be no little disappointment on i this subject. W e had ourselves expected vsomething different and w had a right to do so. It is however; but fair" to ' add, that though Gov., B. has been a winter resi dent in our neighborhood for several years past, and nasa large planting interest here, he has never participated in our political contests, nor exercised any political rights in Florida, and has never, therefore, been striclly a per manent t evident of Florida, nor a cit izen. Uur lavs permitting his service in the capacity mentioned, his friends t . . t b - ' -"-a " ' ' a , a leierminea, as aireatijr stated, to avatl ihemsritrcs of the defect,"and requirejto make that for abolitionists to lend bis services accordingly, MR. CLAY AND TUB AOBLI- be to renoence their .principle and -m-"TIOXlSTS. j nullify their meaaureo, and that it will We publish Ihe foil wing article ' be more honorable for aboHtionlats to from the Emancipator to shew- the ' allow any other candidate to be elected ie we entertainedof Mr. Clay by the ' withoat their votea, nnder any circum Abolitionists. ft seems they have in-' atance, for Henry Clay. And if the operable objeeli-ns to Mr .Clay, and ! Whig party are in aoch a'predicameut for the vert reaaons which wiif tecum-; (hat liter cannot succeed without aecu- nendhiaa to the Suulli. tlioug'i he utH's not concur with no in sentiment a to the benefit f th institution of slavery, yet &-twen hint and Mr. Van Iteren on this suHjct. he I iniiu- itely preferable with every slave holder.- Mr. C!ay tut a mimew'ut lutd t t ul itlle isaliu4l at liie Nit'i bectute lie is.a alavelinlilrr, and w, p d le ti mad and miscluevou proj.'ii nf Ihe fanatics. He i ajutd at the Htmth, oJ denounced hy men wltJ kuw Uet-1 peeially when, be 4t noted -the bu tin being an AomU;l, and lHniriit are actuated by Principle, tile lo Mijthern ititereaia. He will , probably lite t &w lv i.i ila thai ! the latti-r charge i f! a U nrt . IS true. , iiikiiu.v iir;K We aery tbertMy iij5pt ' a very iaail.rnt II. G." a verr iaaUt'ent an ran ! dd friend of Mr. Clay tw this niy. i I wltu communicate a tatrmnt f Mi . wl commui Clay's early opinion n fHe aehjecl 1 slavery A one of the ar at r'ir . and Statesmen td the auatjuai era I,,,,,,,!- untary and entire abarnlonmrht of , .av ilrou!rimut .his hel.ive.l lie public. In this view it dues not b come us to overlook the fd lowing 'facts respecting Mr. Clay. i. lie is a slaveholder, ami has nev er emancipated any of hi slave, or intimated any intention of doing so. He is one of the fonuder, and the ,c!ual.1,''itlfntnt th American Cd luircu, anu uu sun auow, it to oe pushed into favor at the North "as a means of exterminating slavery. a. He is tlie reputed ana aichnwwi- ..ifttlireil aullinr i.f ilm cf ;...ri P.oin r .". ',.,"', ,n "? bj whiclijthejnrit of libcrtyWaa broken down.aud the na Hon beguiled into complete subser viency to slavery. In his speech on that subject, he treated with contempt the laboring classes of freemen, called them "white slaves," and contrasted their situation with tht of "blAck slaves," and pronounced the condi tion of the latter to be far superior, and spoke with abhorrance of our wives and daughters being obliged tn per forin labors which he was pleated to call "servile." There is no evidence within our knowledge that he has al tered his views respecting the social Tanoi rrtasir-" who labor witli their hands. 4. He is the author of the project for the acquisition, of Texas, having made the first motion on the subject in the House of Representatives, on ti e 3d of April, 1820. And there is "no rea son to suppose he has ever abandoned the project. The 7.eal of the southern papers in his interest forbids a doubt fon theVubject."- 7 5. He is irrevocably anil in princi pie opposed to the abolition ofalavery in the District of Columbia and Flori da. His resolutions offered in the Senate as an amendment to Mr. Cal houn's, virtually charged the petition ers on this subject with a breach of the public faith. In this respect he goes quite beyond even Mr. Van Buren. who rests his pledge to veto a bill for the purpose solely on existing expe diency. 6. lie is on good grounds believed to be opposed to the call of a convention in Kentucky for the amendment of the 'State Constitution, and principally fur fear they will take measures to facili tate the abolition of slavery in the State. All the leading papers of the state in his interest oppose it, and his son as well as his leading friends whp were members of the late legislature were strenuously opposed to the bill. 7V He has openly given his voice for the exclusion of abolitionists from the frivileges and sympathies of society, it his speech on Mr. Calhoun's reso lution, he urged the importance of "keeping the abolitionists separate and distiuct.from all other classes, stand ing-ouHn bold and prominent relief, unmixed with' the restof the commu nity. Without the general sympathy, nnti exposed to me ovrwneiming power of the united opinion of all who desire the peace, harmony, and union of onr confederacy," or as the language is understood to mean, exposed to Lynch law. . . . Now we have no authority to pledge or control the votes of other ab olitionists? nut we eiveit franklvas an olivious inferencef Irom the above facts and it is all the inference we Wish any support to such a candidate will ring Ihe votea nl the slaveholders of I Hie .Niulli and the auolitinniate or the North, we can nly say, that, ai we j had nn hand in bringing them into the dilrmnu. we have nu wiih to interfere wiM their due rxerciie of, their . own b -st wiatlom in regard to tlie manner in which they nhall conduct their, own affair. Only let them pardon us for not beinjt aide n a.-e any good reason why the Ntn-ili alu.uld he compelled to make all the sacrifice in the caaet T7" ei and Have in their power all the real mter- rt of the t nuutrv, and even of the !.mi!i, whili; ih slatehntders have nothiux tn a'lrrender in the compnfm- iiieir uwo ignorant and obslH pmu wilt. t'lam Ui Kayritvville Otiaervcr. IN I KUCKI I El) CORRESPON DENCE. It is by no means incumbent upon a tn mention how tlie fiilowingJctter faiiie in our pii'iaeavun: but being in tsr p i4eamn, we have an undoubted rtjrht to use it. We have an illustri ous authority in tlie "(Slolie." whose Editor mice intercepted nnd published a It-ttertrtrrn ifri? AVtv York "cciiri es poiidfiit ol the Intelligencer, to the Editor of that paper; and the authori ty m endorsed by the Standard, for Mr. Loiing, not only re-published the ir-lter, but iiidulg-il in some bitter in vective upon the writer. From '' . to p, !. My 1)eh Sir; The battle has been fought. The smoke has dispersed. We are n;iw unable to reckon our dis aster. I snati h the first opportunity since burying our dead, nnd Attending lo wounded, to infor m vou of the renult. Vu will nut be disappointed. The tliciiiiifittire of our advanced guards in Pitt and Craven, was ominous of total defeat. My dear sir, our flag is trailing the dust. Our routed forces are hurrying into winter quarters, and eren the cheeks of , our once valiant leader.nre ofnn ffnA-criA'eliue, f'Stran"e. ahem!) and the whole man is chang ed. .till Quantum mulatlis ah ill,l ITerlnrm Hut to tlrop the metaphor we cut too bad a figure just now to venture on th figurative we are diddledW A clear mnjoritv in both houses fur these -rascally Federal -Hank Whig-Aristo crats, in vain ijd the Standard be low forth anathema, ipvninnxitjiii tli gall nnd wormwoujd, in vain halloo ffio nopoly, bank-rags, nVistucrnts, feder- aiitn.Lnj party, Middle, the Bank, jind the Devil! nil would not do; even the last named ally could not suffice us. As to pfiorBTarFcTf- "Dul oh breathe not hia name, let it ercp,"fcc. Y hat a ninny! i . t ne nnswerru all our ends in Halifax. You managed that matter nicely with you. You w;ould have been amused to have witnessed the rapidity of his movements Jlori-da-ward. He would not tarry the -result. Pitt created a nausea, and Cra ven caused a vomit But to-the point we are in a dilemma; we much fear Brown and Strange will receive a gen tle hint. We had tickled ourselves with the notion that these rascally Whigs did not believe in the right of instruction, but find ourselves sadly mistaken. On looking back to the Commons vote whem Mangum was "spoken to," we ascertain that but 8 persons denied the doctrine, not all of whom were Whigs; and of these - Gra ham of Orange alone takes a seat in the next house, and he doubtless will be in the Chair. Now as to Bedford, we would willingly give him the could ono of "the nartv" take hia place. I need not tell you he has been much in the way. We are sadly com mitted. Stranj-e rashlv rdeded that he ami his colleague would obey the slightest hint. Egad! here is a" hint enough already. Now the. object of) this epistle is to advise with you on! the matter. You have, dear souls, nt Washington, such an easy wtv to I smooth things over, we are not yet I up to alt your tricks in the 'old Northi Can't you, or A K get up an1 argument to prove the adsurdity of the doctrine? It would serve valuable pur- i-iBcn ucrc.aiiu in new Jersey. New iork, Connecticut and elsewhere. Only persuade the dear people that Hani ilton or old John Adams.' or Jonnw o believed in .the doctrine, and the thing is uxerf. 1 his suggestion occurred to us immediately after our defeat, and we forthwith issued circulars, to our subalterns, with orders to Mack about,' as per copy below. Observe the at.U how dictatorial we are, getting. - The rogues swallow every thing-We nave tearuea mem to draw well in the tra ces.' ; "'".': - -- rciRcm.APi I Sia: Riddle has been too much for us. ILs agents have beta abroad In the open day bribing the faithful, and by means" ot" his" irredeemable shin plasters, and penitentiary notes, he has corrupted the whole body of the Repub lican party, and reduced North Caro lina to his sway. It is currently reported that he was present, in person, at an election pre cinct, in Surry, and by his means we have lost that whole County. More of this hereafter. We have sent on to Washington for affidavits. The Fed eral whigs having now secured a ma jority, we fear for the tenure by which Brown and Strange bold their seats.. Iflrettomes our bounden duty.there fore, to change our -principles You will therefore, hold the opinion that the right of instruction is -monarchical, ar is ocratical. ki uzly, federal, and Bid- 1t.liV. Vnn wilt mm kwlixi. i' - press this opinion at the Court House, the X roads, the muster r-rouhds and - ..... ..v. iiBiiaic iv. tax-gatherings. You will entjeavor'ta propagate these opinions among the masses. Herein fail not. Jlaleisth, .lusrust 14. lftlfl ' What do you think of it? Let us hear from you soon. By the bye, what put it in your head to send n...a. (0 Fori(U Tl(lt came near using us upr- For certain, . as Pope says, "You have grasp'd an emp ty Jordan I or a John." Yours, faithfully, . Raleigh, August StQ, 18S8i P. S. Ihe exact -Federal majority. is 14. - Fhe fottiiwihg paragraph from the New Orleans Commercial BulUtin contains sentiments which must find a ready echo in the breast of every citi zen who knows how to value a gov ernment of laws: ' We are glad to learn that proceed ings have commenced in the Criminal Court of this city, with a view to detect and punish the actors in the Lynch affair at Baton IUue. Our energetic- Attorney General seems determined not to suffer this usurpa tion of the sword of justice by the hands of a lawless mob to pass off with impu nity. A thorough investigation will be m;ide into the circumstances, and, if the offending parties are caught, they may expect to be handled without jloves. Judge Lynch will meet with no favor in Louisiana, however enor mous and heinous may have been the crimes that invoked his jurisdiction. Although, a narrative of the transaction, our description partook of the burlesque and comico-serious style, we would be the last to justify so fla grant an outrage upon the laws of the country. Such scenes are calculated to make us blush for "or national charac ter, degraded while we deplore the fact that there "doe's exists in our Union a class of Individuals who, withoat res traint, wantonly trample underfoot the most sacred of all rights. Let impsr tial justice be meted out to the guilty, and such an example be made of of fender as will d-ter all others from tak ing the law.into their hands and setting themselves up as judges and executiun. . soLalj jylminihgy. mayhem jbnoju ious, or deserving of summary justice. The laws must be ceepected. An out rage committed upon an individual urr derthe protection of the law is an in sult to the majesty of the law, and al though the MilTerer by the outrage be a monster of depravity, the enormity of offences is merged in the high consid eration of preserving unharmed -the -foundation upon which rests the glori ous fabric of society." FROM TEXAS. " 77ie niockade. The Blockade of the Mexican Ports are stilt rigidly en forced, and the Mexicans of Vera Cruz and other ports are beginning to suffer great inconvenience from its effects. Many articles which have hilherto been exported from the United states, are selling jt enormous prices. The Pica yune says "Rice, for instance, is p-0ir.o. at 60 cents ner nound Sweet n;i 812 per dozen, and writine nanar .t 12 1-2 cents per sheet. What an open ing is here nflortled lor muffin,,? Doubtless, in a few weeks, our whole western Irontier will be overrun i. smugglers. Indeed, we have recently learned that several of these gentry have visited Marion and Brazoria within a few weeks, and purchased many articles which theyiitcnd to smuggle into Ma -tamoras. Fhey paid for these toodsin specie. The Isettlers &t Aransas .r- petitioning Government a few days since for a detachment of soldiers to protcet that place: if they will apply to Iheau thormes at Matamoras ther may prob ably make an arrangement that will h. much more to their advantage. , J'ucai Telegraph. Col. Caldwell has iust refnmerl rmn. the west He states that he has within s few days past visited the bay of Cor- ru vniiaii, wncrenesaw me schoon er Commanche lyinar st anchor. IT. captured the Captain of this vessel,about forty five miles south west of San Pa. ' u n. in, who iimirmea mm mat me Uom- mancne hau Keen lyyig in that bay two months she had nn board about''.; hundred barrels of Dour and a quanti ty ia. vne. nnur was somewhat damaged. Geri. Filasola had recently -sent out a brwly 0f four hunrfr-rr lunder the command ot Gea. WoIL 1 tl