HOW TO nuii A 80X I. Lot him hive bis own wsy. S: -i II liim n ..f r 3. Suffer him to tove where be pteasee oa he Sabbath. 4. Give him full access to his wicked com- L'artoaclv. Present vun! ' L. She would denibtlcsalook to you for .rr'-vjTri nanion. fi. ('ill him to no arouot for bit evenings. 6. J-'jrniih him with no elated employ menu Purane either of these ways and you will ex I icnre most marvellous deliverance or will to .mourn over a debased and ruined child! i )i .i.anda hare realized the-aad result, and 'ia .ion. mourning lo the grave. ; " "''TT-TJVCV 17ioLffixli'"Tte ! . r. Siin.rontiiiiiiuw Urn account of. the r i "l-.n, struck ofl'a small edition printed -ii Ports have sung of the "golden '.!..' i in the lino at the head of this para it. ; !i, but we believe thi is the first time it v was seen palpably on earth. . Iwemblaife f I'ttcrana. A band of -iO per m partook of a dinner oh the laxt 4th July " Providence. H. I.; the youngest of whom ''ii 63, and the oldest 91 j ears of ajo. Classification of Money. Michigan money i thus clawed: first quality, lied I) :,rr; se-- 1 'jualitv, Wild Cat; third quality, Y'ata . unt. Of the brat quality, it is said it takes ;.ve jjretesto Tniilre a busbof. Dinting t'strwirtliiviry In "Sketches ol P-.tris," by an American gentleman, publish-- : 't long since by Carey & Han, wiud ' -lowing graphic description of ttic rjcr- f ii t -.irn ofMnil'lle hs-der; a celebrated da f f r .t tli5 I'aris Opera! "VlCWl,! courtesy to t!i.? middle n:ul then in n 1.1,-auiue two varus in ru Tius is nr, 1 i 'fl i n irv .-it.n. Sim U'illliw.n am riT 'vip over the whole area of tho stae, 'i'i;j on it only Ke.rasionally, trying her s as it were, bmvokiiirr the dance trim and will present herself to the spertj ' in all the variety of huma.i shapes and "araniTa. while, you will see her , y "lwinklintr lei t" suspended in the air, i tw irl i air hrpiolf round, until her 1'iep i 'lion will leein on the same side of her; : (and tbisi; tha very epic strain of the; l.rijrin.tjte, and therel'TC the last,) she will ""iTiia.r TiriV:If tlio riybt gradually up f tho Vel id" th.t eye, (the lvriir,n. .will liolil its reath,) and then olie will give, herself a ro tiry movement, cmitim'ting it ;i ere ire ndu till 'he beroiiu-s invisible. You can no mere e iunt her lejrs than the spoke of a rail v;Hr- I 'ii . in i i.i i;ht f icaiucui s .ii,ssa"'0. J his is Fanny Ussier." I he .New ork Star gives the followin L And then what a heavv banian ouM C. Carrjl L. Your butcher and baker, would haa V. narje! L. Your proapocU, of conraa, would not C Advance! I.. And you'd hare to C. 'Bout face! - I..' And never have anv C. Rat f C Atfntinf I.. A man of your yeara ia not able to bear C. I-oad! h. You are not in -our C. Prime! L. Your wife mav C. 'Hour! L. Leave you', but ihe will aoon C. Return! L. And then you'd have to! bear all on C. Shoulder! I. Would you be (V Ready! Ii. I ihinkyou would' have aomc other V. Aim! I. And you'd ill row your epintlea into the C Fire! f Firet the m,,l-t , .1 Round Bill. Tom presonto I hu bill to his neighbor Joe for services rendered. '1'helattor looked it over.aud expressed much surprise at the amount. "Win- . , slrikes me that you have made out 8 pretty round bill hero, ch?" "I am sensible it is a rounit one, qnoth lorn ."and 1 have come tor the purpose cf getting it x.jiiarcd." .innih'e "Friend Franklin," said Elijah Tale, a celebrated Quaker Lawyer of Phil adelphia, one day, "tbee knows, almost -riptiO!i of tho performances of three N'.i. live Arabs, who lately arrived in that City in the Steamer Royal William. The three Native Arabs at the Park ap pear again to nilit. The performances are tru'; wonderful not we do not mean in the usual parlance of pulls but certainly r.olh in.r of the like of them has been seen this suic of the water. The two nun are tall, and of remarkable erect form, and straiHa and slender in their limbs. Ab trim thrm, hut every inch is fibre ami flesh that tnlisfor thfly areof the skinny Uedouinsof the Desert, whose constitutions are dried up !y the aun, by hard riding of their steeds, an J the abstemious life they lead, into a spe! ies of mummy, made up of tensely-struno-cords and supple hinges. Their drsg is the loose flowing doublet nnd half panu of din Mussclmam so suita b!e to this ftensnn nnrl lii. ..a : II . 7 , aim WHICH -I really refreshing- for us, who arc swaddled i.i uut gm ciouies ana woolens, even to look at. Their heads are shaved close, ex cept that tho darkest of the two men a hanillinmA limn.. .... I..ll. . . ,,, fuiiow, who plays the clown, and is constantly shouting out in his fell Pitt Jk Hitlita .1 t 1 . maim nas lett a lull of his long straight black hair, which hangs dow n "o ia tninois." 1 he other man is taller, ana wnue nearly as a I .uropean. The feat ures are small, delicsiln unit f,nr, i I he little boy is a chubby mulatto look irtr fellow, with bushy hair, and is the one uho doubles himself in away that isfright : to think of. Occasionally, we -believe, .. inm rous aooui iiKe a Hoop. The performances of all arc astonishing . j io oimuuiiiy uuzing around the In k. 1 .. I ' . . I , B ; "vviy music oi me orchestra, every few moments turning somersets, vault ing over the heads of armed men, pickino up and firing off muskets while making som- . .intivttTij OTrjaTrcinff and trotting as human pyramids, the boy at, tho summit. sieauuy Daianctn- niiuseir on the head of the second, and the latter on the shoulders of the third. They draw crowds to the Park, o.iu biiuuiu recommena tnem not to al low the little boy to go through such painful contortions so often, as the other performan ces are quite wonderful enough, Tlrell-lurned. The New York Gazette has tne following specimen of the ready polite ness of Frenchmen, on board the Hercules d inns the recent fete, whilo tho ship lay at Newport which is worth recording. On? of the American guests gave as a toast "The three days of July," referring, of . ' e-revoiuuon winch placed Lou ls Phillippe qd. the throne. An officer of the snin immediately gave "Jnd ihe thurth'" A happier instance of impromptu politeness never occurred. I ' V v. miw W r, CI 1 1 111 JO V verv tliino-: can t(w i.H J.,.r t j m' Jr am ki preserve my small beer in the back vardl my neighbors areofUn tapping it of nights." "Put a barret of Old M niici r-,i li v ihn ni L of it, replied the Docor; let them get but a I iuto lift L fj: . i .-.j Hi tm tin- .HdUP fa. Hnil I II mirwnr i - V .... aa (U(; 1 1 It V never will trouble thy small beer any more' ' ... t . .,' '""' ' ""'lrnum. An untortunate Hibernian, no freouenter nf l-.r " ' 'i t. ii.i . .1 iKinfiif. ill rrncirnnAn... .. .7 - ... KwiMiuiiiy, ru- tnmattnir.iii hibliM ivnii Win ,i,- c . . ..t,.i u, espitu a lernpin pluming h- "Och hone!" be exelaime,! c,.l..,t "--l oiinilll y "that ever I alin..t.l ... :.. . ....... ..,,.., u iU jiuierica to .see o Minu-oox walk. "Whist!" said his wife, "don't be after mining iun oi iiio birds." R0SPECTtJ8 oi Tit E 9i icnnroin. The MICROCOSM is printed, wly. a the City of Raleigh, oo a half sheet of raedmm, new type, and fins white paper. Although small, it contain, a " world" of matter. It is levoted to the flowers ef LiUratura, original and selected; to notices of important improve nenta in any of the b ranch aa of Science, Com merce and Agriculture; to general News; and to the particular honor and interest of North Catolioa. it eMsfcewv ptff ty pSliiica. ind ill the muddy. streams of angry contro.eriy upon ev ery subject One great object of the publication ts to convey initruetlbn to the young, in an un exceptionable, chaate, and agreeable manner; to ncite in them a thirst for knowledge and "OMiiug; io inculcate upon their minds correct principle, ,nd incite them to the practice of virtue and morality; Another ta, to furnish as much am laing matter, interentinK newa, and valuable information, to readers of every clasa and air mm i.i- i i - - yummwij ve uoor, oil the cheapest term. And we may venture . ".uioui uojecung 'vnelf, (to ote the fashionable editorial to the imputation of egotism, that it will not be .uunu warning in iomethirn both to please the ucMB me laney ol ail. It is intended, provided sufficient encourage ment lie aiven. In nl.rn. ,1,. :.i . i w - ....... 6 .no ymyM nimuui ri tennij the terms, which will mak it decidedly man an. omer Dubllihrd in thai Snt.tK ril amintM J specimen ol "the work accomDsnlea lbiaJ MetWenfcurr ee. Ya. Jiiir7l83S. SO m M pet-tun, so tfrnt all wlio receive iti II have H- a " not disnowd of h be 25lh of Ue- "1 am an American C'ttcn." )Ve lerivc the following gratiryin ftfta Tp..... . e . an account oi a late visit to the Museum of die College of Sui Seuns, in Dublin, by a correspondent of the Worcester (Mass.) Spy: 'Tu obtain admission to this Mu seum, an introductory note from one of (he members of the S erally require.!. I was unaware of the fact previously to rminn- on. I fluently was unprovided. But, upon siating that 1 was an American, I was immediately admitted. This is not tne nrst instance in which mv bein- a fortigner, and American, has'obtaiiK-d for me privileges which otherwise would have been refused. In former days, the declaration '7 am a Roman citizen' was and regis 0f protection to those who could say ir with truth. Now, the similar one, I am Ameuicn cit ze.v not.only ensures protection ... v... luumry, uui opens to our coun trymen places, which. s w iiiniau- ces, ire closed, even to Englishmen. It gained admission for me into the House of Commons, on a day when the crowd was so n.i .i 0- , ni a nils for seats so numerous, that the oiieuner nau retnseit nrrn iL :.. . . ' .nc Ul IV llAICA In mn-iH ..k l I . . -o" wm nun requested it- the day udoii which tho r.i;.i.:.. of the Queen's message was before t1e the House. In several nth-, in.i. . , - - niiiiaiiLra nave I been more than usually thank- fill flint f .,...1.1 .W J ...oi i tuum say -i am an Amehi C Aft PITI7ru , .. . win jtiniPS prospectus, so tfrnTaiTwIio receive ilil have ... ..,u,,,i, ,., judging ot its merits. Ex amine it n you hko it, send ua your names a. wm,., nnu --uown wun vour uusL ' C 'f Though Vprv irnnn. K.i'nrt ...lH I J - j ,'"."a. uuij iiiiio years of age, tho publisher haa learned to act Jf" "peniy, ni alter mucti Importunity has been indulged in bis inclination to print a pa per. The proceeds will be exclusively his own; and as he hopes to learn the practice ofecono- mv, aa Weil as indllalrv in -r his Undertaking h. ritidm. : i c. . which will assist bim in hia favorite pursuit of .i...vienge. ue conhilenlly looks to tfto pens ofliterarv oren'lempn nt,.l I., tin. in ik. ... . - . " ... " ' uiaiD, .u aid him in his labors, and to the patronage of ...o iM.orsi gnu ine appreDalion of the public for aa 1 as ICWBTU, Tkbws-I 80 per anmim. fjj Postmasters and others, who receive thia iMunuci-iui., sre respectfully requested to lend iheir aid in procuring subscribers. They may, it they choose, retain and circulate this among .ucir irienil. anil h I.i,.. T . " J H 111 1 1 ters to the Publiahir nn li.i.;.i... .r . t. who procure sunsenrx-rs. mn.i h n.. . , rm. trill, BUFFALO SPRING for SALE. This valaablsj property lbs subaeribaT as a( fm tor ask, aad will sell oa good icraaa, af ap. pliaatiew be aaade fcy the Slih of Best Oeeeea. ber. This Spriog m skusled ie a healthy and fertile aeetioa ot eoaotry, ia the eoanty of Meek leaburg, Va., svveo mdea Irons Clark sville, a flourishing village oa the Roanoke Klver, 17 mUes from Boydton, at which placa Kandolph Mseos College ia located, ana) 95 milel Irom Oxford, N. C. The asedieinst properties ot this water arc Epson Sails, Uoo, lpltivyitr aad Magnesia. 1 he many cores eneeted by thia water warrant me in savins- that It ia sol Interior In nlu. ral water in tha State, lti efleeta are pro in nt and certain ia cutaneous diseases, diseases ot the It am sen. bowels, kidnevs. blxtnW. mrm eyes, aad aterine diseases, aad a prompt rsslor. w vi hi:.. ... inu strvngin iv vnnvaieseeais Irons fmrnmrn II... A-Am t ! . . L r . ...... ,,i,ui,ii,vi KHiiauwai, DV lur aished of its efficacy ia tbe above aad maoy otb- n. h ,n.HWi,Hniiiiiuii llieni U1BH of eminent phyeiciani both in North Carolina tc Virginia. There la attached to Ibis Spring 130 aarei or 1 .1 . . . ii r . . ami. parl o, wnicn is qrsi raie uotlom Isnrt, extremely well sorted for meadows. The build ings are nearly new, most of which have been built within the last three er four years, and for comfort are not anrpsssed by buildings at any waleriag place in Virginia. One hundred and 6 fly people can be eomlortsbly accommodated at this plsce. A line of stages continue to run from Belfield to Danville, by this Spring, aad siiiters loming by Stage will meet with oouvvsnce Irom cither of those tilaees. r ! " " ve "J straw swill ui eember next, thit Spring will b for rent the en- Mliflf TMr Ar Immp. I .it..,. ...1,1 it. suhwriberat While House, Meeklt-nburr coun- 7, , ..r .... wr. r.owsro Sieeil, IJxtord, I. mil. ville county, N. C. will tion. in A TUACIIEU WANTED - Tbc-TWces-f-HTP-ninKi,rT:Tl.l . . ' J ..caitcinT Wis of the Institution on the 1st. Monday in Oct. lion a number nl iMri tar All 1. 1 l. t. a . mi;n n. pahkpd e - v mm U MtmU I now offer tnr tU ti..0ki. a t i j i . - - - -ail ui unii in (lie Count V nllnnif kr.A.. l. . i i. . ' . w mm me ' uoiiier,-- si(unei on Hie north ii.leof Veute River , V " v - "l iiiiici ran or md won. eontaininir nnf Kna.sisin.1 i. i eleven cref; about one Iboutaml ol whioh ire ill Hncleaivrl anil nneai.l M. L ti i . -..,.v, w,. un, mcKorr anu Uogwoml growth, indieaiin; a fertility pf toil not extendi for in n,:i. A it,. li- j . - - - ine i-uumq roan, ano Ihe lame distance on the river, where I here ia a 1. wclwv BC"n, Done i anu in;. Ace. J ht (Print must I. a L I IfmPnA I nn a f II I er. . '. vr.. i m j, iT-aiiiiinii r.ssfl. ni I Jnma A lo. lot Sn 7rt in nl L' . . I, . . ,v .... niiiHvn, III! lifr, ln...l. . .1 . . , . u i M i cc oiooiieu nor- . ...e niuM isinionaDie aiocK in Ihe United buiea, They msy be seen at Usk Forest, the ciiucuce oi my lntlier, in the County ot Nash. SAMUEL C. BELLAMY. August 2, mi. 33, Kegistcr and Standard. Earthenware, China and Glass. Aamos . Barm, Imfimrlrr, .15 VASH4lrsTrii,-i?T ... . ...... . , r. vy iukk, ttas on asiid uimnLu . . - . . . . . 7 i. ' . """"kw oi chowe . k aM I m hTe lln. f Kl ntrr P0 the most , ,. . "innion oi porebaaera is reipeetrully sulieiled, with the hope of bring able S -- -- - ...m rarTcrj pariwaiar. ew York. July g, lJ3g- ' M Jw Plsboro Academy, W. C. The Trustees of tbii Institution take treat pleasure in annoanrin, , ,ha lriondt of. uon ihrouRhoiit the State, that they have enrsred hevalusble serves of Mr. J. M. Lovejo, to ske charge of lb,. Academy. The Trustee. .. r i I- "rr"",,ering testimoni.l. (both si r irinli his nnal fir.i;n.. .. . L . . . k.k:.. i . " iecner ana nil 5ri':. w jit nt .iek.ine.s o, lb. .17:1 eompelled lo abandon a very nonriibiog M. mmibenng abno, bo. whiuhfin ,dai: Dooks ajsTiiln! Iflore Books!! TUHJfEH a HUGHES, Publishers anil Itnnlia.N. L -r. , ,i.w i.i, en I c- minneil Inn onnti mi i i .... .. r k . u i I- . ......... ui i, in iii VfjaUvaa. of Ihe rerv tiivniiff. umfr w Ri mil-c l . j . ... uixvjno Rent llfl hanil, and being added lo b. weekly arri.alij but they seem lo have forgotten the fact. In or. der to refresh their ee.sary occanonally to lay before Ihem a eala- . t uui nun oi rrceni arnvait. Keatl IhC fOllnwini I hears XTH fl .1 . . aft ""-is vii m aw. i. curHr Mle, tid avail vouraelvea of the onportuniiy ol nniiti.ln a. -r.T- r:i.i:. r Life of Arthur Lee, L L D by liiehsrd Hen, ry lee, S vols. The Life of Tliom.r Jcfrer.oii, with parts of hiseorrrsponilcnce, by Geo. Tuck er, . vol.. Works ol Joseph Adilison in 3 vol. I r..l. in F . . ll'lii , . . . . ....... ... uj inner ri, u. u. 1 to. 1 he works of Charles Lamb, with hia life and letters, by K. N. Falford, S vols. Webiler'i apeecnes, S! vols: WirtVLiteof Petri, tile ry, I to. Steam's Works, 1 to. Life of Sir aner seoit. by J. U. Lnckhsrt, S vols. Al ten's Life of Seoit, I vo. Seott'i Historv of Scot land, 2 vols. Knllm's Ancient History. Plq. .en s uves vols Stewart's works in T sols. rilBtarr nf ih Pnltit..! IB... -r ... . -- . - v....... u;.ui u. r.unme anil il. Colonies, from the discovery of America lo Inn i.iln...n.l i ... . . .... ui iiio American c ontinent. frnn tha .r a 1 1 . i . 1 - - ....i, , f. ii. neeron, x vols. Martin's Hislnrv nt MnMk r. i: u:.. j . -..... .'-.u.iiin. iiisiDrr ol the Horse. I n. M.l.iin.1.. u. ' E . , , ' - . a..uiu.MJII 111 in .1150, i vo. Wrsnsll's Memoirs, I vo. Gibbon's History of Rome, 4 vo. Kmb.s av to ine Iv.. t.m r?A... "f i . i : . . i- and Museat, in the U. S. Sloop of War Peacock. nT F.rlmtinn link..,. , . r r. -j ..,.,, ,.t , ,u. aiemuir oi iomreo oore Harnev. I vn. Lfnk.n. i-.i u.:i I . ..H. . RIIUW phy, 8 to. Baeon'a works, 10 vo. Bsmetf, H itlorv nf kil n vH lima r. I .n. Ill : , - " .... . 7 ton's works complete in one vo. Tucker's Lieiit nf KT.I.iu . t . , , . S . " oropieie work, ol V oltair ? 70 vols. Pone's wnrk. B-ir... 1.. .i. .. '.'I". "w.., tdi. iman r.snvist. s ni.. All Of Which mill k. anM ... . . . . " ... mam aeenm. icfidi. a I'KKtll a; HUliHKS Julyl, 1838. "j Dftrlars Ilnrrall'. Manli-lna. tat. THEIR AATI-MLLlOUS TOM J TO PILLS. . These pills supply the place of ealonael aad are a eertaia aura lor all diseases af the liver, tbe di Iterant varieties of fever, all ehreais aftVe lieas, sad every ether malady requiring a eettiao tie or brisk operatioa aad tbe aid of alterative medicines. ad. TUEIR JJVTIDISPEPTW SLIP. PEHY ELJH PILLS. UlOa-,stinn. T haw - ' .... ..J . L. . .5 1. ' " ' -u . " ....-g.n to tbe bowels, restore the appetite by imparting tone to the stomaeh and by Iheir timely use se rious all ark an. . I 1'L.. . - a i" . .v ..... ,i . miii, ii dinner pill and are invaloablt ia di'aeaaea peca- -- cm i tire n. I he aboVsi nnMiaiirta.u a:.. l. I - I""' """Ui asi va uvw isi vniavii vj the profession and others of tbe hiehrst respec- l.l.iK. .. . ... ..... r .it oaiiy proois oi meir su perior intrimie virtues. These eoniHUralion., tberefore, give Ihem a claim to the confidence k patronage of the publie and phvsieian. generally. The respectable eertiSealea' of Ihe Mloeing a-"-""" leuimonnis in tneir lavor I'b.I.I...! I. V I , (! - --(uui.ii. euuuir, ... V. IW. To all whom it may concern. This is to cer lifv ,l. I I . . i . i , - . - w.v,,ew,i ine roosi saiuiarv ri feeta produced by A. h J. Harrell's Aati-Oya-peptic Slippery Elm Pills, especially in dpspep- sia. anil tl.nt aiiikn... : . j . - -""".i i. i ii or unea.inr.s ami no not he.itate to recommend them to the public aa a uneoinrooniy nieasam and uselal medicine, lo testiihnnv of thai confidence, gentlemen, 1 wuhyoo to forward me a thousand forthwith. Hcipeclliilly, TJIOStttrCHEUTMf. I - T. J ' . oieaWasaobaaB GREAT ETPrntnnv J fie Kateiti mnA r' r . n ... have the " L" of their Road b!n. c:.i...i . j it. r- ri Vr aow lorm. lines il...nnni..; r .V .. .' ' X. Williams, Justioe of the From Horatio Peace: ,M Kliiabeth City, V. C. HSS. . , . "lie nasi year made Irequent f yollr Anii-Dyspeitia Slippery Mm Pills, and find Ihem a most valua- hi, III t'litn in (I... n . I . ... .. . . g. J f' me ni'.ii nenencial .... ,nj ijnein, wnenever l have lid occa- ,u u.v ...riu. Keipectfully, bOHATIO N. WILLIAMS Fraaa-the Rev. Jsmes A. Riddiek, Itineraat El VJ oi vie .vieinonist lywseoii.l Lhurch. i i. .... In tn.lif.ina. In Ik. -i n . . . Harrnll's Ani.ll.,M. L. gi:.. ,, . . -.(. iiifci , r.uii r un, i teel Tree to lay, thai I have used Ihem in several .ilt. .. : .1 . I . . n,. ........,, cnn.niei auic oeneni. I her ope rale nleasanilr wiihnnt ,k. ...' ,. ..UIIIGII, anil in mv own ease, thee lu Km. .nii.v.i.. eessfuT in rernn.inir ii,. .r .i . . I regwrd these pill, an excellent medicine, and fthfilllll ha Iraana m I I . a H m ins noiiae oi ever lamilr. itctpecMoHr, iA.MC3 A. RIDDICK. From Mr. Charlet !lariell, a retpcctable Mer uentlemrn Thin ia lo eenifv ih.t I Ka.i;...- VOUr A ntl.lf lllinnar 1M.aA Ll : 1 1 . l i ' , s vuiaiiu r mi in ue i rnon and renuine mfAinnm m.A .. .1 . " ... " .ewa ma, hkv vuniain ail ,wr which mey are recommended. I nave used ihem in my family in several eases. Bnrl th.. k... I er . - 1 ....7 - iTTcu cnecruai me.erv ntitanee. soura, etc, CHAS. U A it U ELL. From a respectable citizen ol Paiquotank eo. lttntlemen Tki. i. iA ....:r. ... i- Of VOUr Ami. II nn. T . ikii. , ' ... u r .. A- T " ins. in a recent attar of liver affection connected with derange ment ol the lung. Iheir Use was attended with Uie most salutary tesulia. They operated Ir vet Wllh neeillisp miM.... I..-: i ' . '. , , . i..., rviiucmr irTer ami clearing the stomsch and bowels of Iheir morbi.l metiers. I think Ihem a superior medicine and recommend them without hesitation to public no tice and patronage. JOSIAH PR1TCHARD. From Mr. Chsrlei tlriaht. Iirmr r Paann rat aktnL- .n.,.,. xT .... Mr. Nelson Phiiiina. TAKE NnTlPH-i .t.ii . sth d,vof .,n;-"7".:":,,."?."e.on",,.v ,he ia Ihn all. i . ,ne '""t House j. .... rainipi.ana on Thurs. .l2-..-i"H?."."'.": .". a eertaia autt.. ?' rau m evidence in a Term Ttai ZL7 T 'ranville, September proper. Thi. 2i,i yu fi.TOa"KaV".V't: "S- u""ii t. PHILLIPS. .. 31 t Sth aept 03WOTICE43) : TO ALI..WV r-n Willi. t WHS, daWfe"! L' .." William Area. ....-.., .DU . my other creditors : I lesaA t.V. ..: .l-. . .. ia Seni-mkl. . V; 08 "etond Monday ! I Sail whom il ma. tl:. - . . . ""iii . in. i. to cor. tily that I have taken Doctors A. h J. Harrell's Anti-Bilious Tomato Pills with grwt beotfii. have been sIbysv. .nlii.-i in k il k Ti 'i. " Jiwwreiie ami have found but hole relief by the remedies I hae resorted io By Ihe use of your pills. h6. ever. I have,.J , l ? 1 ow" .. l l . . "ucii auvaniaee. and I perma. ' ney merit universal confidence Keipcctlolly, P :. w., . .. CHAS. RRIG'IT. . saie as tae liig Store of Wm. M. Bi ason & Co. kLh'J'" R i?..iVh Leo1mo" rt'i'y e..e Chalk RslloaVron?' r0,e' ""1,b "" i- a . . i"" "ww run in ttr flail v mail line from Utile,, , New Vo,k m '?i ''m'' 'i-S. .loppage. i, , .leer. ' 0,,, ,l" '0,, ' niu,' Travellers ti-nm l t .. snd ih. iv... """""rongri, natisbonr .1 ' .? ",forn"d " h) ("king tbii route, Ikey , reaeh Wa.hinrton Citv ia 7U hours Irnra r;.n.k. i. T l .. . ' of two aigbfa aleVp. " " ,Me,"U This is the nl. ....... .j . : .... , , - inn., raneoiiioas rom. t ,he , s; A fir(( JjBc ol Losehe. is kept up from Littleton ihrnneh to Ksleish. h. Ik. .: P ects it snd where it enitrs with Ihe great South, ernmad liae lo Fayetteville, Columbw. Au. guita and Charlesloa. M li r The lialriuk n.--.... o.ii.i ... . . - - - , fniouiirr Match. man, Greeniboroogh Pirtrlot, FajrUevlfte t)h. ser,er Konavill. Register, ;hrra. I;.,.". .I'luiiiuia leiescoiie. Atiirn.ia i Millrrlverille Journsl will i.u.i until l.t ol AuftU.t. and forward Iheir ac.oum. to the office, oflhe Raleigh Kt gi.ter Railegh Mav 18, 1838 (W llw 1 DRL'CiS & MEDICINES, Slju of (he Golden Mortar. wivr. m. zvij&soir & co- Hsvinl mirchssed the entire alnrk nf ..... T. S. lieckwith tc Co. have commenced Ihe APnTiiri-AUV k...i . .i i r ' - . uu .....a. a, .lan.i inrmenv occupied by them on r'avcltevillc Street, second door north nl W. V- Sink . k . .i ....... .. ... ... .un, ,i,c iis.e; juit received a further .upply f Druffs, Medicines. Oinss. oil. Paints, ye SitntTs and Pcr fii tiiery, together with u general assortment of Fi.VCr ARTICLES. bWeiC.erm7 ' 'he n"t re- Mercbanta and oihera . k. r..;.. . paten, and other term. a. ihe, e,n be go, south ofth, IWn.c Persons would Ho .Ii i ..n .... u""e. ,hem,e.,es. Physician, a, a" . ' "r fsvor a. with tlii- .,i .' " "m7 promptly .itenrte,, 0 N) '',- - - pU bT.'"! tai' l'l-..trPre. psrat.QB., ,,,eT ,r,ermiwe,, ,l0 m'e(lj i- n 'Uch r'. rni". 'h"" be sold hv ;.ed auenuon, thereby .ri,ii,, ,hot fcl mutakCJ that too often occur .brnl. inetmpe; tenay or esreleisless, tbey Uo,,e, b, tiriet tioa, lu kii.iitesa, t merit a share of the nublio patronage. 1 Febraan-, 18SS. , J0 tf evidenee of the high estimation in whi. h thisl , September neat, it beln. tlemsn was held ss aia, of Pless and On...:. TrwTfPstfiuit., ,. l0 , 6rM mm..m' fejsioai lor Franklin Counlv. between .h-VJL V.. Via -iarjwT . Labor to make a WVcA.Mr. Dent, in a lecture deltvcred before the London Royal Insututo made . al,18ion to the formation f iatch' aA ' tto wateh consirts of992 peicM; andthst 43 trades, and proba bhr 215 persons, are employed in makinr, one of these httla m.hinn. 'r'k. : ; . no xiuil OI VMItcn the balance spring is formed, is valued at something less that) s forthiner; this produces an ounce of steel worth 4jd, which is drawn into 20 yards of steel wire, and represents in tho market 131. 3s.j but still another nrocean of hirdening thia originally Ctrthing a worth of iron renders it workable into 7.6S0 balance springs, which will real Iseat tho common price of 3s. 6d. each, 9461. s. the effect of labor ajon. Thus it may be Men that tha mora lakn. 4ua.,i - - i" uuvn one ftrthing s worth of iron, gives it the value of OArtl Km a. a .rn .1 .it , . . . v,, uui i lira, waicn IS 70,080 tiraei its original walue. CROSS FiKINO. A aeene ia given in the Baltimore Transerint from the Vaudeville of "Tne Pioneera of Ho eheMe," which, when well acted, roust be ex reedingly amusing. The piers was written lor Miss Biinyia by J. II. Hewitt, Esq. In this cna which we ropv below. Cornol f... eoch amtf.e himself with going through the manual exem'arv- while aeated at her wa.'i-Ubla, sbstractaJJ? UMUons bim ronceri. iog S.wtrimoay.' a, ''' f" iB leva wilh yea) I CefeVt-X filial wenOJ joM The subicriber . i , .... merwh.T. rf uLT,"7.,r!l, T"ta"- the lies Hi. i I., k . ""joining Unun- moat hber. ,.L. " u,r !" nd on tl.. AUSTIX fJKORRR. Sign cf the Hig llont. Petenb.rg. Va. ''"niore Street. State orrvortt, Carolina ii axe f :siM.,a- O . . I r.'" oupeiw vmirt ol Term, Ana Neighbors rt William Nelghbors-Peii. 1 14 1 ft frtt I ,,mmm.. uaw.aiasaB. It InfVMPMIV In ikak ....I' a. . - -.ii .a.ina; been asade ml tb. Loort door, for tbe jjj, 'Z?. i-. aj.j..- unics ine md Wil. S, NrhbrP',,a,r M Term of Jll fo-nb MooTLTTf sVeoern,:.d;jB, -S bioT Ju"graeai or. ,ter. II. B HAVES, C 8. C. fXrnegUter" 7 ' jrn ; -- ..t. . ..uar,-mrr nnveioy T.r.U'."' ' 6r methemJ - -7V ' 1 nM ' f Itreet iroport .nee; , , ,,d , p0i,. ptre eu) J psrung knowledge ilh ,erJf , f Uj( T eourse nf iminuinn ik. . . . r. , . ' "'c "suoro- neasetny Of lZZ' ?" l"'?- l0W."r n'1 h''"W b'' ol I.icaoon, inelu.hng Latin, Greek k Preach. It ..'de.igned to miike this, aa it is believed siieh ...'. r rrerntnry School fer ocn as are ifcatirnn nf . . Louisbura. to SH JlTEl 'a.1 Htel. and nrovided lo, .hi k.ZB:"V?' l? de Augu,tt,i3t; or.t.i.KK8. NOTICE. ssrr H'.rrbVb.Ti. taitstp 3 .0 per moatb. Tui,ilr; "iSj? ? -Tr h'. It is nnne . , ., Z?'J M dTe.rt"inS. 'ji-g near the w J Hge. 1'i.t.boronh'orf..; " ""J F7" P. WLrZVT"" ,h '"""a of James ". . . - ncaun snn ... i v.. mount sk.i nik. . ik.. . lainins? sn aaraa , . Aorn.l i- m" -ii, oh'B, PC. PricelidT. fi t Th. kCEKWTEOrT qaalifiaaiioBs, and who : Jm -n!ii ' mended, good w.res and nl. " ." will b. LZT Z'- "if i1ioa tiole. is dSit41,,w-"" 'f R.le Inl-.T .... R- TUCKER. n -, .., 1MI 3Q ( M.1WAWAY from lb. SubeeH ber's blsntmiin. u n .1 . "".io. eoun. tv. about tha ...hik r 1 "". .- a-"" . monin, W- H""lew,.ra. mund Jolmaoa, dee'd, snd Ltd bv Hie AilrlllnulH.1.. t 1 . ' ociclr. aa it is hh....i .uL . " ' I tainin. tin .. - "- "u oiucrs, 000 Ihoac of anv wn in clr'""' l R.sci,; 2 ".r-i G" 4- WADUE1.I.. S . t- monli sailed ih. T-.k. ",;;' "' ,,u J-lyli. 1S.58. -,7 The Wil .,,, t.., V"., " er, r.oenton lis- ""'..'I'nro 'Free I'l-elWaaxI Elisabelh Pii. I'htenii. w ill nnhll.k .1.. .FTSt . V.n . r auu.e mi isi Ttentem. -. . .......n ,r payment. -aoot P It fJCI. AM ATIOK the Governor of No. Carolina. Where!, bv an at naa.-.i . of. he General A..bly of thi, SUIe. en.Ul'.U "an an ael nreseril. na .k. . "ra and sell.,, the Und, hi. s...! ?' d by treaty with . be Cherck Ta 'J.P msile tha dine nf ll.a r:.. ' " l..rnl.h.w'...:ja-T: """'be re. vey.tolhe Se.ersl place. rt.ribd "l an. , !.,. hi. Pr oclamatirmT he ,imt and nlaee nf sale, and a,k. .u 'V: andVield Bookibave bt-tn Vei.ii.Il '....? u,nly. -"f- Now I. F.ilararil It n...ll r North Carolina. In nkl.:. ..Ver . f aembly, do herebv i.u. ThlT.w Til. giving aotiee that the we '.raid ld wdl Mmrniia am lk T. . r . . W Inn.,. 7m" . .l raaklin, ia ihe ... .riiilMfi .1 bditv. In ad.liiin. .. .k respeeta- Preh,r. ,K. , 1 r are liberal A ll .nl ."- "'oa ami il .count h 7. tSL'i A" oroun,c.lion. wUI benr.m,,t- I MMVIA. I ftr.n . A1CI.0 SCHOOL. ' MOOS. Police M. JVitChleraa Bespeoifullyiotorm. ,b. .hilZsof aad Us viainilr. Ika, k. ;n , !",ig p-sls to otaV.,;" , "-"nutnuor In Uecember Wri! d county ot Macon, on the fir. MoJ. rS.l 1 Ynr.nfZ'Z til' bnt ' ber ,d enw,ioe ,n "'-- 7; .is to eight m.hes high', Ihm rk.a..J t 7 . V tori wool ann well made for strent-ih. 11. ' . . ' . a and under Ika Ooulit lurkmr skn, ; .1 " . "" u'wrinieroaaee and if....... -ru .. I . " - .uvmr wner k. ... .- .... --------....., u, o. r . Haiiar. 1 raiseo. ,..,.-"- son smi t-nsrira L. I nton. Esnr. e. ialiV. jT ate coont v sioi.era .noim.d fn. ,kL ' I and purwhwed by me at the ,,1. of u ,0 the provisions ol th. id TL-rj!2,"w of wberewf t r.,J boot twentv ..o'... T"" J"-u","",,' - T " "-"""rB .. ilI. t. r "uoih nie wet cipkt "ernor, ue have ?? .""" ol ordinary aiie. He ia nn real Seal .r n.i 6.... doubt lurkina- a limn n 'ZT."'." no , , .. Ulfllf , e - fla.tT COUIllVi 1 Will f be hereunto affixed, ad siwien .. ,,e bove rewsrd of fin dollars Lr ik. Z .b d., or May, i me", ' 0 fiTb: fcUWARD B. DUDLEV. Ki. aL, f 80 7w I nf -id ,-' i"-'"""g eae or both l provisions 01 in. said 4 IN tesiimoay w t lE.i. I B. Uodley, Gc eaused the Grea e a c. 4 . . . State oir North Carolina, Aast County, Court o Pleas and Quarirr Scions. j Original att.ehmret le R.1.1 s. r. , " I oa four rows at calves Battle k Drake I 3 leather beds, houl.old ln.k 1 ' vt fl?. 'Xcno iHrtiiinre, one Jo.h L. Mose. NEOHO WOMAN named I SUltliy, books, notes and r. r . J outs. Jt' Ar. dered ,,a, 1!? , ? Slar-W,,,,.'---'. -m?!" State of Korili Caroliua, Franklin Cnuni, Court of Efiuifj-.SpringTer,n, w. A maw.. TtJjJi:W' ? John bur-, of the thaniel Dunn Mr' 01 Ttffk"V a o. a5, 5." ir. 1 ivit John flroom and hia wile Na-ev, of .he Stale of .nne.seej i.,sr IJunn ol tbe eo.iitj f Umeilooc .,,,1 State K Alabama; Thomaa 'wnjuoL WUHay ,d tjtme f ,..n),tt--- 1? '""h, or rlolmes county and stall Mississippi, Ann Merrill tc William Mere n't. inlsnis, oflhe inly of Todd and stale- .1 nf T1'ri.H,",,;. W. rhmr'' "mini.tra lorol Wm. Ounn, dee'd, nl the date ol Ten. neasrejand Ann Dunn, oi the county of Frank lin aforesaid defri danta. " It aillHFSrina In i k. ... i.f . ... .. k.. ".aciHin 01 inecnort. that John Itroom and hi. .if. v ... ' Dune. Them.l.nn tfn.. c . .' Merrkl. tvmu" v,'..J .T' "V.0"."' t. , . . r,,, ami riariiv v. 1 llne. BlIrhlni.lMln. 14' 1. , J . ': . " , " "nn, ueeeaseil, sevea nl Ihe delen.lania to ibis bill, reside beyond . . : ",r .necestive wet ks tbe Sisr published and p, i.,ed i. ,he edy .t Kaleiffh. I list 1 h mi.t ' , o ' . '"""nn appTHr at our county ol Franklin, at the coon house In U,ii- '"?' "7 ,ccon" Monday sit. r the fourth Monday , September ., and then and Tr to plead, an.wer or demur to said bill, oiher! Ihem, heard ex parte as to Ihem, and a deerea oisde aeeor.linjjlT. - " occree VVilneis. Sam'l Ink.... t a " . one ..i.i r.- -. : . ter or da. : ii' .V'"' 7?r : 21 j ...rin am vion.lM lh.A(rta' i M. M..n. . -----1- "-",1,, -a, . M . V, 'I IIUMBI.U.U.. n . . OT.k ....w -""""'-I l. K. ' ",nr' ':S aw lnhaiet fit L ''"'. ., er Winn.1 sll. T?', u qwu-. the conn r ur.,"eou"'yfNh. at Monrlav in A-J" .r.".?""e' . h """I. a reBleTv:;: i.. ,tn h.'" P eeieM him, and VhV nro,,.. 7 La eB'er" doomed to ih. w: r ProV"f levied on con J,err ' V ,. " ' ... ro of nur laid Coortii nrK. x - 1,,1.?un. Clnk Monday of " N""''l. ul Prie,dv.f$ 62J.U "LOCNT, C. C. C. - - 1 o ni fill, f W -mm- - rear, before T the nnM ' bee l ces. i. ih. mmm. ' i numeroui iuiian- in efteeiin.. .1- M be hnowa to fail oa. have born. ,e.,i". !'7 Pble per Church ..d vai. Sb, of the M. E. bo, Irom hi. awn .,r;,!e:fWVrM -mmeadi U ,o the pXii". ADVEUTISEMET. The !m if w n ...i H. rasn a. i, i.i in t. ? ". '; e'eh- all it.. l . ursrrmineej me lo sell tbe eatabli.hment at the end of Ihe fireaeH. ;ear he subscription i i, ,b(,u, 80o77-.rl on the, ,n, the job prmti,,, Te'TJen,.' V V' 'wwltT; -ald not w tlmgly let it K jpto 0h vice. An esrly a.iplieatiim i, renw., J-.y,.m,CJONKS'fc State of ivorth Carolina,! ash CorNT; , r- , E "? Hrth. Term, 1838. Cbwiiy Collins, "J ? Dsvid CoUin. sd ''''''"Vonr' ' Henne, Collin.. J Alimony. th.t ih;"."A."i,,?e ?n ' Co,,-,.,., , .bi.7,;,;;Vi.rber,,mvr that notice lefts, .17.: ", ant Ili f vn;.. """ ' " n-l,ad- takin. dn: .V"" ' .-"" "" lo bi tk bim of- i? -"-"'"" aKxDr." , Jjg. J.NO. II. DRAKE. Jr. C. M. . K. .