V t RALEIGH XT. 0. XTXlirOD AY, C OTOSIE; 3, 1CC3. VOL. 2EXXS. - ilO Li f f -4 ' TUOTIA8 J.' lEJIir, j -it '- Morguxau - r 1 . ' TEBIISfi aubierititioa in d raw. - v " ADV ERTISING. . v'arervMuar (ooteseeadlng 10 fine thi 'aLirZlratUertto "oller-i e.eh "! rTTb advertWmenu of Clerk tod Sheriff. -':. -k..liiS ner-snlt. hiahcritnd I do- ' J..-U- f .1.1 ner ent. will b rol IromTa rmUr m-iee tor advertiser by the yew. . LeYtera.to.tse Editor aunt bo pott-paid. f soMtiieru LUcrury JI9'iifr. a',. i.rms for thi prtienl f otumt only. leaiweqoeoeeeteepvtted tftU)ioo for JL fc el I""" en- ! ihe 1'uliliitier bat eonMcU to- niter T m Hi iubterihar for1 the retneiorfer J Ait vol me eoioiaenew with- eilhrr the rJulv numbrf : His kmmt oaniber wi(J 7a p$ii the iieiubervfor half varj beavy espeta, pohlieeOati of il,t VluKn''rw HI Mitl Mjrl renilrre una .'i.l.blf, nd the with of the Proprietor Mill farikertw improfel..mkel it abittlntely 0 " ' that lie thuiltt hereafter receive nil tabicrip jtri'yfM Ww-r, Anneal appeal -been ntite to Mm- "4 " "r ifH!jWULUifci! WW rliie i A """ oeivd,-. tw HtH fkoledRet, on lt hod,.rtH e Mim5iiii ii rfcblr " 'he nmounl 'ehrd forK bo fcdlrr evidenee of hihiei! be tnentinned thin ,t (M that Ihe iberiion pr know a t bran Irrq-irntljr ul lor old foiumci. . . a. k dtuhi he reeeolly been mide oti llu Pr-ielor, for tipeinelncrred iaettWW-l mf conaneiinf ine wi i n, tkMt tubwriben he re Mill in rrr, will immololrly hd In or rrnul I lie mounu uiev rrireillly owe i whiehthoogli tmilt whei (Oautlcsrea jeiuunieiic, ieu '"" i"."iiilrrr if ie! tuv xnonnt of eontiderehle i port Mite. Ii, bet, -if e tialfM emounl IK ium eould be obuinetl, tl.e I'ropiielor would hemubled lodt tr - every claim f(iithif uhlielioft ntnntr i t).i ione, be ould irfinf irt ; lh wt VoIimims of the MeM?nger in n end tree it in mn Other reiirel. , TheVitk of trnmitti( tuMerlptioni by ml, ill be 0Mlied by he Proprietor. But erery lul.wriber thai Irnumktiiig myratn, krefiiieM 1 l.ilila takinr iiNiuiu eviilelwe of the- beta mil dU ot m)liiiK, J to return nwmoraluji of llie BVniber and partieuldr marki of Ihe pole tent. COMMITTET Te ihe Jail in Uichuioml Bouniy,Tf. C. e)n thr t14 nil. oegrO man laito ealla himself Torn, lie m l ll IllMichee high, elradar bnilt, daik apIetioai, ami about jam of ace I end aajt tic bslimca l Jaroe llarpdr, of Kairfildditriet, f. (i, '' owner ( iwea(eil to enme forwent, ' arvre nn.ncrly, pay charee. an-l take kirn away. 8. H. bKUUKUUir, J.Hor. , ' Sept. 4, IMi . , ' 'f , , Cartlicuwarct Clilna and .Glass. ThnuH Jtumw, mffrier, " . ' , 3 NASSAU 3THrKTrNV YORri, . Umt an hmid complete aaaot tment of liowa abd dawnible ertialea hi the aboae line, wkiek dl be wit) to the eountry trade, upoa the moej famrahle terwil. I lia atteaiion of purehater it .ftiiiratluliy WMrtw,-wtirtttinie' orx iairawle . tf ive eniM tJiitiaeiion m cxwry jr Krw York. Jaly HI, IKK. - :'-a i w. . Tke ftitliiwinf alluaioha by Beon tpiUtt, to one . tftliiMe eKtraorJinary eeiiaatione on whoae ex iMeaee Plato grounded llie beaolifol taataay, that tit knowledge it only reuu-'iubrance it el- eaenlingly elegwU -' ,'. J ( comioctiea with the phenomena of mera try, may I be here pcrouiuJil to tala hotice of of errt-ln inyltrf or marvel whioh baa ecaaionally prraeiilej N itaelf lo , Bie, and ia emielier of tke eiieteooe- ef which I iiaeo tbe eiperiene of ethera, in atltluion to my ewp. ,1 mean that ttrange impreaaioe, which will ' (Kxawinally oome willi unexpecleii ' aun Jeny Hwon the mind -thai (he aceno now paaaing;, ini in vr uich we there, i one-wokh,( in tbe r ple, and in the very word, wiih the tiHt reone, and with Uta .tame feelinga wa hid aceuralelv rebeareed W. know not lhea,jbMc(1j, ft kiwr,mbjBtei ; teaaationa, end laone wbtcQ. wiUocetir Wbure in what U going forwarj, there i no thin 5 ' tv nitrkable or of particular interact- involved. While wo apeak, our former word are ring ing in .our ear, and the eenleocee which e form era the failit echoee of eonveraaV tin had in olden time. . Out coneeiour riioughte, 'too, At lh-y -riae, ar-em to whiaper each' other that ihi it not their firat ap jwanea In thi place.' In. abort, all that ta tJw before ua eeemt the mpprition of k ilia lvM loo j departed ih epeetrel eeurfe tion pf acenra and Uanmcliona iong gone by, Or we may be eaid, by the , momentary gleajo ft flash of rarniniaeehee, fo' be fevlewioz,- in a myateriOa mirror, the dark reflection of m past, and liwne over. -in minute and ehadowy detail, aduplirttO of tlie. iocidont of ww pre-eiitttDUlate." The above ia a eery ' leu(iful- and- teou rate detcriplioa ot a phenomenon which every one,' Tkot mind if not entirely (natter of fact, ha "pnteueed at me fime or' other. There indeed, who will aot recogniae in tbe "ertptioB fcdingt whieb they, fierhapa, t,ri JMippotwd, were jMJcuIUf te theinaelv, aoJ wiU Mtatouahed to nod, tfiak, what lby tupped Jwntal idiovyncraey.T .clfaraeterwtie of the w mind.' We hae eeen K Meted -that Bwn fintilb Wiethe firat: "to peurtray thi Peenoeoenon, Thi ie not eo. Wiieir biM k wy, we were Martled to find f decrif,got of wttat we bad often Alii in the then rerciit novel uy Manneririg. BroWn. aliu Bertram, - wnen aundmg before theca.lMif fill.ngewan . .7: 7u,r Ji Oaj been Moieti-wbeo a mere Why 1 it tba awn. ecWawakerr "ht which belong t it wore to dream of wiy nd ahadowy reeoUortionf eucb a my nll imiu Mooaahl would h,a? aacrihea to a f proviou en.tence! 1. Jt thf eitione, "oaraWap that float eonfueedty InwriMnb 2;.Md.w roealled bT Uiepieraae'af- . S .ttt" iny "pee corrwpoail to the ptitntoijia they preecnted Jo Uirlmaginationt' "nw"endo we find ooraelvea taaociety which we have never before metv and yet bel impreca wiwith a mjMerioQt and ill Jfifcd eooacioa' , feat neuher theeeno, "thapeakera. no M attbjecl are enUrely .aewj my. (rel ?a if ere d aoUclp,u Ali the awkiaraatibn Mch hat not yet taken place! -. . "uTra tiierr aa a te'raunooa moH muvalron, pW j- Shlu rl!j!" that wtoat of Cheat were, am v reanitly indirtt d .there aa a twimoaaeold-v afirtamrjia inriwm. tun uKMwmDamt Mia T?rliicmaM-ii.".--i.- i-s ' A Klffbt wvlth Hi ricaeltw . j j. ( VawaVaf tauet -n N yi wnuld bare f Mrtn- worl J -t rcU tbe action. I had nsfieDttv It wm a deed done with mj ejet open. - Tli begjtur who ttealt to iv hit wife and children from ta.riDg, h tit ypV thyf the jtiJjfe who condt-mniiiim-v-and the homicide, whon crime U com mitted in a Ut U passion, may. fiild coniwlaiiou in. repentance, and in the cgiiaciuosneaa of tlie Jnfirmitjr of hn man, natai-e. Men wn from ijndrance, from teinptatiufla from want ttf espe riejice I hud perpetrated tlita tie liber ate! j.willi mT eveiopento the con wjuence. I knew the oalare of what I was doinj. Ilicre wno ailequatf le ra pi a llu 11 fHT it. I cuuld only plain it oriMie' grouodt of innate de pravitry A vvho prufeaied a scorn of wron who. was accoafomed to set f tjaminahon and . self-discipline who knew wiiot icuilt vms who Ml. while Mid il, that I was laying up a store of repriuaiice 1 nan ricitieu, anu 1 re- gardj-'d avself with contempt and hor rtM - ' - :- '-: ' Nothing cauld le mure pleasing than the scene 10 which this incident; took place. 1( was at a hall, amid music. tlanciog, and pretty women. AH lite t-iruiuuiH in uapptness seeraeu to lie a roun,L IJiapjpj? No. Remorse filled mr boaaui. I Telt tliat I had "re corded in the book of fats a tfttd hut to J be erased from which was to "spring ahaisi aml.tunerin. I full like. Jhe ghost of buried DvH.srk" ' J " "CunfjiieJ to fat in "fires. Till ihe foul crimae, done in my days of na- -ture, Are burnt tad pureed sway." . k Niiht came. . K'whtl At this mys terious period, the guilty hav furrtate t uieir punianuteHL. 111 summer I should hare gon out and walked till morning. Hut it was a .cheerless No vember night I went to bed. Irr'a little whiles aort of oblivion -descendr ed upon me, faintly lighted with int. ages of the gay ..scene . w here. I had spent ths evening. aod; where I had unfortunately laid . Ihis sin upon my soul. My imagination retained 4 . dim sense 01 music anu nancing. and care less voices, and flashing light, till their repeated impressions pameU met and over the whole, mysteriously and dark ly, like a cloud, or an spending danger, lay ihe tleniM5 conviction and shame of that act a sense of remorse anrtre heniion, guilt, and follr. from which I strove to recoil and creep away, and hide myself in sleep, or even desth. And, in those vague moments, waver ing between the real and the ureal grotesque beings, whose shapes . were. drawn in lined of light upon the black air. darted around, and made faces- at me, and held a srirt of devilish ' revel over my torments as 1 lay powerless on my back. - Such visitations might come to a dead man in his coffin. And a pow er seemed whispering." 'This jt Is to commit a' sin!" I did not think Hit,' said If f. could not help it.' - And, tar a moment, this seemed a triumph to me, and 1 shouted the fact sturdily id the faces of the fiends arid I called. the J gtHMi angels to help me, a poor, rmsnsi edmortHl, set upon in this fashion by a parcel of infernal devilsButa vnice, after a-sae-niiAweredr--asif wilh "a snent mot, lou knttc what you Hltd! you gratified your wish you agreed ta pay tee price yoo scorned cpnse- r)uences-y o have no eicuse-toe are bougnjand sold you are oars:' And I answitred, f tt true!4 and strove to hide myself. I. would hate crawled into any cave and alt the- while the dancing-weHt-ofri-ahd 'the music pfay ed one continual tune-and gy crowd, moving and bowing around. and ' beau titul female laces, witlr radiant -"smiles and careless words, carnt and ' went n thniirgs and masses, .With"- .floating ch:nige and a mocking contrast. Then I fill, abruptly1 oflfa precinice started -a"hd awoken f '.'.' ' - ' I I '.groaned ' alound, . The charriber as lighted by - the faint beams of n night lamp, casting grotesque an,d giant shadows upon rhe walls, and ceilings, lliere wa something unearthly about them. 'I had not thought' that chairs afid tables lliose iolnely aod Yami tiir mjecis couiti joint strange ana ;m - pressive. 1 here was a bar If in JW ae: ...I U. j; - - J, " uiiiik aiiiv's c, ruuiii-T-a. auimvi semi-cirtle, broken by arj .anglc.: of the ooriwce- appeawP iie a sezincnt'.-of Saturn' beU hnd. a rtsired v profile, hat frowneS .like 'the; spectre of some rTsoi. hdd-fth -a : threatening arm. and impresiet) me with Vsolenirr sense. f thejnonsttous and the '"breTternato- a- ' w i ' w And oon," amid these huje 'shad ows and that death'y ileiice, (broken omj oy ijdbiu iranr soine-, warping nahnel. ' or.. Derhans, a wall settlins more heay4y into its fouV.dation, secret tokens of.titne . qnleard by lint sleep ing: millions arovndj. the fatal act "winch bad marked my. pMb'eveDioe, .appeared before me like a ghostv whh a itnflnr power. .All Ihe darkest as pects of life presented themselves, as 1 turned on mj pilww and. strove Jo sjeep; , ".-Alt thst t'Jiaever tb-ne wrong, or "unking or doubtful, aaa -round mr ba 4tkei comnaaV -of des ils. each event cohyer4el into a fiend. I 1 ." '.in 'ft 1 .l.M.' ' III 1 ana ax ins neau 01 ibis agreeawe evcc the deed oC yesterday, a, saocLing, then, is te throw eat some reflections, heartiest demon, and then cas Hie which tay aid those, who snay be dis dancing and that aid Una again. r d to snake tliis review. 1 JkUisngtls - thit aUl .. varied by a gleam of comfort. Sow. thing which resolved itself at last IMS) K soothlag and most gentle spirit, sees, ed te steal in ntfbarvt among'thia let ef cluttering devils, and wbttperi ;s edinmy ejrt 'Patience, mortal, a4 receive this hour as a leseva. Ye shall net sink beoeatb your burden, but yoa aat bear it yet a little longer. . ben tlie cock, crows your persecutors k til dts- perse, lake care yo tie net put lKeaents are, that trara is a ffdert yourself in their power again, 'lTe tive system ef tio vera went, to which earth is inhabited by twe races man, the Slates, and not tlie individual eit a traveller on his wsy te heaven,! but iens. are partiesi that tbe C""' in sure Deaeiby the ether race, the dev. ils;- Therril but one method of escap- mg these teoilemcn, who now crowd yeur chamber so hilariously It U by j concentration of the powers of the. sys foHowinE tlie wsys uf richt and wis-' tern in the General Uovornment, must donw Tbey have, comparativelv no power over those charmed paths, butting acknowledged to be the principles nrsiti revenue, fy its'own : respon it is. the condition of , your eiistencewf the party, the question, between usvvr5 officers, appoihtelv for the per that when jei err.' yon are eipoed Inland Vur friends who have separated ;pue, is beyond .'ihe p4osibility of a their mischuvous malice. Indeed earh: from us on the present ocrain, is.'doubt." r . dllTvren't is the union error creates its own tormentor. Each, man. acenrdinc to his deeds, is honor-: ed with l retjnue ot these disagreeable; Hanks, conforms most strictly 1o them? binks. Kitlier it full ot constitutional companions, who acquire more power. Let us eiamine, faking, the prin- objections, arid ni'ifhcr can ilbe main the more theygsia. lliey retire from; ciples in the order in which they( tiined on tjie piinclpt of ktricV con around yon during 'the day to watch! stsnd.' ilroctin. On that pinncriile; where the effect 01 new teniptatwos, as an angler keeps himself concealed te catch the fish even, when booked, gives him ihe line in order to jlanre the barb yet uerner into nis victim, , in crowus, in moments ef passion, and times of pleasure, , they leave their prize, ap parently free but ia solitude, illness, snd during the night, they assumertheir dominion; and wo to him who becomes entirely their slave,. .As for you, you have committed . an action lor, which you must bear the .penalty, ..Yield with patience and be wiser to-raor-row.f.. Vr -. ...,; . ... 7 'lTie face of my instructress was hear me as she spoke', and she kissed my forehead. ; Then came the dancing and the old tune, and thw crowds and the demons, and in the pressure I was nearly o fToca ted.- . Struggliog, at tempting in vain to. calf out, I was at the point of dissolution, when, in fright ful convulsions, I ones moie awoke. At (tut instant ho cock, in the neish boring barn-yard gave a sudden, loud, and- exultant crow, and I distinctly beard., the slapping of tlie fellow's wmira,. -It was . followed by the cheer ful cry of a milkman: .A taint silvery Hrrht felt unnn tha wall tlirourrh the o. penings in the shutters and curtains. Government, and destroy ' the federa-j tion is toneerned,' tlie measure we sup rhe". night-lamp bun red lower and yet live character or our political system, port is decidedly more tomfurmabU to mere dim Saturn's belt was .icarce- than all other measures "put1 together State Rights, than tliat.whicli is stf p Ir visible opposite the pitcher-handle, . and if it should become the established ported by the friends .who have sepa The huge bar hsd lostits slurpoutline, policy, it would in' the end inevitfbly rate'd frbinhriV"" ' r : Jtmt relarnednongh to identify U with tlie poker.jsnd the. frowning giant JiaJ dissolved into the outline of an old fobe dechambrt, carelessly flang over the back of a chair. v Blessad thtiman snapes an, aiier u -uneaniuy images ef night.: ,1 turned .over with a sense f saJfety, of beipesmnnsmy fellowcrea-i tares, and op the earth again, ol having expiated my crime, etd of Jiirrgttovr - life before me to tr anew , the path of virtu and wisdom, and so I tell'jnto teres, and op the earth again,lofhavipg . .rt.t flaH . . .. t. ,rr .. i .dement)' Jwr' tliis ed mt wife wbeo: I read lunir tb maif aawt aha. c6minit. ting murden Whst !is' It y6u haye done bte fi , r Calhwnn's Letter'. . ' Dean Sir. -I hsve -received fyooc note m- Chairman Mtf " Committee ot -Arjfa1ige.ments; inviting me to a Barjia- cueuinnerioiegiveB dj i"4vepu Ban State Righfs-citixeils oC Richland, dis - l4ticj mi iin,i,m.i4iir-i a vc)prauuii wi viuvcrn-- Wnt and Ibnks.'on. the 8lh in.' 1 ffer'a I' - "" deep sense of grati tuife" or the Potior -...'i..i '...'.-.if .1 r :..." uicuiivu,. uw uio Bcasuu vi alio jror, the-great distance r' snd "bthef causes net necessary torstate, prevedt Jne from avvemtujr iho tiivuauuo. . - y ' . essay. " w , !j with the GoVernuicht, butheri-:sep-;tnosHlirectty sabyerslve'tjf ttehuMJctn .' The reader wilt know it, saiid 1 j arated, the less.'i; V " " 'pikciplby:destryrn!;thst ualify " 'Not at alU said she. '1 assure you --'The ratonaJ"or thUVre so-:, obvious, between ciftien 4nd citiy.en,'anitfpor I liave not the slightest Wea, of it, jandliaVe Jbeen. so folly, explained ohsit and ptwAuit' which 1iei"at the '- Let them guess then!' said.f.. ; ot!ier oecaVions, that they need- nt be "bottorn'oflr Republican Governmehls. They-will think 'you have- been rW. repealed Jure. It has neveiCr indeed, ;lt tfleltly'srve crtat and decisive sul- to bring on yourseil sucn . lerri-.sary result pi -tue connection, is. to easv Kged in them. : llnS.rMr one would torments?" ; ; ! ' ?; 'the' wholes influence .of tlift ba'hklrig.duubt,if.th,same "hdvanfageslwere coii- ",I drank three tftpi if ilrong teal system, mth Its irresistiblw weighfr op ;feYretf bn an.individtiat.. Sappbse- for said'Vwith a blush.- 1 ' ; . : tinf side that aims to enisrge die:. powUnstance,,t1iat the jBoveVnment ihoeld .Antl" itfcer.veayou" ptrftctl'y rigbli'. ers of the General Government fb-,selecf any indivjduat, anis cohtrtct -to aaiit me wifi. Itlrh a I11.1V 'of indirrna- ilraw within Us Vorte every 'l)iect of '''ir!v'-tTtiii fho flMaiver'varlvanlflo- 'fif Af mucn as nas oeen.saKi on v mis uovernroeni.- ias twice paireu. f;ret measoce 4of de!ivernte"and already and the 'causes; which '-Vender-ibertr,"itis hot yet half exhausted jt incompetent, are dally IncrenVink.'lQ and I propose, in compliance with your request to. present a. few bsstv views on i a. single point, that has not "hitherto received a' due attUntion.' ia the sab- . ye must alt ; leelln deep .regret, that-eo majiy of our old Irtemis, w hose ataenment to liepuuiican, state nights thrm. that such an institution MJind principles cknnot be questioned,, have. has ever been, opposed to. "tbe State separated:rrom us on this great -ques-' Rights and. Republican xreed, -are bars ttoo. In this earlytaj-e, before it has 'the hich authority of the Virfirinia-"re- become too lateio retrace a false step, it bcome,s both them, and us, fdl Ir. ...! 41... k..-in. iiflk. V J w P ' w w i i tg vi ..pt- pj miiu yaiigci ius vllUCIII-T- "' tions, we respectiv,ejyccppy, in refer" jDut itjs. sad-by:same tpr our' friends enCe "to tbe,great apd cherished prip.' who lnwe separatetl, .thaV thwIodepen ciples of thejikrty. which .we both "dent and Corjdtitotional Treaiury mutt proTe4 to 'belong? What, propose. faiUnd tbVt its failnrs would leaite the .....lTe first atea is ta fit tit lead- f peinriple of the pkrty, and We, f - t iaaateit, there can be divmity r-piaio. We have a livin jslandard le prmeipfes wf war part?, ir which h bear the name sf ltepblican anu Slate Rights men, are agreed, hewetef the difer in art her ires- pects. Irelertolh Virtinia report. and the. Virpoia and tha Kentucky lVeJatiows r 0S." ' The great -ami .leading print pies assorted in - those uow esxnt te be strictly construed. and, as far as practicable, literally ad- tiered to and that conaoliilaitoo. or the Beeaiily lead to deapoiisiM. Tbete which of the two, the separation or the; union, of th Government aod the v men, turn, 01 tna two, ia two moat win tne rigni oe lounu to tnni icr a favorable to the federative character National Bank? Or if that difficulty of ear system? j did not exist,' where tu constitute it, us We maywell leave this pmttjn . je.jthienf4Wgfatthf) e'r,chagenv Jecrdedty our old opponents, the k'etl-' and the credit of the ' coiitmunity? era) or isational party, which under ail changes of names, have been so trie to their principal and poticT. Which are they in favor of, the separation or me umonr . ane answer is. easy, uh ohhb are . S'aio. inaiuuuons, createn no other qoestion, or any other occa.by their authoi-ity," and for their;" -per slon, have they ever been more united, From their leaders, down;' throughout 1 the entire rank and tile, there is nodi-; vision tn their rankS) all being bitterly hostile to the separalion, and devoted- equally outurue U tn regulate or con ly attached to the anion of Government trot any other of the domestic lustitd and banksr and well mar they be so. (ion of the States, inctudirt-r that Of all measures,' the union wf Gov- ernmenf and banks hair the most pow- erlul tendency to consolidation, : end Is of course, the most hostile to the feiler- arive character of our system rand nev- er am tne great originiai leaaer i tin reuerai or rvaiionai party,-", svicxanucr t It has done mart to eonsotidtta -the draw allithe-powers f HlwysHm i ,nl rle of the genitral Governtf : menu Without going ftitfy into tlie fea - jsonsof Uiisopinion, Isliall present two iew thatarein any tipinien eopclnsive. " terrain encci pi tne unionwnetn- er it be a league, nl State Wankv " ' Bank of the United States, is to throw .thntire weight of the baking system Hamilton, display- profounder sagaci jment or to receive tne -notes ot tne ty or greater bolJneta,lhan in consum- local banks, or any other medium, er mating this unholy alliance, bn- his cept the legal currenci in" its" tlues? own responsibility, n direct" -defiance But.'enouglj Iins been ,sa1t(' jo ' bew,; otlaw; by bis treasury order of -89. beyond all cotroversy." that as far. as tne entire weight 01 the baking system sary to fjby1 -tarihe rhost lpo,werfut- interest ia'-who jpn the "coinmnnify, en" the siild of high Rights duries and faxes, festr&vagant ' vxpeniniglit ii I aitVHrenel ' a4 jf I nflrat at If SSt IS BUwaLeV eSajid dtltaT attres, artil larfre.iurplusest and -that, oecsuM! tH the profits f the Banks,-whenh united" beenilentett. or ranh-overltl ' ' Aasuiri.. tn, then, the' fatt to bo soy 'the peces - ixpcnditare.fil lv"; ftyef fl' potiej 4et-caicuiated1o. increase its re.ventte ..anu uisuursetnents, anu Keen up an n favor of consxjidation.'and against .the States.'? ' " ' "? ''.-The nextetfect is 'not fess clears that iiwui most certainty ui tne eon,ieau ni the esUbJinhrnept of a grea'fajmnal fiaiia, iu tuiniui me oaic natiivuiuna. This, the National," or .Wh?s parryr aa hey fre now tailed themselves cleV- i- 1 ...l..'... ,'it. kl' . iv aec, anu nova tne caii'U'ur .10. et- knowledge. They .know, fuM well.that the. State Bank system must fail, Jiow- twtr iniHiiueu, as Jiscai aire ill 01 ine forcer audit is now.supported by Te National '4 pfcrty expressly nn the groun.d of its incompetency,' and ht its failure vvitMedJ to the establishment' its failure witl-Jed J to. tbe establishment of a National Baok-- measure so Ta B I - A. - al '1 . .1 .. vorabie to their .principles ; and- policy and therefore eo ardently .desired, cyjbetv port itself,. a lar-re portion of which ". isJ deliber-'intended to,prove its nnconatitutiohaU II. J J.-.. - i ' . ' I ih( rrauit, aim mat ii la-wit luat c auvwcaia io acparaiion 01 mej" liovetn coua they oppose it. It is asulflcientment sndllanks,' cannot' bo charged answer to tins, to state, that such Is not tbe opinion tif the.Jwo trests parties," who support or oppose that measure. The former is known to be 'as hostile to a National Hankr as the tatter ts ar- dently in favor of U, and It-mat rith confidence be kstei ted that the tear of the one for the measure, and the ardour of the otlwr aint it, would speedily abate, if Vithrr thought it would rait anil lead to 'tlr result suppoicil.' ' ; ' 1 nr neu inquiry is, vnien .01. ine twii enh forms the 'moar closely to the principle of strict -construction, and a riaid dliefeoce as possible to the . let- irr wtinv runsiimtionr tvn there can be no doubt. ' No one ever has, or. cart pretend to raise a cftirstitu tiotial objection, to Ithe. separation . of Uovernmyrit. and . lUnks. Ihat the former luiiharlfjlvL to collect its dues lin the legatahitconetitutiiinal' curren-jfart cr of the counter, and keen and dis- whether we regird it with a National Bank, or an orahUfed'leainie of State liat power i liat power has the constitution neie- gated to the Government over either and how can such, power be .Inferred, but by tho boldest construction? The jculiar wants, ard there, is no. constrc tion ot the consfittition, mat would en able the General Government to rego late or controul t'uein. that would' not in which vre of die Sou th liave so 'deep and interest.' I niiltf greatly extend these questions, , and - ask what right has the Government tn give the Banks the public money in the treasury, to oe loaneu om or .oseu as tney may tuina proper, 1111 wanteu inr uisoarse:' iK of strict construction, must itiv the same tjeis - ee; Va.l lo consolidation, and that in turn, tojhe overthrowof- our free Henublican .1ustittltionv'' and ihe tauitbinneiit oi . despotic ; power, is so "fully esublised in - the . telebrateft Virginia resort as to re"nder it- ne'ees- sary to sa,iirrff tri . addressing "tWe; roress loaeion to tneoid ntates itepubrican party ' of 98. J iirtfeed grekfli eft.larg,t '"this W.mS K.hA a. I Jl. M . - t; m. A la.f . wnnt hereanfl iliow. " that' -ovn t wn- the Ooyerhmaritlind the Banks,- ft tte vHnlari-. lii tltnaa nwfitnil in tianln'nl .'over sdt other pursuits, aqtf '. those : en- having"his notes (eceitfed In ' h dues of the jGdverdnienr,, aiii 'to, JtlVetSm tho Use of the public money..- from - the tirhe lt was'coilectetl, tilt it ; Wat ,'tfis burseilnstliefe'a man so dull "ns- -not ibS see ; the 'hn'mr nse ' ailvanturreS - it would' confer on. him, 'compared .to" the rfst ot the community tliat it woumI give Jiitrf, ttf Vast - extent. 4 control pyer; Jho- excr)an2e3,, tlip ' Creditand commerce pi the country, "and -throup thejtu -nverall -"bthe pursuits?. Is," H .not alswcleaf," that kjinilir adVintaije conferred' on abyjcrmibinatioii of itnHi vi'duaU, woijldjtend.' to incrrase .the power, by adding tlusir irtilividiiaJ - Vtt' fluencea tliat bestowed .by.1tye4 'Goy. ernment? ritj Is it Wtequalry'cleai, .t .i .1. . r . .. r - t ' .. .. ini.. mn comerring oi sucn power on chartered companies of larse ca'pitai. and. possessed of impbrtantrchs'rtered .rights AvilbaU the means of ;prom"pt onion, and concert f action, 'would" be, but to render it still More - formlda-l Ufllt ahd cjcstl-uctive c4-rrr erroalBy between them and the rest ft the -com munity and,,ofxonrse, destructive ' ofi the yert basis of oor free Aepublican institutions? But all this is so clear, as to fiuire no illustration, and to' su percede the necessity, of dwelling long er' on it. --v-r!?r a 'a a 1 . ' a 1 a " . - - .. as concisely aa 1 Jiave presented my reflection, I have said enough, I Crust, to establ isvh .be yond al k'con troversy .that if there has been any departure from Olsv priaciples of the ;prtf ve, '.wlto witn 11. , uur irienus wno nave aena ... . 'at w a. T -aT" 1 S a ted from n, may think, that the meas w are we support ts inexpedient, incon-, ; vnieot, weak, or impracticable but I do think, that 04 a review,' tliey . mast r. concede to us,: strict adhereace. at.-r loastv to the old land-marks of the par-- j ty. This is a strong position to occu- ; pyv Wheei we refiact how jnuch .de- pends no matntaing the Fwderal charac ter of vur system, how much on a rigid a jlrtrence to the Constitution, and a n sutcessful resistance to consolidation, 4 ami all attempts to destroy .Uat - Re Dublicsn equality. Which ia the oride of this pointlour iimtitudoos, we may well bear4 many such objections to our i measure, even if well ; founded .or what are , these, in comparison to ; tho maiote-. nunce of great fundamental principles? be urged against free . tnstUutiona, toe anm tnu 01 ouieciiona niigntftsi avnerany, cuinpareo to ueapum:, which-,. lor convenience, promptitude, and aim plicityr1ar exceed the fornrers,.;i. M l In conclusion, permit me to oner the following aenliment: , ' - : y f J Iit-vtnmt emis In winy respects , similar to ttat of '98, but vastly,' more , . iinortantf as to the question -itumedi-ately involved and the wagiiitude of the ronequences tq follow . ;. With great respect, t am,'&CK&:. '-- - . J- C CALUOUN. Col. ft. II. Gdonwtn Chu'tn, 4c- x' Frowrtha Paratteville Obervr,?.Si. tnibUAAL lHl'KOVEMEMf coNvet1-, . .We. take, pleasure in irreteriUng our reailrrs willi the proceedings of a Town Meeting, Jieul ,tn this place yesterday aftei noun, relative to the Inefnallm. pruvement Convention invited to be held at the City of ttnleigh, on the ?4 Monday in December next.. W tiust every County in the State may be ftp rvtviiiru, . n? nccasiua is a momen tous one. , Every jnan,-' whether he b rich) or pour,. is deeply interested, and. should. aid in. Jhe work,, which has for its object' tlie salvation of the SaU." Now is the time' for action. . Our fu-f' ture, welvfure and prosperity depend, upon the fxerUout to be made during : the next . Winter If, this nppornitj be disregarded, we Tear Uio,friefjids of liberal and judicious system of improvev ment-will bo so itiscouraied as toabari-' don a,l( hope of ever. Succeeding. .Iet those then, who lis ve. 4h interest of. the Stale at heart,' stand no loneer a-1 lepf, Ku t come Jbrward in their jespec ' vmre, un am iu -rpuiiinc tne. belli in motjon.," , Let , them .but do Ihttr (utand. the work will go brve j ou.. . rur uarscives, we :care Pot where it : may be commenced,' se that. its tendency be f tn build 'an numvir . Slate. '"We want the rich products of the W est , to . find an easy , and cheap! mniln pf trantpurtation to the outlets in -the Kast J We want to see the Moun- tain and Sea-board bound tozether by' UailUttds ; . V" ' 4 - Ata tneeting ,nf the citizens ot fhs' Town ifsyittevilleV. held 'Jnytysv" fown Hall, : on .Tuesday September. v'SlK: IS38. to take Into consideration; Ulcts ;f;''B ciintemplated tptfr'sy i nal J inprovenient Convention, . to b lieltf inBaleigh,' fn. December' "nei ii fiat. I'M . ft .nuifpirn K.aui urai arniiasii tw tlisj-CUnir, antl Archy "J7!XZ 'Sin'Tli ppwpl Wary.: ; x . , thos. is, Jlybart introduced the fid. . lowing Premblend Resolutions whiclT were unanimously adopted ' - Vfiai, at a.Caaveatiow, held In thetowa of Creeaehorotigh, oa Ihe 4th. of airly leal, it. wa rcoMineodeJ.U th peorile of North Canv. . IJma ip hoij a tt Convention at, Ui City of jiaieiga. in tne -mqntn- ot vecamoet aatt: tv eonlder and aJ"0,om effeetiva p(a for tn proving Ihe eomJtlinrl of the State and develop., inc hr reeouvee. And where, the, ajdieai of the Town af FavaUevilla tiava ever Aim. . deep iBbiroat in work of Interna Jtanrove. niMii,.and are olieiloo to tea them prosecuted, 'who energy and pirin 'fberofor -- ' " ' , , n fined. That tpprova the meetinr prwi pod M bo held in' Raleigh, and will appoint, delratestlieretiv f , j -yM . JtewveJ, That it be reeommeDrfaa'te ear follow eltisena of lliaeounty pf Cutuberlaiid'lo' hold a meeting: tt tome early period, to appoint .uaiegatee io. aaiu ionvemiqn, JitHlvett, That ttbe feeommerided to'onv fellow; Citizens of the NUU aencrallrHo hiiLk LnwetlngMn-their. retperUve cuoiUa,rnf ia -puHit usirgaw iw aeiu .venwatiutff v aieav ag. in ury pi. KalngOrOa 4b 24 tulJ p D. e'mlior nest.- ; , ; j, , . v, , ." ' nnlvdfuwtlr Tett'tbe" tThfirSMIel. thit meeting- appoint l eomniitteo of flvelo enaV lar frith our follow cillxen of ihe eoualyi to .appoint k'meetitur for the rdroeae of aaU-rin. rdegtte4a' tbe laid" Convention, and that they w&kaf lh8.uperiorv'ouit,.. .." . , ' ' i lt folloWing genttemen were hautT ed for the, Qomnnttee: '. : ; . Thos,N;.Xameron;; Geo. ; JftNeij1), Warren ' Wiuslow. Areli'd 1 Itrl.aan Jr. and "ThpS, Iw'JIybart.'. - ... Jlia N. CAMERQN, Ch.f J Jfu. T..mitb, JSec'y..-) 2?i Crpni-VVVe ar -Had to (ear that a more Abundant harvest awaits the farmerMhan wis anticipitrd few: weeks sincn. The Corn crone in", thw mrvpaxt of Oran,- and ' nerjrr thrpuch "the counties of BladenSatrrrr. son and - Duplin, are) aid (o be vcrj gnods Vg do not apprehend any ma-. terial scarcity -of -Ctrn. -Th article) , bewi now a ytry -fair .prlcw to warktb. .----.- v;-o.-v. . --:-.: -' .'. ... .,