.. 4f W Jrn that f 'uioa swil be pre by respecUblywtion of the citizens if Ha.i.Uon. pratir! fur the construe- f Rail RiJ. at the exoense of the Slate.' froiH some DoinfaboV tttt arrow of the Yadkin to FayetteviUe. We understand thty take the ground that fnmttbe amalines f the surplus capital U the West, and the Toverty of the country -between thoe it will be fa possible tte"fiib interested, t avail tbHnAlve of tbt advantage offered Iky the 3-4 and A-J principle. Tliy say that th lM mc tuitM nf iKa coaeirv. at the'emU of I lie nra noted work. wnT after it comple tion, be able t z on with echcraet of vat import ajiee ta -each; and -to ' tlie whole State, which otherwise will prob ably never"' be commenced. It u a matter Worthy of the most serious con sideration vC the. Assembly. "If (lie Wtit ever it -to reach the "high ileati.. ni which nature teem to have prom ised -hery aur Lrgis'atur tnust lend ber more liberal band thau hat been ever belWe extended . to hrr. . The in stance of the New Ywk.Caaal prove that Hiactfean be dune by the credit f the tate alone, without a ceut ol ail ditional lai bving imputed Ou the pea pie. tar? tsia If'aulnnan. , B4I.KH.H AND GASTON RAIL - UOAU. Tlie -following exlrtcted from tlie letter of a!ued correeponderit, we rfhiiik ariU be regarded with ioterrnt by many f oar reader Aa being the nearest work, of rbta Jund, we of the AVett.are beMg aiore and mure in 'lerettedia it as it spproaches us. We d not know wliethcr we may everex- nectla'aetA-batUBJlJtjiearerlhan " Raleigh, but if the 'people of the '-West are wue and . tljeir representatives are faithful, we shall ' wriainly have tome mode of ge"lfig to market other than we now- enjoy.' The Eastern Counties already enjoying the ad vantsges of Navigation are adding to these the fa cilitim of Rail Road transportation: The Wilmington and Roanoke Work isnartfy it operation along 'he sea- ioa.l tlii other work aa his letter ohows as will soon be completed: While the fertile regions of the West are still doomed to unprofitableness. ""Wl iope this, will nut long be so we hope that bar nest Legislature, by one wnigiuy, miiHKW ryurt, win uw aunic- thing to redeem the better hall of our territory from' the dreariness that now h3g f tr : I Oor firat preference U for tlrt Tayetterilie Si Wealern Route. Oq ttiat ia tbet Agriculturalist hope mihty rested, and an thatwe mut aneatnl the utmost euereiei of the TVeitera ot utis. Rut surely, he mut ikata cary catraoted view of our In west wlio think! ttiir are Weniified with any fcingla " scheme of improeeW meat As to this Rail uoad Tram Ua leigH toward Oaiton, we for one, hail it witHeathosiasinrand wethaH be glad to see U ditnnt$ the expectations -- of its friends. ; We had wot intended to make to 'arge preamble to so short communication, but we canuot help being carried away opon this subject ol Internal Improvrment whentfer it omes ap to os. Ib. ' ' r AVAa, 10th Sept 1838. i XL C Uwt ' ' : 7:: , Bir-From a belief that the fravel lert Iron the West te the North, might be conwenienced by being informed of! ihe atregMS of )he luieigh ana Uastnn Rail Road, 1 must ak t1ia. favor of you to lay in your Editorial that the train arrives dailr it Hendersoni bepot at 1 1 o'clock, ITM.', "tad leave at 8 o- aengmttrtreigUt iraarriveand departs tliree, times' jer week,' "lite ' length of Road now under the train i f 45 Ues.The Roa4 is read Tiif tb iron fourteen miles forthef, and the whole Boad . to Raleigh,- Excavation, Cmbanktnent d Saperstructure in rapid progress towards a completion. am. air, yery rrspectfatly y ours,le, iilt'SnSVENSON & MU. O'CON . . ,NELL.: v The Cnqmirvr of yeslerdaj confain tbe folloa-wj letter,'7 ijorportinff to be writes by 0nr llainlllgu. )Ve find U Uifficait to believe it t;enuinei fur . Htver bate we seen'sny thin so lit tie in character with, and actually oo dii creditable to that dritinguiihed .and hivalrio ken tie man. Rich, W7u. J -Unj's thttt, . Jg- 1S 1833.' .'Dui Sia Knowing the 4ccp in terest which .yea- feel i ever tiling whieh concerns the American; Mini' ter, hasten lo enclose yoo bjr the narket of to-morrow from "Lirernool, lis ortespondenrcv viib ; Mr. O'Con- Too will of coarse have" f en, the . rfpprted brutal- outrage, . which ,this IrSab Caliban made on both our country andMr Steeentoa on the first of. Au gutt Birminghsm, where the , aboli tion of the negro apprenticeship; in the Brit'wh. Went Indies" was' celebrated with very eitraoKHnary snanifettalions of blatkguardtsnt and .abuse. . f fTho moment Mr.- Stevenson .read Mr. O'Conaeil's speech, -h haatened ta mr lodine. and requested me to ' convey ouch a message to- fr. O'Con netl. aa ehoold leaVa no. doubt of its "amport-Aa t. wss perfectly aware, if jaeplaceu mmteii in me nana oi .mi -batriotfwho is a false to bis friend, a HO IS- nun TUTK)ni .,w " aemies, some unfair advantage would be taken, and that if Mr.- 8. .and iny- " Hf were not. banded ovr Jo fhe po )ce; a message wottll only. Irritate frwsb'4iract r Bilitnj'sgite ,froa the most copious amntain of low vlta prratiua any where to be fouad in her Tkf ajstty1 -rfioioioj?ri Jhis sUge f the proceeJing, J was m inTorfunltre as to have the counsels of that gallant and intelligent officer of our Navy, Capt Matthew C Perry, arid of Dr.M'i Cauley of Maryland, a gentleman who is also so highly esteemed and so ad vautageoaaly known by us all at home, who both happened accidentally 9 be in kmtuifc- 'These- -gent I emen sogge ted to roe, from a much better knowledge dI Mr. O'Conneir character than I possessed mvself, that he ought to be approached fn the form of ati f ncptiry, in the first , instance, . whether the r- E- ort of hia .speech aa correct and if e aruwed it, jthat then 1 sliould wak upon him with an open ; letter, to ask whether he held bimaelf retponsiblo, accord in to t!ie sense, ia whith soch responsibility is acknowledged for an outrage JiiprwfokeJ and monstrous upon the feelings of gcntlenan bear iirg so high and ditinguihed a person at and oiiicial relation to hi own Gov-, erment, a the Aliniater of the-U.. S. IThe did avow such a reptinibjlity, , at ouce to tender him a peremptory chal ieozc, without an "iP' or 'but" in the whole context, in strict eonfurm'tty to the instruction or my principal. "A Mr. ODonoell, however, had publicly avowed, from the fact of his ouce having accidentally killed his man, (fret doubtles of even the crime of homicide, as,-I question from his valor, whether he ever took sight at his oppeneni.) that Ire will not fight, whilst be claims a special linmooity end impunitv ti abus every -man, not alone in the United Kingdom, but iu the whole world) I was satisfied that no ss'isaM'PIlflMldM even by -this course, I therefore read ily contented to a plan, which enabled Mr. W'C. tolie himself out of the diffi culty which he has tuccesfully;ae complikhed at an expense, which con sidering the small amount of character. which the Hint Master of Ireland has i .. r. i i.i':ii.(T. l ' icu, ua vuuiu hi aiiutu. "That Mr. O'Connell not only used the language reported' and attributed to him iu the London Sun & Spectator, but was more offensive, there can be no doubt. "I thai! not leave England without Suing to Birminginam, investigating e fact, atid fixing the I Jo upon his brass, iu indrllibte characters. . "Indeed, it is said that he made likewise, in his speech, an outrageous attack, on the character of the great, Parent of our country man, the pu rity of whose , memory t is outraged by the very approach of, such., a vjulgar miscreant u O'Connell.. unquestioua blyis. , , , . ; Many very worthy persons in our own country, who are ever very sen-i- Uve on alt subjects connected with a delicate .tense of honor, mar share with the universal sentiment of Rng land, that a man, who, tike O'Connell, haa been voted by ft,rJargt ma jnty of the House of Commons, K public cat -luuiniator, i beneath the notice of a gentlemanj and t assure you, this o pinwin ia bezinnine to ubUin such ren- eral authority here,' that jio member of Parliament wouiu any more think of calling the Great Beggar man out, than the shabby mendicant who .stands at the door of St Stephens, ' hod begs your bonoc fort pcny,wTTBut,;bojh MK Stevenson and myself, know what Virginia asks and expects of her sons. At least that they should at all time shewn willingness to resent any indie nily oBeted abroad to their country iu tbcir-ewn person. - " ' " -,. tttne correponucnee , nai taaen a turn which' would have .rendered it nsccasary lor ute jn - porsoii , (9 have born a message to Mrv U'Connell for Mr. Stevenson, 1 hsd.de terminl to hae taken Capt. Perry with me;: as a witness, for U'Cenuell -Is, I in told. always surrounded by a oolly portion of Iiia tail, ia the shape of ruffians j 'on ly inferior in br utajity to their-great pro totype. Without proroking'the slight est .aggression on our feelings or, per soos, we shou)d oevertHelcssliave been Crepared to have met it-; should ave endeavored invhi pimtingency. to have made ourselves as ualy cus tomers as possible, to the" iuiiuaruUt? patriot and his.uitcipic to winch we would bave had some claim, as .both Captain- j Perry, -and; ' myself .have in avoirdupois, abost.as touch Irish blood, in our veins as . the, auist Milesian nimaciu 1 a . . - . . - . . 'If, nowejrej&liiiml ...11.-11 . t :. 1 I Uad-Jiren.ta.lly-stop)od: his wind, I feel Jja'wfiod my escape would : have beenwnnived t by' tlie Engli.dv' pe"; ple'i fur I should hive entitled . mrclf. by thia t, to their-eeiliisiir.g gratis tudetfor expelling, inr self tlrfencel one of the fi-reateat pesta wit'i hich, in His -ioeeruublc wisdom; the Alntiglity hat been pleased to inCkrt on the? British tmpire-f a man, wtio nayjng extorieu rint inoney from the poor detailed pau pers 01 nis own coumrT, 1 soiling por a large sixea lump pi ,nig patronage . . .. . ol affipeopf a" rayeuv . in' ireianu-ntne. interests he hst dishonored and betrayedT e "I feel that I owe you an apology for a Sing .efica abuse 'glt' tins man? But is' notour country and country. min tha theme of hi nerOetual. unrea. "inlacandal, shore foul and and auda- . T . .t - .1 1,1 .Ciout man uie ciiiei wnriv uaa rrer yet witnessed? - ,lt fshmael strikes, shall Vve not strike too? No: Christian charity -itself would pardon 'a retalia tiotj so provoked and so justifiable. . 1 '. 'I need not say that ouf friend has. in CTaiaw tadef all thr circumstances of the cMdrted m all respects in a vnan ner whorthy of the old Corntnonweslih from which b csme. s. ; ' , ' , I remain, dear Sir, ' i-VitlkaUl : . T T v Verr respectifutly. . ' - s Your o'bt servant, C - - HAMII4X)NofS.C " Thos.. Rrrcnia Esq. i . . . COFFEE. . . Priead Star As yo know bow Coffee is made, and that good, will yo be so k!i6d 7ttorfivor-w-witb ths Tarkish mode of making it, your bavt ing spent some time in that country gives yon the perfect knowledge of the art. Asit is tf&r in thia city, we slull never have a goad dish of coffee as Jong ss there are so .many coffee burning and grinding shops, tron which a del eteriuu quality comes, which accounts for so many sales of damaged coffee at auction If you have any respect for as do g'ue the receipt,, ana caution all families from purchasing burnt and. ground coffee, and tell them also how 10 burn 11 ana wnsi sinu is me oesu . OMAR. - Coffee is an article of such general use and to close! f connected with lieufUt and comfort, that the reasona ble reqoett of our correspondent shsll be answered. We knovt; Bomethiozof the subject, as the art of making coffee is part of the diplomatic duty of public functionaries in oriental countries, where ther" is little else to do, excep tinz now- and then to distil a small supply ol ottarof rotes. 1 lie I uric renerally oners cotiee to bis guest as we do wine, brandy and water, sherry cobblers, juleps, &c. to ours of course they take the lead in fhe temperance way, but good conee is only to be bad in good society .among the-Torks, the Loco Foco part of them drink it thick and muddy tn preler- eoce. . A Urundtjtuo among the tarns has always a! superior coffee maker hired as they say in England, a la dy's own maid.'' The Mocha is . gen erallv preferred for its favor and nuri- It TV - , auditi the general opinion that coffee to be cood should ! be toasted, ground, made and drank in quick sue. cession. - lience tne sieve (wnue slavej charged with that duty, care full v picks and cleans his coffee, re jecting every unsound bean, and the CQlIee thus winnowed is waslied, tinea and, but away in a jar. When a visi tor 1 announced the coffee. maker, who has al ways his TUffr of charcoal ignit ed, seizes a handful of coffee, . touts it brown, pounds it in a tnortar outs it on to boil quickly, settles it, and sn other slave carries in to the visitor a cup; not much larger than an eggshell, of clear amber colored, strong and sr ornat e coffee t)ie whole process oc cupying not much wore than eight or tea minutes, giving time to the visitor to seat himself on the ottoman, make his satame and enquire, abator W beverage is introduced. Itere, howt f er, we drink coffee at stated period for breakfast, sometimes.. a cop after didner, sometimes, not frequently ib the evening, but in eastern countries they drink it at all hours, and in fact drink little -else. , The ground, coffee purchased at groceries tnay in many fespecfa bo pure, but generally speak ing it should bo cautiously - purchased, a tome stores buy damaged coffee, and some" burn and grind up .beans. We have drank good coffee, purchased . al ready ground, but not. often. Mocha coffee, if it can be had. pure, ia most desirable Old Java is good., but has some oil in it which produces the effect of n aparient. We .havsx generally found tle little green bcn jof -StDomingo an. excellent .' article, which shoo tdber al ways well picked- antl-win- nowed... JS ever roasts conee late .at night the cook is generally: sleepy, and the coffte is never Jiniformly roast ed.' If it can bo foisted and ground before breakfast so much the better- boil it thoroughly over a good fire let it settle belore Jt is racked ofl, and al ways use it with boileiT inilkr. , This is a good at tide for family; use, but we have another receipt fur the epicure, fur the real lover of a fine cup of coffee, which is a little more troublesome.. ' When.- the coffee .is , toasted . and ground as aforesaid, take a biggin and throw hot waterjiii a cup full and let it driji ' through "thi 1 : h. infutioi, which also nreoei yel the aroma. Take at the sane. tim a cup full and boil it over's; brisk fire', od when, clear arid" net tled pour it off; This iw - the tttcot tioA. Mix the infuion and the dtiocCton ...i.L:i. M t v ?ll. ' - 1 f I. with' boiled milk or ores in and -whila and you have : the real thiW I : . . . strung, -pure, aromantic anu amber kw. - ; . : . ,Hlrt coffee aeason-is near at hand When . the thermometer is. over Seven- ly, green alio blacK tea ntixed is. best .fiir breakrast.Coffetdoes not sgree with '-every constitution, In Montreal there it iHestrtm enjrine'no a verv Small acale, niauc by a'Mr." Murjy, . which la usea oy a grocer 10 grind Kcoflee. am tltes toast a Couple of pounds, and this 1 gtejfnv null grind K in a lew minutes ' ,n your pVesence for two--Or three Cents, .. Soch maclunet ' here would be eorVUtaged st it like sending your grain to mill-. ' v . r-i r" f The Richmond Knquirer, Which waa recently so much-delighted with'the simplicity MrYaW Buncos' mode of trvellinp:in Yirginiawoald be in I ecttacics with his msjestp the Emperor or .uussia-. mat great personage is riding nbout bit.dotninions incog. Up on a recent occasion, he left "his car riage and gf info a carryrith a peasant. sad warnear being arrested a a lus pkioul tbarscter, Tian ll Tttm Tlrph. A vna Mtlemsn who has recent ly returned from an exploring expedi tion tn the riion near the mouth of the San SaBa7htf informed - -tl-bfuL-d lowed the banks of Uua stream witn a party f only twelve men, tMbe das tsnco of forty miles above it conflu ence with the Colorado. No Indians appeared to molest them during the ex- lie detcribes the country nlwith tremendous effect, and make all cursion. thia stream and on the Colorado below and between Us month and the" foot of the mountains,' at being the finest be has ever seen. The Tallies are gener ally broad; and Tiro covered with a growth of very large timber, in which oak predominates. tie fouBd some soec'unens of old and silver in the mountains '; lie saye the mountainous nfrr nnr the Sandr in that vicini ty closely resemble the' gold region of Georgia and (the specimens 01 guiu resemble Uie eold found in that State. He believes it occurs1 in very small qusntities, Tie particles found by him ' were attached to ' fragments ol quartz which abound in that region. He round the san saoa as lar as ue ex plored it, a beautiful stream of excel lent, clear and - wholesome water a boutJfty vards wide and generally deeD. but numerous shoals occsr atin- tervals, and will form serious impedi ments to its navigation.- ltteurrent i somewhat sluggisli within fifteen miles of its confluence with the Colorado, but very rapid above. Numerous falls and rapids occur at intervals, affording good mill sites. The hills of this coun try rise one above another like immense steps: their summit are eeneraiiy nn anu covered with a thin growth of dwafish oaks. Many extensive beds of blue lime stone are found 10 that sec fioniThis rod is of a very compact texture, and susceptible of an excellent polish. Flint is also found imbedded in it, and pieces of rock, composed partly of flint and partly of blue lime stone are frequently found. - The rocks are chiefly of the secondary formation arid many of therrwrontain impressions of shells and plants. The soil of the San Saba valley is chiefly of a choco late or redish color, and is remarkably deep and rich If the description he hat given us of the Unchanttd or Holy Mountain be corVect,this must be one of the great est natural curiosities of Texas. - This singular mountain or hill is sit uated on tlie head waters of the Sandy a small tributary of the Colorado, a bout 80 miles t-mn Bastrop, in a north westerly direction. It is sbout three hundred feet high, and appears to be an enormous ovsl rock partly imbeded in the earth. When the sun shines, the light is reflected from its polished surface as from an - immense - mirror. and the whole mountain glows with such a. dazzling radiance, that the; be holder who views it even from the dis tance of four or five miles, is unable to gaze upon it without experiencing a painful sensation, similar to that which is felt when looking upon the risi ng sun. Tha ascent of this bill is so very grad ual, that persons can easily walk up to the top but the rock is so smooth and slippery, that those who . make the at tempt are compelled to wear moccasins or stockings' instead of shoes. This fact, together with the name - of the place. Holy Mountain, reminds the vis itant forcibly of the command made to Moses at Mount lloreb, "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, Stc The Camancbes regard this hill with reli gious veneration, -and Indian pilgrims frequently assemble from the remotest borders of this tribe, to perform their Paynim rites upon its summit. Hvm th"tp6t tlauta" wuUtfieran in ca . ntpttuUn if flu Bank; The Stage contractor residing in Co lombia, during the last year, sold 815, 000 dollars of specie, received from the Post Msster in that town, upon drafts from the General Post Office, at four per cent premium; which was . clear gain of R600. This amount then, was an actual tax upon the people of Colum bia, who wer obliged to pay their pott age in specie, when that article was 4 per cent- abore the currency in which they collected their own debts, and re ceived payment for their merchandize and produce -They, nO doubt, bought a considerable portion of thia verytpe xie, to be paid to the Post Office; for the Post Master was employed at agent to sell it. v The contractor was .not to id'ame. He did only what his had a tier- icct ngm 10 o, anu wnar any man 0; common sense in' the. circumstances would hav done. lie found thai bank; bill ansvrrred hia purpose in the mar ket as Well as specie, a'id he therefore old his. specie. Whattlul the govern Ghent, or the peopleCwhose' the govern ment is; ain br the transaction? Noth ing a all. The case is a sample of what was occurring all ever tho coun try ihiring the suspension -of n'pecie pay luents, whilst one department of the Government was exacting specie from it .debtor. The people were-taxed a bove what the law designed,' for .the benefit only of ofBce-holders and con tractors, whose compensation waa in creased beyond what the law content- plated, or, their contracts called- for' anuwnamappeneu, on a limited scaler during the late suspension, would plain ly and inevitably happen on-a scale in comparably enlarged, if all the dues to the Government were. collected in Ipe- cio and the ban; should on any ac-1 count find it necessarv to auanril meats. Chttarn Gax. . - ' . -A friend, who has a speculative turn cT mind, tad is tcpewhat lacUnil) hobby -horses! gives it as bis ftrm bsHcr, that Uie free.mnxing iaw.oi. n. 1. is to produce most, wonderful results. Amoos otner wings, ae aaya, u win band the whole north against any Na tional Bank, and make the bourn pray foraa institution of that kind to relieve itself of the commercial despotism of the North. The free system will enatue those who have the capital to wield it others debtors and tributaries to them We civo-the notion -for-wbat -t 4 worUi beinn; ignorant of wltat will be the effect of the N. Y. banking ys- tem. Rich. iFhtg. , - , . GOV. DUDLEY'S OPINI0X3. Tha ''Standard" and other kindled prints, during the late canvass lor Uovernor. enueavoreu in every wt i Ipfual the election of the nresent di tiniruished incumbeot. ' Failing in this, and fearing lest his overwhelming ma jority may operate to the prejudice ; of the Administration 10 . oiner to-ir in the coming elections, "they haye struck a new .trail. A' preeoacerted rffort la now makinz to produce tlie imnression that Gov. Dudley's pol tics are of a doubtful and undecided character, and it it asserted that he waa sunnorted by a considerable por tion of the Administration party from a belief that he was opposed to Mr. Clay and a Nationat Bank. When these xnnutndoti were first thrown out, we thought it unnecessary " to notice them. we consider it a harmless sort of wsy of venting the dissatisfaction of the partv at their Waterloo defeat a kind of safety-valve, through which mortifi ed feeling might escape without the danger of explosion. " But the "Stan dard." unchecked in its assumptions, janiUembolJertctLby ...the ailencjejf Jhej Whig Press, seems almost to speax in the last number, by authority, and de clare,1n substance, that Gov. Dudley will neither suppbrtMr. Clay or his National Bank, under; any circumln: ces.n It is time this officious inter- Hneddling should be rebuked. .We state, therefore what we know, when we say that the State cannot boast of a more Jhorough-going Whig than : Gov. Dudley. Ho is opposod, radically op- nosed, to Mr. Van Buren, and van tsuren, and tne whole policy of his administration, in cluding the Sub Treasury Scheme is decidedly in fay or of Mr. Clay, for Presideut. in preference to the present incumbent, and believing that the country cannot well get along without National Dank, is in favor ot the es tablitlinjtnt ot tueh-an- Institution un der proper limitations and restriftious, . Register. 1 tpecimen of the Economy .of the Jidnuniilration. 1 lie Madisoman fur nishes the following very conclusive proof that the professions of the Admiu- lairauon iu pavor 01 economv are mere firofessions-idle words, designed to de ude the people. It is a small matter in itself, but it proves much; The Deposit and Distribution Act of 1 836 au tlioriied the Sretary of the Treasurey , to employ tbr additional clerks to perform the extra labors which that bill imposed on tlie Department, at an aggregate compensation of &5600. Kol withstanding -there is now neijher deposite banks, money to diatribute jior hardly any money comparatively in the Treasury, yet itY these clerk are still retained! The deposits bank system, say these people, . has failed and is obsolete. . And were not these clerks a psrt of the ; system whose offices ought to have expired with the law that gave them birth? Yet the pub lie calendar will show thatltlere are lbeclerk more connected t with the TreasuryDeparrinegO were in 1 83G, prior to tlie passage vf tne uejioute act, when there were thir ty or forty deposite banks to attend to, and thirty or forty millions of revenue per annum collocted! .Thia it the kind of Sub-Treaurjinm "we suppoe, thai will not cease Until 1841, 'in spit vf IjlinentatioM here or elsewhere.' It is quite botoriou here, we are informed that two of these clearks are i die, so far as legitimate official . duties are concerned and Uiere ls' i'mhlii- which they perforin, excep t writing for me uiooe anu Democratic Iteview, tyiat could not be executed as formerly, bv others. Three-thousand six humlrail dollars of the peopled money are lbu useu, virtually, to do, the eUitrtrnl writ, ing ot this, aiunlnistratioru An unrigh teous stretch of ttriet construcliow" indrpeudent el its being a bad btrtain ibis "deiiiocrscy," patriotism, ecen y. morality, with a veagwtnee! - I It w well that' thepnblic afcoul.r knoV Ih-se thihsrs. that'th( omL. able to fathjMit the intenrtity ofTtliat love. Of the- people' tiitf glows with tuclr fer vent heat, from.ewry political pae iaiu- ed under the patronaga of this ad m'tiiU- trauon. na new Congress would fjji much-service, by institu ting" comittre toinveKrigae tji aqatotny f 4 pastion which fonns so essential a part-of the Natural History of Looo-focoipm. , r - ') .1 ' ... - ' Lit treating Occurring lUTTa. daylykt a lady 103 years of age, resid mgn the city of New Ybtk, who has never usel spectacle and sfill retains in a remarkable degree all I.Vr mental and. bodjly faculties took t Into her head tb visit a female friend in Newark: She -jot into the atae. .n,! alrtn without attendant, came to tlns city, j ccuucuicn learninir ns aiirN a a ...1 , . personage wjs in' tow -called 00 her ssa requested her to accwnipany'hirnJ ro the House of, friernl, which 'thj; accordio'ly did. lUr ah ""h' Atrr.l 4 ? e? FT yer(gt and these two venerable torviTor r .1 . ... ... .1 .. w iureristing conrersati.in f.by-,)B. days. Having always Jived inthetW she had a,' pei jetl-recollection of tl Uim he. a 4b jiy px wered,the gto4.2 I where St- John's church bow atsn.i. In ihe evening rtelatfjrrwhoge n.o.. f we unrlerstsnd is Gbust, returned the city. A", Eagle! . i TTu Cult, at we feareil. did miK ' JrJb?.ftehiontJ schoonejew 1 orV, of.tln port, wrm on shonr about 25 miWs southwest t tha Bar'bilgdiinI -maMs cut j total loss ?rew-saved. Inside schooner! Valiant, Mannfea, Amej-ici, Coaster,' Fulford, John HdjiliesV fcc. were on Shc.r. AVe ha not been ib to learn the.extejiliif the inif ik.. have tustaioed-- - Si etc. thi End rt1ht worW.--.Tw9 a, three clergy men , ha'Ye.'tecen'tly' forth works predicting'' the ai rival at the. end of tlie 'wocld sometime, be,-' fween 1840-and ISJO 'l'a iBt,' prophecies' we havehithcrto been credulous: bat arlree tdT'confrtt jhj fact like the following, which wecu, from the Boston Timrt, are' strunlT corroborative of the truth" of these r. ductiou. When tailors and prmifr, who work on trust bi gin to .be jaia the symptom is indeed alarniin. A gentleman now residing iatluj; ' city . whu,. formerly published a piprr in "Conbecticut,- ha recently receive) a letter from an old delinquent Jm&J scriber, forking". over the money .J .' and expressing the utmost remorse :uf "conscience for having so long deprived.' him of, hi due.. -What a bolt'willb wiped out from the fair face of creatHa when men aliall unJerstaud distinctly ' that cheating a poor printef is iiu. as. . pardoilable sin. JV. J". Sun.' . It will be seen, by the official infwi ' mation under the head Of Army siijf Navy Intelligence," to-day, that t tor. tion of our little army, which hit jut returuel to this part of the counlrj! from laborious and h&rassin senict in the twamps of Floridavtha Lceti ordered back, to the same tervice, Opwr a notice to short at to leave hardly t nioihent'a time for preparation.. Wt tii not say, or suppose, that there is say. thing wi-ongin this; bat it tuu14.be ad mitted by all that service in the armr, under - such circuinslances.- i iHy ' thing but ninecur,' whether forvFJ-' yates or Ollicer. . - i'f to tliis Order wt have eyideoce, al, ' that the war, as it istslleil, inFloriili, , is any thing bur endvd; We hear, hi deed, tliat the officers rving iu FluiT da are of opinion that there is1 no pnn pect of its being : endi d shortly; - Wa are not by any means -sure that it would not be: wiser, as well as Murt , humane, that thf ady ir e fcad been ken which was giveu to the Execuuvi some time ago, to let the Indiana ren.' tinut to occupy, without molestafn; those swamps and glades in the SotuV ; era-part of the Penjnsufa which tr unfit for the habitation of the white man. : ; V. hit , 1 ' 1 1 1 1 " 1 . Spirit of the Maine llkigi. Tft political character of the House of Rep resentatives in Main is hot-'yet-' dec!.. dcil. In a numbtr of the towns uliirk failed to make a choice of members a the regular day of rhe election, ibei was a second trial last Monday.- T Whigs rallied with unbroken vnrj. And, as far aa we . have- haf K eit successful. . -. In Faliuoiltk, they i4.t ' ed their candidate by twelve tjnrity In Minot, which jivejaiifield five mf't jurit, they have alto triumphed.' Sv also 10 BrinfoL where they succreJ lj: fifty iior4tr. IttWimlhamwl! Eave Fairfield twrniy-eighr majSTK;" there is again no choice. 'Mount De sert has for the first time In ' wty years, elected a Whig. - . y - ' . " xil.M IlHnott. The whig of Jackson villa. Illinois, celebrated the' election of Mr. Stuart to Congress, by an illuminitint, a procession, ad aMlnnrr. Col. M. the late repi enrntativ of,th dilrkt was present, and. on, Ueinj toasted. Ht livered an elitcjuent speerb. Mr. My declared in jen Jerinshis oppitsiti" . to MxJiuX-Bureo, nd denounced f measures of hit adiujniilration si" great aever'i'y : S giratly.wrre fhl co furoaofxtie townexaperaled by Mr. May' sperch, that in the evming tier -nt up tn effigy ofiim, and we're ' li'irninir if In' lVii clmirf. 'whffl tw Whiiis'ruslved'uoon tlrn and reuw. it from the fate le!gncd. for itrT" j-yratsajo Mr Slay was clecteJ friend of Mr. Va.a Buren. " . ..-r--" -.,M'; Cluron. . '-i - ... It is aaid-that tlie K..litif theL ivijle Journal ha d-ijutulated, lat h not been, seen about IiuiwullS for some' dav. '. The rein are y- gcnV- oneiixn.iiince he " publiW the address if Mr. Cuchell. of M,w'' gomwy coiiHty , in this Stateto tl t'rsof that count v, with nme rw .HVreSpectful ''coiiimen'. M r. Citj U ha addressed letter to the mn tti JoifrnaT, Crbin which we give concluding paragraph: ''. ' l . "The; first siuff.Jjt at h'wu I.t" u" fierceness of iny.-:Wrtth,-jwUl-i,,,? jipon jiim'like a caUmnunt on a skfl x-.'i-i. -. -f l.-..i r..m li!m M 'biir as a muskrarttin at a -rah-1 ? tiunir both wis FeeDers cnew o" flOgert- ccip Kit eart-5-slit hi Mfl knock .ou ;his eye teeth bi","r cbuilcktof fresh bv the- found t'"1 olTh'it.Vlght arm aud bat hirb vtithM blood; end-1 -will cr.k bis fi"r r" ' ..."

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