tour. Ue tup cf Ulas. -jr- And clouds bfrd.ieet tent Of kwpptar-a ftt wm aJ'ey, The vn-WvjH foe of eery joy, " Mr. U- IL a Dun! i , "J i aid. -' 'iu i- - Iki dreaNhiU ejee co'd liu-mli seui, . The bolW-st fciria to Umic, EWqameanHfcrfcWor mlrm.sW.tyM M ilk mafia swell, the form Of Jprhle j LikU.lSBls-evaid Duji .. """, Hard Suvs,aas. the ruckle wig., )Vlam atras aaa neither day- ear aight, Ilia rad.4 tornw-mer d-em Whe at etch turns, arook.axt tmup. ' . llvw'm bis s-cary (ajour, JthaciajM by elW J ... Ambition drofisbermivy mirmei, Aeariee aa aUt from Cila dreamt, - Britbe tt at aijurea Lit fan, - , Prill sinks her bold atiriiigeTt--t, E'en antral (ieaiat tnoji oyiiraa'd, Befara lit mighty Una! . Ms JI how oft thr syil iw ' " lUs Ird mr esve soul slong, - . Wk more tliaa mortal tnnrt Mow 1, mli-ama-d. while thou hast amll'd, ' JLve wak.'d-liu swret emiiauUuiiul spoil'd, Ut aa intrn linjr Ike-! 11 ANA WAY Prnra the Subscriber, residing la firaaville count jr, N. C. aa tha nh day at August last, a Be- Ei a man by tire name of JOti I.4N, and hit eife J ANE. Joittaa i a common aixe lei-low,- I'bIiI :blsek, large lull etes. baa a dnwa uk whra s'wkea to. tha 4h 'agar on kit rn-ht hand bat grown cn-i.k-d, by saeana of a eat. He curried -tl him weeriag apparel and bl cl-thea; among litem i suit Jf x yarn juaos bometpua cloth, lie vara aff a pair ot lined and a mud right and left sheet, aearfy aca. The wotnaa it IhiU uwrt awmrana site, and it ia a prelum Malt, hhe asrriml auh her a purple eii-escsioo dnrta, a arlMa drata, a dark Krmntdnl ralica ilrt. and aotaa knma aiule almhr. I Ixlicva uid ar gni veiaciluerd off by aoiae ifcUmnat ahar aotar, aad ihrjr will aUoaipt to pM for Irrt a. grpi I 41 (i.tea dullari Ikrir ilrlieif r oaRarmrat ia Jail, ia (iraadl nr Wakr, ar taaf dollars, if out af aaid cMMif t, aad Ihirt a)ollar( tor tha deiretian ard anntkliua tA aav hka aarats wbu ha ataitlrd (ham in Jtriiinf f, r .WII-KlaiS. SapC IO, IUI Si w : ,rROSl'ECTU$ aa Hi I it n r n c li Bf iKTtt LEOSlBt a. Lla4T. Tha MICKOCOM ia primed, weekly, n tlia City of Kalaigh, on half thee) of medium, Mar lypi and fin whila paper. Although wall, it coa'aina world" rf matter. It ia laaotaj ia the flower of Literature, oriiual and aelaetadvlo nolieea of important improve Menta in tny af the branches of Bcienca, Cora amareaiuJ AyricoUore; to general Stmt; and ta tha MrtteaW honor ami interaaU af North m t t. l. ..... .ii ii;. BBudil atrearna of anjrt coutrotmay upon or. ry aubjaeL Ooa gnat objoct of the publication k M eon re iostraction to the youns, ia an nrv leepttonatila, cnaaw, no ipwi manner; ta eieka ia tbem a thirst for knowledge and Jbraaat Ut- aatding; to iuruleal npon th anintls oorrect pruitipios, and labile them tooths . raeuee of virtue 'and molality. Anixber is. to furnUh as ajioeli am wing natter, iMareating ataws. and valuable information, to readers of awry class and age, a can possibly ha done, M the cheapest urraa.v And wa may vrnfura la aaaartrwUhotH eubjretiug turtetf, (to- aaa the fkahianable editorial Hural-ttu'euUir pronoun.) ta tha Imputation of egotism, that it will not be fband wanting in eomeibing both to please tha taste and tickle the fancy of All. ' It Is intended, provided sufficient eneouragJs M.t ka alran. to anlaraa the naner without al. taring tha tarroa. Which will snake U decidedly haapar than any oatat f wduhed in Uaa Booth, sjae. country. i- V ---' -'-i A apecimen of tha work aceompanies) this pros pact us, aa that all who receive & will have . a aDoortunlt of Judging of its meritat "' f mlna iv-U yon like It, atmd nt your Vitnaa AT ac,and"Uowa witayooiousK , ' 03" Though very young, being only nine aacs af aaa, the puUiahe oaa liwmed la art type eapertly, and after mncb, importunity has kaaa Indulaad in hie inclination to print a pa. ui, The proeeede wilt be atctneiveljr ttia awn; 1 J i.. kArxx ta Ion tha nraetlftt of aeaaJo. my, ae U aa4nditatry,la ike proaeealioa of Ilk ndrtVinff, ha apooteta paaaiJa fund . l.'..w -ill ims him la his hvorita'ttarauit of knowledge. ' TU aonOdeotly jootf U tha pfat ml htcmrv fajittemanajid huliea In me etsie, to - aid htm in hi' iaVor, and- ta th'fi itrona(re of tha liberal aad toe approbation of UJ public tor rTxaa I M par aniiam. ,fj- podtnMetima and others, wha receive thie saaauoetua.- aid reeaecttuB rcqoested ta tend their aid in procuring aubeeribera. , They may, -rM they-dwoee. retain and eirouW thiaaniong theac friaods. and eornraunicst ay icttrr.' Let- r tare to the PaUUber an btwtnes) except Trora ahoaa wha prutw-a aubacotipra, mart aa pout faid: RMka Attain (rTtirtylteM llakt!I acoVUchar and llookapllerc, have, nfien re ' aaladed the trood sitixvat of tin Lairohr. tat Ike vary exteaslve steak of fittOkiS kept en - haaut. aad heia mlded to bv meektr aYttvalii hi raev seem i..'y a" - .-t star la refraab rhew' raeaioriri, they ilrem it aa asamrT oecat-uaaiiy in iav-eeiore uma a ccia loejue of 1 very Mnall poitipa af reeent arrivals tii ihafol owaia lac call at no. r. aneap. aida, aad srad yoarsclves of the ppportuoity tt amrvavaaing a l.braryi - m id . . r .1 - k. ui..rf mm.. Lsteuv rwr aw, u. w v ..-. .. y Le, wilt. The tsa of t bowvar JetTrrson, WBarpwtahifaorrapnooenee,By uea. IW , ar. t volt. Worke ot iosephAddisoa la S vol. - Wilber nm. l. w. in. " Th wssk of Chsrtes Lamb, with, his life-add letters, be Yt K. Keiror. enia. wesler'l - --..- '- yirv uieoi rawicB iieo ' s BNeera' Works, I to. KUci-of-Bir aMHwVe J. tX IieAhart, a tola. Al - . I if. af Soort. t a. 8eottt History ol Scot i a Vols. RolUa't Ancient lliaoir. Plu " " iTraJt-a Ie 4 vol a 8te)art' Works in 7 oJ.; ttittary a lae "- -k- - t. t-t . Lam aha niauutvi 1 tti nmerrsa 10 tha ladcaandeaee of the Aawi-teeB Cotinentr from the f rervaan a A. J.B fleeruajyou " Martia-a Misjory af Nerth trotma, - tint or J tat the Hoi, t -vp. Mclnmsh Keeolsntoa in ' r.agrand la tttl, wa .Wranall'a Memoirs, 1 V Gibbon' History af Borne, 4 aSenba. tv the Bastar Coart of (Jochia Chlaa, Start JLA Vawi. m tha U. a. Sieaoof War-reaaock, .4. tmajid Koberts.1 vo. Memoir af Comma. ' rtsir Haraey, I . Upham Mental I'hiloto. " ahy.J , aWaa wnrk, 10 va, Ra.-aett'l itistorr af hw lima, ve. . lady Blessing. . tea-e weeks anaaplrla ia aaa ve, .Taekera Light af Hat are va. Cempleta workt of Velcair . 1 yoaol. Pr-rie'aworka.lpenl. Swiff, work. H vol. ; British Bssaytst, a tela. 1 All af which will be sold en the vnat eetn -faoam1eaarrma. ' Ti-SNE fc HUUUt . Jafy I, tlSi. ' " SI a TethweUet Catnv Mretiata Will be hold at Eimaaatb, ix jailea-weal . aleoiihftald.waommaaaaaa WsJacday the JTtrf amhct - --- - ' ' ' ' " r.pittinvjrlU'rwBTaa4twti) 'a. iial Aaacwkblv toe aa act ta amaaalivate 4$ , 1 .a, lata la'swsawry af Mr, farab Mashelk , wf Wakecaaxste. ' " , -rlembea, tMI, . f amcrican J!;Ftitoliaifal Journal .: "TTIa a Maaarluale last, that whde the eoaverts to the bcHd that rkraonr is Irae, have, with ia a ft years, asaat aatoaJakiagly multiplied, ther doc aot tiat se ttre Amarieaa eontmeat sHtrU aariailiial vilwwe ofcjeat va adroaata fca MrMha, repel the attack made apea It, ar aa cr to enajainrf bkb evca aauoiu persoaa are ditpnsed lenMks sonacrnint; L And this is the saoat aarpriaihg tiate the ssveteriala already etittmg aad dHy aognsaaiing, with which iaa rtth aacba pahliaaiioa, are alrnoat iaeihaattibla. The acteaae o monetae ha at auprepiaia media through akkh ta presrnl ip the protea tun aad to atadcMt all the nc faelt which oa anr, and all the aew theeriea which are advoeat. td in the varww Nulilation of snedical scieoee ihrmtghavt the wartilt aail it is proper thai it tajnal.l va 1 its same It trae of Ilia other lawlirig profrtucmt, of law, aad ot rfivini.jr- Hal, aotwiihe)nding the hnpartant bearing which phreaologiatt kaow-lhair aciraec to have oa snd kine, and divmlty, aad law, there is no publ:ea. tiua tbreuah which, a" the appropriate channel, Ihnte Veranrt way be ponrtrd vut. It i trwe lhat some aewsrMrar, ssl aJsoet-e orlwo works af a leas ephemeral character, do eerationally a Irae article ia faeor of phrenology: bat these la not meet the bremt aeeea.iiy. A periodical V ttk-N m avowcniy prirtHtlosjeal oifrTwhote pa- eeO shall aoatlrtute a (teraialienl rlrpotitCMy af (els, aad.ebHih theH lie open for the expression of opinions wmI the record of principle, eonneat. ml with ihote laclt at new needed: and ( Mroag frelirrg of (hit aeeettily, lqp!thrr with a belief iImI auch a woik i cxlcnaicely drrusnc'ed, and ill meet Ith encoarjgement aud tupport, ha iadueed the nublithrr to present the i.rotpeetut i.f " I he Ameriewi I'hreaolocical Jooi aal aad Miseellatiy.' - The s,eel of lliil wnrk will be lo preserve Irom oblivion the moa interesiinf of the very nu iMrmi farts; crmArwistory and illHttritive-i the truth of phrenetog) I to show the irae beam iiHrt of this scirnce oa education: ( nh) tical, kv lelleclnal, and merali) on the Mrdieai Treat mrnl ojjLhclntaaet na Juritruilrner; on The nlerv, anil on Mratal snd Moral PhilnsopiiT. On ail these subject there i encouragement to hope lor contribution from several able pens: while the resource ot the editor himtelt will act, it l hoped, be rnatrd ineoneiilerable. The reJarKvat charts! er af tha work aill be lie- titt-iUy tvamgtUeat: tor ana irnmment rjl.ject a giilng it exittenea it, 10 wrest Phceruloty out of llic hands ot Ihote, who, in. iriiorsM of rtttrne mlm c, and tee 'Jwnn: t. tu ntg lint ikey 6l in it aa matr-imeol by which to subvert the troth olLmoniti Aa well to inform at by letter, prevlov revealed-religion, and I oaten the bonu dfliffmaa taeourrtahil ity , and moral oUigat torn. A Irapieat sukjeel of diteusaion in our pure will iheiefore be. The Harmony brwrrn the truth tf Uevtla IttH and thttt I'Jirentthtv. And on tha sub ject ot the religiout beai nigs ot aur stiense wa revprminiy bdimhi ine eaiuires aan otijeationa, net of eavillers, but of the trtilv asnilid, and the eoBKienlirmtly tearful. Such sorrsiponrlents we shall always welcome to our pages, aad thee sill always be irtMcil with kmilarut a, al te, will honest and reipeclful ohieetnrt to Hhre oology, tlul theesptiou and ef iltrjiU en- aura 10 tneinteivas oar titent contemptt and the ignorant pretenilbr, who eerks to overthrow a seienee which he will not be al the pain lo inves tigate, rosy eipcels merited rebuke. A our object is Hi establishment of Tarra. wa salieit tha aoramuaicction of fads which are supposed ta militate seams Phrenology! and we uledee oarselves le pablith them, in all eases in which W' have tatiilsclory eouahrrs for their gen rlneaesat and ia which all tha facts in the sever al eases are furnished la as. -. Uat as wa maet form'oar awn judgment ot the central develop ment m an casea oa a men wc express our opia Inns, it is obvhMi that wo oaaaat reeeive, in these inetanaes, the apmioa ol noa-phrenologiaat ar anli-pwreaalogieal eriters, a ta the degree ia which the aeveral areans are rievrlnned: mm arnsf in every such saae, era thihtmdtr tlmlt, sr a enaf a m, properly sensed to ae- true to aa- tursv - ., Original P.asay eh Phrenological snbjeets will tarm part of th Jowrnelt a alto. Hevk-aa at rxevmrtoeical aad tati-I'lM'anoloeRsI workx ear snail wa lea le prewal aar raaders ansa mat tart ot fentereM and trapnetanea as may bo I mind k forelen' Phreardoeieal works afataadard aa. aalleaaa, aad whisk are aot generally aaaastrhld ta the Ameeieaa pablie. Ihir rtcr wa pledge eurtelvee shall be itia-fih saehi aad. at alien a praatieabre; wa shall aeamwnanr oar deasrip lion wun luustralive sulsv ax teed, wa mlend k axpaat thai aaaraaly -a number will be issued wahoat two-ar more such eu'a. 1 e sasourar rarenolorists of tareitl land aa. paciaity prtfeacioai men Who ana Phnmqingiets,) ta mm .tha work with their aaatraVmiaaa. wa after for mfitetl-mmtur, aa liberal a aorrpensa oa pee fmmem pant at is asoally aaarelesl ay the ear nrat parioilacart in our eauntrtf but the editor doe not promise ta eWoru all which hie aorrospoadent may totnniaaicalri dor alt which he mar admit ante the War. To error, a) sevi. uav aad.aspaeialry tf It effect the Interests at moraiiiy aaa rvurioo, ae atarrna tne rieht of eor reetkm, M the form of reply, or at the aappraa. swat m ina onieaiiorisam matierc aad aamtnani- 'ewttOloy (BayiftvaJg4M JafQlt at so prepares at to ae m tor the public eye. In eoaelusion wa may be so allowed lo lav tha( the peetmiary value of taati number will da- pontt musn aa vie eateav la whiab the work la aatiBiiiaed. It i not with riv vJealra ae stnesta tioo of a-aai4ttainlaalleiTd to ttMtotaameJlv. I but fvauw moral wnatideiaiirmat- frotaTa detire to anow aatwva. Hsmuigau. u XA. Hcaae tbiwld targe auntartutiaii lilt be pblaaaed, s aonsidcra ble rawBOTIioa af the broCta- will ke aevte-l ta )he ealargeraent and Impravemeat of the workv wnncet aa marease 01 erpcase tm the Bihteribers. Mora frenaent iltattrations and emaetttbmants will, in that ease, e mservrtf, and the JtUrae ol the work bt (but maltiplied- , L-The Ameriatn Phrtuolnelca( Jrmrhsl and SI tecatilany will b water monthly, tommcneiiig ealbaadofflciobernext. - . " 9. Each.aumtMr will contain Hi frost 3S iea vo psfc't making s velnme at not teas than 3H pagesi corraapondiog ia swin af meebaaical ex eauiioa wilh'lhe st pcrtndicWs of..the day. . . A Tke-wark will be lurataked lO:Siibaraer at4 per annum for a. tingle aopyt 41 (currvni ia Philadelphia or New VWfc) rr Taaws copies, ae $0ewTnl as abnvej for axrea enpies seat to oae aJdrvaa. To Cuaot wta aad TsiaauaMs est, StubX-xts, ttngle.topje; writ ke urciild a 3fl it) per aanami and ta mpsnh;st-elght or mine tf tuch, it asll be retWMrd to (1 ti pe anpyr il ten td oae tddree,.anf1 tlia aibiM ipv tiaa forward sal ta the pobticher Va ' ol'expease. , N. B Aa hail are already drposited for tatlaining lha worK nt two, aifhssribers'.ttill iricair ho risk of loss ev nsycitgia adtanaf i intd for die tame rex too, 'will lie iararublj rrr-trh-ed msdvaaoe. . ''; .". Meaey.eethy' avail, f eacrnsed'.ia theprev wnae ol. ihe port-mttivr. will by at the risk td the piiblitheri Vut poU mast, la every ease', he paid. " ' ' a v ToeithoraVhe will g'rra this Protp'eetos one ar two faaertio, and forward, aaprr aoAtaia Ing h to the pubiiahtr, tha week' w 01 be seat for aneyear' '- ' .'- Bubsertptioat sad IrHerS of be tineas, my nt addressed la lha publisher, Adam, NVaibi a, 44 Carueate'r street, Pbiladelpjiia; aad aomrawaica lions for-tha work to, tha- Ktirraa al tha Am.' Fhrea. Joar., earot A Wifa. ".' Post aaaat era thranghoajt tha country please ta act aa ageaufar ihUjna-nal,. ' '-.. COTTOX. TARIV8. : I am WMraeted to atll thiaartKle lower lhaa ever, by w kalesale taly , a ae ta afford the M er. c bants room ta task a profit oa rt. Thate who mar waat the yar by lha enseal Ire, will please eairataaa ornae, aad eaarasve prise and. ovality, nraerwtiaaw aawisircn, wijj a Bale I aim c arrtyatab-tpsidsltha end of u mon.thv ' : . TV AircattorBatilawBrrthM 'RaielgV, SettS, it . V m i. 1 I, 1, , 1. . - . iy ir 1. a v -r . FOP lAUB AT TIKIS OTtTICS. Jlorlce ta T rarellera tTolnar 1 ae feoplc's Uam at mar awxrm peaa leave Aaguctaiwry day, tor Wsjrtoa, 67 a tuMi likHi VI ll Haad ear, thence ta MdledrvUle. Maeaa and Colomboe ta Mont r-mery,AU. by Stage. " Woek and 3ige mitaraWd be inr y iiheSaiilhaawit jul?'.--' 'IlT :j i Uu. MlMllM oft . wreai care na oeea oocervau at driver aa this law, and none but sober oadmoat expericascd men aav beea emiaoyed. rawan' gera who aaa thctaselvc ol the opportunity el taking Ibit lioa ot Stages, aaa be positively assur. ed emore aomfort and expeditioa, thao aay oth er Haa aoar ia arwratina. hatwaea Aaeaata aaa Moatgomery, Ahk Uffiea at the UaAed States Hotel, Aagutta, Georgia. -. The Columbia Tcletaope, the FeyetteaiUeea Raleigh psfwra, also the HaAmead aad Norfolk paper, will please copy tha above aad forward Ibeis accoaol t. GEO. W. DENT, ' Agent lor the Company- Fsyetteville, Sept. Ii, 1331... . 40 tf VALVAULn LAND FOK SALE ; V1B TLALE1GU. ; , "h aadenlrned offer for aale a very valuable tract land, lying Sve mile west of Raleigh, sotH lining sbosl SOU acres, the greater part of which is uncleared. Well timbered. well watered, sad a portiea of K eqoal m ierlilirf TO any w we county. It has on it a dwellinc and other baud. 4net. with tprinrt of exaelleat Water eonveaicnt. The (itttstion is remarkably hralthr aad besuu. ful, aad wauld make a very d twrable retidenae to any pcrtoa wishing to locate Bear the City. A further ileseriplion is deemed aaaecessary, a pertoat desiring to pare ham will no woaat first vww the premiaea. A great bargain ma a oaa, if .early tuulicatioa be made. rs 1 tu.i 1 3. II ; - ' voif Ralrigh, Sept. M, f 131 ' WI 1AA tlfWEAL CO. u M.ijrtrr,icTUfiEHS or - laOOKtXG OlialfeSEaa 2X0. ftc North Fifth Si net, I'L'Uaddphia, back of Merchant? J lot el The only establishment in the City devoted ex clusively 14 inn easmesa. COUKTUY Merchant are supplied at Man o lecturer' price, and their bratae iatured from breaking to any part of the Union, wrUiout cx tra chare e. Thnu eke-met have Of del t fnelaree Glascex. 10 their comma oa. of the site af tha plate, and the kind of Irame they may aaat,(wbetheroI Gill, Mahogany or Maroie.y ttixt toe article may ae maauraetured exareeelv for the oeeasion. Merchants should give their order far Look ing Glass the nrtt tiling aa their arrival, ta ae urc them well pot up. September 1, 1S3S UMlveralty af Peanaylvanla. ' idrtfeat department. "" ! The coarse of Lecture will commence en Momlsy the Sth day of November, and be son- inoed under the lullonwg arrangemeni. until tne miouie 01 mar-en. Praatisa and Theory Of Medicine,. Natbxx il Casraaa, M. U... Chemistry, Uobkbt IIaxx, M. D. . Surgery, WiLLiaxt Giaaoa, M. D. Aaalomy, Wituaxi K. Hoaaxa. M.O. Instrtutet of Medicine, 8'l Jcaao, M. D. Materia Median and Pharmacy. Gaoaea B, Woob. M. D. -. Obstetrics and the Ptsraje M Women and Chuurca, llcea L. Hodox, M. D. Clinical Leetarea en Medicine aad Snrrere are delivered at the Philadelphia H oapital,( Block , I aav as 1. r vna.yiT.aat novpaai, I heamaanl of the fees of tuition is the aame at berelofaret no amreaaa bavinr been made ia aanarqueaae of law awgraealatioa ia lbs 11 ot frfttttmupf tu - tua impravemaaw m CtmiaM matrwatma. - V W. B. HORNER. . ' Dean tfthi MeJtcal Faftthy, f ' . ' . .AiataVfAnk Aug. aOlMi -, Its .. Th subscriber would retpeetfiillv Inform Ihe merehanis of Kslenrh and tha artioiniar Caoa iaa, that ha baa ape wed a atara ta Pmenberg, Va. aw the sale af Boot aad shoe of everv va riety, to which be vrould retpecifully iavile their atiearioat and armild, at the am lime, attar tnam ihai ne win sell at fair prwas aad aa the meat lateral terms 1 . 7 AUSTIN GF.0RGP. Sign of the Big Boot. Syaaraara Street PetertUarg. ya." IS Sip. Die W, W. HIAUSIIAbVL Olnimnt Tot; Ibe llllnd riica. - This invaluable remede' haa beea several -ear Before the pablieilla virtae aad emcaey have been well UstciU aad, in namaraat inslsa aes, in Ihe most aggravated form of the diteate. a tnlilary eate hat It beea khowa ta fail in aftealinga aura. Many very reapeaUbla per sow have borne testimony tn it stScacvi among whom UU.cRev. Wm. A. Smith, of the M-. E. lliurch,and Eilttor uf the Conference Journal, wha, Irom nil .ewalwnew,. evidently ie epmmrnil il lo the pqblie at Mjt aar a, aoaxga. aiana rr(-vaaT rnxmnt.--. ' : It mat ae ha ar the Store Of R. TUCKER. ira. rs-Mtef COACICr.S, DAIIOI CUES AID BUGGIES. Th Subaariber traa oa hand aa assortment al tha shot Carri tges. - Some very richly finished, whreh will, j Ihaakt, bear a comparison with any maonlaetmt) tdMwhere. The work is war. ranted to be laMhfully executed, aad Will be told oa atmyorable terms ascaa be afforded. Those wisbineto-sunnlT themselves, -will I. apd juUg toe.ibewsesves. . . - .. Raleigh, May ftl, 1434 tj ,TTT: ry Bcipg drslnraa of removing t the Ves the subtanbsr offers for uls lb . - Valuable Hotel. awaeuptil by Lim.- It is tltatted In the City I . I I . T ... . at Bsitrrgn. n loaaoraeroi Bl organ atreet, and tonlik eaar at the- xniblia aqasre. Tha house it larce. and ia imply provided with raeaaa aad Cra place t( tar the other a-mnamndatione are quite aoavcuiam,, . I na'wowuguHy Ol mis Hotel lo th Capitol, Ht ample aaaommouations and (he ha provemeats which are bmeraashur ia.Raleiah. reader k t aesirabfa Haad ta those who may wjsk to:ngaga la inch an ewe-prise. The hotel was hsrmesl wwac bv ,lr.BlaHhfe-w, If tha par -Aaaejr aasirp It, A aa have alt tha atosk and-far aarara aa lataxt, aa taaiaedana a ttmttl mt. . ALEX, MORPH1S. TTilliaifn and Mary CoUcse. i Tkaieetarei m Ala kuiirutioa wttl aommsaea aa Urn areood Monday ia October. Tb depart, neata af iattrectna. aad lb expeaaes lac YBAK. Belle Lettres. ltW ehktaad Hitat Th. R. Dew. I'rctMleat aad Profewor I cat Book: Blah-' Lectures, Hedge' Logic, rlcj ; a Moral VWIoaophy, Maaaal of Hittery V the Jrotemar..---Tj--rt''. Political Law and Uovernment, ueveriy Tucker, Praicsaor Text Book-Vitel't Law at NMmaa. ,; ,t- f . r ,i Malhmati-Kobert Saunders, Professor Text Baokt-Leeeodrc'a Geometry, Day t Al gebra, Uavael Barveyiag. 1 . - ' Chemistry Joha Milliagtoo, Proleitor Text Book Turner! Chemistry, Sth editiea. . SKNIOU YRAU. ' t - Political Eooaomy, Government and Meta physics Th. B. Dew, President and Prolessort Text Books Smith's Wealth of NaUonx, BrowBa Lectures. Natural Philosophy John MiUiagton, Pre lessor 1 Text Book , Epitome af Mechanical I'bdoaonhy, be the Proieaaor, aad the following part of fha Library ol Useful Knowledge, six: feleetrUHf,"Mtrnetism, Optics, Eleslro Msgue lltm, and Optical Instruments. - MBlbcmatieHobert SaiiBders, Profetso' Text llookti Lrgrndre's Gmmctr7,I)avie, Aa aiytra Geemetry, Davie' Calralut, Gunmere't Astronomy snd Voang's Algebm. , INDEPENDENT CLASSRS. 4ajr.Bevcrly Taeker, Brofetsnr .Text Book: Tucker' Commentary, Btepbea aa Pleading, Kevitet) Code, Federalist, Kcat't Com mentary, Ist. vol.l Madison' Resolution and Iteoort. an starxis aa Evadeaee. Civil, tgio-erair John Millingtoa, Profe' or I cat Uoott: I reatiae onGivil Kagineermg and Treatise oa tha Steam EagniC, both by the rroiessnr. . - Higher Claatet Daboev Browae, Profemor (ia which the ttaileatt will read the higher au thors, and study sutiuuittea aad Heathen Mythol ogy- Text Bookt: Potter Grecian Antiqai tiet, Keonet's Konisn Antkuiliet, Tooke't Pan theon.- . CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT. Ancient Languai-ee Dabney Browne, Pro. fessor The eiercisea of this tlrpxrtmcnl, of which Arithmetic, Enrliah Urtmmarand Geo rraphy make a part, commence on the let of October, and close on the 1st of Aitriist. EXPENSES OF A REGULAR STUDENT. 1 t Ta ftraion txb. . Board, includirnr waahinr, fuel, kc. $130 Fee to three Professors, 20 eaclu 60 Half fee, Jtinior.Political Clasa 10 Matriculation Fee, M - or rax aimai. Tata. HoxTrl, a befuccr . Fee lo three Professor MxtriouUUon fee tiOS fiao 60 195 Expentesof a pupil lit the Grammar School, including Board, tin. The fee to the Profeaawc.of Law, ia Civil Engineerina; Hieher Classic $120 30 20 20 111 price of Board in thia table, (130) n that paid to the College Steward, who in con sideration of certain privilege, bind himtelf to the. Faculty to take all Student wbo tp ply for board, at the pnee bere ttaled, Th Students hoarding with him lodge in the Col leg bnilding; all the' Lodirinr Room in which will undergo thorough repair before the next Session. It ia due to the present Steward to aay, that ho haa given entire tatis- faction to ail parties. in pnea at Hoaru at other Boardina- Houaea in town, including waabinr. fuel and light, ia $150. -Thia haa been established b I a general understanding with the College au thorities! and 1 higher charge will be a viola lion of this tinderslandin;. - Ttia tmbVio are assured that thu exhibits the entira amount of neeeaaary expenses at thia Institution. Whatever money, therefore, beyond thia amount, shall be .furnished to the Student, will be. altogether at the discretion of th parent or guardian- and it ia earnestly recommended tint thia aura be aa email aa possible. - - . In addition to the atndiea abnve emimr rat ed, there ia a Department of higher studies, neeeaaary to the attainment of tha degree af A.M. A Student proposing to attend thia Department, mutt hare taken either the de gree of A. B. in this College or Ihe same or aame equivalent degree in some other College of equal standing and must aho be a profi cient in the Latin Language. The course will be at follow, and super vised by the prorettora id their aeveral de partroentes MORAL fc POLITICAL DEPARTMENT, Campbell' Rhetoric, Whaleley's Logic. Abercroanbir'a Moral Philotophy, Montesqui ue'a Spirit of Law, Say and Hicardo on Po litical Economy, Brown on the Paauona, Chxl mera Evidence of Christianity. , HISTORICAL., " -. faiiriea' Greece, Fcrruton't Rome, Sitmon di't decline and Fait af the Roma Empire, Ruaselt'a Modern Europe; Htllam't Middle Ageaand Constitutional History of .England, Hittery of the United State. . . , MATHEMATICAL. Braxsyater'a Leeendre- Younr't and Rour- doin'a Algebra, Yeunga Analytical Gtotne. try, Young'a Dilferentml and Integral Caicu lus, Gumanere s Atlrunomy . PHTS1CAL. Turner Chemistry (completed and more fully examined,) Young'a Mechtnics, New- In.'. U.'.n.'.h, . " . . LAW DEPAUTMENT. Constitutional Law. . , , . j,'. ' . If th Student, in addition to ihe degree of A. B. aliall take' the degree of L. R then the Mathematical and Physical portion'of ' the Matter'a court mar be dispensed with; or if be be graduate in the School of Engineer ing (beaidea having taken A. Bv) then the Moral and Political and HiMorical portion mav bediapenaed with. In' either case 'the stu dent 'must tske the half course in History. ...V. I-' tL . I .. 1 . J. wuiuit, sianiay aava uiuiiwa in me A., 11. eeurae. . - THOMAS' IL DEW.rresident. Sept. 1st. 1838 37 3W ' Cattle tfe for Sale. Th 'Subaariber offer' lor aale, at low sash prieet, " .- Eight Atulti. ; Titftejokt of. Oxen,; ' ' ' ' Ont new four hone l!oon, One new Carryall and Gear, ' ' . A Sulky, end a fine Sulkg llortt, wtUlrokt. ; ' , ' ' , :,', '-t , JBeevee, Milch Cow, cj-f. l-c ! ."-'.' II they are aot told before the S9fh of Septem ker aext. Ihey aal then bo offered lor talc lo the hirheat bidder, at the rwsldeaae ot tha Suhaari. her, 14 mile North at Ualh, oa a eredit of 18 month. . ALLEN ROGERS. AagaU SA, 1484 t 84 4 , OUR TEA ROLfi OUONOK A TOBACCO - tal t TiPTth'CaxctiJxa, In EquiiuMarih Term, diStC Charity i; -it Collmx, 1 - " , . I. a. .:.t i-- Jr. .! r revnrow w atjy-Mafl's.j. twcotiwi twirr Aliraany Heanet uoiimi. J .. It armearina tha tafjabclioe) ol the Court, Beanel Collm. ' J that the defendant, David Collins, la not, aa ia habitant ot thia Bute, it is therefore erdeaei) by the Codrt that nublicatioa be madein the Rafei.k Star-wad- RtKreoka Advocate for tifree montht, with leave to take tettimony t aad it ia ordered by the Coart that advertisement be I art her .mad,, that notice left at the Wit re lid. ease ol lue.aetead ant David Collin v be euffieeat aoliee at to him of Ukaig daposrtron. - , - , Mora. J UKAKC, 4t, ai. r HTM B E9T FOB SALE. L-. The Sabmriber hat aow oa haad, at hi MKIt, (Ula Blaka's) If miles East of Raleigh, lOO.lWO feet of caowe uumoer, 01 every ueanpo-, tswid oat of Long Leaf Pine, the peculiar ex cel I eaoe of which 1 too well known to need any pad. Persona desiring lo purchase will please make application to Mr. William Peek. Rtlcigh, ta Henry nonou, at we mine. . The orioe at tha Mill will be St per handredi but, if Urge quantity be bought, evca lea lhaa that will ae taken. ' ' 4 . ' Wakee4 May 21,138 , 34 tf Shoceo Land for Sale- ., The subscriber being about ta remove to Mississippi, otter hi present' residence for sale. It I pa lha Stage road 10 wiles from VVarreotun, IS from Loo itburg, tod three Irani the Shnceo Spring!, and coatsin 'JOU acre ot rood laud. A a healthy and pleasant retidenae it has but few. a qusl. "1 -SV JAA1CI9 UUUU''.,, Sept. , 1431 - - : 3 4. "DAWCIlfoCIIOOL. Trf a it a. I'ntire Iff. I Uc liter 11 Retneatlully iniormt the eitixeos of Raleigh and ttt tie'roity, lhat he will reiiirp m October next, to open School gain, and resume th ex ereisrs, '... Jaae.te . - Commission Bnsino. . AT HENDEH0ON. The mbterHier having permaacnlly located at Headerson Deliot. oa ihe Hsleigh and Gsstoa Railrosd, twa miles south of Chalk Level, will attend to ihe reeeic'mr, forwarding, and telling all kindtoT produce lhat my, ha aoaaigaed lo him, and will pay lor Ihe proouee thai may ae entrustml to his care, at hi office at llenderana, aa soon at a return can be hsdt or will make liberal advances 00 Ms reception when required. Hi will slso attend to the forward inr of rncr- shtodixe that may leataybe Rail road at Heo From hit. extensive tcqntinttnee in both Ihe country tnd Northern markets, he Itatlcrt him telt llvst lilt aaraniagee in autueaa win ut ye transaended. His psrlicular tod undivided at teatioo may be relied on. . ' ' . , . ., D. ft. YOljNG. -Stxfhxv Muoaa, Hilltboro. r Reference. 4 Kichabd I. SntTH. Mill on. (.Stx-uxx M. Dicatwa, Roxhoro' I lender toe, Granville Co. N. C. July f), 1838. a ti Raleigh Register till forbid. D. E. Y, THE FAIl.TIEU'S ADVOCATE ..... aaa ...... Itliacrllanfoua Reporter. AgricuHur, lAternlun, Science, ami the .Vr- cAawcai .r, int ctunny t siuy, ana Bflicn's wealth. Notwithstanding the exteaslve variety of news. aaneraaad reruKlicali, publiihed throniiruMil the acninu-y, ,anu luv uiTeran at annycat. inrrcin embraaed, k is obvious to every ratkbal aad re ecting mind, lhat the conductors of those pow erful, tnd M rightly guided, those salutary vehi ales of information, have been loo reaerally astu tied by party motive; and that polilwal sontettl have been carried to such aa alarming extent, at lo thrcalea the dissolutiua of our Bol-lav-rBtlH- tioati while tubieelt relalmg lo Atrw-ullure. Lit erature, Science, and the Mechaaiaal Arts; Ihosc subjeel immediately connected with bur best talertsts, aa4 which would cvenloally' place at ia aa mdepeadent siluaiioa, have measurably re maiaed unnoticed. - x ; Aatuated, therefore tiy these view, the tub asriber inteads publishing ia Jsmestown, N. C., a periodical under, and comporting -with the above title in fha execulioa af which, he designs ia the Brat place,' 'le at til laudable exertion-, in procuring and disseminsliog practical Julnrma iioa, essential to the interelts, and calculated tu rasrtsa the dignity af Ibe farmer. . Secondly. Education, and Ihe literary ihtliia tiona af the country, will fiad in hi colt-ran warm snd Irlendly support. .. . ' Thirdly. Science, tnd th Mechanical Arts, will also he subject ofrliteuiiion.snd iotariably recerve a liberal share of mention.' r - Fourthlr. Due at loot ioa will be oaid to tub- jest calculated to promote the eauee of virtu tne religwa. - - Fifthly. I A brie! notice will slso be takea .of pa'tiug event t, of aa impitHint tnd inttretting nature, both foreign and dorornie) excluding alt aolkicat aoatests, and tubjects caloulaUd la ere ate party animoaiiy. . la short, no paitT will be (pared,' ta render the Advoeate a valuable and interesting visiter Hi every family, and tp every virtuout uiid intelli gent elan ol Hie community. . la order I here lore, the mora effVetmlly to proteeute our purpose, we respectfully, solicit the friendly add of every intrlligeal farmer, Me shania, lit-eary and teieotifis gcntlrme.' wha msy bsvs talent and inclination, to eommunicatt to as -aach-ditcoverim and pracli-al hinti,,oa suhjectt Wilhia our province, at mav enrich our eolumas, add by a reelproest kileroliauge -of Ibooghtt, beaorna a valuable aoume of inlorma lion. Uommniiieations silo nn suhjeets either Religtou or Moral, will be tksakiully received. , - TERMS - . a, -The Advocate will be published in monthly numbers, consist inr nf thtrtvtwo octavo Bares. (two sheets) neatly printed, on good paper, fold- ea ana tutrmea, ana promptly mailed to tabtcri bert'. risking in a year, t neat xoluinaof 3S4 pa. ges, and furnithed. wtth title page, aad Index, at $1 ,4$ per year, ia advance. , - Any person by forwarding $10,' free from charge, will be entitled lo ten aopie. . - ' la aonscqueace of the difficulties aad losses, fawialily attendiagjhe collection of small tanis at t datartterVlo order for the 'paper i!1 be at tended to, until tbe subscription priaa ia forward ed, er the payment secured by some krwiaare spantible person. . , :- All letters, enmmnnlcalioos, ke to the pdblish- er, mutt somfc free from cao vt wa iiruneu to, At wa intend aommeaelne th' publication tome lime in the month f August neat, all per sab hnhliiig tnbwription aw rerfoestcd to (jar ward early aa possible - - AlLetliior favorable to oar designs, and those who may feel disposed to-exchange wtth, at. wH do art hvvor by giving -our. pi-aipectut aw mst on- JN). SHPiVJOD. JiftncttowB, N. C June, tr.34. - T 84. a ADVEHTISEWEItT. The Inipoisihillty of esrry-ug oo the Warcb. man a it waglit ta be conducted while absent an ootlealiag expeditioos, and the Impassibility o looear doing-without'lhc large amount-due rue rar-aix years of dabor, have determined eat to eell tat eatablWtraeat at theetd of lha preseut year. Tbe subscription list Is about 800, aad aa lha Increase, and thr job Brtalmg and atlver Usmg rood foi4t least fit c btrmlred' d oil art a at! A rehlleTOtr, of txletitt aad a sound whig' shall hire tbe ptperon the most libera lertwa.11 woai-T wittingly a go intd any mi her ar . AaeartrtoliCatina krenhraled. " - t.lay, rherihi(V,t I shall orTer for ml.'at the hou'jH vena ( cnnes oawar arsmhueldl "i 14 month t, air the ln Jt. iwU, .'',! uf atiet,w-teTraecd witTf to ioseph J." farmer, on whkh LW1 aow resKlet, soatammg 37 aere-Jfcv Jtb, a goad dwatliog bourn, bS Other out bootet aeceaaarv in, , .1... I. wit .l..l.i.J r- " 7 Hra being fmaii(Uy . healthy; harMa&4 cxcelieal water,' and rbeautihil es ' J .' ar-,, ""Xing ia Heart a V-M adjoining the abevav aoMtuuing l. rv4 . Another trs, Belonging in V lying about 1 J mile topfh of the 6r-!;.'v toataiaiiig 83 aoet. . "T?", Aad two otitet iractt, aelon.u- Farmer, rme'eoataimng St ae. "iS. 149 acres; , -. k ,T"s AH ot- Ihe above land wit! be soli ' tbove men! 10 nee, 11 "not oretKntt. J:'k -Uaqueslioaable titles aill he give!., f; 138 5 ?fl riavme aeiermineu to remove c r 1 t .k.11 ..y f.. . . "a 1 vmwwmwm, . .,., ag fag) ' 1 named, lin aepi.j my growmt rr, J, eorrf. '! - '.J,. Also aa the ami aay, alt my Mot, fcwj of horses, hngs, saitle an skeca. u.'i my household furntuire, lie. x'A JT" t, months will begivea. . -. - T" c"! ' At It is my vith to close mv Wn.-L . belore leaving, allperaona holdioe tltur me are requested lo prevent thaw, il T1 setUemenL CHARLES SfEV-.r. Aug. 24, 143S HUrFALO SPIIWOttTiTrj Thi valuable property the suomiHL. . l fer for (ale, and will sell nn foatiint piicatmn oa msue 9j me xsin of arxl fuJ bar. Tbi Spring it ituated ia aesltb lertile section wt country, in the ssasty i lu lenburg, Va.,'vcn mile b-oot l:u.k flourishing vtllsg on the Rostekt; few J miles from Boydton, at which-plate HasMJ itiaeoa college it iocaiea(- tne xSa,,. uxioru, xv. j. 1 1 wveiiteinal praiiertiH a. J water at e Epsom Salt, Iron, Salulwr. Mavneala ' - - .. . . M Themany cureicReeted by this slwaJ e in saying thai il ia not Inferior Is aJT?i ..l . i ,k. u,.,. i,. .... ' wmt. w,, ru ,, "i VUVCIS ST Skw i. a: , rvat v.... l.'ih wt. ,ui.i,i.u. 1ncs, aiittaj j the stomach, bowels, kldners. blaiu. . eyes, and uterine diseases, and a prsntMna. er ol health and strength lo eonvslestesn l I- 1, A- 1 t . .: , . . is .i iiuuiii nil u. ivMiiaii rniima . niched .of its efficacy ia Ihe above tod auri ae diseases, il aeaessarv, and-tmoag aWaZf in ruinKui iiiiicians uinn in AOtlh Ustiia t ira;iiii.. - . rv . There It tllaehed la thia Sorine land: part of which is first rale boun U extremely H tultet; for meadow, Ta. i: ings are nearly new, moat of whitk ant aJ built within the last three ar iuur m,i .Ja comfort are not surpassed by buiidmpa ai waieriiig uiacc ui v ivgioia. uo buad-tita,! fifty people can be comlortably accorsnadsw J tint place. A line of stares continue inni.t.l asltV l a by ;ai a -i "'"I dciiiciu io usnviiie, yy mis wnrni) Tf j oming by Slug vi!I meet w Uh wOttTwiHj ClttlVI UI ItfUOC llmCCara -.T - . .tieeKiennurgeo. Vs. Jnlv. 1838. - sua. N. B. II nnt dispnsed nf bv. lb KH ti J eember next, mi Stirimr will be for natlbtiJ tutng year or loiiger. Letter addressr. to J tooaeriuer al White llouteMeeklenaertejeJ ty, V. or to Mr. Edward Sped,Oifrs,a till county, N.. C, will yccelve prenpt wJ lion. . .. .. 1 1 .' i The great popularity tad established aram for this valuable mediame,reudert the trat usiioa af a lengthy adterliaement tsMeran, Nuvaerous tettiniuaialt ol their value (lairlj a. ceived) from geollcmea af Ibe big he Kiia. biliiy, in addiiioa to those aacompanyh ad bok, may ha sera on applicative lo stysf lb agents. The pills are pal up m t taperkif t ia tia boxes eonlaining tt pills, Willi fslMira lioas. Price 60 cents -per bnai Tss-rso' porcliatera the ler m t of roraruiitlon irtd ire liberal. All eommuiikallont aill beftsaf ly attaiMlv w, he , .. . - - I IIWMAS L. JfTMP. Real An ty Offiee, .Mnrgaa St. Ralrigk,'! ioa sat at the trethylef lan Charck IMetrropa for n. The SubccriUr rilrr h.r tale 4m lilelf Xi-i a acta, aaintig h' m aralCliWii fcims-i Knngh AJrrhanicand Wheeli'igbt da ottier ra Bt ti n ;!arktiuilh's trtle taraetrlyllrn y cart i one l'l'a, boy-ailh i ol wraus,a exerllent cork, accnatomed alto, to the nrl camu-e-rc- ITe whole) will be snlrt low. ,lW tu the Subscriber. 16 toilet North M HtiK w ' W..ALLEN 0(iKHS AneatC4, 1838 Ml A TEACHER iVANTEB, The Truilert of the Huntbory Acailrmj vai to employ h aompeteat geallemaa ta ttktsWp oi-ine instuuimn on tbe ttt. .uonnay am A eentlemeB i.lenilinv ia aMiraoe Ihe aw (inn a nuinber of )ears wmiM he pnrem aW would do Well to make application. A stbr) JVIIO wUI be riven the 1st tear. i J. Jlttll .:ii.-..U PA RK.ER, StttV - - hf the Board nf Tr atlearat k Simsbary, Gates en, Aug. 13 18.14 , Mate of North careUva. ' IVakt Countvr.' Superior Court vt LvV--friiif Tutu ' ' 1 R.1A. r'"'.. Ann Neighbor ti. W iltiani NeighUtt-l'eil- i. .. .... ,1m. fnm HiMM.. '' .' 'It'appearinglo lhe tatisJaatmn nflhs Cs. thai tha IMeedBBl,- William 5el-l, X. K a . al. Aama-Iaaa liwM maaVt at lUIIITtla fl4I lrTCtvtBl (rti wier , a- A ,lt a- A. A ata-MUl easel made and proviileili il is Iherelora srm that publication lie ohm!-' for three wonlln, aa-Ualt-Ufh Register tnd Star, newipsptf .arws La the City t Hslsigh, tliat aplcsa the m -r i jrs;iiuor. iti"- ii- - ..,a. Court, lobe held on the first M"I V! I .L. a -l-- hi tt...teLmavj 'fttsd irrmT IvrttT I U iYHltlT Ut v"tl" vi- - sweror ilemwr in the Plaii.lirft beliitoa. " - J heard ra parte, aad judgment pv ctnff cu aeanist max. - - - , .ai.n UIVK8.CI.I '. - r.-... ui. ar sol ww . l ,. . i - a kb. vnn ax a I T. uanw avia m- t . . , i 1. 1 mrf al Itsa . a now uiicrmr ac a i"" - - - .j-.M iheConnty ol Lenair,vknowa a the ." plaee,"aituated oa lha north araVof Nc"; 9 mtieaaoove eaotra,aniiomii"---I i ttfto, ahmarniag oae thoossnd lour Cteyen acres; aooin onetnnusvnn "."" uncleaiVd and edvercd wllh Oak, HTa" Dogwood grv.-Ah. mdicailng a fertij.iyrt lobe sornaased ia its vicinriy. r" i Cxtrnrta for (wi miles oa Ihe pohlis rsss, ... .i laer a liieaame.oisuirrcoTiB tnerirci, - .j . L k I: .S... -.i ' tew aeiae oewen, waat iawimE, - . , tat The terms msy-Jbe known by applied""" friend Louie P- IVsmnnd. Esq. Ol Lenoir. : ' Alsa,lotNixinlhatawBolKiaste. I BlxotmeT lor .ale, two ar three kloodt -j - - r. ! , . b la the lit" aes oi ine room laiiiKHisos: . , Staiea ... They may be cere at k "fv,. rtrkM-na almy A.ther,-in the CorifHy al ? . . 7 Samuel e.BEa' k.l Tk.u IUUth,lefb.lv7ui. P A ' 0 JONES, Ed. at PrdpTietoe. ' stary.ttss. . - . sg. 99 tf awpV l, tIAl .ij-4w ; AaTtmejm . Aa. - tttttcr m4 8 tri-trd.

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