-N., V.,. 7 4 nvtujtw-5" tHrFSS n ALBIGH, N; OiribWLSDAy; OCTOBER 10, 1C33. VOL. HQ. 42 THOMAS J. WHAT, f D,Tp R An PHOFB I KT OS. TKKMB." Seasmirrfo. three dallara par enoom-on half in Ir. .- ... rrw,, re.llr wilhl -the 8i.U. roll be (A p.y-11" "A amount r MSscriptlna '" i'TTfOonTiBlVf Us.TR" Of AOVr.RTSNt. For erery snn.re (not eeeedinC 16 lines this trpe) first Insertion, Hollar eneh ob- ...; lomir-fiK cents. . Vii.i.,.iiemvnli of Clerks and Slierilfs wiii-nsj amirs-n ,, , " i. i ... . i at mil Iiiehrr; soil rlr. I ...li p" vil Tle trnm ' . r ' .-(T lo the f""1 iinr nut l)feJ-ll. PetommtiiiM hif the Stedual Faculty. Doctors Ilarrcl.'a JtleJiciaps. rtiEiu ,ixti nii.uous tomato PILLS. T!i- pilla anpnly the lare of ealomrl and m..-m In kit fllKWBU'a t.t tk liw.' l ,-,rm, amt ew oilier nulailtr cqiiii-lnf, a cathar-j 4ior iik 0Hcaalta anil the aiil of alterMit4 tae in i - - i:(r. r.iiKiini nf fnvfr. all lilironie aflVr i- lifin-a. " . .' ft" r,iaIl!:i,riu's ( Tli' piKa n'-e nirr ami errtam r-miljr for j,,i;Ke.i'ioa. TUe eemijr oen anlive tirrngiii( nai aaek are prMitwl. l"he are a doe Winner pill anil are inwlualile in tiaeaar k-cu-liar io lemara an'l cliilitrrn. The aSore prrparaliona are now patronized by tlit prufiin ami oilier) of the liilieat rejpra Uiiiliir, and are iin iljilr proola of their tu. n-rinr inlrinaio viriUM. ITiese aonaiilrraliona, .i f lm Km a Uim IA ill .(nA(lfnc fit iwciu'c, B - T nitrnnaseof thepnblieaml phtilrittitsrnrrallT. The rVapvetable eertifitafri 1 f the tnllnain- w""-'',?"'' ria'l'H"ii piwiij, v.. i. To all whom k nnjr roiicrrn. Thii it to e.r- liff, that I Imire ilneeil the moat aamiarrti- VWZ .ml ihat withunt nainnr unraaineka: anil ilo not hi-tiiate to recommend ijlirm lo the puhlie a ,fflM T;!,7irVK:" ,rr; !! to forvani me a thousand forthwith, Keapee'fiitiT, . t.iomiicuu m. u. Frm lliralio N. WilliaaiH Judice of the I'l . EHxilieili Ciir, X. C. fhrfrt.l 'Zf J lhrrH: hare (lie patt Trrmaile lTi'ient nae of jronr Antt-Drapeplie Wipir Kim I'illa, and find them a m.itt valiia-l.l- me()ieHw: ihry proihwe the moat benefirial afiVeli mi mr ayiteni, wbenefer I have bad 0c aina la iie llirm. , ' lte.tiecil)itlr, . . - . ! I.lllltl l i v v i. tin Vmllie Rer W. A, IJiddiek. Itinerant U- KJixabeth' t:Hv, N. v. ism. rather of private than public nature, it trniftinjt wTtie n-ritrT of l)iM.tnr A-Jv-yetairlhe "persecution I experienced tinm-.!1! Anti.laapep k siipprrr F.im I'ilii. I Hie eve of my departure from Ens- l.'tl fire tn a, llial I hare HM-d "im m eeral , , ' .' , , . . .. ? i.,.retwiih' em.aideral.ie benefit. They ope- land most unrjueastionably had its on- rale ileauntfy willinot nmaealiiiK the tlnmach, gin in political enmity I have 110 a..lk. my o e..ihey have Urn entirely an.- Kiaitalioii in ciin vott tne particuUr Crp'VM r th aisrcefot trin.aetioft to which aVwid be fcepi In lb bouse of eery family. ynu have alluded. If I COUld Willi a Jt,,,-C";"iES .V.im).)lCK. clear conV.ence, consider aught tUt ,. - the Argus aays, as calculated in the PriMH Mr. Cbarli-i flirrell, arepetabic Mer- Klij;hteat decree to injure the, character - .tl,"- r . of a political - opponent, I might add, ' r.enitemen-Ti,u '"to'.e. iii! that l belief, that having repeatedly. Yincc . my re yiir Ami-iiiiiioot Tomato pilla to be a wd turn, narrated the conduct . of Mr. an) trmiine medr.-ine, and tint they ei.main all j(,I,n Van liuren in tlT transactional iliennalniea f.w which tlief are reeommenden. . . . . . -.,, l..,., I hale -d then in ... f,'.iiy in aeem! raw., m boun.1 in honor to relieve you liom a.nl il.er haee proved eOVelMHl in eeerv instance, the charge of 'infamoUi fabrication" tours, ha, t.n as. ii Attittu From a resneeotite eiiiien of Pasquotank en enilemen i bis m tocen riifv tnhe efficaey Pill. In a recent nfrai.f Anti-Hilnus Tnmal nvmot ,i,e tuon, ,i.eir n.e was atLmd with der any defence Jjainsr his opinions tlieHMisiaiiitarrieiiiia They op-rted prompt- neccssarr. I will, therefore relate fo b yrt eiih perwliar mil.lneis, re.l.iein fettr and ou fhtf faCtg of mf arrest in Hrtstol, elrarinr the atnmaeli and loaels of thrir morbid ' ... a. , .. f u. i..i. V II.. ...a.ier; i .hiuk i.em . s.,m-rior mediem. nd n the aflidavit of Mr. Ji.hn Van Uu - iwAn.rn.-n4 there witbont hesitation to public no- t ell of Albanv. - . liwandpatronare. -7 . T It U wctt knOWll U yoU that I Uti jomu PRUCHAftn. (or KugUmt t.n the Tth l Maj Ia. in rm Mr. Charles" tira-bi, larmer, Panjuoiai.k .(he. steamer Great Western j and it WjltS --V;-r-Mr-Ttw-Si: un.lersttiod by my friends at the period - Tftall whom U mas ennrrra. -This is to rer. . . . ... I tit? thi 1 i,av. t.ken iw.or. A. h J. Ilrreir. f my departure, tliat I wen abroad kllj.lr ... . t'n .IT.alln. Anhnavla.l MMin IHtraRHP. hi niiio.ia Tnmal ft I'illS n rcat wnrtt-vi iiaiee.i aUayaMifjeet to airk hi-adach jn4 lie lonnd but lilll relief l.r the remeei-s I be r.wmeH to y u.e of t o.,r pill., hn.- e, 1 hae r-aliieH mnrh adrans;e, and I. Miinkb llieir fori her me thai I shall l Kirai. nntly cured. Tl.er merit uiiiers.M ennfidenre, Keptiluly, CHAS nRtr.HT. Prepsred m F.iiaaiMth city, N. v.. by tbepro- win.., ami priiwiiMilty trnporlel from Nnr- a.ii. . -. .f . . Mk, Virginia Foe sale at il.r th lit Sfnre-f M m. if . UlaMn A Co. Jialrirh, ,VA Ciroia JnltU tss so ttrn of the Golflcu Jflortar. vrm. m. ivtasost co- ? II Winn nrchased the entire stork nf Meatra -T. 8. H,,.ii. K ia. have cnninienced the AI'OI IlKCAUY biisincaat Ihe sikhI form.rly Mnplritlir thrm Ow Fwrrttenillt Strer, eerm.il kit nnrth 4 V. k A. Slab, heie they have J rereiVcd a further supply nf ' - ' "ros. Kledieliiea, illnf. Oil, Points, Dye sum's ana Per rnaiery, toiretlir with a general tiMSortinrnt of " TAXCr AUTICLE8. ' Wh they will disosr ol on the most reason; ale terms . ... rf ,. .v -j ( , ' . . . , ' .MrhnU and other can be mnialied with patent and other medicines on as reasonable terms as they can be ()lHilh oMia I'm mac, I ersnns would do wtll to tall ami rxaftiin lor neaisrHea. Phfueians at s ilistanee, who. may - mur smers, win na.e-tittm r-1.miy atieniKO to Ko pains will Im s)aied a aeleaiui- Uu-micals and I'l.armaeenliea! pre. , pMsnons, as I Ley are determined that no medi tnrs but inch a are eennine.- .hall he sold be ? ,,hrhrinsWebi-nelln'e y nvaarttseseleaa. I her ku ma. ...... hff h. by ri,t rn- ininra, io merit shire of the tnUlW j-nnaa. w p e - . l biwy. ism. - to if I State of AOrtH Carolina. v . C i rf' yunljJ : , , isuperior Cojjrt of-Uw-Spnng Term, r l8i??' ... Ann NgliborsS. William XtijUbort PU- , : iin tor uarorwa. , .- -:; U apperia( to the sajiiliwtion of th Court, (hut I lie Utl.-n.lant, William NeiehhoreY be (onhi, and reUnitiHi haul as; keen imule al Hi Oiil ll.wtwdaor, tarth parly to appear in. I itS.wvr Browing to-Act of Assembly in sue mui made Bft.t proviileehit la ihetefnee' order. that pubtw.iinn M naaila lor Ifcree mom ha, ia Ibe Haleigli Kcsi'ttranil Star, newinaurra iirinteil ins i.ny oi i(aiei;ii, mat nnlca in tti.i vn tiam Keigltknr apiwar at thened l'n of Bu-l j Cmirt, la be kalil on the firt Monila alirr the ' lout tli M'tmlar of Sejiteihlief next, anil iliiil, n- I rt or ilrnr tome riMMilTaketHtott, HtrtllM heard rx parte, ad judgment p,tenjw enter ' en j4tiiii uim. II. n IUTES.CS. c i JOHN VAN BURF.N IN KNG-, t I lie l.ilinwitis; , leltera ,Jrotn , W.bV ,,1a;n tlte Tact in relation.to arrest in England. It Will b Cet ttiA t he w.t arretted under a procosi CJUIVII, WllllllUl HHIUII All Ul tici Mf lltflil to I) lil could not havfe been issued Uiider such circomstancM, Col. Vbb was nullunizpthtu infer, as he did, that Van Huren was the responsible "actor in the scene" instead of the volunteer a''nt Ot oppression. Cot. Webb W!W' in London, ining lini freW in societr. was known to t j. . " . . ill I'litlemen of thslinction.anil cjiultl have b "en arrested (llCrC- IJUt J0 W!S e1- deiuly pennilted to will, the ilCaln of having: hlM arrested, on the eve nf ll'lS departure, at Bristol. How lar Van Burcn was a oartr to this scheme, we are unable to sav : but un til we have hizher authoritr than the wnrfhU.i, ,sge,ion of Croswell,we shall hold to the opinion that those who ob tained Vanl Rurcn'a afTidavit, acted under his instructions. Albany Journal. New Fori; Sen'. 22,1838. My Dear Sir, Youra of yesterday ralliii!; roy attenfijui to an article from your paper, together with a commenta- rv o"iiirlv the Aryns. came to hand mnrn'ine.ni HI,ourh the afflir is luade br the Arjus, made bv the Arirus. nut the chnr- acterand ataiidingof that cowardlv and recklesi pander f a corrupt ad- B;istrati"n, is too well known to ren- - .... T'lrTnrmrpoe 01 esiauiiMiui a t-m rc- p0ndence fr the Courier and Ktiquifer .' r v- , . J,- I " different parts of liorope and that I would return in the July Inn on the ame se,mpr. Allltlll? mT OOteS parable - - 0 j I fnllinir due durinz-uiv absence, was one drawn eiuhtcen months orevioublv, for wi,icb tj hail never received any .. . . t ,1. riinwltriiliiitl.KuliirH hail Deil till- taioed urder false' pretences and which the holder in March last'agreed ' never should be presented for payment, 1 if I wiitibt almimin front making known ljhe iicuniitUncei under, which it was fobtained, and not go before the grand ; j'iry to ask an , indictmciit f"r ar in- tiling. Upon thin assurance. 1 Kit tne country .knowing that the note in ques tion would fall Hue in a few day; -but I made no provision for its puyment.in ! the full ceoviction that- the certainty of indictment and punishment would prevent any ue bciti; mad ot it. Hut in tins I was mistaken' It ap pears that a prominent HotiiUa! oppo ncnt in Albany heard of the existence rf the note, obtained piiaw-ssion of " ii. endorsed anil lodged it in the Hunk of Albanv for collection, caused it to be regularly protested , when , fue, and sent it to Riigtanil for prosecution. I was in London from, the lime of ("the coronation until a ahort tune ' re sioiis to the sailing or tne wreat AVei- tcrn." ihe Ion of the President of the United States was there ' the same time, the associate of Princes and1 No bl and with 5 a'negree ' of. courtesy and attention or whictv,- in common with every Aaiencnn, I was nrottd. viewing, as I did, the signal distinction with which he was .received br the Qicen, as evidenceflf Her resifect for the S- During this m period, I little dreameti that he was in'any aycon necteil wiih a confemi)late.t proceed r intajfnVntme Wvtiin tUrur myin hfarwratisii - itii ! totvitrii. t nrii twisoe; ami vim-nray imagine my surprise. Dristrd, and on the evenirg pre wlien in prcvion a to theailin f t1a - Great '.Western,' I was trrested l the .(lit of tl flank of Albany, upon a precei ouff theJCinrt Bench end the-Citjf nroceti ittuft 121 Bench ind- onlrr 4o hula me to hail, prucipreil bj he afGila vit of John Van Bart the son Qfthe Prfiident of the Unitetl State. On learninj fcom Ahe SUeriflTf ofR cer that he ;a "dire cted to rrfjuire bail to the., amount of one thousand poundn aterlin;, and knowing no per tun to whom I could aoolr in Bi intol. , , to London, wnh me, where I coald pro cure in uau requtrea, ana of nani posttng get back to Bristol in -time ' to save mj passage in ihe Great Western. But I. was . then tojd and ihe officer exhibited a feeling ons the occasion which did honor 16 his h'umsrtitf.' that oy ine. law, no ban could; be received except a freehnl.lerof the eify of llristol that ft ora the manner in which the suit had been commenced there was no escape from its severe penalties, and that I must CnJ such bul among entire strangers, or immediately be consigned to a prision! - I will not attempt fd portray my feelings, To be thus kidnapped, into prison in a foreign land, and that too by the afUdavit uf th son of (ho Chief Magistrate of my country, was well calculated to excite in my bosom, a de gree of indignation which cannot well be described. Cut tliere was no time to be wasted in the indulgence of" re flections - po 4he-charatter-ef-" the proceeding of the deep disgrace in which it Involved my prosecutors. Bail, immediate, local ' and satisfatory bail, or the cell of a foreign. prison was the alternative presented me as the suitable; punishment of an opponent of Martin Van Duren. Let any man of the slightest sensibility imagine what would be his feelings thus situated,and he will find no difficulty in arriving at the conclusion, that even the prospect of incarceration in a foreign prison did not appear more appalling to me, than the alternative of applying for aid ' to one tipon' whoiii I had no claim, and to whom I was only known tfi eonse quence of having extended to me the hospitalities of his table. But it was due lo myself and family to make . the application and Robert Bright, JJsq. of Bristol, with a degree of promptness which evinced (he generous and ' noble character of the man, on the simple as- surance that he should not suffer, sava 1 the requinite ball, ' and I St once proposed tlut he sltould poatlSif ' Jt' is to me "'afatt itne! a painful id rhostompletetyTowo wk-na; to be thwarted this well planned scheme to disgrace a political opponent. Of the conduct of Mr. Hright and of my never-io-be-eradicated feelings ol gratitude, this is no place to speak. Those who can appreciate true noble ness of character will require no promp ting to estimate his value and my rat fiitiile nor can any honest American fail to appreciate an act wliTcIt, in point of fact, was a compliment to the Amer ican character for my only claim on his liberality consisted in my being an American. Suffice it to say, that the Great Western on her next trip will take out the full amount of the claim, to be deposited for the. protec tion of my bail but as the law of this .' State is applicable to the case in the English courts, not a dollar will .my persecutors ever, recover, wnue Jh.ey I nave tne moriiiying renection oi Know ing that their scheme to injure tne a- broad has been the most signally de featedrand aHxoncerncoV-tiHt as-sigirf milly disgraced I have thus given ynu the facts of the case. Whether John Van Buren took the note to England with him, or whether it was subsequently sent to him, or whether he was not the author ized agent of the houlder of Ihe note, and by him- directed., to commence, the suit in London, instead of Bristol, I do not know, ami of course do not pretend to say. It may be as the Argus would insinuate, that he has acted exclusive ly as a volunteer in this dirty business, but I should imagine that this, instead of mitigating is rather Calculated to in crease the odium which shoofd attach to Sny one in thus loatiin himself to the prosecution of a countryman in foreign land. The ' facts speak' for themselves, and I leave to others to draw their own conclusions, as to . the conduct t this son of our Executive and the nature of the Undertaking be tween him and his immetliafe political sssociates in regard to the manner; the time, and the blare of my arrest upon m tiuio uuibjiicii mt . n.iuiiiic.a iinuu. Smarting under the attempt to disgrace me, and feeling that the worthless A inerican who "was then receiving the most marked attentions of the 1 British Court as a' representative of mt coon.; try, was in fart more fitted for ihe em ployment in lb purlieus d .theLon don Police, I 1 til not hesitate in attri buting his conduct to a deep laid plan on the part of my political enemies, in the prosecuting of which the son of the Executive was Alio incre. tool, ; Under these circumstances, I wrote j htm , the enclosed letter, in which, if the Argni is to be credife.1, f did injtice to" my pemecoter here, and lid nrt hold" in sufficient otrterapt the- judgment ' and sliscret'tors of the weak young. man whi it would aoy Aftpearr volaoteertH J1 services to Dunisha political otaponent ofhisfartho by entleivorjnsr to . inc,arifs.UtT . J0"". & ', cerate lam in a foreign rnson. i . . . ;. , . . care not on which horn the dilemma' Ihe.Argus majf thittk It convenient to pUcetheson of the F.iecutive.' In fi sher tase, he at best Is most efTeefuall disgraced. In the estimation of all hon orabtis men. - ' -; , very 1ruiy your friend; ' : '- J. WATSON WEBB.'' ; tut la . , t- . , : . . , Sttam StoptQrttrt Iftttn, ' Brictot Channel, Jttly Slat, 13$. i TiJahft Vu Hurtni Ew, duty, to bs the harbinger of bad news; but I leave yon to deter mine whether 1 am" labouring ' under" such a misfor tone at the present' time, when yon learn that I am nbnntlo apprize you of tWentire failure of "yoflr attempt to prevent my sailing in the "-Great Wes terttrby eausirig' mv arrest and impris onment io a land of strangers, at the very-moment of my intended departure. 1 wltTdoyou the jtistiee, however, to say, that the failure of yirur plan is in no" way attributed either to your want of xeal or legal information; and I shall take an early opportunity to ap prise your employers that yoti have dis charged your duly tothein in a manner which, while it cannot tail to put the most unscrupulous minion of the law to the blush, will as certainly i receive the cordial approbation of yonr unprin cipled associates in the United States, t shall apprise them that instead of ar resting me 'in jamlon, where I had "troops of friend ready-and to become mv bail, thus oreventin possibility of disgracing a political op ponent by casting hiin in a foreign ptistm, you vert wlnely deferretl- live J s .commencement of your suit ontil the eve of sir ' denanure trom Kn-1antl, and : untit I had arrived inn strange city, where beinrVnknown, you had evert reason to believe that I must of necessity be imprisoned for a time at least and that the Great Western would arrive in America, ' announcing that the Editor of the Courier and Kb quirer, for having dared to expose the character of the administration of Mar tin Van Buiw,badThfs son been cast into o prison in England, as a ter ror to all nolilical onnonents. ..:;. Vnnr trnT nrnrniHtiiiii ail-viaeil vnn of the fact? that if arretted in the cityTIe"er of Bristol, none other than a freehol der of ihe stave country could be my oaii; ana consequeuuy, .u imun en tire strangers I could not find such an my bail for near 06, 000. I must inevitably be inprisonetl! and knowing this I must frankly accord you the high credit of having acted in a manner which entitle, you to the warmest approbation of .your employ em. . Sir, you deserve more than com' men gratitude or ordinary fees at .their hands; for I cannot believe that at your age, you, have pursued such a course towards a countryman of whose hoSDifalitV vou have heretofore narfa. tken, and who within a few weeks has born such tetunony in your behalf to a gentleman in London, as I have rea son to know added somewhat loyoui comfort and pleasure, without noma little compunctions of conscience smlifbrication by this Lloyd a .deep sense til shame a; the character of your employment. Itest assured, therefore, that I shall make it my duty lo apprise your prin cipals how faithfully you have Jabored in their service, and at the .same lime shall disseminate as widely as possible the xharatteTnf yonr.tiew employment, and your readineas to make almost any sacrifice that ran be,cnnceived,in order to accompli!) the designs of your em ployers. ... If I rishlly understand your position, an iniportaut branch of your business wilt be, lo bear testimony to (lie signatures Tof those merchants, ctl- iiors, and others, who liitving been ru ined by the conduct of our rulers, may unwittingly 'trust themselves on this side o the Atlantic, The more cyni cal portion ol the public may exclaim against the idea ot the son'taJtenninj upon the distresses produced .by the recklessness and po)iti.al subserviency of the falher; and there may be; those who would look, upon money thus ac quired, as the wages of prostitution, but furtunately for your K'aceifjmjnilJ you nave already lemonstratel your contempt fop such old fashioned con siderations, and, illustrated the truth of t'v j aimge.that 'the laborer is worthy of hire." I congratulate you, sir, on your new vocation, and upon your pel cunar utness tor rue nisciiarge oi its tw ites; and ss I cannot but j feel a . deep interest in the success of one in whose father's political advancement I was somewhat instrumental, permit ' i:ie , to suggrt.the. .propriety of his furnishing you wittt l.-ic'siniiles of the' signatures of fcU,the mechanics jn the U. who have been ruined br his adniliiisfration of- the , public, affairs Through the medium of his pliani .top! t, the nead ol the. Treasury , Departrnenf, fie "can doubtless, ihi lis winh litte iroubfe. 4o himself and t cannot doubt , bu t "you would much ratlier found your affidavits of the genuineness of the signatures of your victims on. snch data, than, as in ratcase, upon a friendly note ot invi tation to partake of the hosvitaUti of mj table, at a rnrno I when t was exer-! ting whs tifUe influence 1 possesied jnj ailysnciag jjie politicaf fortunes ptjrouri CL? Voir. e-: Wt1 - . j. iiAisufliifcuiii . . I - . - Fiom Ihe .Vew Vork Emin 8lar. 7 : JoAuv I'm Ii una in Lapland. The " VVt ttierHo take the. Itborty of moU Arree i laborios; (o exonerate this ' M "( yooojf sprig of Royalty from ihe odi.m '"'"J". f '$ "E and execration which is every where! heaped upon him, in. consequence of hi .vetunlterinf his senket to im.; prison a political opponent w a fureica Und publishes the lollowing 1etUr,i",torJ.ta Tf Wim to ' .r- i.- r , s i . . .ia. We are dear tu, . purpiirimg n oe imns snt iMtnonn . At- tornef for the Girt Bank of Albanv 'CI ChfttpuJ, Ld, V)thJttit.ti. j S!ieM.f r.iv.l vnr. ttiA S'.S mIiima Sol hare terrivej on further tnsluctiooj than' ihnan r.mljiuej in voor tetter. "Upon iu rerrit.t, I imuMaJiiiely proee.l. fo 6ml out Mr. Webb, and w informej by Mr Jagdon itl.e... Trident .1 Fenlo. Holrt in St. James jirret. Dti ennulnr theta I Irarned thai h bad left t!H9 aome dare pre. tiou.ty, pj had gone ta Liverpool, tut that be tmendcJ Im-Ius In London and remiininj there . ""wi . ii.i.nmiiv i.i.iin iu mi leavinj mo aiiii cuittinucu wiioou( iniermisamn sjn- eountryv .1 eatleJ on KWay last t hi. tJiirj,. M. when It abated. ;, During U.1 an.l la.OM.1 Almra iSia, Hm. .Ii I ha. S.mah-1 rhf re o forward tcttrrs to him. and I have but j'tai irarneii mm ne intended leavtnr litis per .1 . . . ...... me vjin-ui uesirrn ieain-sip Mum sails nn Saturday next, and I ihrrnfore eonrluJe lUat Ae hat time rmttr.r mittetnling thehatcMerptr. I s'tull by to nieto's miil s.-nd down a confiden tial clerk to apply lo iiiin fur payment, 'and in the event of hi not golfing rash or.seurity; to hold him iobail.n. A.rtiefoj WVnrV ,,rta44J1J Streets, presente. fearful as , . regard I. ".v tetirr, induce me f telleve ihat he if in diJScultirt r ajiprrhetmh't if (trrttt, " I remain yours truly; II. f.LOTD. .,s. NeW York." Now it 'u evident (6 us from the fol lowing circumaiances, ihat Ids foreeo- tvfHrngiMg eUlie a b.ciu fabt icatum- got -op inw flte fur llic purpose by the Jlrgun, Ihat the writer is incapable of telling t e truth. Col. Web' has, called and shewed os a letter from Mr.,; Fenton, the keeper of a hotel in St. James street, where Col. -W, lodged all ' the time he wa in London, dated July 19th, bearing the frank of Lord tVi rttc, In which Mr. Fen dm aiknosvl- edges the receipt of a letter from Cul. Webb- innuiriii!r ' whether he had as directed, forward all lus letters to Mr. . i a . Jaudon,' to1 which he answers,' that re gularly upon the receipt ' of letters fir Lol. W.-they had been forwarded to Mr. Jaudon, nrceahty ' lo his intlrite tiont tchtn he left foii.fon ' !' This sufficiently establishes the false hood of the charge' contained in the IT II. I Lloyd, that Col. Webb had mis fend hit hotel ieenrr." Phis Mr.' Llilyd U also mlde to sat, that lie was Informed at Fenton'k. thaf Cf. Webb hid ;'trone to Llverbiol "iomtdayn previously? ' but ttiai Ae intended hehig in London "find .fonotn. in' iiitTr nuuiii a jonnipriu jircviuu lo hit leaving Ihe etmntry. ' To demon, strate the utter falsehimJ of this lit all its particulars, Col, 'XV. fiasT exhibited Ids bill ot'Fenfnn"s, by whitli it'ap l -rte. te;lt fore the sailing of the Great vvesiern: HHfd yet MW Lloyd is made tn say that he was intorined at r en ton s, that lie was to be absent some lays, and then return and spend a fortnight in Lon- JonJiejiye ne lelt ihe cotintrv: - We repeal, the letter published in the .7r gu either i forgery.- or is evidently a in order ' to screen Van Burcn. Col. Webb has deemed thus much due to himself, lit order to put "down ! the infstnous charge of the Arras, ami if docnmentarytestiinonyi wasiever conclusive, 'rt is so wpon tills point. r i ,t ! ..-,'.. . . i arrest have been made without the af-. fiil.ivit of Mr. John Van Buren, and that antler: such ' circumstances lie . .should have been a participator in this ' e . v.. . ... - i t .. m i . . iniamous irane:cnnn, is sumcieni to disgranre him in the estimation of all honorable men. ' ' "' sir . . A - si.c.wuuiu now inquire tu me Argus. ' ent cuirauier at ton in .ins; senate oi tne r wherein-it afershe face of the chageJl"rrtetlStte onhe 26th, firth, and against Mr. Johh Van Buren, w ether !'30th,; of Arilt' and Bnally passed in, i he swore mtljr to the signature of j that bmly, without a division, two dajs Judge Lansing in relation to ihe pro-) iftcr wards.; - In the National Intelli- test of the note! nr fo the' signature of gencer of April S8tfi snf Majr 1st, the I Col. Webb? In no event coutd he! proceedings on Ihe bill are succinctly - ; wst are nappy io nave it in ourpow leoate at urge was lurtner nuDiisnea in -cr toadd, that there are - but very few- the lutelligencer of. the Vn and 8tk of Americans belonging to. any party in Si'ptember. The main' oteel ;f the -this country who could have been in- bill was to establish a- Confederacy of tluced to take part in snch a scheme. Indian Tribes, .under a General Gov. . It is evident that it was . intended to rrnment, to be framed by the Chiefs of ; kc?p Van Boren's naoie out of tisw if such Tribesjts might choose to aid in its y possible, ami with that View, several formation; to be approved by the Pres.. ; Americans now fn this rify were ap- iifent of die United Slates,: and to be plied to for their aflidavits; but they binding only on such Tribes as should' indignant! refused to take any pari in tubtcqutntly assent to it by Tribes ia thus kidnapping a' countryman In va council, or by Delegates duly and, spe-F. forelgtv land:y The i Secretary and at- cifically auihorized. , The laws, ie, tailrce of the American Legation were next applied to, "but the application-enacted by a Uenerai council, composed ? was rejected with scorn; and John Van of nut less than three nor more than fives Buren was Compelled to appear in the from each: Tribe- to sj chosen as-the proceeding or fuilln hi i scheme of en- ConfederaSt should direct; said laws lo.. trapping Vebb. 1 ? v , " be of naeftvet till approved by the si-l 4 But there is another point of view in perintemlent, ftn be chosen every, four -which this question presents itself, and years by the President and Senate of thai which goes M lo exhibit the ohjeei of United Statesj nor: till approved a!sn the ' nroseeutin.'' When it ; was' tils-' bt the President of the UaitshUSatei. entered that Wehb had eluded the snare so cunningly devised for him, and that a gentleman of wealth and standing had become bis ' hail;' behold the prosecufloti hi abandoned, aad the costs," about SlSO. 'thrown' opon 'the defendant.-; -' ' -n" ' " r W! . We annex a letter -to Col.' Webb, . shnounclng this facts 1 " n ai u. ..".i.. in r iatti4'Uio bene. atreeeot,.a)d so ef bd, j WeMcmTwhfchilaii; I vf'cm m.."i. t.w r , fsj li artfan, wUik art enclmU fa nrm but is uff.' attorney eiillrefWt u pay the eoata. fpart oi the aboa.) Y wilt therefora bear "hid ineettlinf with UaruelsieoorF if ro"y. " y ar emuieu w t.na. Voors ar trutv , osborse; WARD A SONS. Dfiaion, 7ih September 1838. Col. W. Ws.a.New Votk. t , innririi ,.r .1.1 Dhailroiu Storm and fotf of Prop tiVu, On Saturday mornin? our town was visited with one of the most violent. llrw, whl-h We. ever witnessed. ' .i . " About 2 O C ot k, A. M. lh ram SC eompauiett oy a violent raie from inty North (Sust, began to fall, ro torrents, ( this period, adiorl as it may appear, a part t u of the town was completely inundated j( causing .several families to leave their own homes and take shelter with their neighbours and doing much'injury to the property bo;h of the town and indW , vidua!.. At one time. Bank, Market,"". - :pccts-eine waier runcn in lorrems Irom every dircctiun-rcellars were ull- " ed to nvei slowing, and great fvsrs were entertained that several houses would bs undermined by the force it the flood. 'f We have not been able correctly lo learn the amount of property injured, " our veTtioutdXupfloSinhatTndividual - losses amounted to at leastjbauuu, sou the town to perhaps glOvOtrmore. On the, coast we fer the los of life and rrjpei ty.has been great. " Owing to ., the injury "received by the ftichmond ami Petersburg Rail Road, (whit-h vre" understand will he speedily repaired,) 1 the Northern mail of Sat urday, wi not , received untl ( Sunday evening. '. 1 h. Petersburg and Uoanoke Raif llosd though souvewliat injured, is stiU in , a passable condition. x Our Friday's pa; '- park which were mailed for the South'," were destroyed .by tht iuundatiun otfluj' fostOlKcelhis wilfwe hope, account V to our Southern friends fur the tailure , of fheic papers.' We understand great injury jias been done to the adjoining country, in the destruction ot JJinljes, Mill-dams, fences. e. . Injury to llit BuptiH Chu?cft.Ti,i ri , injury sustained at the 'Baptist Church la considi,rall'.i llie arch in ft oht and V ' the" jnade. ground over the brancli.tsesr ' rtru anny, in"enier witn toe tine snnoe trees, Ihe gates , Snd the,' fence. The ; witter rosetliee feet, in the ' house. ,! From liie rejieaied dilssters to this property, we hope that how art appeal"'" will be inmle.to our citizens' for a new " J Baptist Church, and weleel conBdent ne a call BnX'11,estmnhfe. bf ...,. .j-i. ir.. . ...-:.: ii....Mt whCli this Church belongs,'1 Is ' now '' .......tt - it. i i. ...... t Specially railed upon In erect a better house nn a more elligible sife."' ' " : I ; '; ; ret. Lit. Oct;. PROPOSED INDIAN W GOVEaN- ' In reply to nn esteemed subscriber and corrvspoiicJent, snd f(r the iaforma 'lion of others who may feel 'an interest in the welfare 4f our Indian Tribes; w ,i now stste that the bill n ttlublish tin f adatt..7rri7orfiocerUBeni-ar:i!(in4 federucy west of the Mississippi under, v. i ..... j .l . ni . ' r .i but fully given. Tie treal sthject of : the bill 'its distinctly expressed, the rt--f marks of several Senators-are published . In brief, and the first speech of Mr jt .t . .i . e.t..L-.i i tpion, tne autnor oi toe out, answering . objections, ami illustrating its principal features, was nublished in-.fulL ? The r rSs a .l s ,a It of the Confederacy were ptoposed to be r The bill proposed te allow tM CenfetUj eracy to sleet ia such faaoner aathsf. President f the United' State!; should prescribe, a Delegate, who mtabef Indian descerlt, -to reside at rWahiiig ton during tho sessions of Congress.. ' .The bill also proposed ; to establish at . the 'ewiimsoua boundaries of the 4thnU ' Indian Territoe'' in that -quarter,. th li....k l: .t..-.-. . .k jf:.t lheBCe Cnt weaterlt- kuiKlaricjs,,ef . Mis, AdtqMrpenaieUr) m anvsii iivcr, .y sstrovsra in-, mipwhti. USO iSaV V ara I V '.,-.r-J A.

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