a Ja 9 iai.ttrect !iteliewori.fMPrtftvW'g5'ii.4r nvrelir uflputHJifd, but li . ft. l.mW of th Smile. ! gurraity. the bill wat greeted in "the iron'est and. warmest tern of praise and approvatrr Mr. Crittenden declar rd that " he would rather W the author ' T this bill, if it should be inatarcd into a law," than nf say ether measure which had Wen adopted tine he hid a seat io th Senate." On tbe test vote there appeared in favor of the bill. Teat 38, . Njs 6. f Mrts, Memrt. Allen, Benton, llrotrn.Calhuun. Nile, Norvel.; The bill failed far the present the lloete of Representative! but failed, a far a we know, only brcao in The Aiiyrae of bwioiaeaa in that Hovie it wst iterer reached. J t waa one of the many 'important billt which were sacrificed 'fttUe, loterminaf'wn to adjourn at a , partuttlar period, leaving no time to act jqtrtn half f The business on the table oAhe two ' Houses. A'f. Int. veo, m ; i ' From the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. Tbe afety or th irogDox ...,-' - ; ftfoictss. ..rr. . ' When (he nrapowtWHi vf MrvGor dim, of Virjinia, wataobwitted to Con- Krs fr the introduction of the Strong l System, in the coHe-etwn and die buracrnent of the revenue, Mr. Cslhoon drscriocd it a let convenient, let e conomicat. and less safe than a Stat Jljnk arenev. . Mr. Viodborv was of the une opinion and demonstrated by figure, that, during forty year' ripe rience of the g;iverumett the Tresso ry bad loat less money by all its knob, agencies together than bf the tlefel. a tine, of a stogie individual. This i a true, we presume, at the present day. it waa when written by Mr. Vmn4 bury. Hie Bank! to be tare, which were employed by the treacary, in a period of unexampled pressure and eef fer'.nj, up a led specie pivoua'S'bet the entire bank debt to the treaiary bat either been liquidated or reared, la this a sufficient reason for dittirding bank agency in government negniia tion? As well might wc dispense with a Treasury department, because the Treasury suspended the moment it learned Iron the newspapers the dias trr that had befallen the Bank. Not only Mr. Woodbury and Mr. Calhoun, but Mr. Wright himself hat borne let timony to the general convenience and safety of banking Institutions, anil made a special averment, at of a fact within hi own knowledge, not mere If that the banks of this State are not, never were, aad never could b political or partisan institutions, but that the safety fund system is the most perfect fiscal system in existence. , Banking institutions," says Mr. Senator rVestoa, in hie recent admira ble letter to the Richland Committee, ; " by nniversatrconsent. arc, (he cheap est, safest, and most convenient agen cies for the custody and transferor the public money. Every man who .has inoncy-drallngi practically establishes this by his own conduct in 'retard to hisfby the witnraaea, and defied by the own aBaira. le cnect this oweci Js tine of the purposes of their crea tion i and they re, therefore, , or fanized to accomplish them by the most skilful adaptation of meant. Large re sources give them a more extended cre dit than in general belongs to individu als, and at once makes them more effi cient 8 gents in the transaction of ex changes, and more responsible for the fulfilment ol their engagement. M Out it it not necessary te appeal to the speculations of our own party, or even to the admission of the lories, to prove that the proposed sub -Treasury is a less safe depository of the public money than a welUrernUtetlbank agen cy. W have the evidence of figure! we have proof enough front the official documents of . the administration, and from acknowledged facts that have not yet been officially communicated to the Eeeple. Whateort of a Sub-Treasurer as Robert T. Lyttle, of Cincinnati, proved? He it a public defaulter to the tune of from 830.O0O to 840,000.--When ha the administration lost this tarn by giving credit ton Bank? In the very whirl and fever of speculation in the great catastrophe of suspension ill what instance has the Treasury lost so large a sum by the failure of a Bank? What wrll the administration preaset say or the defalcation of one Toriheif receivers" in Mississippi, by which the Treasury lost 9 1 90.000? Ilow will titer justify the continuance of this der faalter in office, on the plea that he was gorged with pi and rjand that the ap pointment of successor would only lead to new frauds and peculations? We nil remember the hurricane that waa raised by the tortes. when it was acertajned tliat Dr. Wat kins had been found to be a defaulter in the sum of a tew thousand dellara. . On tis defalca tion- solitary and alone" they lived and thrived for a twelve-month. : The oppeoitioo kei.nl T nothing else. - The unfortunate victim was visited with the heavier! penalties of the law, and Waa cast into a oungeon lo'roL" sucn was the humane decree of President lack' son. Here is Mr. la., n ainrle Jackoon SSccr, a defaulter in a sum fuur or five tisnceaa larre end' hundred other defaalters equalfy culpable do we bear nny tnmg lite, doih ana oars, aoq cJete confinement? Have not these men been shielded from tbe law? And why shielded? On account of the ten der mercies ot the cabal in power " There irtJuTsrre mode of accounting for the course of the government in this "matter. AJt kigk injowttjtm btm mceuwiu Bf MtCQfirpkcu in A6 Trnf tations. Ih -will be iimnYare,M taya tbe JJoiw3ntJ-ew'? wni cv ox iaise YsftpS' A! fabltcemil outranked br the Eieenure. W man r ' - . of intelligence" can doubt that such is .1 r . . .' i:.s ..T St. ! tne, .I4CI. w r anno a - T. erwineat defaulters. Ukeii from a public document communicated to Congress br Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury, under date of January 17th, 1S38: . AsMeet dao. at.su 7 2U' 6,869 Si 1.617 97 6.(41 71 Pater Wilaon. BtatMOitl. 8mH FlnJIey, Chilirtb, Nathaniel Rtrtng. Viocaonaa. Chu. M. Tijlor, JaUaraaarilla, A P. Hay". . Irat T. Canby, Crawfordilla. Ahom sfCarty. da Banj. Htaphanaoo, EdwanlaTille, Bnj. F. Kdoarda. da W. IMD.Ein(, VawUlia. Oao. P. Hlrolbar, Ku Lauia, flam'L Haaimaod, da Taub Ijaailaa, Jackioo, John Hay. da Wm. D. McKay. Leiiniloa, Willi M. Gravn, Plaiyra. Benj, 8. Ckambm. Little Kel, W. UrtmU (laaloma Luke Leeaoarr, da OaviJ L. TadJ, da nj. tUft. do Matltaaial Cat. New Orlnm, Maare Cenaon, da 89,013 31 M38 92 6.460 l 7.421 47 16.754 tt S7.05I 64 IJ74 44 LOGO 95 t 386 16 .B77 M T.lll It S.I4A 37 t7,J3 47 6.893. IS 1.131 98 Hfiii 83 4.163 56 1,376 84 A.JW. McDanirt. Waibiagion, Mia. 8. It 47 H aoaao AUberry. AaaiMta, v.asa " 8.369 98 S.613 00 34,611 97 648 61 6.061 40 36.714 61 344 33 11,708 73 .896 73 109.178 08 38.713 49 tnjli 47 11.116 30 33.168 18 6.074 61 54.686 66 3.444 34 38.156 67 43.498 64 Maataal OaMlb, M. Stthu' Ala (Wp Caaony, do J aha II. 0nw, da Jawaa C. Dtraaateaa. t hoela", Ijaaraa B. CnUcfcan. da (U. 9). Uat,a. 34 Cm; da ti. . H,aaa, 8J urn, H. Paad, 8aH W. IiriM. da ta da Uumt,4 W&rf P HtMm, CatewlMM. Jafca ankw, Hootio, L PyA Trait, al J. Braaaa, da tkm Tf tar, Caibaha, Wat. TevW. da H.ti trnafcO BtieWai,da M Hrfaw. Waaeta, Aodaw T aWtwrd K. Call. TaBal 1. . ik. U. . Aii'y.JLfnuicky, 706 74 4.746 34 A. Jom, V. W, M. Mj i. w. Btapaaaaaay'Mayaa, 74.839 70 113,463 94 3.631 81 U, IlawhiM. H4raa,Ark. J naiik TnrtU, Waaluta, . Waa. II. Allen. 8t Aaiarfine. Pla. 1,997 60 Oardoa D. Boyd, flaotboa, Mwa. 60.198 13 K. H. 8iariiof. ChaecbaaM, Mia. 1 1,763 63 Here i but partial list of default ing ub-Treaorer and the sub-Trea-tuty will always ahow similar delin- Juenciea. The men appointed under te system will alwaya be selected from party rontiderations, because the offices are fit for them, and not because they are fit for the offices. The conse quence is inevitable under any govern ment and under aucb a profligate ad ministration as now curses the country, we can look for nothing but the moat serious and alarming results. Hund reds of thousands will be annually loat. and there will be no prosecutions, no le gal investigations, no Congressional in quiry. Anil why? Jlecause the Tautt will be as it has beenwith the govern ment. When the opposition call for investigation, they will be met with in sult from the Secretaries, will be bullied culprits. This was the caae with the investigation committees in 1836, 37, and will continue to be the case as long as' Blair, Benton, Kendall, Woodbury, and men of that description remain in power. With their powerful banking institu tion, with boundless credits, and an exchange in her favor against all with whom ahe trade, the Noth cares nothing for a National Bank. Her means of concentrating capital in her own hands, are greater now than they would be with such -an - institution. This fact, we beleive, can be bus tained by irrefrarible evidence! and we I brgtnto think with the speculative gee-. iieman . wnom vur ncicnoora ui tne Whig alluded to a Tew days since, that the day ia not far distant when the South will pray Tor a National Bank as the surest deliverance from their vasta- ase to N-thern capital and commercial power. TicA. Com. x FremTh United Stales Gaxette Lord Durham haa resigned his situa tion as Governor-General of the Csna- das, in consequence of the action of the British Parliament relative to his pro ceedings. In noticing the remarks of Lord Brougham a few weeks since, wc took eccasion to express the opinion that Lord Durham would not consent to hold power in the Provinces, while the . . i . .i imperial raruameni wa making mus free with bis exercise of that power. We regret the resignation of Lord Durham I because, during his official life in Canada, he haa been trdulously at tentive to the feelings and rights uf the People of the United States, courteous tu visiters, properly introduced, and sp- psrently anxious te preserve Ihe friend ly relations between Great Britain and our country, which it was evidently the ileaign ot many on both scon ol the line to interrupt. The censure cast upon Lord Durham was chiefly for banishing certain offenders to placet beyond hit control) and thus exercising a power not appertioent to hit high office. Thia we think was wrong towards Great Britain) but at it was an exercise of clemency to a .a' a a- warns aniens ei ine sjniieu cuates, brought about bf the solicitation of our citizens, tee en Ihit aide the line ought to do justice te the snotives by which his Lordship was actuated) we may have abhorred the action of the misgui ded men who created and kept alive (he difTicalties, but we cannot but admire the magnanimity of the ruler, whobav ing at hand the most ample means to punish hia tnimies, and bemrincited by the outcry f a part pros to use these means, prtftn rather to save life than te sksUey, aril SAireEct riinatll by a form of punishment that tavet the dig nity jn bit once, wiuiowi maoaipwanus of bo man life. Irfird Broueham. broken and ditcom. fited a he it, has" had the satisfaction te prostrate a noble enemy t -the per- son of tho Governor General of the A meriean provinces. Durham, an A riitocrat bv birth, but by early imbibed principle, a devoted friend of English Reform, and supporter of the people's cause, haa the tortone aiier ma en trance on the political staje, to dra down on his head the vials of Lord B.'s wrath. Whether this was a penal visitation ( pretended by B.) for Dur ham's violent real in behalf of the peo plea zeal proclaimed destructive to their cause or whether the blasted statesman saw in his victim, a future giant, whose success would be a source of bitterness to hit own soured spirit, cannot, perhaps be fairly known. Cer tain it u, however, that no man waa ever pursued by a more unrelenting severity than that manifested by Brougham. I he genius of the ardent Karl was yet ascendant, step alter step lie steadily mounted, while the patch' work limb ol nobility, his rival, as. surely, and perhaps more swiftly, deH scended from his high stand, to a level of obscurity, and doubtful morality. 1 he appointment to the government ol American colonies accompanied with higher power than, perhaps, any offi cer from Kngland will ever possess sgain, waa the lat and r"hest testim onial to the worth of Durham. But the gift was his political des truction. Involved in the the govern ment of such a chaoa as Canada, and being rather fearleaa of. responsibility,, he chose to exert ungrsnted power over the State prisoners. The tidings of his usurpstion reached England the Parliament took fire Brougham led the attack with an Apostle's fervor, pleading for tbe liberties of England the Ministers dared not, could not breaat the tempest in Durham's behall hia ordinance was condemned by the Lords, disavowed by Ministers, and a bill passed, defining his powers. The receipt of this intelligence com pletely overwhelmed the Earl, and he has declared in the presence of the delegates appointed to confer with him on Tne ' subiect ot a Federal Union of the provinces, his intention te resign Ins commission, on receiving official intelligence of the condemnation of his conduct. - " : - font, Jtme$. Servie Jnturreclion."-yt learn from the Franklin (Tennessee Review of Friday week, that a contemplated insur rection of the negroes in Marshall coun ty. Mississippi, waa detected and defea ted a few days ago. The Review Sioiee the annexed account or it from e Pontotoc Intelligencer' of tbe 41H inati The instigator of the movement we learn was a white man, as is usual in all occurrences of this kind, and the plot was disclosed through the fidelity of a slave The negro in question could not endure the idea of his mistress fall ing in a general masacre, and divulged the plot to a person of respectability, by whose advice the negro appointed a night on which to meet the fiend who directed the plot for the purpose of hearing his plans in full and receiving instructions. On the night appointed, several per sons having accreted themselves close at hand for Ihe purpose of over hearing the conversation, tne negro met Ihe conspirator, aniLaajoonaj he had open ed his plsns sufficiently to furnish con clusive evidence of his guilt against him self, the persons concealed rushed upo'. him and secured him. After his gv ill was rendered certain, the indignatisa of the whole community around was so greatly excited that It was with much difficulty the friends of the lawa could save the culprit Irom the vengeance of Judge Lynch. But we are rejoiced to say that in North Mississippi a resrd for the laws and the constitution pre- . 1 w , t" vaneu over tne iyncn coae, in a cane better calculated than any which can possibly be conceived or, lo arouse the passions and impel the citizm to ad minister justice with his own hand. The Circuit Court ol Marshall coun ty commenced ita fall session en yes terday, and doubtless (he fiend who could plot to hellish a conspiracy against the very existence of society, wti; immediately receive that justice which its enormity demsnds and the l.. ...r.l Lm! Slid in llcktburg. The Natchez Free Trader of the 23th inst., describes the bernnningof an avalanche or sinkfng of the earth on the margin of . ,- . a . l , . . 1 . . me taiHiinjat v icasour, wntcn inreti ens serious damage to the front street ol that city. Deep rents in the earth, narralM to the river, were found to Uavj been made as high up aa Vaoh inston street, nearly spposite to the aide of the late Pincksrd Hotel, com mencins near the bottom of Main atreet, and running southwardly a far at the railway. Ine large warehouse owned . by Messrs. Coif r & WsMes, at the up per part of the levee, near th bottom of Main st., began to give war, and in the course oi a aay or two, became iuin, allowing time for the occupants to remove goods, 4'C This house was once owned by Judge Lane, and rent ed lor $12,000 peranum, at the present time, it rented for about . 8,000, to several occupants, whose business and roods most ef necessity be much in iered by sueh a speedy removal. Rev era other boaoet art awerying from their perpendicular. The beauldal new house, commenced py wci'" nearly oppeeite ihe late Pinclard House, has been badly cracked by the sinking of tbe foundation. The Hew tirlesns uuiieiin u that the first movement of the flourish ing city of Vicksburg, should be to pro cure 8 practical geologist to ascertain the true state of the case, both the dan ger threatened as well at tbe injury already do be. THE STAR. RALEIGH, OCT. 10, 1S3B? CHEROKEE LANDS. Weleara from Chaal L. Hintoo, Esq. one of the commissioner under whose o perintendeneo and direction tho sale of those lands took place last month, that the land told remarkably well, having averaged at I .mi four times the State price. The am out of tale waa about $370,000; one-eighth of which was paid down, and the balance well ecared by bonds, which will constitute s handsome unappropriated fond, subject to the future disposition of the Legislature. XJ Warroa R. Oaii, Eaq. will delivay the Annual Addreae befor th PhiWmatbeuaa and Kuwliin Societies of the Wake Foreet Inati tula, al the cloee of th aeaaioo, on the 59ih No vember next. Tk American PhrenthficalturHal.We hare received the fint number of a very neat and interealing periodical, bearing thia tide, from the preae of Mr. Waldie, Philadelphia. It will be iaaued monthly, at 42 per annum. Sea pro, pectus in another part of thia paper. Ctmmtn Stkttli. We have received the " Common School Almtuack." pobliahed in N. York by " The American Common School So ciety under the direction of ita able Secretary, Profereo J, btilli Tailob. It i a pamph let of 84 pagea, IS mo. richly filled with educa tion ataiiatica, maxima, anecdotea, Ac. intended to proroota the establishment, and improve the thtracter of common achoola throughout th country. Tbeee objeeta are worthy the moat trenuooa and indefatipble afforta of the patriot and philanthropist. Upon tbeir advancement depend, In a great degree, the continuance of our national prosperity and happiness, freedom and independence. Thia little pamphlet is well calculated to arouse th public mind to Ihe im portance of the subject, and wa wish a copy wrr placed in the hands of at least every citizen in North Carolina. It shows where internal im provement aaaht to commence, and points to the true mean of accomplishing it. Small Px. Four cases of this disease are reported in the list Warrenton paper. The first waa a negro worosBorulha lot 0 Mr. Ceo. M. A Ilea, to whom it is supposed it was communi cated by a stage passenger; the 2nd and 3rd ra sas are her children; and tbe 4th, another negro woraaa on th same let. Means bar been a. saVsaJntnam sw sVavvaUav ls sapTeuxni A Bon them writer confidently alleges that Mr. Calhoun will be a candidate for the Preai dency in 1840. H thinks Tennessee and the whole Sooth will sustain him; and that the elec boo wilt go lo the House, where his friends will hold out to th last. anittyrtiarua Tbe election of Inspectors and Asssasara look place in Pennsylvania last week. Both parties clsim tbe victory. This Is nly a preliminary contest. Th great and decis ive blow will be struck io a few days. We await tbe result in confident expectation of Whig triumph. 03 The Editor of the Register has so com pletely answered Mr. " Potato Custard" that we see no room for a single word more. Back up that cart of potatoes, friend " Custard"! Tbe President of the UuiTiSd Stales and the Secretary of War have returned to Wash ington City. Ckertbei ZmitrntUn, .Th Nash. Whig states that there is n doubt that th contract with Roea for Ihe removal of th Indiana will be carried into complete operation, notwithstanding the clamor that waa raised against it Two parties of about 1 Mo each have already started under thia contract. Mr. Clay iS Jk'OT an JMitiiuitt. Wa commend the fbltowing noble sentiment ta lb Waahington Chronicle and to tkoee Van Boron ' editors wbe unjustly and recklesslv charge abolition principles upon Mr. Clay. 8ucb a ekorf. from aucb a source, ia worth juat about as much notice as the. Lion bestowed upon the Asa; and to silence the brayings of these long eared gentlemen, we give the Lion's awn lan guage. It was delivered last Jure, in reply t Mr. Calhoun: " They have charged tne with being an abo litionist I an abolitionist,' I, an abolitionist!! I, sir, who repressnt slave-holders; and who am as ready as any man on thia floor or elsewhere, when a caae occurs Of real danger lo that or any other right secured by tho Constitution, to de fend it to the almost. Sir, I go for the Union, the W I OLE Union, as wa received k from our fathers; I go for no sectional interest, or parties no Southern party, an Western, ao Northern, no Eastern party, null desire to se tbe Gov. ern merit administered in spirit of broad, ex pensive, equal justieei on vch principles alone can it be preserved, or is h worth preservine. Sir, my destiny haa been east among a elavo- bolding people, and whenever a conflict ahall noma ia defence of our rights to our staves, (which God sverr!) here or elsewhere, SHALL BE FOUND IN FRONT OF THAT SEN ATOR! (Mr. Calhouo.J Now, whe will doubt the Salalraeal of Ibis eoteam pledge, should, an oecasioo demand it! And If io IN FRONT of Mr. Calheen, in the defence of slavery, what more caa the 8outb df aire of Mr. Clay! VoeoVriaa. The X. Y, Courier and En quirer s worked on a ateam press, in van tad by Dr. Napier, ef Loadoa, at th rate ef six thous and an boor. The proa i eapabls of working save thseisal an bone. It requires the atlew oassto of era perse a , and ia the faeloit printing fewsaia tbe woild. .Vrj,ijhl The election Joe Governor and j members of the LrcisUUire took plate la J Maryland oa Wednesday la. Ia Ihe CWy of Baliimore. the Whigs covered themselves an over with glory." In P't of an atrociou attempt at riot by Ihe Vanitea, with the view of preventing- tlie free and lawful eiere'ise of tbe elective franchise, the .VTbijp carried their whole tfeket. The majority for Steele, the Whig Candidate for Governor, over Gra .on, v. 1- was 117 the majority of tbe whig candidates fi- ihe Legislature 163. The whole number of vote polled in the city wa IZ.-fOO, which im anin i,v i the registered .voter. Thi deficiency msy have been occasioned, ia pari, by the eices aire riots, "d the lawle obstructions inter posed ia some of the wenis te the approach of ihe Whig voter. Al one of the polls, the mob took possession, and kept it until twelve o'clock in the day, and it waa not un til theheiifT ar.d high constable, baeked"1iy a large force, arrive J and cleared a way for the citirens. that a Whig rote waa permitted to be given. The Administration party, it is said, polled nearly a many votes a they had previously registered assuming that they dis played their full atrength Iq opposition to the registry Iswi so that the deficient 1,050 may be set down aa nearly all Whigs- The Baltimore Chronicle well remarks: "To call aurh an election free ia a mockery of the term. Instead of being a struggle for the ascen dancy of principle and opinion, it waa a contest in which brnte force and violence sought to hear awsy. It waa in all its aspects and fee turea, with few exceptions, lbs roost disgrace ful scene which baa ever occurred in the City of Baltimore." To csp the climax of outrage and brutality perpetrated by the self-nsmed democrats on tlisl occasion, at midnight they attacked the office of the Chronicle, lo wreak their vengeance on the laws of ihe country and upon a worthy citizen, by tearing down the establishment of this vigi lant sentinel of public liberty and true repuUi can principle; but the timely intervention of the military defeated their diabolical designs. It ia probable, in consequence of these and aimilar outrageous proceedings, calculated ta drive all peaceable citizens from, the polls, that the Van Buren candidate for Governor ia elect- ad by a small majority. Th result, aa far ascertained, ia Steele 81,671, Graaon 82,677. Only three eountiea to hear from, which are ex peeled to give Whig majorities. The Chroni cle states, however, that it ia certain the whigs have elected a majority of both branches of the Legislature, aod thua secured the choice of a Whig Senator to Congress. The Senate con eiste of 81 memlere, and the House of 79. If, as is expected, Worcester, ibe oaly county to be heard from, shall relura the Whig Senator and Delegates, the next Legislature will be di vided politically as follow! frlirs .ccst Bata, 3 t House of Delegates, 40 38 63 And two from Kent doubtful. i7 Ephraim H. Feeler, Esq. elected by the Ten n eases Legislature to succeed Mr. Grundy in the U. 8. Senate, haa been appointed by the Governor of that 8tatc to fill the unexpired part of Mr. G's. term. - Mr. Speaker Polk is the administration can didate for th office of Governor of Tennessee. . Mr. i'rtntitt, of Mississippi, arrived in New Orleans on the 10th ult, and waa immediately tendered tlie honor of a public dinner", bye com mittee appointed for the purpose, which busiiiess compelled him lo decline. But a large number of tbe citizens, in company with the committee, called upon him; and in reply to a compliment ary address from Judge Jackson, ons of ihe com mittee, he addressed the company for aWut two houra. His speech, it is said was equal in pow er and brilliancy to similar efforts that have won for him the first rank among American orators. A meeting of the Naval Officer, at Pensacola was held on the 8ih ult at which resolutions were adopted pronouncing Ihe scurrilous arti cles which recently appeared in the Globe lend ing to affect the character and dignity of the Navy, utterly false and without foundation; and tendering iheir grateful acknowledgments to the patriotic presses by which those article have been entirely refuted. Lord Durham haa resigned the government of tne lanadaa, and ia going homo. An Tnion of tne two rrovlnce baa been wenpoasd; and itj win doubtless take place. It will bo aimilar to tbe old American .Confederation. dy Fanny Wright is preaching loco-focoiem and agrarianiam in fine style to ihe New York ers. She ia aaid to ehloT the honor of snin ting the Sub-Treasury, and ahe exhorted elo quently all good democrats " to go it." (XT' On Ihe Sflth Sept. Flour was worth nine dollars twelve A a half cents in New York; stock limited, and the demand great. P. 9. Later date state that Flour bat de clined. Sales on the 3rd inst. at 63 75 on the 4th at S8 50. Grenf .Slate Ctnvtnthn the ffhtr Ttnnr Men Ohi:K Convention of lb young men of Ohio waa held at Mount Vernon, on th 20th ult. Between 6,000 and 8,600 young men were present They wer addressed eloquently by the veteran Harrison, also by Gov. Vane, and Generals Ewing aod Kurphy. Tbe Coaventioa voted ananiasoosiy that tbe'obvioos designs of executive aearpauoa tad lb flooding theeoun- try. with seventy millions of Treasury aad other Bank paper, was th destruction of onr republi can inaUtntiona and th conversion efour form of government into a monarchy. One hundred original Jackson men sent a their adhesion to the whig party. The" Cowat De Sarvilbore (ioaepb Boaa parte.) artivorl iq the packet sbtp .sapbia ! at NW York. .- ; ,.'r : . " : ; " TbaA'rw Vosk Co er-SDoadaiit mfAi v..- ' r w- 1 1 :... . at Intelligencer, under dale of the X6lh Beptea. ber, remarks: .- .' The dranaof'J. B. Randolph. actinv T-L. rarer of. lb United Slate,' apoo (he Mosutar ara now io circulation. The Ameiir,, Hshea ooe this evening to the amount of Su 008. payable al sight. Thua, while the goveraC men! kiett the Monster In politic, It tie, kha io secret. Bnk and Biddte" does to fool loot, wilh; bat lb Government is no fooL Oat eel. v lector of alt the revenue of thia great eoniawt elsl e -HMium tskee bank bills, bank checks, A - J TTTTJ fi,. y , makaa hie immense depoaite in Bank " . hank flrfl. .Mr. il.tf l.tP rluliM .nil To bear this self-styled democracy bj, ,t. - II I t. .1 u . " " . '- I.BI-. Kiirvu VJ mvn, M uava ueesj iKOOghl upon tbe country by the Banks, one could bat reasonably auppoae that all roonecuon ttrttru, tliern had been dissolved long ago. (tuck a sap, position would seem due lo their professions end, L to a pregter sense of eonaiatency oa tbeir part. n. . . . - . .. . uui wnat ia nera proveu agaioai tnemi Tkag their Treasurer ia circulating drafts an "Bid. dle'e Monster,'' and thai one of their Collector. is receiving all kinds of bank-notes in psyejeot of the public dues! What shameless inconsial. ency! A KOTHER " MONSTER!" The United States Bank baa estabtiahed branch in New York, under the Fret Banking-. uwol mat state, me JNew York Vorr spaa. . dent of the Nationsl Intelligencer says: "The day tbe Bark commenced husinsstlu counter 'were tli ranged with customers, R. the way, if all the Statee imitate the SKsmpUof New York, ia her free banking law, lbs Mas . star can put one of Ilia huge pewe in every Stale of the Union, and then we ahall have no eeea. ' sion for a Congrets-born monster. We laelsaN ' fully bad almut our libertiei here, now Mr. Bid.1 dla haa again got among us. If weean beHrve the Globe, we are gone, gone, gone! As be ia digeing a monstrously deep Hitch in Wall street to put a new bank over, (so he says,) there any be rail for mora alarm, inasmuch aa it looks big enough I bury all our liberties in! ' Martin Van Buren the friend ftke Stutkf ': ' Impossible. Oue fact furnishes stronger evil dene than thousand professions. Then let it be remembered that thia earn Martin Van Be. ren, while a member of the Legislature of New York, intniduced the following resolutions: " Tbe CHtitvtino( the United Stale clear. Ig fivet It Cngrtt the right to require of lbs new 8ttks, not comprised within the original botindariea of the United States, ths prohibhioa of slavery, as a condition of tbeir admission in to the Union. Therefore. . , " Jietlved, That our Senators be instructed in oppose the admission inlo tbe Union, of aay Territory, not comprised aa aforesaid, wnhoal making the prohibition of slavery lhrem,at ditpentablc cniitih of admission.' How ran any man, io the fare af an acts deadly hostile to the interest or the South a, this, have Ihe hardihood to come wot and eel 'Mr. Van Buren s " Nor tliern man. with ftoouV ern principles"! Cl. tTtbh and Prince John.-.The letters ef Col. Webb, on the subject of hia arrest ia Esg- IsDd, by John Vast Burra, will bo foeae ia to. day'e paper. Hix caaeTuet towards Got WaVJL a fellow-citizen, wiih bem is a foreign bnd,ss not fsil to sink him in the estimation ef the Lords and Noblee of England, on W Loss skirts, he baa been banging with such eagerness sal delight, and call down upon him the eoaUuf snd indignation of every generous-hearted A meriean. Jncpntittenty. Tbe Van Buren party, wher ever they have possessed a control over BsrJu, hare been Bsnk men; and yet they have asm bitter and unsparing in their denuncialieo ef Banka. Their course in Missouri aretes this. There they have created a Bank, wbeta b every aense of the word a MONOPOLY. If oilier Bank can be created in th Stat by th Lagialalure while Ibis exiatsv ; Tkw Bank ad the State then ara feVikrd together oTrorwr re ehneen by the Legiabrare, snd ths pmrql . Van Buren directors are now striving for sts in the body which haa- to decide whether they shall retain their plaeea! Recollect, this is Bea ton's own Slate. r. Mexic and Texili. Informalhm hel bree received al New Orleans, which warrant the - belief that Mexico will soon acknowledg the independence of Texas; and that (be India di.Tieul ia on the frontier of Tsxes ers eatircrj quelled. - . ' trfr Ceorja,-The eUction for Member f Congress snd of Ihe Legislature bare just lakes place in Georgia. A slip from the oO flas Macon Messenger furnishes return frost M counties, which show a gain for th Stat tieket f.w Cengrasa that warranla a strong of its success. It ia also probsble th Wkig will have a majority in th Legislstur,astker clear gaia in these 86 cou lilies alon I fiftsea. The Van Burru majnrity io the last Lsgtsbtar wns 9 in th Senate, and 16 in the House. ; The Great Western seijed from New York on the 4th inst. with 140 passengers, bia" .ii .1 i t i cl. mm eat. nearly hs'f roil linn ia anecie." of bks'f ii ana cnviil acc-nnrnmiaiv on, j $150000 came from Philadelphia -Tbahifk rat of exchange, leading to the eiportsti of he precious metal of emirae. e00'1" to attract great attention, and some aasictf G-ne'ral Hamilton, of South Carolina, ha just arrived from Enp;bin.L) bM P""1 ed a card in reration to the letter wki2 peered under his signature la th Bih" Enq-iirer. The letter, be ay. was m without tha kaoalnlH or tMWVaOT , Jdrleveason. and that h wm written so "saves, sjsvenu seaoo a " ww - - a pecuhar excitement, wbicb he tereapbuA. - ' - -- Xeraf Ihtrkam In the House of C" naASSJSJL , tin tha n. the bill IO n' Lortl Durham'' onlinancea respecting of ntate pmoner, ur, iisninjrio.s M iirat lawyers io Kngtaod- jechrrd lJ " i.t : . .k. u:ii. Ma wa Uficd that lite re hod been any viohtf law by Lord Durban.; bat aawa s that tbe cot prarswedby U -tf y h'urbly espedierw and prop, r,LT evrietrt legal. " 5 '. .' .. .. .

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