,-iien. CM it to joni wltho.i spree Z t.nd one ,11-abrinrapiritof .n f"."f. n.ita-nW. ill the more elevated fee- . " -four nature, and 'J i : I. ... . .1;. , . nature. ti raise uira, J" . ,. r l..nks iii uoblie estimation, .Zilli warior, or lbs- nf ?el Vf,hJ "hisdU without inverting lb- f ' l work! and bringing down, in ill. end t r.rJ il faehv. thai eome- .i,; J w p"""lr" nr,,,.,,e cur: P""V ,. f the eounlry, end, through U,r tawnr. of iiiJWAimta and the communi " -HU..1 ihm Iran iinsitme no. measure t i" -.- . .... ... ,l: ijr in'i nlf.r8.ftii.ll. and prscursmc. u nil fiiiil diorc of the unholy and un BrtiUlli' eonnecuon between govern. iie... .....k-.-iheercal measure of tlehverafire likffiv." a- b-i-ily "pri-aml I by the aide arwslIrlU J e ,;elperieiir aiiJ.rt rlBclion may omul out, and swift - ,aVe .' " "5 " J" I .Ml i... permit m 1,1 eu"" "jfeV"'"""' IrmUng mraimt tj tlte age. Il rrata ui" the .imperishable foundation ill ZK l''e"b t 'ay be dHeated at 6rt, iti iiudj "uinnhi 11 supported wiib. energy am) per Vnh en a rtsje t, J.C. CAUIOU.V. rrn't". Ran, , aud otlitia vt (br MR- STRANfiR"8 I.F.TTRR." HaJ?tbaroHg)i.Sefjt.l6tii.a8. Cenllf'f- Vuur polite and kind invita tion to partake of a public dinner to be given bv pni'luiii of the Iti'puhliean paity of the e wnlY lif (.' ell to their genaloni ami Ke ajfaenlativea in the Cungfraa of the lT, WitfS a' Yancey lille, on the 28'h insl , Kicliecl mr at thin place on the day before yesterday. I avail myaelf of the fiial mail to r. ply, apjirt-licneive thai my anawcr uiy oot ffich you in time. Iiit'with aincete regret that I muat rlecl'n e liuling myaelf of your invitation, on accoutit f ike inlcrfmiice of jirofraaional c!jim. My gratitude ia, however, at warm, and my iJin no Un aincrre, that your convivial roertmj? may be pro Inctive of good not only Uiuure!ie aut lu outxouulry. In timet like the pieatnt, when party ran. emir ipares nothing to proitrate every man akom fortune amy have placed in the pub lie Mfvice, wlien motive and conduct alike are uuinilerood, or raiwepreaeuted any exureatnon ufkindiieaa in felt like balm upon an irritated wmindt and hut for occaaioi.al en c Hjrajrrneiit of tliut or a like kind, there are very ' ft-w public aervaiila w hoae atr-tigth aonld prove ullicient to ria'ain Ihe btirtheaa laid Bion them. Nothing g re nrej be iHi to expreaa how fully yuut -invitation ia pirrc'ulcd. home of thnie who, ililTer with Ul In po l:tics areitrangely a anting in charity i t in i ncriity.in tlie wliolculc ilviiiincialioiia which tJ-y nuke against'us ai a party. In the, for unrr a iliev believe ua a bad aa they tepre rent n zitl in the biter if not in bilirVing tliry w dcc'iw. I am soriy that in ionic uiatancea the e&aetple net uaon tlie oilier aide has been MWod by I'jme on oiini ai.d I could most sincerely wish that malevolence too frequent ly exbibiie4 M their part had been oftrner uelaaa'icbiiked by dignified forbearance ton vun. tcjvery man of at-nae anil observation wnl have aeen ani felt the effect of political ilitlVreaoe in magnifying the faulta and con-o-ingthe merrita of lhoe opposed to ut; and tlms leeing 'id ff cling everygood psh -glit stud ouIy to -guard liimaclf -ftmH such iiiQurnce. ' I'axaion never yet aided in the ascertainment of truth aiul if we are sincere in our profeaaions of patriotism a-ecnn not tail tn prci-ive that what ia beat fir c iuiitry can be much .more aneedily and wrrlv sve tain'd byalin dicuaainri of. facts ad irinciplr than by mutual impassioned erauaciatmn ef indiviiJuaU. I tfoubt not that a large m.ij.irftv of all partira are aincere" in tlirir prolesiit of pairiotum and all that at wanting, 4n my opin on, to produce more nanuntty amoug our citixena in their polit cd view' is tu depoe pasaion from --the Jarene of reaset whir.h she ha so boldly and n,,ioii.iy usurped. Itllt wlnle personal Chan tyatioild be aeni piously observed and paa- in, inveotwe and denunciation careful'y a viiidrd, there should he no comoromiae of -'l icence, anal wlieu lound hnn'y maintained s expect as little deference for my opinions ay min. surh as they are, I bare rn caored on all occasions to rxoreg lln-m Imnkly .nd frarlesaly.i Iff have not done so with ability, I can with confidence appeal to Jlsavch .id my own cgncience, that I have hme o t U-ast in uioal unfeigned aincerity. v. Iirtln r nlie opiniiy.so exSrrsed hy m- on -E"?"!. question more immediately agitat "g the country meet the concurrence of a fi'sjomyofthecitixensofthe Bute which 1 have the honor in part lo repreaent, ia, I tonfeas, reduced in my mind to a matter of much doubt. do nov leel the confidence H felt t k T WfM-k since, that a majority wiih n. rtt feel, very far from ueing eTiwinced that a majoritv U agamat- rne ThiaUt, I am well aware, woo'd appear to mea startling dee'aratioiti .TIium who believe rue wrung in my views ami th. re t reel a very natural desire that other !iiil think ao (no, are rlioroughly convinc ed that the maj irity ia against me, and would "onwibt womfer that the same facta which nr k they imagine lea.1 thera t tbia eon exiaion hire not. wrought tlie same convic ,'ionv upon me, ami would perhaps be ao "jenaritable o prwottnee my incredulity .u. ui siici would ask, d ies We ei- 4"ee which utisfica the Human Catholie of " real presence ut' the Eucharist prwluce .1 ''elnn uhmi their minds? Or do ' ey otntve wilt, the Musselma.i, not only "1 mere none GotL but that Mahomet ia 'ff Pi 1 honest men see things ,. according to the lights in which "vw iiiern. and no man can clauh entire exemption Imm the misleading influences of tisi.i...i: ... " r--j...iice. Bui wheiher so fortunate aa to e the concurrence of a majority or tint. y public eoume baa been dictated by the "eepest conviction that it was the course moat wnsistenl with the institutions ami welfare of , "w eoniitry. Very many I know think upon aimoiteverr notittcal nuestion nreeialv ihe verse of what I do, and t deeply regret that " th'is thinking are ao numerous. UiU while I respect their opinion and feel from their opposition a modest diffidence of the eorreetness of my ownt yet as a moral agent, I " bound to yield obedience to the dictatea virutn aslam able to collect theae from he sources with which Heaven has fiirni.hf d n- J i . ... i nave as yet seen nor nearu any. thing tncing me of error. Violent denuncia. n both of principles and men it ia true are ..., nuking m my ears ami dutarbi - kihih oi rean,-Dut you will nev r "nvince , man who intenda to do right that ts in error by aasertinr in bis heannir that 1 all who act with him are k..H Tbe people of. North CaroUue have j.......... i:..n I .irinn i w no win ' 'lb a,iing honour ol having firm proposed ' Conffre-i.. s 'hia once adopied. the wool. 44 md iiiilr .; ohCgtrora t. tMMiw- Jitr elrattf by the ennfiarnce thr have MnoaeJ mV wwemeri merHrd that conlidetice they f vera ami i-.lU judirta. inter eat no leaa tliaai inclination prt mpied me rery exer tion to to fulfil ihe dutiea at the WigU aialtun in whiclithey have placed me at to hare not only, lAef approbation, but that of impartial poaterity. I ilo not claim for myaclf any gifn of nature or in in wmcii can attract to me pre aent a.tention or-the notice of poaterit) ; but the pejnple of north Carolina have placed me where) my poaitron intrra'eavea portion of my acta with the hiiloiy ufonr country and thereby rescuea my name from an obcur.ty which muat othera ise have been iti fte. If. the, l ira wit moiu the moat r.velli)ij: of wfetchi-a, w hat while acting on ao connpicu una a thratrr, could be Kxective amile or frown or temporary individual gaini or hopea to the iroiul hope that my cuudnct might meet the anprobaiion of orood men now ami hrniiftei anil what ground i there for-lhia hope far him ho teeki any other guide thjui bii uwn rinc ol rilit' With theae viewi be f.ife ins il I tiitre not acttd wiarly I muat a bide, t)ie conac(iiencea auataining myaelf aa I may with the cnciouinexs that 1 ha've acted according1 ti the liijhla 1 pinaeaMd. Hut if mint own rrkMin and cnncicnc(r-Hiiprr me I have puraued the true interest of our country, I hope for the approbation of my eoti niporanea, but if diuppoited here puler it will do-me justice Vhen the mittaofpaa- m ami prejuuicc aiiati nave paucd away. Alio me lothakyiHi for rour ownexnrra lon of approbalioii and to aubjidw aentmxnt or two which I beg may, under the circum VutiC'.- be scceplcd as a aubatituta lor mv ifrsunal presence and am with very high resjuct.. , Vour oblige J and ob't servant and fellow citizen. HO. Sl IlANGK. . Vie .Ifrmtrv f Harriett i'titir.'U tl wilt h cherished by the Countv uliith suLiiiird him. in his death and irreparuble loss. uur LewHri Perish all parties whose ticcea is not identified with her proiperily, ntirpettiity ami pruCe. l lie olunteer I nastKIrank at the Din. ner were not handed in.iu time to eet (hem in this wecn's paperi but wilt apppear next ci-a.j Mv. Mc Duffn antl a XutitmU Bank. I aiilt believe k Dank of the United Htatoe lo l rcnlituiionnl, ihI am a confident as rea son end experience rn nwke ne on any simi lar question, that it it tht tirtt practical- mrsns of maintaing a uniliiauf uireocyv and -f-nd-dnil-irni rate of eirhii; over the who! t'ni ted Htales, ao tong s paper money rwit lute Ihe larger portlou of our si tnal eurren-v. . ' 'Cet.McD'tJft. ' 'if Mr. NfcDufTie betlovei a National Bank to be ronttitutiooat, and the beat practicable sgent jr Ihe maintainsnee of a nniforra currency, why doe be abaudnn auch sn institotion ami advo cate the ub-Tressuryt But be haa a prnviso: " as lung a pap&mtnej Qtnititutetih targtr serf eirr ucmi enrrrney.' Well, how long is " so long"? Until the Hub-Treasury Bank ahall comHienca! Or did " so long" ex pire, when Ihe Uvro Ihretlled the Moniter? We should be delishteJ b knovfc - Will Mr. McDutli protend to say that a pa per currency do i xor NOW "constUut the larger portion oi our actual currency"! Will the moat xealou anti-ban kite, the democrat, just the etlier day frightened out ofc-bk wita, and only able to articulate "Diddle' -the bank!, tlia MoMir!--aeac aae ua and our poor bloeding country!" will tbey, we demand, now dare to eatt bank pony n.t disabled, enaV-tn proclaim that Iheir "psper," "our actual curren cy ,"hae been superseileJ hy gold and silver! If th Dank are dead, why tbia unceasing war fare! If gold and silver flood the country, "aa it actual currency," why their scarcity! If Did dle be overthrown, why' are hi note at par ev ery where! We ean Ull Mr. McDuflio that our actual currency is now a paper one and that it must continue so in. some ahape or. oilier; unless perchance, the - Sub-Morine Company" hall rescue the millions that lie buried in the untrodden ahrine of tli ocean! ' . - -POLAND. " May none lltoss marks eflVce ljM.Jbrxeidlkin,ijrmPilft.J!JL!... -The flag f Huasisn despotism Jet wsvtr in triumph or'er the time-worn walla of Warsaw. Injury and Insult have fallen for year en the bleeding bosom of tSarmatia; and lbs Autocrat, as if gorged with Hood, Would nuw tear down her altars and armorial bearings and. obliterate the last vestige of ber naliowelity and tUe em blems of be former' maniflceiice. pfot long since, Polish cttUcea were o ibile JTelrTn- ing their own Isngoige; and recently an bksae ItS gone futth requiriug the Poles to wrsr tlie Kussian custjiujf ,. Ajowani ia offered to such as, may wilb resdincss comply with 111 decree, and those who do not are threatened with be ing flogged. ' ' ' v What a picture do we here sea of national lrgradation! " The countrymen of Kosciasko, after being deprived of every fjolitical right, or dered by foreign tyrant to abandon the dress of their forefather and adopt that of lUcir mas- trrs. The Tyrolese er the Swiss mountaineer reveres tbe qimint tlress worn by bis country men for centuriss; while tbe Highlsiuler exults in the costume that Bruce wore when bis brsve clans followed liim to victory. ' Even th wild Indian of the Wssl preserves his eottuiue snd clings with fondness to the relics, sod legends, snd tradiliona of other limes; . and with ,thr white man, tbe remsiabrance of aborigmsl deeds is perpetuaMd in prose snd song.- But ths Po lander! Where now are his own peculiar en signs hie loved national airs, bie language, or hi lawal Annihilated. The "blood red tresses cf battle" have been shsken Over bia country tbey have crimsoned deeper with brave blood until every plain has become a Marathon, every defile a Thermopylae His enaigna have paled in the fire of despotism bis loved airs are sung byreemen in other linds his language ia to him a Babel and his lawe lie buried with tbe wrerka of former splendor! Yet they have found tongue, load and deep -tlie "trumpet- voice of freedom" is proclaiming their over throw by tyrahny; its tones go ep from a hun dred battle-field; it appealed to Europe in vain; it now appeals from tyrannyto God!" And the crowned hesd of Europe who' wers Indif ferent spectators of hTdownfalL nisy well I tremble when they romr uiber thai the 'eternal 4r ef Kbertyia brightntej hjf oangeona, Invi'e otateilJiy ihe very torturea bjrwtuch they atrtve to extinguish it lit them femembrr that th " f'anoya approwchinglhat the fomp anj pageantry of royalty ia perpetually failing before the light of learning and civilixation end let (be. weary Talari Jer erouaeonce more, end a he towera again in the front of battle, let him proudly refleet that kJaeonry"ahall not be en- .laved forever-am! the! the voice which lLLiUU at thV...lte IWtUirtj are long buna) nut a ad twell triumphantly over the buried throne of Europe, ahall alao call op hie long-fprgotten nclodie,aad elcken 8arma . tie to reeaiahUali er law, eltjuY, "ind aanctua ciea,nd ta-taame the endeared habitimehla' of ber former beauty anJlreedoiu!,. But if thi protid triumph may not be now; if. other ege are to wttlieaa theae glorlei; let him remember that the aahea of Koeciusko and Pulaski repeae In American anil, end that here he w ill ind an aay luut where Ihe weary wing may lie folded aaJ the fainting heart have rent." Let bim come to the land of Washington. ' Here be may wear hie ewa eoetutnr) and hi eye ahall gladden be neath the waving of a banner that never trail' ad before tlia ear of lUapotiam a banner wboae rain-bew light of tf'' ahall wane enly when million of tlia free ahall ceaaa to blea ill , ....... SOUTH CAltOliNA. - Alas! how is the wiHrhlv fallen! The preust, Ihe hiRh-imnden. Hie henoraUlethe ebiv alreai I tarry Perry -ot the Union" h nofc giv ing axninoMsmilimioos ef a disjiosiiioa ineowar at the: Axitstont if xeeutive power: Twelve months are. who would have believed that the order of Hie (Hobe would have been paraded in J the Merewry ann obeyed by the people ol Obarleatoe Yet it is a fact,-strange a ft may appear, just before the eleftinn, an ukase from Ihe palaae, through Ihe eftleial organ, the (Hobe, wsa nsaed. Renouncing Mr. fegare, aijoilnich a deraoetat aa Talmadge, 'why waa not. Mr. Hive Included 'J an proclaiming that It wa not ibe will and pleasure of his maieity the usurper, that he should be re-eleeied fins was publish ed anal rvheraterl in the ears of the eitixens el Charleston, f lor whose neckf, some fonr or five er ago, the usurper wai preparing the halter,, by the Mercury. The result I, that Ibis inso lent ardor from Washington hka beea faithfully obeyed!!! Lgare feosservativej ha been brat en m tbe Charleston diitrief, hy Holmes f Van llorea by a msjoHtv of 413 votes. Mr lira. Kheu aad Elmore are re-eiied without opposi- iioa. - i - -. ' PENNSYLVANIA. v A GREAT VICTORY bai been achieved bv the Whigs in Pliiladclitbia, k probablr throurh- out the State. The votes for Governor, ia lb City, stand as follows: - , . , Jose) Bawer, Whig) TM .. David H. forter, fV. U J SIM . . ' . . ' , ' ' 41J3 ' The fargeit-vcHe and Targeit majority, h is saM. ever riven I'hrlaiMtihia. In ailion lo this, iwentv-orfd aonnties tiare been heard from, whh-h, with the tfcy "vote, give Kiiner a gala at 3JS4 vote since the election ol 1S:)I In the ei'J of Philad'-lphia, the overthrow of tbe enemy was emnptt-te. - The whnte Whij ticket for Congress, lgislfture, and siiy Oflieers was carried triuiupIi'aHiyt ."Mrr'tvwylor wa re elected tn CongrVaa In the 3rd district by a large mainritv over Inrersoll, the Van Harm candi date who makea no scruple of aaying he would have been a lory in Ibe revolution. A pretty "Democrat, truly!" The Raliimnre Chronicle nntiliahesa rumor that the votes of the Northern LriUertiis. wtilsti - Navler a tarre tnaioritv. were art aside hy the Juitges, wMh a cerrnptpnr nnae of eivinr the arai to tliT i irof enert Tery, lageraofi 'in aonsrqnesiee of which great exeile meot prevailed. Tbe returns Ol the Congres sional election tome in slowly. We have only hewed, a vet, that Messrs. Hergrant,' Teland, Navtor, (Whig.) and Paynler, f V. H.larere- etreted, and Messrs. Reily and HhefTrr, (V, D.) and Mm-ri (Whig) aie defeated-the two Hist by Whigs, and the last by a Van Rorenman NEW JERSEY. - J , In thi State the Whiae bsve carried every thing before them. Wa learn from tbe Balti more Chronicle that they have elected - their whole Congressional ticket and a majority' of tsoth branches of the Legislature. ' , . . . , GEORGIA. ' In Geereis, ths Vsnt tea have been' defeated horse, foot snd dragooiis." The Whigs have triumphed beyond our most sanguine eipecta- tlons. Uiliy nine counues are ;o oo uraruirum. and as the lowest Whig candidate is about 800 heed of th bigheat VanJlUreivJl la befcivod lira Uoiemigticia ml it is probable the Whig have a majority in both tn-aurhe of the Legislature. This is as good ss ths heart of the true tenublicean patriot coutu aeaire. , , . . j,"- - " 1 . ! .... ' ' ' " ' -,lt Quei's'r la he atirwsrdby th Membert Of It, EntTOaUT. C03IVSTl0!t. Last week an Agent for the ssle of certain paUnl medicines called at our ollice, forthe purpose of haWog a long advertiaea-nt pub lished in the Spectator. When asked by him what the cost would he, we answered according to the rate established by the Convention The tonsrrjucuce svaa, thai the geollcman ckr rtcit IVay hi advertiaeuieiit, declaring the prlee to be much higher than that charge 1 by 'iher tUMor Wth Stmt," who advertiM lor bun. War told him that all tbe Edilore ia) tbe State Were bound In Aanewr to charge alike, and that presumed he was mistaken. He persisted in his statement, 'and named ihe papers that ad vertise for him at one fourth tf th ettablithea roifSy. We declined lo deviate from our pledge to theOonvenlion, snd.'s staieJ above, the ad vertisement was net left with us, The ques tion which w reapeetfutly addre loeach W era bar of the Convention, U:D yM ttnetlf comply in atsir charge, vith th rate tttath usneuV ' ' ' Tbe arnpriefy and justice of a prompt reply t mis luquiry ia ouvuiu." irw. oyrv To the above question, we, for 'one, answer YES; and take thi occasion to stale that an gent, perhsps the very same, called at our fcfiice a few weeks ago, for the purpose of having bis advertisement inserted in tlie Star, and told ths ssms tslei "to which our reply was, in substsnce. that given by the Editor of ths Spectator, and the reault was the same. We see the ailver- tisement he proposed to have publisbej in sev era! of the paper of the State, If the rule ol tbe Convention, relative to advertising, ia not generally observed, it anight to be abolished and let all have an equal chance. ' Au' York. .The Conservatives of New York - held t State Conventon at Syracuse on the 4th 1nst. (".id eon Lee presided. They unanimously resolved to go against tne Sub-Treasery. Van Buren and Mircy. and ' determined Jo support the Vhig ticket, which, (says a correspondent of N., Y. Staf.1 ensure the election of Mr. Seward ia Guvernor, oy from 10 to 15,000 nafonty. The bookt of labscripGon ta the Stock of this lis ok. wrre opeutJ vcstertlaj at 10 o'clock at the lUH Uol OfTice In State '.,8ltfft; and tip to t e'cUlc, A'int 'fliousanil f:ve JIundrtJlJShaTtt ia the JUauk were tuljacribeiU. which, when Hi whole amount ahall be final ly patil Up, will be equal tr) Que Mil lion of Djjtltirtn TJte t)k w'lll con- dare, when titer will be finally ctoserf. From tlte enxietv; tii4HtfsU:ilJtuf obtain Slutrea in the Bank', rrrj littla doe'jt cin'iitrrbt entertt.inrtl that the whole it mount of lbe StfckVitl be taken tir Tlte City Coencit and other rorporu ttont in thin Cif r anil set-era) inrlivbltu. al of Urge, property, have come fur ward promptly nftd ?et the good exam ple, bj aubscribing for the- whole a innunl of the SUarea lav wJiiclrtliev arc entitled, so that the prospers are choer In. - AVe uniltratitttd , tjiat arrange ment! .have been in a le for bringiuj; ' lioine immrdiatel in tpr.fi, to mticli of the loan latefj , rlffeteti, , bjr-6eneial llamitton, ai may bo necearj to put the Rail lload Uank in operation with out embarrassment to our other tuonictl institutitHiT AcmUajajjjiqar- tcra represent the people at prejiarnl tn make up the amount of the (apilal of tlie Btuk, and anxiouifor ilsiintni' diate mtablishinent. The succe of tlie Hank ma j now be. con'sideretl as certain, and it will go very far to en sure tbe success of tbe Itnml. Charleston lifer, SUB UEAijUltir. Hie New York correspomlent of the National Intelligencer says: Ihe riulliners are not rrrasl in inn ney matteis toVtis northern Yankee yet. uov. Alarcy came, from Massa chusetts, and Mr. Secretary .uotitl bu ry from New Uampshire." Oiye Vftc sub-Treasury nest, antl we will pile up cortl tt gold anil silver in INew York cUya,nd. leave the Treasury rags for the ueneat of bouth Carolina, e will bank snd aWe the whole bf the whole of the Union. '" Our sub-Treasu rers will setup in Wall street a bro kers, antl draw drafts on all thejr bro ther sub- reasurers from Nevr, Or leans to St. Louts. All we need to make the New York plan of humbnn f!fry. perfectj.ii .'Mr. Senator Wright' proposiuob to invest tbe surplus in stocks. If Mr.1 Calhoun would have only allowed this, we should teach bim a great many more things in political economy than be es-er li-arnt in Yale Collects. Why, a itrrtt frotn'the Hon Silas Vriglit and the Albany Regency is worth more than an A. L or an Xi L. D. from even, Harvard University GoV Bafrby, jn bis 'address before the Temperance Society of this city. on the sum uir. gave a striking uiustra t ion of the connexion between intent perance and , crime. Hit kxcelleney ('who we alb know is a rliitinjruiiihed criminal Uufer.) stated fiiaf in th course of hjs life, lie had been employ en in Kme ou or ou capttat cases; ev rry one 44. which, as well as he then recollected, was connected with intern perancel W think the- Ooternor de served great credit for giving his influ ence to the temperance cause; for it is the cause of public virtue, of national prosperity and .of individual aod do-m-itic hsppinesss Our gibbes, out jails and penitentiaries, our poor house, our lunatic asylums, and our domestic cir cles .all attest the awful ravages of in temperance among us, in brutalizing the whole man, in pai alizing the head, the heart,, the rm" in destroying every l.,.. .,..) " J . ' port, and filling the land wiih ...,yi,sjtjig7 Inuthsoine, bloated, blasted drunkards. ruined for time ami ruined for cter nt$iTttcatoo$a IntetlieeuGr.r. , " Trtah oj Commerce with Greece. The Globe publisliesofficially a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the" United Slates and the King, of Greece. '.This treaty was signed at London on the 22d of December last by MrV Stevenson, our -iniuister at tlie Court of Great. Uri tain, and bv SptridimrrricoOpi, the Minwter of tUvj king or (jreece at the same, and tne ratifications were exchanged at the same place on the 25th of' June Inst. Tbe treaty stipulates for the reciprocal admission of the vessels of each coun try info the ports of the other, and tbe admission and export in them of all goods on the payment of tlie same du ties as are exacted on- national vessels, from whatever ports they may come, except other ports of tbe same country. the toasting trae being excepted. It contains,' also, other provisions similar to tliosti embraced in the commercial treaties of the United States tsith other States.".1:""":. The Brilisli Steam Ship. the Royal William arrived at New York from Liverpool, brings English dates twelve days later but they, are almost totally aevoiti nr interest. jVetr Cotton. Sales of new Cotton were made tast .week at Fayette viHe, at 810 to ail 10 per cwtTlie quality issaia to oe very gooa. - Locofoco Compliment to tht Conner' vatite party. -The New. York Even ing Post has issued the following de fiance to the Conservatives. The Post isx certainly entitled to the praise of plain speaking. We have seldom seen any thing more scornful or more iesalt tng: - - ' : ' - --" The delegates of the Consenrative party ie ; this State meet the 3d of the present month, in aolemn conven fion at Utica. v (., ,., ., ' " 'lt.H-W be bped that they will t y ' . - " "V.. ' ' . . .' . ..... . ....''.:', . . roake no attempt o Liitn themaelvea again on the Democratic parly, by giv ing ay support to Ibf "innnlfiTatea we have ominalu. AVe want, not their prraeiteein the- psrlj.' to corrupt anl distract it bv their elC prujecta anl perpeteal inirigoea. : want not their few honrlrril itet we are atrong enoti!t to beat the, big. '..without them. Tbev are not numerous enough to withdraw any essrntial strength from our', party by "Keeping aloof front it; butlhey are unprincipled and active enough to weaken it by mingling again in our ranks.' Tlie Mobile Advertiser pays the fiilliwinr just tribute to the accomplish ed I'resitleiit of ihu B4uk of the Uni ted Slates: The Pennsylvania Bank of the U- itetl S'ates, ttmier the adiiiinible man- ;emeiit of Mr. Bidillr, ami exrrciMiig I fact nil the functions of a national institution, has accomplished alrrady a er great reduction ia the j ales ol exchang thro'ighout the cnuntrj, has ssisted thi? Ooventment tn its neces- itv, and 'is'', contribution: liberally to wards a, resumption of specie nav- inents in the Sou'1-.. The beauty til nil tbts iVr-M'tv BUldlcraa tuxeth.creo - pie and win 'goldi-o opinion a' in spite f 'lamentations here or elsewhere. Sal. lit. We I ear'ii that . is Majeaty the Kni" ufilie French ha. diivctetl that the or- er vl'.A'mirhl of the J.rtrlon of Ifonor be ctuifurreil mi our count i yman Wil- ium 1J., Hodgson, a native of this Dis- rut. .Mr. Ilutlgson lias been connected for. some years with the diplomatic ser vice in tne umicu Mates, ami. while aiding in Northern Africa and Asia. levoted much of his time to the culti vation of the Oriental laiisuasrei and itvrature. His writings ott those sub jects, among whii h arc his translations f -tlte four-HnspeU liiVo the lierber tongue, ami ms iau m the present Pacha of Kgypt, procured fur him" a membership of the Asiatic Societies , of li'inuon ami fans, and the Knyal 8o- cifty; to which he can now add. ns the first American, within our knowledge. me oroer in tne legion oi Honor. I he distinction which has been snmifoneously conferred on him by the king of the French has been announc ed to him in a letter from Count Mo!t, Minister of Foreign A ifuirs, ami is as honorable to the Hing, as the Iriend and patron of literature, as it is flatter Liiig to the literary success and celeb Uniy ol our young country man. Mr. 11. lias just arrived from Peru with the ratjficafibii ofaTtreary between the Peru-Uolivun CooiVderatioti and . t IT a il. . - ae as. tne untteii states, lor which purpose ne "was despatched by our Uovcrn ... a. T.S. aAf.yM.-. a . r., l..- y '"'( -i nniai swim rourocr wan committed in this county' oil (he of lht Si) inslautf Mrs. "Terapay Shaw wife of Mr. James Shaw shot her hos band through the hearf. and lid rxnir ed Instantly.: We have not been ablt to learn the particulars, but 'under stand that they had lived disagreeabk together for 'some time This is the second murder we have had to rccor this year rotnmitted by" Feniales, i-n this ' counfy. , W for bearcomment, as the loafer will no doubt, tinderso Judicial - Sntestizatitin. Mrs. Shaw lias not been committed. to jail yet. for. the uiicnce. it is suppoaeil tlisithe has cutout." ' f . tlaiar, Aih: We are gratifintl to learn that the faithful and able Waddy Thompson Is reflected to Congtoaa from South Carolina, by a mijori ty of about a thousand votes. JtlAItHIED. In this eonntv. on tbe 9ti. inrt. by the Bev. Th. G Whitaker, Mr. John Mt'ullers, of Johnston rnin.tr, taMisa Mm tlia, dauglitee of Sam't Whit-aki-r, F.. la S.mpson snnntv. bv the Rev. Mr, Colton, Junes ti. ItolJiin, Kiq. oHfayelleville, to Miss i,ouis"Tloln.ea, rlwigrrter ol Gabrivt Ununes, Bin. nf Vi1min)r.lon. 1 In fjumbt-rlaail, bv ihe Ilev. Mr. Mason, Mr. William Mitchell to Miss Eliisbelb A. eldest slaughter of Win. f i McUsnirl, Kq. In Milton, Mr. Caleb It. Hiebmond lo Miss Msrv K. daogliter of Stephen Uoilson, Esq. In'Stpkei comity, on Cd Inst., by Kev. Jnhu Wl'son, Mr. John C. Stone to Mis Ksney Uov. Iirstnn. Also, at Ihe same time and plane, Ih- fl. K. Wall, of Stadiioa, to ,Mits Ma Jane Covnigtoo. " ' ', ,' , ' ' ' Dli:i.' ' ' On'the ,0th lnrt. Jcaie 1J.; bjuiiif so of Mr. D. Dunuv.of tliis city. . . '. lu lliia aouiiiv on, ihe Itlh . hist., Mrs. 3any n.iii,. .nnmri nf William snellinz. t.vi In Milton nn Frit!-- Stst ult., aber a Iwger ine illness nf several months, Mrs- Ann bniilh ivii.n. tnnuri nf John Wilson. F.io. At Lacranee. l enneaaee, sir. rump oiit. ' ' !.! Cl - . .f K.liihnrr. Mr, 8. bad been to the Southwest on buslneu, and Ihenee visited some relaiiona at Iterative, here h was taken sik .nrf.ll.!. In Kandntr.b aountv. Ilamon M iller. Sea. aged 7. . t '- "' , In Mecklenburg aonaty, Alea. CrlerrKiq "the road to wealth - Insured foa. Yvrty Lists. 1.... a and valuable MonthlV .ki:..,i a.1..irf in i ha nurooses of eve ry Earmer and desicned to trropsKSte all aaefol .1 A . l..rnrn..llrvM annaeenine th Oil irosriaa in the United Slates, entitled , THE AMERICAM SItiKL GKOWKK , AYO FARMER'S AXXVALt , BMBitaiaaise witsj Appropriate EsssiraTlaisaT-'" snirsp at WARD CHENEY at BROTHWIS,. -, : n '.-' Brlatoa, H. J. -. -,- asrereaLi i I CHARLES ALKXANDElt Philad. " . Tbe first eambsr or thi hbjhly important an1 valuable work, Is bow ready lor delivery W sob- teriherS Wi ileg leave reipeetluliy t call it sitevnloa at twif slnsens lo ll,e praise vorthy rfi jtsit bss ievirsi, a4 for Hie promotioa of ' hiih it l ba pot hue nneraiion. There.liaenol prnAably hsrtlolert been a tirruJ bea ibe sUciukhi at ifce peopl. of this cnantrv wss as airs n.ased o,i lU ut,j 4 ha Silk Cullers si at preecuti nor a time aben those who have alrvaily embvked 1 tbls -besHiess felt such satire aonfideaee, aot rmly ibat liberal proBn nay be denyed Irem it, but also tn their aiilrty to (iroduee a good bilk nm be procur ed in any part el the world .It Is tft'mved that alt that unoe earning to fully esleMiih this greai nuns ia ine soumry, vssih mi vast- anvaeta ge, is but Hie dissemineting nt plain practical information soneei nii.g He and to ei.Dlinea our cititrai ol)iate know to be -Ins, v. that there is an more difficulty about raising a crop of Silk, than llierv is a erop of grain.- 1 be spMal thus beituncd y e'.: a far feaier return than ean be oatainen It em any otkar araaeb of hus bsndry. The eilitors loiv long been engaged In I he silk sulliire, and intend hereafter to give it their entire attention. They base made SI trslttuiio sri-tncemeaia tor sreiliae the silk - orin, and sullnaline thai invaluable srweiea of mftbtfiy trte, the Morus Mnltiesuriv. And, rom l jit n-long eapei bnee in Ihe occupation and 'xtenMreenrreiiiondettee kith silk trowers ibev believe ihey may aay oiihont Oili-nlaiioti, that Iter si ill lie stile lo make the A marina Silk rower, uaclnl sad enterUli.mt.snU in enmmu- ici.te thn.oirb its panes inf.M rqi.imn aa valuable respecimj evuy branch nl 'lie silk buainess, as an lie rh-lwlirre obtained in die Unitril Slates, tmriiun of Ihe work wltl be devoted to not njr ihe iiKKicm Improvs meals ef agriculture, " ml mth matters as are graerally usrlul to the as. u'i'lor of the soil. j. , . The innri.mii reipeclftillr solU lt ottririn- 10m oh Aerirultural subiecli avavtallv-anrt al art Ihe Nits tirtnrwjr.iJusn.cis in pailicnlar. Ail dre,s the KJitors, .War Vbeory St Urethrrf U'ii imjjton. , .; Ihe work will be nnkliiked monthlv eveiv number eomprilin, twraiy.foin- large uriavo pa ges "i'h 'he arhlMinsi of a cover lor advrtliw wents, tvo . ami at the end of each volame. a eomplrle laklr nt eomenls will b luroUhed to sttbsctibrri 1 rrait. On Ikdlar a veer, nsvs- . lite in ailianee, fnr single snbtetthers. 1'wrr.iy anharriptlnes will be anpplieil lor bote Jrar bjr lorwai ding s cni-enl Ira ilollsr bill free" nf poilNge. All ornrrs tor tlie oik. nosUare tiaurreU be proniptly altr-.ted to, it aililressrd lo Ihe rulilitlier, t;. A suilcr, AlUcniso liuililinti, Krunkliu I'late, IMi.lailtflpliia. tJii aem, Silk t.rowjrrs, atilculinialisis, anil iltirri, aim with to (a-Ocnrc this work from His present time, .will please forward Ihvir uainci and the ameunt or subierlpllon Imaaediatcly. Liberal I'roniintn. . Any AMt--'"ardnir"'tto renrraeribers fir nne jesr, and a (SO current bank bill, will be emnUil io Tr 'I boosaud bilk . it orrn Kegi, selecieil I'm tbe most aiiimrfi'd varnjlii whirb ran he forwarded by marl lo any. pait of he Unitnl Stetrs, at a Irinine expense, anil which, if properly aitrnrled to, aecordine lo the instieiioni whhii are womulated In the work. will i Klri a profit smisHlrrably c i seen m g the mount ol Ihe priee ol sfebstrislien for one ban dred roiiies. (T F.ihtors of papers who are desirous of eneourstins; lb gmw b of bilk ia this eonntri , ill ideas eniiy this artverliieaient a tew sums, - and vi will fuiaiib tfiera with a F.xohanfce, and also occsvionul aaniplesof the Silk, which is manrhirlnrrd at the K'litor'l rsteeaive eiisb- . lishmeni In tlui-tiugton, New Jersey, Jut) SrJ, By vlrto ol a Deed of' Trust tn as eseentrd for certain purposes ihei-em eofilabieit. II JUL JlE SU1.U on Moamr the 10 h larot-mlier nest, si ilieWslderreer of It. J.;Sl'HUJLli,neari Tarborotigh all ttie periihable prniiii iy of the lute Margaret S. Kpinill, supposed lo consist of From 350 lo barrels Corn, 20,000 lbs. Wade Fodder. 80 to 90 fat lions, Horse. Mules, Cattle, 3 yoke of Oxen, 40 lieatlvuf Sheep. Carriage and Harness, llovsehohl a id Kitdiin Furniture, Furming Uten- tilt, 4. A credit (if nine mnnlh with Interest from dale will be eiran on all sums mer die linllars. all tin'ler live dollars ea.h. The piktchasvr will he rcfliiired lo rive bond with twi undoubted ss- eurlllet before the preperty I removed. If not disposed f at private sale, at tb Same time sml plase will be sold that , . - .. ,; VALUABLS rAXlJtti 'atxovm as TMa "; ' SchcncU Plantation, . t.t Hie on Tar Hirer, on sud s bait miles above Tarborsugh, ontainiiig . , 90S A CURES - ' - 4SO of which are etrpneieH-re be cleared, adjoin- wr tltelaadsef i 41. Unyil,ta pWilsoa and others, i There is on the Farm ,. , ,r A trood DirelHnir Ilouct. W.hh all neeeisary biTrVrmsti, (iin-houie "and 8crwt siiple und twavh Ortlimns. fclso an inca- hauitihle ilepnsite ol rich Marl. 7"h bail welt alaitei lo the growth of aorn, eollou,niiill (l ain, ks, snd is ia a State of rirxl iuiprovi larHl, TFJt.M.S liberal ami mail known on th day ol sale. Hie subacribers reservinS; to themselvis the pririlre ol a bid, I'osseisHin to be k'san on the lit ol January next. Fur further panicu lsri stiuly tu llJ. Snrnlll, on the iirrmiici. fart of ail ths above will be sold ss tlie I jiroper- ty cf.Mi K. P. Hoss. M . It SMI I II, 3 ( 1 lfe, Eilccorob county, IM. Jill, ISak. '. " . -IJVill be hired out, for theeasule; vear, st ill ...... lima ..., I nl.. tl.a k'I'UHllFS L.t.u. ii.r 10 ihs said riltate, contiiliiia- of Men, lioj Snd fiirls. 4.1 S . .-tVWA-'l ItalciKh and Colitmoln Ilail .; . esas svwsssjissess A sulBeient nam her of ibaveS of Ihe CapSlnl Stock ef tbe ftaleifih sad Columbia liaii Kasd Company to secure the charter mt laid IJnninr, havint been subseribsd for, aoliee i ben by iV en that S general, meeting ol the stock holder i.f bsnI Company Will be held st the offiee of the ttalelgh Sd Gsstoa Usit llosd Company, In (he City of Ifateigh, on Ibe Brit Monday of Nevem ber neat, for tbe purpose of sleeting a Preiiilent and lhrsclnraof asud Compsnv. , , - DUNCAN C A MKMOV,"! WILIJAM UCYLAN. Cnm'rs a .-TrlOS. sMiBVKHKUXjV at CHAKLKi MANLT. : Ralelgl,. ;ki. y, MOUUEC.it. J . '" Raleigh. Oct 16, 1S3S 43 3w ' UcgrsteHaervt tweeeks. ...-'. , iii ' "T Ietlcctall whom Itranyr son- eerai Iksi spplieetioa) will be nih to the nest Geaersl Aatembly toe a Act to form a new eeeaiy set ef porlioas of Amos and Meclil.o burc aoaalies. - - ' - '- h tJle- - ApplientUn wlllbe musfe the aval t.aneral Ataecnbly for sa aat te rnaniiaie 1'om, laic the property of Mrs. Sarah MHsbell, of Wakaenety. : . Sepleaiber II, 1US. , .-" '- S3 la ' FOUSALi: AT fm OFFICE. m - Ja- (2l . mm -1