.. ' i jjjjesavessssBfceTJiatEsts """-' 1 " ' ' RALEIGH, XT. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1830. VOL; EXIST -T i ' HO 44 TIIOWAS J. LEJIAV, gnlTO AHB.rgOPKI ETQB. TERMS. gc.scairTiew. tb.ee dollar, per annum-oa half ia .deanee. rTr'er.oo. re.iding itbut ihr State will be rtqu.red to P ne smouut ' ' ,h yeer'e ..Sacrm. iow in advance. far every .'flare (""' exceeding 16 fh's i ITI) 6ril in.rrti.in, one il llai ; each ub-i n.erii.lU. IwTVfiy-nv,. rem. irT rhe advn-ti.ements ' Clerk. " Sheriff ill be e;rg"d 25 per cent. higher! and a de- ; duet' o'f.Vli per t ent will be made Irom 'he ril.r price, liir jdveniwt by the year, letter, lo the K'lilor mw.l be pc.l-psid. fmmmm aiaaaaaaaai . Slate of North Carolina. H'uke Count jy. Superior Court of Law. Spring Tcrm.j . ,l.w W.lliun Neiel.bora-P.ti. noii lor uivorcau k . oP,,.rndi.i, William Naiahbort, c.i.jmm ' .'i.l ..linn nl lh olthe Cuurt, I r...l and i,rnela.ali(.n liarin been n.aJc at , . uirn .. .. .eaim, anil, in name.ou n. Tll iloaae : door, l..r the party to appear Nea, in the tnoat agg.aeated fom.aof the diaeaae. i .Vr ne-cnliot of Aawrobla ii. cl. ! I "'"'"7 " b. it beea kaoarn to laiJ '''I. f and r...irt.liii i thriili,.-' or.le.ad effeeltng a tore. Many er reipeelabla per rarbl.ca.iHn be made l..r three n.o,,lh.. in .he ; bare borne .e.timony tc . .laelBeary, among ltesi..r-..d Mar. .w.v.,ra pr.nl ; ' A. P.ni.li. of .i.e M fc, L l iiv of Katewh. th.iu.ik.a the awd Wit- U.urh,a..d Kd.ior of the Conle.enre Journal. !.Tewl.bnea a..tar at ll.e iwat Term of aai-l I ". trom l.i. o experience, coofidenlly re. f...Jj.'l,wlv i.l September next, wnd pl.ail. an "'. : . . t. . l. ...... ....... i he belU ail H.e orat .nunu .j . - .Wmi.r to ll.e Plaint.ff'a beliiton, it ill be fcrtird er parter andj4gnwnr. er;iea ei.u-r- j (Pri.e adv. $7 5U) 35 Juj C?n-Ki,r ; State of North Carolina! N.VSII Coi'N'l Y. In Equity Mirch Term, 18.38. Cluriiy l-oiim., ' - - - :-"" D.fid Colli". .""I Petkioi -lor dieoree and Alimony. llrnnel tlollm. .... .1,- ...f.lni I lav id Colli.ta. i. not an in ll aopeMi'ine; lo lli tatl.txeiimi ol the Court, -habitant ol il.i. Stale, it tl.trelore orttera.1 hy the Court that p.ii.Mrauon ... ... Scr -and Uoan. ke A.Nt.ea.e I. .r three month., iih leave 10 take te.rimony ; and 11 1. ordered by ; ,he Court tl Iveitiwroent t lurlher "',e. that nte I'll at il.elt ren.dence ot the del. hd- ! ant Dirid Collio.. be .uHicei.1 notice a. to him of, i.kine deiio.it ir n. 3.1. JNO.H lilt A KB. Jr V,. M. K. LUMBUK TOIt SALK.- The Siiberib-r bat now on tiKnit, at h' Mill., (late lllake'.) 17 mile. Ea.t of Raleigh, 100,000 feel of choice Lumber, of ery desc. ipiion, lawril out of Long laf Pi".e, ihe peculiar ex aelleoee nt which i. 100 well known lo need any pi.T. Penon. .U kiring lo porehaae will pirate make .pplieaimn lo Mr. iiiwm t ee, luieigH, 1 orin Henry Hoito.., at the Mill. 1 IV price al the Mill, will he prrhtlt)dred( bm, if. Iarj .iantit) be Bougut, even ie. lliaH tint will bu tua.ni. PETER FOSTER. Wakeeo., May 2t, 1838 tt If CommUsion Business AT HE2JDBRSOIT. arw awVarrttirr baring peraiananlly loaated al Hmderton Depot, on the Raleigh and (jetton R.ilrnad, two mile. MUth of Chalk Lel, will tirnd to the receiving, forwarding, and wlling II kind, of produce Ihat may be eornigned to Inm, and will iay for Ihe produce that may be catrotleu to hi. care, at hia office at Henderaon, ai uinn a. a return can he U 'd or-u dl make liberal advaneea nn i . reception when required, lie will al.n attend io ll.e forwarding of nier rliamhie that may UfaKe the Railroad at Hen derwin. r'rom hi. exirn.ice arri.ainlaner in both ihe emiuiry and Vorlhern market., he Bailer, him. rli ihat hiaad aul age. in bu.iue.a will not he tr.nirended. III. pariicular and undivided at. tculHiu 'iuay be relied on. D. E. YOUNG. r.Trrxw Mjoan, llillaboro. BrffrrnfaJJ.Hien. I SMITH. Milton. y (STtnn M. Dit'K.x, Roxboro. Henderson, f.ranville Co. N.'C. July 26. 1838. 38 II Ttlrisli RegiUer till forbid. l E. Y. . , ADVE!RTISIV3E3T. The iiop.iaaibil.iy ot et.rryi.tg on ihe Walrh man ai il ought to he con.locud while abwnt on eolleciing rxprditiom, and ll.e imnon.ibiliiy of lw;er doing without the large amonnt doe me fir .ii year, nf labor, have !eermincd me to "ell lh- raiahlialiment at the end of the preient Tear The auh.ci iplinn list ii ehnvt 800, and o the Inerea.e, TmriThe (t n. iniing and adver " li.in good for al Ivan trt hundred dollar, a year A genlemn of ulecla and a .mind whig .hall have the paper on th.nat liberal tern.. I ."W wilJl"K'j',Il',.! fointo any, juhsr ier-.l v.ce. An eariy application n reque.ted. I. C. JONES, d. bt Pronrieior. JotT.1838. S8 he greu popular nv and e.labluhed demand lr Ihn valuabla meriic.m. render, the eontin o.tioiiof, lengthy adverti.ement unuece.aary. nnaternus te.l.monial. of ibeir value (latrlv re sciva.ll from genilcn.en or ihe highe.t re.peeta 'my, in addition to tho accompanying each x. sy be aeen on application lo any of Ike iP.-l p'" ,re Pul ul ' a-soperinr Ml le. n tin bn., containing 0 pill., wdh lull diree- ' ' Pr o- To agent, nr parcijaajr, ihatrnitnf aomnil..iji and d .count reliberal All communication, w ill be piompt f rtteoded in, by 1 ' THUMAS L JUMP. r.enT Agent ItT ilBioe, Morgan St. Raleigh. Ul door weal lh Prashytariaa Chmeh ALUABI.E LAND FOR SALE wViiwlB RALEIGH. ?Sa. The onder.igned offer, for sale a vary valuable tract nf land, lying five aides we.l ol Raleigh, containing about SOU eras, ihe greater part of which WTwJ is aneirarefl, well tintbered. well watered, and a portion of rf,T-. il a dwelling and other bnild. 1 bl'I ,rmlt essellew water convenient, fc remarkably healthy and beauli- '.sad would make a very drniwj.le rewdaoea A h !,,,i,,f " toests wear the Cily. tJTi is deemed wqoeeeraary. a. If 1.'". tA buH" saay ba bad. " r7 spplieatioa ba nadr. - ...JASE WILLIAMS. ".Sapt. 94, 1831 - 40U M tAMl In UH .lila inmwtm ... .1. Wmm I "WI LLIA !H'NEAL A CO. siJiA-ur.iCTUHEUS Of 1TO. 27. North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, back of Merchants' Hotel The rr.l eatabliihraenl in the ;ily derotad eji chiuvvljt to 1 1, it buaimit. COl'M'UV Merelranli are mni.lied at Man- breaking to anv uart of the Union, whl.out ej-l ? ? ?" " " " ,h ' trathaine ' lot 50 likely ne;rie, coimt'mg of ntrn, vonien, I !.,: wlm ma, hn.e order. fo.-U.Tf GU...I f'"!Jm!- , "T""- rt e-by 'rr r"0" i -V:oNrrr;n muU.tHnde.preuh 6TiIm Jl,aW. ,uu ,he "?!, 1,h1e ""l'' MonhaMaahrnddgiw ll.rir or" I. r Uik- !"" of orlable dl Img h..n, ...h .!..h . .he fim thing on UeT.t" J. to en- e,Rh' V""" . "T'' "0? :! .u, e tl... wll liui u 8 ' , hwt. '! H oilier ueeeawry out boild- September 1, IS3S io 9w MfiTJ'v-AA u . ; 1 " ww i lJ be land will be dmded uh a iew ol aoit- W. W. PIAUSIIALIa'S . 7 - a --!. " rem :jr iiai been tt-erral. befiMre I ha publist it Hue and etlicacy - 1 BLa, Asin irrir.iKXT itumtDT. It ti. ha had aite Store ol It. TUCKER. Agent, Raleigh, K - lierommen lti by the Medtcul F'tculty. ! Doctors Huri-eire Mcdiciix-iiu i.t. rut'.tti jixn-MLuous ro.uro 1'II.LH. Tl.c.e pill, .upply the plate of calomel ami are a ccruln cure lor all di.ea.va of ll.e l';r. the different varielie. of feier, all chronit. aO'ee lioi.i, and eaery oilier injlady reipiirmg a cali.ai lis or hi isk operation and ll.e .id d aileraUa: liicditlii.e. 8d. TUEtR .1j'V10IS1'KI'TIC SLIP . t'Eltr ELM J'lLLS. The.e pill, are a .are and eeriaio remedy for tidi?eatiou They gent It open and eivn at. engih , , UlK hoel, rewo.-e the appetite by imparling ,lle , ,,,e .(omacl.; ami by llie.r timely n.e e- riiu, are pr. . ..t. d. I hey are a tine ,jlllier (1 lm ,re hival.iable in (li'uaai. pr-cu- ,r tt. female, and children. 1 he 10. ,iv,,r,io.i. are now palroniied by ltle proleuion and other, of the h.ghem itapee- t.-.bilnr, and are gimg d-ilv prool. nt ihe.r au periur inlrm.io v.riuea. Thru; eoi.Mderalion., loerelore, gi.etl.em a claim 10 the co.ilidei.ee be patronage ol the public and phyiei:ntgeuerMlly . The re.pectat.ie cerlibcMie. of ibe tolloa.nj; gentlenieii are given a. te.timonial. in Ibeir tavur I'avpiutank eouulv, N. C 1837. To all whom it o.ay concern. Tin. i. to cer tify, that I have wilnea.ed the mmt .Hliitaiyei- lect. produced hy A. bt J. Harrell'. Auti-U. .,ri0 Slipper? Kirn 1'illa, e.pe:iall) in dpspep na, and that w.lhout pain or umaiiiii..) and lo , (,e,.e i rworpin. I)d them (otlic public at M nemn(.n4r plea.ai.1 and utelal medi.ina In tektunony ot Ihat auiiRdeoce, ger.tlemt'n, 1 with yon to forward me a thou.and lorthwith. Ucpeci fully, y - THOS, MITCHELL. M. I). From llnraiio N. William., Ju.tica of the Feaaet Ertixabeth City, N. C. 1838 Doctort .1, if J Hun-ell: I have the pad Tear made Irenoent ue of your, Ami.Uy.peptia 1 slippery Elm Pill., and find them a moat vaiua-1 ble medicine: ibey produce the moll benehetat etteeia on ray .yitem, whenever I bare had occa ion to uh litem. Ue.pectlully, IiOltATIO N. WILLIAMS. Krom fl.e Rev. J.inea A . Itiihlick, Itinerant El der of tbe Mellioiliit Epiacnpal Church. Elixabeth C.iy, N. C. 183S. In ten if) nig to the virtue, ol Doctor A at J. Harrell'. AntnUytprp, ie Slippery Elm Pilla, I leel free to aay, Ihat 1 have u.ed tl.icm in aete.al ii.aUi.ce. with con.ideiable benefit. They ope rate pleaaai.lly without DauK-alMig ihe .tomacll, aud in my owueaf, Ibey have been rnlirely uc- ee.iui ... remormg ll.e .ymp oiu. ... u, .pep.... I regard liww uill. an .Mii.nl iiu-.linii... u I should be kept in ll.e house of every family. Ke.pectlully, j AMES A. MIDD1CK. i ; F;om Mr. Charles Marred, a respeelabk Mer - . . .. ii ' .7 .h-. i J.',-.. (icntlemen 1 hi I. to ce.iilv, that I believe your Anti-Billinu. Tomato Pills 10 be a g .od and genuine m.dicine, and that they con-am all ilie q lalitiet tor which they are recommended. ... . ' .. . ... I ll.aa.aa aioaaal lko aa. ana faaafn.lsr in 4Wll'all atalftta. .ml .I.e. .....Aal .fr.nn.l iaarrfl itlfStm. Yuurs, tea, CHAS. IIAitHELU j From a re.reetable cuixen ol Painnoiaok co. t.eialeu.en - I hi. i. lo eertdy to 'j ment ol the long, their u.e ... .Mended wnli i the moat .al.Hry.e.ul.a llH-ynperat.dpron.pt- ly yet .. I, peculiar n.ddt.cM, reducing lever and .i... u ..... l ' .. . .i.., .no.i.i.i maiii-ia. I iiu.ik ii.-in . aonerior med.cue and recommend il.em without heutation tu public uo- tice aud patronage. JOS1 All PRlVCHARU,. From Mr. -CKarTi-s llnght, larmer, Paniuotsi.k county, N- C-., 1838. To all whom it may concern. -Thi. i. lo cer tify that I have taken Doctor. A. k J. Harrell'. Auu-iiiliou. I oinalo Pill. will, great benefit. I have been alwi). tubjeat to aiek headache and have found but little relief by Ibe remedies 1 have retorted lo By the uae of your pdl, how. ever, I have reined much advantage, and 1 think by their further use thai 1 .ball be perma nently cured. They merit universal confidence. Re.pecllolly, CHA9. HltlGHT. Prepsred in Elixabeth City, N. U. by the pro- nrietsi. and orinriHllv transported lino. N to.k, Vil gioia For .ale at ihe l)ill Store of Win. Itl. niimou & Co. July 15. 1838. So Wli!SiW ' nnlcizb and Columbia Kail ICoael Company A raffieientHHtmber of shares nf the Cwprhrp -ttirrplptits its retiAiiJiyjLXgOO dJs, Stock of the luieigh and Columbia Rail Rued will be visible in the ensuing autumn. en th.1 a geoaral meeting ol Ihe alockhol.ler. of 0 "It nearest Ihe sun, nn the 15th mmI Company will ba held at lha office- of ihe December, and about the same period Raleigh and Ga.loo Rail Road Company, ia the :f ,jii .. ,,.,. ih. earth It ia City hi Raleigh, oa the first Mo..d, ei sioTem- will also be nearest tne eariu. is, bar orxt, for ibe purpose of electing a President J Monsieur AragO, vast nebulosi and Director, ni Mid Contpanv. yt 64,000 times larger in volutneJhan tnee.rtl., yet ouch i. tho tntr,of ito Titos P.DEVEHKUX, at tubstance, than ib 4793 Sir. William CHARLES MANLY, Ualaiah. CEti. W. MORDUCAIJ Baleigh. Oct 1, 1831 43 tw Urgiater iaaert two vteks. IMPORTANT S 4 I.E. Oa Monday, I he IU(h of Dec gm, the tub criber, aa.Eeeiitor of Ransom Hinton, dee'd, will tell at p.obtra aue'.ioa, m in. late reaidenee of the dee'd, 10 unlet ouili at Raleigh, all his erop nf eonnn, corn, fodder, and oat. Farming uteu.il., (via. a superior new waggon, earte, plough., blacksmith loalt, cotton gin, thrr.her, wheat fun, ha. Alio all the Mock ol horses, mules, cattle and hog., houtehuld aud kitchen lurniture , in nutchaaei a. 4- TEAMS ti.. ..:.i.i.i :n k. ..... . .,,;, ', -.,. '. . . n, I two, and three year., with interval irom the day 01 aaie. Hnnd and approred aecurity will be required for the purchase in'ii.ej, hvtora lha title vf tl.a properly ia changed. C. I.. HIXTGN, Ka.eutor. Wake eounty, Oct. 7, I o ii if COillUITTED, To the Jail of Hertford counly,! negro man, whu call. hi. name JO,...d ;.y.U belong, tt Ben-j.e jamin Hoy t. ol South Crohn., 44 "MSU"1',M'1 br "id "! a Mr. t.itchii.t, who puichaied l.im of John Skinner Said ne- cro .. ahmu ii ftet l.iaU. i.t ilaik ...mple.ion, and v. he U r.Hy-f..e yra. . f age tollini lailiesrwhil hold Ml. S;R .ur I he owner .. rrn.11e.tru to come 1 01 aid, proe ? . , 1 . " . pr .rly. pay thiigr., and take him away, or lie Hey IU high t'Steeni) Were to Mlltt. will be dealt with a.iba law dirccla. ; (J jr solicilUll ffiLiU-IU keepinje Vt itll till Female Infiuenrt Whoever has the wo- men ts sure ol tne mm ,ou may a, squlrr; fipofily op BecreUV, directly 01 nidi. n'ctly, thl-y do contrive, somehow, or tnoth.' rr, to have tlifir own way in the end; and tliomrli the men nave tne reins, tue women . .. . ... . tell 'em which way to tltive. Now, if evrr you jjo for t' cauvusa for votes, always can vass the wives, and you. are sure ol the hua. hands. The following is the best definition of a loafer we have yet seen: A person who beffsall the tobareo he uses knows more people than is ac4uaiuU with him, when he ineets.-thrm in a coffi- lionse often tonkin;; at his borrowed watch wairn tjsee the time and takes tl six hi filths, aud then tramps txsee the time and takes the panerabout lJwnUurV..?uw w...Uk...u the dough up to his elbows, and a flea in the tn rt,Tu A pedamiettffirrantareudeavored lo imitate the superior writing of Ur. Johnson, aud had even considered himself in some gperta his equal, one day said to the doctor. What do you suppose Ihe world thinks of "."ny, says ll.e aoctor, -i auppoae hey l,""k meal.ull-dog, and you a tin ket- tie tied tomy tajl. A lady was asked at the Sprinjrs during tho present season, ' how she liked Crabbe's Tales.' ' I never knew that crabs had tails,' she replied, with a look of grave and innocent wonder. Was this the same young lady who, when asked how she liked the ye' of a certain novel replied, why, la! I don'i know; 1 hav'nt got that far yet"! j "Ge ahead." The last Picayuneays that a "most astonishing circumstance is said to have occurred yesterday at the Levee. A , . . : ()( . steamboat, which was just i ... - putting out, thousrht he would first try sonts oysters that were lying handy. In the con 'fusion and hurry of the moment, he mistook the one fur the other swallowed lus stoam- .j,oat lt and jumping upon tho heap of oysters,. it out "fio ahead. He never knew the difference till he felt the engine commencing , o . . o. 1 movements. ( j & A t jK gi!cn(.c. you can. 1 . . . , , . . ." f, not tniu nlinnt it ana knpn It. It is Hue mu tu,g. Jlliu Me knOW there 1 anrCOTl ceated,itis half discovered. 'My dear Mur- nhv.' said an Irishman to his friend, wliy j: f itbtrav ihn aprrrt I told vout 'la it J,f tnyJnc-y(.) rail itt .Surr, iilu- lilnd- well to tell it to somebody that couldl ; gaiJ to be a Voungster in Ken-' ' "ere l lo " " ' ' . ' turkv who can crfo up the sun several hours . before the usual tun.-. In lact, cockcrow- , jug has been entirely dispensed with in hia neighborhood. No chirken of manners will ! -attempt -to intitatetrn; hit marr;- - A boy asked" Dr. Iturgrss the pieacher, if. he would have a light? 'No child,' said tho : doctor, ' I am one of the lights of the world.' I 1 wish then,' replied the boy, you waro ' hung up at the end of our alley, lor it is a ' darn'd dark one. j .fnrruVife f Dr. Ruth art prtarhing. I The Doctor once informed me that when ha was a young tnan, ha had haen invited on soma orcaaion to dine in company with Robert Mor ris, aw, a man celebrated for lha part he took jn ,jle American Revolution. It so happened that iKecon.pany hsd wailed for some lime for Mr.' Morris, wha on hi .pparance,apologiird for detaining them, by saying that ha had been engsged in reading a aermnnof a clergyman who had juat gone to Englsnd to receive order.. "Wcli Mr. Morris," sd lha Poclor -bow di J you like tbe sermon! I bave heard it ex tolled." "Why Doctor," ssid be, -I did nut like it at sIL It U too amnoth sod tsme for me." "Mr Morris,"-replied lbs doctor, "wb.t sort of a sermon do you like!" "I like, sir," replied Mm Morris, "that preaching which drive, a man up in lha corner of a pew, and makes him think Ibe devil ie after biiu." Entkee' Comet. Thiroemet. which Herschel was able to iliscern throuzh its mass a star ol the twentieth magni. tatle, From the Richmond Compiler. WASTED SYMPATHY -HR the letter below from Mr. ChatUt Sigoarnejr, of Hurll'urd, it appear that a guodty amount of vniathy has been fiirJr thrown awajf, relative to tlte 8alet of the beautiful seat lately ownetl bv that gentleman, and particularly on ac- j count of his estimable anil gilU'il wife. Wltile, however, we are sincerely grt- ifie4 at the comfort- competence anil; happine$ the writrr -aniiounC',s to ' iii the pte44ii.n of l.im an 4 Ins, we, aie not A'ell iUae4 vvitlt the lunguame j ami ttwie in wli ch he ha tumipuiiicutL'd the l.ict to the ial)'ic. lie has sUhwim much crjbufuiiej-s where he xhnultl liavir j been kliitl an.l courleou": for wlut In-; is so crip about, v.uin;ihiiix in . re thuu a Hpiiil of vin).i'hy, i.ndut.'. tlunu-h an lltlurIKe til cilcUlllalalK e CtmiK-C tetl wiih the sale ol resilience. Thi spirit v comutenJable. anJ ron feretl any tiling but flisiionur upon tloe in wlioei? behittf it was enlisletl. Wr were ntar etite-riti heart ami hatt.l init. ll.'m leeliiif. nnnunted bv the -nu 'ii'- tionsof a liinhlv litenrv uml tulentml , ,,f ji., iAl t.. ..ther with , .' r .? -,f interesting notices t.f Mr. lUts. A plan liatl been concortrtl bv US f.ir rai.ini: a contribution in thin' city t . ' nil lo reatoring the beautilul resi.tencf to its former oct'Uualltit. ill which ourin- maybea'ul anil Iwa ie.er lxhlf. IM.4r aittf.liina.ikl sttitkllljl ItAVrf hi-Ik' i Vf - f , , . e . brance by Mr. biijourney. Instead of this hU indulgence ol l a feeling border- in? on intii.ruaiioii, is loipioner .nu ' " . .... . . . , ra . warranted Ihe uointetl rebuke ol .Mi' Willis for his disinterested part, 'will meet little approbation, anil betrays a bad temper. In l!.e words of the New York Com mercial Advertiser, "dear however, wa ii,a retreat to the trifled lad who lias , aweetlv sunz beneath it svlvan shades. And that it was so, we have ... . r..' i..i t. " .. .ir toe pohtttve evtuei -.e . c, ... who touched Iter harp slain nn theoc- ....inn nf h.r rdiiiiiVAl ai will Kr .ain b h folUwing beautiful lines." .J. . . , ,. . .m-,,:..i They were furnished ihe Commercial in anticipation. b the Editors of the - fyfmtie Reie"w. FARBttJtU. TO A RURAL RESIDENCE- ' BTMUS V. M. ItOOUSHlT How beautiful it atands, DehinJ ils el in tree's screen, Wilb pure and sine comics crowned. All graceful and aerene. Moat .west, yet sad, it is. Upon yon scene to gaxe. And list it. inborn melody, Tbe voice of other days. For there; s. many a year I la varied chart unrolled, I h.d me ia thoae quiet .had.., And called tbe joy a of old. I called them, and t'aey mine, Where vernal buua appeared. Or where III vine-clad auuimer bower Its temple roof upreareJ. Or where the o-er arching grove rtpreed forth its copae green, While eye bright and aaclcim reared Their untrained atalka between And tbe aquirrel from tho bouh Its -brokrii nuta let fall, ' And the merry, merry litllo birds. Sang at hi. Iratival. Yon old foruken neat., Returning aprmg ahsll chesr, And thence the uutledged ruhiu send -lira greeting Wrld and clear, . And from yon clustering vine, That wrcaih. the easement round, The humming bird's unrealiug wing JgejtWJLBlilia And where tllrrnnte epmigs The lilac's purple spire, Fst by il snowy aiater's aide, Or where, with wing, of lire, Tho kingly oriole gluncing went Amid the fuhage rare, Shall many a gr .up of children tread Hut mine will not be there. Fain would 1 know what forms Tho msxtrry here shall keep: What mother in nry nursery fair Rock her young babes to .Icep; Yet bleaainga on the hallowed spot. ' Though here no mure 1 atrsy. And bleaaings on the strsnger babes Who in tboae balls shall plsy. Heaven blea. you too, my plants, And every parent bird, That hare, among the nested boughs, Above its young hath stirsd, I kiss your trunks, ys ancient tress, That often o'er my hraj Tbe blossoms of your flowery spring In fragrant showers have shed. Tbou too, of changeful mood, I thank the Bounding atresia. That blent thine echo with mf thought. Or woke ray musing dream, I kneel upon Ibe verdant tuif. For sure my thsnks are'Jue, To mocMup, and to clover leaf, "Thai g.' me draughts of dsw. To each perrenoiel flower, Old tenants nf the .pot. ' The broad leaf lily of the vsls. And the meek forget me-no To every daisy's dappled brow To sery violet blue, ' ' Thsnks! thanks! rnay each returning year Your changeless bloom renew. Praise to oar Father Odd High praise in solemn lay Alike for what hie bend bath given. And what it takes away And te soma other loving heart May all this beauty he Tbt dear retreat, the Eden-boms, It long bath been to soe lABTtoas, ConoH Thursday, June 21st, 1838. From the New York Mi Te N. P. Wuiu, Ese-Dear Sir A friend has pointed out to me an article, in a JsteiXeai'k-oti.ror," from yoaf pen, lo re cogniae which has -usually alTorded me plraaure,, in which my name ia used, and the circumstan ces of my family adverted to. in a maimer which not being true, em hardly lie agreeable. Un luckily lor me, it has been aomerrhat e fashion of lata with eome gentlemen of ihe quill, whose chief ambition it ia to pen a pungent paragraph, no lo'ilier whether true or notrTJITjriii.h the empty bead something In wonder at, and whoae wit rui.a ahead ol their judgment, to make fre quent allusions to me and my family, in con neciiii.i wli'i lae tale of a err ain cslalo in this plaeo, wliiet. I loru.erlv oui.ed l h.)- kitt.l gentUinen. thetrfore, who, with frivtidly iiii..itini.sliut injudicious real, aeein In bemoan this cai:tatni tie. (a. if all the ii.uara, were to iuf turtle. I out of door a, to pcri'h ' for waul.) un event tl.ey nri'ht have known years since, ha I they pleaaed, are now moat rr.pect fully" informed they nee. I give thrmarlte no further uiicuinrsa about my all .lira, or llioae of my faui.lv ; thnl t was not mvnia helore tl.i'V sta led It. I wsa dead and buried, but th.it bv Ilia fa vor of Providence, lnmst.il ami.:r the living; that my wile and eliililron are not quit., yrt, c.ndlil ilea for the alma lioilat", hut llint, on the Contrary ' although hatdly as rich, we fe. I about a. iudepei.il.'iil .a old Mr. Aalur, and feel e have a n'.i to. iua.mtu li n we have i. gikklly share ol the gol thiols of nn an.pli' ability lo fulfil all our oliiinti (us, and that we have real ly, aa lillle liee.l of llit'ir awiatauce aa we h ve rliiim on their symp.illiy And until this need come, which I humbly trust ia, in the good Providence of (i..d, not to nvrre, I pray tlicin lo forliear their kind hearted notice of my dceaao, and the implied iiMolvenry of mv Male, of the distresses nf lha widourd and falUerlei, and nil i he other pity moving incident, so ulieu ucd tip, of the poor aiek widow an I teiiliitlecl.il- ken, ctying lr bread; and lo stop, ulo, the raeJung L- tlwir-oWtHg- hrwrna,------irrrrntinv 1 acheines for our relief wli cli amusing labjea are 1 not simply the tajimt fem of the- wriiera.'but absoUili ly wholesale drafts of ll.rn ignnrnnre on their imagination, and en titled to about a. much credence as we are aecuatnincd lo yield to Ihe surpiiaii.g adventures ol'Uarou MuncUauaen. And I hes leave, inv dear sir, m conclusion. in add the fact, in order to convince you how hole the muses are likely to suffer on this occa sion, or to appeal to the chivalry of this steam boat and railroad generation, that Mra.3., un like Johnson, and Savage, (Ho ay, and Chatter ton, and a host of the Isat century poets, is in the enjoyment of an Income, which the tvhole tenantry ol (irub-.treet might envy, and which I believe to I. greater than falls to the lot of a Isrge proportion of the reverend and resiectrthle clergy of this slate, .it being the lair ievrd of her valued literary lalx re. I am, very re pcctfully And truly, vuure. ' O. JHIUOURNCY. HiSTVoan, Conn., Sep. 1?, 1838. GKNlUrt! BT OUVILLK pr.WKT. " What thoujrh the inijrht of -renius appear in one-decisive blow, miuck in sutne niomeiit l high tlehate, or at the crisis of a nation's peril? Ihat mighty energy, though il may have heaved in the breast uf a Demosthenes, was once a feeble mlanl tlniujrlitj mother's eye watched over ils dawning; a lather's care guanl. il Us ear.y grtiwlli. It soon trotl with youthful step the hails of learning, and fouutl others to waltli and tu wake fur it, even a it finds them lien-i dt went onjbut silence was upon its path, and the deep ti uliti",. uf the inuai'd soul marked ils progivKs, ami the chei tailing powers nf nature silenlly ministered lo it The clement around breathed upon it. and " touched it to finer issues." The golden rsy ul hea ven fell upon it, ami ripened its ewp.ui- ding faculties. The slow revolutions o(year slowly added to its rol let-led treaHurcs ami energies; itU in us hour of glorv, i' sin itl forth embndietl in tin, loriii of living, rummandiiif;, trn sistible eloquence! The world wonders nt the inatnfettaiion, ami says,"' Strange! that -it -s.hj.nl Id come thus -ttoamtghVun -piemcditnted IJttt the truth is, there is no more a miracle in it, than there U in the towering pre-eminent forest tree, irresistible river, nr in the wealth and the waving of the boundless harvest Fathers and guaid'uvua of uur yuutli fut learning b lind it here the grin of all that glorious power, in the strong and generous and manly spirits of thr rising youth around you j and nsy. il you would relinquish an office, so honoured, anil so to be rewarded, for the sceptre ot any dominion, loutlilul aspirants aHer intellectual eminence ! lorget forget, furget. I entreat you, banish. banish forever the weak and senseless ides, that any thing will - aerie your purpose but study intense, unweari ed, absorbing; study. Jlitimi atsiJua tt vehement oeeupatiol From the National Intelligencer. MR. O'CONNELIa AND MR, STE VENSON. Having published the Correspon der.ee between Mr. Stevenson anil Mr. O'Connell, we think it proper to give so much of a psblic rejoinder of the latter as relates to the matter in in dispute between him and Mr. S hat ot it winch we omit, comprising nearly a moiety of the address, Con sists of a tissue of unfounded imputa tions and insulting retleciiona on Ihe slaveholding part of our country, which we do not leel ca led upon to give currency to. ', To the Editor of the Morning Chron icle. Sta: After my departure from Lon don you published, at tho instance of Mr. Stevenson, the American Ambas sador, a species, of ajmost one-sided correspondence which took : place be tween us. 4 1 have been prevented by other more important matters from .... . r ... : sooner maamga lew uusci vauune ujn.ii Uiatpublicationand now aiyuii javo it circulatior I think I may rt-Ty upT on vuur courtesy tu insert mv re. mailts. 1 . ... " In ihe first place, there had appear ed in the F..Hininer a report i.f a pi'.. h of mine at ihe Great Herming h mi im-etiug on the first of August, winch contain.-.! the following para graph; "I believe their very Ami .major hers ia a slave breeder, our of Ihoae being, who rear up alaves for ihe purp of iralfic. la it poaaihla hat Aiiicrira would seud here a man who liaf firs in I'IiumI. and who i a ilisraee to human nature! Ao)"e Ihe us aeW.sn. it untrue, but tt i right It tpeuk tut." Iii Hie tie x t place Mr. Stevenson, on the Ol h of August, wrote to me a l.-i'er, i on i u i i tijr pnej t.f the-ab.ise piraitapht that is he oihiitcd ihe vt..nli which I l-,a,ve put in ital.es, and hich uiauifehtly sliow that thfc rrnit could iii.i.be iicCUr .!, s tticsst wonls made it involve a direct coiiliudit tion. And thus, having at. erlnincd that the i epoi t could lint be correct, he, with Hie gravity nt a dipiolttalist. put to ilii1 ihe single question. 7.. whether the report was correct or not? it being thus impossible that he should get any oth er reply to that quii-tion that, that ihn rcpoit was cnriect, Ofcuiiise I answered Iii question accordingly, namely, that the report was not conect; bui I referred express ly in my reply to another repot t if the speech in m.y p.etiion, iin;iinitig IhTttliij ; wTrtitd, """uYtih'ucUT"ciTM-ent:'e,' call for the atcurate version. Thus far it is quite clear that no a- pnl.tgy had bv-en required or made I am mi duellist, ami should, therefore, if asked, have stated what I really did siv, abiding by it tml. as far us it was true, unit almndnuing it in any particu lar in which it might appear that 1 was mistaken. Hut as I innde Mr. Stevenson not polony, l-.e determined on making tins to himself, and accordingly he wroie a second Idler, and init presumed that I had made a disavowal of oOeiisive ex pressions. Now, this wsa'eithelr fan cy or diplomacy. I care not which; but it was as geatuitou a presumption up on his part na the reality would have been unnecessary upon mine. However, us my Speech did contain an impm-int l passage respecting the horrid traffic, winch is asserled, fl hope must untruly) MtvSlevenson par licipntes in. I will state the paragraph as it waj nciu tHy reported in the E mancipation newspaper. I do this the rather to afford Mr. Stevenson, whu seems so ansious about offensive words, an opportunity of ilisa.uvving, if he pleases, a thing most offensive in the night nf man and in the presence of God. ; j- The real paragraph is this: ', V It is s-scrted that their- very Amhsaesdor bare la s slave-breeder; one of llioae beings wbo irar and breed up slaves nirrety for the piirpose of irnflic. I. il possible Ih.l America wnulj send a man here who traffic, in blood, and who, if ha do.w tuld I a d.sjracs In human nalurel I ho the awrrtiou ia untrue; but il ie right to speak out." e a a e My sole object in my speech at Ber minghain, and. my present object, is, to rouse the attention to England and of Europe to all that is cruel, criminal, and in every sense of the - word f infa mous, in the system of negro slavery in North America. My drlihcrate c o n v ic tiott is t ha tj u n ti I i i h a t y s t e tu i s ab dis'te l. no. American slave holder ought tube received un a looting i.f e quality bv any ol the civilized , inhabi tant, ni r.unine. 1 htve the hoimr lo be, stji, r Your obedient servant1..1 DANIEL OTONNEl.L.. Darrynant Mbey Srpt. 11, 1830, We are ilecitled ailmircrsof leanness. Our greatest characters are usually lit tle, attenuated in n; stoma. hlrss. mea gre, lean and lath-like beings, who have tpiriiuali7.c.l themselves ty keep ing iiiaftcr in duo- subordiiiation to uiind. A corpulent iniellectuatmt is a contradiction in terms a palpable catecresis. One might s well talk nf a pot jii'llied spirit. Obesity is a deadly foe to genius'; to carneuosuud unwiel dy bodies, the spirit is ike a little gtitl. geon in a large frying pan of fat, which is cither totally absorbed, or tastes of nothing but the lard. Newark Daily iJeertiser. f Not so. We take op the cudgels in behalf f ihe fat men. Whingivu Irving, though not eiactly uf the r Fal staffk di.ey, has a comfm table roittn dity nf stnmach) Ilumbohlt ihe ' travel. Irr, is decidedly laif Uosini, the great composer, is very fai; Theodore I look, the wit, is very decidedly corpulent; John Quiticy Adams is any , thing but meagre and lath-like) Daniel Y bter will pass Very well fori stout manj, Bo- E arte was more like a barrel than ft ean-pole; Walter kcott had very res. pectable corporation! and it is iiotoii- out that the greatest alderman are al way ihe fattest. ' i. J . Com. Pen. Wathmzton't. Administration- A generation has oissetl awar since VVasington c osed his political . ne and when we now review all the acta ol hit administration, the ineaa urea which ht adopted, the principles ts1 1