Vich be avowed, and the resolution - pi which he acted, to make. the pat rouge and officer subservient to the interests of the whole country, and not t. surrnuer mem 10 me uie " and govelling and corrupting influ nees of parly ."when we review thee lhiD74. we cannot but confess our selves struck with a xevereatial JiVke. t hit transceudent purity and greatness. . .. t 1 - There was a pure atmosphere, Ihen, in the regions f the halls and official residence. f the government. Meo breathed freely then, and thought and acted as freeisen, who held their liberties in their own In ntl, and nut at the mere of rulers: and the first at temt t trample upon ill m, would have U'ight Hie usurpers the lesson .'alio would be fiee, themselves must atrike the blow." Let the young men of the present day read the hitry of the administration of Wash ingion, so forcibly and so truly wiit Jen out in thv page of Marshall. It -will purify th"m from a. thousand, ajiiP generalities. It will recall them ia the sr-eat nriiicji.Ka on which the govewii-nt was originally framed.' It will teach tWem the titer wort'.iless vtn f all m -re political theories, and the Livalua'de authority of esp-rit-n :e. It will teach them tlufno Republic ran tie well or wisely governed, except by m;n of high i'iteilcc, and r'cmiipre henrve knowledge, incorrup ible in tegrity, and disinterested patriotism. It -will teach them that the demagogue m the worst en -uiy of the people, as Id Lindred character, the courtier, is th worst eneniv of the muaarch. 4' vi 1 teach them that the truest com s - of ambition is to found its favor tnd it Jionnrs not upon the huzzas of the tnul-Jtitule.livit-Up.o.u the solemn jU.ncnls .oft'ie wise and good, up-ti that distant pruie whose voice spe.iks from the hearts of millions'aiid gives back Irom the tomb the deep echoes of its own thinkf!nes." X. Y. Jlcview. rVom tha MillJgville JoUrait. We hear a great deal of the propo sed divorce of (he Executive, arid moo ted power. Now if by divorce, thes r astute politicians mean a separation we understand the phrase. The ac tion and profession do not square with each other. The President possesses the Kxtcuiioe powtr, no one will de ny. They propose to invest Ik Pre sident with the power to appoint mm to all the offices. which they deign to xreateisu:cceive and keep the public revenue. If he can dUtaias from of fice the man who can dismiss the in irom office." he can control the revert. or. The Secretary of the' Treasury is to be invested with discretionary . authority to increase the bonds requir ed iecuj4t-jufllie. collectors of the revenue. The President can dismiss from office the secretary of the Treas ury. Gen. Jackson dismissed Mr. anconstitutional act. Now let us take a familiar case. Our friend and neighbor. John Smith, has been anearn estaod decidedjdherent of the Presi dent; he ia withal an honest nun? though a poor one. In consequence of his politics, he receives the appoint ment of Collector of the Custom for lh port of Savannah, and a bond ia, quired of him to tine amount of 820,000. lie executes the bond, and enters on the duties ol his office, in a short time it Is discovered that an impression is to be made on the people in his vicini ty. He ia directed by the Secretary (privately to act in a particular man rer towards tlie merchants having bu siness with him. To an admiuistra ion merchant, be indulgent and ac tommodating, to an opposition mer chant, barah and oppressive. He-remonstrates and declares he cannot do violence to tiia conscience, he must act -Impartially as art officer. Tb Secretary of the Treasury scruples to enforce the obedience of this honest Collector, but be it told by the President it must be dune: "if you will not do it. retire and 1 will find a mn w ho w-itl. Forthwith, the 3ee retary informs John Smith that his bund ia too small, he must increase it be mutt give bond in the sum of 8200, 000, and if he fails, sauat leave the of fleet he cannot give this enormous se- cunty, ana leaves me omce. Now here is a palpable case, where the President ran control the officers whe are to' receive and keep the public revenue! aud if there be any troth in lo gic, he must of course be able to con trol the public revenue itself. Then already possessing the Executive pow er, lie is enabled to direct in short, all offices invested with woney power! Vet thii oneration th Van Duren par ty call a DieorctWSeparaiionM a to tal DioorctlV. Do these impudent po litician aunpose there are no Diction aries to be had, that the thus attempt to swindle the country out of the mean in' of the English language?" Tbia common aense article advancea .ranilritiau. to which we have vaora ihan once adverted, and which it il chiefly wonderful baa net suggested itself to ery reflecting minu, v allude to the new taken of the "Div re While the Executive claim and eierciaea the power ol contreling k. A.rr.t.rv of the Treasurr and all the officer who may have the keeping of the public money, the contest ia. and must continue to be, merely, in which oocket the Preaident ahall keep ,t - V.:...l Vdita Vhthl VflU me ''"! . . . j hare the aeb-TreaaurT ayatera or a bank, ao long at thia power ia conced ed, the President, to all intenU ad purposes, has the motrey power in bis hands, aid no statutory provision esn wrest it from him. The Secretary of ib.iTreaajrjJ to the Jacksonian doenne, the officer of Congress, and amenable toitj but he ia the creature of the Executive, fboundtodo his bidding, and subject to removal, at a., moment a warning; with or without cause. This new cou- 4 struction of the constitution and usur pation of power, have abolished the old landmarks, and whatever system may be devised, the result is the same, the President i absolute-he has the Purse a well as the sword. In a contest involving ucti conse quences, where the imiif , whatever it bif, mmt be fatal to the pubiic liberty. we will Uke nopart. And e would psmestlv warn our fii nds and the country against the art of their com mon enemy. The guneof the Admin istration js tu mislead the people, and induce them to exh.imt thvir trengtli iri a fruitless itnijfgie; in whiih even victory will be to tliem f very little ii e -e benefit thin defeat. The Cur rency Question mar be decided this way or tint, and yet usurping Execu tive is unrestrained he tti!l retains the money power, and may-employ it to cm runt the people and subvert the Republic. 'The onlv remedy fur the evil i to eject corrupt rulers from office, and place once more the officer -ntruled with the custody of t lie public money under the immediate controul of t!ie representative of the peo.jik. To di minish the power aiMl-patronagc of the Execulivo, nil rpilirp That fuiic'iorary to obedience to the Constitution.. A!l other issues are immaterial and only designed to deceive the people. Itirji. Whig- COi'tN. The following is a part of an rpistle from Mr. (irant Thorliurn to the Edi tors of the New York Commercnl Ad vertiser. We copy it for the benefit ol our fancy "Corn Growers" doubt ing, however, whether much lias been gamed by these fancy seeds. 'Mr. JrffVrsoii says the man who makes three blades ol'gras grow where only one grew before, is more the friend of man than he who conquers kingdoms. I think if Mr. J. hid al ways preached such sound doctrine, he would h ive been the greatest philoso pher of the age. Seeing then, that this proposition nbnut the grass id a o'lf evident fact, what think yu s'lould be done to toe man who inak'-s three years of corn grow where only one grew before? Inasmuch a grass Icedslhe horse, and corn the man. Hut to come to the point at Once: Some three years ago a .merchant in New York, while emptying a box of tea, ; observed therein a few grains tif corn. Concluding that corn from China must be something new under our sun, he had them planted, so they grew and multiplied.' Last Sprijg 1 received from a worthy lriend,"a portion of said corn it's a new variety so I gave it the name of China's Fall Prolific, or corn; as It strikes oflf in two, three, snd frequently four branches, in appearance like a small tree, . and produces a year at the head of ejch branch, whereas the common rum shoots out the ear from the side of the J stalk) It grows from eight to ten leet high produces an abundance of fodder, is a large white flint twelve row corn, antl ears from -twelve to fourteen inch ches long. I counted six hundred and sixty grains on one ear; it was planted on the 10th of May, and had ears fit tobqil on the 10th of July, Its pro duce Mas much curtailed by the long drouth, but notwithstanding 1 counted two thousand one hundred and twenty crams, the product of one stalk; being an increase of twd thuu,-J sand Irom one. I heDutton ( which is an excellent corn planted on the same day, on the same field, and receiving the same quantity of manure, cross ploughing and hoeinj. did not produce one half. The patdf of about two bun- .Wred dills, VHnrxamined by manv respectab e farmers, who all pronounc ed it something new and something su perior. The corn may be had of O. ( Thor bun, New York, in,' a the store of Win. Thorburn in AlWfny", price 25 cents per ear; the nett profits to be -given to some of t e charitable institu tions in rew York and Albany. Now if there is a farmer between Maine and the Rocky Mountains who would rather pay 25 cents for two gills of b.andy, than to buy one ear of this corn, which will plant one hundred hills I say, if there is such a man, he ought to be fed on no-thing but su paun and buttermilk as long as his lit tle soul and big r areas will hang to gether. A atalk having the ears- on to show the manner of growth, may be aeen at the above stores. GRANT THORBUttN. " Hallett's Cove, Sept. 4, 1858. Maria Monk oyin. The editor of the New York Commercial Advertiser takes occasion in his last paper, to contradict unequivocally, a report which has been circulated in the inte rior of the State ol .New York, that he had been prosecuted for libelling Ma ria Monk, and compelled to pay heavy damages. While his hand is in, he concludes not to stop here, and goes on to show that even while carrying on her sanctified deceit she was playing the harlot, and Concludes in the (ol low ing strain! Butthtr is not a! I. We stated, more than a year Jgo, that we had been requested to prepare her manu script for the press, exposing her own imposture, and the conduct of her eft ewT in Wis cityT Subsequenlly, and since we have made . any publication upon the subject, Maria Monk has voluntarily made a full confession to a Protestant clergy man, a friend of ours, under circumstances of manifest sin cerity, of the whole imposture, and all the particulars, before the inception of the plot, during its progress, and to the end. The details of the story, she says, were chiefly arranged from the leading character of the question put to her by the precious concerns who had her in keeping in this city. These, questions, endless in number, and of every fomr and character, constituted the web upon which, from time to time, she wove her tissue of lies. Hut even this is not all. Since Maria made these confessions, she has covered her friends and abettors with shame and confusion, by giving birth t'i another child. The circumstances rendered it impossible for her tochprge this second result of illicit love upon Father Piiclan, and so she choose to cast the paternity upon one of her spe cial friends in this city a gentleman, bv the waywhose eyes had been pre viously opened, and who is just as in nocent in the matter as Father Phelan himself. Nor yet is this all. The celebrated Miss Partridge, the other pure vestal introduced to the famous committee, with Maria Monk, has also since be come an unmarried mother! With these facts we take leave of the subject, ts we trust forever. Fjoni llie TuKalooaa (Ala.) Monitor. I have recently received several communications, in the form of letters, from various of my personal friend i, expressing surprise at my course in politics. And in some instances, their course is more astonishing to me that is, their withdrawal from those with whom they were used to co-operate, side by side, anil in the front ranks parrying every blow aimed at the" Un ion of the States," and defending our assailed Constitution from the inroads and encroachments of fttealthy Feder al power, and daring Executive usur pation. We'are loth to dissolve the "ties which bound us" but confiding in the purity oftheir devotion to sound Republican principles, heretofore we will yet hopefully and sanguinely abide in the conviction, that the hallucina ti ins which now overcome them, will pass away, and that they will return to the rescue, invigorated and strength- ed to their first love, and the Hue faith. To prevent the necessity of writing an answer to each, I submit the fol lowing lctter, which contains com plaints similar to others; and 1 have attempted to condense, in as short a space as possible, in the reply hereto annexed, my opinions on the subjects alluded to. - M. D. J. SLADE. -Mississippi, Aug. J. Slude. 21. "Mr. M. D. "Your paper hia coino to m regularly, I must expreM my aurpriae how on of your po lities! creed, (a Mlnle liiglit'a man,) and a Solli run, eoulJ lend hia influence, directly or indi rectly, to llie aupporlof Henry Clay for the Presiclewy,- or rallier 1 ahould aay, lo in ternal improvement liy Congrraa protec tive tariff national bank, and alight aquinting al abolition. 'J'hrae aro all all anti-aoutliern uieaxure, and aupported by Clay and ln follower. 1 am no Van Duren man myrlf, nor ever have been, yet I cannot roe the policy ofaupnortingCUy. I am glad lo ee from llie tone of many of your Alabama paper, tbal the people are likely lo tuk a correct view of thii nnlilif anil hi (it I iao-Mt-rettiiiaiTu -ll thenuelvea lo northern influence. cJirange fanaliciaiu, lhal the tSonlh will not free ilaelf from .Northern dependence! What blind and ungrateful riliien we have among u. who not only advocate anti-eoulhern meaturca, but furiounlV abu our patriotic Southern Mutes men for advocating the rail of the foulh. I am no diaumonlal; nor would I, in advocating the interest in UjjdSouth, injure, if I could, the Northern deoplr. All I desire, ia Uo be let alone." ItEMAKKS. "It is very strange that you should regard my course as a desertion of State Rights principits. What solitaiy principle of the kind have I abandnttrtl! for if any, it his been in the act without the intention. You say that I favor the pretentions of Mr. Clay. If so, it is upon the supposition that lie and Mr. Van Buren will be the only candidates for the Presidency. Is Van Buren a nun in whom you, or in whom the South conld repose confidence, lie is a man of pretences; and at present, he hopes to strengthen hims-df by affec ting a partiality for the South. But when was he actually w ith the South in any trying crisis? You speak of Internal Improvement. Who voted for federal toll gates on the Cumber 1ird roadr You speak of the tariff: Who voted for the bill "the bill of abomination" of 1828; as well as for similar bills previously, in Congress, and supported the protective system at a public meeting in Albany? MarT tin Van Buren. You pek-tf Aboli tion: Who supported the New York resolutions, instructing the Sesators of that State to vote against the admis sion of Missouri into the Union, unless she would prohibit slavery? and who voted for the free negro suffrage in the State ol New York? To these ques tions, the answer still must be, Martin Van Buren. But I am not done: You donot speak of the Proclamation-. i uu vouoi peaa vi we Ppnff i.t the Force Bill and the Protest, it is not wonderful that you ahould leave these matters in the shade. But you speitrorstitrRigliiiTilim was there ever a more federal, consolidating, an-ri-Sta'te Rights document than the Proclamation? and who supported it with all his influence? Martin Van Buren, and the whole party whom you now favor. Who supported the Force bill? Van Buren aud the party. Who supported the protest a monar chal despotic document? Van Buren and thejiartj. Who supported the unconstitutional, the despotic expunge? Van BuFen and (he parly. Who sup ported the Specie Circular, where the President assumed legislative powers? Van Buren and the party. Who advo cates the Sub-Tieasury-System, which would carry into effect the doctrine of the Protest, and which lias already al. most bcrjrarcd the country which would strengthen the hands of the Federal government, and prostrate the State Banks tf not state sover eignty also? The answer still is Vn Buren and the party. And yet this is the man and the party with which juu would have me to unite in support of Southern interests and State Right When I so far forsrel the struggles of former tiniest the attachments anil associations then; and a sense of duty- now the principles I have so long aunniiiliiil fliA racli Dinl aniAinn S u j,7 1 J I ir II lllv laail liv. iv uii course of the party and its leaders when I so far forget these things, as to cleave to all that I have formerly op posed and rebuked, it w ill be time fur me to be divorced from the press. But suppose I turn to the other side of the picture, which you think so re nulsive and offensive. It is true that Henry Clay supported Internal Im provement'and the Tariff: and it is also true, that lie has expressly given up botli of these measures, as no lousier required by the state of the couti-trT- As to Abo'ition, I am suprised to hear you join with others in that impu tation against Mr. Clay. If there was nothing else to rebut and disprove the falsity of the least 'squinting" or tol eration of Abolition, by Mr Clay, the cuufse of the 'Emancipator,' and es pecially the -seven articles of 'facts' whkh it lias set forth j should silence the false charge of any affinity between him and the uwltbateable subject. In deed, there is not a shadow of founda tion for his taking any part against the South, on that question. Who stilled the storm of the Missouri question, in favor of Southern rights and Southern interests? IlehYy "Clay. Who sup ported and votedj for hlr. Calhoun's four first resolutions against Aboliton, and in. favor of State Rights? Henry Clay. And who introduced substi tutes for the two last of the series, thereby causing the whole scries to be carried by a triumphant majority Henry Clay. IT these last resolutions had any 'squinting to abolition we may ak who voted for them? and then the answer is John C. Calhoun nnd (he whole Southern delegation. Who so lemnly declated that it a real struggle of that kind should take place between the North and South, that John C. Calhoun should not be found in fruiit of him? Henry Clay. And he is not the man to give such a pledge, and to fly from it. As to State Rights who declared in the Senate, that the Proclamation containetl ultra-consolidation doctrine, going beyond the federalism of furmer times? llenry Clay. Who drew the teeth of the Force bill, by the com promise act? Henry Clay. Whoop posed the Protest the Specie Circular the ruinous experi mental policy of the present adminis tration? ' hn answer is, Henry Cl.y. All this may be said in truth, and yet Henry Clay may not be exactly the man that a State Rights man would prefer above all others; but how a dis ciple of the State Rights, school, could take Mr. Van Buren before Mr. Clay, on the score of principle, or policy, is beyond my comprehension. From Texas. The latest intelli gence leaves no doubt of the election of Miraiieau Bonaparte Lamar as President of that Republic. Mr. L. is certainly a man of genius and of versatile talents. Poet, painter, edi tor, lawyer, legislator, and commander of cavalry; his faculties are far superi or to those we are accustomed to meet in the mass of mankind. That his ad vent to power in Texas will be marked by something out of the usual current of events, we are inclined toanticpate. It is believed his opinions are strong against a close connexion of Texas with (he Northern and Eastern States of this Union. It is thought he willbe prompt in joining battle with the Mexicans, and testing their ability to withhold a ny longer the acknowledgment of Tei ian independence. In a few months we may look for important tidings of military operations. The hostility of the Indians on their Northern frontiers is generally admit ted by the Texian papers, and we are told that the Republic is now augment ing her force by enlistments for the regular army. The Mexican General at Matamofas has of late no otherwise annoyed the Texians thanby marauding parties of norse. He is possibly waiting for his red allies more fully to declare them selves. JNew Orleans Courier. wniO-TOtJfO OTS Ot NEW YORK, Cheat Miktixo. The Young v. . ' .m...i Whis of JSew York assembled on Thursday evening last for the purpose of-Tespomlingo-the nominations of the Utica Convention lor uovernor ami Lieutenant Governor. It was one of the largest meeting ever held in Ma sonic Halt. The lion. Edward CUa- us acted as President.- An eloquent addrrss and series ol spirited and pa triotic resolutions were adopted unan imously. The meeting was addressed by a number ol distinguisheed gentlemen. The New York Commercial gives the following account of the remaiks of the Hon. OoDEir Hoffman: Mr-IHorrMA had been repeatedly called for during the evening, and, after the resolutions were adopted, he ap peared upon the stand. For several minutes the applause was so loud that the voice of a Stentor could scarcely hare been heard. It is next to impos sible to report a speech of Mr. Hoff man. His utterance is so quick his thoughts flow so rapidly, and die beau ties crowd so thickly upon the hearer, that it is very difficult to lollow him. At times, ton, his eloquence is too much for the" reporter it enchains his atten tion, and the pen drops from his hand, powerless to discharge the duty it should perform. The following is but a meager sketch of his remarks, but it is all that our notes enable us. to furnish: He said that lie had so often had oc casion to return thanks to his constit uents, for the favors which they had showered upon him, 'that words were scarcely left sufficient to express his gralituile. .-He appeared at this mee ting as a representative of the Whig party. Those present were aware that the party to which he and they-belonged w5s in a minority in Congress that they roulil do but little in that body. He alluded, in the most feeling manner to the course of the Conservatives. With their aid the .Whigs had preven ted the marriage of the sword with the purse a urion the oflspring of which would have been corruption and ruin. He described most beautifully the hap py oil 'ecu which had succeeded the re jection of the sub-Treasury bill. But the tempest was only lulled it had not entirely passed away. If the Van Bu ren party were successful at this elec tion, again will the arm be uplifted that is to strike the fatal blow against the prosperity of the country, and grind our devoted city to dust and ashes. In this Statu was the battle lo be fought, and the Whigs are now to say whether their Representatives are to re turn to Washington with their arms strengthened by the evidence of the popular favor, or whether New York is to be chained lo the. car of ' despotic power. He called upon the vuung men of New York to perform their duty, and asked if Seward should call in ain upon the young antl ardent Whigs of his native State, lie would not believe it. Every thing is in our favor. We have beaten the opposite party, .and we can do it og.iin, H.everv one wim -mucin- 4er that if we do not beat tliem they will beat u. From abroad we have intelligence the most rheering. We have this day heard from New Jersey .(three cheers New Jersey, true in the Revolution, antl true now. She speaks to us from the battle-ground at Pnuccton, IVoui Trenton, and from the encampment al Morristown. As victory blessed oer then, so victory floats around her ban ner now.- Pensylvania still hangs in the bal ance she may go against us we would like to have her, but we can do w ithuut her. Let all flee we will hanrr out our banner -on -the -outward wall, ami under its auspices we will fight and conquer. He compared New York to a noble three -decker the flag ship of the squad ron. What did she care if the corvette Maine was disabled if the frigate Ma ryland 1 st her commander, but still sav ed her pullant ship? Here wt stand on the deck of our noble vessel the ban ners flying, the matches lighted, the guns ready, and a gallant crew who will discharge their duty, nr perish in the attempt. He directed the attention of the audience to the invocation of the dying Lawrence, "Don't give up the ship." Hut, said he, you will not give up the fchip; you will not abandon her; you will stand to your guns, and victory will crown your efforts. In taking leave of the meeting, he would say, in the words of as gallant an officer as ever trod the deck of a vessel, or fought un der the banner of any country "Let such a ship as this be taken, and it will break the heart of every honest pa triot in the land." P Jttmi 'iminiicence. The Hon. Gulian C. Verplauck. at a dinner on board the Great Western! related the fol lowing; Lookingnver faid lieja number of old New York papers. I met with one published about the middle of the last century; giving an account of the coronation of George III, which, had been brought out in a vessel called the Sally Ann, from Bristol to this port in eighty days. I could not help being struck with the wonderful improve ment in our day, by the construction of suck vessels as the Great Western, which brought to this port from the same city a full account of the like event, in the coronation of Queen Vic toria, in fourteen rfcys and tome few - From the rii'aJ. Cnh4 PurtJc Yesterday was the return day " date election. The place of n .these, returns 4n the-all nf-T ,,H dence. After the returns of election, were made but it was be ed that there was on the part i" Loco Focos a determination tonetf sorite act in notation of the riiUi right,and on receiving the returni (J the various districts, Charle i, soil, a man who was the Loco Foco"" didate for Congress appeared roomaruieu witn WKJ".paperantl n i to protest against the returns or trut of the Northern Liberties. 1 At laras we comu learn, the objecti were founded on the following rir. stances: The inspectors (or officeral ol the sixth and seventh wards hadU their tally books, antl sotne objectil1 was made to some trial act durinr T election anil for these laches or deeds of the Loco Foco officers in L own wauls, Mr. Itigersoll had the J? putlence to demand the rejection of nrt" whole seven wards of the Nortfctr, Liberties, became of the errors frauds and, mnnsterous as was the proposition, there were found anaD the return judges a majority to to it absolutely to throw out the whole vote of the Northern Liberties, because of errors or frauds in oneo, two wards, the very wards that er under the directions of the Locs f. cos themselves as jjlibey would b destroy a box or of other acts equ.H. wrong, to destory their own wards J by so doing they would vitiate andd'a. troy the whole vote ot the district, eon: taining a large majority against 'thtir own Company. Pursuing this count the three Loco Foco return w&n signed a certificate that Charles I Ingersoll is elected to Congress intlit thyu Urstricl-and the - three judges, ilecHtHig against the fraudulent proceeding that deprived the wtislt Northern Liberties of their yetfi, gave to Charles Naylor a certificate f his election. 'Hie mnnsterous decision which cut off the Northern Liberties, of course cut oft' all hopes of returning the Whig candidate for the Senate m4 House of Representatives at Harm. burg and accordingly, ten the ju.w gave to the Loco Foco caniliilateii certificate of election, and seven sign id a protest against the proceeding, that are a disgrace to human i.ature. That the whole proceedings, fr beginning to end, are part of conplf. ary to defraud the people of hVif rights, to cheat a district, containing 5000 voters out of its votes, there can scarcely be a doubt and there ca tie little doubt that hud two ( the Lxs Foco judges evinced a disposition lo do right, there would have been lis lertre and bloodshed, is to us evitleet fiom the proceeding.. - F Miajfa, in ye-.terday moi uing'i Pensylnnus, there appeared the following notice DEMOCRATS ATTEND. " 1 he Democrats of the city and county of Philadelphia are requested to meet in T.ont of the State House Cliestmt Street -this-momiflg-tt m o'clock, to hear the report of the return judges, and to see that they are not de frauded out of their votes, after they have b -en placed on the ballot bji- e Ami an editorial notice 'refering Is the cat I Was responded to, ami the State ILue was res'gned with the bo dy guard of the Loc Focos, responding to the call and sustaining Mr. loger soli ami his ten judges. After Mr. Ingersoll had made hit appearance, and commenced his imper tinence in the hall,-Mr. Naylor t sent foi and the novel sight w pre sented two candidates pleading belon the return judge. . ...... . ; .... It is not our intention now t cosv' ment u.pon the prercedings above tiotedi nor to designate with becoming f hets the conducts of the maturity the judges. TI e people are indignant but whether they will wait quietly the slow action and probable injusticeof the Legislature ami CiingiciaJS Prt" sunie not to konw. We hope smltrttd. that they will show themselves res pecters of the law but neverkve they been so grossly f)iitragl. THIRD CONGRESSIONAL .DIS TRICT. v- -The return Judge- of the thin! Con gressional District met yesterday,1"1 announced the following result i t"e Election. IsacnsnLt. Ur.c. North'n Liquerlie. SH5 Oxford. 213 Loner Dullin, Bv berry, and Morehtnd, 358 Kensington, 1783 Surinn Garden, U94 .Northern I.ibertiea. 1979 fti 130 181 365 Bit v 164 331? "6661 5894 Majority fr Naylor, 175 votes. This is "more than three times tw majority that he received before. From the IliclimonU Whig;. THE WHIG DEFEAT INOfllft The causes of Nthe extraonlini1? rout in Ohio, cannot, perhaps, at j early day be correctly assigned, readers will recollect that we ed seme apprehension, a fe since, that the whole Abolition CIT in that State would be turned sgi General Vance for . an act then seemed to be one of strict ft and prosperity, but which, it et k.m.iI tmn Mi ; inform'"'0 We copy an article throwing sj it I . ri .1- - fr.uO V was ngni on mm uansatu"", Philadelphia Inquirer: i( . THE CASE OF MAHA"- v Considerable excitement h