VOL. XXIX. KALE I G II, X. C. 'WEDXESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1S3S. .NO. 4C. ' , THOMAS J. LEMAT" ' ,g p I T O K AS It PKOFWJ E T B. TERMS- ' le,-irri. ih per - "'rn;.rHh the 8,..m b. -L.t.l t rwv the wi amount ol turjear'a HTM of Af.RT!SlXC;. .rf -T7"i"" - ..l .i. , . .. ir.t inn-rtinn. in itotlafi raah sub- - .. uiim. I hai aeiinz in ihit, inn' . ' . . f f 1 1 If Mail ,rv . . i rr riniwn'nK v, - , .1 j J KltTls ' f,fil.r ;": I'w "''''" k. 1, J'?' Uumlo lln- K.lilor mutt be (Msl-ril. . jTuaiiuc wMiw "" - ina vnuee, uusinng ine vorCi ol war - BKAU ric'L'L KXTRACT. fnalsying the hand ot rapine, and cal " That was a beautiful .pirture which . linjj forth iirr kind alliance, the fatlinj v, recently herl painted by an elo-'"d he barlhe H..n and the lamb, the Mrnt clersrirtflii, f Ue revelation of , leopard and the kid? in cTiildliAnd." LiMik.' aaid he And a to the laat dar.it cati acarce- -t ,uhlanct. 'at the rcvoUtinn, at Hie ioenin ol humanity at mai iniani ne-j"'i' " unaijwiaiiuii uj unu Jftllat child anlc all innocence,' "d powerful imasery. The great el,ilne.1eliiie!i. Thrrc it is.rjuite white lhnme, and Ilim that ait it, .rA m and alin-t unennscious. i.nd fnnu whoe face thu earth and heaven itfilleih the whole bu'tl.lii:g, to the lld away, the clement in the mean f lof-'ree. ih iiuhic and joy. N ,in, f i'"t fervent heat, and the Wf'rr children like that no treaaure trumpjif Ond 'landing, and the earth Ut iialernal alTeclion uo treasure of ?a tiving up the dea,to tund be- . . i t .i. ..a 11 i- : I ! :.. L.. fitra t1i tiitlvftknt ftst of Plirlf turrbw nace ol an imam rrauie, diiilyet filleth the whole house with it pricncc There i resort to it from time to time, an if it nvre somethinz nthrined. Childhood, and ae, and ntjiily how. and matronly beanty lrd liter it. l coul'l almost lancv,' ail'icii ttie iaker. 'it were in worship a that fair, pure shrine of the all -creating KvlneM.' We could not hot think, a we heard thee adtnirnblc-biiil touching Sc-ntcit tt. and saw th warm tear Mart in the f , in humble life, residius at the t4 ol a bereaTed voang mother, aitting JUtaVice of 11 mile from A,hville, neirus-ofthi- Roman line-r'Qiam uttfily destitute of limbs, and com ),uainat. mor'Hiir ailideaeens;' and p..j onjr (,fa head ami trunk. Her that kindred thought of Buluer: Uame E4,;,er H.3ev and she U one hr mourn lor the young." Better t'ii tlie li'Ht rloiKi !io!ilil laile awav in the morning breittli, than trnv'rt t!iroitli the weary d.iyj lo gather in ilirknt-m and end in a'orni. Who s'loulil lament when 'child angels1 are tikn (Vft'o the e-il o cotne. and tri!.itd from tlu-ir infant t radio heavpn? - t 'W!i-, wil'i Jvy-Ufams round theni ily tie. TVy their Father' (ct nhalt a, h'sr him enly snvinr. l.ilil chihlfen. tomt to rn. US l,fe ..f.en rind lh-.r end only in . Urr t.dn-;thal cradle m winch our second eh.ldH.sna1 is rocked to aleep How much truth .a conveyed ,n that trnol tanta.-xarved by fond parent ion inthe humble head-atone of hi iliihl's grave: ! U.t'Aof lir.'n Siller rup. K-'fufi! to ilrink the portion up, Hal lurnt hta hltle head aw). - DnjiwtcJ with llit lalc - and diad!' "MTKHA1 UUE OK TUB RIBLB. mere head and trunk. Thi i literal From Dr. R echer's Lecture, before ly tru. She has no ann, and neither tli Artizana of Cincinnati, on the fe- leg m thigh. Her shoaldera are publican tendencies of the Rihle. we rounded off, and capable of motion and xrart the following beautiful deliiiea- on thenuhe receive the, gifts which turn of its intellectual attractions: " charity or kindness pniff-r her. S!e 'The poetry of the Bible, who ahall s also able to'nvive ab mt on a level, desciiheit without it inspiration? In with a kind of waddling motion. Her Originality, strength, b auty, variety, usual position i that or sitting, or rath i milicitr.nathos and fire.tt Mand un er atandinz nprisht in a common chair. aimniached. No sublimity can sur- by rocking which from tide to aide, .pas that of the B blc and power- be move about with great facility. fuliinajsinary. noTieautvtndriraai f'r thi pur tr an mm' gloriotj 'than our own p pi cea thTooron-4H'r--tttuUler wre lighte.1 up to be the avmlwl of or (which she prefer; on a table be Divinity, and other aiara to ' fall like "d torn over the leaves whh latii i n leave, and louder thunder IT tongue. Her health has always ! roar, and winds to wave, and migh- be -n ex ellen'.ind lief mother says.she tier waves to roll. What shall the ba never had occasion fr the services fa t fin I who came alter the Bible f ne physician and. altho' she seldom iih which to reveal ii? Nothing r Imuse, and therefore takes mains. It is all pnn the consecrated ', b'Jt little exerc'ue. she is now in , the pap. ihnest and most robust health, and i so Theal!egorieajf JhfrRiWeir fio- jfatlwrt her4odywWcJs-4Jargelj shed specimen of that kind of wiit- proportioned) is a Uroa I a it is .long. ns ami it metaphors arc,- a Blair Hrhead is very la-ge, and her Tea terves, what metaphor should ! bet lures ialo ery large and somewhat rVmtint from nature and all Its drs- icoirse, yet dcidelly good,1 and ; fwr- -swptire srenery fcurrnund u svith the (towing reality. While we read, we Mmhl the dark cloud' begirt the ! uvnuntalnJuiM of Sinai, and tae light- ings Wane, and the thunders speak. al the voice of the trumpet sound I-:g. and waxes loud. ' When "God , rme from Teman. and the holy one from IV ran. and hi glory covereifllie heaven, and the earth was full of hi nra:e; w, ,iIM. xo, ,ie brighmessof flight, and hi' aiajesty where he 'xwl and measured the earth, and Jits. ?'d, when he beheld and drove a- nderthe nations, and scattered the everU.tinjr inouniain-; when the - deep Itfred invoice, ami the sun and h moi.n stood still in tl-.eir habira 'lonr What oilier poet ever possessed i imi'maiion that would art on fire 'he cntirte nf nature, or one that could wield "the trvmeiTduus scenery of be elements, the symbol ol oinnipo ter.ee? 3 ' Who, after Job, can describe th war horse or the confused noise id he battle, of the warrior with ''ar- seids rolled in blmid? after Isaiah, or "uer ui,d, the stnru at sea. with the ut cry ,if (he mariner tusked on the fountain wave, reeling like the drun- "aa, and Ins wit end, n, hi glad - ''r wnen arntrd in n..ri) . , , - ----- ...-..a ... who tan draw now the harp .;otcs of more touching tenderne 11 over fal len greatness and fallen friendship than those who attended (be lamenta tions of David over Saul and Jonathan? And where ahalt we find a pencil that has nourtrayed, or can pourtray, the desolation of eaotiritr. of famine, and f War, (S be compared with ihoe con- taine.1 in the lamentation id Jeremiah . ..... - ' and those blessed iliri which, wrrant . .T : .... r l,u '"iurr uuie, iaiaii sawr Who that wrap rapt into future time i M behold that glorious inn which in a cloudless day arinea and punrs it Jelad rffulsence on. the mountain- tob U be more fiiil to the eye. than it id KEMAltt AHI.K LVSU.S NA- The interesting and able Corre itoudciit of the ''Charlelton Courier" give the following accoii'itof a most wniK.ru fitmn AVmar, in Buncombe County ill thi Sutv- 'IJ.-fure leaving Ahevit!e, I midc ifvoril inttirostitig txcur.ioii irom tue village, one or twj of whicli tnav fur- nih' material fir a letter. My first excursion was to visit an unt. tunate f a illeijitimate family of eleven clul- tiren. ner miner lias also a legitimate wife uii'l family often children, and t''; two families, with iheir iesjective in itrons, are aid to meet with cordi ally. This lingular beins; was burn in her oreseiit limbics . condition, and i a .i a !. h is now atiain-d the age of 23 year. Her mother and (he whole family ap pear to regard her with much tender ness and affection, and ihe seem to possess a cheerful and happy tlisposi tion. whicli rendera her content whirl .. L .l. l I .1 - I I I... , fc ta rUe w Jtnd ruuse the vnipal,ieS of , MUw who enjor b fu ,;, of Kuma.aitT. ami a V-r1. 4- r ,i f,:f La .u..: ,.r..i .-j tri iiiv. mil, uiii, ii, vi. uiiLiu'liui win. guilty repining shamed by the cq-ia-i niinity, and cheerful apirit of this phy. ically imperfect creature in the midst of privation and poverty. I have al ready said that she i composed of a tnins a very azreeauie ioui tnttm ne and her lip i absolutely pretty, and of the npeat redj In addition to ruein? sociable anA "chatty, and even witty, it i said, she possesses the accomplish meiit of singing a very, sweet aong. She received the parly, who visited her in enmpany with inysetf,.yery alta bly, anil very graciously accepted our farewell offering. Some years a?n, - a Yankee having met with her, ofllTed to purchase her of lief mother, for the sum of ft 3. 000. as a speculation. This tempting offer was very, creditably re fused by the parent neither her " poV erly nor her will consented to the tea f fiv. The Yankee, however, succeed ed ii persuading her to let 'him take the limbless girl with him for exhibi tion on shares of the profits, a brother and a sister accompanyin; her : TheT got. I learn.'a far as Columbia fS. C) and then, returned to their ; mother. sa yinz'that jhey were nidi well treated by the Yankee. A warm . welcome greeted them althe inatenai novel, and no other attempt ha been midc at ex- ' hi')ition.M. CAifir.'. The Chicagi. American of the 13th ult. mention the arrival at that port, on the previous Monday, ,.rtK kamlMiat Conalitatlnn. " with ("I . w... - .. .. , jb- tween 300 and 400 passenger, and on Wednesday the General Wayne arrived with between 400 and 500. In addition to which a' I arse number of wagons, with emigrants, had passed through on their way to the West. But few were passing to the East; a- mong these few we notice the name of j the Rev. Jason Lee, Methodist Mia-J sionary, with live Indian's of the Nez- pcrces and riatheadjnoe, on- their way to New York. . -" '. Further from the Ahrmont.'Vi e learn.by the Pirate, which arrived at noon to-tlay, that, on Tuestlay nijfht, lue anti-Mormon were Siill in force near Dewitt. Tlie Pirate lay at Oreni ville, seven miles aboTe Dewitt, on Tuesday night. At that time, infor mation had come in that the anti -Mormons bad given their opponents notice that they must take JP their line of march nest morning, at 8 oclock. Ihis the Mormons refused to d . It was reported, also, that the anti-Mor.- mons had sent word to thr Mrnaj that if they would collect their women and children in one house, that house should not be fired on. As the pirate naaanil iliiiarlt nn Wtflafla uinrninv by Hewitt, a Hag was seen Hying over one of the largest houses there. Prom all appearances, there is reason to believe that a conflict took place on Wednesday. St. Jauh (epub. Professor Stone, on hi return from Europe, made a report to the legisla ture of O'i'io, on Elementary instruc tion, from which we extract the follow ing: Republicanism can be maintained, only by universal intelligence and vir-l lue among the people, and disinteres tedness and fidelity in the ruler, tie publics are cousidrred the natural foes to monarchies and where both atari upside by side, it is taken-for granted that the one must supplant the other. Hence their watchful jealousy of each other. Now when we see monarchies strengthening themselves in the man ner described u are not republics ex posed to double danger from vice, and neglect of education within them selves? And do not patriotism, and the necessity of self personation, call upon us to do more and better for the education of our whole people, than any despotic sovereign can do for his? Did we standalone were their no ri val governments on earth or if we were surrounded by despotisms of de graded and ignorant Uvm, Jilt .those of the ancient oriental world even then, without intelligence and virtue in the great mass of the people, our liberties would pass from us. How emphatically must this be tlie case now, when the whole aspect of -things is changed, and monarchies have actu ally stolen a march upon republics in the promotion of popular intelligence. Important fncen'ion.Miny means have already been invented anil adopt ed for obviating the difficulties and dangers of navigation over bars and Ji.!Ui U.I.U in l.rK..r. .n.l u 1 1 v. i mm m m ii. via. but none hi them can bear competition with one lately invented in England, and patented both there and in our own i. country, uy mil invention a snip or steamboat may have but little more than half the usual draft of water, ac cording lo its burthen: and this may be effected in a very short time. The machinery to be used will be cheap and simple. Two or more buoys ocJightenej3reJoJ)e made of canvas or other core niaTwurTanend impervious to water by the solution or preparation of Indian rubber, now so corainouly used for similar purpose in air-cushions, lile-preservers, kc. I1o. low tube of similar material are then to be placed from those buoy or ma rine balloons, on the deck or along the gunwale, fo an air-chamber aft, spe cialty-constructed t--and; ittcoonectiort with this chamber is to d an air pump, removable at pleasure. , This is' the whole apparatus, all parts of which can be adjusted or removed in ' a few min utesthe chamber alone being station- a - 1 ... a ary. 1 he air-pump is to innate ine buoys for use and action.and afterward emnty them, when nolonzer necessary. TiLuoys rosy of course be made of any uimensions or any namoer requir ed and are calculated to raise a 'ship of 800 tons burthen and 17 feet draft, some 6 or 8 feet out of the water, just as circumstances demand. . There aremany river and harbor in our country, where such an inven tion when practically enforced must prove of the most beneficial tendency.' It will completely prevent the accus tomed interruption to river navigation from low water or bars which cer tainly can be considered no trifling ob ject by any acquainted with the evils of such interruptions al present, v , The patent was taken out In Jlene last for the United States by Captain John Collins, late .of the Shakspeare, now of the lloscius and the machin ery, with il result, will we publicly exhibited by him in a few dav. '. ".:. .." -. . N. Y. Star. "The whole country ing will the shouts of victory from the Administra tion presse, because one or two form erly strong Jackson Statesy-which had been so far reclaimed, afc. recently, by small majoritie, to b ' carried by the .Whiga, have now, by equally small majorities, and the most desperate ex-i ertjonsy been cairied by their adver - saries. It is natural that every thing.. which offers the least hone of a renrieve ' i ill 1 ' t . -.t ; . liQuuib5nailca with joy by a party which had looked upotni fate as sent- l. But, notwithstanding these ccca sionaland liht retrogressions, it. most and hi friend refuseil lugi-r to shel- but without inj;uin"-the Ihine. A sur b obvious to every observer that -the trr the new-bride and groom, and they geon was Bi nt for, and the womnn was Whig cause has, inthe main, steaildy were lorced to leave tor njine oih.-r destined to under go a-setund iiiflic acquired strength, and tint .ol the op-rtatging, which we learn was immedi- tion .bv h.iving the stumps of both Gt- posite party uronoitiunably declined. Within the last ten year, a'lniu-t every Slate or the Union has been Jacksonian in it politics but now K-t any man Survey the whole ground, and how sJ t f ferent is the case! Without ad verting to those State presiouly nn alterably reclaimed from Jacksi'iuisin. we can refer to the gem-rat result ol the recent elections with exultation. Even these elections, !iich the Van Uurcn party proclaim to have been so OMiastruus to the he, have civen to fuf fi , ; f oi mree large states, Uesnj.-s an acces sion of member of Congress. I'en nylvania, which a few years ago boast ed a Jackson majority of 50,000 votes, has now a Whig Legislature. In Gtor. gia, heretofore invcteritely Jacksonlan, the Whiz party have carried the l.ex lalature in Jlltnoit, the same. Thrse1 are solid triumphs, and, while they ex hibit incontestable proof of the radical change which has been steadily going. on in public sentiment, in various and distant portions of tlie Union, t'lt-y furnish ample reason for hope and con fidence that this change will still uil vance, embracing State after State, un til the whole Union shall be redeemed from the unhappy and mischievous de lusion which has ao long and so obsti nately afflicted it. Aa. Jut. The National Gazette of Friday last contain, a table of the Legislative Rep resentation nl Pennsylvania, which varies somewhat from the statement we have given from other source. It purport to exhibit official results, and is doubtless authentic-. According to this statement, parties will stand as fol lows - 1 iraiV. Vita Buren. S 4T 69 flsnita. Rs iraaanUllvaa, S3 77 58 Whig Majority on joint m.-a. ballot, tl ' ; Let the contested seats, therefore, be given as they may. the Whigs will have a majority on joint ballot. increase oj rorcr. i no omciai re turns of the -Pennsylvania election for Uovemor snow a most astonishing m most astoiiishins crease ol voters. In 1335, in the con test between Messrs, RitnerrWolf.airdfeVbiting soil ready for 'immediate Muhlenberg, which, Irom its exciting character, cat 'cd out all the legal vo ters of the Slate, the whole number of votes taken was 199,727, At the re cent election there are returned as taken more than 250.000. an increase in three year nearly equal to the whole vote ol Maryland. ell may the friend of Ooyerniirttanef-Juobror,M.-- supported by the fairnes ol the election, when the returns themselves furnish such palpa ble evidences of fraud. A population qual to that of the whole State nf Maryland added to the already thickly settled Slate of Pennsylvania, in thiee years: The thing is incredibli Jl thart Courlhtn,--Ajurriaire, tie. . An amusing incident in the way of a love and Marriage affair, look place, we understand, in Clark atreet, in our village, on Saturday last. A latkadai zical son of John Bull, who has been residing in the place," and paying par ticular attention to a buxom Irish girl, for oina timer-made lwa-arrigeoieivt to consumate his happiness by having the hymeneal knot tied. On that af ternoon, he hired a horse and buggy, and took his intended to the house of a frk'Hd on that street, to have the mar riage rites performed,,. W'hile prepara tions were going forward for the event a hale son of the Emerald Lie, hear ing of the circumstance and. envying the happiness of, the Englishman, re solved to rob him of the intended wife and convert - her In himself. A ccor. dingly, putting on hi ,Sunday' best, he immediately repaired to" the house of marriage, entered the room . where they were, and, like a bold kulglit of romance, claimed the maiden a his projKrty telling the English lover he must at once give up all claims ; at the aame time, taking possess on ol his prize. She fi'ijling she had two strings to her bow instead of one, and luvinir occasionally, previous, received visits from her countryman, had had an itch ing to catch him bUt his offithnent in never popping the duestiou, had indu ced her to take hr English lover rath er than none. Finding her neat Irish roan now in earnest, after some short explanation she consented : to become his and notwithstanding the protesta tions of him to whom he Get insde i' engagement, she was soon nnit.V thr Irishu.an in the presence disappointed Englishman, wlf sighs and tears, was thus rt have his anticipations titr bed, after all the trouble- exje ise of horse and burjy, to brinj tention into elTtfcf, and iio sooner wna him totjiejhrchold of hi happiness i no .frtlmn a serond shared the ani. 'l he altanT Irishman, luting secured f;lte fufien. with the most estroidinary Iia prize, ve understand, howeer..io.1tvewT?e, he exclaimed, here' far aolaced I him as to amdv a salvo to ..,.. t,.,..i In wounded feelings, by takms the, ri- ding estahlishmeiit ,B' his hmids, aud par'w the bill he haTT heen"at-t but he . r . . aii'ij uwnr, nmi mrj m ore jvium j he vxWM'i ii (lie d utli uf tiie h ivmij;, iRTit fjinl heart ncr won a fair lady ." Woedier nor Kolishoinn has bri-ome a i I i .1 !. ... a? ; r.ii.. reconciled to the "slip hot ween the cup ,,IH;,an, ptlt snr rlrantB on h r i0. and the lip," lie has ju,t evpii encei!, tlinatiims ! " - or has hung or crowiji'd-JiTiiiself, from 1 the disappointment, we arc not inform-- - FRANCE AND MEXICO ed. We hope, however, he will ktvp 'Iheie will be stirriug tithes in Mex op coitrae, and rims.de himself lhat,'c" 'be coming year, , and although wo there is yet as good fish in the sea' a mJ n" exactly hear the thunder of the one that nibbled at hi tuit, and '-'he cannon, we shaU fiom time to tima tlfit hooked her-ielf lo another. hear id' impoi taut events and (.pt rati.ns. ? tule of ( 'him e Mji ut i' 'i ' . ..cu.i-j enwu ifttt. aii immense concourse I 1 h.tflM 11... ',1... I... e . ... . ... . ... j...-, i,. ,c - ,,, T'isir.:( tllM aro:i the Ainenran coiinnenf place yesterday jit Win. II. Franklin's! bCviid this e presume nothing will auction room, and i.i lad their great : be done except a l!iey say in the s'poi I sales mom was crowded that it wa'l!; circles, to "clear the ring and se w.... ...uK-uny one. rouiti -gain aiiimt- tance, and it was thereby rendered i impossiiilc for purchasers to iew thej spccnienuunuies ol trees. II another sale is nt up, it would he jest io seicci me ino-t paciuus roo'ii in tlie til v. Uurinzihe ;;le the ifie.it- est anxiety was evinced by pur.cln.sersj "thrown in'o the castle a sufficient-Bum. to obtain supplies orthis invaluable tree j ber ol melt, not probably of the best tie but they seemed email V anxious to! .;, .t;.. h,,i ,.!. i. .i-.h I , urms own prices u inissiuie .1 . . - i , : I I - The prices ranged from 18 to 22 cents per fnot.Aiid some very laise trees three r four vears old brought the euorumu brice of 813 each. The cuttings sold at. Si to 4 cents each. Taking into consideration the jr'eat number offered at tTiis sale, (he paces were, well sus tained, and had there been but twenty to twen'v five thousand ollered, the a prires would have undoubtly range.l a high as 24 to 26 rent per foot, mid perhaps more. The auction price last spring at Philadelphia arid Burlington was 35 cents per Toot, and wtih the great increase of purchasers and the growing interest on the subject of silk culture, there cannot cxi-t a iloudt but that the next spring prires will be as high nr higher i han those of the last season. One circumstance attending this sale which struck us wild parlie ular force was the. great advance price winch those trees urouhl which ri. .iumii riiiiuncii m u.c ioic the others being sold fof 'future ""deliv- ery only. . - - , .' A t ....... .I...nl-.l. ..r I l. ' - """'...i.j ,."i " ...m.ivi. uvea iieiivery, sold at prices that woui-i av erage, about 20 cents per font, altho, these are worth one third lens than the untriinmed trees. AY K Stari. " '. . a. '.The Mailisoiiian states that the haU of the Patent Ollicc , at Washington, will be the largest single room in the one or two hundred pillars. The Pm1 tico it is bcleived, will cost 8170 000. Tlie grand council of Ihe Cherokee, -i. .... 'i.:..i. i. i : avi.uv ...lieu a.' u.u. ii ,.itiji coviiaii.il una ..1 - ..r i.e i . i- .. - ' . , , Ud this country fought for the m.le. excited hi Ihe Av est. has at leti" hi. . , : u i . , ..i .... o. . ,T o n : petuWnro ol South Atiienca, Cut bo- taken place. Mr. Stnkes. U. S. a gent i -ri . , , . , , .... e w 1 here Ins been only ouet.etno. writes the department of ,r, Out ,. ci.af , , aaW4hesp?iufiw h,rn.e f wrote the .,s,,.,,n.to ;t he s , a,H, dictators-robhing, abusing other tribes, among whom we note the!' . ,i, ,-, . h , " a i L s iv i c. ",!. maltreating Americans wherever Seminole., feeneea Delaware. Se.w- oJ -(f fc , , neea. Quapaws and W I hey been askedvi h s.-iiie ...rpris... will sembled l k"nker e o'l-.cially declined that the report of '. ...-j t ..?. j r- . , ', i ., towards ...vK'xico.' .vve believe Ihcv - tlu-ir inten ion to make war on he v . -,r., .... i. . ,.! -.i ; United Stales, .,- . .i a . wa without the least TouTTilatTon, That. those -Irilie.,- only vvlui were fri.nillv f ihe II. Slaiea ' '. i i .1 V .1 i- . government towards ..inreign power, were invitid, and that the object . was i ,.(,.. l fr 1 ., ' , - ,t Ji . no i perfectly indilrerenl whonuiiiah. to renew i lie amicable unmn that cxts-i,,,,;',,,. . ,t.,. ... r ,i' - r . T. e tier or takes possession nl the conn ted between our for-Tathers.- lb .', f.-, .i . i ... . i i . . -.'''- jtry. England vvouhl not niave a vp "" - - a f-?-' - ut . ' tia aVlVaa IVitt fik 1iaat,.A ,m at, . ...... kicked up in TJanhurv, Fail field cnuu.jl'arv; acknowlcdiel the, ini!cpendenei 4 I ty,' Con'o." on Thursday - "night lt; 'in IVxas""al made a treaty with thr, ' j consequence of the'' Revilr'Cidvcr.-f'T-wW'VS-i.wiilv'Fi-Rrive, and so with - ' kt r v nifxr . mriLUtiiian rntn ' wa from thicity, a tnhpting lo deliver hn au '"e .Kiirnp.an powers. . .. Abolition Lecture in ihe ' Bapti.t! K-ent.s will soon b?giir 1 !rv,J,,, -Church. - A great .multitude of the cit- ihemselves of coosi.lerahlj jnteieal in izens gathered around the churcli.broke ,,,',t rttarter.'v:.-AII. that remain for u in the window; pelled the lecturer to strengthen our n ival force in thai with rotten egs, and prepared to ride Gulf of Mexico, which has been done, him on ' ,, but he escaped. v?j He "J remain neutral. A. J'. .Star. resolved, however, to try i i again Ustf Cvl Officer. It is stated U nigh, and Ihe Trustee of , ihe church spil,k, writings of Washingtio,, tl,,-, gave their consent for Inm again to oc- during the American1 Revolution, . th.i rupy their shattered ; building. The Jg.sUtureof .Manland appointed nn result of the last trial is not yet known omcei. Cilled an "Intcndan', "vested . h re. h. -. ' . with iKiwers lo itcsd'oy that itixorde'r in Pamonntt obstuiacy.-A wamaii ty;clliefl from bwl r.Wir , the name of Philips, res.ding.arNeo- mon: Sttch. , 0ffi( port, England, has recently vert bridled most remarkable, instance of unl , ,. ... .1 , ttaas a,i aai I, u V a. aa aa- all wad .nrak4f IIV M: r" "'' " nr .uauaiiu. CMie wiwm-ii in an' '. . ' onahle fair given for the benefit of ' w church. II. r hushand thought wa wanted at home m I. .ok after domestic afTair. and olijecte.l. pun which she wore, thut if he did ot allow her to go. she would imiuedi .tely chop off her finger. The threat was f course treated with contempt, but sfrnnge' t' aay she carried her in- The hatihtt, the tnatrorm nt usej, Jminedialely fell just below llie,wiit, a id b..!tv.' riie h,!. i.f ihe irn.'ima - . . ... . g-rs atnpoied, and her itnifiliatcd h nd was dressed. After the operation w.is performed she lld. the surgeon sue was suny; to loose her lingers, but kh Would fin the a:uni tliittir mm in if live t land the people in ih:s country w ill soon ( ,;0 sides in. the matter that -is to say. will express opinions freely in relation ' t . - f4ir pi.. y." Mexico has appointed th ,.rv h..t vm t!w.v ha. I in il, r.,....ir to defend Vera Crn and'tlie castle Jt' St. Juan jITlIoa. Ueneral Rinrnn. !l ofiicer wli I as several times been en- trusted with llie'iUTence'of that place, and knows well its resource, lie ha di iiiiii-iii. wui nixifiM, h17 UK). UC II I III . . . . . . -. ' ed, and likewise ample provision for a lon seiz" the town of Vera Cruz al. so is well ilrlendeil, and it will cost well defended France from G :o 10.000 men to take the city and caile by storm. IJ:it what of that? - France cannot rceetU when she once moves. The error ori ginated willi Baiou Diffciuhiis, who ap pea'ed with a IV'nate or two lo nepjti atu with a dogged people" and a despot ic governuient, instead of a vh..U aquadron ami plenty oF-troops, and then after the first refusal, to have attr.ikeil and battered down the, castle and taken posses-ion of Vert Cruz, and then no goti.ited lor redress of grievances. It is the only course to be pursued with Mexico "strike mvl then hear." Hav ing failed lotake advantage of her po siiion, Franra leturns with greuter power and more extensive view, and I minot recede when the blow is onco in!strin.k the men of Mareutro and if i Auslei lit., and the raptors id Algiers inuse- inai co on. i cj.1 trtiz mice in the "ioseasion df France, the City i.f Mexico is in danger llie Catholic nun. ..I...! 'II . . ... 'gain niuni.ii win marte no violent eni.rt a- lawaiiione loe the Driest unco m . I r bought over wld clear. the mad to gen. eral conquest, and a Vice Roy of France, probably one . the sons of Lotiir Philiipe, may mount, li e throne, of the Incav We would i:il inove one step !6 prevent it, ami shall be g!ttf tn"- see anfulua violent and despotic aria tocracr, under the, 'abused, iiaiiio ol a Republic, ihang-d into a mild and lib eral form of goverumeht, sustaining law, good faith, I or," letters, com- mi-rite, enterprise and toleration, all of w hich iti e now-wanted 'and have been 'for. centuries iti Mexico.' We have all .....i; uiiiivi !-(iiiiiiir' n i rici bLiVn. r.v;:.r a i " SZZzT" . ? ' . . 7 . 1 ' ' "J vi.v - v"ui i- iiu Kiirti UT - 1 111 " s.-v s-uj 'iv, in, t u . ys ine aiuirs ot ine state wuictiiai ai iSv-u and w.;i of monrii." aucti an ouierr would bo !nTa,uahle at the present lime in many . oiner piacrs as wen a i in Aiarvianil. t .. ! to individual as cll i to gov. crnineot. The Peoria R sister of the ISih " h slant says: We have n death -lo record ihi . w eek. V- Disease seems to have eft s as suddenly as its vi-i-laiion Was dreadful. All the case of -sickness arc convalescent, and t'-.g town may iiowbu declared jcif;lr. .' iKalthy'.' - H 1 1 ii -5 i t -I 'Ss ..1 Vv- -' -' f .,' . Va " - ' - ' aa m Jill SJ -i ' ' r