.,. Pi RSE AND THE SWORD . .... I m .; n , f ur furernmem e - F .. i;.in admonition m I - -inefeilb th. dual tb.t drank fble - tbir noble deed, and hallo - . ,' .." .,! in natrlot- ig, Recreant, io 10 r "Zityt, a douWe traitor tuorf be that oo who j(d W wiuY"U !Him. -'bich they delisted for th. perpetu. Z .f freedom. Among th. mind. that low. . . nill.r of fir above "the storm of th. notation. " mor' Jea,,,u' fof l,W "',U "Tj hhartVib.n PATRICK HBNRY'8 Ban. w.reore apprehenaiva oflbo anfe- -J, which we enlUUo iu preratiou. pATBtN lie..'" . That forert-horn Denioathene, , AW,,, thunder shook th. Philip of th. ca! ;i, ihe'danacr of an union of lho pur. ! or n argument more irreaisiiuie L,o lb blowing: , Tell mf, where and when did freedom ex :. '.limine pur, and .word wea given up j, M lbe'r'lr' L'ulea miracle in human ilairtthall imerfMwe, no naiiun ei um, IjrcSM reisw " . . WJrd mti ine pue- . t .1.1.-1 ion. aaatnrt the immense patronage of the Preiderfl;.beraur it-place in hi hand the mean' o! corruption, aim ui iiisiruiuitng 4 -i. '...i ,1... .iiiiiirv. a hand of rrlainera. in BmMI(U"J J" ' lke'hM) if Judge. Hovenue Olliceta. and oili er, od wlncli render -Iru l-reaiauuie in any (fbcrne of ambiiinu that ho might meditate a aiat Hherlie of hi country." I object to the whole gang of federal ofli- - - , i i i r,. vieniieincu. ucprnu wyvn ii, power may work aorely on your jiecka. ReooWiri, howetr rinlglitened by learning, L.efcr eleteJ by the pur. maxima of liberty in rr free frorri dangei.' " Their ao.l . Lra with drag teelu." The ery liberty iVf fherish incite to ambitiori; and if that am- tilim le duhonorable anil ;CUttied, witn. tne .utiitM of law. wha'oiuniment of freedom can Litluttiad h arm, or what landmark of aocial Liau eacape iu acrilcBtoua toufli! The Cmbitibn of Car grew traitorou an ' powerful t litre Lilierty gae law to the world; and the Ivilli f republican Rom. were a defeneelesa bo- lore him the liberty which had nouiihed and ijuickened bi mighty intellect into life, ftapo. Iron waa amtiirfoua amid calm and amid ex- titament; yet do general Wore htm had more 'iitliUKiaitically unfurled " the republican atan ui ttirough'iut Lombardy," no patriot had paid Li.M miMa.iiii. .1 w , .1 M lilwrtv'a VMtnl altar. SjuI when, the tumult nJ excitement pi rerolu- jtiiai had pawed away, th geiiiu of French, lib Lrtr lwheld the unmavked' arra of herdeToted rliimpioniiiveated with a reaiatleca pieroga ive, hI aacenJing to empire orer the wrecka of thoee inMiluiiii by which, through atorin and calm, Ik had been protected arid invigorated. If more raligh'tebed Iha'n Jlome ( p.uer than France, doe it ofcourae follow thafVt bav no Ca- air'a no Bonaplrfe'a? ifa ambition iefj jhe oAll', iAoOf. cur libertM guarded by ada-aMatiVi?wl1-Hriat tbewiiMrAuhlUrt may 6te arertorowu! . dive th. awW and the purae lit peWer and 'the wealth" f ih nation to a ieke.) and funbitioy. man, and you virtually ttir up Ih ConalildtioiT framed by your fathera mi roll their banner and 'the banner of their 111 bloodt V '' HO.V. H. Ar. WISE. 5 . . Tbiejually dialing uialtrd gautleman Wa' in vited to attend the late Whig, Meeting of lha Yaung Man of New York, but the inviuiion. iwinjto hia abaenc. from bom w received, it tea Uu a period to permit hi attendance. No man in lite country ha more unceaaingly advocated the rijhu of tM !peoly lhar" (. Ww and uo Amrr Haiecetved iior. unceaa ing abuat at the hapd of our'moJern demoerata. AbJ if their aiuB if Vlielr virulent ' daniineia tiixi bt th reward of aa adtooacv of ,ra prill' eipK then I., if lu NeXl ;to" th - Li, ftie'nj, wjj b.regata every vial of ll burning wrath tliey hav pourrJ and may pour upon.bim, in the, degenerate day, the abua Vecaiv. by th. eitizerf from the power. how arui ha check and from the minion of (bat power, whom he elartlee from th public apiU,'ih'ould be held at pricelee value. De aid it, the hiurel that bound the bald firat Caaar'a brow" wlrlter intj perlahi' AV truat lo ee bim again at hia poet, battling for -every landmarlii and sentence, and reliable, and letter four g-ejt. Magna Cbarta. auaUined byhia ronititueuta and animated by the public appro- baiioeu W make lb .following extract .from hi reply to the Young Men of New York: " " Our onlv hop. now is in New York; her ."hit,, may. save " ua from the. infatuation of ainar niaie in which our trurt eemed ui, ' bat which appear to hav. fallen into th. band '"f tliaanemy 'alrnMt without a eauae. Uut, ' i a cauaerone I know of, the ' Execu ' ' i If Wiaxr ) IU Peable.' The verj l"'ty wliu-Ji raiaoa .such an outcry against ail- OHHi'ipoUea have imiltun the moat mmenae -Id fearluVnf all mofteooli that of political .'pwer aiid money power in th. hand of one wrporaiinn-lumr, the Preaideut or the Vnited uiea.' TliMe are but three source of power I 'know of in the government, the power of the I'Uhlic money , the power of the public land, ''J the power of the public oflice, all ibre 'eaiiilitulinir what ia called the nower of natron- Ma. Who haa all three of theee powera and i,'1 i'M'i,1''nU lo ,n'' The President, nun t0'nw! And yet to the nti-inonp!it there Dm terror at all in this moiiatur monopojiat f all!!'" ' ' Tbe coming content in New York" i looked tih deepfxiety by (he friend of reform hroughout tne country. Great intereaU depend "PiUte.ulU "" "Last foil Now York nobly did "r dtity. A, rebukel-an overHb,eming rebuke N'VV, woqW how ber recreant son ihatnei th,f beraclf nor the Ttni.m !. i k. rmA iih ' :fr - ""( who mere fit than her to administer tbi r. ke! Wt ao powerful to unnerve the arm of porrnnf To'ihak th purlieu of the Whit. "ilh an thqa,.MKIt0t victory !-i kwbwn i&bl.' motto be th. watchword of i'ch ali heraon in lUu trclt aUuggle; and may alt. acbiev victory that will gladden th. heart of the patriot, and palay th. arm of a tyrant A new paper haaWn etab(iji.ed in Porta- moulh, JVa, called the Old.. Dominion," and eJiledJiy. Fiak St Cunningham. Fik ia a man of conaiderabl. Ability formerly an Urrlveraal- lit preacher.' Their paper, w underaund, will be decidedly Loco Foco. John T. Hill, Eaq. of th. Portamouth TiniM, (a neutral paper) baa deemed il hi duty, to combat the dangerou her-' lea of hia new competitor, and haa according ly iaaucd weekly political newapaper. entitled Th. Republican." Mr. Hil'lta a featlea. whig; and aa aotlr w. wih bim all poaaibl. uecaa. H. aaya " hi enter the field with few toauatain liim. But he unfutU a aiaudarj, and when on that atandard i written liberty, th. eonmitutien, law, anJ the bond of human fellowahip, be fore- aec iu recqiiion, and ia fear lea of the ieaue." 03" It is rumored thet Mr. Diddle il going largely into lb. culture of: the Moru Mullicau lia. New, what doe thi look" like! Heaven preserve u from the Monetcr! Why that Bid- die man will next buy up all the kick-try sap lings' in lb I'nion we reckon! : i MOBILE ADVKttTISKrt. TliU ablo and fterli- p; whig print has changed han3. Messrs Langxlon & Harris are now the Editors, ami judging from their iiplrrea to the public, it will be cmtducted herrkAiM' with tncreaa4 veal ami powerful ability. The folio!' g is a portion of tbci address i " i.onjr lone will it be, before our pov" ernnient will be restored to that priatine u rily. ami republican-simplicity, which charac terized the republican adininialrationsof Jet Icraon, MaUiaou ami Munroe. Uribcry, cor ruption and ileapotism are novc, baud in han.U boldly utalkinp Uirooli the land, and in their tieaolittiiifr. course, recklessly trample under foot the Constitution, ami are attempting' to overturn the civil jmMilutiont ofour country, and uproot and thto into iti'X)rilerl the social relations of society. They must be arrested in their career, or tlWe i an end to nur free government. The i(ic, now before the cihiii tryf is ' CtHitilalhmil Jjberty, r Sttrn Dcf psriaw." -1'his paper ahull always be found on the aide of liberty the xealotis advocate 'oPgood order, sound morals, and the suprema cy of the conatiHirion uml the laws i and will seduotisly labor to brinp luck the Executive within the limits prescribed by the Constitu tion. - We are opposed to the leading meas ures and policy of the present' administration. d we obj et to the manner by which it came into power. It was "conceived in usur pation, and brought forth in corruption," and we now awear, on the attar ofour cimntryrMi compromimiug ami nnceaiing oppfitiort It the r(-elrttitn.,tf Martin Van Jturen. We are determined to take a bil' ami indrneiuleiit stand, ami honest y and fearlessly sustain it We slia'l advance no opiiiions, and advocate no m. asure. but a ich ,as we honestly ami sincerely belt ive to be comet, and calculated to advance the prosperity of our country, and promote the cause of constitutional liberty. We shall expose cwrruptioir w herever fotiud, and the art of the demagogue shall be held up to view for public reprobation. Uut while pursuing thi fearle course, we shall care fijly abstain from -entering the arena of pr soual ktrife and shall cautiously labor 10 es tublUh fur our paper, a reputation for dignity, and manly independence. - I Front the Nalioual IuielUgencer, ,Wc have just received a rteatlf printeil Volume, eiiUlW '3jtmoriat of North Carolina," bjr. J. Skawkll JoNtsKKq. anil tleilicated tu llie J Jon. Win. Coil Johnson, of Maryland. We hare not yet had time tu give it a per usal) but buMh with pleasure lite Tut loving complimentary' notice ol it Trout the pea of a gentleman of learning and taste: MThe spirit nf inquiry and research, manifestly increasing in the several States of the Union, promises results not only honorable to the iiidivi.Iuais engaged In resuing from 'v'oiivion the most precious maU-,ials, and eminent ly c':r..'.ucive to the exaltation of the national ' charider, ".but incalculably valuable in developing the resources and capabilities of the country. Reflections on the beneficial influen: ces ofintellectual treasure,Jlaily dif fused by.lhe teeming pregs, bi"ve been ehrited by the perusal of a fecertfpub lication. entitled "Mtmor.iuls of AorA Carolina, by J. sawcu Joxes, of Shocco, the style ol winch is at once graphical and lucid-, and its proofs and arguments are strong in support of the facts presented..-.- The work referred to 5s,' indeed re plete with most interestinr matter, and Tom riMl1i-4teulighiejii;(La ujjj orju the jrratelul consideration of the Amer ican people. The philanthropist, the statesman, or the antiquarian, will duly appreciate these memorials .and, in view of the varied fi.ld for mental cul ture to-which they induce amUuvite discosiuon, the inte,Higent reader will entertain a patriotic asp'nation that the "march of a mind so competent to sub serve and promote the toniinort weal ., ...".It nine mosi essenirai particulars mm be onward, and never weary. - PHfLOMATH AOES Or 'THK ) PnKSIDBKTS.1 We gather the following interresting facts Iroin mz article, published in the Ntttinnal . Intelligencerk . some six or eight months past George Washington was born 1732, elected President in 1789; installed the' same year at the age of 57, served eight years, and retired to private life at tne agei dj. , , . . . ' ' John Adams was born in 1735 elec led in I7?6x 62 years of ace when in stalled; served 4 years, retired in 1801; at the age f 66. V v ' ' , Thomas Jefferson was born . in 1749 elected in ,1800 installed in 1801, af ti.o ae f:58 years: ser.ed . 8 years: retired from office in 1 E09 at the age of 66 years. . ; James Madison was born in 1751 Ktactn.l in 1808. installed in 1809, at 58 yaat s of age served 8 years r tired in 18 IT. when he was CG years old. James Monroe was torn in 1758 elected in 1816, installed the next year, when 4ie ;Was 58 years of , ages, served 8 years j retired from office ia 1825, at the age of 66 years. John Quiticv Adams was born 1775 elected in 1824j installed the follow ing year, at the a'ge of 60 years j served 4 years: retired in 18-29, being then 64 years of age. ' ' : ' " Andrew Jackson was born' in 1767a iclected in 18287 went - into offie. in J 826, at the age of 62 served 8 years, retired in 1837, at the age of 70 years. . Martin Van Buren was born In 1782; elected in 1836, installed in 1837, at the age of 55" years. It will I teen y: the foregoing that fourol our presidents wrra sixty -six years of age when they retired from public life, one 65 fivcj'one seventy', andtme ('John Q.. Adams j -sixty-four when he left the presidential chair, but he is still in public business. The lollowingare the- ages fof three "'her distinguished individuals, who are spoken ol as candidates for tlte ex alted station of president of ' the U, States; viz. y ;;. William Henry llarriaon was born in 1773, Henry Clay in 1776, and Dan iel Webster in 1732. ' - " f Mr. Van Buren is the youngest Pres ident we have ever had, and should he serve the second teritu tie will then re tire to private 'ife younger than any of his predecessors. Uut should General Harrison be elected in 1840, he; would go into power i.t an age more advanced than any before him. Mr. (Mar "is now in his 6lst year, and Mr. AVeoster in his 56th. , , . ., -, , GBN. BA RRlNGEll. We have been gratified to take again by the hand, the fitrmer, indefatigable, faithful and able Rebretentative to Con gress from this District,- Gen. Daniel L. Barhinokr, who after Ji is le teat in IBJ3. leu tins country aim . settled in Bedford, Tennessee. When he took his departure Irom among us, his health was so feeble, that but few. if any of his friends, ever calculated on 'lis res toration. But now, on a visit to his relatives in litis State, and to the theatre, where he. acted for a long period so con spicuous a part, we are rejoiced to find hint a hale , hearty man, auu as uncom promising as ever in his support of the great piinciples of the Constitution. We hope yet again to sec him in pub lic life. ; s - fltg,' INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT MEETING IN NEWUEKN. . Agreeable to-public notice, a large and respectable meeting of the citizens of Craven County1 was ' held at ' the Court House jn.lNewbern, .on, Friday evening, the 26th ult., for, the purpose of nottunalitig Delegates to the Gereral Improvement Coiventiwi to be held at Raleigh in December. ' m - The meeting was duly organized by calling to the chair Jno.. T. Lane Esq. and appointing H. W. iatimgrSecie, rclary:Whereupon the", Cliairmai) made known the object of the meeting. On motion of Thos. P.' Burgwyn, Esq.,', the following preamble and Res olutions were submitted. ' . ' H'kertett the citisei f Craven County, entertaining a deep aerwe'bf the immense, ail vantage rcauUing to a dtntry - liere an en lightrneeVaml liberal system of Internal Im provements encouraged and fostered, and being anxious lo co-operate; with their fellow ciiisen elsewhere in forthermg such mea nres a v-'', oe productive of the welfare of N'irtft Carolina: ' Retolved That Delegate be appointed to represent their views and interest in the In? ternal Improvement Convention which ia to beheld at Italeigh early in December- ' Retolved, That their Senator and Itepre. sentative of the General Assembly - be re quested to promote Mich works a . have for their object and end the general good of the whole Male,. .. . . j . . . .V;vd,.That each county throughout the Slate be, and.bereby-is, rejpectftllly invited lit respond to this meeting. ' , ' r ' On motion of Jas. McK.. Soead, Esq., the following Gentlemen were appointed Delegates. Hon. Win. Gaston, Hon. J. R. Don nellrJCoIr Saml. 8. Biddle, Samfc Hyman, Win. B. Wadsworth, Robt. Moore, Thos. P. Burgwyn. On motion of Olivers. Dewey Esq., Resolved,. That these proceedings-," published and the thanks-ol the tneet- inir i tomlpreil lo 4hst i Chairman ' anu Secretary for the discharge of the du ties assigned them. ; v ..' JNO. T. LANE, CVm. W L at t m tt si ',' Sec r'y. Mormon difficulty te(lUJ. The Nior nxons, to prevent the effusion, of bloml, have abandoned their lands'in Carroll and joined their bretheren in Caldwell, the citizens of Carroll agreeing to pay them for their property, and such dam- azea as shall be assessed by two men, chosen by each side. from the. counties of Howard and Charlton. - Second fAdnsrt. Mr. Van Buren said that the , second thoughts of the neDle are much more riirht and effici ent. " ; Precisely. soT The peoplt of this Stale last year thought the pres ent Administration undeserving of sup port, and on second thoughls" they see no reason to alter their opinion. v : '.:..-li.;3:v-iV.,-1'1 Star, Lot of the Seam i'acket Neptune. Gentlemen who came passengers in the Steamboat-South Carolina, from Norfolk, and who reached the tatter city by the Portsmouth Railroad,-- re port that the steam packet Neptune, which left Baltimore on Sunday, Slsf, instant for Charleston,'; was run a shore in a severe gale.near Smithfiield, on Tuesday night last, and was; lying high and dry, with her wheels, several feet out ttf walrf. The passrngers were all saved, and it ia' epped the boat may got beCthougli not wifli- out great loss and cxneu JialU Chron. A voun nrecenlor in Vermont lafi- ly chastised a female pupil nearly af old as himself, to whom he was under an engagement of marriage. He told her that though he kissed her as a lov er, he must lick her as her. tutort? WJ hope she will pay him well for Ins patns,whenshe gels him. ,1met. Sent. f On the 2Gth instant the Legislature of New Jersey re-elected Gv.Peu nington to the oflirenf Guvet nor for the ensuing year. s Whig to 24 Van The vote Huron. ' stood 40 c The St. Louis Republican states llial the public works on the' lies Moines Rapids, Upper' Mississippi have bet-ii nearly suspended. The wealher hid become so cold that the labnrem' refus ed to go into tU water. - As high a g3 perday had been paid by the sup erintendent to workmen tu go into the water, but most of them iefued to work even for that stun. " l ,' - r-- : - New Fork, Oc obtr 23. A transient ship, tne lltbemia, gives us dates to Sept. 29, front Liverpool. The news gues toconftrin the fact of a short crop, high price, of grain, scarci ty &c'8kt. - lite orders opn the Con tinent had not been abundantly an swered. ' The weather for harvesting had been excelfent. Great rll'irts are now nuking Iu repeal the. corn laws. The Ministerial . papers semi to he looking that way. The deficiency in the grain crop is estimated by ; some to be 23 per rent. The political news does not sectu to be to us of the least interest. ' Money is stated to be rather more plentiful than Unas been, the rates of discount being '3 4 lo 3 per cent. The Na tional Guard of Paris are beginning 'to claim the extension of lite right of suf frage a right they already h ive, I be lieve, but which they now claim for others. The Ministry seem to be re luctant to second the mnement. . The American oidcrs upon the man ufacturing districts of Kngland . must be a ur.dant.for hands are -generally cmployeil, "ah'l the wage pn lty gnoi A villainous, attempt was Jiiaile the other night In destroy the buildings at the Mooresville depot, ( the Wilming ton and Raleigit'Rail Road. CunipatiVi A parcel of combustible mailer w-s placed u.itfer one corner of th Ware house, and fire put Jo it,, which burnt a large hole In the bulling' before it was discovered. A , treat quantity of Merchandise was stored in the Ware house. . . r:..,.-. ;i;i'j':Vi JtVintns(!oii JlJverUter, 7I7njon Jn Texas. -Under the head of Texas Slid Religion, the Natchez (Miss.) Courier of the 29th ult. states that, the Rev, L. Fowler,, suprfiuten dent'. of Missions in Texas under-the control lf the Methodist church.arrived in that city on the preceding day, on hi way to 'Tennessee, bci business connected with his mission. f Accord ing to the Courier, Mr. ;, Fow ler ropres ents the, enterprise in w hich ,he is en gsgeri; ' as in a prosperous condition, and expresses himself highly delighted wkh the country and people of Texas. He states that "t ere are about thirty active preachers in the Republic, all ol wnom are coruaitiy, recetveu uy tne inhabitants, and that with a praisewor thy liberality in supporting' the church amongit.them, the citizens in all parts of the country are desirwi of receiving more preachers." " Mr.' F. expected- to receive a considerable accession to the Mission under his chargo-4Vo,Tennes- see- Napoleon's fWoir. In the acccunt of the recent coronation of the Kmperor o( Austria as Ring of Loinbardy we find the following snort notice of Maria Louisa, the Widow jut N apoieon: -"In the state carriage next to that of the Ernperor was the widow of Napol eon laria Louisa. Iter tun lorni, am ple countenance and careless or con tented expression, would seem to indi cate that the yicisitudes of life have pas ed over her -without leaving any deep traces of saddening recollections be hind." ' ' " -J-"? Ilow cold and heartless must be the breast of hi ' contented woman! She Lis tloiv the wife,' we ' belTeve, of some German noble,' and follows joyfully in the train r the legitimates, wherever they move. , Little did the- Emperor of France, or the exile ol St. Helena, niicioate that this would be the fateJ , it I t k -r III tne inowier ui ma crniu anu me ,nc i of his bosom. ! - , '.. 'flu poet Campbell and Jioz. Will is states in one of his letters, -'under the Bridge," published in the New York Mirror that the Poet Campbell is coin ing our country to visit the hal lowed vale .-of -Wyoming. I'ennsyl vania, which his pen lias innnuiialized, though never behold by tbo author. Box, in other words that . marvejlous young writer Dickins, whose Pick wickian papers have spread like wild fire over the reading world, also pro poses to embark shortly in-the Great Western. . Tbe Eastern "penny papers" keep up an eternal chatter about their wo men. Can they find nothing better to talk about?" tin. News. We are astonished at you, Mr. News. In the name of all that it is beautiful and good, what can there , be 00 jhU dull earth more worthy to, -talk altout, to write about, to sigh for, to die tor, to cry lor, or even t lie far, if need be, than woman angelic woman.- Intense study of lie Bible will keep any writer from being eWgtfr in point of style. r L i . li.. i 1 -a loronr uo not "u hi"-i mj im, my country; but Unirnajre, reltjjion, laws, srovemtnent, blood identity iti these makes men of one country. . . ; - -: Canning flashed such a liht around the Constiiuiion of Kngland that it wasdilCcult to aee Die ruins of the fabric through iu Good and bad! men are each leas so than they neein. - . - -A man7fn)xlms ia like a Cyclops with one eye and uW rvff in the bark f hia head. .-'--'tli,kridgt'i Thble Talk. - .MARRIED, -tr rluirifyrnn M rrenins; of rt-51 rt. inl., by tl.i- Ilc-v. Mr. Mr. Thokh Kuut u Miat Cklis Ant Ss'.ar.' In i'ii e n .U; on the tlth vf.t. by William Lnw, K-ij. Mr." Jarkaou i'Me to Mia Angi-liue 'anniidy. AND WINTER GOODS. LITC IIFOIll & oi.acu, MKUca.iA'r T.ui.oHs. FAYr.rrKvttLK Sr. Ralkioii, N. C. AUK NOW OI'KM; at ilirir Store.- one ilo'or bc-luar tlir Chh! r ar Hank, air elegant a, I'lrliaeat ,l tiiMMla tt tfii-ir jnte, tu,l,ri,ci'; t;inil.a, (iiiirii-a. imI VrtiH-g,, t evn-jr c I ami quality, ol aliicli tl,e folluaiug couii m-a pail: Soperinr Wool Died ItUck 1 - . l.t, lllue It.fl.-T.itM i)t-Mke rvk f.iren lira (ii'n-i; Kort- iln. Merl Miaed Atanith fly I laivingiitn an.l I'ilul, li. w ai title loi Ovritbat Stiit-rii,r Wool Dii-d lilack " c Lot us i Hr nam - iio. Sn.ckiHrl It.b'.l do. Diagonal - tin. Sli-att do. I'Uin lllue . i CtSIMEtlES I If ill ,1 r'tfrni'l Vialoria I'laiil Drab Siri- fro Huff Cailiniarells Superior plain HCk Mole-ik Velvet Tiger do. do. FiRim-d tin. ifo. oiilen do. Jo. rnsTi.ycs. r ikmifiI SHa . I'lain ilo. ,: Valencia Itutf Cailimarell i "J 1 nertln-r aidi mn aaanrlmriit af It E .1 D Y M.I J) K C L O TlltXa i Mdniiel ami Hutk-ikm Sliina i Draarri) l.iuen lt"i"iii an.l Ci.nari, viitlU-t an.l (,l.,n, (inmrtattie Sa peud.rii llotkiit, tlucktkin ami llrrlin III k Silk and Viciinia l.'ntvata, a aplen!nl mil cl SlOM'a t tovk Sami HiiiBUaaiiie. and Wl- .'Til; Triinkul'a crlihiatrd Sl"ck, ol ciy kind. w.v.j iinn mn cn ue lutimi in aij ainiilar eit.-ililitlnut-kl fiwU or S'.mli I Inn giioil, havr been aelt-vteil hy the junior pait ier in Itvrsmi, li i tpareil nei lir riiiriise nor p.im in llieir selL-cliiin, hihI eeonli.lcniljr U-lien-, aie I lie bral aawiriinrnt of (cnmlt evrr oprnvil i,i ili. Mlalet Inr the li-uilt ol call and r(:tninr for yonin lnn. We bait hi bur t mplo) ftitl rate Naiil.eni workmen, ami aii.il .uui eln ot alt tliacliminr, in tu l'.,.liioua. us sihiii at tin) lake pi we at the North. V ll.Vrvturc b aie lu hesiiaiinn in warrantii'ig ereiy lliins; e ni:.ke1n be well and as futlnunnblyciit and irade at t in be, NoHh or buqlli AJriutitr ol ll.e Ijeiila tore and oilier liaillng lite ily ilui ing lh .'. aion, would do well i call axrt esamiue our aloek bilm-e purlial(J. 1 hi. m niiliihjj iliti, own poult in.y rely U.n haiinr Ibrir wuik si swll eaecutril as lliongh at luruialied lb ma terial!. UiflVrs Irom ilitiaiice ron,,il) at triiiloilto Tliaiiklut tor paM larora werctpecl lully aolinit a continuance (if imblia i,atrnhn;r, I.IICIIrOUI)kOLIVKIt. Raleigh, Nov. r, 18.18. 44 4w PROSPECTUS OP TII NATIONAL IHAOAZHE : AXn HEPVaiJCAX HHVIEir, a. i. sbkst, aa, nnrrea. Tit .Xatimiul JHueutiiH uml Hepnbllcnn lit' view will be itillialieil iu tb city ot IViIiiiirUu, LnMruti i Ciiluntiiia, oil - lit lu uai ol Jaisoart nest, aodlvkrvied monlbly lu all ii ;.i oj Hi Umtril Mates, UesoleU cluicly lo lUa ail. sauaemrnt ol til great irmaiile .t,lli VVhig ki ly , aud lh Kttcoui ajjctaciil nf litt;i atui ad svienee, ... . . - - A 'rbegcipwirrwe nf die patt JTtar Las coufiim. xl ia the luiiul of tli wore rtuculilig anil saga cious of lb big wrty llial a vacuum ai,ia in the iieiioilkal nn of the country, in wliicb lioulil bit. emubined tlia urwloctioas ol tmr great slalrtrneu no literary ami M:titifie iub jeota, Suit iboae uf tbe entinenl Itlaiary gciiMisrs of hicli liie UniMnl Stairs an b.iast so ainil a ahare, on the various subjeclt itai (.rearm trtrfn sels lo a sound and vigoniat iniellei-t. . Il eaiiiiol be iloubied thai the present eriiiid u:ida lb publication ol a wuik aleulalel to in luu and circulate Irue ami lioneil poliiirat Inlor nation, aud lo (nuiileiacl llie dii-rlul IuDuriice eaei tcd by a nmntlily peiiwlie l ol a similar lia luie ,uhlitbcd iu llii city, urnler ilia auiHj,. ami bearing Ilia name of Ilia self-styled litmus iscj lit llic iicm-i,i day, silrocsliiig liifwanci bleb, if uciiea4ul, are deaiiued lo moiijilcr t ruius lb lalnie ol our nob I Consinutin, by placiug entiuclions on it 'O SU.l tbe capiia and a.liaiiaa tb reaching of a aovnipt aiub tlon. Th union of auch inuiil wnli a gnuerat litcraiure at bare imuUeil the eurrnv il kiw and bonesty of lb eounlry, by (iiwUiiJiliiB th .VIartyn!o ot Cillej." lehilerrd m asjanncr more ileiciiable li-uui ih Inuiliou way iu sliicli tbey are cwnibhieil, lend duecily to ibe Sitor ganttcaliou ol all tli.t, St Aitivrkans, slioulit be in lit Utuii aacieil. Tbi toiabinaiion Is lauat. V? " .'U?,U,!!!"!L ,nr.,''i': a ihch iiicj mRni uiiiiii . f-Titt a well at Irom a eti tain deceptive air; oi bib louul philaiiiHropjr and espantire libuaiity nf licet, nn wiimh iney are aiuuuy suie t mei incm seises, lor lb nui-imae ol stealing ibeir st hi- lo Ibe hetU ibroonkTllie umutpcuing brum of nisi aiait on snu n oepenui me ursiniy at koiet the nation yoangrarea. ' VMiiln tlie more eiHriciiecd sagacity ol older brailt cck. ,,ei-1 ktatiMe a tuoinrat m mitgiiiaing the rcaf naked ri.lorinity if lliete principU-a ol moittis l(amK)iiu, siuilrr all III lair-Mri uitng uiiRifi ilitv war atiuine, )el lo lb toung tne) ire re plete with a tubiU danger of. tbe most pernkioul character. 'Ike Natkmal Magasine and Republican Iteiicw h deaigiwil, anil will , be nunUusi. ad with these anil other high iiuponuul aim sideralKins iu view, calculated lo correct. mis. couttrucliowa, and lo itirulcat the cot reel politi cal priusiple ou which are baaeil the Slews and praaiiee ol the great Uepublican W big iit),as well aa lor the cneouivgcnienl and nutiiucHaacs -ol eeiHiiae nolile literature ' I be publiilMrrs will neither ajme caicna Hi the iu!$hauiral de partment ot lb work, nor llieir ulwtnal cftiM-la lo render the review uartui l tSu ISiblic in a lite raty point of iew, and konoruble lo lb aouiiliy ami cause which, is. dcUiocd lo espput ssa Naiiuual aeik. '1'lMrwcriixt ia fast amiting wkew Ike aeaw-ry will easerge front iIm wantiaiow ol a party kitk bat sees Into power nailer ih irrnH iafla ense of a utiilvd n!r wn jmlite,, ,ud ab!k bai tdvoaatcd arid ilcd under t li kioad ami oiiU4 n.oliu af effice- arekera, 'To the tkturs " Urloog lha Strititih i.ji,pM.il:" brw a- like auti-epublicm, atwn,Miiuliorwl,'"iid a'fuwl Haiti upon the ha lii.lilulio,., m he euonlry. that ca H.ly be etatlicaM by lha limmph 4 III i prances bic I, gotcn Ike Uepublima Whig li) ol lb HTrut day; U ailiocai. u ih p.iii,,c, ,)U1!,4 aha bmtu siihhI tun-mo w ttctcne .f t),e Con. -tliiuiHH, and Uti wtirn iy r at Stimiun- ' lire aa a piiy aoahr U. ea.nm the Wr'riU ul a lirtjflti SiIh. wah tkeJuau,0f Xr.-ar swHrtrrtrareaTTf MKnrtrilnl m irtauing il. ;.I i uieiil tin lb gmp i.l wmwptioa, wMI drent Ircia it tlivir intportaiif i!wtjr tu owiIm,. ibrir -clfurt, aul it aauwit Iniitrr b dun than at sou.. piu iing a peritalwal ol high stantling l,w snuual polilict pitncipl and liteiaijr wiHtbt awl Mich a una will be found in tb Nattbnaf Mrgaainc anal ItrnitblieirtlViirw. ' ' " . I be (uccrstof lb Magslne will Ibcrr&nV, iteiend, in a inrasui-e. on the vrrai but i.f iL. ippuurni of th pr.s.Kt Adminiatraiiim, ahnaw i..trial l will be lo aid in il permancul rib Itdirueul Aa.l il will be npjcll, bn.lihr tot Ike tulc-iilea aM iali ion band ut IcaHu. bra tpare neither ti.ue nor lab,Xui espl.HWion and wdvocway ot ibe true and cwTy peftlrdei on bwh Ihw tMiri,imrHl ran pmantr, ami null, ttieccas of l.,cli.U ,d, . gnat csixriuiciit ul Keublictin (ii,ernmrni. Hating mad im-M (rw remarkton ibe pnlhl. ual e.al ol thr publican.!,, . em.n.leM il.al at iiiilit y will be rrailtly i.ocei,d by thr fubli., and twllr upprecUtdi, B w.t,,iB , , .,,1 c.d K-a.ot ra, ibe f.lloai, ,,e prt,,!..! ' aiiijcci i ll l,h rt,irw Wj, ttTUU h pent L motl tikbratcd wntctiol llie piesckt Itctirwt snti Ctilic, I Notites wTiriHnraT" irimn l its uxct. ihrichv .i.m. pnr iiiim ai.de, i. .me to ,Utb pionuaiiuuteuly at aic richly ileiriiig bt it. A AKeU-h ul ibe i'rnceeillngsnrCelixrett will be Kivru at , ., 0I each Sesiii,. u, l,b dtb e.ln,cd Ibe aii ml iflVcl nl all 'piaiii,,-nt mi, ,! ,,., cirtiipilrd by Knill. ni,.,, acknoalralgrilkhlliiy and oppnitii. uilj to ai-rannv a,n nl, r aucl) niftier aa Will p me bi'dli ibl.reiiing ,.,! j,itn iKiiie.- Klccliiiii ki lin tu will be gitt n in a tabular loim, rmbiaiit.g all electinnt of iiuptiriaxce in the taiHmali,t. at icily a ptactMable alter die revrpiion of iifRcial rrlu't na. Him, a ant! I'aUs will aw, In, in ru imprrtat.t , t nt the wntk, and .If nrigbiat ai tales .i it. is ibaiacier w:ll rrerire pnnit ii-iilini. Tim idijucl f il,e pnldnlH-ra, hrt in ei.bancH.g ih KO.nl (jHitei hil, they bar r'n bat kid, wiil Im ui liuiii.h Ibr reailrr hI, i,, niattilaa will ., in.ciuci aim aniuvet and, at fcr - r-kvlchrt and lUliiliiiicciicct of ilrntl too dli. uiite tin hittoi't Hi.i ihicl and IlittorH-al SktUhvt ol tits t ii-tr'i ,1 tin tma(i-t K. - O, iKiual I'octty will be well tptinkled tbreukh ' P'ttet, f... t-.n-i Mtiiig ol li,tingiii,hrd Sialeinira. If. ike w..-k li. ill. I rrt't-ive die tanic ri.eilnl,Kc,,i,,' at ia u-iMlly rxlcn.lt. I to ihthuIk-.I, ,.f lite. I V ami ten-Mine characli-r, iht- tubtcribvi lo lha lievii-w will i.nl only Hint iheif NUtiibrit t !! bel li. lu-.l wiih ibrte tlrtirable pl.tr,,' but alio i.k luatij- other lalUiLle iiiipraveiuent.'. Tf.lt M3, The N .ilmil M-iaiinc and Rrpubliean (. xw will be puldhhtil in ruoutty iiuuibr, of eighty nclain pagis eaeb, nn flu iap,r. with n- w and liainl,..ii.npe, and iHlhen.o.i appnit. il tnrchai.Kl ami l piigraphwal ap-aiaue, at llie miMlrtate p, it ul Kite DolUri a rar. uii. able hi all art in adtanc, or nn tli iteliti'ry ' of I Im Ihii-d iiu-i.brr, wnhuul retwt lo cr.i,. Ai y iei"H fiH a,dt,.g I. n ti-tprrtaLl tub teribi'i t, atnf bcciiiMHig ie.puntible t r i a. iiiiitii.l f Ihe-ir taitMiinliiin Inr iha flm -hall re relie a npy gratis as loi-f at Ihey may siuiliuiie l-.bKiibci - I be pnbiiilt i t will be retpnntildr for all n,it ne) t foraatilril by mail, in rate.id mitcairiagr, l.i iiiiitiil the retlifical i f Ihe I'miniatirr shall b temirril, ami anpira Inra aidnl acc.i'l.igty. Il' a subscriber (hall not iH'der hit tubtcrip. lion In be itiiciiiiliiturd at lb ipiralin nl ih year, he shall Ini cnneblert-il at ahhiug the Ur -liew ecinlinncil, abicb thai I be lot warded, and llie siibur, i liim money is-ird nn llie ii-ceit ul ih thud number, at In Uie Snl intlance. No sublet iplina taken lor a It-M term Mian on tear ',- - - '-"- eimmun'ieatinnt rfisl paid, aiMirtied In the puhl shers at their rrstilrnse, Ccorgrte-BR, I). V will rree-itc prompt aticnlion r- I'ublithrrt of iiewipairts alio all) flf.y the fntrgnhig iniK-cnn wilt t.ei li- a (i nf th work In rschaiiKe, and also coulee a lasting favor upon Ibe nruprn-lur. - Kl'LTOS fc SMITH. - RaonotTaws, I) C. . y . It is ibe earnesl rii)nr of th putdithei tlial nrrespniitlrhlt will lurwant llurir (Oidribuliim for ihc ltlw at lb earliest pottikle miiiiM.ni, State of North Carolina,' - - - n - . , ... - - ...... -t , . fa-. Court "if Eituily Term, .1838. Win Put ker anil nt hers. Heirs) Pvtli1im Inr at law ol Ihni'l C. faiber, J 'Sal ui taiid. It antirarine to Ibe sal I, faction of lbs Conn. ilia I Luke I'atker, one'of Ih belit at law t.f Daniel i'arker, di'd. la not a rctidrnl ol I lilt iilalei h it Iberelurv otdered llial pabliealhin bw uiatie ih lite llaieicti tar, tor us wetks, lit tt" dee that lb said Luke Hatker, if title, nr hi lieit-t, tuny - appear at our lies't Coin I lo be bhl tor ih cutluly nl Galea, at Ih. dart IUhs hi l.ateteillr, tn lb first aiutlday alter the Inuilh .Vionday iu Maish nrsl, then and liter lo pit-ail, answer, or tlriftur 16 llie laid pctiiioni oiltetaita the aam will b taken pro coufelsu ut IB liitn and heard es-parle. .---.-. , UM. W. COWI'CU, O M kt. sTV, .Uk imtm it. J! .' viivr aa, a w mm u ut i I'tic Ad. 93 oSJ ." tvotici: To till inr Creditor. Messrs John II. low , llrnwn kt Snow, Alfred .I'.ars. (I.l.hua Ungrra, Hieli.rd Junes, II t.j. li. Smith, H)lrartlr bniiib. Jnlml. Mai shall, : John Hollnaay,. Jiisetdi Hem, Kinillaiei U Ilojd, . Willbnu franklin. IfHhaid It Sniilb, John Malnne, I'ankd II. Iliii-T, IMh-.I K. J. Ilavwoo.l. Alfii-tl tiliamt it llnjaooil. Is.f el Mnribf, Cut. Uatid Holland. Ilcitry yrsuke lis. William Anblci, Col. Allen Uuers, St. ' William it. Klrcll, K.dmnad Une, M. ' lint bee k t'n , Alary lluiilcr. Jattir l.rtch ; fnrd.Lewit IIdIiiiii.im, Elijub Vounj, brand v. It v stinv . . .. '. ' . I'luaav uke uniiee, that at . the Ncarniher Term of iha Count) Cmirt nf Wake, Inr 1131, I ilull -prar at Ibe Coutt llout in ilUltigrt lo take lint brnt fit nf, th Law, mail aud provided Inr the relief ol Insolvent Ihbtnrti when and where yon may" attend if yuu think nrnfM-r. ', - , lll10 FKAXKIJM. . Ratelgb, Ko. S, I tilt. . 3 ' TIK.YCIt HIGIII2S' NOliTll CMOLINA ALMANAC for the,) ear of our Lord 1830, contain log notires of lb rUlips, of Ih gOktrnu.ttrf iri . Carolina, limes ol holding lb i.'t.uila, a li.l nf ih Hanks Ihe-ir bratichts and uUicei a the tJiiieritty with list ot it pn-fetaor aud the Houk itqnikile Inr a Student, lutdual lo.irtii reenis. Unlet of poalae., our btai Home. Vleniber of Congtess and of tb btair i.rtii.ta tnt. l'obli Works, lioneramcnl of Uuiicd !Stra, farniliil lluimett with tondry Ititrta lo th farmer, Interen wig nmiscs id N. CaioUu. eonlainuig an a.anunt tf Ibe progrttsiiw Settle, metal of the St ir, many antuting am-edotea, tt. at. ' It It primed on tin paper, and in ty-migt-aphy it unetee-plionablc. Jusl rreeieed Snit ' loraal by lit Unit fl. 1 dots fS 40. IS cent a rlrsea, and 10 cents for a tingle copy a 4.- N..M i!.MItlllll ItflMlt hTOkK K W. Id. .11 orders shall niacl prnmnl aiteaiiou. . , Tt'RNEIt bt IIUt.HK. AFplicntioM will l uiVdto be ne SI lirurral Assembly M An Aal to mane-ipai Bob. comvualy called aud known by the tium nf Uub Kttww,' ihu proptila 4" WMUaw Mdl ul the Cat; ot .Uiab. - ;