-aw?-- f.3aud. In ihj mean tWne, were as jsrenared, br suitable education' f r -tbi practical ei'j. y went uf freedom. Tr.ntw.4a a totally different thing from m .drrn b diiion; according to which I slaves, without preparation, without rapacity, thrreiore, wr me exercise 01 t ie rights iifTteeirftn. ami without com-p- itwatmn In theft" owner, ap.e' to b 'oitliwith liberated, ami thrown upon ! mivf the community. Mr. Clav. b L iving that in Ken ' tuck . will, her then mall portion la vr. a rn emancipation might ! autclr adopted; and a ardenrTk lie ever ha hern and atill is, in the cause i( human liberty, tupoused the cause of f pro du I eirvanciiaiitiiiii. Hut we are J n( mistArn in ur knowletlge of" character when t assert, that, evrn f il thai ilar of youthful anlur, he would Jmvi keen aUterlv oiiiKinrrt. to ahulition -r1 inuiiteJ upntl at tliia dar. Slavery and Jreednm are -aearcelv mol e distinct than Io'.i tiijti and gradual ent:nicr.a lion. The ab:liltnst are neekin to di.turb the pcacelul cotiditrun of oilier cotuinitnities than thme i'l which tliejr rfid.-.---'rheir operation are ilinTtvd to lb Statrttif the Sooth ami W'eat, in hicl titer not rrsiiio. Mr lav' opinion in A7M was ennfined til hn own Stale. fie iJul not neck to Mitaie other State, or ! ohtnide hia own 4. pinion ujMiii them. 11; wua g williitjr ilijit each State in which slavery ex'wted, al.ould Ju.(ge and ict for her self. - Ue-aovght ily lo .-improve the vendition of hi own. Indeed, we be, leive tlut even as to gra.Ku! emanci pation, hi own opinio.) was subject to modifi 'ation . and condition. When the . portion uf alavra was an hinall in anv prate fa in KeiituckvJ that there waa no (langer, in any event, of llie African race acquiring the ascen dency he would probably, if a iiti7.cn of .lmt 6fatr,'ltave ben in favor of grail tW itKan&paTioH but, if there were any ground to apprehend that (heir blaiks. from their number, might in any State become uppermoat we have no dnuht from hit declaration in the Senate of the United States, that he would, in audi State, have been opposed alike to gradual emancipation and to abolition. What -then m the oP.ente committed by Mr. C ay fortyr jearsagi, which the panisana of Martin Van Kuren (dial M. V. 1). who sustained the richt nf negmei Invntu ia Iris own State, and nppftsed the adiniasinn of Missouri into theUnion, peraase nf her slaves) are w dwelling on with so much exulta tion f Not that he was in fuvor of ab olition; .W ha never countenanced; but that in hit own Stair, on the occa sion of reforming her own consfiturinn, h was in favor of a slow, cautious and considerate emancipation of slaves! And has not every State t decide hia q ueslioaJueitaell i What Stat -a H'tghts man, or other politician, wilt dare to question this right f This rharpit of forty years' standing is nnw brougirt forwarrl, 4or Ihe Jirt timt, against Mr. Clay. When did he seek to invoke the interference of Con gress on the supjoct of slavery ? Vhen did he not oppote all such in-lerf-reoce ? Did he, on the occasion of the admission of Missouri that mem orable occasion when he was announ eel b Cut. Benton at the pacificator of ten millions of people show any want of rest4ation in defending the rights tf the Slave States. Did he, at th last session uf the Senate, when he offered resolution the first time o"ch a renolotion was ever .offered declaring that Congress has no right to alop what is called the slave trade be tween the States; and another declar ing that the faith of the -lnion was pledged, by fair implication, against any Interference with -slavery in the it! (strict uf jCuUtntbia ? , ' Louitvillt Journal. i Kabw ma ItaanTia. to tiik reopix or n. caicolinA: Faatowiraataai There ia no subject )f aoeh vital intrreat o us at preae.nt. as the . proffreas and ultimate succeaa of our system of Internal Improvements. Uniformed by experience, great value is ta be placed npon vry Xmng, calculated to aul us in our dclib --evsrHona, and point out to ut tbe moat prac i. I cable meana ol atlaiuinr the ohirct we have , - in . As such, a aeries if Essftyav-Jipif-- tinder, a course of publication in the Stan dard, over the signature of Miwtob, have, for asxvve time, attracted public attention. The ssii'hor is eenerally known as a man of high : sUnnding, and considerable repnlation aa a ' nrofcsvaianal ma and Stat politiciaui which nay Ipva weight ta bis views, in addition to any intrinsic merit" they may poasecs, have read tome of these Easajt with pleasure, and believe tbara to nrrrain many sound abstract principle, which.if adopted and acted upon, may nrove oigreai ultimate oeneni to ui slate ' nut the i3!i ami 14th numbers ar so man irestly seational and illiberal in their character, that 1 cannot allow them to pass, without - ome attempt to disabuse Ihe public mind svjth refbcei.et to the matters therein treated. - The scntitaent of MtsToa "that it is a wise t rHi':y to make it the interest of our planlera trade at home. meets tnjr entire apiiroba '. lion, avod J onlv .regret, that, we differ ao w idely, with regard to the means ot eflVctu ating this policy. J assume as an admitted stioin. that the interest of tha flai.tee and iarmer ia the iiittr at of the State, and con tend as eooallv undeniable, that whatever , nde to eithanee the price of his products by i . opening .to bim a direct and apeedy way to ' sroarket, be that way or Uut market foreign vr internal, i an immediata ami direct auvao taT lo liimi that, on the-other hand, that costrae (however pure may be the intentions sf those vba propose it) w uicb seeks to torce , tu ftrvatt to dispose of his crop within tbe . , CL. L. . . - . L . 1 . . I bOraerS m Die fin disk, at mcu inve .upon aucb terms, as tlia agents of foreign Capitalists may see fit to propose, without this poor privilege of sending it where he csn do better, is a serious and lasting injury to lh agriculturist, and totally adverse to the trae policy of the State inasmuch, as it 'suia awerifce the interest of the whnlst IS bjprinr and productive part of our population, ,10 fuBaneelhe pro fits of a few, perhaps al- taxcfV pnnceiy Merchant. What then, I mklk. isibenrerirrcouraeto be pureu ed Cntpirttionab'y llraf. winch will neces earify produce neither iect Letthe Mate do hcrotmnst lo ieiit in an extensive anil liber al at atem of Internal linprovementigive to the citizen the m am uf jcnd'niR die prjdtcl of the soil to maiketa in Hie Ma'e and oul of U; nlfrr him the taut inducements to trade at W ilmlngton, or lleaufitt. that lie fmda it Pcler-bura; or Charleston, ami then, if you pica-, appealto Irs S'a'e pride, and if he lie mi4 muil ob-li. atcly perverse, mistob will, i find let htt'e escrti.e lr U h Slate j.alousy I .)ifl.-rin from nlf, aiJe do- wid-lv and tihlly upon ll.ii mWit, lie haa in li s I. -it ' n.imli-r embarked upon a wild and iii'njfry cmaile, .Vaunt the prupose.l extcin.o.i o tlie IlKleiB-l. ami C.aon Ui.l Ho.l. from t..s nine - to Colombia South Carolina. To cor. rt-Ct some of bli (no il'mbl luimt ntinnal) er ror, and shake ')ne nrTiTT iiiipr jiniiled an. I hastv ciMictusimn, i my pree..l inteiiti'or. MisTn, (,-rn'in.U h:s oppootion lo Ihe aa aintance iif'lbe 8'ate, ami even to the iiiasi. ted comlruc4ion "f lh urk, upon the tol lowing aisumed ficM: lt. Thai il haa none id' the eaaeiitial clrat-acterist c of a State woik. Upon Ihii rj'ieslion, there can be no positive role by wHidt to j i gv, at.d if it ii or is not. it mimt be either, in a reatiie de- ! K'ee. I. el 'J(inpr-' it 'I"'" Witl' "'fuj--j f .iftoiitf stjte works that idul ol Mrntor's 'lie Wd.uir.jjtoii a. d It.dei)rli ttail Koad, and --e l.:ia much it must a.dtrr by .'he i-omparii'Mi. And lint, is the Vihniojr ton anil Itiileifjh It.ul Una I a produce rua.l' ''"T;bly it oat. and facts nil) iiic i"i' ill inn ,,.n nun.. ik,.,'i i chartered to be bnilt from Wilmington to . Wilmington t o llaltij'h, the centre of the State, ami h.nl it. been ao couatrurtid, m1'' have depended mainly upon fieijjtitfur it aopport. Il.it a Ihia cmilil i.ot be regarded as the source nl (front profit, I lie necessary kiibkcripti.iiis f ,r ill ciTninroct irent could ot be obtaineil, and an amendment a as oUtaincd to the. Char'er au h iittinjrrtl.e thanpeol the terminal, w to ll.il.fjv, with the vit of connrciinp uitli Charleston by Steam Hoats, and NoiIoIk by Hail llaad;atid no nun, at all acq-ia.ned with the history nf II. 1. 1 Koads, will nude. take to ay lh.it fur the neit ten ve:ir the receipts from the transportation of prmluce on the Wilmington Itua.rTnTTj.jiy; Hie expenses of re-p.-ii. Il is then, essentially and materially. a travel Koad, anil as such, accord. ii to Mas; tor a idea, liau no claim whatever to the as sistance of the Slate. Hot here, again, I dif fer from Mrsroa, I have no feeling of ai c tional hoalility to the Wilmington, or any oth er Koad, and actuated by the aamc feelings willijthe I'lincp, whoae highest ish was to see a chicken in the jiot ol every one of his anbjecta, I would rejoice to see a Kail Koad traversing every couuty in the Stale. Farther, it these sectional feelings and local jealousies, which hare so long kept our Slate in in-ctii i- ty, H nut actual di-cline, shall ever be over come by a patriotic spirit of solicitude for the panel nl w elfare, this much abused Kaliigh and Columbia Koad, will become a very -i in porlnot link in tin- chain of State w oi ks. The Fa) ettsville and Yadkin Koad w ill intersect it about 40 miles west of Fayetville, and when the Kraoch of Ihe Wilmington Ko...l to this place cliai be completed, (a project for which I believe II stok is not at al aolicitoos) the Planter bordering upon either Ho-Jd will have the choice of 3 Markets tw o it. the Stateind one out) ant, if equal inducements are tillered St. a It, who.ean doobt as to his choice' tt is well known also, tha, at some seasons, the Cape Fvar, below Fnyettenlle, is not naviga ble. What then woti'd be the situation of Ihe produce or the passenger' The produce must be aobl for what it will bring, and the passenger mint rc aa he can lo Wilmington, ur some other place as far out of his way. The Farmer, however, woo'd 110 doobt wil lingly sell his Cot I on at half pr.ee, and the passenger lose his time and money and charge it to account of Suite Pridt! Verily, Mtaronfl wooiu "me lui awn ihi tlr it tfiite Ai face." .... 1 lie aeeond objeetinn la, that it eannot be pro Stable block, and, consequently, nyuil be a loa ing bariuass la those ho engro in it. Msif Toa has avinccil but Utile ol bis ysnal political aagaeitT in the ilistutiion of ihesa qucitiom, anil sineliiura unioitunalrly, ennti-atlals himself. At oua moment the whole trade ol Noi tk Caro liaa isle be cut up and ilii.lerl one-hall to be carried lo Virginia by the Itsleigh and Castoa Kail Knad Ihe other lo go in bnulh Carolina, by Ihs Columbia Koad and the investment in the Wilmington Knad will he rendered nnpio ilgctHfe, tiecsuie the Columbia Ko'"1ll da privfl it of a lai-ge portion of the lratilrAt the next moment, ihe ttaleigh and Columbia Una. I ean oever ba built, because the Wilmington Head will aurj all llie passengers, and there will bs no produce lor ihe Columbia Koad to carry , and aapilsliMS -will not invest their money works, where there is no prospect nf a return. Now both iiroboSiikiua are eaonllv duffctive anil absurd. N011I1 Carolina is not a4d tnthe Dutch, nor nave 1 any leara itiai sue ever win be. upen uirvci worn raunieai ions witn your nsapurt Irjwna, and thosa towns will oiler' inducements 10 tour Planters, and with lbs rapidly increasing popula tion 01 our country, ma autocate 01 either Koad need aot fear that Ins laionle will suffer tor want of Passengers. Hut Jet at see how K is, thai MiaTon would appropriate all the Passengers 10 in tt ilmtnglon lloailf -1 nntl, opon rrlereurc 10 tne paper, that lie comnleis the whole liayel line woild aa kounilctl b Charleston on the South. Here is bis great error I hat the Wil mington Koad will always continue in enjoy a large portion of ihe irasel between Charleston and lb ui th, I do nnl dubt; but, at the same time, 1 cannot allow thai the travel from Augus la and tbe South-western Siatea will preler.go ing a hundred and Buy miles out i t their war-. for lbs mere purpose of travelling upon ihe Wil n-itngtnn koad. Persons from Ihe Wetiern pail nl Una Slate, and even l enneasre, will alinseek this rned aa lb moat direct route to the Nor. ti ara fines. litt, upon this point, iheie can be ul Mil room lor controversy i every pri suo at iiromaty sagacity, BUU peieeive, lliat the Co lumiiia Koad, H built, combining at it will, the advantages of being a link in Dm great chain nl internal aommunieaiinn between lb principal places of lh Seaboarsl States, and being upon thai Isne nl' Ihe crest Northern and SotU hern mail, will always eommand a. large pmiiou nf I ravel between Ihe two seelmna ot eountiy. wnai may orineaosi ui me Iva.l Koni ii om Charleston 11 Columbai, or ihm- pio'.it Irom travel, or olber sources, ean he ul no interest to us; but, to lar at we are Iniio.lie.l with the meana ot judging, lbs Koad Irom Kuleirb lo Co lumbia eau be ba.lt at but Imle greater expense per mile, than th Wilmington K...l, sail Mis. Tom's speeulslkint sbool retil Jrr cent iau aiail but lllllo heic. It may not h improper lo introduce a few facts bete, lor Ihe purpose ol showing M turns', intimate acquaintance with his kuljrct. He states that the liuoks of sulisci ipti.'ii were openrd, "laj the Ime f at Mnfirercilrnlnl food m V mtneg mtarket?' The enmpant a a chartered in Ihe winter nl IS'iC-7, and toe Hooks wt-re open ed in M7, but a short lime pretn.us lo the tu-.-penttnn t.t Specie ps) ments. Truly an 'oiftrrcr llenle4 tiiuei lie also sta ea that tlie whole sub scription amounts to bul little over fJ0.iKO; now, if Mentor bsd been over-scruniilnus about Ihe correctness n( bis assertions, he a ighl have i informed himself thai the ciltseus ol lialeigh a- I lone have subscribed Two Hundred Tbnuuoul i Dollars! This I am however disposed lo con- j aider a typographical ei ror, as I . cannot suppose f Mentor 10 have been thns ignorant of lacs. Menlar next assumes rbal the proposed exler- sion will prove ilelrtinental lo Ihe local interes.t of Kalcigh.and here again, I beg have In difl'er with bira. The tisde which Uak.gii now deiitrs, or may derive, Uion the finishing ol Ihe Casicn Knad, from the adjoining eounitet, can, in no wise, be affected by Its extension; while that of site SoeUarn ami Som wester) stoontie, apoa the construction of Ihe Yadkin ttoaJ," must evi dently be carried to Fajetieville, unless " puriwn ol it be diverted lo lUleigh upon the Lo lumiiia Rout: the iniereij which ihe ertixrni l Kaleteh line lakrn in I lie werk it, boe'tr, per ki the beat comment upon .Mentor'a ttri l.,ll,,comtl (be real bona-fide objection, and the tnm f .' Mtor'a b...il.y; but oxuu.u , ' " " , .a. thrown intbelee:hot our Le,i.l."ire: I .at IT. Mil, l,ir nut aiinLTin IO lite Indium"-" It mil, hrciuie lit continicliun ill enclnLt-r ll.c rctrnne In be dermtl born Ihrir in eatmenl in Hip W ilmington Kol! Ami ia ihia lo be the r"'' of all our bnaI.l fToit al imprnaii u the con'!. lion uf our people' That Noiili (:rolina . I be arreiteil in lier naril laa.eb, the enterpi.ie I nl her people eroihe.l. ami tier al reaircct ; luckeo up, mereij inr.ner . i '''"' the ;..l-ry um ol Kil.teen lhm.,,.l 4'll:irs interest, ami that bv no means jet nuiir ' In. 1. 1 nut I trnst-that opon Ibis point at lent. Mentor msv find himself unsupported by imlilic "ii.n.nn. No.il she has made this 11.101 iiiriit lot the mere jmi-pose of becom iramgacom- i?MMeni..r in mi partner in the proins to lie at i . . i i 1 r. . . 1 . . 1 . lll.MCPr.l Hil"IUI , , PIIU lllllll llll.., ...VI leai i. .!.il ,n..,imrt msv nrove a bad oae. like the l nine. I (ianibler she thnulii risk her list cent in some ninte feasible prnject, with the hope ol recovering what she has fli'H loolisbly venturcil. II. il I trutt Ihe guardians of her weltare l.aie been a. tuKted hy higher ami purer ruptites, sud that they aill ever bt? touml ready lo act lur tl.v gofnl ot the pefi;,le and Ihe w bole people, satii lieil lhat, whatever temls to t urich anil mvike them hippy at iintiritluals, tends aljo, in ihe taine ...(. .if, o elevate ami agi;i'andize her own rhiracler ui a s-ifereign State. In I tie IVi, thif mailer presents itself bear t ' uiisr mrce, inn n iney oo noi arouse inriu firt I attempt, by a sectional interest, lo ; once uicin imo seeMnnai measures, " "e y "r . , ... .. ., . . ninih, sml it is tune their hitherto neglected ctsi-ni should he listened lo and complied with; ..I I Imp every enmity west of lialeigh w ill be ieiri-sr.ited in ihe proposed Internal Im-pi-nfenieot Conv ent i-in, aUuut to be holn'en n. tins pi tee. I bate no desire or intention lo engage in a new spaper controversy on this subject, with Men tor nr anv olher iiei'sun. I am not interesled, in liviihially, to the amount ol a single penny in either Knad, hut as a emum ol the State, I look witli deep ami increasing interest lo every thing which i, ealenUird lo influence public opinion upon Iheie mailers; and while I Ireely admit ihe soundness ot some of Mentor's views, and the ingenuity wi'.h which he treats hit subject," I cannot cither admire the mrtoitm, or envy the ability whirh set ks to ilegrsile our .State from Ihe high character nf liberal and enlightened protector ol the rights and interests of her ciii icns, to Ihe mercenary nn ol a petty ttoek- jvbber. HIP VAM WINKLE. TI5K STAR. HALEir.II, NOV. 14, JS3S. 47 The Legislature of North Carolina will convene in this ('ity o.i Monday next. Its deliberations will be held in Mr. 13. D. Smith's splendid now buildinrr, corner of Market Street; where the most ample and elegant arrangements havebien mad to sub serve the convenience and corafott cf the Members. FEDERAL COURT. This tribunal met in this City on Monday last -Tudrjel BaBBoiTiPand Potter presi ding;. The Court adjourned on Tuesday evening, there having bees no business of great importance brought before it. The " STJ.YIhlllirS" attempt to DRIVE the South into a svpport of the Administration. There was an extra issued from the Standard office in this City, on Satur day last, bearing on its face the osten sible design of arousing the Southern people in defence of their rights, and proclaiming, on very questionable testi mony, that a formal union' had ta placu " between the Abolitionists and Whigs." Such a declaration, however unfounded, is calculated to excite deep attention; an. I though, in the end, its iiw it poison may caase its death, yet the fear that some may bl eluded and im puted upon by its Jesuitical conception anil argument, nntl a sense of duty to the South ami to (he Whig cause de mands, that every citizen who values his pure principles and who would shrink from an union so monstrous, should at once recur to his position and promptly correct the public opinion thus sought to bo itillamcd and misdirected. We are not desirous to clear the Noi (hern Whig Party of the chaige of AhMitionism, at thn expense of any par ty either there or here. But when the f.icts are in mir favor when they in controvei libl v hhow that the Whig par ly of ihe north embrace as little of .iboli liotxitm tm any party there and when The ad mi ntsTa I i o itc rg ii ivfare end e a V or" ing, in the face of these facts, to unite tli.'in together they must bear the true charges thrown upon them, and occupy thiit position to which the candid jutlg mcnt of the people may assign them. On the adjustment nf the Tariff ques tion. Abolitionism, although before agi tated, began to extitc Ihe more imme diate attention t.f the Union. The South, the interested, the villificd sec tion, was alive in a moment to the sub ject. She saw the actors in this ex pected tragedy, and tdie was prepared -to scrutinize the course of the North n'iihout respect to party. It was then found that Abolitionism pervaded to some extent the entire Northern body politit ; and Southern statesmen at once took their stand upon the Constitution, j They reminded the North of their rights but. despite of their remonstrances, the Abolitiunists increased in respecta bility and number, until in '3G 3T the Southern delegation in Congress were insulted to their teeth, with thousands of petitions to abolish slaverv .some of them from sieves. And it was on this memorable occasion that Mr. Wise, than whom a more incorruptible and sterling Whig never existed.' boldly, proclaimed that neither himself nor his constituents would thus calmly submit to insult; and, with the Southern dcle- gatinn, left tlie hall.. Where were then Argus and is now paraded by the St.m the Standard's democratic" brethren j dard to operate upon the South. P.ut uf Ihe North, whom in times past, it we repeat, it - MUST FAIL. The says " Inught our hatUPs '? Anterior to this, however, Mr. Van Buren had I , .riven, bv hi. opposition tos?averj m .".I I-.. .,P,rr;. aoirrae. and bv hi avow - VI .ucatnri hV UK VUie Ur C CAlCtl3' .. -'a a. t a!.-. -di..n ed abolition nrinciple'C the mot une- port a Northern man at all, his prmci d u i vocal inv iu tion to the abolitiuttisU JOT.t hr Um quettUonab e w.th ?. ,,.L r.l Thi: th.en .ac-' recard to Abolitionium than Martin to . i ;t, n thai . iiri-arrUirfiMl'a. (U liflll III! Dtniiuiti u. - - --- - - ,:.,, JVIr. CalllOUM WiH lor t . , i ! meeting; at the legislative dour and liutl- . ... . i- ...,t...e. ami Mr. Cl.iv introduced romilttliniii U'fining the landuurks of the Cotislitu- tion with regard to slavery. no ip- nosed these resolutions.' Who intro- ducetl resolutions antagonist lo tiieui? MORRIS of Ohio, the champion ofclhe administration. IIk brought forward fanatical dogmas calling for Ihe abo 1 littuii of slavery . in direct violation ol i ConMitutfuu of the f. Stated The ... a ,1 I amillHtiatlUll t9 at the llortll eXU.l- etl at his position. And now, that tlie an minitration, uxitkd with i up Aboli- TION1S I S lave carried the elections in Ohio, (the State 4tcli this same Mor ris represents, ) do we hear any regrets of the Standard? Do we see any extras announcing an 'important crisis, bi with the fate nf this "treat country"? Do we hear anv pious exhortations to .. " i . . A ' adhere tj tlie Constitution".- Any appeal to the pseutlo democrats to dis unite them-reves from their, brethren in Ohio? Any appeal to State Rights men, to Federalists, to support those it may deem the guardians of Southern libet ty ? No! not one word to this ctleCt! Hut when the Albany Anti-Slavery Society, in an electioneering excitement, takes its position beneath, the banner of a Whiz candidate, we hear itsluutiest and most ominous tones! "A League!" and the assertion that the whigs have formally united themselves to the abo litionists! It would make the people believe that the whole whig party ure rak abiili'ionists and that no security is offered to the South, should it refuse now to march, "horse, foot anil dra goons," into the ranks of the Adminis tration! In the same number nf the paper which promulgates this circular which the Standard has given in an extra to its readers, we fintl nn article signed 'An Abolitionist," in which it is plain ly intimated that the Anti-Slavery par ty will not support the whig candi dates. They say that the "Whig par ty, have no respect to the opinions of the Abolitionists, in making their nom inations to ollice,"and that Mr. Seward savs he was nominated withoutany reference to them." And it is notori ous that tlie abolitionists look upon Mr. Clay as their deadliest enemy. This is proved by the abolitionist journals. The course of the two leading Whig prints in New York, the Star and the Courier and Knquirer, in 'DfiVKSCE OF SLAVERY, and the course of the Evening Post, the leading administra tion paper, in DIRECT OPPOSI TIOS TO IT. and the manner in which the abolitionists denounce Mr. Clay as a slaveholder, constitute ut themselves conclusive proof that the 'democrats' of the North are deeply im plicated in Abolition schemes, and that no victory can be achieved over the Whigs there by them, without power ful aid from their allies, the Abolition ists. The fact is, in the late New York elections Mr. Seward, the Whig can didate for Governor, was OPPOSED by the Abolitionists. This is proved by the Courier and Enquirer of the ?th. It says: " If .Ibolitionitm .or in other words Trru ton treann to the Union of the Slates in its most oiliont form had not raised ita hideous head among os, we mitrht proolairn, with certain til, that VM. II. SEWAKD ia elected Govern or. But the mavts who seek itlo!ilion of alavery without regard to the Constitution ajiJ ihe institutions of the country, have for a mo ment setlticfil honest and high-mimled men into their toils, and have thus given themaelves a political importance whirh is aa transient aa il is contemptible When lima is allowed for reflec tion, all those thus deluded, will find expressed in the teller nf Mr. SewnrJ, the only opinions in regard to this exciting topic which any honrrt man any patriot may hold without being guil ty of treaton lo our Union. Then will political abolition be held up ns a bye-word and a re proach; and those who have temporarily yieldcj to it, look with acorn and indignation upon ihe unprincipled men with whom it originated Thank Gon the Whige of the State and City fof New York, while they leel as turn should feci on this subject, have clearly demonstrated that they al least, are prepared to hold .ibotition- t'srt as only worthy of being associated with itt'g liacK in we tacen i -''?,."-";;, , ,. ,Ilu c Focoimantl Fi.nnj Ifright .?-rwr?nrMrio"i,)l r Mr- Seward, and fliedet" at of tans. With lurm Itiey Have "couaigneu it to the tomb of the Capuleta," and the great victory they have achieved ia untainted with thia new fairglod species of treaton to the Union." ' In New York, it will be seen, the Whigs proudly proclaim that the "great victory they have achieved is untainted with tuis new-langled species of Trea son to the Union" Abolitionism Docs this look like a " formal union be tween the ab'olitrenists and whigs"? W'c believe thisrattempt to drive the Southern people into the support of Mr. Van lluren will prove abortive. It or iginated with the Albany Aus. It is its last hope. The cause of Van lluren in New York is crushed forever; and this trick upon the South is confidently looked to as the only means of prop" ping up his falling fortune. Bradish, the Whig candidate for Lieutenant Governor, in his overweenin"; ambition for office, to gain the votes nf the Abo litionists, gave in his full and uncondi tional adhesion to their odious and fa natical doctrines. This brought out the famous bulletin of the Anti-Slavery So tietv, which-was seized upon bv the South can never trust its rights to the on this subject in to-daya paper. Tho la hands of Martin Von Buren. Any jttlh-! dies, wo am ... will ,.t t.. l er device to .ecure licrcortfiJence nirj-U n-ivp surrprucu ucurra mis ti " . - ; tion he is not divided- and if he up- ri Hut ihi is not the time tjg . ,,rfsillentia relerence-the " '" ''ave HH jet 8 lecteil iiicirian 1 a . didaie Lor are these tlie means ny i ur 1 .1 1 .Southern neon e can ue itnv- ..... . 1. 1 - . cii irmii uiencitiin; ui mvu ..; will rupport whom they please i7.fi will nH it dictated to by any print UV.UE whkli acts with a party ut the Xurlh who owe uuy tunporary succrs$ they may achieve to un union-trr,h ,'lbo liltonisls. This extra speaks of the "gtcal and inisjhly conflict which is at hand." Of this we ate aware and we were the first to sound the tocsin of alarm in N. Carolina. The conflict is near us. Al ready are the uotca of preparation heard at the "North already have the halls of Cuni-ess resounded with Southern eloqriijijjfce 'pleading for constitutiooat rights and chartereil prerogatives and alreadv have lorgans of the adininia- tratioti raised their Uorgon.iruni in op position lo slavery already have its I '.....j I j.n' tltA It.,!,,. Ill champion attempted-on,' the floor ol Congress to place the iron heel ol Abo litionism upon our institutions. Tlie Whigs of the Sooth care not for parties in this great conflict; they are,convinc ed that patriotism will impel to the on set every son of Southern chivalry whose aid is desirable or whose assist ance is'worth having. And if that con flict be-now, let ihe Standard, letthe pseudo democrats'' remember, that true Southrons are too brave to be a lanned- as they are too pure to be se duced into Uie Van liuren ranks as their onlv hope. They know their rights they know, their position they want no " democratic" advice, and they will scorn the tongue that would give false counsel or warning as they will strike bac ihe traitorous arm that would ove'rlhrowlhcir institutions. We shall expose hereafter the unten able positions assumed in this extra its appeal to Southern parties, as insult ing to (hem as it will in the eutl prove powerless ami contemptible. In the mean time, from want of room, we close these remarks with the publication ol the letter of the Albany Abolition So ciety, to which the Standard has at tached such a tremendous importance.. cuter I, ak. Inti-SiaiTi Meet an vf the S'.tilc uf 7b t.W .veu- I ark. .W'r ask the privilego of brethren, to set forth briefly hut frankly, the reasons which constrain us to cast our votes for WILLIAM H. SKVYARI), for Covc-rimr. 1st. Mr. Seward is tho c..'. J.Jaio of the party which, on tho floor of tionsirtss, nobly vindicates the itiestiinahlo right of petition, and as nobly asserts'tho freedom of debate; of the artv, also, that sustain John Quiuey Adam and William Sladr; of a party whose views are liberal and tolerant. 2d. Mr. Seward is tho candidate- of the party which, in our last Legislature,, passed resolutions uitain.it ihe admission of Texas into the.t'nion; agaitwt Pattern's jjao; resolu tions; in fuvor of iho right of pt-ti lion; and t'i ni-or olVrantiiijTtrial by jury to persons claim luoitive slaves. Instead of the dt-inmoialiotis and rc-vilitiijs with which ottr petitions' were treatf'd in years past instead ol' tlireatcninir us with penal enactments, the Whigs receir ed and treated pelilious and remonstrances with that respect and comity due to their con stituents. .'Id. Mr. Seward is iho candidate of the party that opposes tho re-election of a Presi dent who stands pledged lo veto any bill a bolishing slttvHw'ttiriTlsTRci of Colum bia. 4th. Mr. Seward is ihe candidate oppos ed to Governor Marcy, who in his messages to the Legislature, has manifested, in simii ineiit and sympathy, the bitterest hostility to our cause; and who, as the prcsidiao olu cer of a juiliiie meeting, while he was"(inT ernor of the State, recommended the passage of laws authoiiiirig a violation ofilie maid, ami inflicting pains and prnaliic-; upon those who were disseminatino- intidlioeneo and truth. 5th. The re-election nf Governor Marcy would g-j very far towards the re-election of Martin Van Buren, whose measures and poli cy are so hostile to the cause of human lib erty. And, finally, because our knowledyo of .nr. i-vwam irans us to cojilulo. inahu. rroue I 1 I. n ral soundness and integrity of his principles. We view the jrreat question of a Nub-Treasury, a Nalional Hank or the Ciirrc-ney, of minor importance compared with the great subject of human liberty; and bclievin.r that Gov. Marey, will best nromoto tho irrent causo of UiiivnrsaJEmancipaiion, wo shall vote fordwfls-ourselvos, and recommend our Abolition friendslo do tho same. Wo are, respectfully, your fellow-citizens, ( JEFFERSON MA YELL, Prcs t, Albany Young Msn's Anti-Sftvery Society. :.. '.. CALVIN PEPPER, Jr. ico President Albany Anti-Slavery Society. JOHN WILSON,; Cotrcsponding Secretary Anti-Slavery So. IL CARPENTER, 1st V. P. WILLIAM GIBSON, One of the Executive Committee of Young Men's Albany Anti-Slavery Society. , - NORMAN FRANCIS, Chairman of Executive Coinmitteo of Ynnno Mau'a Albany Anti-Slavery Society. S. A. MASTINGS, A. McLURE, J. McLURE, FORUYCU SYLVESTER, JAMES I McLURE, S. II. HALL, charles e. burton, james burton, peter m. Mcelroy, davio martin, S. T. RICE, S. V. It. WATSON. "THE MARRIED STATE." We recommend to the careful perusal and I consideration cf every gentleman the article ! NEW YOE ELECTION whig Tiucjup,,;,, In the City of .fl , Yoik, .nd, j, throughout the Slat., the Whigs ha, uj,'"'-' cd gloriously. In'tha City, the who!." CongHional ticket has preraifej L J 1500 majority. Sv ' , ' ' The Journal of Commerce asya thai city, drennell leada ihe: Whig, and McReon1" Loco Foco ticket, Hoffman's majorii, Cambrelen. u U9. HeWard'a majir, '' Marcy it about iOOu, while JlrpcK,h hind hit Van jiuren competitor. TUh i consequence of ihe aid he (Dradiah rec,j from Ihe AholiUonisls! ' Tha vote ftir Aaaenildymen were nolcLV cu in ino-i ui ins v urus wile a it,, a. ; . . . . . sit lora paper last received went ton.6;- .... . . PM.-, I e oaa tne returns ol the r ourth, from wkU it appears that the four Whij candidate, were adopted by the Abolitionist, are about i volet ahead of the real of the ticket Th y Buren candidate who was adopted by tti jlTaa. litionista, is about 25 votes ahead of the otb V. I). candidate. So it seems there are fn lluren abolition candidates. Why dor the Standard sound the alarm, and rail spoil ife, misnamed "Democratic" parly lonlno.1... t ... mna. with and forever a President who haaauehj,, MuBtni or Coscaasa ittcTaa. te in Jtalie art U'higt, 1st District Thomas II. Jmasuii, 2J Jas. De J,a Muutauge, rOrirn Ilnlfmau, 3J I J Kit-ward firis, .. . ' fundi, VVIi ijj gain, jiumen .wonroe, it lug gam, ' 4lh (ioverneur KeniMr, 6th Charles lobtnoii, Whig gain, fiili .Xathaniel Jones, " "'' 7lh Ktifitt Paten, Whi pain, . " 9l!i -ll. 'r. Hunt, Whin gain, lOtb D. I). n.imard, WbigfSTnT" llth .Int'tn llronn. Whig gam, ... 15tli P. J. H'apgtner, Wbig gain, Ko far as hantd from thera are 10 Whigtaul 4 Loco I'ocoa elected. The Dnlliinore Cbronicla of Saturday hat,. says: ' "From the returns now in our po.senios Mr. feward' election is placed beyond all douhl In 18.56, Marcy' majority this side of Albany was 97H0. Sawaau's majority in tlie tarn, counties this yeur will evrred two Tnociii,!; Hi majority In the Mlat cannot b less this TEN IHOL'SANDV!" If this be truo. it may b regnrded aederiiitt of the fuUJof the Administralion Sn mntu be elected lo th Presidency whoa own Slits against him; and heuceforth the li.lt r Wi triumph must roll oo with resist Uaa fore, r But if nothing else baj been gaineJ, tbi di. fcal of Cburchil C. Carubfeiang would te ttiK cteot cause of rejoiciug throughout th Csioa, Ilia arrogant and insulting threat in th Huiist, that th Sub-Treaaury tet,W be nforctj ia apit of Uougra or tho people, hast bee aV. cisively and nobly reseuted by th frratasg af New York. Apd they deaarve the thanat sfiJ.s whole country for tbe aalutarv lea.nn .kus. hire lgjjhtjbja...8uJMiI auu .... lyraumcai party lor whom h tpalt la ha nnl now aufBcirnily instructed? WiBlt resign! or will ho hold on. hka S.nal.r Grcuxty, unld he receive hit reward for his aubsenitnqr lo Van lluren, in ihe shxpe of aom. fat affict' under tha Government? It j, lhe rirnrtiee af lb adniuii.tratiou lo j,t up those whom lit ' poople put down. Suc Democracy.'! Tha follntring remarks from the NTe Tikk Keen ng Stsr prove eoncluairely thai tlie (wp ol Xea- Voi k. aa a body, are alear of p.nicips tinaiotlia mad and rnisthisvout tabcnietof llit Aboliiioaislii TIIKAB' LI TIO.V QUBSTIO.V We hsta hsd much ditllculiy to topp-ea im -opinion in relation to Hie qilestinns nrr.patrd rf ' tbe abolitionists, and the ,nera cf Mr.sta: Sea;,l sml Urailjsb, tlie Wing csnni.t.tea for Gotemor aud to, Ututeaant t.overnor It hs e.er been jiur uniform prsstiM never la iliscus au icintig ajnesiion e lis) tlireshold ol au important vleclion, nor ji-epsnl a single sole ai a serious crisis, bv awakifiiet nr ju.uces or arousing ogry passions. I he tiro ....u, ..... ever, is ovei Die struggle has pane, and we now bare a duty lo perloi m Inmir s- " try to our itisiituiioiit to ibe nnioii U tl Slates, sml tlie ti-uiiu,.itiiy and price r f the fes- j pie, sihicb, under divine pio.,lcnc, are dull not slii iiit; frnm. cainnit know poiiunly Low litis clrcuon hat gone lliiougbnut Ihe Sutr c pray, however, lor th tnuiai.h of the whnr cause it is an ln.nrit an. I a good same, and iiie. iis hi. iess but if we have been dt leslcil, tveu in ilangei- ol tleteai, we owe it lo the later - .t.riice, me lanalicistu, the prfj.nlite and lilt paoions .. that .Uugernus and nosl detesltMs lacliou, ihe al.rililioni,!,' and the time hal a." arrived wIil-u tbrir whole nlan, .m... he dun. -''i, a.m- me U"0lile ac.iiifirTt nrTh- 'lat.gt-rs winch th. eaten the Union, in Ihe tres. -lion nf a large political party, now orgaafliiit ..i.nrr .ins ioui iiauiiur. A fair division or up-ai-atNin of what may be call-d party priiisit.lti, are unw klmct iinknow luibia country. Ih-f nrrsia and fedetalisis are amalgamated in uf port ul llirAd.niiiittr-utioii, federalists awl or" o. rat, are united inlbeahig ranks lb Bnioa nl lh first is lor power ami place, Ihe anioa f the latter lor the country and the t;ontituli yet all parties are prime In tlrenglheo llieta selves by every .iili,.7 aid abich mayBiadm rhe bil.'nws sjt aome new, cici.ltlog and parlilas .est Ion. All atsnristiona and cnnfclcraeics not atrictlr of a political chaisteter, bemiae clangeroui " saarbfiiuus politicians, lor iheir own private cull', seek to turn die power and opinions nf tilth s. a "cuilionsttlfiiogh (he I allot boxes, and ineniiv lot tune it, Ihnt ipic, lions bs-ei 01 iguially on kt m.ni lj or good leelingt, boa ever rr .is'ak. n Hf may hste bei n in their origin, are sr.z-il "I and woik.d up imo snmepnlili al capial for tl ben. fit i f some tlisunct patty. I bus sMeai" soi.iy, w In. Ii sprung from helings uf hn"."',T Irom a single istdaieil fact, soon grew inina n" erhil political parly, I, I, ,,. e ruled tlie ' ei ii ilia. i let ,l i h ' a Stale, and haa iiiIum-.I it1' thron-hoiil 1'eiinstlvania. eiinoiit, and m'' s'.iles, exi-rling a pnweilul and contrnlliag flie-tice. I In r, was no mm e reason thai iM .lii.ipi.esisiice or death of H ill.a.n Merrst b "till have created a pnwrrlul political lrt'i thai-a liiiiuane tie .t iTi.-ri l or emancipation1 darks should have likewise assiimeil a' poaa'" political tri m. Itoih qoeslioni were ol a I cal thjractrr, iovbfitng only a mei c jiicsti at liu.iiaiiiiv; ami yel poliiicsl abnlnion it destast to-rear its powerlul hiilenus, and snaky re'i m and at we nun hi the i,ue, to be protrraja' by Ihe real lueuilsol libnly, and the Cat" of ihe Slat s. The union of Church and Slate, the Son.' Mail question, mid the aniiely lo ui.il ""r nil and sccinriati views, political powat j national, advancement, in the handa of P"! n certain religion enste, were all prei-urs."' aboliltnn, birh is destined to be the great in th chain of northern confederacy, ","; cent event moia fully develop ha p""'

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