.7' I -SI: r.nJhiatf Rt Mii office " " sender- .' TTrthinwl W abolition doc- eJuPa A -. ;.. .!f.uK of which to incur Iri M,e" !:7: " -r .1. f.n.tic. who .1.1 ,b!!Xo..y h. thcwill not .top ""' f pCidenV of the United iSlates-the Jw P.7omc" r. of th. (rovernmont. .I..I be not S? do not it .Malum .. dl"UM .,he .Dillon ou-lion. Kveryilixen recognise. i ,h. .ltmct. ..-.n ."J ery. i2 PJ.n would le.ire lo r. the colore.! race S, .. w. conarienliou.ly believe the? ' . ... -iih humanity and kimlncsss; L Ti. not to he disputed, that in.te,i l. , lh . -Godand , mail .. . i i.., !. fiiialics. Hie hiw of Uod una slavery; the Oldand the New 7" --.i.- i;..;..! MaiM ha secured to tin "IwwofihiP"''" f service ccrUm uiinh-!T.bte-rtL'hi and "ivilert.-. which nnol be " ' ., ,u! I.y 111,- free will nJ coii9nt nf The P"lic th'" prolS.-U-J. or by-wh.il ehould rt be evoidfJ blood an ' rovol'.moii. A to o'i-liii'i Jii """" o complexion, de nui. led r'y '"natii": bypncnlr and ,J tnlk in fv,,r ' Dl" l'Jty ,iave " f0"''1 aline in its practicability. We no! Ihrrrioic but smile when we read llie letter of jKr Luther Uradisli to th olToiitioiiiits, in which j,e svon-ii liinxrlf be in favor of ubo!iiliijih' d ilinctinns of color or complexion between the wi,;te and llie black -man tu-sides placing this ne ,ro on an ejuahtv with the whilemiin; lie who t.m the first dawn ol to id fortune, wc delicto. J,,v seldom sut down to hi dinner without a Mack aervjril behind hid chair who has hern, -remarkably distinguished foi l special obser vance of all tlio proper distinctions and de t ,ruiii of mw-ft'ty who hiK liee-ii the mrut ruf Onfall the "ruffle "hin fmly,' o ia!l..l. to t!u' tvorl I. under the solemn tniirtion L,f hi 4 ne anil !nritti'r,t!iat he U in htv.ir of a'w.l i.hini ili-tinftioru of coinpfeit :i,or netiini; the n.2n"ai Ilia t ili'e or in the jury hoi. or on t!n twnrh or in the l,ei;i!:ttivc hall; w ho t say can Mifvr lhi that ha any knowledge of I.ul!ier Bradiht What then v In ohjncl in the full uncon ditional iJlicinu to abolition dortriin1 an I jirin tidc contained in his letter! (Simply to t;el ihcir vutcs to client and to humlxig tlicm, nAtliinir cUe; hut on a question o vital aJ r-folutin:frv so nhi ciit-a nf the pin rijjlfi of the ('mittituiion, it wn umnmilv, nn jit and unpatriotic to strengthen these fanatic liy miv rivgoilion of their ultimate views, or li jeopard the nieces of hi Whig colleague Win. II. Reward, who had written a manly and hfntnt letter nn the mliject; and had the word ken Mill, 10,000 Whija in tliia city would hate struck Uradish' name from the ticket tiouanda tnoat reluctantly and painfully v.ilej f rhiin. There should have hceu no pattering with these men; no notice xftuuhl hiFi'e been taken of th'ir Irltrrt- Win, Jay and (iarrat rSniith, who represented the nholitionista, are miJ to !ewhig, what li'lit had they, aa organa ofa sell'-cDiistiliiled hody, to call upon candid te to say whrihcr they were in favor of eman cipating the blacks and "abolishing all distinc tion of color!'! ieotaed qrit'Mion had nothing to do with the great came of the Con s'iuilion and Laivs, which the whigs are trug .n'ing to susttin, aa well might thraj men cail upon whig candidutca to declare for or againt the Moruioiii, or any new ultia or etcitingijuea 't tii. What the final rosult nf this election ia we ?iin cannot at present say. We are etrong ly of opinion, that the whig have succeeded tlirnuihout the State, hut whether successful or defeated, this abolition association niusi be put dntn all panic mint unite in it it i moie i ffmgf rftBf tMfl aiy...a"!ej!.tja.np"w exciting the people of tliii country. Tiiia biacl can only be wsjiuoiilted in two way hy purchase ot by revolution- If their owner) will not consent to ell them, and iv;th them of rourae the soil they cultivate, and which without them would be of no value, there is no power on earth to compel t irmUit by force. This inevitably IcsJs to .civil War to shedding the blond of our fellow "i'ircns-teCfeMTig tfJeTrioal frightful aectional dwTinciiona to the lup'ur nl our aocial and business relations to the destruction of our national glory, union and force by separation and diviemu of the Union. Who iuf the abo litionist desire to are thia stale of thing? None, none we say rtlien away with tbi dsn reruns confederacy at once. We bae much hereafter lo isy the to people an thia queateon the dinger is too plpibl to remain longer ia den re. - KEVOLUno. IS MEXICO! Ve learn from the New Orlcana Bee and Bulletin, that on the night of the 8th of Octo ber, the garrison of Tampico rose in arms, and declared in favor of the Constitution of 1624. The revolutionists are headed by able men; their r thought to -bejjenerah. and if ao, it i conjectured that the present government of Mex ico must fall, and that an arrangement with France will lie effected. On the 1 Ith or 12th October, General Piedro reached Matamoras, and induced the Mexican general at that place, to march with 1500 men, for the purpose of at tacking the revolutionist rn Tamaulipaa and Tampico. I. ute from Florida. The (ilobo aay that (ieneral Taylor writes from South AtpalyaTon tho Appaluohicola river, under date of October S't, that he had succeeded in embarking the whole of the Appalachicola Indiana on hoard a ateamhoat on th 20tb ull. the day fixed by the treaty for lHe rcmoViiI of that tribe, Titiifci. A alip from the office 6f the soutbein Argue announcca two elcctiona of Representative In the Legislature, (to fill va cancie.) which reaulted in favor of the Whig e.itiilidjtcs, in l.owndc and Noxube counties. 1 hese election th Editor appeara to consider a settling the queetion oTTh election of a whig Senator f tl,e. United 8tatc, to succeed Mr, Trotter, one of tho present Senator from the Sute of Mississippi, The commander .f the French blockading aijuadron on the coast of Mexico sates, in a cof. refpnnJcec which ha nccntly taken place be lvee n him and the commander of the U. 8. ship Erie, that all vessel that allow themselves on t ie Mexican coast are considered aa meditating hreeh nf the blockade; and, a uch. will be detained until the decision of the French Gov rnment bo known. Charle, (j. Xhepai d, Eq. The Nettbern pecrator mention a rumor, that thi gentle "an, who represents that District in Congress, "aa changed hi opinion concerning Mr. Van j "urer, , leading measure, the Sub Trea.ury.and ! ,,. ,,r o, lt. We are glad to at ale, , "" wh,t w 'eem competent authority that Z" r"m,0r " MI nf"nded, and that Mr. uepanl u ow, a he uniformly baa been, op. to this unified experiment."-. - - O E 0 R 0 I A , Th -Legislature of Georgia mblJ at Milledseville. on tho 5llt instant. Charle Dougherty, Eaq. Whig wa choaen Treaidcnt of the Hcnate, by a majority of 4 Totea; and Jo- sepji Day, Esq, Adin, Speaker of the House of! Krprraentalivea, by a majority of two, in conac quence of the absence of three Whig and the resignation of one. The Message of Governor U diner i an able and interesting document. It open on the ubjecl of Indian A flairs con demn tho President for offering to allow the InJian to remain two year longer in the Sttatc, Sta. and bestows high praise upon General Scott for the promptness an) enerpyby which he had overcome all dilliculty in removing tho Indians, and had left the Slate, before he rcceiv- cd the instructions issued in pursuance of 1he proposals of the President for this delay. It then hikes tip the subject of rail roads, anj ad vocates, with great force and clearness, the im portance of giving efficient aid by the folate to thoae work of improvement, lie (five an en couraging view of the progress and prospect of th Western and Atlantic Rail Road, a work undertaken by the State-exclusively. The length of ih road from it Southern termination to the Tennessee river will lie 130 miles, and is esti mated lo rrM about two and a half million of dollars. In pursuance of a law authorising the raising of fun J for it prosecution by the ale of Slate Stin k, three hnndred thousand dollars have already been procure J ft 0 per cent. The i2.iv, recommends that this road be constructed a rapidly as possible, and that liberal assistance be given by the Htate lo companies now engag ed in making other road. Here is an example for North Carolina. Will die follow it, end thereby show her wisdom and beneficence! or' u . II she parsimoniouily lock up hor mean, and say to her citizen! "crack your own whip, push your own wson out of the mud, Hercules will not help you!" The Governor recommend a revision of the judiciary system, and an amend ment of the Constitution with a view to redu. eing the Legislative body and of equalizing the representation of the people. He recommends an additional approptiut on for their lunatic asy lum, which 1 to be located in tho vicinity of Milledgeville;upreent the affairs of the pen itentiary to have be n conducted well during the past year; speaks highly of the Oglethorpe Uni versity, Mercer University, Emory College, and the Georgia Female College, established by the Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist dcnom illation of Christians; and state that they have not at all impeded the increasing prosperi ty of Franklin College, the State Institution. The law of last session, for establishing a ay, lem of common schools, he aaya has been de layed going into operation, to enable the pco pie to express llieir opinion by their representa tives in relation to it expediency. He stales that the demand upon the Governor of Maine for Philbrook and Killeran, charged with steal ing negroe in Georgia, ha been renewed, and by bim again refused. He sys "the State of Georgia has the power to protect it own insli tti Iioii71uiiI it will lie, Tti d uty to e i ert it ,jf ne cessity should require;" but "it will be proper to lake no measure upon thia lubject until It ahal' have been acted upon by the Legislature or Maine." H represent the banks of Georgia to be in a very xafe and ound condition, all having resumed specie payment except the Farmer' Bank of Cbataboochee apeak highly in favor of the banking system, with proier limitations aud restrictions and concludes with a heavy broadside against the 8ub-treiury. We intend hereafter to give extract. The organ of the Administration are recklessly endeavoring tn identify the whig and th abolition party. Let a whig who may pro fess abolitionism, rcceiv the sulTrtges of the Northern people, aud they cry out with piou horror, "an union of whigism and abolitionism! but turn the table reere the matter let their abolitionist candidate triumph, and they huzza for the triumph of the Democracy! Thi i so 'it waa til other day exemplified when their party triumphed in Ohio. And by what mean wa that triumph effected! Notoriously by their uuiuu .iher with the abolitionist, -who had juat before been excited against the whig candidate for Governor. What are th princi ple of their champion there, Dr. Duncob? Du ring the contest which eventuated in Ilia elec tion, h called Southern slavery a "BLIGHT and a CUUsE!" Their 8enator, Morri. get on the floor of Congress, ail unequivocal pledge of hi principle, by oppoMiigJfr. Calhoun' resolution, and by introducing and advocating a act of hi own, going the entire abolition doc trine! And yet the eara of Southern freemen have been deafened with democratic huzza at the- triumph of these men! Let tho people let the South judge with whom the adiaiiiulra lion has acted iu Ohio.. , We do not charge th administration party at the North with being exclutively tainted with Abolitionism. The taint i deeply fixed in their body politic ALL panic are its accomplice ALL parties, more or lest, glory iu it paterni ty. And w are not certain but that th child on the knee is taught to detest slavery and to lisp it prayer tn Heaven in the same breath! But we are convinced, from the lights before us. that the Whig party are less tainted than any other pir'y with it. ft or Would we charge any Southern party with it, except on unquestiona ble proof; and to prove a Houthern man to be in abolitionist, is to affix the mark of Cain upon hi brow to heap a crime upon him 'too heavy for the man lo bear who hope for Heaven!" But when th Administration, forgetting it own po',tion, dares to identify the whig exclusively with abolitionism, duty, patriotism, urges us lo hurl back the foul calumny, and to remind it ofj it position, and to point to those with whom it mini delighted to act. Tde Legislature of Rhode Island ha elected Nathan F. Dixon, Esq., whig, U. 3. Senator lo occeed Mr. Robbina, after the 4th March next. Smali Pox. We Warn with regret thai thia terrible disease i prevailing aitenaivery in the neighborhood of Harmony and Daiiey'a Bridge in the countica of Halifax, Va. and Person. Dr. Craighead write to the Editor of th Danville Reporter that he ha attended 16 cases in the I two counties; and that the disease, which on it J first appearance waa mild in it character, had : assumed a mora malignant type. TheOeeola, which arrived at Charleston on tho 1st Nov. brought out near half a million f i dollars in gold and silver, imported by the direct- ors of the Louiville, Cincinnati and Charleston j Rail Road Company, for the use of tho South I Western Rail Rood Bank. The subscription to this Bank will be finally doted during the ear ly part of this monthi and the atockholder will meet in Charleston on the 80th inst. to elect di rector their bill are already engraved, a tem porary hanking house ill be provided, and now lhat an abunnaut supply of specie has been pro cured, tho Bank will go immediately into opera tioq under the nn l favorable auspices. TVrn. Three Texlan citizens have escaped from the Mexican dungeons of Matamoras and arrived safely at Matuinoraa. They state that Mr. Brenau, the late repiescntatiKe from Goliad, remains behind in prison. A party of about l'J surveyors, who had ven tured far up into the Indian country, to locate 'and claims, liavo been nearly all ma.saercj by the hostile Indian. IOWA. Mr. Chapman, Whig, has been elected a Dcleoate lo (Jono-rcss from thia Territory. OLD WILLIAM AND MARY. .The, following extract of a Icticr gives a flatter-in account of the. condi tion of this Venerable Mother nf States men. Majr slie continue, to prosper. n illiamsburg, Oct. 28, 1858. "It gives me great pleasure to be a ble to state to you that our old College is enjoying an unprecedented degree of prosperity. We have now 113 stu dent, exclusive of the School of Hu manity. We have already, at the ter mination of the third week of tlve course, reached the highest number ev er bclnre assembled at this institution. The three highest numbers ever known here, occurred in 181G 7, 1836-r, and 1 83T-8. In the first named year, un der Dr. Smith, Jhe number was 96 in the ild, 113 in the 3rd 112. Hav ing already 113, we may calculate on upwards of 130 before the termination of the course, as they are still coming in much iastrr than usual. The ut most order prevails throughout the whole body. I believe at no college in this country is there more harmony subsisting between Professor and Stu dent. For the twoHast years there has- been a greater number of students and less riot and disorder "than were ever before known here. There is certainly an unusual amount ol talent among them, and it is said that the exhibition in their societies has already been of the most promising character. 1 he price of board has been raised neither in College nor in the town, although the year is a very hard one." RALEIGH AND COLUMBIA ROAD. The subscribers to the Stock of this Itoad assembled at the office of the Ral eigh and Gaston Company, on Monday last, for the purpose of organization. Col. Wm. Robards, of Granville, wa called to the chair, and Weston 1L Gales appointed Secretary. Judge Cameron, on behalf of the Commisioners appointed to open Books of subscription at Raleigh, made a writ ten Report, stating that three hundred thousand dollars had been subscribed in the Stock of .aid company; which being the amount required by act of as tern Lily, to secure the charter, and a majority of said Stock being here rep resented, the meeting, on motion of 15. 1J. Frkkman, Ksq'r. proceeded to elect by bjtllot, a President and five Direc tors to manage the concerns of the Com pany. The following gentlemen were found to have, each, a majority of the whole number of vote cast, and were declared duly elected, viz; George W. Mordecai, ' Prttidenl; Duncan Cam eron, William Boylan. J. W. Hawkins. Charlea Manly and Thomas P. . Dey ereui, Director. The Company then adjourned, to meet again in this City on the firat Monday in June, 1839. fog. 2' Alabama.-' The Alabama . paper state positively that a majority of the Legislature recently elected, is opposed to the, Sub-Treasury. The majority against it in the house is lQor 12, whilst in tho Senate, the majority in its favor is 2. -'Xr ' r' x .: r . ' ' General Miabeau B. Lamar, who ha been elected by a very large ma jority to the presidency of" the Teiian Republic, is thus spoken of by the Co lumbus, (ilo.) Inquirer: Gen. Lamar was formerly editor of (hi paper We congratulate our friends in Texas, on their good fortune in obtaining the services ot such a man in their highest office. Lamar ij a true hearted, a noble souled, anil an inflex ible patiiot, wherever-you place him, and will prove hitnsctf no tes honest it n . I faithful in the ivil, than he has been in the military struggles of his a dopted land." TIIE DADE iWTmJTFs Every onu is familiar with the hor rors of the" Dade Massarre" in Florida, being the bloodiest picture" of the Seminole War. There ia scarcely a State in the Uuinu, which does not mourn an honored son on that fie1 J of death. North Carolina has to lament a Gatlin, a Keais a. and ajllollomanrames worthy of re- These two varieties would suit our membrance. The Territoi ial Council of j climate well. The last mentioned is FttM-ida, with a view of re?cuing from I particularly desirable, as the. l'utmn oblivion the memory of those brave apir-! Christie suffers but little from being ita who have perished in the sanguinary j stripped nf it leaves, and will produce War with IheSeminolos.have instructed : a fi ie crop of seed, which are valuable their Delegate in Congress to endeavor I fur castor oil. fo'rV. Comp. to obtain the grant of a Township of! .., . . -v... ., land, for the establishment in Florida! FfcOtRAL. UAI.US. of a charitable Instilulion, to be called ,T,U ,he, ,a,,ll'S " 'Dade Insiitute," in which the orphans l,lobe "' O,hor. Prsf " l,artJ. made bv the War are to be educated: 'and efforts arc now makinK to enlist the sympathy ol other i)..rtio..iof the Union in the bt ncvolantnlan. The orphans of all who have died in Florida, whether Officers, Soldier or Seamen, are to par-1 . . . . . . takeol tlie benefits of the rfrMittite. The Institution has been. incorporated by the Legislative Council ol Florida, and Mr. J. A. L. Norman is appointed Presi dent, to whom all commtrnir.vion. on the subject should be addressed, either at Washington City, -or Tallahassee, Florid i. Anumb'r of extract from other newspapers, urging upon Congress tbe duty nf fostering the proposed .men tal monument, ('which we have not now room fur, but would be glad to show to any one, and tnav publish hcrca'tei-,) have b'-en left at this OfTire. Fiighter. Yir. Campbell, the author of llie "Survey of Britain," looking one day into a pamphlet in ;i bookseller' simp. liked it so well that he purchased it: and it was nut till lie had read it li.t I through that he discovered it to be his 3 .... i . i own composition. I ins at ectinte lie himself told to David Hume. SILK. CULTURE. Two hundred yenrs ago; our fore fathers, under British stibjecti-un, were.: impressed with the importance of the production of si k tliey were aware of the capacity of our climate and soil for jill the put poses of silk culture and enacted laws to compel the culture of the mulbery I hose Jaws however, were inadvance of the age, and eould not ber enforced. Legislative inter ference can do little ti. wards the intro duction of peculiar departments ""of in dustry, when the moral and physical character of the: people offer barriers. Twenty-five years ago an enterprising merchant of this city attempted with a Cotton Factory to push manufacturing among us. But he failed the time had not arrived. Now we hear the buzzing and singing of spindles, or the clang of hammers, or the merry song of the mill in almost every quarter of our city. The times are propitious, anil they prosper and will continue to pros per. The genius of the age must sanction new enterprises ana without 6uch sanction, Legislative interfer ence and individual. zeal' are of DO avail. Two hundred, yean ago, as we said, our lathersattempted to force the silk culture, but were unsuccessful. Our people, withoTfthTr:iif-iirtompTtWoTT of such authority, are now entering the business with 7,eaj and profit. The propitious period has come, and pros perity must attend the enteq ', sanctioned and aided by the. public countenance and public patronage. Believing this, we take pleasure in throwing what light we can, on mat ters appertaining to the silk interest. A friend, whose acquaintance we can not too highly estimate, has conned o ver some periodicals, and communica ted some facts to us, which we consid er important at this juncture, and of fer them, hoping that they may not be withtnit some benefit. Burmahnow under English Gov ernment, among other and valuable sonrcesof trade numbers that of silk culture. It appear the Rurmans have at least twelve different kinds of silk worms, varying in habits and ap pearance but all profitable in their proper locations and treatment. . Some of them are remarkable, and we should suppose most valuable. One of these is the Muga worm, which feeds on a variety of trees, and is never reared in the house. Immense nuanties of cocoons formed by them, arc gathered by the natives and carried to the fac tories of Calcutta every year. The worm thrives best in dry weather, but Can pro? a c t itself from wet, invaria b ly taking shelter under the leaves. Ma ny of the inhabitants take the worms when young and remove them near their dwelling where they can more ef fectually protect them from their ene mies: when young the black ant, and when older, birds, among which the owl is fond of them. When they be gin to spin, which is in about 30 dats. they descend from the tree and are ta ken in baskets' with dry leaves, to which they adhere. The Muga is much longer than the mulberry worm, and produces cocoon of two inches in lenth, and proportionate thickness. Another valuable species is the Eria or Aundi worm, vhirh feeds chiefly on ralmur ( irmte, ( which crows easily and luxuriantly in this country. J It loes not require as much attention as the mulberry worm, though ill ways reared under a bower, and Hevenleen broinlaare produced in one year. The worms before they spin, are either white or green. The cocoons are not reeled, but spun as that of the Muga. 1 he silk is coarse and harsh at first; but from repeated- washings, becomes soft and glossy. Nearly all that is made is consumed in the country where it i produced, and forms t he constant dress of the poprer classes. The silk, though coarse, i warm and lurable. The life of una person be ing seldom sufficient to wear nut a gar. mint.. The worm is raised in almost .every house in A sum. ' '-''ng to u.ngu.se anu cover over tne thousand eno.mitiea tl.at nave been I perpetrated oy li.e nireu minions tn . pver. i el nny they apeak ot -led- e """V" ,".,ru1" of ,h.e I government anJ-its de- I Is" a a s . . 1 a . . . r ftriltltlllis, nriiir mtu,v lilt if 1 1 1 ci limine than the spoils of.ollirr. In the face of the "Uring fat t,that lo return Ingersidl to Ciiiiorcgs, nut less that 1,200 Whig votes were thrown out by the judges of rler.iiii. in the Northern Liberties, and with lull knowledge that the whole vote of Huntingdon county was ex cluded, to make way for the return ol a Loci Foco Senator, the Globe has llie elViont.TV to prattle, day by day, about frauds which it either caunut prove, or the allegation of which' rests upon eiinelv doubtful authority. Th impudence of these complaints, on the part of the Tor) organ, has been so glar ing, lhat no one doubted lor a moinehtj t'leir entire disbelief by the discrim inating of the parly which it disgraces; so lint a serious attempt at relulation se-med like a work of supererogation. The -Madisunian very appropriately brings up. so. ne reminiscences, which show the tiuc char Acter of the Globe's fears fur ihe public liberty. When frauds promote the success of a govern ment parasite, then we hear not a word of complaint. All is riht, nrovided' villainy bit exert its faculties to sus tain th-e throne Ittch. fl'ltig. "But a few day sincn, (say tho Madison ianj Iho liohrspcriaii Demagogue, who con ducts the official organ, on mure than one oc casion, spoko of litoonsiikD amd Amacut," a the crrUnn ibllnwer ot election trauila, which wcie Jo.ai led in that paper, and in the editor'i usual fair war. Wc wou'd advise the eJitor of Ihe Club to turn hack to the column of hi o-vn paper In 1 833 and '34. to the case or the election in th District in Kentucky in which Letcher and Moore were ihe candidate. He will therosee that he justified one Alfred Hockor, a deputy sheriff, who, as he said, took lh "respomihility upon himself to put down corruption" by with holding altogether from the return the Lincoln poll book. The atrocity of this act led th Le. giHlmurenf Kentucky 10 pass a statute at it next session, making such an act thereafter punishable by iinpriaoninent in Ihe penitentia ry. And how ha the above named individual been rewarded! A. we are informed, with th appointment of Poat-maslcr. The proceedings of Congress show that on of the iU-appuiiiled condidnle iu New J or soy (Mr. Dickerson) took part, and voted on more than one occasion hi that case,- on principle that go to confirm the act of the Governor and Council in hi own case. A stranger, or any one having no knowledge of th facta, would suppose that th f. auJ that have been comrortled wei all en one side. from readitw tho Globe: snil. ani the Looo-fo- co tSub-Treaeuryiie-Abolitioniat party are lbs innocent, Simon Puree. . Why does not the Glob eiplain th inter meddling of on of the Cabinet in th election at Charleston, for th purpose ol defeating Mr. Leg re? Why not give soma information re specting the abstraction of soma of th Whig voles from the ballot boic in Sussex county? Why not explain the manner in which com twenty odd aliens were permitted to vote in Cumlwrland county, ,Ncw Jersey? Why nnt show how tho Democratic vote of Pennsylvania ha been increased since 1835, more than twen ty five thousand? Why not give (he fact they exist in relation to th attempt made by C. J. Ingersoll to usurp the place bestowed by the people on another? All tlies and many other similar acta of impropriety committed by it partitans, it studiously etipprcssea, while it talk of bloodshed!" We suggest however, to the official organ whether it would not belter become- U. 'dignity of the administration, after candidly exposing the election fraud lhat have taken place, y by whatever part y.thal it should exert ita influence in preventing their recurrence in future, rather than endeavoring to excite 111 people to blood ahed and anarchy," ant) revolution." MEETING IN HERTFORD. A meeting of the citizen of Hertford county, N. C. wa held at the Court Houe in Winton, on Thursday the let of Nov. 1838, for Ih pur pose of appointing Lyiegstes to the Coinrnercltl Convention, to be lioltlcn in IMoiiolk, on tn Zud Wednesday of Nov. inst and also, of appoint- inz Delegate to th internal Improvement Con vention, to he holden In Raleigh, on th second .Monday ol December next. fttweroe Or-BorUnd, Esq. wa -caucd to-4b Chair, and John A. Anderaon, Lq. wa ap pointed Secretary. J ho object ot the meeting havinz been explained by Ihe Chair, the follow. Trig resolutions wero submitted by K. Kjyner, Esn. and severallv adopted Wurhsas, Th citizen of North Can lina have been invited. to meet those of Virginia, in the proposed Commercial Convention to ba held in Norfolk; and Wicreua, in. 1he language of Ihe invitation they have extended lo us, we feel deep interest in Ihe ucce of every measure that may tena In rolieve tn eommerce 01 me Southern S.stea from tbe burden to which it has been so long uhjerted," i Jtetolveil thereore. That w approve ol the proposed Convention, and that we appoint del gales thereto. On moiion, the Chair appointed Ihe following ilelegales: Lewi M. Cowper, John W. Houth- 11. Dr. Ed. 8. Neul, Dr. Godwin C. Moo.e, John A. Anderson. A liner Harwell, Jame A. M'Hire, and, on motion of L. M. Cowper, (he name of tho Chairman, R. C. Borland, Kaq., and the name of K. Itayner, Esq , wero added to the delegation. And vmtir.il, we feel deeply impressed with the importance of every measure calculated tn develnpe the vast resources nf our Stale, and mherent, at an Internal Improvement Conven tion held in GreensbnrouKh on the 4lh July last, It wa recommended lo the people of thi Stal, to hold meeting in their respective counties, and appoint delegate to an Internal Improve, merit Convention, propoeed lo be holden in Ra leigh in December next. foU'td therefore. That we approve nfsaid Convention, and deem il proper to tJ Dele gates to tho same. And on motion, tbe Chair appointed the fol lowing Delegate to said Convention: Thomaa. 3. 8harp, K. Rayner, Jame L. Crimea. Wm. IJ. Valentine, 1'ridam Capeheart, and" on mo tion of A. Harrtll, Kq- th nam of tl Chair- n-an. B, C. 8-rUnJ, wa Ke4 to nil Dat gation. . Kentvttl, Tbat th newspaper of Bawin, Jf . U. and of Norfolk Bn) Portsmouth, 'Vs. lequeeted tn publish the proceeding of ibis meeting. . . . On motion of DrT 'fiLX NeaL the thank of the meeting were tendered to the Chairman and Secret agr; when, on further motion, tho meeting adjourned. " R. C. BORLAND, C's J. A. Asaaaaow, Secretary, ' HIRAM LODGE. At a meeting of thie Lodgo, on Monday, I SI Nov. I s:)H. the following rveolulion were onaa. -iinou.ly adopted; Whereas it ha pleased the 8uprme Archi tect of (h I'niverse, in hie inecrutible provhlenco to call Horn among us, by the band of death, our ese-mrd brother, Mark Coot: lie it therefor reomtvtd, j'hst we deeply la ment the I o which masonry and tho comma nity in general have sustained in llie death of our friend anj brother 'Mark Cttkf and thai wis do sincerely and heartily sympelhi with Lis friend and relative in thi afflictive . dispen sation. Resolved, That aa token of regard for our deceased brother, the members of thi Lodgo will wear tho usual badge" of mourning for the pi-e of ihirty dais., ResolieJ, that a copy of these resolution Ho : presenlej to the widow of th deeeaaedt and that ihe paper of thi ci'y be respectfully r quested to publish the mint, ItlAUHIVIt. . Nln this City, on th 8th ins, by th Ret. GeorijeV.TSaiaSHtn, Mr. Jame Wm Chad wick, Printer, formerly of Wilmington, Ut Miss Klizii Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. AndersoiiTVfetrolson, of thi City". Iii this County, on the lOtfi iiist by Jame Conk, Ksq., Mr. John Kwiatkowaki, Print, er, late of the patriot army of Poland, to Mia Sarah Pleasant, of Wake. - At Philadelphia, on Thursday morning, th Sth imt. by the Rev. Mft Ftiriiese, -t'ol. John II. Wheeler, BuperTntendanl of lb V. K Mint, at Charlotte, in this Btte. 10 Ellen. daughter of Thoma Sully, Esq., of Philadtd ptua. In iVeon county, Mr. John Allen to Mi so Martha Hamlet. In Edgecomb county, on th 'let. Inat. Mr . Joiah Harris to Mise Charlotte Taylor, daugb tor ol Thomas Taylor, dec'4. In Halifax county, on the (am evening, Mr . Charle Lewis of Tyrrell co'6nty. to Mies Mar garell Smith, daughter of Mr.- Mote Smith. . In Martin county, on cam evening, Mr. Ell ha Cain to Miss Elisabeth, Jon, daughter of Mr. Asa June. , s . lit thi City on Mortdajr morula J tt, fut short illnese, Mark Cook.Esq., an old, rept. able, and useful eitixen. In ihis vicinity, a few day ainre), Miss La cinda Dunn, eldeet daughtbr of Major Nathan hi Dunn. la Granville county, oh th 17th ultimo, Mr , Abraham Lawrence, in th 78lh year of hi age. He had been worthy meinber of the Methodist Episcopal Church C4 year wa much respected nd Moved by hi nnmeroua relatives and friend; and died a he lived, at peace with Ood and man, and in full assurance of s happy immortality. mmjf i! "j. -. ..i"K!Sf!3axmmsm iPKOPOSJtLS WANTED, Whereas it was resolved at a Ial raseling tl the Truvuei of ihe Wahat Forea Institute, lo lest a separation between the ttleward't and Lit. ei-arv IWiisitmeiils. the eoaamillea simnini.il im II auihibte person 10 lake aluu go of ib iirinctpat txisnllng bauaa fnr tba oainaniniliisi - tn ici I pr't tHWiilng Uouaa tor lae aeeewineilaiws. of the students, hereby give notie to Ihe iHiltlie. that written prirlasiils,for ihe aforesaid siloatioa will be received uiilil the SDih of tbe prestnt moulk The undeilnkcr will be allowed tfca house now occupied by llie steward, Ihe diaing ball, the kitchen, the gsrUra, and a small lot off ground. Ssii.fiwmry areuriiy will be required lor laitlilul compliance with til tersn 01 oa traet. UAVti) JUiTICK. Csiaw4. N. II. Persons making nropossl aro inform d lhat tho unileilxker caS be accommodated, on rwasoiikUU terms, with lurnilure, bedding, conking apparatus, farming Ulrauls, and all oili er thing necessary fnl-tarry ing on the establish ment- A da the farm,), II b fsr rat, hr'vho takes the boarding house shall have tho, prclree enee io any uroiiosMlon that may be made foe tbat also. . "-.. ' , Nov. f. ISm.- ; , I, 41 ttw NOTICE. Loat. or mislaid, a due bill for (ixtV-niiie dols ; Isi-s, dated Ifih tieiober, . on Messrc-tiay k -Wde which 1 forwara all persons from trading lor. UfcOUGE DASH. Nov. 15, IMS. 41 Sou ; Itlf. N)lon PUillipat TAKK Ntll'lUKi I sl.sll. on Toentsv. th IJlhdsy or JanVsary, 1139, at Daniel' Pararie, tireena county, Alabama, proceed to take the deposition ol Mr. Mary Kntrrll, fob read in evidenee In a certain mailer nf conlroversy a Ihe Court of KruMy for Ihe County ol . (iran. ville, Hisie of Not th Carolina, March Term, IK3J, pending, wherein I. Susannah P. Phillips, am plaiiiiilT, and you, Nelson Pblllipt, are ilc fendsnti wlicn and wbere yo may alteejd cud cross examine aaid wilners, il' von think nrnr, SUSANNAH f. PHILLIP:. Xev. 13, IMS. iil Jih Jan. I1LOODEU IIORES FON S.JLE. nan RLOOUKD HOHSK3, and e8ra (or sale tho lollowingi , lin, 1 . bmot Mar. S rears old. by title Sarojgina, old Sir Arahy, Imp. Dion, lm. Dhw mcde, Wdilsir, Plimnap, -Kearnougbt, Imp. J. nut, imp. Jolly Roger, Iroir. Mary Gray. - No S-A brood Mare, S year old, by Cilee Sarowgin,Virginien, HainhrMige, Jotly Air, Wh) not, bkinwilli's Itlack k all Black, Apollo, Imp. Silver Kve, Imp. Jolly Itoger, Imp. .Vlary Urrr No 3 A brood afar. year nld, by (,dr 8cro)tgins, llellsir, Dar Devil, Wililaic, HiHl' k M.clin's Keariioutbt, Gmlolphin, HnbnrNoh,. Imp, Jolly Roger. Imp. Valiant, Tryall now. in tosl by Imp. Glenene. No. A broou Mara, r year n.u, oy niiea - Sernggios, Scrtorioua, imp. iliac. Sullen, l)io - medc. "" "" . No. J J of the celebrated brood Mare) Fj tail, by old Sir Arcliy, Imp. Knowilcy, Imp, Dion, old Crier, 1 rieiram stianny la loci or Imp Priam. ' - INo. o--uiaca lyOil, w twsis uiu, t swnonosi Chsleau Margaiix, out of No I. No. I Hay Colt, 1 jearoiu, ay festival, ol of No. - -- No. S Bay Colt, J year old, by leap, rylde. oul ol No. S. ' . No. ! Ch. Fillr. dropped UK Sorlor. at Imp. Levi than, nut of No. S. No. IU Ch. F1II1. 1 year old. by Featival iut of No. 4. Nr. II -A Brawn Horse. I years old. by A- merioeo Belinse, out ol tho dam of No. S. A pait of tho foregoing Strwk will boat He igh, daring lHe we, k Jf the ft Mrs, so oona. - mene on 3d Tuesday ot Novciutwr insj Tor nriher partiaular refer to the Subaeribar, at VVilminlna.. WM. II. MKIKrSv Koveiuberl, I83S 4f 4