J- -7 VOL. XXIX. IULEIGII, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1S3S. ..NO. 49. THOMAS J. LBSAV, .i-rali AMD PBOPRIETOR. '" ' 'i..v..rr.. .7.5" ?Vri.. s.irin ,.rt.n... t . . ... , r?rV i.iiK il" ''"e 8,(r -"- IIMr.i ' .1:. " tfltatr price I'"- lveriert by tte yew. ,ieri tii B-tor mt be ioti-?tMt. MESSAGE OP GOV.DfWEV To the Gcu.rsl AnemMy of the Stala of North Caroliua, 1833. GfcSTLF.MGS l entering upon live d.scha rge of the , riBgi benencenuy "H"' common country. Though the product "" , . .. i i of agriculture' may -not nave reacneo tlieir usual abundance, enough has been re!i.d-to meet the wants ol our people, and industry, through all its other avenues, has been fairly re warded. , i The laws have been administered with out complaint, our rights, natural, civil mil political, have been justly regard- those moral and physical enjoyments which constitute the sum of human happiness. Encouraged by these con siderations, then let us proceed on the pith of our duties, determined to de-t-rve a continuance of n is favour and protection who rules the destinies of nations. In laving before you the condition of the State, with such sugjestions of im provement as appear to me worthy of legislation, I am consoieu lor ine knuwledze of my own deficiency by Far ry " t "eM?w "'V ,. J ,a 23 cent per bushel on salt, 10 fifei H - molasses, and ? ffTTh iert''mn of t:ierk! Slientr, all other articles of prune necessity Hill b reel 3i " from SO to 250 per cent., which cer- T . - ..f itl er emt. will lie nrnat from !, , . , , , ' , , . Jmciwi isJPcr e" . ' i.-tamly would never have been submit- public miwi T'" U "J Y"?:"- straggling with the untoward circum Uwe should not be unm-ndM ,ol i gave ,t being, iuucceed our .b.ind.nt cause of gralUudeto the j , Wising the objects of Hiliorofall Good, for the many blei-N, . . .. , . f ttre recollection that you come from ev ery section of our State, are identified with its various interests, are acquaint ed with its wants and capabilities, and are as well disposed as qualified to remrdv promptly any omission on my part. The novelty and the imposingTHS nilu.lc of recent events, will afi'ord you mattei for much and serious cohside - ration durinz the present session. The deranged circulating medium of trade, the cramped ait SaTioir of 6u r monetary institutions, and the new scueme ioi the establishment of sub-Treasuries by the General Government, all demand your anxuius reflection; for they are intWately associated with the interests f our consti'uents. During a period of profound peace, and in the midst of unexampled prosperity aou nappinrss, the country has been precipitated from her high enjoyments, and plunged (with iw natural causes to explain it) into the abyss of wide spread misery and ruin. Although the recuperative en tries of a new and rich country, and of a singularly enterprising people. have not permitted us to be permanent ly depressed, yet the lessons of past etnerieuce should n't be lost upon us. ' We should investigate and understand the causes of these calamities, that we uy apply the proper remedies to pre vent their recurrence. We must not continue to float upon a sea of uncer tain experiments we must settle upon S'tme permanent and practical system of poTcy, something defined ami well understood, else public apprehension is kept alive, business is retarded, and enterprise destroyed. Bear with me, then, whilst, with becoming deference, "I endeavour to investigate a subject which my sense of duty will not per mit me to pass by. TJie seeds of these disasters, I be lieve were sown and deeply sown in 1816: measures were then adopted, from what motive it is not now neces sary to enquire, which have ereatly cniitrihuUd to the misfortunes of 1856- '37. The distresses of 1816 were re markably similar io those ol more re cent occurrence, except tlial jitey wer taoce extensive and severe. M e had just emerged from a harrassing and ex pensive war, which had greatly increas ed llie public debt j had exhausted the lenuurces ol the country, & inflirted on lier citizens extensive pecuniary injury. The banks had suspended specie pair- wits, the currency exchanges were uiTtriy deranged, conndence was e siroyeii rid credit narahseu. unuer such circumstances, our soil scarcely free from the pollution of the enemy, Congress decides on taxing the people to discharge the public debt of two wars. For this purpoe the tariff of duties of 1816 was adjusted; and was gradually increased ujJg 1828, wken the bill so 'properly denoinmaTcd the fjll of abominations" was passed, es tablishing a yet highei rate of duties', id prospectively increasing it. In "ny instances the tax was soliigh as absolutely to prohibit the importation of articles of prime necessity. The war led to the creation of our domes tic manufactories at the north, which ere subsequently fostered and in creased under the auspices of the ta nif. and thither we were driven to pur- chase at Idgh prlcci "those articles which an eiorbilant tariff had expelled itVn our commerce. Other commodi- ties which our manufactories were un- UI0 ia timiklv W -finfinna.t in imnitrK because of their necessity, but burde- fdfwith ! I believe, befre " the annals of legislation, was exacted from a Tree people. Take, for 4nMance. the tax of nearly two cent. . ' . I laini y i . I ted to bat for the plausible appeal to me paiuuiiMii u( me people io pay mc public debt. - To regulate and Improve the curren cy and exchanges, and to furnish a safe depository for the Public Trees thus rapidly accruing, the Hank ol the v w.,)artere(l. Aftcr lrate f ex. I.ange equal if not superior ; f I I . vVI,'Fl;Hi UvU A V"'1 vHVJ er country, and performed its functions as fiscal agent of the General Govern-' mo tit to the satisfaction of every pre decessor of President Jackson. Hut the operations of this oppres sive and unnecessary tariff continued to draw money from the many to the few, and for purposes other than.the. currefit expenses of the government, until 1856. The credit of the coun try was stretched to Its utmost tension and every means resorted to for relief. The distresses of 1819 '20 and '26 e;ave fearful warning ol the coming danger, and but for the liberality and wise forbearance of the Hank ol the United Slates, the crisis would have been much more calamitous. The re lief afforded by the bank, however, was but temporary and fallacious. The cause of ruin was too deeply laid, and the drain continued to do its work silently, insidiously, buji surely. The merchants were stimulated to increase their importations, speculation was fo& tered, and credit extended, with the delusive hope of removing embarrass ments, originating in a trade burdened and overtaxed. The banks lent them selves to the madness of the hour, their circulation was enlarged, their ability to sustain themselves diminished, and the destruction of the Bank of the li nked Slates completed the work, of ruin. ... ' Bu t not only was the period Tor im- pusiug me; nun juusi un "m"u, but the inducement fur so doing (the payment of the public debt) most un satisfactory and unwise. We were called upon by no principle of jus tice, of wisdom or of patrionism to dis charge that debt at that moment. It was a debt created by our two wars and under peculiar circumstances. We entered the money market ss a borrow er, young and with impaired credit, our Institutions new and untried and their stability often questioned. Cap italists availed themselves of all these disadvantages, and imposed upon us the highest premium for the use of their funds. It was a meie money arrange ment, necessity on the or.e hand and profit on ;the other, involving no one principle of patriotism or liberality. t he reports ol Hie secretary oi tne Treasury show that the Government was often most usunousiy ueau uy. we were, then, under no obligation to the public creditor to anticipate his de mands; and it surely was neither wise, patriotic, nor just for any object, shoifof absolute necessity, thus lo op press an already exhausted and pros trate country. Considered ' in a financial point of view, we are still njore at a loss to un derstand the unnecestry haste of the government in paying thopublic debt. A large proportion of it bore an interest of 5, 4, 4J and 5 per cent.; and money at the time it was discharged, was worth the full legal interest of the coun try, from C to 8 per cent. Prawing money from the peopleunder such cir cumstances, to pay to capitalists, many .i e ' . r. I tn inem loreigners, was a unancmi oji ration the wisdom of 'which may well be questioned. This tax, thus "imposed and thus col lected and disbursed, from the many to the few. soon a:ain souzht investments, in stocks, in factories, in bonds of merchants and speculators, at an inter est of from 6 to 8 per cent. A ry small nurtion, - however, found its way to the South. The high rate of interest in New York, and her great natural and factitious advantages for trade and commerce, presented attrac (ions which we of this section could not boast, and most of the investments con centrated at that point. ITnray,not be unprofitable, and it is cerlainlvlffteresting to examine, for a momenttlneFnormous amount collec ted from the people in ,2f) years by the demands of the' Feoerlil Govern ment: Say public debt in 181G, 120,000,000 Interest on half as reduced, at a percent. fi0,000,000 Surplu, " "41,000,000 20 years support of th goVBrn- ment at 15 millions, 300,000,000 Showincr the extraorrlinanr aum of t521,00,000 aim a subtracted from the earnings of in dustry in twenty year, to pay the pub lic debt and interest, support the Gen eral Government, and create a surplus. I have dealt in round numbers, with out regard to fractions. It is sufli ciently -accurate for my purpose, which is merely texhibit the astound ing amount of fixes which is levied on tW consumers of foreign merchan dise, beside the extra "amount paid on good expelled from our markets by the i ami, v men we nan io oniain from the manufactories of this country. This disposition of this money in seeking the new investments, to which I 'have alluded, aol.led to a large line of dis counts by the various Banks, urged and stimulated to improvident expansions, gnTe in vie oi ousiness ami prosperuy unparalleled in our country, but it was hollow and fallacious; the people had been drained, weakened and impover ished by taxation, and they were una ble to withstand the reaction which a- waited them. President Jackson made a systemat ic attack upon the credit system. lie declared ''that all who traded on bor- rowed capital ought to break;" he at- tacked and put down the bank United , his puruzans. They had the best States, and cast distrust and odium sources of information, and ample up'in the issues of all banks, by his cir-, opportunities to investigate the subject cular requiring, the payment for lands fully. It has certainly been very elab in specie. This gave warning to tner- orately discussed at two sessions, and chants, bankers and capitalists, who, rejected under circumstances- which .with the instinct of self preservation, '. trimmed their sales to the coining storm, husbanded their resources, call- ed iu their means, and reaction and ruin commenced, i The public treasure had been de- posited with a few of the local banks, and, with the hope of healing the wound which he had inflicted upon the commerce and credit of the coun- try, the President determined on the and the public mind vexed with it pet bank system. This he promised front the election of our constables to should answer all the purposes'of the that of the executive It has been Bank of the United States, unattended made the test of democracy itself. with it , evils and dangers. While Grave Senators and honorable Itepre the depositcs continued to accumulate, sentatives have taken the stuirfp at e these promises seemed in the way of lections, at barbacues and dinner ta fulfilment, & the President congratulat bles, in defence of it. The cupiditv ed the public on his complete success; yet the reaction went on; a wound had been given to public confidence which the hcalii powers of the President could not reach; produce was pressed into market, and the price declined; .' . t Sloe K s went down, prop.-rty cnangeu hinds at reduced prices t the banks curtailed, and in turn were pressed for ernmenthasJbjen dishonored by her the paymentof tbhnleblt-tne tttfpnt-wivmwrwbT-rpetty reward of pro its were withdrawn: a further curtail- fit on the salaries they are receiving ment was necessary; no hope of re - lr remained; conhdencc was destroy- uKmbers ut Congress were prollereu ed, business paralized, and thd sua- specie by a circular of the secretary pension followed, with ali its train of to pay their compensation. With bankruptcy and ruin. The local banks, such inducements, incentives and in their turn, were discarded and de- and appeals, we would not be astnn nounced as unworthy the confidence- of-Uhed to see this .new- device be the government or people. come the law of the land against the Ihus have terminated a series ol ill digested and pernicious experiments a vacillating policy ol wretched exp. i i- ment; taxing to pay off the public debt and to protect home manufac- tones; csiaousning a uann i me ted States at one moment, and putting it down as unconstitutional at the next; creating a high protective tariff to day and destroying it to-morrow; fcUj n co, QUjt rejecting the collecting a surplus revenue from the useof banks as depositories and their wants of the people; patronizing, ca- oiel ai a mcjiura 0f payment, wheth-ressinE- and jUmulat'rmr into madness . rnnvortililo intii anpeift nr nnf. and folly the banks of the State and men uenouncing mem mr lanm- iu .1 . .. .1 r.. r..:i: . - iinnrliii!i uhnt mi rBlioiml heinrr could have exm'cted They coul uiu nave expecieu ar7 , . t regulate the exchanges, an l it is equa folly to expect that J1 7 uld withstand thd shock, which not wa cou B " 'nd "thX a flood of circum controul drove upon them. They were compelled to suspend payments, until time placed another crop in- market to remit-4lH4alajiaW European credt'tors, and to repair losses at home. " vr My confidence in our Jocal banks - . .... 1 m i Isnotimnaired. Ther have suffered M I ill I SIC VUUHIIJ - fortunate, perhaps imprudent: but Chey 11, a wanaesll ST I lit 111 II tl . . fortunate, perhips imprudent: but Ihey mm' ff I, a HH.Mn T rtiva ra 11 11 v h 1 ira it is , I r Ol HIB VI UUI VIVUII SfT wi ith the improvements and limitations hich experience has suggested, they whi are essential to us, and, ought to be sustained. The banks of the State, from a comparative examination of their condition with the institutions of the other States, stood at the period of the suspension in a very favorable position; and I was impressed with the opinion that thy, if any, could have sustained their payments throughout the pressure. But their able managers, who knew their situation best, believed otherwise, and they followed the general example. They have again, with laudable a- lacnty, followed in the resumption, and I now meet their payments in specie. soon alter the suspension i me banks, the Legislatures of several States were convened, to arrest, if possible, the downward rourse of things, and. to afford such relief as circumstances might demand. Under such respectable ex amples, and at the suggestion of njany respectable citizens, I deemed it due to the people to summon the Council of State to advise with' tne as to the course which it would be best to pursu. After viewing the situation of the banks and -the wants of the community, a convention of the General Assembly wss not deemed necessary. It was believed that no assistance could be affurJed these institutions consistent with the rights of the people, and that er limits. I have an insuperable ample protection was afforded the com-' jeetion to seeing the agents f the gov- muoity, by the penal clause of theiernment spread over the States, with charters allowing 12 per cent- interest! the control of money or power of any on refusing to redeem their notes. I kirr4to operate on oar habits, man- The sympathy of our citizens with the sufferers of the Tunes, even to the iimueii Dinks, is strong evidence ol their liberality, forbearance and ii;rltt- mindedness. Demands were seldom made, and of very inconsiderable a mounts. Few were found. Shylock like, to require, the pound of llesh; for the position of the banks, was looked j upon as a calamity rather than a crime IheUank of the U.. a.. having been put down by one President, and pro nounced unconstitutional by the pre sent incumbent; the local banks having been denounced and discarded; no ..al ternative, uniortuuately, is left the President but to devise Some -new system as the fiscal agent of. the. Gov ernment. This has bo en announced to the public under the imposing title of the "Independent Treasury," and has twice been recommended to Con- gress, and as often rejected by tliat bo- dy, thougU composed of a majority of would seem to demand the acnuies- cence of every republican, who holds the doctrine that a majority ought to rule. But it is not submitted to; eye- ry exertion has been made, snd is still making by the immense influence of ex ecutive patronage, to reverse this twice decided question. An appeal has been taken to the people, the subject has been carried into our State elections, of creditors has been appealed to in support of it. They have been invited by the Secretary of the Treasury to protect hit own drafts on the banks hen, specie was refused, in order to make them equivalent to specie and a- -1 t . ..I. . I I.! 1 I f vauaue in me maraeiaia iHgo-premium, to pay custom house duties. The jrov- from her bounty. The honorable dispassionate wishes of the people. understand the' Independent Treasury" to mean, reduced to it ,,,4 pruportiuns, the appointment 0few agents by the government. w,0se duty tt will be to receive the pU0;c jueg from the peope fi goJ '"and f;er only; keep it in safe and vault anj ny !, ., the salaried officers . . mcl,ureI ,onMer wron2 -:!- No State government would V . be sustained in exacting irom the peo . . a mtnt of fnJ gaej d W nur w ( dividuals be tolerated in a course .0 ... . oJious.and oppressive. t . . . e 11 1 -i cmp.oymeni 01 go, . ami suver ", ' transactions between the governmen and people, if practable at would be ,conve..ient aral expen- But the impracticability of con- " "8 me ..e msaoy Willi m innMii rtirrnrv uriltf. ia ,111! w Pe currency on.y, We must then necessarily ' , "rrency 01 specie and I 1 w 1 ""eP e"u "J Pernent. and the doctrine, other for the people; and they must come in conflict. The refusal of the govcrn msnt to receive the people's currency must depreciate it or produce a con stant drain upon the banks, which must destroy their usefulness. On the score of safetv. the Indepen dent Treasury is to me particularly objectionable. rew or us are igno rant that The officers of the Uuiied States are appointed more frequently from political considerations than from intrinsic merit, and too frequently from nuisy demagogues, who are always the most forward and pertinacious appli cants for office. The deposites in the local banks must, from their nature, be more secure than with .such officers. They are guaranteed by 4he capital of the bank, and the watchful eye of self Interest is perpetually upon them. I speak cheilly in reference to the offi cers and the management of the banks of this State; and from personal knowl edge, and am very certain that no sub treasury can be organized- with which I would so confidently intrust my per sonal funds as with our banks. But this sub-treasury scheme must increase the number of officers, and the patronage of the general govern ment, already swollen beyond an prop ners and feelings, or to influence our elective franchise We have already a mint without coin, an arsenal without iimth. -We have but one peculiar need, roller tors and hosts of custom southern interest to guard, and that is house ollie.-rs. at all our ports of en-1 guflicient to bind us together with try-ami Post Masters, like the locust chains of adamant. We look with of K;ypt. They forma phalanx, confidence to the constitution for pro which no patriot can contemplate lection theret and when that fails, the without jnt apprehension, or think ol tncreasinj without dismay. oojj ad vocjte the scheme, because, in its operation, it will be hostile to the local banksf jnd that, in their natures, they are antagonistic!, and cannot ex- H .'"A'thex. Arc we prepared for the destruction of nur banks, and, with ineir, ni our trade and enterprise. Are we willing t witness a reduction in the value f our proper! v of ne half or more-?-Destroy our banks, and we will witness this, or the liuiniliatinjr a! . . tentative of bein sustained by foieicn cajiit.il. . '. c are toHl that the indepenucnt treasury will relieve the south from the shackles of, northern trade enable her to establish a direct intercourse with foreign countries build up her nwirkets, and unite the whole south in trade, interests an I feeling; Nothing surely was ever more fallacious. Did ts norlhrm projector) originate it with (his view? or do they now sustain it upon such motives? Hardly, gentle men. . fhese shackles of northern trade, of which we have latterly heard so much, proceed from causes not so easily over come, the north is much indebted to her natural advantages, but she owes more to the liberal employment of the credit system. this enabled her, at an early period, to commencjtja cener ous rivalry with European commerce and manufactures. This furnished her the means of ship building ca led her manufactories into being, improved her navigation, and constructed her roads an I canals. These improve ments soih reacted upon industry, gave facilities lo the farmer, encourage ment to the mechanic, and employment to labour of every description. These objects (except commerce) were great ly fostered by the war, subsequently by the tariff, and afierwardsTiy the mo ney thrown into her circulation, by the payment of the public debt. Our course was vastly different, our energies were directed to the quiet pur suits of agricultural life. Always fear ful of overbanking, we employed the credit system lor no valuable improve ment; our frade was originally mostly with Europe; there we shipped our products, and received, in retum, man ufactured goods to supply all our wants. Gradually, however, our trade begau to be transferred fo the north. We began to find that there we could meet with foreign goods, imported in north ern Vessels and by northern camta.. which added to (heir own manufac tures, of greater extent and variety, and actually cheaper in price, than we had been importing directly; because they better understood the wants of oor trade, had spare capital, and could adapt a small assortment to our conve nience. Hence the transfer; but the north also consumes largely ef our raw materM,:hich renders the trait" re- ctprorally benefit ial to US. " Our merchants are a calculating and pains taking rlass; depend oiv if, they have made their calculations in figurti, and find their profit in a northern over a direct European trade, or the present state of things had never existed. The City of New York possesses natural advantages 'So greatly superior to any other port in 'he United Slates, that! she has noMmjy the trade cf the south, ; but of nearly jf I the northern and east ern States in a greater or less degree. To build up home markets is cer tainly highly desirable, and of primary importance ; but it .cannot be effect ed by convenrtont. Their collected wisdom may devise the means, but they must be such means as have heretofore produced the same results such as have enabled the north to com pete with Europ", We most extend our credit system afford the means to erect man u factories, to bu'.td ships, to improve our navigation, open canals and conshuct turnpikes and rail ways, to improve and use our wafer power, and to wmk the mines of ores and minerals with wh ch our State so rich ly abound. And we must do what is of paramount importance, erect semi naries of education, to qti'lify our children the better to improve our nat ural advantages, to keep the children of the wealthy at home, and avoid the extravagant expense and the uncon genial nabits-whichthey acquire a broad. We must encourage our own mechanics, and import nothing that we can make at homt; and finally, w must do as our brethren of the north do, stay at home ourselves, except when profit or business takes us abroad, snd cease to spend our time and substance ia idleness and extravagance. We should lorbear to cultivate sec tional and geographical feelings. There is danger in it. It is enough to keep the line of rights and attachments be tween the State and 'General Govern- ob-"men ts separate and distinct. The ob sect 0f our compact Wat trade, ftiend-, jy intercourse, and strength of num. bera; and I should learn with regret the incinienrv of mv, measure that would tend to plant a bitter rivalr or anurv alienation between the north and South, as 'one man, will know how to protect herself. A circulating medium of uniform value and in sullicient amount, is the oreat desideratum of our extensive and enterprising confederacy. It is the life blood of the various branches of our spreading' industry of oor agri- culture, commerce, trade, manufactures and internal improvements of every description! and is rendered more es- sential lo our welfare bv the extent of our Union, the variety of our soil and climate, and of our peaple, differing almost as much in wants, habits and manners. This nllimportant circula tion, I "apprehend, cannot be supplud without the credit and protection of the 1f.j1rAl f itviinikiint ertil Wkie. .... directly, in the estalishment of Ns- & tional Bank; or, indirectly, under pro per regulations io favour of the banks of the State. , The people very wisely gave to Con gress the power "to coin money, reett late the value thereat and of lorrtgn coin, and to fix the standard of weights and measures." But it would not be more unreasonable to restrict the coun-, try to the identical weights and meal urea furnished by the Government, though they afforded not one tenth the supply required, than, it would be to limit it to tne use of the coin thus reg ulated for the receipts and disburse ments of the General Government. If it was rkht to do so. the erovern- ment should leel itself bound to furnish sufficient supplies both lor its own and the people s uses. -- The leading design of these grants to Congress was, to render what was be fore irregular, uncertain and deranged, certain, defiled and uniform; other wise there could be no precision, no u nifoi mily, and but little justice in the collection of taxes and duties in the va rious sections of the Union. But the grant " to regulate commerce with for eign powers, with tM 60 e and Indian tribes," indicates very atrongly the in tention of the framers of the constitu tion upon the subject, and their sense of the necessity and propriety of regu. laling the currency, be it what it may. , A national bank being considered unconstitutional by the present Chief Magistrate, cannot, of course, be estab lished during his term of office, sinless a constitutional majority can be obtain ed to control the veto power, of which I confess I entettain no kope. t he ne cessities of l!u country have twice call ed. such an institution into being; snj under the ausnieei of nur most enlivht euro utiii pan ivuv BiaimiHCM, anu 11 iiii- ly realized the expectations of its friends and supplied the wants of the country. Still, it has been made th stalking, horse of the demagogue, and made to bear upon all our elections. from the elevated chief magistrate to the humble constable;and yet, so im pressed was the country with its utility and necessity, that, despite ol the pop uiarity of the late President, who was opposed to It, it was re-chartered by Congress by decided majorities, and fell a victim to the veto power. The constitutionality of its establishment' seems to be a question never to be set tled; and if the scenes of its re-elitrkr are always to be acted over ami lha public mm. I excited and disturbed by the misrepresentations and agitations of - corrupt partisans, it may well be ques tioned whether the advantages ol audi an institution, highly as 1 might value them, are.not countervailed by the im. proper uses to which its enemies basely prostitute it. Under such circumstan ces, with no national currency and our exchanges deranged, with no hope if action by the General Government, it becomes oor duty to search out ji sub. stitote for the National Hank. 1 My preferences are with the Banks of the States; and I ask your attention to, and your candid consideration of, my reasons. Their permanency is an important recommendation. Tne first chartered banks in the country are yet in existence and in good credit, and no one within my knowledge, of respecta ble standing, has ever been refused a re-charter when applied for. -Nuliona! politics have never entered into their management; anlTtheir contr-actinna & expansions can never affect the business ot the country like a national bank of large capital ramifying luto . many States. ,t . -;, ' A considerable reformation,; altera tion and lmnrovement would be tieres sary, however, in order to make the lo cal banks ( meet my views. . lliey are at present too, numerous; their capitals generally too small; ami the variety of their notes so great that it is almost im possible fo fix ppon the memory the character of the signature add vlg. nettes, so as to avoid the danger of for geriea. Some of their locations are if ( 3m Turtk PfJ ; i ' ... . . . . ....

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