A:' ;-:: v: V- "J-l, ikr novla wbea were ttc-i ctJ. "-J m ,i. ll)!. : Ascra'd cw. med on r, tr k pr niau uf ibe capital, bate vrJr apj.Ua forllw Mita-rip Im 1 he rcw,o i Ua iM-rrr b-e cm "- i mir'l la tke bva'd f internal imrvrwrm hi to the etooabre. It o..y be fmtaat, 'how aver. pre..-, m the toV.d.tv n. the co Taiwe ioHl the tb-eripio t the " - ' a i.k.,t. .. ...xr a c.."al- craW ulwriolKw wx awile.ta tba other ptr- I haa aMattHitr luiwtlr ihe ciliaert the rmde of the p FraTanJYad Kokand . " terrairtl in it acciimphahov- it strained etery nerve to brio abmi! drwrable a tonm la, and though - aticrsdotty. att'l ! merit ofthe iwuleaare exit im-air!; ad . the inlrrrat of ibe Slave aU part-H ini iJ"iU ntrn arcttoii le4l imprro-ia!y in ii.blc inicrifir aftth market a.nl a ea'xrt i'lllo tut oo At my paitmt'ar rcjiet. Myr M:e.i t'e cWferviriii'er m bo a ir.e) f4l H.e iwitr af lW Cape Kraraul Vaaaio lloa-!. .' ite itbai(rblofhi report. liieli pn.ted im4 nn'y llie prarticabili'y of rnn-trtieii'ia; the rrta.1 bill at a roat a bicli rm lie r. mum ra ted i tlie proprietor. I woul-J. tbetef.ire, tecMiinieniJ a reneaalof Hie cUartrr, emjiow. tbe Uoanl of it.l.nial improrenieii'a lo qlicnte, on tlx- naii of tlie Si at r. for lliree r.filit or . if neeean. tbri-e lo-nb of ibe atM k, ari to ennr the acromilnbn.e"l oftbeaork. Nv, an important rl I coo'.(U4 er it. that I bail J fora!l tbe atork. if ne-1 ceaary, but for Ibe iara-ioil mceaoiTtr oi awcliiifr itli tlie frta'e intereijti'H l ju-iIiCi-mh cinrM to anprrintrn.1 tb iletaiU ami anl attend to tbe et. eotion of the orl. Hie ei'CiilKm bcli tacrrtainljr-oit.bin Ibe mean i4 the Slate.al prtbabl ilbout llie iirtvc-aiy o bonMa in. Sliontd (lie bnk to ah eb I hare rrferta 1; be pot in apeT.tioi.and make to llii rol the nberip:,on of half a ml ion of dollar; ad alioo'il fie fourth in lalment oftlie aHTploa teiemie in January 4weit. which ia probable, aa tbe law ilir-rtinR Ibe H.atribulMMi baa not ben repealed, - rwiiitieic to H77.9I9 13 Hb Ibe pmre-.d nt Ibe aalea of ibe CUerokea tanda aajr f 350 . 000, beina; appmpr ateil to thia pitrpoae, wild v.tial indiridual anhacnp'ion may be Obtained, Ike ftantla woubj b pravideiL It apeara to roc a a matter of right anil jna t'tee to wire tlie proceed of the Cherokee land aale:to opening communication to that ration ofthe Slate wbence they lure been 1-HeerL ' llieee are other wtwkif no leaa itnpor tar.ee, in ohieh I ad almot aal tbeaa'TatKwof Hie Stale rewoirra that ahe shoubj prtMBptlf ernl i(rronly eng,gn On owr weat. an trTnrt U making br aamth Carolina Ueeoaaoor ta'e by a ra'd war to fvcore to Charletton ibe produce of j ' . . that fertile regions m nntt inc rauHowui of Iter atxrtb-weatcrn bank, wiih a branch within our llmita, not only inaure the nirci-M ofthe firat etrterprixe, but. by aupercedm the aireniat-on of or Banks deatroM our correa cy avl eonlrol our credit ayatem. T he Ian Mageaetefaieiidt of thia 12 million bafik Vi III it will beta tbe aoutb-wrMcrn State. In rninaney aafl eKclianfr. what the Hank ofthe aL'aacd ttatea waa ibe fnion " Hhmtll VnrTh Carolina ieceed in cawywfj mtt brieaaa o tbe CMrrency ann m to a waMiih-Weeirriie-fMifedrracv (or leagiir.) our fer eannat be hmmdrd by mere p con iary biaa. WeatouU be itrieen lo Irade a llli Charleatm anil t cheiialiof arclinnal ferl- i iajra, until our attachment to the I'nion il aelf would became iinpaired. We cannot are lo maatera woh irqual fwleliiy and a - taa-Laaenl: aliould t-0 coontrrji t.ng mc.il irea Ve (l vfdoit o r part, I ahouM fear that ahe would aneceed bolh in directing our Irade ami aupereediiig our currency. Tbe Bank I be propoaed would remove the lotier apprrbenawwii and lo eemedy lie Ummrt, I would reepecHiill propoae lb- con otraietion of a Hail linod from the head oft dr ate en tba Cape freer ltier,eommeneina; in B.ew county, remiing wet and flanking ftoutb Carwbna M wewr a poaaible, pataing thrwoeh Uokeaon. IliChmood, Anaon, Meek- L-ni.ir linenln ami into Uotberfoedi. and if cx pretence j.it4ea it, iartheratill into Ten ariaH ami to tbe ah.irei ofthe Htytmippi. TI)U Koad wtltd inleree(it the jKOtlure made n the north of ita Vine draw nn inconaideralde oantity from the eontiguou,ililrictaf Smith Carolina, and delirer it u a market of our own on the Cap Fear. The lrarl on thia road, I he no doubt, would be roualderahle. ITi'in on tha Leuiaville Cincinnati &. Cbarleaton roa.l. bouQil nartb, would unqoeatiiwiahljr take thia mite, aaotdinf Ihrrohy StKl mile of travel and a era eyage. - . The eouiilry doaa elie Capa Fear to Rocktng- haro, in Ktrbmood cauiuy. oo the l'dr, aoina 85 or 00 hum, pteaewta ba beat far ililie. for a Itail Koad of any in tbe Hale, Ita aorta. ia level, and etvound in timber of lite fWal quality) there i hot one atrcaai to croaa. Lumber attver, and tha4W os magnitude, in the route. 7'kia good would be of immenae imparlance I WnuMngtiu, en the Cape Fear, ahead en of the brat market in the world for lumber and for furitUhing rargoee of naval etorea, adapted la the Weal India market. The return cargnet ' nf -Weal India produce, redundant for the preaent domaad, would furniab tuppliee to L . tbe interior on Ilia beat terio. ' The Capa Fear Riaee t navigahUi for any aixe crafi lo the point indicated aa th-a tatiuf point of the Rail Koad; and below Wilmington, aa far aa tha eulleta to the ocean, ha been and ia now greatly improving urvlee tbe oprraiiona of the Coiled Blalee. lu depth, bread lb, and atraigbtneee have all leen increaerd, and it now afford full 13 fet of water ou it wnrt ahnal, which ia progreaaively deepening. The .ew Inlet bar, il ia confidently believed, from oeervitlont upon it, ia rabble of being readily and permanently improved; and, aa thi come within thr acknowledged province of the federal government, il 1 hoped alia will lke apre.ly and cftectual meaaurea for the aeeompliahmrni ol ao important a woik IP a "lata that baa aaked and received ao little al 4ior hand. Improvement an the eaterrt aeetion of ilia Stala alao itematida our roiideratkn, in an a rjaal, if not iujierior alrgire The whole Albe Marle eouulrt, embracing aoniaiO eouniiea, ha a danger oil and to adequate eutjet, arid t Una vaoaoo La been driven to trade with Virginia. l.o ik ao of ker rail and other road, and of one of tba laoat ineonvenienlly located canal pnaailiU 'i"b aanall veoael which navigate th water oooraee of thia aectien of country, are com pelled to aerk an outlet at Ocraenck, aome 100 to 300 oiile aoutb. when their deatination gen realty la warth. Cot Kearney. United HtateV itariar, who bee recently bad charge of a aur ey of that eounu-v, report that Ocracok lo - e ia eleahig. and etpreearaa belief that 'ere : . leng t will cl owe entirely. In which event ve. - sola will be eojopeUeo to eeek an outlet atill fur thee aoaWb Ihenajh the aoand at Beaufort. 1 baa anf owauae will throw ear trad a atill oTeoaarextetil iota the markets of Virginia Utm wa awtHaMi lo iomi Tbie aectioa ia compaaatl of land of the high- eat Botoral fertility, hut it ia aa level, that to ran a of it it lor cortivation. k requuea the moat ei oonoive ditching and eaualing. Thia defect ia ' caoatry where land ao wueh aboaada and cap kal ia ae Uoiited, baa keeaj tbecaoae of ile (Le, . . cf n.l lb ruvifatioo end f tU title u a iprrJ4J rw, of th I that ArAM but ixMit Ihnr. and there aa m itotn that these Una wtil Wean U.e ganle P of m.i. ..4 a of a wikterBca of wiacth- 1 1 .a I.nd ad a ftrt.l aouire of pe!.lrrc and J .-. ' Tg, agaWUI lb It of tM Aioem.'.. r-v.. ' - by W" h oU- " " t,m I l. a' r narrow atrip of l-eacii, which dindr ihe tvnbasl from (V v-r.4voI e " wt bttle eWvathM atw high water mark. Il ht of en lieen aartevnl 'T dwmrom.eM .gineerauod lor the aca!lity of owning it, Ueg to rcicr- lo tvir r.pori". o .-.. , ... ..i ,. I . n uf en Mfi'tw. anu n often a!!uiltl n the u't Ot niproe- j nB, .ror. tUe ! jn piarurauiMTj ; lb eutt f Ii i iliifU-ult l eilaiM h it ba tvx brforr lata umUrtiken. "1'be rra.n mat perbaiia 1 tour. 1 m a misniinJe, -,wi , . , lm,,If,.i that it !i u!.l I and wuuld be ei-erolr i !.. 1'if :rnil finra ! ment. ar romin; .i,i:"l within the rlaaa of vorka tw-I.Mif mi I i ii. Il i now t nHuI t.i o l le lufigi-r JilavrJ, a:.d ii.ul I aceoat pluhed by ai:iu fiv .NiJel ir. a l mme r.'ii'.Jj ailuaiej ( ;i outlet, if Cf .!. S-ii.i-I w rlarf.I.'fhin wae the .New IiiH i-n the 1'jpe Ker. wh h waao aned witiiin th' rrrn!l-4-iion ( prrn now Iniiie. and !. !rrj.!y ! I t-et wa'.ir and grail uaNy iinfiriMiii). 'J'be MVin iiU' and tri'muriei prohtMy di rlurgr ffvetuueii l!irpiairii of wjlrr wl.i h i!ie Caie I'ear ilnra. and it roorae iadirrcllv fr the orean, unlil it apjinKichra anme 'hundred ol yiol. olii'ri it linn nfl" at riuRl ane'r. and M-kf an onlld 100 mil. diatant at Orraroeke. The Cape Fear jmr.ued a aiiiiilar direction and' nearrr the ocean lo ab n,l I be same ilitanr. a anuilar lx-ae!i fnlir4eniinr;-thiii lurnrd ulf ! ibruKlv. and l nii .l an outlet (the l.n 'i Inr in ten mih-w. jn.l al tlie Hi'n nlTa almm wathrd ier t!e b.-arh and rut out t'le New Jnl.1 The f 'r.ialon Kuun.l-inl' r-' the waier and i!nw it away belore lewhui N3hejd ( I.wing that aouod. it appra'ra t in, woulJ re the water on A akhi a.l in nrh Uidy arid power and wirti tome lialtt i-.t.tani-e br rultiiij I ha atrip of beaeh lo gir it ra;e in the firat in atanee, a would ma If tbe outlet. TUn howetrr. i a matter fr the aritnrw of engineering. That the wmk ia prarliraM all have afieeil that it ouehl lo lie arcoinpllahej none Kill deny who wdl n-fieri ilium ita im inenae importance lo lha btate, both a to cbi rarter and profit. Confren in : 183? yielded the piwer lo lha State to impoar a tal on all vraeh oliirh might paaa through an QttUfet to he intdr at ,arhrad. Tha undertaking i evidently one ithich be long to the (irueral Government, where the I lower ia lodged to regulate mmmerre in lha Mule, and becauaa ii would he a aourra of ree tnue to her f . il. It would lie of innre conaeqitenc lo Ira.le, in dustry, nd rooimerrial enlerpriae. to ay noth ing of it (reairr t-li-jiir. than tne llrliwtre Brrakwali-r. and nuny other work w!nc!i hae been promjxly uuiUrlakcn Lr the (ionc.'l GoiernmcoL From the ClirTil to Orracoke, a dialanc of frnin 2lU to 3otl mile, there i not an Inlet or ilaili.tr fur rrl, diirrn on lit cna'. by Trea of wralliri .under urh rircunHlancea a dull aailrr rami. II 1 krpi ..IT. and tlie conae ijornre iliat I lie c al i lin.'.l with wrrrka and covered, Willi tlie K'tc of our ramrii .lioul.l DrraroLc t-l .' ii!iciMi d hy Col. Kearney, lb inacreaaililr r.iaal ia lucre .lied iiine thirty or tiny mile, and vtiih il our maritime danger ami lowr The public printatn Virginia have nlredy ,dife-Uil the attention of her attpiniMt to the fi-aaihility cl ilrawiuo the trade of our Stite, even as f.iras tin- llcrnci c rmintry, to thrir in.irl.in; to M iiino i . . 1 1 At liiipin(r tliu t ar- c.in,w lulst tlie 1 1 in ok nr.- vtt iniircriuif with life- Shull H'i- Kiihiiiit t'i thia! Dniiiied hy South ('.imlitia on the our hand ami by ir ifi ma on the other, ran" we exist with honor or prolilt Shall we not r.itlu-r play back upon them their own tramct The Hail Koad frow ibe head cf tide water, tin tin; Cap rear, flankiiiir South t aroliua, may, remedy our hnniiliatinir p niii.ni in the one iimlance, and the i ii'iiiiij; an Inlet at la"shead id Ibe r.thrr. ;' ":' Some I '100 vrr now croav the Oeracofee bar wnnnallv; and produce of the value' of one iiiillinn of dollar pnsar through there. nl,hesidi nnmciive U.iiitilir in other. di rectinna, to tlie Vi;;inia niiiriirt. Not otilf II this trade, cinliracinj; ton whole of that in the Albemarle country, but a tarn amount from arveral cotiiitica of Vitginia lyino; on the triliutariva nf onr wakr coursca, would aeeV an outlet throttuli ur tUiU by Ute" o- petitng ol INapalirail, and go to l)iil'a up a market in ita artirhhorhood, diual, if not au pertor, to any in Virginia. ' 1 ' ' A aurvoy and ratiinate of a ship channel from the Nciiae to llemifort would afford the necessary Information both of llie prartirahil iiy auileoat of a work to relieve tits iiaviin tioa atiiVlrafle of lint MH-tion of country. The outlet stajahead wimltl have aonie hencfi rial influeneo here, with the tifce . 1 tlio ftotuid, and a more dirwt communication by a rail road to' the town location on the Alhcinarle. The aelpction brtween the rail rond and ship channel, would lc di'eidi'd hv the inf.r- matim to be required by the atirvey and cU- mnUi. " j I It in very evident that the trade ofthe Cape Fear cannot be corned lo the Albcninrle, and ie trctsa. Two pointa will thereforo lie come neceasyjy, a which to locate our home market, and to three all our road and other improvement of navigation thnuld be n.aile to liKik anil concentrate. t If road ahoulJ he loratd. running fioiri the porta and innilirls fd" Virginia and South Carolina, lliroiifrh the interror of our Snte,- it is very clear that tiTl fhp prmhice and trade , above auch a line of road, would he carried j to those markers, dividing our State horizon- j tally, the upper from the lower part, and vir tually Iransh-rriug Uie upper portion to our sialvr State. Thry, g.-fnijig the scbsl.inee, we rdtaiiunghe semhlanec of a St He. Hut, if the figure he reversed. the apex nf the angle resting on onr own ports ami in irke.ts, run ning its legs into our rich interior north and wevl. the effect woiildlbe lo concentrate ran wealth and res uuees uilhiu our own limits. licl Wilmington be one point, with roads running lothe noitli, ihedins-tion ofthe il tningtuu and Itali ih Kail Koad, and to the west, Iho direction of the roads heretofore re commended, and sin? mul crentuallv, at least, receive the produce and trade of those auction, and conimensuraU'ly increase in iae and iniportauce. . Let a market town, at the head ofthe AHkv Baarleyif we succeed in opening Nagshcad, or at Ncwtiern, if a ship channel can be made to Beaufort, be the other point, and similar roads resting upon it, will five to the trade of tho country through which they pass, a imilar direction. And the intersection of the northern rowd from Wilmington, with the western road from the point on the Albe maile or Newbern, would lay open an inler eotara between all parts of the State, llie transportation of troops ia the time f wai. do at JuVo'ty Sound lird. .lh rl r faclMT. would W.ol .- , Tb, rewh Wl .. b, eo!najU,ac.- r!UWle iaporuooo. The nau.'o ; " A -eon;3-f,i(k h,i been oftUi n.aniooureintwTcial poiiiuaudjno purpo:I11mnit-K;Kk, Uitie ta th rtloe of aacJt W. i , n20 t00j in Ri Road Si 4500.QOO, Tbf eooanwtioflf a tnrnptkf KKiJ from he io,ulment of th !! Iljiri.-h ia CKifrf- Hill to weU.ha J ri iao h ta p;d; rf ib ur,,lo. fiol, Wn spoken of hldilf dwuaWe. On a ; ' f .rl;ln .mn urii,. 1.61 4 It in r.Hiff'i and brokra a roil if. I am trK-liih-J l , ----- I rHa-aiiu nw uu t r --- j believe tlutiUeywt wnuW le more crumen- I Nj,i?ion Comranv, J25,(0 in liin ' urate mith'it ntilitV, thjn tUait of ami Ll.v,.,i,i.i'ah.lu,; nakinc lb imn of r.wJ. And if a rail road Sj-rulj not bt - j I atrur'.ed frtwn UaVijjh iit. rHin tlip n- i raint wi and lUUtgh Hwl Hl. hi 'i i : ' hibly iuifKjrtant. I should reoommend a ct,(1,1K t. u. turnpike on t:iax rouu; ul - tiiDU'lr lo"bfeHiU;iuHl m, tlie AlWiuarie or y'f,, iUc. Krh-cb-d poiu fjt a mar". ja thr eaU ll inic niari-U orronftnmntion would itat- urallv snritig u alc.ii? the Sine of improve- inent ami" home market fir cj ponatin and importation on tbe seaboard. The v.diuliii' result of thi utate of lhin?, will be thr i 4 l.ihliihmtiit of coii.mon Mfli.nds. I y tli in-erc4n-if the populatioit And wt-ilth of tin.' Stit- tlie hrinoiiij ti'tt t!n r tin? citiii'ii-' U n in.-te ditii.-ts f:it. an inti'roure of tr.i ! anj ffiead-dip the removal . f sectii.'ial ai.d jreojraphie.il ji-alouii'aad the anuinp1i"fl of thai t lcvaicd position ain'i:ir onr i-u r States to which every' honorable incmtivt iuincU n. The currcaey r.f t'.u- Sttti ii i itim it -Ty Conitcj-t.-d w ith the u!)jei"t of domestic ; n i r ki'U. Th: es.'0tial reiiiUit our curan ct are, lhal it be adr tuate to the ftrlilnpi of cortufi'Kliti.- intn a circulating medium, and lltatil be mi iivj, A almost t!u whole of the aijri -uitiiral products of this State are sold in the market of other Stales it follows that t!ie money paid for lhee, consist prim i;all v.of"t!i.' c ur rency jof the St-iti s i:t which n.ijcs are in.i le such currency i put in circulation even in this State, to the exclusion nf our own Hut when nierchs idtse II pnreha.il in t ireign market foreonaumplioii here.a-id pa r! f r in the currency oi riiis StaL it is hrotight back for redemptiori in siiccie. Thus, bv this op eration, the circulation of the currency au thorised by this Stale, is reMrk-U d between llie smallest limits if, indeed, it can be proierly said to have any rimilatioi at all. Home niarkr-t in whtch our people could biitli buy and aell,-ould penult the ctrcula, j ting me hum of the iSlale lo pursue its appro- j prlate funrtion. without embarrasiiuenU i I l.i mi r nn f.iroion una rv tn ilrucr.r nairaiosL. the a.u.miit mi j; lit be safely Increased to tbe exteut required by the various wants of the eommunity it would be kept in active em ployment, ami boabsorbfd in domestic com -i .' - 9-i 7 T- "7 merce. itliool home markets, lis amount mulii-er-ss3rily be fluctuating and uncertain, 1 because depending on causi'S beyond the con trol of the agent authorised hy this State to supply il. I know that to accomplish these works, and to carry into effect the system of general i'liprovpiiieitt I have projioswd, necessarily involves the expenditure of a large amount, and 1 kuowltoj that our people are too poor aim too sparsely spread over a targe lertitory to enable us to command the means at once from our private resources. Wo have but one alternative, and that has no buifbcar ter ror to a mind of enlarged and patriotic, views, I mean the employment of the State's credit in foreii'ii markets. In Hngland money is I abundant, and may be. ltorrowe4 on State stocks on excellent terms. Bay Irom 3 1-3 to 5 per cent interest. This is a most fortunate conjuncture, and may pevcr hippra tn us a oain. Wars destroy sueh opportunities and are of sifdi.iwjuent oecurrciu'e in Kurnpc, that they may soon break out and rob us for ever ol'tiie golilcn moment's which seem beck ottnig us onward to prosperity and improve ment. The credit of tho State is all that is asked or that is required. It will involve no taxation, for il tho works sIhjuIJ be as valu able as I believe they will be, the profits a risino from them will not only pay the inter ott of tliu debt, hut the principal also. 9 I have already shown how much the pres ent generation has done for posterity in tho privation of two" wars, and in the discharge of tha immense public debt created hy them in the construction of forts, the building of vessels, au.) other mailers of consumption, draining and cxhauatiiig the meaus of the ei listens and making the -country poorer. It is now time that we looked to the permanent improvement of our beloved Suite; here the ease is quite reversed. Money borrowed and judiciously applied for this purpose twice blesses the people: in the disbursements first, and in the value of the improvements afte r wards. ' V'; '-': -' (Jenllemen, we have no" choice in this matter. . i Qur course must now be onward, orwe must sink into insiguilieanceand ruin. Our sister Stales nre up and doing, thoy are .milling us at two efnur t xlicines, drawing Irom us the lilc-blood of our exisU-nc; and unless we at V act rfliciently.we lu-coine the huuilde tiihiilary, a tnero Province of our neighbor. Huergy an entcrpriM' alone can rescue our trade, redeem our cinmuereial deg radation, and place u in that elevated and apropnate position which it becomes us tooe cuiiv in tin- sisterhood nf Itepiihlics. Cast your eves on the surrounding States, and you can hut contemplate the results of tV-ir rueroy w ith delight and admiration. Their canal, their rail w i vs. their hciorirs, and high state of agriciiliur.il' improvement. rival the best and most carlv s'tllrd rounlriesM of the world; whilst their mora! and iplt.llec ttial advancement has been stimulated by, and kept pace w ith, theii physical improve ment If we nre unmoved by facts so striking if illt:irntion !i practical and o decisive, fails to convince, and to i. wince immediate and cmeicnt action, argument is ia vain the cause ts lesi the State is doomed and the hopes of our Patriots' son blasU-l lorever. A topographical, geological and minerohv nieal rxami .lion and survey ofthe Suite, is considered ighlr desirable. The minerals and ores are helicvtd (i be incalculably val- Mahle. and tt4tmesfoiio and marble which mioht thus be haaTTto light, would bene- ' . . . , r fit the tar.ning interest -beyond the cost of I I I . c " . 7." i i r, n .t. The Literary Board employed C. D. Bhaw E Engineer, to uperintiid the d arning of the awauip land. Survty have been made of a large tract in Hyde c.iuntx; two canila locat ed lo I'ungo and Allijator like, and small por tion of them put under contract. Di.Tieuhy Ua been experienced in obtaining hid for con tracts, or more progress would have b. en made on tbe work. The law confined tha Uoard to contract only. If the employment of batoU had been wubin their wwer, very probably mor would haa been done. In aeaaon, a re port more in detail will be aubinilled by the Board on Hit very important au'.orct nard on lid verv imporunl auhKCt. Th. imporUnt'.bjt of Common Rchool. .. ini,i.tiow.B,d., h.t U,ey might di., tWsa-yaHfcatd of Iks Stale; and they ha, given il moat ant itou esiiieratipo. A variety of law and y , . . ,..! cmsini tock Cane 4. g3J jtjl i j keJe the inome irinn? from mxnn UnJ, 1Cen Ui relai!er of apfr.lou i: UOM ,j u aoctionecrt, inJ the awamp i;.... ....I ia auctioneer, and the iwirap iin,U .! granted to individual, before j wj .in.hal.lv vield an income oi ; -1 -in-xiil .. IIS(IOIU) wr innom. a'ul woolJ i -,m ia wjrriot a coiniuencemenl ' r ! . . I -l : ll.l.. . ...I rdn i. rs.i .If iinenwinriii -'-, j art.ica lU.lrTJ 1 an lll 1 l iicr... i ' - - pra-ticlle. Inch lo ilraa aTtrte iuf.irmilioii. uol o.-il oti m Ho.; ImiI m:.iii all otlwr mi'.j I a .1 v 11 - ' - lam ho 1 T, to iltin.luT. could not lw pi-"c l.'.O f,. ,n ,.xl.-.,,.. -.-.. and a a ! " ' .' " I Ia.- t!r 14 ll!lir-v llrnrUliT I'l ti'n fr:on tii. rlu.. Hn-ful iiel.vwU til oot and ivi'.-l i the olde a i.u'ilo .- oi oin- st a'Mi o'-t nUi le'i -.-.i.- . ,T t I ..i.Tii. foil il HOI'lr.ia t i r.t ..lit-iK-c i! ii i-.!il . We 'iotl'il ali4t, -tirtV- fir- i.lac-, ; 4w i an 1 1 mnc'li t'.i eil. T j m U hi 1 i stilt -l llfiu-lfa citl4(T th.- cMiJi ii4-.it o( i j Siki1 in -.i.m-r. .. leal 40-.ili.i foi tin- i-dn -.Cem ! of t4-ai-h.-rsr an ait-anp. iwi il aiilitin- t'nn. r.'m j l obirh ich onll4 'iOiliI be i itni-t. il O f of ' rl44rij4-. a 4U44l ?(r- to . ib-vjie t!n-'e l - liool maJ.-rs a Uie Slat.- t.ir a t -i-m nt v.-,rs. The eniilmmi ul of a j-riil:in-lit t'omnlisio a Tin n K-riiiteiii llii braneb ol the v im-e. ill ftro'ia lilt l4-iw-cei-an . lb- ma Ih-ciiiiiIomiI lor tin- ic y'.t in i4M.ng all Im- inl Jnu u'ihi ii thi Mite ami i-U-ali re, iicc ai7 M piMeecdinj -lb klll ami 4-rTi-et. t I'Ik- I :..4tit4iti !a given t I'ic Kx inlv - tie hih in-r.-.:.ti4.- s.eci4iip cl'-i-.iw ; lii.-h il i hi ilnt in .In iK-cooling to the ln'st of Ida jii I?- niet4t To n-.nlT tSii ilo;v tlie more raluible to tin' r.iiuiiiu iitv.be sliaol.t f- ulae.-d in l full ami areiirti- nitoriiialion ol tin- ol iie ami liimiJi.n it.ahirli i not now th. es-: sueh infirin tiou ilroii?tit io lii notice hv p. I it ion anil rviire wntjlimi .lmu, by onrtial ot - pn ju I'm 4-.I hands, awl I lui: rtwn to beticv.- trivue:itly destitute of truth. To is-tiia.. lite eoasiit.Tation of such, biw-ev-r, on ttial jrroniid and snff.-r a hu.uau creatmv to rxoiate hit crime with hi Ii1, alsrn a osi- oilit of iuiiuea-iiee exited, wnnbl Ik- ie jo4 to tlie -rein ft with which be lias been TntiiialiHt, awt ' painful to loin. To renu-dv thi uncertainty, a I repoet of all 'the State prcrntion by tlie pee I ai.lin- iiuttrate ot all eav of comK-lion under ' flw 4,rtLr. 'K...L:. Bhimlil be made'tl tht; F.t- relive imratsliately on llie adjmlnuucnt of Court, it before die execution, ofthe acnlence, from a-bieb aoure valuable iiifoemation eould U- ih iivisl, "owo uic sia-w uctcmi ...t,. The ooniiBOBicotion uf Ibe lion. It. l Utrnn- iter, a Jadge nt tha Superior Court ol I .aw ml j Kjuy, berewilh mbmittad, marked K , pre ! vent another defect in the law, to which I brg j leave la call ynar attention. soon afier ibe close ol the laal aeiuon, in oiie- dieace lo an act lor that purpote, t.eneral S K. Patterson aeommiioned tn redeem $.100,000, tbe Stock ol the Slate ittue.l in ISjS, which du ly he peKormed agreeable to law, and Ike bond have betn haniled lo the I'ublie T rvaam-er. tin nbterving thai Congrei bad appropriated I liirly Ihouaonii dollar to pay the claim of this Stale for military einendiiui-e during tlie li war, eommiivioneil Wm. II llarwood, Jr. r.ui In make hi lettlement. I em happy to Inform tou, thai be nieaeeded in doing o, and received the amount appropriated. In riiMharga of the elaiini. I ba money hai been pant la the fulilic i reaiu-' rcr. Hi Keport will be made al an early dav in obeihem-e to an act of Ibe hut cjioii, di recting llie ppointmcnt ot a iureyor commit ionei: to liiierintend the aiirvrying and el ling the rearnlly acipiired land from the Cherokee Indian, ibe appointment have been made, and the riiMie incidental thereto, pertormed. Tba Itefmrt of tha UofoaaiaaioMra ot aala will be aomnimiicated at an rai l) period. Commjiaionert were alo appniutcd tn auper inlcnd lh trintci ibin and prioiing the lievited Statute, which duly bat been pel formed, copie delivrred alterable 10 hw, anil the retraining number dacVd in the hand of Messr. Turnei k llugbei, of llii place, lor tale tar tlie Sis'. A act of weight under an act of Congreiv ksi been received Irom the Secretary ot the 'Treat ury a a atandard by which to regulate ihnie in ii i a onr State, which will require legnlalive action. The importance of co-0KM-alive unifurm iiy in ll mutter relative to commerce, traile, and inlerenarie of the diD'ereat member of i lie Cnion, i Inn obviausly ivi;ciMi7 lo need lurllier comment at my band, than list been bestowed oii llie currency and exchange. A compilaiion ol military lactic, ha been re ceived Irom the Major (Jenernl in chief. Inr the purpnie ol rendei-iog llie excicite ol the Militia uniform, which will require your attention. Six pi-eei nf field artillery complete, and five j niinilri-a anil ninety-aerra inuvKei. tne qunia ol lS.i7 inctutive, to which the State ia cniiiled from t.he United State, have been receive. I and ortlereil tn be alored hi V ilmingtnn until diipo aihon aliouM be made ol lliein by aome action on your part. The 1'ioti nf 1833, of muakett, th ordnanee department ha reqoeileil to be informed il the Stale wai drliron nf converting, in pari, or the whole, into any other apeciel of arm. Tbe rora .ruunieation ll herewith ubmitted, mai keil K. Tbe Kieeuiive i unable to ailviae on thii ub- jeac, except thr number ol arm artlcren to b 4!ii ributed by the laat teiaion- lie ha recieveil no return ol arm or men. The law give the Ailjula.it tieneral the option nf making hi retumi lo the tieneral Aarmbly or the Commander-in-chief, and I believe il ha been the euiiom to make the return ol the militia, arm, accoun t menu and magaiinea, diretly to your body, which will pni t ou in pnatettion of all llie necratai-y information to unable yeu vlwpoae o(.tlie tiihject, - Three itittalment ol -the turphi revenue wa recieveil from Ibe United Stale duriwg Ibe lat rear bv the public treasurer, amounting lo $1 -4.U.7S7 39 cent, which hat been ditpnted ol a gieeahly to Ihe appropriation ol the lost aeition, namely V),tvfH in ibe redemption ol the Sta c tiork f.HJO.lHH) subaeribed in lha at nek ot lha Hank of Cape Fear (-iUO.000 carried In the ceeil iil ol the Ulerary Fnnd, apilicable to ibe di-ain-ing nf lha awarop landa $li,l,eTwpTe4-! in It. public Ircaiury, and Ihe balance, fJ.i J J9 rem i, carricil to the credit bl llie Hoard ot Inter nal Improvement a, for ccrlaia purnoae agreeably to ibe riaoluivoo. . The general state of finance will be tubmitteal In yob bf Ihe officer in charge ol thai departmcnl I will laka Ibe occation to tuggest wkiHher re 44v Irom all Ihe mritution nf the State, ia which ihe Siale ha a nceuniary iulereai, ahnuht not he made to lb Kiecutn-e, (iretiou lo Ihe meeting ol the tieneral Aitrmlily, In enable bua to lake a general view of thrir tiluaiiona, ami gite to the tieneral Alterably coudemed tutc inent nf Ihe am Creat reliance ha been placed on limited ca- n. r I ri -r(l . in t . K" I.t-.im.iii. i. . . mr-1 , . . .. .1 ' ble-am unt of capital. iilmut hanng gitco ihe ; V reflection ., ,. connection, anuld I "'J"7- ' ,lr"n "J " t (uhmiliril lo t our coiiantriation. , , , ' t Al Ibe reqnevt of tbe Sialea mentioned I bare 'he honor uf aohmiiniig emtvnnnieaiiana from 1 em ,0,wrb.rt, Flum trnoM on .,1lli, J .lately. New llimpthire rclalive to the anr-! : plu; Coniweticut and Arkantaa ca the I'ublw i I jn l; Contt-.l.ot oa r.arrutit-e Paironan t;eorgia relative to ihe akilueliun cf a alate bv I a meat ol Maine; Kcnlacky os Ike emyneyi ! IMiuiani relative lo a Soihvn, Convrniio lo I adopt meaaure againrt the maehinaliana af j Xorthern fanatic; Alabama, ot,jo anil Rh...! ! Island for aod againat Ibeanneution of Tn; ! Ana ImM XI 4ia SI 44t.;.4ur.n: , . . i Marylaad and Venwenl ao granting Ihe privi- leg ot franking to tbe State nrrieer; and Iroa .-. natacuaieni .4.. 'II... TL. 11 It . "" .7" " -''"'"giiic aonooci m ....,,. nnln. eipongmg ee.ol.1 in ,h Sev. of tbe t . S. .11 f which - -. tU " T0" In oonclaiiea. Gentlemea-nermat to. to . youtf my ready eo-opcralion ia all matter, r iit aomfort. improterarnt, aan hjpmeM cf Ibe ciliMiol theSinte I bate the kunor lo be, (irollrmea, - kli the kgbeat aoaaiileraiivii, Vuor u'ilirnt acrtant. KUVVAKI1 U. OUULEY. ' Executive Department ? 21'. i TIIK I'Oll 1' OF BEAUFORT. To the Editor of the Stur. Sir In a farmer . communication, we allutled to the iupcrior coininer- I l a l.aa. o.F IlitO IV . flirt, and their importance tO thi Stole. y ( put -pose now m miner una nu- this Hub urtrliriilarlv. anil trt lav lie. JC1-' v I"- ' . , i ... i..... ,. ,.,lr 4. i t inr n t in larla. I'll C VHI 1 H V ti " " - - - - which will speak lor themselves and while they must dispel every doubt of j ('ie i m m 'l lice of the l'ol t III Be tl) s;,, e 0f rt Cai olllia, . ,1 r il,-..!, Tail to convince them ul Hie au eaulurt cannot absolute necessity there is t'tai mat mate hnouiu iurn her attention to this port without dclav, an I optvn to her citizens the fitciliiic for commerce afforded by an excellent harbor. We before alluded to (lie partial know ledge of this port (hat nUted lit our State. Its obscurity need not be -fo much wondered at, when we con sider that the means of ubiainin eor- rcct information on (he subject, except by actual observation, have been -few. For although as far.back a the rear IT18, there was a deep hip channel attached to thii port, and during the of I Rev.latron pilot, who is now living, J ronuucteil a snip urawinj; twenty two leet of water over th t bar; yet in alt nu'ical works, jeorrrapfiie3 and charts, where anv description oFoursea coast is attempted, nut in one instance has justice been done to this port of our sea board; but generally the1 whole coast nf this State has bet n lepresen ted as being tlifticult nf access and ilan ger.ius, and even without a goiid harbor enough forever to repel the mariner from its waters. Ami so difficult has it ever been to have the importance of this port fairly represented, that even in an Official Document, a favorable Report of a civil Engineer of this stale, made at a time and under circumstan ces which required that alt the advan tages of the place should be clearly pointed out to the State, it is said that the water on the Bar and in the Har bor of Beaufort is of sufficient depth to allow of vessels from 200 to 500 tons burthen entering;'' which, f course, was sayin?; that vessels ol no greater burthen lhan 300 tons could safely en ter thi port. This.-it is true, wa giving North Carolina a pretty good harbor. But we can assure your tra dersand arc prepared to prove it if required that at the very time that re port was submitted, the water on the bat-and in the harbor of Beaufort was of sufficient depth to nilmit vessels of one Ihouiand ton burl hen detnlu laden. We know not whether that error has ever been publicly noticed and cor rected: if not, we can account for it on ly from (hat indifference to her own welfare sn rharactea istic ol tho Hip Van Winkle Sta'e. Irt an O.'licial llepirt of (ul. Jam? Kearny, transmitted to Congress in May last, and which was before noticed in your paper, that g-'nilettnn, who is familia: ly acquainted w ith the bat-rarTd harbors on the ctwst--tf the United States, after observing that Beaufoit has on the bar of its inlet twenty three f r .a-.-. leetoi water at nigh ti its, sav: "it t at least one ofthe best, am! oakin" the depth of water at low titles feighteen feet) the character of tbe bar and the infelif of Ihe coatt near it. perhaps the best Atlantic harbor a utih til the Chet a:ieakc ll.iy." S nice that time, vou ?rg aware, the Ship Napoleon, which could be laden at no otlur port South of Nor 'folk, was laden at this port for Liver-' pmil, and sailed safely over this bar with 1907 bales of Cotton and 900 bar rel of Turpentine nn board. oJIere, thrn, both by the sutvey of a distin guished engineer and by " a it act'uaf ex periment, the fact is 'established be yond a doubf, that Beaufort i not on Fy an excellent port f ir commercial operations, but is dcrith ly superior to any port sontaS of Norfolk "o-i the Atlan tic coast ofthe United Slates. . According to Mr Jefferson's Notes on ' Virginia," a common Jliod tide afford 18fee-t xvater to No.-Iidk. It that author is currect, Beaufort Ilar purhas the greater dep.;h of watei But independent nf this cirturastance weare well aatisfied that a fair state ment uf the commercial advantages of the two ports. Norfolk and Beaufort, will give a decided tvrelerence to ihe lutter. Hut its proximity to the Ocean be ing alntqst upon its verge gives the port of. Beaufort an advantace in a commercial point f i-w, rt" which both New York and Norfolk ('the for mer about SO, and the latter about SO miles from the sea) ate ileslijule. Ex periertce Ins proved that a hip. after weighing anchor in this harbor, with a favorable wind, may be safe mi the bo sum of the Atlantic in thirtu t.umi et. This is a circumstance of no small im portance to merchants and mariners. The bar at the entrance of New York harbor, according tn the beat in formation we can obtain, lias on i a bout 24 to 26 feet .f water; fthi ra.iv nut be iireciselr tnrrect. but is i rf - ' umClently ao lot nur present purpose). , Beaufort bar hat oii it, as we have seen. , twentv three leet f frenuenl w JJ t ,.l , . .- . . . ' , . ' t mple depth nf Wi rims we see that the bar and ha j f Beautort, for depth nf water. I water. harbor are t little inferior to New lurk. But this CirCQmsUncC is Hut n(ct ial J for crai auvaii,-- y -f.-14f" aii IHtrt ine ahipnin... Int'i Nw York itd TTftufurt !w,t B cient depth for alt comm rr'ul m AmJ-hcreJetH be -u,!,2 UWj I.W ecfr r th bartf. ica7 j urn cu'1 - rn" Iht hatha. Utttufort dttptjfifadtn. I-et tJiU i? written in flaming character . J" walla of jour Capitol. P11i The harbor, of Beaufort, w . V! j ( win., ,c c iniu onu.L a I . II A ? . T .1 a . ""'aa- n place that It'retttrctl ( lie ia JlJ, at lite game 1 1 llie, I 13 iuniCientl . cioua to coniain an the ahipi,i, ,r: any Southern commercial i,)w, did or ever can, in the ordinary emr! of trade, require to lie in pHatoo "But the aaleljr of this harbor. -( New Voik, or anj harbor upon j Americart Coast, can offer "lurea feet aafetr o vessel than tin. ; y ring llie great storm of- 18U ettt rode safe at anrhor in thr most txpotfg part of iU main ship channel. J.j, well knnwn that yessels Ifing in New Voik and utlicr -Northern liarbort,lft often, during the winter, seriottalyj,. terrupted with ice. Boston harWi fretuentlj clusrd op. Bcaiifort for. bor is liable to no euch obstmcueo and is equally acccssaWe at all msd, of the year. It bar is a healing the, ntf, so that with all moderate wimtt vessel may beat over it, 'Mitt fr,. ffuentlv sail over it by motinliuliijg, with the ai.r of a beacon i reside ftt could appn hit from sea, am J cnttr the harbor v th safetj in tlie tlaikett ni"ht. . . ) But a circumstance peculiarly IV voiable to this port, and highly . iatrnr tant in a national point of view, itii, fact that it is pot liable to a permi. nent bloehnle. This is tlieojilecisiit opinion ol men of nautical exprrienu. By the trending ol the Ca-es a lay a lormtd, in which during a heavy tooth, erly gale, a squadion cuuld not find sea room; and an entrance iotetlii harbor would be effectually prevented by Fort Macon. Thus, while alistiii every other ( perhaps" every otherjtlrts harbor on the coast might be closed t by an enemy, this would remain ata(t outlet to vessel. And, as titer it now an inland navigation open froa this harbor tn Boston, tha iucIculW impoi tanec of this port cannot fail It be realized in tima of war. Darin the late war it was the principle toBik ern depot of prizes. Congress have already turned (heir attention to it; it is to be embraces' ii a survey authorized for the selec tins uf a place for a Navy Yard. A im propriation has already beeu trottl kt the ileepning of Cora Sound, fpnart ting thi harbor with Pamlico Seuml. And here we must take oarasioa ts ek serve, that this harbor is cow irceui ble by water tu most of the Nurik Eastern Counties of ihis Stats. ' M'bra Core Bound shall be deepeno!. the fa cilities for intercourse will ki iucrei setl. From this circurasta ire U sy to perceive, that if extensile co mercial iperalions could once be con raenced at this port, as th fariliiirt for shipping must ever justify the MB'i prices at this place for ttii pruductiuM uf the state as are. given at Ntjr Yark a prompt and regular market oulJ U established, which would divrt lo lliii port the greater part f perhaps til of the trade of those counties, wliiih Mt send their product iot Virginia by tons. What an immense rsvtuuttui.l't be easily saved to our-, Stale. rll did a Virginia editor remark, that fur that state to aid in waking Charlettss a place nf direct export mil import trade wou'd be raising a stirk i s which to break her own bead; for she would thereby lose the trsiW of A'tr Carolina, to indispensibtt I Jlef tm mercel w hy will nut our alate cousiJer these th ngs? But we hate not alluded to tneM of Beaufort. Here we cannot syh much. If there ia on th sea uoardnf IheAnjericaR Continent, a place tirely free from the ordinary rtosrs of disease, it is thia. Two iiitellie" Physicians of long residence in tl place, consider it almost onparsllell'u. for health. Bullet facts prk.fof themselves: bith of those physician sav that throughout the whole ,rnt of their practice in thia country lr'rj th past summer and present fa". " onefalul eati of fever hat occurred1. during, the saint time in the town w Reaulort with a population of ,irj hundred, no' on inhabitant hi -Such Mr. Editor, are.mme of the ! vantages attached to the Port of fort. Such are the claims it hs Bf this state. We would here.r a moment, and ask, what is it ' hrr power to do wilH such a r cf,'L this? said the eminent Dr. C while "contemplating the gloriou T rillt Wltl4.ll 44 4.UIIIII.WII.4..' .'. ii t as-oith l"J me anu wesieru v.aroni . ji .... ..; trlfH harbor would open to tne sai.i ".'x ..n t-.t.l. that "r', awfTii aiMrrai i triuai o.vw 'I r P.n.Iina Voonlil have alwaVi """. , sl ..I !,.. .....llii.n ... ilesorratt ,44 I44T4 V'"ll. I I4'44 ' " f has deemed it. while such a harW" Beaufoi t vvas upon her coast, vet, strange to sav, though more i half a century has rolled by since i couniry first'burst the fetter fo" commerce, and opened tba d" free antl unobstructed enntmerew tetcourse witli ihe world, ana York and other stMes ofthe nf " it' their provtl career P"' ts upon everv aea. ortr vat vats upon every e. "i'i- -rat has acarceiy lor a momrn - u eve to her tea board. VM' atl the other AtLntic, -l'.h"B; improvinT i ne r nnrouia 441 , -V S?