4 I' KALEIGII, 'N. C. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1S3S. . " NO. 50. TIIOTtAS LEIHAT, ..tTOtlHD rOPRIETB. Sr..eirt-. -- dollar j .nnam-one subscript I'm i'"?ffi.e.,.ici evert lr tnnt - Uw ln)2 i"-'"!". one dollar, h ub. ''Vi"C of Ctoi M !. A . 1 5 tier wet, will W mad from. 'he ' ' ,,r prices t"f drlwrs fc the yer VTters t.rthr 1 "' t'-P"'d. V TyrAS3U & CO- ii - .,,rl...l il.oiiltrc rtOCK ol Mtiin y H Wkith H Co. Ime eoMiinrnceil ll APOTIlKGMtY b'i'troe rihe iimi-l lonnt-rlv .!H.ll.v tlm ii fcavettnille SlreM.trrouH Ai w oorlh W. i: A. Siith. here ihry have Hreive l ''irihrr Miinly nr Was. sai1ienoi, ilns. OiJ, :tia(, !, MtiU'ti aud Vcr Caxucey, issttfir With a jrcrnprnl nssortiaeut of yjl.XCr ARTICLES. wSVh tliry will dipor ot on Hie moil ri-Kiorn- b!e Icrmi. Mrrcli" n.l olhcrt tan be fornnhed nli Mtieni -.ami ojliei meilieiiiea n r-ntible -trrm ''Kt n Jtcl!" n"lh of lle I'otomne. P,rMt "t'' ' w" '" Kl" n,'ne ,or IhemieUvi. PiiJ icint at a ililiince, who maj fcvor u with t'lii.- or-tcrt, wilfhave them nrmpll alien d t N !" "ill be pi el in Kliin( Chemical! and f'liarinacf ulieul pie- 'paniti'int, Ihev are ilflermioeil iltnl no niedi rwtliiil audi i are (.-iiiiiii. hll be anld by llitm. () of Ihe l-'irm Imrina; bren brnujhl np I-, ihe liiiiini-ii, to li;h he will (te bit umli iiVJ alli-niion. Ihereb aoi.liitl: ilioo lolal mi.iUc lli.l wo ofton occur iIh ohrIi incoirnie- ltiey nr o.vlcf.-, they liHt, by ti iot ullclii tioq in biuiueaa, merit a iliare of th pnblie p.lrnna'. . Februaiy, 10 (f THE D1V0RCK!" The following official circular has enmo to lijjitt, although it seems that it was not intended to go further than tutlie officers of the government. J'ottmaster General' Office, i . . Wastiinijlcn Oct. 8, 1838. fiirr ArrantrrmenU biviiii been made with .1.. i..;,.i s.a. Hank to uav tlie T"reaurer a j,,r ,a . certain amount, at different placee it beinn probable the nolea of the bank will i ...,.,',ii,Ia to claimant! and, in nonie casea, m.re c.nieuf than apocie.you will.ahould you ... ..... i...r.. thai bank of it aacnia, make ,,..r n-ivmont! bv check aa you . . ...ill lla receiver the OflUoll 01 can, wimu -. , . lktn? paper or apeciej and the Department haa id o!) cclii.n t. vour usimk of that limb hi all vour pavmenU, o far aa it can be done h-itally. . UeiiMjcifulIv. vournllientarant. ' , n. towso;, r. m. o. Hon. ia an onen. unanswerable ac- Lniiwledremetit. bv the party itself, that the "hard money currency' scheme is all a" hnmbug. The prac tical operation of "the great measur ol deliverance and liberty" is that Gov ernment ''hn no objection loathe pa per of the United Stale Bank being used in all iis payments:" Culumbia.Tel. try In tlia examination of witness es before the New Jersey Legislature, in a contested t lection, one of them, a Uei'iun, named Daniel Garret, who voted for the Democratic" ticket wliic'i wasa nut into his Wand, oy the uwtier of the factory in which he worked ailmittcd that he had never heard of such a man as Jackson or Van Buren or Harrison or ClaV and said "he had heard of Gen. Washington but did not know whether he was President or ii'it''!! And it U 'br the votes of such ignorant tools of designing1 politician tliis. that important measures of pub lic policy, which may ruiA-or save the -Dmitry,' are to be carried or defeated! . Lyndi. Fir. .1mtiring.W do not know when we have been much more amused than Ute occurrence in New York. Mr. Hdliuel Peck a Whig candidate for the S'ale Senate, heard that it was rcport- s u that he was destitute of tlfpftritv and discernment," submit- ,N .his head to the inspection of v. row ley, "Professor of Phreno o PJ',' who, having duly examined the bump cavities thereupon apparcut, 'le report, in due form, that "the prominent nervous organs" on the head 'f the said Bethuel Peck "denote the highest degree of activity, clearness of percepdur, and of thought, intensity slid strength of mind;" that "his bump f cvmbaiiveueas is large, indicating fi'ciu ooi.i ness and energy, and strong "pposition and resistance to his enemies ccompaniel with mi Ulns and from - Hlin I II enoable moderation;" that "his bump 0 "iicicnitostsnes ia lurtre. mid verv prominent, and indicates a high regard tor duty, integrity, moral principal, justice anil truth;" and (hat "his bump 01 constuct'tjrenas indicates great in-Kn-itymuch talent and skill;"in short '7.V' head i ..verv similar to those IeV. Webster and Clay, and sur aea. ir, ,ta prominent buiop ami for wMk.o the great mass of heads of dis "S;uhcd gentlemen." And this ex- amination prefaced by" a formal address to tliereleTtors of the 4tll Senate l)is- hjkV-WUhe.l by Mr. Peck. who very gravc.y rem, as, that, "the sconce of phrenology having become establish- etl no lurtht-r evidence need be adduced lo establish the true character of jour humble servant!' Notwithstanding this .proceeding. Mr PrctT.. which, inasmuch as lie 1 a good A htg, we rejoice at, though we doubt his "greatness," notwithstanding hia favor able bump! Probably, however, (his is as EiM.d a mode of selecttSg "TegUla- . .i .i . , b i- tors a. an r other that has vet been d.s- COVcrel Hlrjnoli.gy be any thing more than a humliar, it unquestionablj is. -T We should like to see a descrip- tion. of Senator BenWa bumps. y :. T...U n- i The Irg V-,rguviau savs-:-! some person has i-nt us a ISo. of nisi r . i . h fi-i "he I'.tidnihromsi," of Oct. 23, a ... . ... , .v , . . .,. rabid abolition paper, iirmUd at Cm-; I r " . I cwnati. which exult in the defeat ofi G.iv. Vance, the Whig candidate in (1iat Slate un abolilion victory, the Consequence of the surrender of the llev. Mr Mahart to the Gov. of Ken t.uckj, to stand his tiint upon a charge of facilitating the escape of lunaway alavei, the propertj o citizens of tliat Slate. And ihc same paper claims the election of Dr. Duncan to Con gress. anoihtr Mo'iiioii tiiuhsph, the consequence of hi bold avowal of Anti-Slavery opinions, and his bitter (enunciation ol southern slave-holders, upon whom, outstripping even O'Con ut'll in bitter malignity lie invoke "the curses ol utKi:" Again: The PhilanihronUt states another way in which Abolitionism op- peraled against the Wings in the late election in that State. "An impres sion (it ssys) prevailed to a considera ble extent amon;i ourlVicnds that Thom as Ewilhg was decidedly hostile to !m Anti-blaveiy cause. lhomas Morns. on the other hand, was. known every where as having stepped forward as the champion of human liberty, when ussailed lant Congress by the south Carolina Senator: his whole course, in fact, for the last two years, has been marked by a consistent, an honest, and a well directed hostility (o the slave- holding interest. ISow, as the choice of Senator is -dependent on the Legis lature, many nuoutiomats - bestowed their sunrascs in view of this fact, ir- resnectivelv of ' harlies' -In other words. Abolitionists, who had been Whigs, voted for Van Dureti Aboliti onists, in order to secure the re-elec tion of Thomas Morns, the Van Buren Abolition Senator, in opposition, to Thomas Ewing, the Whig anti-Abnli: tionist! So that in this point of view, too the late Van. Buren victory in Ohio, is claimed a an Abolition triumph! T the Editart of the Italeigh Jtegitler; t have read in llilaiST!iui)n. ihe comment! of Ihe Editor,' on the remark! purporting to have been made bv Mr. Cinaoa. ol Itmlierliird, Ih d aboul lonM Ida vote lor Speaker ol the Senate on l ucaJay. 1 lieac eoninienl! make it pi-operinai my pmiion in relali.m.to a Bank of Ihe United Stalci ihould be diaiioetly underlined, lamaat iified of iheeonuiiuiioiial ponl Oor.greM lo ea laliluh a bank of Ihc Uniled Sutel; an I ai to the expediency of crealin;! e lale Hank to the luiiled Slate!, I entertained noiloiiui. iiinepen'ini 01 ure important acrticea rendered the tiovernraenl by thai Hank. I know ft to have been eminently oie ful. in equalixina; Itieescbangei, and etb!iHiir a perlecily aniiml and whntetom cui reney through out Ihe country, and I regret, and die eouniry ha I abundant cane ti regret, that the A,ci ol Congreia, reebarterinr it, ! m ptrmillcd lo become a law. Uut iuair.nch aa that institution bad gone nul of exiilence, and levernl ol die laiei of the Union had aiiiee eit'ablikhi.'d, and acre a bout lo etiabliah li.nki with large Capital!, which able and diuinguiihed fiuaiieiei ! believed aould be competent to H-rfnrm lor the eouutry all the valuable ierviceiof a National Initilution, f pre fer that a (air trial altould be made with them, and that uutil Ihii trial almuld be rivcn (andV-r all the eircumetaneea abieb ihmild have influ ence ia deciding the quritinn.J 1 thonld be un williaifto ate Congi-cai create a Hank of the ti nned Klale.. If these aervi-el can be p rlonned br Ktale Uanka. with krancliei as conu-niplaied. ol ithkh laaa aomewbyal doubtful, I ilmula prefi r them to a national llanK. H toe rxerien, ftaila I shall have no alternative but to return lo my former position in luvor of a Hank of ihe U uiled Slates, (H-operly auanled and t eli icttd. Having tltus aeconipliilitd the prinisiia pur pose I had in iew, it may be proper lor me to lay, that sinea roy arrivat in Hleiglr, ! have had no ttommuuicatioa with .VI r. Carsou, directly nr iudireclly, mi the subject ol a Hunk of the1 Uni ted Slates, er ou any oilier tahjcct hrtcver, and that at the moment his name a called tu oie on Tuesday, as lie had voted against me on lo previous oacasiona, I had not the moat disUHt n eelaun he waa about to change tiia vole in my (avor. Indeed, aa certain was I that 'the remit of the voting then progietiiiiK would be tbeume as it had been, t proposed tu Hie g.-nlleinan !in was run in opposition lo me, that we should bwh retire tram Ihe Senate Chsinber when Ihe next trial came on, lo which be reaildy aswnied. I was afterwards informed i thai a gentleman a lio knew my aenliraeois on the subjret of a Hank nl the United Slates, in a cniivertulioij wilb Mr Carson, stated them to be sn!isianiially,a t have .(-....I m.I.u.1. I ttiti.ll(i.H i...l...-M.. liim In vole jr mej hut ol llns conreriaimn, I bail no ; , ------ - ,- - - kuowiege wbaiever, when bis name waa called to November 22, 18H. lieanfert ar. I Ith, 1S3.S IrVTPRVAT. TUPHOVKIUKNT MEE'I'INO. Agreeably to public no.ke a very large and ; t...i A.v i i ivouniy wh uriu-flrtuc ivuun uutrf iti me town of Beaufort on Fridayjthe fCdi ina..for the pur- poM of appointing Delega'ea to represent tbia iari Sovereignty. But now k has in countvmthe Iournal I'l'v'm.t Convc,,- ! , , ,t,e anctity of the Ballot Box. It toon to be held at Ralciga on the id Monday , . ( in December nrxL " jhas introduced into our elections the On tnotioa of Asa Cenady Ear,. Dk-L Jame i'nost shameless and notorious frauds. Manney wacallcil In Ihe Chair and Mr. Jmuet And more than tllig It has introduced Rumley waa appointed Secretary. . onjr o. me me...nB was niaue anow oy On motion of JJ Wanl. Esq. the f.dW- V'0;' ,0 lna:k .ll,e V""nn V?" ing Prearahie anJ Reaolutione were adop.ej. . ,Iie proper Virtlins.MifCuS Otn House Whereas the citizena of ci7To7er" County annoyance, and persecutions, and to deem it b s'.dy Imporiant that the intercais of break tip by Govonimcnt agitation and tai County ehould be property represented in k"eial Improvement Convention which i !? ' K',e,.l M Monday id XettlveJt ,, De, 1(e to reFient this county In the said convention. Jteettved, thtt our Senator and Represent-' '"in in General Assembly, be requested to in lh promotion of such work cf Internal Oo motion of Benjamin Leeereft Esq. th following gentlemen were appointed delegates Jamc W. Bryan, Isaac Hetlen, Bridge Area-: de"' iAn Burgwyn, As Caoaiay, Jauiea Ru",,eJr A?1'.T "t" , , On motion of John F. Jones Eq, Renlved. ,., the pt(we,lling, ot M, Meeli 'M& ,J i the XewWm PpecUtor, and RaUh ur. and the thank of the meeting be tendered ' Chairnuo and SocreUry for the di- cUrfe r dol';T.rT.- .. JAVfES MAKJiT, Chair,. " Fmlnint Ltx TalionW-K few ., r ... mimihs since one of the Zanesrille , ,. . cleiirvmcn called upon a young man . , 1 .,. ti(l. u iniil him in m i.o r linn tliar awu- V, : Kv , i ning at me resilience 01 nis Detroineu, that he might unite tnem in the bonds of matrimony; the clergyman attended and waiteiUsome hours, but the twain came not, and the clergyman returned home, leaving the fair one bathed in tears. ' Last week the same clergyman was again called upon by a-youngtnan whose, an,t ha: .2i9 C8. besides various artic countenance he did not recognise, hoi lesj rcr0thing .i.-tlie whole amnunt engaged his attendance thai evening in2 to gi, 274,60 all of which was lor celebrating the rites or matrimony.; Mic clergyman attended, the parties took t;ie floor, anil the ceremony pro ceeded to that part in which the lady is asked if she takes this man to be her wedded husbaud.&. Here the young ladv, assu'iung the attitude of deterrai-'i" nation, boldly exclaimed, "Xo! twV 4U imiei an Hour, a man who was stand never marry him! He served me meanly! ""g on 'l,e i,'e f the railway threw a six months aco, and now I have paid him! tone about the size of a hen's egg in in his own coin;" and neither coaxing',! -. .. . . . . t thrcatning.nor hiring, could induce her ierauie violence, at the tram- I he to marry him. To entreaties and argu- "tone was distinctly seen by a gentle ments she was deaf, and the gentleman ' n w. waa seated in the last car, wended his wav home, aiidMhence to; with hia back to the engine, and he his lonely bed, while she went her wav ' remarked that when it had attained it rejoicing. Zaneteille Chzeite. r7' .a . i Fr.jin the icw Vork Courier. OUTKARR OPO.V POPLLAU lUGIITS An incident occurred yesterday at the Uxchan-re which seems calculated to tlra.w to a crisis, the great question i tne ititerierence 01 uiuce iioiuers in Hfciiiii:u vj m unwi. n the elections and assemblies of the seems th.itJ the train and the stone had People.,,- Ifthe cidiena of New York .both attained the same yelocitj, - re' willing to aubmit to the- infamous! ';" a.,',. .I...,,. ou!mo-( npinctrateil vesterdav at the From N. Y. K. Slar Nov, 15. c.;r? . 1 Yt.C' ...ftt -."V-i r.xtnnui;es u uiejr vviii ji.nu n over 111. silence if tlicy do not taKe measures! to Unrig it to the attention ol Uongress and the People throughout the republic if they do not, every man of them, j J . r- ir i .1 . . .i K evote hunself from this moment to the close of the election to Settle tno-relaV tioas of the Government and the People' to vindicate the Popular Sovereignty a2inst Executive Control then may - ii i , .i i J we at once bend our necks to the yoke, am! bury our faces m the dust ror the Constitutional and Chartered Liberties of the People will have been swallowed up the absolute dominion of the Crown'. ri -i .i . l. .. i bile the men hants were engaged yeslertlay tn their deliberations m front of the Exchange-assembled in discharge! of their legitimate Hie. as republican ' citizens-met tri canvass Hie conduct of the Administration, and the claims u,.tor p01 ." Miobo lias drawn a por- of the Candidates submitted for their,,r,t Pr7 n?w n ?un.,rr.. Y suRVases their proceedings were inter- r0P for 11 evidences an intimate ac- rupteii bv a band of hired bruvon and qanUnce with the art of painting cusiom house officer, fhe very men who ?nadeep knowledge or (lie subject he have been, during the whole period of puurtraying. Every body will re- our history, the minions and tools of cngnisc the foatures. and the artist is Arbitrary Power and for whom, as therefore, P"ed the trouble of writing was said rore than half century ago u",,er ;"' it Loco FoeoUm' by Patrick Hrhiry. Ihe "People of this IIe,rc e picture: Ball. Chron. country have a- Hereditary Hurred." ! Tj'"",,l,,?uy nJ, cal"'m;y uPP,r "; ... if.. , . pose of argument and fact, lio longer able to lliese men with the notorious Ming at e.rry iu men ,BI -meaiJlireil ,,v mtM, wllicll their head intruded themselves into tlm have some show, at least of I'airne-a it practises meeting ol citizens, and not saiisneu with inSultin them by their odious ! r....n. .ctiitl aftemnied to bull V i and lirovviM at lli-'tn by insolent menace aiid tl.-fijnpe, and break up the meeting in disorder and confusion, by setting on foot a Governihen Riot. Our community has been wronged and plundered by oppressive legislation it has been made the victim of the most wild and reckless, and profligate exper iments it has been insulted bv the chief magistrate of its own choice stung by the viper it has nursed in its own tiosom it has been cheated, and txed, and harrassed by unprecedented fluctuating, and illegal Tariff ex ctions and all this.it has borne patiently I borne in the belief that the evils would all be ultimately remedied through the :gency Ol tlie , Ballot Box. Hitherto, however, our citizens have been perinit- A JOYNKft. ;ted to assemble according to the privi i''"Se gurantied them by the Constitu- ioii peaceably to assemble and ex- ' rB. .,;; r..ndurl i.T ' . . "v . !l"r "lers. Power has not dared to nr. .k- u i Bi,e,,t,i u. uut 'i mc i cit:, it itav phi uit fore the might and majesty of the Pop- i t - paid myrmidon into the assemblies ;f(tie Ieople. t overawe their deliber a Custom House riot the lawful and constitutional expression of the peo pltU UfiUI " 77ie Amalgamation Cute. Wo learn rotrf the Gazette that the affair of the whrte girl andeoiifed man from Penn sylvania, i not so perfectly revolting in it feature as it was first represen ted. Th girl is not a tneniber-td'the So ciety of Friends, although for purposes of her own she had assumed the g.rb and language of that sect. Iter mother was once a Friend, but had forfeited her membership by a marriage out of the paj The girl's character is bi. having before been guilty of loose behaviour, and she had b.'en discarded by her pa rents. She has been committed as a vju grant, and her 7camp:aun dischargeL . . jv. r, 4b. Mo. ; True Oenerosi y.-Xt has n it be en for gotten, by our readers, that we noticed, a short time since, a at unitous fire that occurred at Cincinnati, destroying a frame house occupied by a widow lady, and in which one of her children perisiif rd in the lltmct. The house was the property of the widow and her sister, and with it they had lost their all. The charitable citizens of Cincinnati immediately got up a subscription, raised mnney enough ti buy a house, glvcn t0 t!ie w;juW arl ,er RisUM., - - ' - ' Lull. Chron . Curiam. As a train of railway cars waa pasting along an inclined plane on the railroad from BjI ton to kenyon, England, moving at the rate of SO or .horizontal direction, and with consul- r ....!....! - - i i : i. iiiaa.miuiu ui Tt;iiii;iij, ai apprnruu, iiac Mahomet's coffin, suspended in the air a few seconds, within a foot of the gentleman's head! lie seized hold of it, nd tlescnbed the sensation as similar to that of grasping a Stone in a state of ARRIVAL OF THE O tKAT WE3TERN STKAMEK After much. anxiety, this noble aliip has ar- rived to the wharTtma day, havlns; left Hriatot Oct.zrth.i siiebrm no less tlun 1U paa. "ffer!" , ... Oor London ami Liverpool files are to the 26(ll incl(11;ve Bris,u,,0 tphe8rih. ' LIVERPOOL COTTON MAKKKT, Oct- 25. Yesterday there was a very good general demand, at.d tie sales were fully 5,000 ba)rs. T7'.ty ,h? dmf,,dhM,b" remoderute, nd the? sale only reac t 3 000 ; I he market hw cIo, rerv ;uw e,,'e, Oct. 26. The aale tolay being taken at 12 o'clock, lliey do not amount to more than 3500 bag the aalea of the week arc 43,10'J baff. of which U,55Jl.vc' Veri taken by speculator, but only 300 for exporti the mar- keth eioteA titl .,, jcet m allv 1-3 ner lb. lower than on Tueeduv. ;:;rT KJSl tSl?' " r Al " A-.M ASILIU The ana avows a system or unbluahing fraud lis conduct lately is calculated to urouie the fears of mn " fe' KeHeU to our free n.atilu tiona. It no longei confiriea itaetf to theorditiary mcana and weapons of political warfare. It at tack 111 very goarantcce and bulwarks of I r ca ll m. It vitiates the contents of the ballot box it (Iter the election return; it expunge with a stroke of th pen, the almost entire delegation Lof a Slate. If such thinz can be practised with impunity, lb daya of American liberty art numbered. ON NEWSPAPER, PA 1 H0NAGE. Solomow Smith, Esq. the proprie. tor of the Mobile Mercantile Adverti ser,haleeently sold his paper toMessru. Linodox and, Hakius- In his val edictory, he says, some tru things in an anillsing style, as the following ct tract will show: - Speaking of patrons I cannot coli clutle without giving some of my idea on the subject of patronage. The A mericans are a patronizing - people. If a person subscribe for a newspaper or Advertises in it, he becomes a patron; if he "puts up" at a hotel, he patroni ze that house - if he purchases an ar ticle at a store, he give the merchant his custom; II he visits the playhouse on a benefit niht, lie bentow on such an actor a dollar! This is alt wrong. Let us change this pHttaojzing air, and acknowledge that if we'take a news paper, purchase goeds, lodge or dine at a hotel, go to the play, we expect at least to get our monev' worth. ''Hal loo, old fellow!" bawled out a chap to me, in South Carolina, "I gave you a dollar last night I like to pafronue convincrd by experience ol the degrad the theatre." The day before, I had ing and destructive effects ol Inleinper loaned that patron fifty dollars, t take enee, assembled hit people on the landa him home to Georgia, which he has not which formerly owed allegiance only to paid me to this day ! i their 'father, to devise means to pro of all trades, professions, or callings, mote their happiness and welfare. In I know of none I have followed a this public assemblage, thev nanimoui- great many ii pooi I r paid as publish-, ly signed a pledge to "abandon alio era of newspapers. Many putront gf gether the use of spirituous liquors, newspapers, otherwise worthy, pune.-.aml they still adhere to their laodablepr tuat inin, think it not unrighteous to determination, setting tome of their - let the pub isher wait year after year for his dues and at last, if he is com gelled to pat, he does it. with a very bad grace. "Mr. Type wim have his money, must Ive ? Well, if he , he in. ist. Give me a receipt; aiid, do you hear 3 Hop the paper 1 have put ronized that estab tslunetit six years, there is no such thing a gratitude iu ht! wurld. " Another will tell you he newts $uhicribtd for a paper "Hie boy has left it every morning, it is true, and as it was left I did read it occasional- ly but I never ordered it." There. is another class of patron who" never subscribe at all, bat are great' friends of the pabcr.aiii uhoiy read i; in fact, this is the class who may be termed vour "constant readers." "Here, Sam go over the way with my compliments to .Mr. loinkius, and ask bun lor the loan of his paper and, Sam, tell hi in. as he never re.ules it before breakfast, I'll thank bim to let John bring it over every morning it is an excellent pa- ucr that editor really knows , what he is about; I begin to think of patron izing Um myself. There yet remains to be mentioned one more class of pat rons supporters, 1 snould, siy, lor they are the support aifd stay of pub lishers. This clasa is composed 61 those who say "Here, Mr. Clerk be so "nod as to nlace my name on your subscription list and write oppo site to it, PAtn in advaxck." In Junk' inz over a list of some thousand yes terday, I saw a hundred or two of this class. II I had any golden tvpf.s their names should literally -appear in LK.viKits or gold. There are now from TWKI.VK TO FlKTBK.rt TIIOCSAXD dollars due fiU olfice; and, I am convinced, tlie proprietors would wil l inirl v sell all the debts for five thou sand I It is thus with all newspapei offices and why ? because publishers are irood natured, and submit to their own degradation infhn scale tif trades men. Let thi state of thing be amend ed "refoi m i altogalher.'?-' Adhere sirictlv lo the term of your papers (or, take the word of an experienced man, you had better ; keen your ink and paper than furnish them and vour labor Jo noliinr. - YoO may get pop ulnrily, but you will get no Hrk and cabbage for your illnnef'1 ,, . I now take my leave IS proprietor of the "Advertiser." I ' forgive all. and ask forgiveness of all, (It any one lias any thing to forgive, and con clude by repeating the advice I "gave my Cincinnati friends fifteen years ago. with a slight amendment: "Live, hp KSTLV SF.UVK Uon, ASB l Al FOIt TOUR KrWSI'ArEKS.J'- THE SOUTH. We losejto time in statin? that tlie North-Carolina Standard, an adminis tration paper, has issued a circular call ing on tho entire South to support Mr. Van Buren. and charsrinsr a net feet and complete union between the, whig antfft"n of his political frientU tnqst gross- tne aooiftionistt oi tne norm, i is a movement cot un bv theAlbanv Keirencv to give to Mr. Buren in the ijuth the support he has justly lost at tlie north. Our soutliern friends have no reason to doubt, what we a -sure thein ts the fni t. Tie abotiihnittt are princi pally Van Buren men nil their totes have been cist for the Van llureii tick et; they have aided in Securing' the e lection of three Van Buren member of Congress, and several members of the assembly, in whigdistricts in this state; they have a perfect understanding with Mr. Van Buren, as to the false preten ce he is holding out to the south: they aided his ticket in Maine and Ohio, ami their reason is, for ; casting their votes in bis lavor, he is n northern man, an. I they are determined to have no I' resi dent iomY of the Potomac, hereafter. The south' mar rely on what we tell them. Mr.-Van Buren and hi friends are not avowed abolitionists, but he is their alternative, if not their choice, on the ground that he docs not belong to a slave-holding state. More than ten thousand whig in this city would have left Mr, Bradish from off the ticket, hail they not apprehended danger to the cause. lie was to them a bitter pill, although they were aware that" bis abolition views were only a doptcd ns the occasion. Let the south beware of falling into a Vert Buren pit, prepared for them br the abolitionist themselves. iV, V. E. Slar. -Mr. Wm. II. Thomas, ' of Haywood county, in a late letter to t Hon James Graham, published in the "North Carolina Gazette," gJes att interesting account of a body of about 500 Chero kee, who still ' remain in tbat county under a reservation granted t- tliatn in the Treaty. They are peaceable or 4lprly aociety choosing rather to abidt; in the ancient .habitatHins of llieir aa- cestor than to follow the fortune of their Tribe, in their new home beyond the Mississippi. It is stated that the principle Chief in the scttli tneat, being white neighbors an example worthy of imitation, though furnished by the rem nants of a aavage and barbarous people. Mr. ;r6er. -The New York Cotn-j inereial Advertiser annoences that it "authorised to jay" that Mr. Webster will not accept the nonintin lor the Vic Presidency, tendered hitn by the Attti Masonic Convention, for the re. on that he will not,-by his own aet, change hi position aiitir the Naiiunal . Whig conventiou makes it selection." . t4 Bait, Chron. rertnont.'l'Uo few returns'reci -ve'' from the election in the fourth Con gressinnal district, render it almost cer tain that John Smith. L. T.J Um suc ceeded. This ia a Whi loss. F. om the Haldmore Patriut. JUDGE W IU I E Oy TENNESSEE. We Are ' rry to Uain hat this Ven erable patriot has tendered the resigna tion oi ins seat iu the v. S. senate, in letter addressvd to (lie Governor ef renneasee. dated November Od. The Jud"e states tbat liavirrir suffered with the prevailtog autainnal fever, he is yet so weak aa to forbid the. journey to Washington by tb time Congress con venes. I be Uovernor however, (it is stated ly the Nashville Whig.) know ing tne general reluctance ol Ms fellow ritr.rns to part wittt the services or this worthy representative, and hoping, that his streugli will soon lie restored, has advised the Judge of his unwilling ness to accept the rssigsatinn under present circutatUuccs. It is not im probable, therefor, that the Slate witl coutiuue to be beoeCtted by the talents, the stent integrity, and commanding influence of lluli LawHon White. We learn from the Mobile Commer cial Register of tlie 12lli inst.,that the Bank of that city, the Bank of Tusca loosa and tho Bianch Bank of Mont gomery, have adopted Resolutions to resume the , payment uf their; notes in pt'cic, on the first Monday of Januaty next. BANK. OF CAPE FEAI,. The Lot on Fayetteville Street; nef, Iv opposite the Court Noa,'tlie prop erly ol Tapt. Hl'nTkk, on which Mands a vBlaikiniih Shop (hat has been any thing but an ornament to the City for many years, lias beeo purrhaaed by tho Dank of Cape Fear; and it is intended, forlhwith.to erect a Bankii g Hnu thereon for the ust of the Ikar.ch iu this City Tho tinkrtter of the iBild iog ia Mr. JvilJi llABitKrAtt.v ' )' - ' :" ( Ilegitltr. We understand that the dirrrrer giv en to Col. rolk at- Snraerville. was a eontptelc failure. We haye tnce keen si-veral Gentlemen of Favetie who at tended, and it is their opinion not more than twn or three hundred persona at tended, lie disappointed (he expects- ly. A stem and uneiuriprtnnia'wg Van Buren man stapt up to tiirs at the time he was addressing the people, patted tho Col. on the idioutder and exclaimed old horse, we wilt par (he fn fief, and take you off tlie field. ' tVA. Hepub. . CAW It I. ICS G. II K PA Ii I), Estj." "Ilie "Ne wbern Spectator", mentions a rumnr, that this gentleman, who rep rrsents that - District in Cgftv has. changed hia 'opinion concerning Mr. Van Buren leading measure,, the Sub Treasury, and is now in favor of it. We are glad to, state, from what we deem competent authority, that the ru mor is wholly unfounded, ami that Mr Shrpnrd is now, as he uniformly has been opposed to this "untried expe dient.'' Hateigh Begitttr. ., We are i irry to be under the neces sity of shaking (he faith of our friend of the "Reg! iter" in his M competent, authority. ' We have aevcr ret decier ed him, and we assure bint that it i no authority at all i as the Whig ef this Distrii t will soon pfocauira en masse, andaloud. . - ! ' The tionexeil ntrsgrap'i from the Al bany Daily Advertiser, takes off tn csp ital 'style. the satig of the Government prints about Fctletalism and. Democra cy: "' " ' ' : ., faltraiim. Aeeordiaf tn ihaaanttf th Al bany AriftiC "'' ledraJiatan ha arrid lbs Ht. Mow as th 8ut ea only a Mriteil by majority of tb penp!. tt follow that a majorit of the people ar ia favor of fcdoraliaav" rrltt, a it la also conianiUd tb logician f die Ar. gua school, tbat "bat a majority of lb people and Ibluk i right, constitute "democracy," it Crtber follow, either tbat at thta proaanl' tim . in Ibis 8tatv "demoeraey,', Iffcloru'lsm,- ami "fodaralism" i "democraCT," or Vliat tb Ajbwiy aVrgu baa a seerlad ibnt V b I rue, in wfareoc lo Uie lw crda, wbicb i not trii. , A lingular Duel Th Richmnn.tl , WhVg in announcing the death of Col.? F. B- Povall.of Powhatan county, Va.,' iufniahea a veiy interesting account sf a duel Jlhat wasfongHtsomeyearSsincaj between that gentlemen anil Col. w. S. ffeber of the same State. Tho terms I' I t I -1 5.' - if r 1 -C. a

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