VOL. XXIX. JULEiqn, N.C. WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBEIi 19, IS33. NO. 53. THOMAS . LEMr, . 1DITOE AVp FMMI ETO S . "V - , .TERMS. : 8uimrTiT, three dullara per .noum on half in advsnee. 1. - - 0frnn residing UhjuilhStsle--will he reiirc. to py th wiole .mount ol lb jeer's subseriolina in advance, t U i'V&'l Or. ADVERTISING. far every n lure (not esseediwr IS lines this fits type) first insertion, one dollar each sub srqnent insertion, twenty-five sen Is fry The advertisements of Clerk end Sheriff! ih .e cnrrrn per eeni. nigttrn inn a ne JifSnue of.l.li per eeart. will be m wle from b regular price Inr advertiser by the ynr. Letters la the Editor matt be post-paid. (T? READ THIS. 3 n T II 41 It lK'S 1t i tii rna.e speedy .ml permanent are without regai d to diet or exposnrei end in Ike mo nbitinste (titi, when all other reme dies hoe tailed, ll.ey hav. effected cum m the short ijuce ot two .weeks, and, ia ease, more alight, it generally lakes from three dats lo one i- i ' i i i . . , wre. ncj nrr nsv. orea Know a in the . yo-t obstinate ease to occupy more ihao two weeks to aned a permanent cure. I hry possess rreat advantages over all other . remedies of the kind. at thejr do not a Bret the breath, or cause any skkness at. the siomach whsletert en tHe" 'contrary, they may ha taken eitlinvt the knowletlge of the mod intimate trwac". They arc mild and pleasant to take, yet jr-..r..i in their tifn, - i neie inns are put up in square Uoxea, with full direction aeeonipanring each Uo at 3 uer u rc-.n I..-.-., . .1 t i .- ' C. O. It. TIIOItPE, - For tale, whnletle ami retail at I lie l ime Store of W. M. .VJSO.Y & CO who are principle gratsof the State ol North Carolina. Nov S. 1838 49 eowtl erty or all who had taken-up arm., for the pay. mem or toe debts, and u u indemnity (or damage don by them. 3d. That the Mormon should all leave the otata and be protected out byjhe militia, but to remain under protection, until further order trom the Commander-in-chief. h. Te (five up air arms of every description Fur the purpose of arranging every thing m a proper and legal war. Gen eral Lucas left Col. Williams, aidde tampa to th Commander-in-Chief, Col. uurcn anu aiaj. A. Keei, of Raj Co., w Hutu iu ura wing, writing, &c, with a company of men, to execute all or tlerconitent with the fttipulationi. Judije Camemn. of Clay County, William Ctfirina, of Jackson, George oxtwarti, oi nay, John Carroll and y..V..ft,lM, f Far Weat. iWhc re . . , -. eppmnu-u oy uenerai L.uc, and Col Hinklo ihe commander o( the VI or Ir. riceUea from ,he -i k "V-"'"- a-" e read rresiurnt transmit! ng an oflicial re vw vtvim iMiiT- ljei nnni nc trirr. i :uit nma . v , led by the magnificence of the doTm;;;; L. "i.7f" or'a acheme of Internal' Imhriiv. Jt is only io because we hae heretofore done ao little. In nunv othor Sif of ihe Union, Dossessinir ip rmnn!..t;,. and resources, there would be nntl.Iiia- -.-..in-, uui on me contrary every s iiiapTiiiig, in so comprehensive scheme. FayeUeville. Observer. isting taws with a view to secure the accountaUilitir of all officer i .i . v " hwitii sue UuMimts:- a a ered an outlaw) to provide 'that wtivr'el the owner shall nnil it necessary to use unlaw'ul weapons in-arresting au rna way, and shall shoot, or injuie Hi it, -wit lu 1 1 not be deemed a criminal otlviicee and of compellini( Jiilors to advrrtis alt runaways committed to jail in the State Gazette. , Agreeably to previous arrangement. mons, te attend to the adjusting all kia tins, Ci Istlt ond Interring from 7xat. oy ine vuoa steam ncket at New Or leans from Galveston', Texaa papers are received Jo the 10th iust. Titer are chiellr filled with the proceedings of me T! WM. IIIASOX & CO. " Have jnit received a (moral assortment el Perfumery-, Fine anil r'aney Toilet and SUA VINfi SOlS win, nair. anu onoe urustiet. Tonttlier with.a- general assortment of Fanaj unifies. . Nov 20, . 4 ,f hv ian ro it sale. The Stibwriher hainnw on hand, at his Millt. (late IllakeS) IT miles Hast of Haleiah, 100,000 pet ni enmee iinioer, ni every ileicriilion, sawen nni tons; ueu ritic, Hie peculiar ex sellenee of which ia inn well knnwn la need ant pair Prnons desirm to tmixhate will please vawe aiipucainm in nr. viMim reck, Ka1eii;h, er Henry Hnrlmt, at Ihe Mills. The prire at the Mills will be $t per hundred; kef. If a large nuantily be bought, even lessthae ma, win WfWBci j - . , L " ETCR f OSTKR. Wake en., May 21, 18.18 . 82 if DRirrss JiEiici.t:sn ; Sign of tlio Ciolilcu JTioriar. ?4b WK IvX. IvTASOIX V CO- Htviiie purchased the entire stock of Messrs T. S, flei'kwith bt Co. "have eominrncetl Ihe APOTIIKCAKY business at the stand furmerl) enupicdliy them on r'ayrtteville Street, aceoutl xw anrtlToTVT Sc A. Slith, where lliey have jet .received, a Imi iher supuly of " Drunn, Medicines, tilnftg. Oil, JPniuts, Dye SlntTs autl Per fuinery, together with a general assortment of - ivFAXCr ARTICLES.' whieh they will dispow ol on Ihe most reasona ble term s. - t Merclumta and others esn be furnished with latent and other medicines on .as reasonable rrtssas thry can be ant south of the FotAmae, Hcrsims would do well to call and examine lor Ihentaelvvs. ,1'hy tieians al a distance, who msy (lore, wiib their orders, will have tliero fromptly aticmltd to No pains will be spared ' selecting Chemicals and Pharmaceutical pre bsrslio'ns, as lliey are determined hat no medi mes but silch stare genuine, shall be sold by them. One of Ihe firm having been brought op Is the business, to which he will give his undi tnted attention, thereby avoiding those fatal mistakes th.l inn often occur through incempe cy ur cart denies,, they hnie, by strict alten bmiuesa, to merit a shsre of Ihe public feOwBaee. februaiy, iSSC . 10 tt ' e rfrst three days0, of the Cong?ss. he Vr . sltlent elrct. Gen. J .Amur lia.l wi (lid raw it from his chair as-Vice Ira. Klrnt or tlte Senate, and Stephen H Everett been chosen to that post Dro, tent. Mr. John II. Hansford was chosen speaker or the House. The Rev. Mr. Frazier was elected Chaplain to the Senate; and the Rev. John MiCuIlough of New Jersey, to the House. Gen. Houston, in. consequence ol re- ceiling a communication by commit tees from the two houses that thev were organised and. ready to recieve anv written message from him was mucn offended at this deviation from the usan-r ot a speech in person from the Presi dent, and replied in a brief message "saluting the honorable Congress" and staling that if he had not been restrict ted in the mode, he should have pre sentetTsoiine important information ami suggestions Ion the alTkiis of the coun try, as it was, he declined any further, eommufriration vrith- Cgi-e thaw enclose the reports of the heads of the departments. " . " the attention of both Houses, and a resolution was olTrred in that of the Re n- iiiciimuics nidi me rresiueni tie re fju'ejLeil jto communicate, as Speedily as possible, with the Minister of Texas, at the Court of the United Stales in re lation thereto that the Government of the United SlaJes may- be oiliciallr op prized of the actual warfare Of the Kickapoos, Coshattecs, Cadtloes, Semi- notes and Choctaws against this Renub- lic. 'Referred to the committee on military affairs, --- - ' 1 here are about 400 men in the woods gone , against the tribes, and Conress appropriated 840.000 for the support of an expedition or 250 men. uen. Rusk is busy in the , neighbot hood of Fort Houston, Lastern l exss, in , watrhinir the hostile forces. These latter are chteflr collected on the head waters of; the Trinity the chief. villagei near the. three lorks. one seven hundred, and composed of the . From lbs New York Courier of Dec. . ANOTHER GREAT DEFAULTER. The Cuslom-JIouse avainAfar fit. r-t..- . .. o . : uwcanont.. linmediately after the de- pat tore oi me steamer Liverpool yes let day mnrninz. it was rumored that Wit. M. Paiot, Esq, the Uuited States uisinct Attorney lor the Southern Dis trict of New urk,.had taken passage in iter, anu mat ne was largely a dejaul ter tu the Government. Of bis depar ture there can be no doubt: and it is e- qually evident, from his letter to the President of the United Slates, which we give below, that he is a defaulter. but relies upon his fees of office to cov er the amount of his defalcation. In this we have no confidence. Cormo lion has been the order of the day; and we veruy Dcneve that it the records at Washington are not destroyed before an investigation can be had 'by a Whis Committee of Congress, it will appear that the defalcations under the Ad ministrations of Andkkw Jackson and Marti Vak Bur en exceed twkntv MILUOKS or DOLLARS.' . Air. Lambrclrntr immrdiafplr rnaa lllr Senile reiuiirail hi tli l,ll .,r .1,' . p. - -ar " - i -1 - ..... ..nii iit and moved that so much of the mes- Huuse of Representatives,: where in the presolice ot both houses, the votes for Gjvernor were counted. HOUSE OF COMMONS. , Mr. Criwfuid, from the Committee on Education, reported the bill tutiuor On molMinOlc Qtlliam. a ',,.. was sent lotheSftiale .n.poMng to rai' a Joint Select Cnnuiiittre to watt on his r.xceiienry E. IS. Dutller, apd info lum ol his election as On was am postponed being containing '..mtl Important from the Mor nun Wat-Treaty Concluded. By 'he St. Louis Hulleiin of "the ITth in nt, we have accounts from the Far e,t up to the 8th. Gen.. Clark hail "veil (here with 1300 mcnUo guanl "eMtirmon pt isuners confined in that "w,n, and ha( sent a despatch to Gen. ncas, in Jackoti- county to return Vh Ihe propliet. and Hiram his her; also the ring leader RigHon, "'?'"f Robinson and ijunt. . Many . M Hie M.irmona have fscaped from Idwell county. The rest will riot prwbahly be driven out this winter. A "oct.rAvi.rd, of .the sect, has niade jome iinportanLJItclosures. t . - Among many cither things, they had Moeuted themselves into three diff erWt societies, called Dankes. Gid '"tes and lheDesirovirtru mP"s;-d.of about 15ft men altogether. n.eo,rct br the bands was to carry n s regular and syslemalic course of bery and mur.ler, and Swear out '" against all dissenters from' the r i an'1 "H,er und,:'r M Pretnn-1 ot debts and claim's against thein, W proceeds of which were fo be plac M i a general fund for the use and --"vut oi tile church. . The rumor orhe engagement of Oct. J.ln wh.ch 30 Mormons were-killed, confirmed. -The following js the ""cjuded with the Mormons y general Lucas: , Ihe 1.1 ... ... Vt.- ,i - "rc Ine Plations "fen the parties: auks an appropriaUoB of Ihe nroo. remnants of the tribes of Caddoes, Wa cos, Reachies, Towcanies, ironies, Cherokeet, and a few Seminole. To the westward of this village, is another settlement containing about three hun- I t VSTSS i ureti warriors, tnese savage reiugees have been for some months concentra ting , t h eir whole, force jat these two points; from which, as a common ccntxeJ all their plans of mischief are directed . JV V. Evn. Star. To the President of the United Slates. U. S. Dittriet Atltnuf' OJlcf, . AVw rer, Vet. 6, 1838. Sir: In the course of ray public and Dersonal relation with Samuel Stvarlwout, Esq. former Collector of this District, I have had no occasion o question either his intention or ability IO ab solve himself from all obligations lo Government or Individual. ' ; -" The Solicitor of the Treasurv ha oflieiallv rsquerled me to superintend and controll the pr.reeedings sgainsl him and hi sureties, for (be collection, by ttislre warrant against hi person, end the goods and chattels, lands and tenements. of both principal and sureties. ' Inssmuch as I doubt both that the claim a. gainst biro (Swartwout) bas been truly stated, end thut the summary. process to obtain it has bren constitutiunslly issued by the Solicitor of the Treasury, I beg leave to decline any official conneaion with it. ... Under thews drcasisuues,. I Cannot consent to become tlis iuaUumant ! their destruction. My office of District Attorney of the United Stales, is tberelbre hereby surren dered to you. with the bop that you will epedi ly direct an aecosHit to be eUled between the Treasury Department and mvself. in order I hat l may be absolved Irom any personal liability in ine premise. , - The amount of cost due to me for the unfin ished business of theiffice I hold, will far ex ceed that which I have recently received from debtors ol-trie Uovernment, and will, upon a fi nal adjustment, entirely acquit me of any indebt edness to it. : . s : . , - J have the honor to be, with great respect, -. Your", obedient servant, - s WILLIAM M. PRICE, Dittriet Atttrruf fur th Stutierit DUtrict tfJVcwYQrk. .,:-;-. sage as relates to the dedication of Mr. Swartwout be referred to a select com mittee of nine; and so much r its. re lates to a modification, of the Revenue Laws to the Commitfeonn W,,. .,..1 means, i he sobiect umil Tuesday. I he subject of One. W'icnn,i. fpetod ... . motion of Mr.-Mrrcer, referred to the Committee on elections. The Huuite look up for considera tion the Resolution heretofore offered oj air. iJromgoole, of Virginia, chanff. mg the Rule of the House so ss to di rect that all elections in the House bi Representatives shall hereafter be made vtva voce. 4 Mr. Montgomery moved the nrevi. out question, which was sustained and ne resolution was adopted Nayt 85. . r . Just as the vote wa id u, a t sins protested against the adoption of ' "' violation ot the Xon lion ot the U. States, which the members of the Hum. t b.dlot in the election of a President the U. States. Subsequent! r. a resol Ulinn waa ..C fered to ameud the resolution just a dopted, to as to render it iii'c.tiint;..n: al. porale the Trui(teeaof Dayitlson Colhge. Tjie bill then pued its second and iiird. readings, and was ordered tube engrossed. Mr. Beall introduced a bill lo reiru- l.l II... II (..... :. .i . . " ". T" .isuairra ill Ille O, III Krglmeiit of N.. Carolina Militia, whicli was read the first time and parsed. . The bill to allow C. B. M nrria fur. tner time lor the collection of passed its third reatling Sir. wiuukr iniioduced a petilion from sundry citizen of th I w counties, praying that a nu t of Nah b attarh,i to Etlecomb. which w v.-.l Teas 126,! ferret! to the Mctnbt rs from the cuun. Unconcerned. .Mr. M.intlay presented a claim of v to. iiaroinstiii, ir provision and lenainment lurmshed a C taxes, itslitu- requires vote by ol STATE LEGISLATURE.' , SENATE. . at .- " FriJoI)ee. 7. Mr. More Dresenled tl.- fnil,.; reoIutin, which was read and adopted: Whereas it hath hn 1.11..1. 1..1.1 l r . . . . . 1...U uj 011a OI . . in Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and urovc Academy Equity in this Slate, in relation to the crime of and roWierjstha itiiwr mm be ernrnilteirbnlhe pubhe highway before the charge can be au. Mined under the existing laww .u T"l',fr' 'find. That the Committee on th Jodiciarr.be instructed to inquire into the expediency or amending the la is-in relation lo Wis matter? and thai the, nwt by m of olh. erwtse, . .Mr. Spruill presented tho foUowinir resolotwn, wh.ch was read and Idopt- en-. utniiahtf .r iiininorseiiien who were riM.in- after Uobbers i lid Tories in 1779, which was read and reter, ed to the Co umittee on Claims. The engrossed bill curfcerning the Court of PI as and Quarter Sei(ms 0f Iredell county passed its second and third reading, and wa ordered to be enrolled.. The following bills passed thcirthird readings and were ordered to be en grosed : The hill , to enend tTie time for par ing ill Entry money; . , . The bill tO .llCO'llOrafw Pl.aa.n, u I erquunons counij ; The bill to Couk & children. emancipate Ciroiine SENATE. Saturday, December 8. ' Mr. Myers, the Senator elect for the county-of Anson, appeared and look his seat. . Mr. Baker nrrtentoil a rsuLiiin aumonsing tha Secrrtar' flris41tT1,-Ja.r..-!.: : . .. . --g Secrrtarr of 'State to nd He Liter. Ku7-7Z'7!.r; r"!Mn '"u g""'t t Thos. AVindler. Shad. - " -esu W inUUIff sfl.- 1 ... S la J I tCT II . II list tt Ilia I aitat II...., I COftttltESS. CONGRESS assembled on MonsUy, the 3rd instant.-Nothing- of general interest wa transacted on -the first day, except the elec tion of cleric of the House of lirnrcseiitative. to supply the place of Mr franklin, deceased 1 he -candidates were Ewd. Livineston. of New York 1 II. St Clair Clarke, oi Ihe district ol Columbia! Hugh A. Uarland, -of Virginia; samuei bciiock, ot feniisylvaiua; Henry Uuch Itr, ofl'ennsylvania; John Big-ler, of Uhio: Iteuuen M. Whitnev.lJ Ci Arnold NaodaJn. of, Delewsre; James II. Birch, of Missouri. On the third trial, Mr. .Garland wa elected, by the aid of the Conservatives from Virginia. The vote stood, for Garland 106, Ciarke 104, all others withdrawn. The North Carolina FroWtbe Athen.(Tenn.)Courisr, Nov. 13.f'cHTOoo asonows, rortlarae. v c.,.r,.v;. . iMraars. DeFerrTteTtchesvA II. . Sheppard. di.vivu biicu At liAOl. ffnly.arl William. For Garland, Mcsra. We undrrstanil that a parly of four jBjpnum, Connor, Hawkins, M.Kay, Montgom- regulars were conducting twelve indi- iery Sswyer, C8heptxk ansfrom "North Carolina, who about I On Tuesday ibe 4th. Mr. Ailam preteHteil, t n laat ,n,.a.r.. ,tle .""rae f Lal)ttc.. ......v .. .v........- copy ol the memoirs and writing-ol Hint 4- led attack upon their guard killed lustrious man. to be deoosited in the l.brarv and scalped two of the regu'a'rs, and of Congress) and a rcsulution of thanks tor wounded a third dangerously, and then preent, which was adopted. Mr. Adams made 'their escape. Gen. Scott ha ." withdraw from the filesthe res , .1 1 . . 1 r. r .l olutions and papers presented session tin turned Ihe regulars, not yet 4eft for the : ,netio!, of Tesae, but hi motion Wis V est, upon these mountain Indians, nailed to ihe table ljfi to 61. n iit.w.e supposetl tube several hundred in num-ioffered a serica of resolution which have ber, and lias also railed for a Company Pr"doced some ensation, touching the re nt vii lingers lor the same pi vipp A incicn into theepWencyofeslahlisIdna-melWIai 1? Green, system of public schools in thi State:1 , At ihe '0'' Buchanan, Henrr Jleuslev. Re firat Coun 1 w '-.., i.!.t. . 1 . . , . r..A.i y v.u.. aiucn msj nappen in earn v.itta. and everw i. .l .... - 1 . motion of Mr. Taylor, W, That ihe Judiciary c school aistrict. The Court, shall or m overnor. and ascertain at what lime It will be agree able fo him to appear before he two Houses and take ihenecessarv Oaths of Office.'- K On moiioti of Mr. Blalork. the Com ntittt e on the Jediriary were ioMrucled to inquire into the expuliener of lut titer legislating so as to pro id,-'for ihe tr cut ity of the 'riglusand privltege of the citizens of thi Slate against ueapa-st-a and aggesions c. mnmtrtl tr the cit izens of other States or by Indians within this State. . " Receivetl from his Excellency the Governor a ineksaie recommending the consolidation of the two Boards direc ting thifcLiterary and Internal Improve ment funds or ihe Ste, aid loinnu nuaiingaNo the Reiort of the Piei tlvnt a'id Dirrct-na ol the Internid Im provement Uoard. 4ogeiher with suiidrr documents i om.rcl d iherrwitfi viliirh was transmitted to the Senate, with a proposition that the nimsg of the Governor ami the Report of the Board be printed. Subs' quriitly.llir pi fft osiiiou of the Senste to refi-r these uai.ets to the Committee on Education aud the Literary Fund wasromurred in. The bit! to eman. ipaie - Emeline, wife of Henrr I. Patterson, was read the s;cond time and rejected, SENATE. Mokdoy, Dec. 10. . Mr. Edwards, frori the Judiciary Committee, to whom the subject was referred, reported a bill to amend an act concerning quarantine and to pre vent the introduction aml communica tion ol contagious diseases which pass ed its first reading. Mr. Clu rry, from the same commit tee, reported a bill to amend an act con cerning idiots ai'd lunatics,. (ot to include all persons who are deaf and dumb, and.jhereby incapable of mana gins ineirjwvn property, which pahscd -..7 fcniy in trie Stale, after the 1st day ef January. 1840. ii . h .. 1 1 k. .1.. .i .. . Couru to law r .1" ,. ."" m ",u . ' nl Ihe Judiciary committee b. instructed to lirmg m e. bill to sunpres the to vnt. for member, of -be uZ? aanie co,,,n,,t(Co were instructeQ lo i. . JrilHwie. The votes shall be 1u,re.. .,,,fo" "-Jfxpediencr of a- -sen 001 or no school." It .k. 11 1 ii.i 111 end ui"- ilin In'wJ .i..:... 1. u lihlllTr f "' reiurn. of .aid .frctior. and toll bridges, soot to more effertu- hoolih; Court h.ll ppi, fi,, discreet " po"lon u' " cumn.un.ty are perwn. a, . school committee. The said com- P1114-''1 cross loll free, &c. mitie .bllftaura school house, and sgres 1,,e engrossed bill to lay offamltes- upon the Waires ol the teacher. Th. ..i.l tablish a cnmiv l. il... ...... ..r 11 ... - th.'dU.He't" ?rn.i'" lB,"', "i P0" of ,lerso-n' P8S8e,J i,lt 'l reTdlng, autl uidiirict, to one half the .mount of the, ,um was ordered to b eitr..lld -necessary to p.. ihe teacher and th e..rt .k.o .. UX.reU tu Ue enrolled. - ernry ,h .am. to the Public Trewure,. who' ... W'8? W ex hall p.y ih other half out of any money. in emPl lhe "geund infirm torn being ..- a,r.aury oaiooging to the Literary Food. u'peeii io serve in hre companies, ...?Very I"t"'ct whe,e bv ,b""". the school antl upon guards, in anv ol the. iucor- Mr. Moor hrasnniuii )i. e Mr' Morehead a bill to locorpnrate Ihe SalaVhielrTe. Mr. Mnr- .1... 11 " I . 1 . . I'idille a bill to compel owner of - ws a, tan svsf it sriti-iiir-is raw Bin i ti . 1 ..- t . Nlr. Holt, Trom the commileeon pri vate bills, reported (he bill for the bet ter regulation of ihe town o Greenville, with sundry amendment, which were adopted, and the bill passed il second reading. .. Mr. Dockery, from the ccrontiUfe on ttiilitary affatri. in wUmo. tli Swjett was referred, rejooried a bill to ameud Ihe. iwliilawsj'ir iliis Stale, w liitli pn's'sed u first reading. Requires cap- miii iu inusicr uicir cumpauies once in inree inniitii.j . , Mr. Shepard's reofution relative lo he establishment of three' banks, waf taken up for consideration; when Mr. S. advocated the irir asu-re, fn an able speech of considerable - length; after which, on hit motion, the trsulutioii s-twdereoHolie on the lable- which was adopted instructing ihe" bills were re J.ttee on the Judic.ary to inquire i The enro sojLsiiil O'Connel preparatory to an impeach menf of MrrS. They ware. I,id on tlte table On Wednesday, the 5ll, in the Senate Mr. Utichanan, introduced a bill fur the reduction and gradoation of the price of public lauds, which was read and ordered to a . sccoi.d rea- .lil.fl. I., it.. II .. al I.L .. W.i i i ... ; !: I,. "'"S- m nuinc, tuc ucaui ui aa c acts, e think, however, It Will be dlllxult Patterson and Uruyn, of N Y. was announced; Lpart of this force has already marched to the mountains, antl the remainder will set tiff as soon 'as possible. -Gen. Scott hs determined on a summary. course, with these stTlfglilintr refuttees,. re.nl uon, winch com mi mm me propriety of erect mn- ,in nr more lunatic asylums in this State. I be resolution in favor of Jesse Moore and others, was rejected. 7 he .following engrossed bills ptwsed the third reading, and were ordered to be enrolled: The bill to .establish a toll bridge ,ver (nc gl)ll(, Vatlkin riv er; the bill to circumscribe Ihe corno- .... .aiii vaiiu certain surveys made by the deputy surveyor of Hay wood county. .On motion of Mr. Buniinn-, Htitlved. That the Th ee to find them. Tittilovernor; rJlTeitage.. umenf, so anxtouslr looked importance ' Thit doc for, onlr came to hand yesterday mncning, Itav- aml no other business of tiansacted. - On Thursday the 8th, in the Senate, but little was .done except the appointing of standing committers- In the House, Mr, A'latns presented a bill to Dreveltt dilcHimr in the' district of Colombia, which was refer- ing, owing to it extreme length, only been published at Raleigh on Monday, ted to a select committee to consist of nine We hare inserted auch portion of it at" mtmber- A. also jntrodnced resolutions the limited time would permit, in this cj"el,cd,ln of severe reprehension of dav's naDef and intend trt Usue the fV-e-Sieve.nwn in hi contro. iay s paper, an l intent! to issue the .,., witl, o'Connell, and callington the romn tnli in tha at-n I VIi a law . - r ' a . :v"'" T.I IW ;, rresiueni tor any commumcatloii he, may in a Supptttnent. " , . have received from Mr. . oa the subject, vd As to tlTf citaratler "of the Message, t0 '"form the House whether any call ha the hastv glance which only we have jy.wm on Mr. s. to explain or Ui time ,of,ve to it. satisfies us with 'SXZS&SfS'SS. Ihe lialegth Register, that it is well en- ltuth Houses adjourned to Monday. mien -o excite a greater . sensation in the Senate, on Monday Dec. 10, iii.u any inner oi a similar character inetr was nothing done of eeneral in wittiiii .oor recollcctiow." For origin- terest. In the House. the Speaker an i, -isuiw, , anaiesmao-iiKrccomMien- Tiounced the Standing Committees of iiaiions.tt nas nevetaieen excelled, He-the Session: there is hut essential raria qualled; whilst its jar aadaSatriotic tion in thenf from the last year. tVSsBBBaaT ' a. I ' "I - "ssal riarv ha inalniMi..! ... : . :. .j , ,4u,re ,nu) eipedien- cy of so amending ihe revenue law as lo legalize the sasessment msde by the a... ..,i..,-.i t Ihe first Counly Court sflor the month of r eoru.ry, ,838; and that ihey authorise Ihe sheriusin those eounf.ee, where persons Bse in Ibeir land in 1837 without any valuation be- aiiuMwu inerstD, to collect Ihe taxes on th same by the asseesmer.l made in JJ38; and thai they repdrt by bill or ptaerwiae.iO MrMheridge presenteihfne petition Al maeaM.!. . t are ' ... ,,v viiisvrns n uurrituck, nraytng snact to prevent citizens of Virginia from driving their stock into this State for thi purpose of grazing, 3tc. Refer red. . : , , tneiMH to authorise the Justices of me uounir Court of Perquimons vto purchase the bridge across Perquimont as, .a. a. a. aa. aa. . I A I . S . - 1 iverr i;".ine resolution in Tavor or B. B. Smith, were read the third time, passed,, and ordered to be engrossed. - On motion of Mr. M'Diarnrid, a res olution, was adopted instrucling the jn diciarr committee Id inquire into the expediency oi o amending thejajr re construct draws. ad and referred. rossetl hill from the S.wi .1. ,to lay oirnJ establish a county by (he I n.M- ..f ........ l J ......v ... uiainj, ,ia icau toe lit It time ami pissed. T e Senate proceeded to consider the bill to incorporate the Lexington Manufacturing Company which was read the Second time, when Mr. Ried asked to withdraw a former amend- menr, and submtute in lieu therenf owin2: Mhat the sTdckhold. said comnanr shall be llal.U j - , capacity, for all company;" negative 'Ilie bill to 'ay, oflT and establish a county by the name of Jefferson, vat rejected, 25 to 21. ; . ' - HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Guthrie, from the committee on Private Uills, to whom the subject was referred, reported a liill to suthorite' Jesse T. Walton and Georere S. Wal- ton to construct a mill dam across the. Cataba river; which passed Us first reading. . Mr. Siler introduced a bill t Im prove a part tf the State road leading rrom tne town ot Fratlklm, in Macon county, across the Naiilahaly and yal ley river mountain to the new tovAi ers in in (heir individual debts contracted bv uaid which was decided in the specting runaway alavet. that any male slave who shall al.sent himself as a run- yeasx. "J The ainen.iment was advocated by Messra. Reid. Coop er and. E.I wards, and opposed br Messrs. Taylor, Shepard. Speed and Holt. , The bill passed its tecond read- i i o Use o fcom mnsf Daniel McNeill, tlie member elect to supply the racsncy occasioned by ihe restgnafion of A , .McNeif ,)f ;ioore county, appeared, was qualified, and took his teat. Mr Wilton-- presenfed a bill to ap poiut Commissioners for the Town of Hertlord. .which passed its first resiling. Ihe bill to establish a newcoumv by the name i.fClerelantl passed its second reading -Yeas;5r, Nays 56. Mr. Patton intiotluccd a Resolution in favor of Cbas. Lminton, which was referred to the Committee on Cherokee Lands. V. ; Mr. BriMaM tiresenteit A netilinn e . -T ------ - irom a nnrtion of the oIHcers of a Com PP"7 fLlj&l Infantry attached to the ,84vkntWTnnt of Mil i tin. nravinrr nn Lt nf iiirikfnieatii.n n.laia...d a., a I fway lor months, thalbe cojxa-cominittee on Military Auairt. ante called Murphy. Read the first time antl referred. . O t motion WMr, Gulhrie, Ifeanlvedj That ihe cwininillee oa Pieposilioet and Oirianees be instructed to inquiie n.t Ilia evpedienry of repealing so Oiuch ot iia now au Uwi.e, llie l.trtiling n additional leiaws l the S ioerhir Cotiit, in sny ol Ihe sounltrs herein Jurj saivs hate bw-o abwllslicd Iu iho Count) Com I. - On mntion of Mr. R'id,- l(es.dvi, TliRs ihsenroniilteeon Propositions n Uncvanees be inatrueteil Irt hiquir. ina n,. eiliency ol asUHing to lb. Coomy Cnurts the trial by Jin, where 1U ssm. bas been abol islied. . Mr. Hill called up for consideration the resolutions heretofore submitted br him relatiuz to the disnosiiion of ti.1 public land of the General GovrTni men?. Mr. Card well moved to amend 1 by striking out and inserting those sub mitted him on the 5ih instant.1 After ' some discussion, on motion of Mr. ' Rarner, llie resolutions were ordered ' to lie on the table. , . : I'he engrossed bill to alter the mod nf e'ecling constables in Martin conn. ' ty, passed its third antHast readior, and was ordered to be enrolled. On. motion of Mr. Crawford, llesolseil. Thai lb anmmittes on the J.nTeNs ry be intlruslrd le Inqesre into rhe espedlesasr -of s sraending ihe baalardy law . 14 denriva Ihe mnther rtl the benellt nf lha ail... . ' rtyinsde, rad ef placing said land in th. band. ' ui im.icra nir inw oenrni m ma elillit, The engrossed bill c nipellipg poll- ' keepers at elections for members of Assembly to open lb pollt at : 10 and -keep them opm until $ o'clock, wit postpoiried Indefinitely. . . SENATE Tuttdap. JOes, II, I he engrotted mil to authorise Rob ert Walker, of Wilket, to build a mill , on Roaring river, wss irad the third . finae, passed, and ordered to . be en rolled. , . " " "i . - Mr. Dockery. from the committee Ml: