9 i ,f ui adeerarly io tUc . oiuoe. Concurred in. . ...n of Mr, Carson, a mei. v trot te the ComusonS propoe in u raise a Joint select committee to to irtnuire into the failures of sheriffs who have not dulv made rem rot of vote far Governor. , On rautHM "pf Mr. Shepard, the eomroitee the Judiciary were tn Itrected t inquire into the eipediency of Wawnding the law en the subject so as to aethortse a slieriB to maae a deed for properly sold by a predeces sor, when the predecessor neglected that dotji and so to amend the li in rtlatioo to the sale of the real estate of deceased persons. . that ' when the personal property ia not sufficient to disfbaree the debts, a sufficiency of the real estate for that purpose may be sold without such at accumulation of cost as bow (lists. On motion of Mr. Holder, the committee-on Finance were instructed to inquire into the eipediency of tlutrili aiiog among the several counties,, the wnespendd balance' of surplus fflrw on hand, and slto the 4th instalment, should it be received, in sid of the county funds, or to be loaned out bv them, and the interest nly to consti tute a portion of such funds. Mr. Moore, from the cotntniittee on Propositions and Orievancet, reported a bill to amend the inspection laws; which passed its first reading. Mr. Moure also presented a a bill to com pel the j-tilor of Stokes county to live in that iiil. and fur -other nurnoses. j , r r Bead Hi first time and passed. The bill to incorporate the Ling ton Manufacturing Company was ta ken up. Mr. Edwards moved an a mendinent, making the persons com posing the company, on its dissolution individually liable for its debts to the eitent of their respective share. Mr. Shepard moved to amend the amend, ment. by striking out all except the enacting clause, and inserting a pro vision, constituting the '''sectors at the time of the dissolution of the corpora tion, trustees to kettle its concerns, pay th debts, sad da id e the surplus which was negatived. The question then recurring m the amendment of Mr. Cdwards.it was decided ia the affirmative, and the bill ordered to lie n the table. HOUSE OK COMMONS. The bill to establish the county of M'i) well was reiected.55 lo JU A bill was presented to authorise the receipt at the Treasury, of South Ca rolina and Virginia notes. ' j8ENATR. Wtilnttday, Dee, 12. The Speaker announced the following committeett Messrs. Cherry and Hen- Kare added to the committee on the irrency and Bunks as Depositories. aleeere, Davidson anu Kerr lorm the committee te wait on the Governor, and ascertain at what time it will suit his conveience to take the oaths of of , lice. Messrs. Shepard ..Ed wards. More head, Kiumand Myers, on the Louis iana Resolutions. Mr. Jones, from , the committee on Finance to whom was referred the res olution relative to distributing among the several countica of the State the unexpended balance of the surplus now on hand, reported adversely thereto. Concurred 4d. '- The bill to compel owners of bridg es to construct draws, wst read the second time, amended and pasted. Mr. Cooper presented a resolution to adjourn en the 2ud instant, which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Exum presented a hill allowing compensation to the wardens of the poore in the county of Wayne) which waa read and referred. The bill to establish a county by the name AfSUnty, was -rejected 24 to 23. - On motion of Mr. Cherry, KeeJxed, tint the emmrartte on Public Printing be Ufatrocled to inquire whether any, nd if any whit mod can be adopted for expe diting the printing for the Legislators. - Mr. Dockery presented a resolution ia favor of Matthew Waddell.Rrfered. HOUSE OF, COMMONS. The proposition of the Senate to raise a foiai aoinmittee to inquire in to the failures of Sheriff in making paltirn. nf ajiktava (aw lnvernnr waa concurred in, and Messrs. I. P. Cald well. O. Thpmss and Whitaker, wete appointed committee. Mr, Ried presented a bill to incor porate the Photnix Wool Manufactur ing Compaq, of Fayeltevillev Re ferred. Mr. Otwlord submitted a resolu tion instructing the committee an Fi , naace?te inquire into the eipediency of enacting a law imposing a tac on ev ery hundred dollars leaned at interest, equal to the fas en so much real estate; which 'waa rejected. The bill to establish a coaaty by the name of Cleveland, passed its third reading 36 to 5.V Osv motion of Mr. Gilliam, the cow mittee en the Judiciary were instruct ed to inquire into the eipediency, of increasing Hht compensation ef Clerks for snaking out transcripts of record. Mr. Pattttn introduced a bill to em power the County Courts f Buncombe to draw Jurors for each w-ek of the Superior Court of said county. Re ferred. Mr. Rand introduced a bill to emsn cipateTom, the property of Chee. Devrer. Read first time. - Received from the Governor, by his nrivatc 8ecrttsry, a communication ' transmitting letter from the Becrtta- . ry at warfHm the subject oi ceaiog u the United States the Jurisdiction ot the . . ..... ..J-:..-i& scite 6-i which the arsenal is now being erected ia Fayetleville. Relerred. I he engrossed bill to araeuu an act. passed in 1821. incorporate the Roanoke Inlet Corjfpanv and the en- grossettsbill to authorise tne uouniy Court ofPerquimons to purchase the bridge across Perquimont river, passed their third reading, and were ordered to be enrolled. SENATE. 'v 'fhurtday, Dtt. IS. On motion of Mr. Soruill. a rvsotff; lion wss adopted, -instructing the com. mittee on the Judiciary to inquire into the eipedienry of making it ItUny to steal mulberry trees, or their branches growing in orchards. On niotion of Mr. Morehead, the committeun Agriculture were instruct ed to inquire into the expediency of encouraging the culture of silk in this State, by suitable 'premiums- Mr. Mnrehead presented a resolution directing the Public Treasurer, to pay to the trustees of the f resbyterun church 8l00ftr repairing the. steeple of said church the Legislature hav ing had the use of the bell fur four Sua sions. Read the first time and passed. Mr. M'Diartnid presented a reso lution, which was adopted, instructing the committee on Claims to inquire into the eipediency of .providing for the payment of pension certificates in the year the Legislature may not be iu session. Mr. Reinhardt presented a resolution authorising the Governor to procure a house for the use of the Legislature, provided there should be a call ses sion; which paat its first reading. Mr. Moore presented a bill to alter the times of holding the Superior Courts for the counties of Stokes and Guilford; which past its fi st reading. I hetil to amend an act concerning Juarantine, and to prevent the iutro iiction of contagious diseases; and the bill to exempt the aeed and infirm from being compelled to serve in fire companies, and upon guards, passed their third reading, ami were ordered to be engrossed. The engrossed bill for the better reg ulation of the tlie.town of Greenville; .and the engrotei bill to incorporate Junto Academy, pasted their third reading, and were ordered to be en rolled. " . The resolution to adjourn on the 22nd instant was taken up. snd amend ed by substituting 31st instant instead of 22nd, and postponed until Thursday next Mr. Docker? presented the petition nf many citizens of Robeson, praying that free persons nf color be placed un der such restrictions in buying and set ling spiritous tiqnors, as to prevent the t raffle. Referred. : C HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. J. P. Caldwell, from the com mittee on propositions and grievances, reported unfavorably on the petitions ol citizens of Perquimons, relative to hauling seines; and of Poinpey Jones. Concurred in. -1 Mr. Matthews presented the petition of militia officers of 8toket; and M r. C. Erwin, the petition of Thomas Dou gUs. Referred. Mr. Briitain presented a bill con cerning deeds of trust. Referred. On motion of Mr. Crawford, the committee on the Judiciary were in structed to inquire into the expediency of enacting a law making provoking or insulting language justifiable cause of striking. Mr. Mills introduced a bill to incor porate the Jlutherfordton male and fe male Academies Mr.. Patton '-4-bill supplements! to the act establishing the county of Henderson; and Mr. Gs-Kr win a bill concerning land pedlars; which were read the first time and passed, and the last mentHned subse quently rejected. SENATE. Friday, Dtc. 14. Mr. Shepard, from the committee on Internal Improvements, to v. Ik. in was referred the memorial of the company, reported a bill for the relief of the Ilaleigh and Gaston Uail Road Compa ny, froviiltt foe increasing the cap ital stock 3500.000. ami extending the credit of the State to the company -to enable it to raUe that amount. 1 The ulTPurdeied to lie upon, the table andi be printed. Mr. Rabun presented a bill to s mend an net of 1855, to amend an act of 1820, for repairing and improving the road from Old Fort, &c to As'i ville. &c. Mr. Moore a bill to author ise the forming a hre engine company, and appointing, commissioners in the town of Bethania. These bills passed ih-ir first reailings, and were referred. 'Die engrossed .'bill tm incormrate tle trustees of Davidson College, was amended, read the third time and past ed. and tent to the Commons for con currence. The bill to incorporate the Greens" bora' Feuule College the bill to a mend an act concerning idiots (una tictf the bill te incorporate the, Lex ington Manufacturing Company i and the bill to compel owners of budges tu contrurt nrawa, svere severally read I tie mini lime, " urn incntitinetl a mended, snl ordered to be engrossed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. PiSlt prtienled.Bj Mr. Crawford, a bill to amend an act to establish the Clemmonsville Academy; by Mr. W. A. Blount, a bill to repeal tb ""I tee tion of an act of 163:2, for the tC,H the militia of Beau Mr. Wilson, a bill to fort county by amend an act -concerning mint ana millers; also, a Bill to prevent the haul ing olivines, r obstructing the pas. sage Of fish on certain days in Perqui inous river Mr. R. Jones, a bill to pre vent the" spreading of contageout dis eases! and bv Mr. Crawford a bill to attach a portion ol Bladen to Cumber- j land county, inese oius pseu iu.. first reading, Mr. J. T. Miller intrdduced the me - morial of the President and Directors of the Hi I min "ton ind Kaleigh Rail Road Companv, in relation to the pay ment of the State's last instalment, &c Refeired. Me. Lane presented a petition from sundry ollicers snd privates of the 56th Regiment. Referred. On motion ot Mr. Crawford, the committee on the Judiciary were in structed to inquire into the expediency of increasing the tax on pedlars. Mr. Wilson introduced a resolution to send a message to the Senate, pro- Moing to adjourn sine die on the Slat intt. ; winch was adopted. On motion of Mr. Nye, the House resolved to hold evening settiont from and after Mnridav next. Iltwltitiitui tondtmnittg the eourte ot on' StiHttort. Mr. uiiliamlrioved that the' resolutions, submitted bv Mr. Rayner on the 4th rust be now taken up. Mr. Orr moved that they lie on the table until the 25lh inst.j which was negatived yess 54, nays 58.. Mr. U. W, Caldwell moved that they be postponed until the 24th inst. This motion was also negatived yeat 55, najs 60. The House thereupon pro ceeded to the consideration of the said resolutions, in committee of the whole, Mr.-Hill in the chair; when Mr. Ray ner look the floor, and, in an able and eloquent speech, advocated the resolu tions; but before he had concluded his remarks, gave way to a motion to ad-' journ. - SENATE. ' Saturday Dec, 15 The engrossed bill to extend the time for paying in entry money; and the en grossed bill to appoint commissioners fop the toWn of Hertford, were read the third time, patted, and ordered to be enrolled. l" The bill to alter the time of holding the Superior Courts for Stokes and builford, pasted itt third resding, and wat ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Franklin introduced a resolu tion in favor of Hiram Iliggint and Solomon Perry, vbich wat read and referred Mr. Davidson, from the committee appointed to wait on the Governor, and ascertain at what time tt would suit hut convenience to take the oaths of office, reported, that he would appear before the two Houses, lor that purpose on Saturday, the 29h Instant- liOl'SE OF COMMONS. The engrossed resolutions in favor of Thomas Winkler and others, Benjamin HawkiiM, and respecting entries of jands paid for snd not granted in Wilkes, were adopted, and Ordered to be enrolled. . Mr. Winston from the committee oo tho Judiciary, to whom were referred the bill respecting the maintenance ofbastard chil dren, the resolution directing them to inquire into the. propriety of making insulting lan guage justification for assault- and battery; so much of the Governor's message ss re lates to Executive right of pardon; and the resolution respecting trespasses snd aggres sion by citizens of other States and Indians made reports adverse to. any legislative ac tion on the several subjects refdUd; .hich were concurred in. , !;; Mr. Hill, from the committee on Internal Improvements, in whom wss referred the pe tition for a rail road from Fsyettoville to Madison, with banking privileges, reported unfavorably thereon. Concurred in. Bills preunttd. By Mr. Blalock, a bill ap pointing commissioners to lay oft" a public road from- Burnsville, in Yancy County, to the Tennessee. line; by Mr. Uriitntn, a bill to incorporate the Buncombe Warm $prinr Company. B The bill to incorporate the Cape Fear and western steam boat company, was taken up; & theeestrorrreciirriiiSon the amendment ta make the property of individual stockholders liable for all debts, was decided in the neg- ativnyeaa 51, nays 57. I he bill was thepi nmenura on moiion oi 4ir. Held; and Mr. Whitaker moved further to ametid it, so as to make individual corporator liable t dnu'tdt! the amount of their stock. Pending this questinn, the bill was, on motion, post poned until Tuesday. L . The limine thpn resolved itself into a eommittee of the whole. Mr. Hill , in the Chair,on Mr. Rayner' resolution; when Mr. Rayner concluded his remaiks; and the com mittee roue, reported progress, and ubtained leave to sit again. - SENATE. Mmdny, Dtt. 17. Mr. Shepard, from the committee on Inter nal Improvements, reported Resolution di recting the Public Treasurer to to pay to the Roanoke Navigation Company 91000, on ac count of deferred payment of atock; which wn read the first tunc and passed. Mi. Moody, from the committee no Agri culture, reported (rin&tvie expsndieney of encouraging the culture of silk by premiums, Concurred in. Mr, Allison presented aresolition, which was adapted, instructing the Judiciary eom mittee' to iiiqnira into the expediency of au thorising the sominoning of 43 instead of 36 Jurors. On motion ot Mr. Wilson, the Judiciary committee were instructed to inquire into the expediency of declaring by law. how vacan cies shall be filled occasioned bv the reoiffna- mm ui i. -, .-iii-riu, oic anu also ol pass ing law ratifying the Revised Statutes as published by the eommimioner. On motion of Mr, Myers, th same com mittee were Uistmcted to inouire into the ex pediency of requiring greater publicity to be given to conveyances iu trust for aecurio? debt. BilU prftidtd.-. By Mr. Wilaon.e bill to J amend Ui lawia relation to the sale of lands orgaoiiation of of deceased debtors; by Mr. Morehead, a bill ( to prereot Wiiftg oo eUcUpna; by Mr. Exura, bill making compensation to the wardens of the poor? snd by Mr. Dockeijt, a bill to a mend an act to esublteh a literary and tnanu .i i.k. in.titntinn in Mr ske.. ' Thi'se bills were read thelfirrt time and referred. On motion of Mr. Fox, Ui commute on the Judiciary were instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the law rela- trticleit quanuiy, &c. to beaccurau;ly to tradtnz wiro bibc, . .v.,-..- idegcribed On motion of Mr. Carson, the Judiciary ; eommittee were instructed U inquire into the expediency of legislating further relative to the supply uf record of courts destroyed by fire or otherwise. The proposition of the Commons to sdjourn n tha 3lt instant, was laid on the table. The engrossed bills to emancipate Caroline tPuJr sills hnr children: to incorporate the Pl-unt Grove Academy; and to incorporate the town of Morjranton, were each read the third time, passed, sndoidered to be enrolled. HOUSE OF COMMONS. TWrLSi'rr presented a bill to lay off sjid establish a couptyhy the name of Cherokee. Mr. G. W. Caldwell, a bili to lay j4-and establish.. county by the name of Union. Read first time. . Mr. Winston, from the Judiciary Committee, reported unfavorably on the bill authorising thePublicTreasurer to receive South Carolina and Virginia reonev. Mr. V. also reporteu au verseJr to the bill empowering the County Courts of Buncombe t draw Juror for each week of the Superior Court of said county. Ordered to lie unon the table. - The engrossed bill to incorporate the trusted of Davidson College was or deredtobe enrolled. Mr. Gilliam prctented a memorial from the President and Directors of the Bank of Cape Fear, praying an a roendinent. of their charter. Referred to the select joint committee on Banks, Mr. Hoke presented' a memorial from the President of the South-west ern Rail Road Bank, praying modi fication of the charter. Jlead and laid on the table, The engrossed bill to compel own ers of Bridge to construct Draws was read the second time and - rejected. Mr. Hill, from the joint committee on the subject, reported that the uov ernor would ..appear before , the two Houses on Saturday, the 29th inst. and take the Oath of Office as Governor. . The House resolved itself into committee ot the whole,. Mr. 1 1 ill in the Chair, on the political Resolutions introduced by Air. turner. Mr. whit aker, of Halifax, took the floor and spoke for about an hour in opposition to the' Retolutions. Wlum-heconcliided, on motion of Mr.Hfetter, thsj Com mittee tained rote, roported progress and ob leave to t again. , INTEUNAC niPUOVEBIKHiT COWVEXTloat. At meeting of the Delegates 4o the Internal Improvement Convention, held in the Methodist Church, in the City of Raleigh, on Monday, the 10th Dec. 1838, on motion of Col. Robert Mac namara the Hon. Romulus M. Saun ders was unaminnusty elected Presi dent, and Gen. James Cook, nl the county of Davie, and John Winslow, of the county of Cumberland, were ap pointed Secretaries. " The following Delegates appeared and took their seats a members ol the Convention: From the County nf .! John A McRa, Jame M Waddell, Calvin Myera. 7. tth y r E !mund Jones, Jame M Nys JlHrt-tvAlexander F Gaston, W W Avery, J J Erwin, Bladen- Richard Gillespie, Iisae Wright, Haync Richaidaon. BuHctmbe Thomas L Clingman, Phillip Britlnin, M Patton. - Bruiuwick W R Hall, J J- Hill, John II Hill. Btauftrt Willi A Blaont, Joabua Tsyloa, David C Frrcraan, John J Hawk. Henry J. Toole, J McWilham J O K William, William A Blount." BertitVt XV Che?.7, George 8 Holly, James Allen. Ciiiarrnr Dr M M Orr, Joseph O Farr, A J Khankle. Cartertt James W Iryan, Bridge Arun del. James Rumlry. Cuiwtll N J Palmer, L A Gwinn, Jame Kerr, Levi Walker. Chatham l Faueett, Junstlian HaraUon, William Albright, M QoAVaddell, J 8 Uuilirte, laac Clrt;. Crnvrn Col 8 8 Riddle, 8 Hjtnan, W Wadaworih, T P Burgwin. Cumierlaml L D Henry, E I. Winlow, E 1 Hale, John Huke, C P Mallett, E W Willk ing, John Winlow, J W Sandf.ird, Jonathan Evans. Dr. John McKay, Dr T N Cameron. Col A Murcbiaon. Jtrtvi Jin J W Thomas, Joseph 8purzin William Harris Davie Gen James Cook. Car K K 8pred, Whilmel Stallinga."" Granville Dr. John R Herudon, Dr J T Gilliam, James ConpoafH G Pittard, Samuel S Downey, J'T Downey. (inilftrd Dr John A Foulke. Andrew I.indny, Eli 8miih, Jsmea Brannork, M Mc Lean, J H Limlray,' Abram Clapp. lrrtfirj Kenneth R.ynrr, Jamea Crimea. Hyte Riley Murray, H W Uibba. Tilman Farrar. yA,n Aably Sandera. John Atkinaon, Jame T Irf-arh, Joih O WaUon. tie William Huirs.iua. Zmir-Un (J Waabington. tlenry F Bond, Jama B WbillieU, Jam.-a W Ooxe. .Wontffmei yVr John H Monlgomery, Tboma Pemhertoo, William Harris, Edward McCalluro. ; -': ' . -Vir William Murchison. ; " .Vfw u,wrr L H Marateller. Jeremiah Llppiii, W H Haywood, jr. A J Da. Roaaet Tboa II Wrieht A A Brown, C Hill. Omttf Hugh MeXjoeen, James Norwood. Vr.ii JoUn Barrwl, Bjamin 8umner. HamMph Jmm Walker, Jonathan Worth, BenjSwaim, J E Loach, Geo Hooer, J M A Drake, JesM Harper, Jonathan Reddine. Zelwi de Ruah, W B Lane. Hrman Col Robert Macnamara, Dr Plea- ajt Henderson, J-M hiv. parte C K Wheeler, Dr, B Austin, . Care. ... Jltckingham-Cot P Scales. JlmhtrtrdW EMilU,J -H Bedford, W J T Mdter. - - -. Tjrrrlll O Ppruill. N ale William Boylan, W R Gale; Geo E BaJger, Alfred Jooea, K M Baunders, Willi fYhitalier, John W Harris, James B Hliepar.l, Thorn Luring. Tboma J Ueinay, John H Bryan, C F M tiarnet, Johnson Uusbc, Allen Roger, nicbard Smith. Uaihtngtvit lid U Goylhec; John D Bennet, Jehu B Chtoo, Taylnf H Walker, rf'uyne Willi Hall, Jame Griswold, Dr. 8 A Andrews, A BTmlen. John W Baer, Joseph 8well Jones, Geo 1) Driscole. On motion of Mr. Clingman, Major William Gibbs McNeill, and his assist ant engineer. Mr. J. It Dickerson, were unaniinnuoly invited to take nVts at members of the Convention. On motion ol Mr. Cherry. Gen. Jar. Owen, President ol the Wilmington $ Halifax Rail Ruad; and, on motion ol Mr. Burrwin. Hon. W. B. Shepard; and. on motion of Mr. J. Seawell Jones, Dr. J. W. Hawkins, were invited to take seats a members of the Conven tion.---.- - ?i - - v' On motion of Mr. Henry, a tee. denominated the General Commit tee. consisting of 13 Delegates, one from each Congressional District, were appointed by the Chair. The Presi 'dent appointeu me -loiiowmg ueiegaies B u vt insiow, ur, J n nawaina, ur m m Orr, Taylor H Walker, Gen' Edmund J one. i homa I. Chngnwo. wol Koberl Macnamara, Jeremiah Lh.pelt, Dr' J A Foulkem, Hon John H Bryan. Hon W B Shepard, Georg Hollcy, ne W bryan. The following resolution was offered by Mr. McRe, and adopted: , ,v ' pointed to prepare and report rule of order for th government of thi Convention. The following I)ele?atet comnose o r the Committee: v., .; - John A McRaa, Muah McQueen,, Thoma L Clingman, F C Hill, and Dr' Andrews. Ot) motion ol Mr. Palmer, the pro ceedings of a meeting ot the citiz'-nt of Caswell and Person countiet in regard to a liberal system of Internal Improve ment, ami to the improvement ot the Dan and Ranok"e rivers were "read; and, on niotion of Mr. Clingman, re ferred to the General Committee. On motion of Mr. Jantet Shepard', Mr. Herron. assistant engineer on the Raleigh and Gaston Road and, on mo tinn of Mr. Jo. Seawell Jones, Col joyner, were invitea to take seats in this Convention. , ( " On mition,Jhe Convention adjourn ed until I hw'cliKlTiMT-Tuesdsy; - Tuttday, Dir. ITie Convention met adjournment. according to The following Delegates appeared ami took their seats. -Edwin G Read and William Beard, of Per. on; TWnaa H. Willi, and Kuaaal KingabuTy, of Granville; John H. Haughlon, RoU Ktntlh, and Benj Houxe, f Chaihani;' and Dr John McKay, of Cumberland. . Mr. Mcltae, from the committee of five, to draft rules for the government pi the Convention, made a report, which was amended, on motion nf Mr. Gaston, by adding thereto the follow ing resolution, and adopted: ' BettlveJ, That each county represented in thia Convention be entitled to aa many vote aa they are entitled to members in li.e Houae nf Commnns provided that each county ahall be entitled in onvot. The following resolution was offered by Dr. Ilerndun, and. on his motion, referred to the General Committee: Wherra w Iteliav it to b nl ,ilal imuorl. anc to the Stat of North. Carolina to Uke Jtoue thVinl mnum la. (irfu u.J i..l.,. .ijiL.. -J - -. .ikdhi.i. iw r.f- tarpriae of her rilin ao aa la enable th'm to attain that degrae of wealth snd prosperity at home, inwareb of which they are m rom petled to emigrate to the new Stau,., a:i where, aa, we slncervly believe that nothing will ron tribute more to aecura that edjert than judi cious system of Internal Improvement: Tuere-fore- ReiQhett tat. That we deem it eonijlent with juatire an J food poli, that proper aid should be estended fir.t I . ihoe woiknow In progren, by giving- the credit of the Hiale to the Rileigh 'and Gaon Rail Road Company f.r 5500,000, on t uch e. nditions snd under eurh re atrictiona a Ihs Ifji-lalure may, in iheir wi dom deem beat and by-raneina to the Ra leigh A Wilmington Ril Uoa.l Company lb ina'almrriia due by the State, it'i.,ut waiting for Ihe payment of thoae.due by individual. lletolvetl S. That we belii ve it be highly ipedieui.and tlierrf..re rexsctfiilly recomtnend it loth General Aaaemlily, to take on the p.rl of the Stat three fnurtlia ofllie atm k in llie Rail Road from Fayetteville Wptl-und HvO-tiUiia of the atock iii the Italeigh and Columbia Rail Road. Mr. n.nnrt nfTered the f.llowin.r resolutio-is, which were referred to the committee of thirteen' Whereas, an important crii Iu, arrived in Ihe affair, of tlu Stale, in which every enhgot ened qi.izen should feci a deep and lively inter eal; and lirea, in Ihe opinion of tliia -.iinen tiooa&the hitherto aertional jealoui,., e,iatinK j,, our Legislative council have prevented life c .. operation of the member thereof in woika of Internal Improvement within the limit, of our Slate; ami whereas, we believe that such a feel mg i, only emulated to ret.v.l nr pro.iiM-ritv and taruiah the honor of our State: i; a there for Re.oM 1.1. That our LegiaUtive Imdie, should rega uMj the mtcre.'i. of the St. a( large lay aide forever Ihe feeling of entire ec. tioiial intereat, a, tending to fru.trate in their delilH-raiiona every arhema proposed for the mi. vanccment, proaperity and enlightenment of the people, j, e,rerf 2, hnt muglhe , meieement in M,nm f., hnprovemrnf, thoi works which wifl enure miwt to the benefit of the Stale at large ahould be firal undertaken. Roiolved 3d. - Thirm.is Convention do re- mnieno, among other woika of Internal lui. provement in which the Slate vhould uke a sealoua tntereat, the opening of.Nsg.heaJ Iu let, at the foot of Albemarle Wound. Revived 4th. Tbattnihe opinion of thia CenventionttreriTpening of aai.l Inlet, when tnmytum he a great nourre of revenue to an WhS ahould embark capUal in the entejrie, we therefore reeommend it to the ronnideration of the General Aaacmblv, aa.iTwork in which th rund. ofth3ute nia,y Us jTraVaUy-iitvee't- Resolved 5th. That ojr Legidaturs miU,ia i may consider ' w. ouglit not to bs rrgtfue concern, snd assist in iu compter mi i i . : N, iir. vruiniei, unerea th. resolution, which, on his moth referred to the committee of iS.iJ Resolved. That tl General CJ:",,: uir into th ipdinry of reeotnnw-Jf ilia LeginlatoriB th pi.inf of an aclta'' truet Ra'd Road from soma' n.in. .. - U-.l ..i !- I- . ,z r ..,w"tt the Wilmiogton snd Raleigh Rail ZT k SSVlSSSlal;. lei S;.I WAaaal l . But; " 1 Mr. I.lppet offered the resolution,, which, nn mot'mn of tt llarwootl, was laid on the tl0t: ReaolveJ. That a memorial be preaw! presented to the Legislature adting rJJ ag of a' law establishing limited ea-f-.' tJ'ips. ' ' . -,...,n Dr. Andrews oflered the fullovL resolution, which wss referred te ik! committee of thirteen: Raaolve.l, That this convention rewnLi the at'eolioii of the general eommiilestoRM peiKenoy of tiWi.g-Rail IWfrn. fw.? mfngtrm amt-R sleigh Rail Road t nUj. Rtleigh over th rout surveyed by th States Engineer in 1 834,' nd recommend to the General Assembly for lb patroaaj!) the Slat. ; . Mr. Scales offered t-te followint it. solutions, which were referred tu tU committee of thirteen: -Whereas the present conditio Carolina imperimisly denvamli' t,L scheme of internal improvetnent iilioy J1 dopteit that would tend to the reucral ' " ojaiv;- ana wiitm, larfe portion of this State i repreatiKoi this Convention: . 't'Dercfore ' ' n. to'vetl. That this Convention ree., to the conaideratinn of the legislature thee. peuiency oi incorporating a ran h)H Hemlrraon Depot, or such other point ea tU Huleigh and Gaston 'Rail Road as lte;y ia W wisdom may deem most eioedieut, ta Mr point on the Charleston and Lmiiivill. j Itoao in me sraiin-wratem pan Of bit Jt,u Ketolved, That the committee be ktrw to intpiire Mito the expediency of ntcrtiW u saitl incorporatioii banking privilegea, . Mr M'Queen offered the futlowiog resniuiiun, won ii wn reicrrcu ts Ua commitiec ot thirteen: ? Resolved. That in providing faciiet y the commercial relief of the people of jd'j State, it i expedient to eenctnict a rail fcaj leading Imin tlis extreme western cosat'. by the way of r'ayeiteville, to Beautiitt. - Mr .each offered the folio wit.g rtanliil'ioa, which wss referred to the committee of Ike teeij ' - . Resolved, That the Convention reeAmma to the LeRialature a central rail road. n. jUC'Cmg at Beaufort, mnnine; wa lo Riltfi, nci I iCHce a (fnou rurnpiae roau eantktuf wrstwsnl, to intersect the Cincinnati tat Charleaton sosd. . Mr. Hurgwin otT. red the following reeV t oo, rnluch a relerred to ' Ip mittee of thirteen- v Whereas this Convention deem that tkesV cihtie sfl'onled for. the cheap and tafetraa portaiioK of prsduee snd merchsndiw tos one section of a country In another, arrtana; the sorest ami most durable source a na tion 'a prosperity! and as it is KMdverullr rat. ceded ihit these f:K:ilitiesftreoilerediiisM .!K.a -1 K ... ' ft . c.n.ocm urirrre ny a tree Water Mnplios, De it therefore reantverl, TJut tlu, (few venlion do respeclfully recnmiSead k) tar LegtsJaMire to appropriate $Jj0O0 farlhtpr. per suti tnoroiigii survey of the htm 4 rem nvern. i ne lirey m eacn ( tfr mence at iheir confliieree a..d termifniinr Smithhcld on the Neuae, and Trentos aatla) Trent t and that thii convention de mend lit the said honorable bodr, t inpr. priuie the auin ol'ISO.OUO from Ihefaaikaf Ihe State, for th purpoae of carrying iatsd. feci s .cil measures a the Ui'meettmp't A tnsnrtey these rivers may adviae fteresiav ing nil? obatruclioes in these mers, snd on. erwi-e rendnrioa;' them navlguble fnr tnm b..a'a of three and four feet draught of stir) thrmiriimit the year, ' - t ? Mr., Avery ollVred the follovriB'rM olutiort, which was refeired tofliecosi iniMce of thirteen: I Kenolved, That the General CemmhteJ W instructed to Inquire into th expediency sfta. tructing a Kail Road from Raleigh I inUw ,l!i toisille and Cincinnsli Road st iksw eligible point, -" . : Mr. Murchison offered the loilowin; resulutinn, which, on his motion, wn referred to the C'tnmitfee of thirteen: Resoled. Thit the Convention reeJaii the revival of tha charter of lb R-iteigb sal FayetievHIe Rait R.d Company, snd cription on llie part of the Stat etJ4ul the eapiialstm-k of Ihe aame. . ' J ' On motinrtth'e Convention sdjmirBM until to-morrow ten o'clock.. . thdnetitog, Ike, ttJ-J invention met arcorain w jutirnment. The following Delegates app-nretl and took their seats: . Patrick Ilnmiltnn of Grartvilht Ccorf W 'o'lier....TnrrT Ueclon, John A (J.-srs. I) Kveiitt, of Wyiw, nd tl V-ii Johnston. . , On motion of Mr. Clingn". '"J enmtjiitt ee of thirteeif were ilista"? from the further consideration. if l" pi'orei'dings of a meeting of the ctlnVM Uif .t'aswell ami Person counties, i'' laliot to the improvement of wtV am) Itoanoke Rivers. -: On motion of Mr, Palmer, the w'. I....ci'1'iling were referred tnlC!' tec nl five, consisting of' Mr. r'' Dr. Uerndon, Col. Scolcs, Vt' Qjeen, and Mr. Sumner. Gen." Cook offered the f.dlnwint duiioti which wis, on hi iiioti. ferred to the committee nf thirlet"! I I M.. . .1 -,M.ff , ltrnvrn. I nai in general " ,11, qtiire Into the exie!ienrv of eootrunl mington and Halifax Rail Road by Fsyet"7 to a point on the Ysdkin River abovlbs,, of Abbot' Creeki.snd from thence, by tJ ral l.rniu h. one through th counties , ; coin and Rutherford to llie Cbarlwlnn .- lti.il II. ...I .n,l ihe other to Wuie !( tli raid eommitte enquire into lb ; n.,i Road from V;. ....t Vl'llninvloa Mid I'1 Kail Koad-t by or near the city f rnnnerl with ilia ahotra-lneiltieaed R 1 at or near Kvan'i Ferrv. aa . De 9 Chatham Couuty. , ' , ' Mr. Sumner offered the Am8' reciklnti..n vl.'.h referred t committee of Thirteen. before - jr. " 4 '.'-r- $SV esa4 '

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