" ' ,i 'A , ., 4 and ': . - . auntie Rocbingbsm, ' rminiUs '.th .atord to th planter and and the cimtiguoie eouolie -fa- thirtnporUtiouollhirpro.mcto greyly uperHr W thoe now engaged, w!J epeUt lt eonenc of lh wait " l-tJireclion. wonlj highly promote W ton- i -t nrir.t-elleri to ml from safHsTfts ssesu vp" - tu W.-i-fufnihin aefrr, rn-ar epJi mom l nutiuim rout. Mil wouraura lathe conatruelor a .certain, and in all Lll' 7 lrFC "l"0 tlaseauital - Mitels ' '" , Ka'o hr..rt. That lh construction of -id rtimpika tie earnestly receainusonded lo III .lwalion oflho Ueitidturi ass warts prop- H be eaecute.1 Uv the Stale . 4 " "jlr McQuimii dlHifftil the following reso j,iwB, which was referral to the couiiniueo thirteen: --? ' ' e-; , - Rcaulved, That the general coram! uf & t instructed to enquire into the expediency af rtwlnding the Kileigh and. Ramon Kail Bind Vr ll way Haywoud, in Chatham,, and litrth M,) re county. loUolum!U, In 8-wath Carliol nJ AM ""7 '9,ite ,n tfoe&eticy of cncwlruclin a Rail Road tra.lini fey the way - Cluprl Hill, HilUboroiih, Mr. J II Bryan from the General Co;nmit Irt nf thirteoo, presented the following report, which wa rend, a'utj on motion of Mt, (Jiv I a, ordered to he printed and-made the order i the ddT for Thursday: 2'A General Committee to whom jeeei referred the various Resolu- ' Hons upon the subject of. Inter Mtt( Imprdrcinent, respectfully . XZsR E 10 11 T: ? I TUal MiTtejr' . have given to those pmposfi lions ai 111ur.lt cRtisiJerafKiri v their very limited lime would Icrmil j and liave been extreme! v nirous. if possible, to blend them toelfjer so as to farm a harmonious whole. 'Before however, they ex DiWany opinion iiporu the merits f any ofthese sehenWinhey deem it due liMlie State, to the Legisla ture, and to the Convention, to state, that they regard a discussion oC the menu or. any system .or improve incut orematuro and idle, before the wayif! and means are provided fur tarrying the same into cnect Your L'oiiimittee, therefore, consid r it of indispcasaJi.'fi imjiortanee that tins question should be at onee Met and settled by the competent authority. If the State of North Carolina contemplates, and intends to jjntrsue, with earnestness and efll tieney, a systew of jlrilernal Itrr prvf ment eommensui'afe.with the wants and wishes of. heheoiilr. .thetState of North Carolina must Jo as her sister States who have a-eldeu-d sueeess in tlysk noble pur suit have dojicf sltevmust borrow money, or in wine mode pledge her faith and credit to promote IhcYn-tcrjirise.- ' Those works which would re dound V. grcaily . to her wealth aid power", we believe, 'cannot he Bected by mere indtviiiual contri butions: they require the impress of male power, patronage and indu rate, we have,ieen iieliuerattng long enough tje time for action, fur prompt, "vigorous and unilid sution has come. loney is the great lever by which the huge mass must no iinivcii: we iiincjswciicc. aim skiii to guide - and direct the motion. lUccms to your, copimittce that villi regard to works now in prog M, Inasmuch as the State has the strongest assurance of their utili ty, and as the property of tier citi zens lias been largely invested iht'rcin, a claim strongly founded ia' enlightened policy requires that they fihould he aided and sustained. Among 'the most prominent works film description are tho Wilming ton and Ilaleigh, and Raleigh and fiaston Rail Roads. The State nis already, with a wise and liberal piiliey, made a large investment in the ilmingjon ; -road; ' ond your Mininiltee unanimously concur in pinion with our Governor, that the 1 h'HtQlnlnjia '"rtrilinnnt titlk 1 eW" I "IMllliT IflSlttlfllCflt.UI OlillTT SHI J- rnplion- should bl? at onec paid, WtUout waiting for the , corrcspon g 'payment by the individual cor porators. Your committee have larucd that a mcmoi ial U now bc wethc legislature, in which the Jtigli and (Vaston Road have soli Jeliii some mode the aid of the '""tciand they would respectfully tiiinuicnd in like manner that the Pjjerof the petitioners be granted. IVsc olijcctsmay he accninplish- 'y tho State wilhout resort to nJ extraordinary taxation, an' ""lout the harden being felt by "ertitizens. f iTicrc arc oth r great conlein P'aled improvmenti which inter- 'argc sections of. the State, and "fe w magnitlccnt and costly as to wyond the reach of individual ''frprigc.Me allude to the Fay. J wille. and Western Rail Road, projected Inlet at the foot of vueraarle Sound, and the con ation of a Rail Road from the pt of Beaufort to unite whh the UHiig(on and Ilaleigh Rail Road. fr coiiiiiuccoecd not. to show , importance of the first men- uy a me great , na than to sf rccs 'of the region SIce snlid penetrate, abouo'ling but tn 4t inaiAI-illla nF nnlin...! north flio.ruddy Kold Cii tt$ cerrr can cnjaJJ and also abffn ,,-,r ' , ; . .-;.-' dantly provided with all the means, for bringing into action a vast mechanical power. The Inlet at the foot of Albemarle Sound has been repeatedly surveyed and ex amined, both by scientific and prac tical men, who unite in opinion? that it is practicable, ami that it would be of such great utility as to com mend itself strongly both to the Federal and State legislatures. Without disparagement to the other 101-4 s oT the State, your Commit tee believe that in depth of water, facility -of higt ess and egress, se curity M-:n storms, and salubrity, tha l'ort of Beaufort is unrivalletl. Its great importance was fully test ed during the last war, when it af forded harbor and protection to the largest class or privateers witli tlieir prizes, and when it was the resort of neutral ships for the purposesf eomTuerce. Added to this-your Committee entertain the hope that it will receive the favorable atten tion ofThe jjieneral Government as a naval station, which would great ly enhance its value to the Siate. jour Commltfce unanimously re co!iiinendtthcse works for the aiI and patronage of the State, and believe that at least four-fifllia of their cost would havtobe defray ed by the Public Treasury. In reviewing the works which, compared with these, fnust be eon s'ltlcred minor, works, 'and whiela have been referred Jo them, ytav' committee would fccftinmentl the fol!owing: "V j Ihe revival ofUift charter or tlte Fayetleville nd Raleigh Rail Road, and a nublio aid of two- li filis of the stock. The incorporation of a com ia. ny to construct a road from tlte Wilmington and llnleiglt Hail Road, from a point near Waynes borough, to Raleigh, and an aid of two-linhs. The surrey of Neuse river, with a view to Its .adaptation to steam navigation, vfrom Newbcin to the hliifioat navigation. Your cpuijnineTHyiJi en deavnretlin ilisclmrcc the iTITrV U' - posed upon them. They ean hard ly hope lyjiave given general sat isfaction: they could mwlsli that every section and neighborhood of the State should-participate ia the advantages of a liberal and benefi cent system of internal improve ment; but they believe that this muHt, bathe work of time and of gradual developeincnl. They -will naturally be thrown olT from the, larger trunks as the branches of a vigorous oak, while a hasty and forced culture might bring with it a sickly existence and premature decay, - ; Jin conclusion, your Committee rccoramcn'd that a select . commit tee be appointed to rommunit-al e these views to the Legislature ci ther by memorial or.ollierwise, as Way be most acceptable to that lion orablebody. I JOHN II. BRYAX, Cliormaw. On motion of Mr. Haywood, ordered that i committee of three be appointed, to estimate and report the present available funds of the Stales what ura it will b necessary tor the State to borrow in order to foster Internal Im provement according to llio plaffreported by the committee of -thirteen, and estimate as well as they can tho probable cost of each of the orks recommended by llm report. "Ilie committeo, undor that hvitinn, consists of Messrs. Haywood, E. L. Vinlow, and V. B. Shepard. , T JOa motion, tho Conrentioii'tilkuroed un- rtil to-morrow 10 o'clock. v ' - . f 7V b eiiiiif(t .sl.. i TUB STA R. RALEIGH, DEC. 13, 1838. LEGISLATURE. The Resolutions of Mr. Raynef, condr mn- ingr the courw ofow Senators, hare been un der discussion in the I louse of Coramom, In Committee of the Wbol Mr. Rayner has made - m ery able md elo quent speech in Ujeit euport,; which he cut with l two-edged vsrrvrd. Be traced with peculiar accuracy tne Uaakinn Sjra,iiHl showed in usefulneas, i n a rivid contrast be tween those nations which hare adopted or rejected tho system. He' was severe and cordiiog, when he. spoke'of the Sub-Tree aury project that OR K A.T . measure ot de liverance and liberty;" arid aptly compared the President's paid Sub-Treasuren le the M clansmen of Rhoderie I hureadj it i mo ment to prinjr to the voice 01 sod of their roaster." Mr. Rayner iss a younjiivdgiM on of North Carolina; the State may well be proud of him. May his courts be mwatd and uptfJrd ta1he"career ot' iaaefuInessitionorV On Monday, he was replied Ho by Mr. Whiaker, of Halifax, in a speech of an hour' length. On-Tuesda j, IVIr. Eaton, of War rori, took the floor, aatl spoke for more than an hour in opposition to tlie Resolutions, He was followed by Mr. Cardwell, of Rocking ham, 'on (he same aide who was replied to in a humorous strain by IVIr. (1. C. Jones. Some sharp-shooting then took place between Messrs. Rayner and VV tat taker, and Musis, fioyden, of Surry, and Caldwell, of Meck lenburg; alter which, on motion of Mr, Hoke, of Lincoln, the com twitted lose, rtpoijeJ progress and obtained Leavve to sit limn. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT CON "VENTION. Tills body Mjeurne! on r itday eftnlnjr lasUiWe eommence .te publication' or its 8lLK, CULTURE. i Ws a'riiaJebuJ to D, Jiaas Muni, sf Deiufurt, for a aample of nwinfiilk, raiudand aunufictorwd ia hi family, whirh we ban 'shows 1 number of genliemen, all of whom eoueur in pronouncing it rqutl to the best Ital ian. It may b cn at our office, where pernrii who may b dwpoMd lo do so, Sli re'spectifull for ureral days,"",twI t0 ca" " examine it. 1 He (reat Qccea which ku attended the si perimenlt which havabee made bjtbeenler. prising citiaen of lb North in the silk culture, bus attracted ib attention ol Ihe whole eoun- rys and w arc gratified lo And that the peoplt of llm Stale ar manifeetin a strong dispwi lion to embark in th business. Out they ntnl legiaUtiv eneouragenienti snj we sinrorrly hope th pretrstt Leglilalura will pais tn set for that purpoae. Tbi wis and heneficenl polict hae been a Jopted ty the Nwiliern Suieii snd the iwult pro the eaampts worthy ot imiis- lion. North Carolina Is better adapted Id lb silk culture than any portion of Ihe North: snj it is equally certain that, by Legislatiie aid In its introduction, it may beeomejmuch profitild thanniakingron in tWlJinuisi The subjoined act, paawA by (he I.i'iUlalure ot Pennylani7 will eliow Ihe amount of eiicou agement eaten Jed to this new business in tint Siat. In Cannectit-ut, where' it iibccoftwj eitensi and highly profitable, the Stale fim a boiiBty of $ 1 :50 on every pound of silk rsiasd saj manufactured autliin its bordtra, Thi juet paye lh expense of raising, and the silk is tlNo sold at 6'ei pound.' ' N ACT TO PROMOTE THE CULTl'RE ' OP SILK. SiCtiow 1, StitimcUi if tht Semlt ana Mrpreuntativti tflht Ci mtnvealiK FeHHtylvania in Utntral ,fi itmHif met, and it h hertbf tnutttd if a r&srirjr Ihe earn. Thai from anrnl alier the NMw of the 'act whenever ant Person or person, either individual!, or enlteelitely, shell tsMliaiviU)iin,s .; CANA'DA.-HiilIttbtiM. ntencetl nnr Detroit. Aoott )O0 rat- riolicmiwl over fru let Antricii lide. on tin till liiiiilitaiili ilfirnlml.nilintiilhiUitiiOi.!! . . ''I U .1. JU..H ' , . SKirmimi'iiiuiiepiaiiiiiitliiijHii, mil kilMir, Piliiililitili!; PJIhilriiiililniikinyy, taken, ddiipilii In tiiml over, Bt in rinmi din rnn At Kilckll l.eurii'r,ID(titrlitiiit lrllC(llflh(l)M(lill:kll!i' bi lA5,iliti!IUiijiij in nsai ij hi nit iiKitiiiiitMi Il lutein hi, ' 1 Hi, Tt ,WaLe(iI st at liiillill pltltailiiiiiaiii, proceedings in to-day paper, and ihall, we hope, be' able to conclude themli ojirneit. Forty counties were irepreaented, and there Were about 900 elegatea in iltejldince Tbe moit Important proposition presented to their consideration -were discussed with great ability. Aioonjj the principal Speak ers, were;th. President (Judge Saunders) Mr. John H. Bryan, f O Iwftirman of the Gen eral Committee) Mer. James W, Brym, "f ' Pirlornt WilliamI V- llavwnnd. JilB. nf m Cityta! J I Inry of Cumberland, Huih McQucWof. OlSPS V Shepard of paquotatal, Thomaf-wl,n man, of Uunitnbe, and At prcserp we have no room for comment, further thuji to say, we'should have been much better ploased with the result of lbs deliberations ol that highly Intelligent and patriotic body, had the report of the General Committee been adopt. We were tng- ieufctb have seen the Oeaufort improvement ranked, u il unquestionably deserves to be, among the work of primary importance. Our opinion of the importance of that port to the Sate of North Oarolina it well et pressed in thecommuuication of ''Clinton"' in anotliei column, to which wo, invite si- tention. We hope the- legislature will ear. ry out the recommeisdations of tlie Cenvea. tion, with tliii amendment, that Beaufort be placed with the first class. We shall en large upon this subject '- hereafter, s The fol lowing resolutions contain the specific lecom mendationt of lbs Uonwention, which are t be brought to the notice of ihe Legislature by a wlcctcotninittee, consisting of Messrs. It. M. Saundera,' Jan-Allcn, If, Mo- - .'..ao"' " a W wv a t n Viuoeiii'ii- ti. Marsteiier, wu, iienry, J. IL Bryan, and Clingmsai. i ' . ' V . M 1. Rthhtl That the Convention concur ia th Report of its Genera 1-SCommiilw, that lb , . . verai wons m aropsroveoaeni menin n, commmded dsserv I baa sCrosiage of lb ttut. ; TO TUB EDtTOIl OKTIIE STAR. J , Sir, I am happy lo pereeiv that f eta are (circled a one ol the delegates to tlie Int- r nol ImprAvrrDeitt Conventioii, wliicli will meet at Halrigli on the 10th instil indulge a hope Ilia! Von will gin: to tlie cliirasof ll l'ort of llcaiif.irt that respectlul and mature core aultrratiun to'-wlsiclv I bey arc entitled. O'tr orlliy tiovernor, for lmm I entrrtsirs the highest respect, lwi cnmniuniceted to She ijjisl iturr, at great length hivicon 'flae internal imjirovcnicitta necessary to be pro -cciited hy ihe Slate. Iliit in' tl.U Comiuuni Ca'i -hi, lie li-4 neglcctrd In meiition ihe J vantairri uf the I'url "f llra-.ifuil and paea by clair voyance tliroiigh llie air, from tlie. t."upe Kear Itivrr In Natlifil. cipem a Krc"' inlri tlirrr, and build a cnmmercial city to rival Norfolk. People herrabo -U f plain Ctinirnim vntt, do not believe that Ihe re notiir,, of t'ie Cbini ae empire could snaSte t Nagdirad an inlet and part rq ial lo IWavU- r..ri- q . I will venture fo aay that tbere is no State in tlie civilized world, eicept N. Carolina, hari g a sea l'ort equal to llekiifiut thut would rinut etiain every neive, and riliauat her !at dollar in rluu'i-,liig cunimnniculioni friT aucji a port wiill.tlie back Cou'iilry. The tiorernor mention aSliiri channel from Keine lo the hurbmir of . Hraufnrt. Tlie U-iitel States are abhut lo tlerpen Cure mmii-.I. which will ibvite,.in a jfrcal degree, the utility of a ship channel frii Wene Uiarer and make a gnod inland navigstiim for. all the eaalrrn cmsnliett the Port of a-sfort. A rail road -from the Port of-Beaufort t Ihe Ciiy of lUleigh i entirely practicable, at s amall eiprntc let eur State follow the example of Georgia, and mall this roaiTt once with 8ta funde, and the people of N. Carolina will anon find out that they hare a ea-port equal to any in the world for cona mreial purpose. Whh such a rail road and turnpike from Itah igh westward, that c;ty would raiiidlr increase in nnnulal'ion and . wealthi(Ml become in a fevyrars, to llwat. fun. li Munclie'iiler ia In Liveroool. An 9h.!ej0rTr1l-:11KT'-'' PSperpfl u iiie-.') -- o I need, o) :-: Ijbatoniitiirojcrjj'actur'ing ca"- i- and ouiht to a elMelthi. - , 3. Urnlvti, Thl in order to carry ok the iwt of the Convention, avid at the sami lims, to accommodate them to the meins snd blilily of she Slate, a loan of three millions of iolliri ought lo lie contracted. , 3. Atin, That if the pronation of Atrtf twsl wwk, - t-h J-on(ioo iom- enj the lutlowing elaaavitacation: FIRST I. A juarinle byjhe JMtate of die hundred ihmiwid dutUrs lo th Gastun and Itsleigb Kail Itoad Compsny. it t.A sulwriplion hy the folate of lour fifths of tlie. Caiitl Slock of tlae Ftyelletjlls snd Yadkin llsil Road Company. 3. The incorporation of a Company lor the opening ofan Inlet at Ihe fjot of Allieinirlt Sound, and a subscription by the Stall ol lilies filthioliu Cap tat Mock. :' . SECOND AS?. " I- A Riil Road from Ueaufort Harbour ta connect with the Wiluiington and Riligh Rail liuad, sod ssubwriplion ly tho Stat of (uur nfthe of tt Capital Stock. 2. A Rail Koail from ftleih tn internet with the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Rued, (l or near Wayiieiboraoiatra. and a Rail Road from Rali-ijh tn Fayetievalle, and a anbmijiiloii to cacli, of iwo fifiba of the capital stock by Uie Stale. 1 ' . . - . RettktilrAt the opinion of the Comen tion, that thi' balance of riaa aubacriplM by lbs State io ilit Wilmington snd Raleigh Contra ny ought to be paid without delay; llutnintji of WIJeandTar. Rivera, with Ibe vie ta ttleani Navlatios, snd, 1 the' survey of a route from ReleiiWa Hillaboaroosh,' to (Irsenibe- rough, in Guilford County. -whh ihe view to MeAdtmiied Turn, n bee . Itol, oilght to be mt.ls by lbs State; and if tbe aid rivers should be found such as to jurtlfjr the use of Stem Boats, th Board of Internal Improsenwnts bs aurhorited lo contract ac-ordfngly. And that a compsny he incorporate! jtortbt eonsl'uetion of tlx aid hd and t eu tacriptien ef Iwo-Clllu ny preaeavt fori, llaasi 'ncy to ffswe nd senotas. TON. ,'ofiu capital by the State. .ah 1 ' IMPORTANT-Tlaes French have de Btroycd the fortress' of San Juan de Ulloa, and taken Vera Crux, w a tit th loss of only 6' men, but immense destruction lo the Mex icans. " TO lUILf K -A'rewirtlmiiiititliillliiCiili frWilaJiipjInllltPiiilftliilin rl MjiUllikinjlit jnilJifj M;til fnim tht line m iltittil inn 'carrinl'wiliitl'ilt.Fffilliitt.i and ti't.il k k n' llit l(lfiiiliini Mil ealjt triRi-wrttjwMIJIIlMWI int almiii ntii:ii!iilwiiiil.v vatiriMli(uiUitiiiii, iiiJiin'ij wnscilitil In rtiiniliili il act nf null Ii'uil iiijiititi, ll'i liivcnewtlwlinr.iilinittiilul' rijtliiulir'tiiiiimttiriniia lanitci'iiiii.sr mlii niiit all Hit course pmper It It suited. IHEEIIU, t-ll Itll'll II w The I'liirtiwi, iml Sfa, liii anil, W, N, wiiiii, mi lb ml Sitcilira, ill iifilum iiuli ft ililinutlrriiiiiillliiiiiJiinUiili iaSuKiloil ll(nitlt Itiii.Mi, Dill fipilJMIIHitlllifolli tlte SlilfitlHi;itCijii!i!ji trt-wcrJtlT mill, UitiriieJ ptiitilj, "liiHlliliiilUll, MwiillriUiiiiil upaaairaitoai rw'il-,Mi V sJHsiiiii,ii HWMliMd ' ftbkliUiatiW! , UifaMValKHa, ' e( rmlasHtfeas, OwrlSanial "l'"'iitiis; PJMsfalJa T" i iintflll IN 1 Mm) '' (it riaM MT alllK Willi III UlM MmM.Uis)a lih sat .h. ar they, .hall U emitted tolrsw frora' to K" f "" aiaimaurii m nnmi.m f ...... r. M-lllltll IHU't," A Nri M J tr 'V W IWTfl J VVIIIOt I US J.J. ' V and every pound of eoenons sobv bim her but rfliKcllal, Mill litkH or them, raised, and fifty cnta per pound so each pound of ajood silk by hire her or them reded iron cocoons so raised: and the penon er peraons ao claiming Ihe premium aforesaid, shall Irat exhibit the cocoons raised, and lbs silk reeled, saa aloreaaid, to on alderman er jos tle of the peace, within the proper eity er roan ly where they shall hive been raised. And lbs said aldertnaa er justie shall (hereupon sum- tne in peraon claiming lh premiums, as afore said, Upon bs or Iheir oath, of affirmstinn; snd shall .require the party ao claiming the premi um lo twear or affirm thai the cocoons were raised in the Slat of Pennsylvania, after the piualnf of this set, and that the premium has not 1wfcr been chimed by. or paid lo any oilier person. . And ajae In relation jo such othrir facta, matters, ami things, ea is or msv be ia their opinion connect!, whh lh rsiaine er nelina- at Am mmtnm. A n.l nnnn il,. a.i,l.nM k.. E. L. Willow, of Hatahafectory to hisniiid.be shall jhrrs- noon anaira rKja"i ."" sdlsfths kam. ArMhi!1. and coantyraaaorere, upon the prevention ol lh eaid certitWte or cerlifleate, aie hereby su thpriaed and diroctd to par the amount nfihi earns, out of any mori,,, beong0 ,0 com. monwesllb. which mar than l ia ih.i, h.,i. And lhaatale taeawnretin eelilinr the iamiii iih avvnriM.aijana county iraaaoms, "h ana n s nerany aulhonsetl and direeled I rec4vihe aaid certificate aa eouhslenl to lbs aaosmr of moovy paid out therein, in conform, tty wilbjdjstvosi.n of this acl; and tbe nine shall b audited and adjusted in like manner sJotbr payment out of the ireaaury, erenow suJlledaod ejueled by law, "fT.1? 2. Any fc,setrearln under this ad shsrMte indielalil and Duni,l,.l,l. , mm ia punianau, AnJ Iraudulent proeunnf ol the premium on eoeooni wreeled lk, under the proijaiona of ibis ail, snail aa aeesarsi a miademeanor. and on m. vklioei punUhahl as inch hy fiHei'MIinbiiMn" ment,at lbs dsaereiion of the court. Bsctiow 3. Th weiihinr tin nmi minialering tlae oath or affirmation required la Ibiaaet, and making out the cerlifieale. the jua. lice (ball be entitled to a fee of Iwenty-flvecenti, lo be paid by the perton I applying for the same, oicTio 4. he prnvitinns of this set shall not continue or remain in force, fur any grrltcr length of lime than unftl the first day of Jsnu 7in tbesMsnd eight hundred and forty.lhrea, Mai'er CdimliiJMiJjiiiiii, tin eijuallvili'tiilrildiiRhlilihi' wi'iltilloyrEiriiiliiiiiiii(i, jreii.wciriiiiiiMtiljiUjl I lie Memorial IWIED, talkliiiiiili.alHliliil.Mli.tiit E.MiJiliUil,alltillrfM. lo iimiilimai.lilMum, ar, r.inriHB llailryle nairnatyMy, AiMihtilMitiMifMliJti b-,...M V n U-I.LP.. ..A.U.I tilt T w T '--m KOti UtBIIHW' ll, H0 Il aT, n a. I. ritu.1 HAiiHisuumi. W kaf aaaannls le Taraitir 11 il ilj all waa quiet. The tanb of loaler and despera does have svretl y mack itiniiMarad ilu il. military arrival. Th State, hrwtver, Is yd illioula rovasmmrnt the Wliwaaml TU. J the Kerireaentalavr meetvog arparaiel; as brink -HieTorle in I be Capitol, and tlie Whiitial GleunV a nravate hoove. t'he tttnase as uSimuli-aiMl V.i .i. ii... tueaday araa aaaigneil'fnr rounlmg ilmntMim ib Cumrrjition, and for tleciinr a U. Hi.ki 8u-asoe. We" have rumors of the disenvprv nf further Defalcations in Washington. One of (lie individuals alluded to. holla in office in e-IJoreau cuiinecteTwilh Ihe IreasuTy Deparliucftt. ., ' " 1 --r. , . Appointment by tht I'mitltnl, M Ihe Wew I'liHnijiiiiH l!ill(W )ij tliwprneH 11'tlriilHlKi procfftliiiii, jrwili(, U liij aW, no fufi inae, bal milin; ii lae'irui port vim ef lit nil fciijiW supporlfriitflliiiJiiiiiiiliiliii;! briniMr.Ullttipiliiil lhliiiijtcl,iiiillitiiHi(fci(l jiojliiiilltniikHii!lpii!!' nil, t"iu,hililfit' HMlimiiiuii UllHWjL imm hi ''ki "Mill PNUl slat ttm," MlaMh,!, H hiatliat ' tar, . MImIImIm .thnlM , . KC n m II PjV-i iWllwjMfitata, awnsa, beat 1 IhilMha ' "rVNIdtdi a IMaMIalaiiU bb , . ' IbtAto's (Mill .' " IIIIIIUI :" IIDitLk; ' " llliiifiii',' ; i 6 !' 1 lllMhllll Il4ii.iliiiillii Wimvdiif.nbi pimtnraiaiiiaa IIWaiaMsf ttrm liilleliiiMilaiy. ittstiUsllHwiiai iltntiUdllslllgal KiililnliMlii' .: mil litiWi .''.' fli "? 'It ftnW In in E.HllltltUlllllitugir, lybatham uounly N, 0, Dim As UnntuCrofJuJuj, l,l aeta, lira, Charin, Ttsaas. ssawtsl a i?? shissswaal,J -"''niiiaiwnj,lrn simely awl sndilr nrpartar rreathta. at waa iiitrmr asm tleierredly eileemrd bysll W arqiiahilane, and (Mailt III tf isrttliHildlldlliDIIiiyil,! llsiilljltjirtlliiiilMiA " aaTeal. aariliy, aadusefiil aHltra. . OrtoifrtMalViiiiiiiii He's. Hly, vnnlk'MilUkil.sJ inrnflttM MinfibiLfj J an ib ! briiiio Aikw, MhaMa lirciimMKUtrwIllW H M'I to mom, bat act imV lnlhiiiiiiif,i,friiiiH,ijll,(ll bit, Mr.UliJuinniiliiiiiijiu,!!, r an iiineiim atinul ilirci virki, Mr,.lMn baitaiioriirtllkilUiiiUlJ inMtM,lt'lilillNlU..j iu "P17 iae nests m its mia.-f. Mitt " laiUtaikaUiiiilk Vataaartatf aSriSrK HSa'tav l.biliiil IMr.Maailanssiek h 'uililMdaiatl Tmatiti t mm a into ' nnd u'ilh the advite und content 0 .Vri!rtff.-Herimin F. Biitlorl f Torn, AUorney of the United Stales fur the Southern District of New York, in Ihe place of William M. Pike, e' nveil. Ths Dank of Cape Fear has declared 1 dividend of 4 per cent, for tlie huitnnu moiithit, .' .' ' KKNiUCriV.4' THb lziftlature of this State itient bled at Frank fort on the 3rd instant. In Senate the Lieut. Governor, C. A. .WickliiTe, took Ihe Chair, at pre- siding officer, and ft. P. LetcharrVV.; was elected Speaker uf the Hume, jeifjiout opposition. Gov. Clark's in- verr well written paper, In which a large space il devo ted lo those interesting topics Internal Improvement anil popular Education, It ii very Bound on the aubjert of Alio- 1I1011, ana recommends riuid measure! lo suppress incendiartsmi.. ,Ai oon i we can find room we 1I11II give extracts. . ' "The Bant ot the State has declared t dividend or 5 per rent, on eft capital' tock ind the Merchiiffltosiik of Newbern a dividend of J p EDUCATION. TbeaWim ds, bOniuMj.aiaiaha) sai( m Eillllibltlittl, under I1I1 nil iii,iliifllW(. um illifflvillmlHKnillH,,,,,,!,,!!,,!, '""I'm iiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiIi lllilll!li)liTllt,.iili I,,b. . . imiuiiiin IK-i.ii, mi, m f AJim noil 1 IhtinwtibUyiliaallmkal ii'iniiiiii"i,i,jWilWiiil,, bawl Ij lh kid ela I'umlwilt! llilMlinill,lil1(,Jill,H,U,(' ..1.1.... I.:....'. 11 11.1 .. v ,1 -V "Ulllill'H,, l)r).tl,IIJ, 1'IA TbeWwikniifflHliBiKii, lit that hriaagain preareil to furaiib Ibfria im (wiiimisl) Merts lltJlirauh is lak In auil purrhsiern shs,aniirty sf .WIFini r,ri 11 Uf kitfmi i uM put np ao m la go nftty aay Jalatiet lmisi at a dtttanet may real asaared ( hiisf U order (nil tap wish ill rlMiU, nib illeh, 'fl Hiiiw lifiilnl, iniiii,pMwii hi, lintii, raunt wilt bs jajido fo (l,h Apply lo . .;, ''; ,iy,ii ' Hl,I!ltUIB, U Lunafunl k Eatoa's, Peteistenj Ti ikj,'V mi UlllsboronjhFtsi)ltNiiir, IhenalailluLMrili -eik.ti.kll rs si otttimi-imm 11 111,111 yrl or Highest Clail. LI7 00 pcr.nl, InesilMlTliM, ;( II tH 1 roaarlh or Lovtil, 'Still Praath, by aNallre, ' UK Muiii.iiiilWirCiuj B'D 1 bratiniailhliili .11 III Orasnmlil Mb nd, IH Dnembtr It.llU. ; H B.i. .in... r... - Buna 11 wrti tn. .' IKtotlllWJIil Vtblflliiit,liiiliiiliMi'Milillr aval, ol i yrilli, ta ill 1st im(vlt nana rll 1m pajaWe losueh etockliolittre as are llllldtl Willi. Ml! I'WIWH . ;V 1 iiiiiuiiiii Ills JUUN IIII.I, W"ttaftu! lniH,Ji. . liliVntm, '""Witiiiitkijii.' s Hsissvisstiju; 1,,.,. aa - 1 w" WiliiaUl "VliTk ftWstijJ "UJltwa sibltB- s7 . T r. lllllllMilll it'll 1; ts-sJVf ffi l,',lfi "Ml f Wk,fji "("leai lilia..ii(M; tinii(ii,rjS "HlAliirati,.! iiiiiiiiiiiii(i, HE if ffllllilllMa!.;:::.' ll'tllllMllli,i ttiritliiirgikii,lJ!y, Wlllllfk 'KikiiZ ' '' aittiiMbMiaiJli itjiiiytjj' iaiKWiBsit,(i j ImiiiliiiMJiiy MiMietttihtJ : atiitilndiltij.";' ; ' itiMlHiiii!?! iilillllllllllliifljuf "' ., staliNlitiiliUiyiJ ', hff V .MllWIiJrt' WebRtkib . )-likitiiM, ;' flB,.lilSk,L ',! - Wtllpllllllllllilliiiai ! !' Miwiiftiwiiiiiii y 1,1, illMlllfcldlia( "l 4

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