ofcrti by Mr. TXt by1 tf'voU'of 15 tof, " y. 'L""' " Resolved. That the3aertry. .we Tr- - - Wis AtoJalratiaoa, b- receiver end Ue Lso other deDaerrtowee af the mor.. i .v. have tale" piece U t offjetobar, rar 1837 Th th defaulter, en4Wa ' -cJ where it took pUc, snd what amount:. ' , What aiiMjurit bss been psid. or what bsl-, eee .ppwin d,fYU'i T tart of mVuth of January lM bav fV.j i I..-.I. nd that b be required to Wort mi denee f leaching defalcation i receiver land WiHeetor " ofth public Bjowy.ilft, DPrtue "" --Med wm NC?97 -' .Safnrrf.ijf. an- lf. .The Senate d'J ait and imp' sot trsnsrNred in jhS JIous-.,,' , I , wl,tiV .839.! JlBrthTcorollna ; licsaiitlons.t ,,Mr. row'u.oJ North C-uUmbv? !r -Staled sundry Joiiit'KsoIutltHtd of.the Legislature of North Carolina," against ..Ibo ub-Tieasury. the Expdiiging Act, . ' and the Graduation LanJ 151 U ' ," MrrBhiwn. took' leave to eipres lit. regret that the General Assembly iud.indulged In 'some improper - reflec- .t ions upon the coorse of lhe Senate, ljut thuugh' Uiif t hd deparUvl fritm the comity due t ,the7 publifc - body, he would nut withhold Jhetiuj lie did not . know whether to consider;, them in the 1 JighJ, of iiislrttctrong. to be considered t , - mandatory upon the Senators' 5 from - that State, or oul v a a jrccommenda . imuTTea .. n'wn to act according to rlteir own jttilj; , -toeut.. lle ltaJ fceW 'tejf JljiT; couc'tu .awav after mature, Jelderatiort, that tthey. were not to "be cousidei e J as in ittructitins. lie bad atw; recojjniwd the light of instruction in its fullest ex (tuirt. r- Was the omission of mandatory cttjirt'Mion in the Vesoluiiou to lie . cuabidered ki accidental? Ild thought "They appeared t have beeu o , Mittt'd by tcin. He referred to the 3WtrT iit' ihe iefct'e of the? rtjdit of "rlfliitoctioii bj tlte North CaroHiMrLe- t islature, tu pnler. ta siiew jrut riiejr had fi the recommendatory and WiaBdatorr riJolattun. Ori aoine ocraiioni th-r had unequivocally commuiidt(r",tVieir iSenatoriltLUkiJjMClfinaL--.-Tliera was also ot tlie fuco of jheae reiuluttona t Jirteti attack vpoa tli ' right of instructirin..They Vjipukjs' of tiitUe- exiiungmgresojutiona aii act , of aecvihtr tti.thc executivci but the ex nun emu was done by the positive or der of the maioritr of the States of th'rs Union and in tibedienre to the power of instruction. Hut. further, he - aud his colleague", to remove all doubts, ,u . a. ' i ... ... .aDnJieil to me lesisiaiure to Know tiom wrnvi, The Ivegislatare vaded t e que.ticjnj and. therefore, he ' was led to the cohcluaion that it was iiut their intention to commit them elves to an ; instruction. On what - principles ther, of honor or duty, could , the General Assembjy suppose that ; their Seualors would consider them as instructions? lie viewed the resolu tion, for all these reasonlas not bind ing. Upon (he Senators from N. Carol i ' (iu. What Would be the effect if he ver jo obey ' these . resolution? A gteit questio of civil liberty and pop ular right is1 in-e4ved in, the matter. If we surrendered oureeaU ttttdec a ny thing less than mandatory instruc tions, we should depart from the prin ciple of instructions.' ' It would be , placing a sword in the hands id our ' political adversaries,; and enable thevui to'drive ua from bur seats, and fefuse, afterwards, -to recognise tht tight of instruction. At a great erisia like this, ' it becomes public men tio( fo falter nor . to halu -.j If i the -legislature,' had in - structed vhim he would bow to their in- instruction, r He Trttived that tfcr reso . -lutious be read and laid un tlie tableL ' . ." , i Mr, Strange made somelreinarki on . the subject, , as tlie most reapec'ful tiode he could adopt of explaining to hit constituents the cburse which he should pursue. From his political op ponents, kw was aware that he had no favor to aipect, nor 'even justice, and even hie - political friends 'woU.d d!t&r in opinion ae to the duty now required of bim. , Noiliiog coo Id induce bim to obey a command which would Impeach llie party with which he bad acted and ' 'with which a Wisiority of ibe 8enate had aetad. v'Sf.M aboukl ha piood, to lie .s test .hour of bis $s Istauce, of bis psrlicipation in l he deed con ' deinned bv tfinse resolutions . The deed wss ..,done..at the eoniuiand of th J Stales of this U- i nion. hbs'feuia of North, "Carolina, lUKoligh i Jisr ueuerai Aseeauiy tuii intanm .weir oene lors to expunge front llie 'Journals a certain res 4lutiou eoudemniogX an . act of Iba President " T and that"iHrwa feOJsiued crow in fullTorce, and onrepealad. ,j If ha could consider the reapju- lions now before hiin as aa instruction, he would . sjahasitstittgty resign his seat, at the and of this eeswoo. But, as they were not instructions, he , ,. did not feet rMTuired. cowardly to abandon bis , sl. and Uavaii ta b filled by bia political ad - easaariaav . .;.,... , 2:'. Tberatlar WriUen by bim and his eolleagna to fh "LeRihlature for' on : explanation of the 'meaning of. the resolutions was written In food ' faith, wboatar night questioa it; and tlie reply ' , 4l the Legtalatura left bin at liberty to eonsid . er tba -fasoluiimis as a nare . expresaion af the opinion af individuals, bat, at tha next aeeston f Iba Legislature of North Carolina,' it was) : his Intention to give them att opportunity to decide Whether to be represenUd by a federal. . 1st or a democrat. ,t ;..;. n , Mr. CUy of KyV eaid, as tha Legislature of Ti North Carolina bad iw, representative bare, on ..this sobject, and as he sulsmld ed each and nllof Iheir resolutions, ha W0Uio"ayatew, 'words lha subject. Ti'i-'!','''''; .'. n r't -f-- la the 6rt place, be wu eotry lb hAr tha 'Rantlemaiif Mr. Strange) say that be expected injustice from bia political adversaries; and be -was also sorry to bear the other Senator any thai tha resolutions were disrespectful to tbia Lody. If they" wore eoucbsd in eonlemptuoua , and disreapacifttl buiguage, tba rules of the Sen . e would prevent any Senslor from presenting them. -, - , . ' .-. ..' j air. Uaowa said JsS mads a diaticetion be- Mr. l,t eoonmr'a, a qmmfmcmu ppcr eoulJ not b prtMented from ny (jutier, but th Uasuacs of lu rcautulioDiwaanot of lhlelr- lUjrXbT fofcipii ni 'ike apuafifttct M u act cI Mrvility; and, tt bad U w ODiniun vtflch h Bad eftad declared, that it waa an act derogitnry W ihe' dignity an -Jde)anM datirt ef ihia bodn Ta th ddetrlnef intwoe. tiont ha. re ;qolifid aaaMit, acoordint lo 1 tfcy old aenliiueitU or 1 733. w n rmwocraa lh duty of th rr prwntaii'e to teHtct lha well known aud ruined. will of ti eonuilunu a a mirror. ,)Vu ibeta na word in the Eoglih tanguage that eoulJ taonvey lha apioion or wuhe of the conlituenta but the Ward inttntctV It wa reopfeiful to the party initlrueted to omit the word. To bia tnau Chtrlei bDvr gave ail inirali .order.,. . V toll him (hat ba' woulJ """J "uch obliged to hiia to do xi aud if, and Ctmrloa -did .it," with at much alacrity at lie would,' were be 10 eay, Cbtrlea, yetf Ira hereliy imtructtd, lo do 'so and so. . He wa very sorry that Uie Senator from Norib Caroli na rould not find it in .their hearts lo yield oba dienee to llie wUIiea of o Att and tinportant end reaprrtstla a State a North Croliuer-e Slste thiil seldom spoke her sentiments In this solemn form, end never, vicepl upon ery im port nt occasions. Mr. CUy adverted to that wart of the resolutions relative to lb great sub ject of the public hinds, and expressed his pleas ure thet llie State bad mjsde known her wuties. before the- wild and tliisijliievous project, befera lha Senate, bsd passed.' sir. STBAifeesaid be was not in the habit of looking- to llie Senate from Kentucky of late for advice, lie mttaV act on hietuwn judge ment in interpreting the UnigHaJ of the Leg islature vf North Carolina, lie ihdnot stand in the same relation to the tKople of North Carulina that the Senator's man Chariei did to Itim: " -Utrwwr-riei-'Hieir iaver-4teTOrl ne- Amhly .of NortU Carolina hJ vl'teu made a Uillcrrviice beta ecu a icsoluuon . Of request, and a resolution of 'mat ruction.' ' As to the pub- bo l-aiuls, he had cunie to the conclusion that the sentiment of North Carolina was against the, (iraditattun Dill, aim he ahpiild oppose it. At the lal session, he ioted fur the bill, 'aunpo. ing it io be acceptable to the .people of bia' stale. , ,,, . i ,. ' , Mr. Bnowir'disoutcd the jurisdiction of the Senator tiuin tenvueky in this case. Holding as that gentleman dkU UocltineS of a higher tutm Hum llie k-rieral black cockaUe iloc trines, and scoiiling'as he bfteff hatt.he ex pressions of popular; will, It did hot become iiim to lecture Tlie Seiiatorf' filihT Nnrth" Car-, olina an this subject . The Stalcai It was well known, hud iustrucled their". Senators to 3S puuft tha censure of the 1'resuteiit; and they did It openly aud boldly, aud not a mean, shuffling pre varjcalio iot 'by ajfraud on the right of instruction. The Senator had put iTie ce of his man Charles. He would put sn other. Suppose a slave tlietild three times esk s'liwor fruni his tnalcr;would he think it prop er to apply a fourth timer 'riie Senator, as roiiioi- said, was ubouV to apply the fourth time to llie people for tlie rrekulency.--His con slituenu would ba eacceding'y obliged for ad vice from a gentleman who had coalesced with Abolitionists, and fastened upon the South the Tariff S) stem. He protested against the right f the Senator. .: , Mr." Clay, of Kr.i'iuid he was very sorry to be the means of putting the ins instructions as a 'mean .shutllinr prevarication," and a right of instruction. " ft aud upon the Mr, Bh6wn said, I did not allude to my instructions in that manner. Mr- CUy The gentleman certainly used the expressions, and applied them to" the resolutions presented by him, or they would have hod no appltcatoin at all. He ilaimed no jurisdiction over il.u gentleman, ar..l, if lie bad, hu would be reluctant to exercise it upon such subjects. If the gentlemen had content ed themselves with simply presenting thvir resolution without commeptinjj upon tlie course of their political oppo nents, he should not have interposed a word. Tlie ISejtator ouglttllQrecculv lect also that lie, was not subject to the jurisdiction of the government but he had undertaken to pass judgment upon some of his acts- If he had contributed to lie eatablishmenrof thrf-Tariff, a the gentleman. supposed, he ought tu re cttUec, that h als. contiibuted to the eooiproinise- i He did not intend to. int tercede betvveeu the Senators and their constituents but when they attempted to cavil at the fight of instructions, and put if upon a single word, and thus im pugn the old doctrine of instruction as understood bf the republicans' of the old school, -he thought he was justified in stepping; forward in defence of that. doctrine. ' , f tiRADU ATION HILs-T This bill was taken vUp, anl Mr.' Webstkh spoke iftfavor of the poit ponetnent of the ftieasure. " ' ;, , , - The motion of Mr.' Ruts to postpone, (Ti'finheiywarloM,- wxrjzzzz.z, . . Miv Mohmib offered a substiiute for the bill, eenling all the-rrfuied laTtds to "(Tie? taTerrTiere irf they tijepand fpoke it, length on the' subject. After which the 'Senate ailjournexl. f;;.-;v U a uJt .11 oqat.pr UBP.kRaJt8TlTJEt Mr. lUatiKD asked, if it was the in tention nf the guntletnart "; from ''New Ytirk.f McCambbelrko) to abandon the Resolutions for the appointment of Select Committee on the, Swartwoaf defalcation. , If the House had any de sire to go into the matter, there Should be-no delay. ; .) f Mr. CAMBHELfeMo laid it , was the opponents of i tht 'adtniniflratioii whtj made all the delay,- by speaking." He had aid but & word or t woon.it . ; v RESOLUTIONS' I eTho llouse was:; calU4 lor' Ilesolu. lions, , A vaat number were presented. . Mr. Wise oBVred a resolution. calW trig far- fnforrriation .as tq certain charv-J ges preierred uy Mr. IIoktbr against Com,- Elliot. j'Mtsf J pmeyr.-.vt. ' M r. IVilham. of "N. CM ofTered a resolutions condemning the.jwaa.tsT if. public time.by Congress.ln tong speech eiinted of ojftri(;.' v-t Most r 4he resolutions ofleretl rela ted to catli lor information; .No "other bunneaa wa transacted-si--' 1 ba Senate oa Toesitsf.wsa pilnsipslly ea apttd kb the Land EJ!, Mr. Morrv's B " . 'V'i,.t ( fjCflllCOJaU 31 UlH,lMitll.,ULU VXMIXVIJI rl HHtiXUJl"'' . 1 ' ei I ihrArom ftAinl I ..... n . A In nr.,,I..H I . " I , " r - ......... aseaHlmcaia was reieoKd., Mr. Southard nadef aa able speb arsmH lha bilC The Seoata ad- Joaraed wtiboat eoeuing la a (aej oe. la IM u oase Of nevrewaiaoves, aa iriim lb dabatjMtJbe 8miajL.delcatloeijas amRhiMd Me. HorToisa oeliserad aa. eloquent ipesabrTMa dmime waa riHJ,- tVt lb. Wa-M WarfaesaW. the -bat tor rba grartuktioa and rolustioa of Ibe prisa of the pab, lw isiMis a oroxretf vo ve cagrosscq wj 1 T li M ' 1'ba Ueaia of Reiweieatstieee aoatiaaed the debate on llie resolution to rait a seleet eoroak- 1eU i IbquirabHo Swartaont'ldetaleatioas. i la Ibe Senate, aa' Thursdv. 17tb jaaaarr, the bill o rrsdusle aad refuse tha nriee oflhe neb. IraleiHls, paued us third reaOieg .0 Messrs Calhoun. I'restoo. Kieees,, Roane, Krowa and Stranger are glad to ftnd( were a raeakiheea aha Med aesinat the bill.. -3 bc 4bate,1d lha Ttqusa o( Kenresenlslires, en lha preposition to sppoiirt a select committee 4 iavestigaiioaialo the defklcslions nl ublivl fieers, by lt sale allba llouie, sir briiiphl lj a alasei iKe retoittlioa vaa lntMed, and lb eamwiitae ehasimj ,Tba peeple will hiquire wbg this highly importiot ntrasura was a long SU oiitituately rentsJ by , tua aaniHiisirauon .,VVe are Clad to learn that a majority of the committee are ia tovoe of a "sesi ciiing opera- on." . !,. . ex; i T II K TAU. HALEIGU) JAN. 23, 1839. 111 III.,,,. ll IP' , ...Si, ! 53" We present lo our readers. In to-dsja Star, an ii.tsrettiiig andsble dereoee, of tlwai iruetioa rtsolutions, Wbisb aanaol'laii to caw aiaftd the serious attentioa of every reader. lu fsnls, which era dwai froeaiBenlary av denee, are fairly and aeeuiately sUled, its srgu uients are sound, elea-, eoa iueihgt aad his the more eutillcd to the calm aud i!iiiaiatoia( son iJjraliou of the boncat and pau-iotia of ell par ties, as it is the urodaetioa af one ol Kot tU uu alias's most sifted and virtuous sorrv' bo bas kept aloof Irom party strife and contention, anu satmoi, theialura, a at all shiltod fcw le trieki and artiSees resorted to by unprincipled psiruV taus. . But the souimusieslion speak, tor itself, and wd aalt apotsaU togiiait a earejul pei ussf. Let the sincere enquirer afief truth, jeepecially, divest hiiuselfol all prejmlisa, read, poodcr, sud ilaeiile agreeably to the dietate of aonseiease. As it is our Uesiiato give a wide eireu- Taiion I id Ibil iri vtrmlive article, e sliStl pukhib a aussber ol extra eopies, sad .aill send tlie ta tha friends of truth and reform m any sestloa of the Slate, at one duller per hundred, We perceive -tlrat th Adwitiiilration patty are endoavoiinir to tarn to their udranlage tlie votes of tlie Whiirs ori the various amead. menu which were prdpcftieTl to Mr. Itayncr 'a Resolutions in each branch of tho' Genittal Assombly: 'l'hi we predwtcd, knowing full well Ure diapoaiuoit of tVpaWy to use every sublerruee misrepresentation or sophistry w hicti could be of benefit to thfir eauae. Uut what are the fact of the caaeT Tlie Whin had prepared theseresolatioiis -they express ed their principle oa the asattara-which had been submitted to the people during the late canvass they were plain unequivocal and The Whiirs knew very well that ) ii the gonoral understanding lo rcjeot all amend menu which might come from A parly. Moat of those which weie submitted, expressed old, well-aptlled tti. oma, that no schoolboy, who had mastered his primmer, would think of denying. Tliey were as aelf-cvidorit as that two and two make four: and some of them were as foreign from . i . i . r .1 ' 1 .. , : . I i ino nuojec 01 mib tesuiMiiyua aa wuum nave been an amendment declaring that the suit is a stationary . body. The Whigs did not vole against the, propositions because they were eppotcd to iherruThpy jcjcctcd thonj on die ground that they were Introduced lo snibar raas MttV bum Itesoiulione It was mention ed several timea by the Whigo partieularly by Gnn. Uockibv that if the propoeltioua of the administration party, which contained -political maxims which no man in this coun try bad ever denied, were introduced lu aop aiateaaddisttnctreaolutiouatliey wutdd'rote for thaea wiliingly, ; ? : .if- f . fi TTier'e la one cireumstanee which proves that the amcndmeiils were introduced fer no other purpose than to embarrass and- encum ber the reaolutiana of tlia VVbigs. It was this. The 8th reaolution, declares in aub atattce, that our Seoatora would represent the wishes of a malnritv of tfie nfeonla of Norkh Cattdlni, by.TP.tin5 .tocarTjfout'ii forepoieg lutiosurua 1 nri vr us on nivvau vooieso mis resolution, by . adding the words omf tKey art instructed to do ." J5ul did any one sup pose thnt the Van Jturen party woutd have voted fur the resolutions, after the adoption o( such au arnondjnatit aa thielk. Joud they have been tipccr in voting to instruct our Sen ators to carry out measures which they could not Sanutioti tliemaclvcat This want of sin cerity- was tested, for Gen Dockery Tif We are bf mistaken,) suid be Was 'perfectly wil- ling to-vototor tha amend man vind dasirfed to know ef uen. YVileon if As would vote for the resolutions should Ai proposition pass; - J t I- ! -l:--i. A-,' wr. ana tie repuou in iiie.iutgauvu.,, e repeui again, the Whigs did.not vote a jaiubt tlio'a bueiutaieifW cajiae IhW wrio bpiioscd to the prinoipltBS contained ia theiii. MoeH If not all of them, would have ntet their support had thev been introduced separate! v Dirticolar. ly ijipao against aholltiontl'ie tattfnn? ?a favcr of that d!triae' so 'often preachoJ but eitlont : pracusod, lliat no more levettiie skpold .be collected than is neeessaay to ear ly on the operation of the governments - 1 be attempt, lentarepreaent tlie, votes i UIO VV UlgS OH HV occasion Wlll. fdU.r sou people. will appreciate hcif . motive a(4 P prove it s-a i .tiwwfJ fa,.il;i.-.,it'i.t,.iin 5 i,... i-lit if ' f -i ' Grand Lodge f tfMthrotthaX&t.'lU minudi vomilllllltuamJlPj,. Jills ,iliuili; Uody, held during the last month in this t'jty, the" following ofCcert' were elncted" for tlipeewpsrrn1ij W.'Hton., Uraad Master; W jtxtJCV YV. . tliinBRr, lir. Son Warden; Punca. G. McUac, pr. Jum W. C. Wv H. HurcHixoii, GrJ'TreasurerJ'iWtL. . . . n a ' , . ; . .. ? : 1 ,, . , ,i . .a , 1 M f 1 R A IGH & hCOI .UM B I AR Afjf' B OA D.' t The haul) broke ground att tbi road, in the aaa-th-wsstaarns af ibi city, en Wsdnesdsj last; but when and where they win bait, w or not advised. II is, nowever. not easitrned to pustl the Work Very fsr st present -"this being Intend ej only a a beginning.. ". A nreathing tfirtl will no doubt be given. liut lha frissids of tba-en-terpris are esnguio of illiit nccSw..e.' 1 'is fciut' 'a,:"', ' -J .-i. " ;''!' " "" U-4-i-t-Mil. eAUIOON.-fbr Rlsbmovir Wb oi"Wi bsv received aeeoriAl from V'sb biglorl tinfirmstory ol tb rumored 'dlltitlifw. linsj .of Mr. Cslhoua iK tha Arlminrrlrtinn." The' whole pack snsy b expected aooa to open poa blvaagaia ia lull try. -"' t Tb ralrawiat the, result o the, eleetio for City OKeera a Mody last: ifi'-3VU! '. lKTsrr Tbomas Cabbs-v." : ' T JlltidiBl ryrdtaaTW J lay ei, JseieiUls'aa tovligtHm--f tbar4panMHsa Litehford and Jno. O, Marshall, m 1 Gloed against bim; and.Wt.k the f lesideot, and. CoaaiiMoias.' atem Jrarajao. i, nwonerojiori !?wll-'wiw""t ifJOrtew 4 the pore and antorr.fied f.lBWi.. ij,,w tMt'A ,sv ,yi( aoiSi.vHi.aa j J T now ilo wouuAg. na cans epoei ue -t- ---l-Jt-- - " J rvumry to drop every Winer question, arid en- rti,-! V 8i STRAIGHT 1 i a? ' 'le eontesl-Vvhfbbt hi to decide whether y. ceivlt'helr. MaU.'fe 'M. PuVhhall VMXf? v .'-.tl uaisliall (ako tha earliest omMirtuuity 19 lay, tie Messrs: BROw.f ' -These eenllemea have strnrliana and Laid ill (IB befutO ' aeiuio ua uou i lb United Stele. Mn Baowa. oa ureaeaiinr litem, said ' be did wot feai biirwelf bound to o bey tbem, but oar 1ho,onUary, he rather b-IlT bouud to disobey them, liocausa ue believe them to be a eu denial, of the.doctrinr of (u. struction.- Mr, BtbibuI said "be would obey, so fares be could, coniertily and conw ieu...i Uqusly; but theftt er saiuc .Hg,s sua. in lbs resolutions, ? which the lertnrrs emnryiK o'eta -could not compel htm bim to Jo. He f -pccti-J1 not to reeTrJslieofrtrrt ki opponefta on this aubjeet, anil aeareely Ihaf from some uf lilfriend.;,Th! ' . fwflecitori ppoa ihe Whig Vrty, aJdt-d tb ah?nsul li 1ie legisla ture of North Cao!iua; nojTwssU uermfllttl lo pas without : jW. and evcro aniiimdvriian,.i Mr. Ci.Ar, ot liy, arose aiuminateiv, anu ra marked, that a Urn North Carolina Kosoluli m met bis hearty concurrence, a Vorth Carolina was enipresntd fn th Senaie; and as MrV Strange had reflected ufoiV the Whig pany. iV boped to be permitted 'to Indulge in a fow re marka. i lie lhen jsumiiied upjhe taatler of coih troversy. discLuuiiiig anjl intention of intsrrupl ing the relaiiorts betwaan lha parliosv . We take the follovning -poiated aentencei from bis ro BMrksV j :4T"-.t f a,,t;,1 .if u. ' r11 And what VfW doctrine bf fiittraetlguf aa if is held by alll. Js it , not atsut we are to cunt, form to tb wishes of our constituent! Ik not "t-ltitt-ware to aet, wot'i-)trrw4irtU'l gated aharaetort And svttl sny wbfc stand here, pretand that whenovsr they know the wiahoaor. will of ihoea who rrt them here, they era not bound .fo couform to that Wilt entirely! ts it not the doctrlrte that sro are nothing more then the mirror to reflect tbo will of tboe who c!li;d us to our dignified office! That is the view which I Uk bf the doctriu of InaUuiilioiis, , , " And now I ask, is any peculiar .language necesssry other than that by - which the wiU of our constituents may be understood and carra-d outT i Is there but one word that will answer no other word but Iba iword iiittrutlf -X there ho other-language tantamount !to thall If. the Lsgislature simply express Lheit will, is llut uot equivalenl to the word instraci.? . Nsy.'nlors, i it not mora respecuul to those, receiving lha Ins struotions to avoid thsu to us th wold inHri tiontt Infinitely more so, & I am more redy to comply with Iba wishes ot any one, tf he speak iio-maon. a cautloou and poiil manner, tastt h made use of mandatory language pit. 1 y lo my niau (Jbsrles, please do q snd so, and be doc it instantly aud with mnob more pb-as-urethsnifl was mot peremptory,. Suppose I should eay,- Charjea, i instruct) yaeirba-Wueld tbirib rr very carton language but IM aay I would be obliged tu you tor mjf anoe or Wot he goes down arid bring them s quick a os- itble. 1 assure the Senator It is no purpose mine to treat them with! the" smallest disrepoct; oa the. contrary, I sympathise, wilb..!bent,.and regret extremely thst they . eannnt eonfornt to these resolutions, eoming from so respectable source .a tb Legislstur of North Carodnk,'' Who tndulged tft th lowest personal hu of Mr, Clay. 1 be latter gentleman remarked, that V he was exceedingly sorry be had been instru mental in ' throwing ; the-aanior Benetor from North Carolina into such a rage, and nothing, be said, was farther from his purpose." -. The disgraceful 'Bvaaner ia which these Sn. tor have acted in praaenting lhir inctruolidn la the ttenste, na BildeO, It poieibl, to the du plieity of ihelr shameful shufflingsnd prevarica tion.1 Mr. Strang, it serns, would almctt suf fer martyrdom' in the caus of 'th domocracy,' put be think of no other alternative but mr tyrdom , surely retigmttitn would be baiter. . , Oh no! ball never tbink af tbatlto He and hie tearmd eelleagtie have demon re tod very eencloaivtly; -wet hint, thst a eirtuch ing ar)d servile tubmiasjort to th Admlliiatrslion l, in , their judgment, far preferable to resign nation, even though that submission be in dili aoce.of a wronged and niiirsprsssntsd cunstiiu ancy. j AaMr. Clsy rsaasrksd, they areia ntd of sympathy;' land if Ibeir. 'friend eearcsly do them Rustic, their politteal opponent would bow-foaling heart by ceasing to remind them of their damning (in. But even that' praise- woriny vntue may notion exarMea towards theiu., .The'atern dicbUs of . juaticB, of dyty, imperativsy forbid1 it. Whalt. ,:ShJl public sontinei fuil todaoouno o-aipangel'Kbati lis sat !all' weUV when feenalori grosaly inauh tb? Legislatar of a sovereign State! And above all, shsll h be silent, when these Vry Bemrtor are at part and parcel of th 'goodV and chattels' bf 'a corrupt administration t Wb fVejtr in th ralik of ihnpaiU party, ieuielve siisra girding with a renroanl eklessns Uto known will of their atiluauU.-ilmulaUrig the mm of corrupt partisans to deeper innovation Upon the eonaMtutiun makidg a conimoa eause with that pack of government adherents wbo are sacking tb)TrsirJf; pro'scrll'ihg freemen aad swvllrrur ibefufl tide of Ereeutiv power! Shall we, thill Uie "Ststa Jb.alhbl3HT(cktenburg aad Ifalinit be silent af iuch a crisis, with, reaard to aucb ben-! aad., under such circluustsoaasf wTua Washinswn iGiobaiia bw unpodonce toouxv (batt k 1 b-deMi o- these-ftestjlorlans-, Mr. tirowB esaviajr Wr. my It I notour pur fioee to pltcd IInryCfnv1rl ertntVit wild Bed fcwwwrf; f Hewy Chy' -Jkme'-fa;- a-bmadji patiimal, an universal fama,' t Jt burp upojtih sto;uu moBipneuis, r yreef; it u wHtlen upon F Tlfiai'ifi .Ta. M WrAavfrvI lf. .MumJ JUiU.ir.lu In. tavLae.-K it.ssrsa I . . j. . I tlrat most taut senator, Mr. Bedford iirowti1 and cordial feeling. s iba mountsiosW Sooth Amarirss ondAib williaWsakttbV1ti dX..I4AMM)k; iiMigroen tu perpetual rfnemnfna w hi rounirynarn Ws repeat, -it lnut Mig piit'nVwa u place Henry Clay in contrast with ! Bedford Bfdwn; but We jutt sub'mlf It lafib-'defiliefsi judgment' orih l eop:pf; ih rjntteil laa. w I) el her Jledford lirown best eliorf ,wuld b anything osnesth,. Iba, briiliant - and fierr MitaUeolof Henry Clay.r i.s fasoi;.-; j t:MR.48WA fit the tenors House 6f TtejWcsenuii Swartiyout .th 5. V, Collector. n 'imu6rlaiit feci wa sUcitd. It we proved that Swatvotit 1 uuvara uwinnseu i ina ooarnar 01 toe j tea. , eswy, to raatoievrwirbewt Nt bands ecqairtd by , halsW fmrv 4834 to-' 1837-1 Ne Wid for the rHhTurtbrtfi8ne'.ftf 'liikmjfy'had beer. re. Quired duringlhst period! ; Forliamiajahiek ha ha (toltn tb government hasiut seouritv'' Itow-meny iBore public ofucer are jrmbexaung: Ins bub ia niAnav. trw ..-...J 1- r r- j ,. M,n-,tiiHn J, I thought there era affrsaHaasayi forif tha Secrets-? would omit to raguiw 4nd of tha eall lector of N Yerkt'i it not W tn prasum mat he would extend tuts highly -criminal in. dplgenl much further jo. lBsiciponsible offk cere) ; To wiit. axk Vaue! L KiclKilas Uiddle bss oHVpi-1 , to tosu (he Slate of Pconaj rrania fdOtyloD.'to repair the imblie works on the Jsmiata, wbicb efftT Oov.RitiierbM aeeept- RTWOOACAI-V.ntlvTeaHT; ui ,n iii.v.iiHntinn. pt inr I inir i irrnr aiaar- ,,i nin -i.,,,r, ,g rn .it ... Mn,.L ii.-.i..-. l , ves, ol ne. uruiralions ol rvat-thev w w ; ,-.v, MR. WISH Tula rreat cbainiiton ' of Bure. popular gee. arn mentis eausing dismay to the ranke of tha AdminUtratioax 11 ut every avenue that sn f- bk ,,,,, against him, even though babesap- - . ; . ,. . ' ' . . . i . . ipocu,.f a oiuoii pi ii,oiojii,ps imu9i i w T be seann'l siMieeh o'; Rme u.aanl t:ia eytn are gsilinz lo,il AdiaituilaMiun than the ft.'. .-l - r r 1 .1 isry ry ol the 1 i-suviriui aooesil oT- sliuiitftjj rue oully, mi m vauity xvucteil hv fh p"l. ji H itc .-. ft alt-si w '. li V'ti if KhMi iu ks oasi v ilouic nr llie jrSi!l,fiMiiy Tol.f ijill fmrV'jr; Ai'iiiiWl'isi'i'!!."1 H. 'flirt e'tfui.lfco.'.rioevr of went lud farrm-4 '' Hs-e', 'uh" ll. t'llM Siaiek II ,i k BinUlikt to (i'vohl h-ivitinnVtlie- goiisfijin (iii'l li'ti as-'i-ieJ oabjJlie fit'i-els'jr of it fir iiwai jm ino lae.rris'X ins ,r'm"i kieh vat ' ilitA wilHuit SultinntV lil atn M. I, I,,, rtfiv urn.,, rlv dri.ouiiceJ kl "au Intel' id.. ali;,.,ce:'Si;-;w" J J, "' t-1 km --.Sivvri.ijruciJifc,-wtsii.i'Wi i . Ho see I.. il a's , of OranViHrj baa been admitted to SofwiloV lpMrt-.prle.,r,''',"i J t r;rKtr n. -ncsB"r.K. orthis City; smj cat- lBU' Mo$ admitted to CouiUyCouit.praatie. xt4! ,"t, w. t ,TUa ta?iM 1Iabada.ra t1i'tlaWt tyt st instant, leoeivsil by the brig Doua-lassvBrr'v od Vesterdsv.eOMtains lbs F rench seeoamt of dia affair at Ten Crox.NlilTorinfMii rto impnrtaut pBrrietrhrr frwrrO-stntvWtrt pWtrtl ;fBb. Usheiri ' Ssnta 'Ann terbiieJ sev'ertil Ve' woundsl whli'-h 'it "wa suppoed Would prl tiWrul.7Tft;life mdrisi-ys4rtaiaa. rouuls. ' i Us rencb l roopWxIora tbasv Wi striven! mm their boats, eueoeeiled id oujctn the aim of. li expedition th disinantliug the f.wlilicatiom of Vera Crux Uiclilf tivusanopn 1miil Im the ditrorent batlerii-s and foris of Ssriti.iiio and Cnne.ptiori, wet spiked aid ran. dered U-le.L j'J'ba lo of the French iestotrd at H killed snd 68 w.mnJeJ. , Tbo l'riacel- Joinvjlle co npiaii'ltid llie Vanguard of ,4li It, larkiugeutumii .and distinguished hitnsa'f (u hi jiitrepiilfty. His arrival l ll4n th trie ship nf war Creole, I mentioned in the UUrii of tlie . Istiiiat. tf' the prs.pprtis zmcmiirins of lha FrsiH-h fli'et, nolhine: iurtliet is said, than tlist the jlockad of (lie .Mdllcau port warresttmsj. tAlE9i11?nrri$;6i3 AUt'Srss as ta. AiNSKAH. . l w ptmtlemnt tflhe JJut Cesj"tj I iJ.lfli,-v to detam y ou a momentvjwhilst t aicpresa my gTainuue lor ttienaitering lerms in wliitli you have been pleased tr approve mv cjinduct us yoirf prenlctitiii niTi,-er. Isvuili I were conscious ofltaviiig deserved such, uuuiialified gommPTlilaiiim pprrciaie it howevr( b a tu ; unmerited testimonial of ihe purity of aiy motives of arlion, and my "uiiTrigncd di-sirel do-rtfiht. The et-enes through wtiieh Vfe- b passed have len often fJT iri. excltitilr charo terj but I have. ba gratified to observe than, here lis been tio interruption of the kindsat t personal relation between individual member! anyu wiiii tne uimosi pirsura i ueciare, Aiiai t havo never beau oiiUu4 with any" delibera- rW'ftito,ea ' Though this occasion lis' been impatiently expected as tha moment which, was to relirv us from publin,carea. end restore ue again to th object ef oar lfootion,' tlil heart muit be insensible to th lieal fealtng of bum an rutu're,' which t not in oine degree sstldeoed s by Ui melsncholy relcclion thst w prti: inriy of , no doubt, sroer . On this great ocean or Ills our courses lid In diflorent" directions, for a brief season w hv met hereto deliberate on the public weal . W now renew the voyage:' hdseh one rvspinee lt,wy ftohih be ha been for a, VUtf ?ivrtad. Whatever fortuh myai us I ttustaintUtmn,w wall recollect with plessure the socisl .intereouraa aa. hsv enjHyed here-that Mat acqUnUni:at'has1Jia)ij: eiionrled, iievr" fri'vd.h'p( jiv. lirK,fvigindt and our knowabtdg of th hhI ' and . inlellc 1 il .1 L .'. . . V IU. a' veil ae ma pnysios,-.roeaurae ol our, common country, aailsrgedj'-,! J ' ' , Wishing to you each anil , Ireslth, happL" ness, success in, ypulsrirtu btl0h, and S ru .M.(T o. fi..iif-- -L.i friends, I bid jrou a rcaiiBcifuJ. and iieciiontI 7 fr,-'?; r'r- n?" vJ'nm -M iwraj WUIIU ill. JWU(....lSIiilO Bllia I wrewam '-j. j. A on a use ei vtt.'Jotstaii Gentlemen 4h Seait1 o ( I i-anrvry thankful fer th--relnllfn vio bave beun soklad s Id adopt, expressi! of etU cer and I especially" lh,a"n jrouTyr"(tui"5 jjeitf bus iupport nd Indiilgajice a kindly" eaWlea to ma during tha svliole aessiiinv, .it 4a due 'lo u lbt I twuld y jsaad t any. it with prbl sno salialsclion, thst I li ur. in tlx course of my oxpariencewliBesseJ avr leuiaia. -tre oq ! wosaa-fnruor)a4aai M.ir osl"i markably dminf o shed for eood -erder. decorum and aduttesyi Differehce ef Irpltfiea' H en emone u. and some oft (win of aft bxCflme chsrsner, hut tlio difp-ii nci-a linvv' noj been pars, milled to Wad'to iraiSgresjoitpferule p( "'ii i" in.iuiu iitaeviiU'iovsiceur(luesiri ble at alj )im-a, aiiibspia u -amoaf members of the I,egiilatofW aksvrivldeil Stogetlr to promote j!ivumim:g64dbfihr IVHitl ml -t,lo f - - lt It fftdVe.f 'tttff 1 .fK.MI r.i,i..Vi-R.r :,i rr.f.'"i' IL i. ", ' ( "' ? '&VWtiWl lfvbi siJered neccary lo giv to the Stale a kwVIe- grs PWTiwiW tifWiwHtytvrt tnov 1 as rmlltU4dgtlAsU4aJro M tafef leeted much to tl.U dMsireable d.r j rWioo1s1firttIjf irJifW ot and advairtgjvi oTeaufatMti among all. elaetff,,S' e"! J ;.f7V:-. A. of tb iiainsr iTPi-pration. maika a ina.ml iii,Tltl"fl -f"'11 .... . n t in'f ;",'S portent ere in the history of our State, and Willi redound Id, ibdhnnur and credifof fliis General Aasfuablf o ton; as edticatloa ' shsll bo prixod amnnr tha hUs-in... U tt r I III tiftf rniin.T Mmnirltn't Vr Inter.1irtgt6 theHtaUi afrgi , 'Sk'lI'T; , i M JhraU roJ .ItUitovvajeiiU, fo .wlucb ilr vision is made br law.. Utwova FsvattavirUi snd lb Yadkin NVswia:MppiySrritl)ietiect ol Which pa reaaaaabla douWl, a txisndalfctd, will, by ita imntadiete tiefMita Irvitutary exsmple, be pmdeerivof fh r)f VldrnW d. Vantage to Ihd State of Xfrth Carol tnn." It rnf not faitjto (timulslolndustryelicriiii enferprisi;'1 ,. -4 - . .' , ' . v.,i vaiuabM IwaiHSMj, invigorate com-J merca, and (bad abroad the blearing ofufosrier. ity and rsnlawaBt wijWfbgyMploi.aWl tiU road will be tre wwrirrfinibd, than athsi will iriog np ltiw'0, ssxiHhasA.xkeialttoelli', eooifotta.a-id rruIlavwa.,a...,vl-siit n! tbSatr eow'nintatolhtitileturo with; the meat sgreealde ttensatiua nf sstlalaction,' anal rejoice in baviutr born a part aa humbl en 't k, true in rifrciinit sa.wiuch anlcipte4 i.ood. .Qf labor iq ether teeprot bave,by I IHjbxHfB dfeexxr laahe-sa Ksks. sT.llaa. ssw.sk4 vaaa. -a 1 . no mean; Urn ei .aa sjuuouorUnt . cbsrsctar. bat I should trespass unreasoaably ODyasrf Uma , toentet into detail.. ,i.V ,., ..... . In conslusion, genttemrn, ' permit ua to -r -, maiavthaWif by any act or .expression of mm) : at any tiros, I bva been so unforlunito'' as la . .. . be csuss tbo ilikhtcst osin in the bosom of n v memUr JAitJbiijyJ.jtJ iijitSmj'f V" , to tbem,o to iloclare that polhtng wssTJur- - ther fruiu toy , ustciitiou, and , tborefuns may l- v . rjot hope, that it wdj pa .'eadi'jf psrdonedA j Uiog sUiut aep-ate',. bap tq 'Meat -ae inort, yry racoiber uf jblsbodti widsluiumv sincere good will,,, p4 mijipaaa AlatMa;ti4 each, aud all .id ou, ou;)aucrilurit to y4 nuiMs,jnay.kunettce it)ojoyy an bappy t Vung wua, yuur iimmis anuj uwau tai;vAwrtMuTJ0'-.- du-rv undcr touiindtif UetuUk. Iklely marchcU twt the territory mi aue Oi'SfaM.'lt Shreveporf, LotM . sill Hi mV. if the-1 nhnTlt tnht; eTrttir . Y.rbfv.'e? objeef M tJflisarinJlT. Cad. W4iwiaus,AKw 1 d)afvernUnff Oen Rusv wra ,ppeuiU;d .'ivfc'u3r ; tWe'et ! rrtiKi " "t-- . . Goa.-icmdchh !1f uutI tfurfoWf. of ( CatyJinaJ ,a.(Wfii; appuiiulfd Secrrtary tifiSavyii jBiWrU:"! if.A Carolina, iisecrttry.;t lsrate4'KjN. - Johnson secretary, M vafai.u u. J Thb disatreclme Wwafde tlVw Cen1r.il Gnvernme'ht appears to, wivitl nr any tnroug.i we fjMJw? x- i'hf-citksv!t41,wia'laVitUwfd Imvu rllaiwl foV.'t bsr VVdefalji'ltt m . j:.1Vem tral Guverntncnt,app(tavJt uu iwjier-. 'lltsjrwy of Genl 3ata?i Anst if r"iii.iir c.o IHIlratltl iv'JirtsKJw iaj ,awt rn:'FT),nixnimnn "tin t1ileoriifty ; on the "t rn t.y: Vf iWsn f.sv,!Mr. belli Ward.Ti ila Wke jcaanlru rwnThfrsatnobil B turn, agtd U5, U Mm. i'aneyi Jordan, aed 40. -jd thi coouty liobsitoj bust.so, EU ftTZZ rysti iorrfad M WI-Orri-i:arp li(lehtt)ii I,oWmlat7oimiyi,JAlh? n lite 7ih Oeeemlier ls Mri Jolift WMtmdy 1e-isy'Awnw1-Mt.;ti3ii,n, .fttfiiieh!!,,. City; and &dU6hter Irf iohn i V'Vul't'.fy','1' - the aecounts iifMhtfT veftttj becori-fec!! iha itthlV Wmf.lhr?ToV ,iaiiurryMttySa.uasiuaww7twvk'r i Ugliaio.aMMisaraaliaa Myaw..v .... . - 1 jjreii loinieii oi wis ii !.!, s .. t i v la &allabttrv. anal a lAlAtul mnaas, atra, -hj aryr Hampton,' wktow 'W Wiruer Hsmploq, iftbsr - In Wkk eoenry V th f tk 1nst y N. than Ouriyfin the T7th ealtif M g.'H had been an xclnpliy and worth rjni;lr oQihe Hspti.1 Chub Ibout forty jesr. : - y Th'uhsiriber'h'tkii Ka-Stnra oitf.ay. elteville street, in this City, formorly occupied by Messrs. If: dt R. KjU where lie iV prepar ed .in imitMet a"!- 1 auw . " Coiitinlsilon nnl ThrwnrVItrtp buihes.J,j4Jountry''ProileeTi ttd fiooleta ryWleiertptrorf phteedlh1!!! Store for abler Will be fllspdire of either IT bbWiorf Mr Vlvai Bale, at th optinn"of the bWoer,1! pdite him erf that the greatest attention vlnrlt bd p4td to all bvMincaa entrusteiljtrt W car. W! -wt v , mm. alex:. J EA WRCNCC. Rif."v .' '-. wa t-i.it. mi-n rs 4b ft--, i ;i,.-i- . -w-.t.-r. a! ot : 5ai1,wkv,JV'i All -if ' ".,-'JlIPIi:S'Ai'rAYI.OK,,f No.f WAfr stu txtp : legtn-ifer1ld'Uoi't ii frtmta4 rreliNiiii j;mei slly; In Virginia arid Notth Car- T MsreiiBiiU t .".r-re Vnn. ehr ' enillrelV Brw VMSH iifeieuiadttN fb Me?a Spressly sj- pirdoft ibteiMilssyitradvf Kvesy rlvssrip-ion irrjIlioh.Ctll.'xAk.m vtauw od VV tv SI.A, to-ppbtp-feiilM auiipH vfvsortnw'fit af nnin aail QU;:is AKr: a4( S I 0NI.VV4UB . inslHiUly.:iMi1uMiT. ami will bolTei eil oaat gooil (tni(t',fii r C l " rtietMrcr.'.iii "tbt'ied.-aao-ai.-i'" "---- - w tb . . , .. M I"--' " Ciberrfl eri!rt flj' be gives when rerpih eij. ftwrt Bill fc e-relntly iiackvd b eii,,lrmed aala,,f!nlnaL lcp. nmmnilr ti,il-lo. ABlWibfoltf eiesiMsit, t bu trtniSKe f bis d leufadi, awl Jka. rsarrrsaid suatrawaurJi ;u bll ioj.-Virglina aad uciki llMwlii-osM. j a..H -..r I b A G.lf,l.D PItOIOSALl !Wlf( breived,,i.atH' thel!Hb rd lihiarvr foMh toptiy of Waiiotis, Bl Kaleislrf to a ih$.. isslnueut nf Keeruils, nl ih U. H. Aran? as sbuiaaa-t, theriii';i't.bc ii(siieA,wei tanstst-ai t of a (.saXMli r Uaooa, orM vl Krtililtwlciii.u. Stftd lrva.lior r kit nil .si ,ai M 4 ,M'"o'i.pl ,oa. i ppiinfli of CsaaleH kMarta 4',W., na'( vL Viiieset I qosrt pt i'ess, r Mlla'tJtJeV-WoTfitft. 'forf. tM,rx tl,i.iZ H'ZJ tJtillLJ'iy V"""'". 'aud 1 iioum..! of . i V " ' v on sun i in ivnehwne-'tiiwiitfed-- rloBr'ha-i I " V.". ; : . ..'.'" .laeairai- Jiii or rretn neer, two h. (a se'vcu I nrvr Jt be rslton f ilrsn esmnni be i.ru.iir. dUtfcmuf . si 1U of ii-.all t bkl ' wives. , Ktjm.iuri- ty .n roposan .milt (m oald thrpntbH -u -I. Wsiiita. au kisaa aisa.iiavii-aiiAsais.il . ..a a.' - F WOUTH CAUOII.1A. fV)aSaaT'h tie See duty certified id me Hist !''a,-u-u ll"Kl' sf-4-ui Ki.blh Congrestinaal JWOel, ho assoeialed theruaelveS toirelher aa I eaeh af have oe- eiow It, U,ala I'veaiilaiU. Kdraoi.,1 11 .-,. H.. rwolf dflHV Siarkl-I-Nftrrs) -troliiis, do. ia pursnsnee of Ibe A eTvif 4lV Geaetvd Aanbly e said Slste, iaased anbe seaiaHi of 18.36, ea-' bled VVa As tocnaourst Ihe wdtarasud tasa afatture of silk snd suae M ihia Siute ilrr'ara nd make' known tbst SBitr-eonipsny ilv ih- ' In. tmt.;, whxua,v,:i xS., I ' . 1 . ea.iied d.e area- b.-l ..i ... hi... J fvrti i hewu..ioRU,i, hmxas cBa 1 a. i '"" t tb jj'. .. . 9.V"r -:ul Jtsleirt, .feu t.,... .lay al "u:n Vanuary, in yi -vf uf One Lorl "' on ibniftUfid c Ililrir-nW. kn't ihrb. tf A.,.. rt" snd riiAn flute- nBJenee ifc i.iiie.v cutvAH-ia is. iuiJi ;.v. TV tn t.oveenoa. a si rr r , Wat, Hut, Secretory eAVofe, JkV I uji I atui:re elsou U. UHibes )nt j UliiiuOjjOft. aad A!boit.jp!,,iiiidi,'l5'is,- 1 - 1 -1; i x 4- - . ! . : - .y.,.,-. ....... . i s - - A; ..-