- V ' -' -''- rv r t ! J." ; " 'ftj a inciii.T nironTAKT cactiow, TO This fCIUIVCm , uufte. - lKXTTOB EVANS. lOO CtithiB Street, nil tb prrarnt opportunity ef tendering hit ; T mmmI unfeigned acknowledgement to lib . tnrrotb patron ( afli acted oitn ID renoo MM afdbeaae Irrfibnt. to humanity) who 1 haa. eoMMittcd tbcMwclvee to hb car, and be i the ovri.xi r kfwtir -ftw--r' Evi.. evidence, that he he wwnl or re. ad Jbrir reietive mabdic, aa far m 1 " with the (MM ef buMee naeeo. How 4rcaiimr to the afflncted b DYSPEPSIA er MtVtGEdTiaX ! MMoninr all lb aouw of MjMBMt, aad leading; in ukanjr Jnetaoeea to AUerie of hypocwidrmciau. oj wit ba Ibe M&jme Mary bjr moJical a-tibee. a remain inruivru ta ly. JantUec. Ifcarrkma. Cholera Bad CbcUc, a ae nerfurm i hirtiHr cwnepicicocje part affile drama of atarbul aHcctwne. Dn EVANS ha aw ataemrly" iccefua la the treat avc at afiWabova ctMiplwHU. by imU drawa Irom rrerarrnt of lu moot lauKU pay MM ill JUrane. . -- II has aba had rant eiperWuee and eaceee throughout lha bote haul? af delicate arc, aU of abash art bribe Meet part ajTjr- al by e rooted a Ibe couditotioa by lb COMtPfRACIE. of MKKCURUI, UVfi--DERERS, UNPRINCIPLED, UNaiDLCA- TED A NO U.N'PMACTICED in ar art, art thstvf attempting ta lead the credulou B ine Ncwl ier-un. Ur. Kraa'a of&ee 're KippHeJ with clioicett rewtedic tana finVig-a) market!, and cooipcmn- dcil an too utocf. eciciiiinc pnncipica. A ph)iioma b atway ia attendance, and all the orb cocac there w Ui boar of need fa mpttrjmrmf. t )V Erai' Medical Office, 100 Chat. - 1tefbwL.KeaT Vurk ... try mo he co.YCLUsirr. proofs m the eitraonlmery cmecy or-. ir.ti. MAX? arWbratrd V.UUOMILK and .irCMIE.r .tA'l'MILOUS rit.L in allavtatia afflicted aunkimt Mf. Kabart Camarua, !0i Uwrrv, IIum Ulirunic Uy ttrry, or Ulivkly Ftai. Symptanw: uauua1 flatulency ituhc Howtl arvar Jtripin, frrquenl inicati to to ataal, leacawv, baa of kppni r, twiiara, rum Kat. ftctuencjr d pulae, aitd a freijticnl d lirC'f a jicciiliaily fftid matter miicd witU bleed, great debility, tnc ' of buruiiif beat, with an intolerable bcarntf dowa of tba CM, Mr. . Caineiw ia enjityinf a prifccl i(tk and rctarna b aiacere laauka lur ibe sVawaUaary' bcacfit be bad rreeived A JWriCV CUKK OK ASTHMA, FIFTY FUU t KAKS al AMUINU. , Mate4 by tea traatawei et Ur. Wau Fraat. l'bia i W aertily Ibat I wa altaabad wik lb Aaibajaailba aiaib f ar U jay aga, ad (real UmI aaaiaaid Ibe araieal year, a aanied of Mty laaryaara, 1 hate acaa aubal te Ibat diaaata. FW tbe bat ia yaan, l.baae bad h alaaeat ia mil nty, at boinf eceaael Ireaj BMre tba - oaaiy-taar bear at aay aaetiaac. J badcea aabad iba aaaal abitlal abyaiabaa aad laiad amy raandba ailbaat aay ralieC la Jaa laat lam. jaeaacd aaiaf Ur. Wm. Btaaa g4abla aMi afaa. aet abb aM eiaeatatba af tffcotiag a aare, lar I balieaad My ears boa.aM aad My dwaola toaar, bat witb Iba beae of eUabdaf ana ary uliaf. Ilefare I bad mm taa aarbaaei I aaa oaurat rahaved, aad I bare aal beaa at aabad Mbial i-aa.,lv aaa.Jjev aay Ibat I aM aertaatly eared ml aba diaMaa, aad aaaAatatly -raauaaaod fi,ae.U aba Ma beaOiatad wab SARAS lARAi IIVJIONS Aagaa) ta, lilt trr.iSTO.HJ. TV REE DIXO. Mr. Robert Monroe, achaykill. afflicted witb Ike abate ditratia eaabdy. Symp tuaMi ftnral bajfour, latukacy, diaturbed rrat, acrvooa headache,, difficulty of brea. ibiar, tifHtaeea aad etricturc acreaa tbe breaat, diiljiMM, Mffaai irritability and realciaen, aewbl but lie 1a 4erioataf poaitMMi. wilbont tbe aewaatiew af impaodiqf auffocalion, pal. pttatioa af the heart, -Uatreaaiu cougii, cat. tireaeo. paia af tbe ateaucli. drawaineta, irrcat debility, aad deficiency af tba nervoua eartrfy. Mr. R. Moarae gave ap erery IDOught af raeorery, aad dire deapair" aat aa Ibe eaaatenanM of erety pcraaa intercated la hb eiiateaee or bappiaeaa, till by accidaat, he aetica! b) pub tie paper aaaae earea eflee tedbr UR. WH. E YAMS' MEUlCINEia hi eP0Vi wiwc Moueea um to aurci a DackjM of the Na, wbiab aaaa1 nea mc rdelelf rcnaorinr treay MMpaoM af hb dU aaa. H withe ta (ay to Motive forthb aWeiarMMM b. that tbuae afiieted with Ike mom or any yMptoM aiaular to thoaa fro . wbicU be b happily teetered. May lifcewbe receive tba mom betiaabb bcacfit. ffT UTEK COMPLAINT. VMM tEJMS. STAXDLMQHn. HANNAH -BROWNE, wife of Joeeph Browne, North alH WiUUmeburgh, afflicted the bat tea year wRh tbe Uvtr Caoipuiat, coMpietciy reatoreti to health through the WeatMeet af Dr. WM. F.VANS) Symptom! Habitual conatipatiba ef Ibe bowcU, tout betaf appetite, excrg. cbliog paia af the epigaaub rtfjon, great de. y iwaaba ml tpirab, fMprar, aad other rtmp. teas ef ertlWMe debility, diaturbed leep, raarjinate low al the Meaaev paiafia tbe ajght aide, could aat U aa her left aide with, wot aa aggravation) of tbe pain, anna high coburad, with atbef tyMpteeM, indicating ' great derange aat ia w funciiou uf tba Mra, Brewaa era attended by three ef the Km nbraicba. bat received but hub relief baa tbewoaadiciaa. till Mr, Browae procured - aaane ef Bw. Waa, Evana, invaluabb prepara. tbea which e(TectMny relieved her of Ibe a hara ditriig tytnptom, with othtti, which H at BPt a caaanuai im wmm. , JOSEPH BROWNE, tltrbaj Cetmlr ol Ncw-Vork,,. ieerph Browne, Williamabtirgh, Lanfta. , bad. baio ektr iwom. did depoaa and My , thai the facte m bet forth hi . the wkhiaeUto taeat, to which he ha aubacribed hb aaMe, Vejuet aad true, JOSEPif BROWNE, Hatband af tbe aaid liaaaab Browne. . gworn hcff mo. tbbtth day eJaaaary, 1837 FSTtJI riPiWaJMCT, Vm 01 Ucu. An traaroVnry Care, weewnaed by Dr. a. Evan, of 100 ChaWM atreet. S- Y. Mr. W. W. W.af KM tUarioge atreet. wa Mboriar ander a diaraae. wbasb wm by away whvaitiaa eeaaidcrcd bcarabb, and could - find no relief From airy aource wnaieaar, an ta! he Made appficata. to Ox. Krana, and x. pbeed tUMactf anoW hb Mcceaful aauta af IrealnMnt. fram arbjeh be began to fin inv mediata raKe(jud iat bw weak was per. ' fcctly cu4 , . . ' ' ' ' - !' RRRaaBMRRR ' ' ' 'h ' ; ' bm, J. E. Xobnaan. wife at 'Cap.' laaeph t JaMMTLynn, Maa, wseeaay aft wind nw - ft with T JMafaW i rf,AtkoeiK mm i-iaj , , J, and waurnr.aritfc WfUfig beat iatoeaavoich. and ri5e toa Jkx room. th tould ftad rev atbef frqea tbe jadviea al aavam whyenMana. mi wwaiaieBiaiaai of cay alneVtfiiil frer aba jui aaaaiiaeift aaiaf err. aaar wruonit -ivv aamniam aircec, ; aad froc that tiwa ah bewpMT ta amynd. and fatavaaibfiei if aha continue the Medicine a fear daya longcn, forill ha perfectly awrcd. . lu&araca aaa m iud u to lha; Vruib of tba above, by caulng at Mr. Jobawa't datigbtera. Sterr. 319 Ohm atrret. n. i , ; - FAtt ALYTIC HHEUMATTSM-A prfcet aawa reWfc a Iba liaatMaa of ' Dr. ' W. EVAN9.-wMr. Jeha Gibaaa, af North Fearth at.' WM'iaMibBfa, aRUaaod wUb M aaere alabrlor tbeM rara aad aba aaastbat d ehiah laaa M bad Mt, a ataliaaa. Hb ayaaateMa ware eaaraaialbg paia b aH bbiabta bM aapaablly b Ibe hip, abiMbbr bacoa aad aaklai, aa trrnmiM af be paiai leeard abi aad for Ibe Meat part all tow boa alereal heal, aa akrlMi tbajbeaiaC af tbe baaia bad laj. aiaaaia, vtih a aaaaalcie MM af Ma nan r. Fair the haacAi af ihaaa aflatad M a awaaer, Mr. CMaaa aaaitwaa It Meet to My thai ibe mum have eatiratr araaad. aad tbM b bbia ha-a aoMpbtaty laaaaered thaw natural We. aad bebrb abb la reaaaae hb ardi ry MR. A1XK F. EEKSfY. Na. IIS atreet. bat vara guana aad HaaaMwaM. eBed briaayeara ailktbe Mbib dialreMMC rjB- lixai: mm eraeiMMaa aaay aaaawaw r ia Ilk kad. lota ai annelba. aaluaalba af b n . liJ Iiainit mmd Jiu.Bra of aiabt. aaald aot lb aa her aide, dieierbed real, Mtar bability of aafa;bg m any Ikbg ibat deMaaiki tigor or oaorafa, toaactiaaea a tbiaaary idea of aa agsra faliaa af her eiaaaaa, a ohMMiaal arerawa io pariiaalarparaoaa aad place (roaadlcM appre bceane ot prrtaoal dainr aad poteny, aa irk waiaiii aad vrarierM M life, ditaaalaotad dia- ONjIada oa etary aligbl aecaaiee. baaitee aba aoald acMber die nor lite, ah aept bMe U.I. datoOMled. aad Ibaogbl ahe M4 a aua- araala laa, never wa any oa to nan. fllMI aM.il.1 kallaaiMOiiint- Mr Keaay k! tba wi'iea M atttral aMweal biaiabat, and bad reeoune ueaaMroa M MHM,bt aou. not obtain tca leMporaiy alle tiatma id bar dtetreatbf atn herba'aad aaraaadd bar M Make I rial al f T iaole of Iraal mmt. Ukm ia m aaita relietad. aad fiada ker- Jf aMtf aaUa at ailW( wber doiaea- im affair, bat intl lhal beBt bmlib al preaeal aha did at any period of her eiiatvaae. J. KF.1 NY.bathaad of iba aCtriMid Anne Kenny ore before BM.ibit Uih H. of IMaewber ItSt. PF.mi FIN'JKNF.Y, Coo., ol ueaea. ACENTS. Wm. M. Mtion, & Co. Rarigh 8, Hall, Neokarai J M Ka liauart, Tarboroot") M. I) Mecbcn, Waduucioai F. S. Martlu.ll, llalib bpotavoodk lt'bertoa, Pelerbury,t C Hall, Nortolki A. OatJ, lUabiaoad, li JUi-taa, WariHaftaa. U. C( Man inter fc Maabray, Hahii -V NOTICE. r al mt Laabdl hr THM. rill aa taM, al IbeCoart Hobm ia the towa Wabiortan; a lb itb day af Fabraary aeit, ibe Mlooaif prAnerry, for lb Uio daa ik.ra- a for Iba year 1 1 Jo aad Sr, ta ait tMwerr naraaa. v aitaatiaa. Aaaaaat af Us, - Mr. Ilalaa Taoo a wbi(toa, v fM o - VM 2a I, J da. If, 4 ta n?aMi;.ri ALLEN GUIS T. Sherif af Ueavlart aooniy . i. B. KalMy, ;ltaatar Fingb, Daa.' I, IMI II l lv Prieo A EDUCATION. The aubetriaer blend openwt;, near hi rtai- a, M uraag ounty, oa tilb Jaauary. Lit. under hi own aaperintcnibwa. Uuard and 'I'n- llba will aot aiaaed $36 per ariuoa of I ntoelk. rariMMtiar anentwa win e gitea ia Iba Morala af iboaa who May bo aovaraMied tabi aara: THO. W. MOLDKN. Pa. It, 1131. i If U FAKIILV F LOU It. Tbe ubaanber' Mill it ia Kilt e iteration, and a aoattaat aupply al Family Finer oill aa kept an band by tba barrel or load. Fcrauat irem iba. lana aba an witb la part Watt by Ibe bad, will eddrM bint at Hillabaro', N. C. THO. W. HOLDF.V. Daa. it, 1131. sf.tf CwaHeaUwaMMT Frail mmm Faa ey storey Ff.TEHSBUHG, T1BGLYU. E k A. BUUCE. have iatt raaaitad aaJ aAVr Car nle a lare aaaortmam ol Ueadt b ibeir Abe of bebca,Mag whwb are M Bag aotl tball alatoadt at do bard do do M Bag EngUb Walnut JO do Fdbart SS da Falmaai 100 Barrel Maa ark Cider 00 do New York Pippb 100 de ef Albany Ala 10 Caac of Pba Apple CbeaM -10 do Weal Indb Prcatrve . 19 .de Prtrved Ubgar 100 Uraej Fig ftkjO Sweat Havana Oraage 0 Bocae Leaaaaa S00 Boca bWaab Jiaiain lOOrttM Hcvana, Pibaipe, Ciuaamo Cad Cem- moa aegar 400 Uoc. Cordul, attoried fUlt do Kxeaeea, Pappaambi, Lemea aad Bergamoi 90 Koiet Lamoa Syrrup tOO Keg Lamoa, Butler and Water Creek era. A Froth imimeat ol fjaadie ef all kindt, ka. be. 7 Barrel Cranbenirt ' to Kaa M. Urane tS Bit. Cardial ' ' Si Catat L. 4yrap 1( CaM Cbraa 10 Catat Pruaee . ' TS Baabal liroand Pea Babg detonaiaed la keep a bll aaply of Good MHWugbmat Ike year, wa nave appointed Agent M Hew Torn, fhdnoeiphni k BaUiatera, waa wHI Mrnith aa wnh freab artbb by every Paakat. Wa will-beg Mwrebaot end otbertte eall-awd ecaMbe ear tModeaad Prbea, before ihry make any parabaaaa. Tae above Gaode will be faend M ear Stereo ae Beltbg Brook or oa Syaamore bi. E. A. BURGH Pebrtbarg, V. If w rJv-0vV HOTEL FOR 8 ALE. " . Bebf deal ran af removing to the Weal, tbe aeaearmer efer far aal the Valatablo Hole!. abd by ban. It b aiinalcd In Ibe City ef Baleiga, oa Ibe earner of Mnrgau atreet, and oath eaat at tna pamm tqaar. ae nance at large, and b amply provided with raomt aad fire piacwti ana ine waar aaaammonaiiaci are earn aanvenbat. Tb oontiguiiy wf tbit Hvl vo rba Canat, hi ample i aikiuiii, and tbe In. artmiiM which era aiem'tttim m Raleich. Lraadtr a daairable atead to thaw who aaay wmb to engage ka aah aa ewternrlte. I he bmel waa term ci lv awaad by Mr. Blatebbrd. If iba par. ahaeer omur a. beaaabave allth ttaakaad bw tare aa bead. bad aanpadbl peartaroe , - tiu. aiunrnio- Xaleigh, Sept. is. USA. . I u Mtr S FOB aUW. ' " v A iwaag Napto wwam wah akiMVa 4 h S, vcara atd( aad .Mre eaderly mt, with three, (rata aba year le twa. They will aat be Bold M pertont biandbg le rcmere tbcm fraealbb part af the eeuniry. .' , s , .... Require ef the Editor. Nor- Mib,lt3t - 49 tf ' - '. DH. W. W. MARSHALL'S OlwtRaemt for Sit BUM File. Tab mvaJaeble teawdy baa been.eeveral year befare the paaliita-vlrtea aad eScaey have bam weU taated, aad, b aaaMroai i iaaua ae. b the mm acgravatad forau f tbe dowate. la not a toliury aaM baa it baea baewa le nul la eaaatbga eare. Many aery raapeatable par bm have barn levtMMay to Ht Baaev, aaaoag whM b tbe Rev. WM. A. Mitb,ef the M. B. Cbarab,nad Edaor of tba Confervas JooraaJ, who, baM hb awn eiptriant. eeaadeally re MMra R M tbe paMb a "a , aensaa. aba, aaa awtin aatar.H It May be bad mt tbe Store of R. TUCKER, Agent, Ralrh,'if.C . BERNARD DUFUT Wnh abtarc aaaoaaaa ta hi biendt abd I pablie reae rally, ibat be baa opened at bb Store, Na. IB. FMrettewlllc Street. -Tba ricbeM and moat extaoaite aatonatent of goad Ibat bat ever been offered b ihit aiarket. wbiab he will tell at Wtw lUHb rH. - Tbe ataortatcnt. aonaMt b Dirt f Srat rale Mileneailent araooC Walabea, Aaanor, Erapwx, and Patent Lever baey gold mm Watehet, pbm KnrliM and twitt do., rieb aad babbaabb davallery m all a vanetae. ' .. & fiatuai uaaa. Silter Forkt. Snoootl Uultar Kaitct, Cream Pot, Cap, ha.. Rich Carton, Cake Baikctt, watler. oiaiea ana 4ananeo. umi Crea joat aad Hrittania ia teU or abgl pieoet raacy taexta. Manila Cleeka and Unui. Altrtl Lamps, Ladiet'aud Ceatlemrnt' Drettinc Boa. W ork do., Toittt boulrt. Vititia. Card Caaet. Chinete Cheu men and IkHainoa. Patent ateel rent ana Penail cite, ami a treat variety al olber macy goodi, liuat, rwtoit, Uanet ana waipt. Kf era' rtae tnuery. - nnrinr fina Htaora. Kaive and BtlMort, Cbinete aiee raaor. a new artitle, aac' all Ibe firu naker't prodoetioot. tbaaMaatnaa afltltfBM. V mliut. alarionetti, Flaeeo. Iell, Fluirt, OcUt do., Fife. Aeeordioot aai! Muti't lioxet. jCSaitar aad Violia Stringa. Pre- ecptor for all Ibe aboe. A rvaaral aatortroent of PerfaMery Inr Ladie' aad tieatlemeut' Toilet. Uteuiae Franab Co logne. The Snktariber bv'ne tbe pnbli ganarallv. ta aall aad eiaaune bb rare aalleatba.- Cloak aad IV tube al all deteription repaired ia bb aaauMoaMd tapenor ttyle. lioie aad ailver aaaaabetured ta arrier m ab a euaner at will give perbet mUafaatba. Higbeat prb givca for oM Gold and Silver. November, I Ui. Mlv TURNER V HUGHES' NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC, Far the year 'if our Lord IS 99, contain. lag autbe af Ibe Etlbiet, of lb government af N. Carolina, Bane ef heldbg tba Court. lie) af tbe Bauba tbair braaeb aad effieera, tbe Uaiveraiiy witb a Ibt ef ha arofer aad Ibe Book reeobii br a Stedeet, lataraal btprove- aseala, Rata ef pntut, ear State Houar, Member of fJongreM and of the Htat UgiHa. lure, Publb Warka, noveraaMat of United State, r arming Haimett tita undry aim io tbo Parmer, Intereuing aoibe of N. Carolina aaotabbg aa aatouat of the jprograanvaaettle aeal of ibe Stale, away eMeamg.-Mieedqte, Ata- Ata,. Jua-arbtcd en tee' paper, and Italy- aealt a desen, aad 10 eeett for t tbgle - copy a iba Naara uaaouaa noas btobk, waare an nrdar tball caaet prompt BUenlba. ivanaa nubiin. Nov. I , 44 If Moot Dcairablo. RESIDENCE FOB SALE. THE Rttidrat ef tbe Iti Judge Seaeell. near the Crlr ef hUleieh. u odared for tab. Tea pertea wbhme to eembiac the advantaae of City aad Country lib, aa equally detirabb loeatioa ia all ratpeatt, Ctrbapa aaaaot be found b the vieiaity of Ka igh Tb Dwelling Hoom b of two Mdrict, aoutbiing of eight large and eoevenieully aim. Mrueled room, lacro it vide naiiage belaa aad above attiri, equally dividing the boute, tbu readeriag each ream b Ibe wbwlt bourn tnlire ly privaia. The bnut b at preatat b a atal ol good rir. Upon the premimt are all eeeee tary eut houM well eoeeireeled aad motl ol them aaa: Whhb few ttept of lb Dwel ling Haete. are too aever tiling SPRINGS ol motl caatlleal water. Allaabed ta ibe aremiaet Ibere arc 33 aero el bad, 93 ef which only arc altered, the balaaee Umbered. To tail lha aon- venbnae el lha pnrtbatar. abbev Iba wbob or a . art ol the bad will be (old with the Dwelling Tbit property will be told icar at privatt ar auMb ati. If not told at privet ab be fare. the let ef January aeel, b will be public! eetd la the higbeat bidder at that Urn on tb. premitee. Paeaeeabu to be rendered en the lt et January. - Term of ml CASH, or Bond whh approv ed Kaurity, due on the let of January 1139, will, inter tt from that data, Wbere lb aaaual Micr oti tball be aromatly paid, and tbe bondi tbeulil aoalbue le be regarded a entirely mfc, perbapt lb principal might aot be demaaded for Mvcr al ywarv. Parana deairout ta pure km are rea- poetblly bvaxd ta examine iba prvmim. Ap ply la WM.SEAWELL. Kavvmber 94, I ISA. 30 if TO ? RINTEBIS. SEALED PHOPtMALS Mrdi be reebvedei he OAm ol lb Mcaraiary af State, until lb firai day af Feheary next, for Prbubg, fbtdbg and Miiabiarlhe Act aad Reaotutioa uaaacd the be) Section of lb litncrwl Attembly, iba Jaurnab ef tb pieaeedinga ef the two Houaa of lb Gen oral AmemMv, and lb pnbli prbtbf wbitb ahall be r quired In be dane by ruber or both btuaeaea M ine neat tiawevel Atmmaiy.- - - -Tb bw doe aot permit ibe Secretary ef Stat te pay br the ptrlnrmtata of tbete tervicet, 'Mil' tiue the followint rat of aoaineamtioa vmi lor pamlieg, folding aad Mitehiag the Aalt aad Retolutme el tba General Aiarmblv, lour dollar per printed octet ta page, for all the pa. Ci taitiatd hi a abgta aaaiarr, for prblbg, dbg aad at aching tbe Journal, tl tOcta.' fur each page contained m a abgle aumbar, aad for ell Pibliag wdared bt Ibe aext Geaeral Awn bly, on dollar end thy Mall br each primed actcvb pagcV pravulvd the bomber of aopiet, due nut exceed tw bunureot ana l( per cent, eo the eoct of the mr twa hundred, lor every addilbaet hundred topic that May he ordered. bWparala nranoaal mum be Made Mr each el lb Ibree ttnreie ef axrvbe rvuuirad te be per- formed, vie: tb prblbg et the Aat aad Itaaola- I Mac, b printing af lb Journal!, and Me print? iu far lb twa Hoeeca. Each irropotal Mint be eeaeetpeobd by t taeeimea page u be lied ia the Kiecutite Ofboe, of the paper, type aad bk, that will be a ted ia Ibe luritrnilit cl tbe work. - I ba pacaoa acaMraatbg wdl be required lo rice baad aad auffiabat acjiwab, M b aa af l,l)00 njt lb Inttufal execiHiacyol taoeantraat. vva. viaxAu owe. wi owe. RchVek. Jamvi 14 " "4" Tb Newborn opeeMtor will plea pub In 8 week, aad barward mianl to the Watae at tbe bewroiary of SUM. ..: - '' Diir.tiAtn MATir.E. A SPECIAL aaaaimg of lb btcalholdcrt a I Ibe Babigbaad Xwwa lUH Read Cempiiy wHI be held at tba Red RoadTfwa ia 4m City of aUccleb.cn fae ath da el rebruiry bcxi.m wnmn a paoaiaat atlenibnae b requeued either i oonr ay proxy. j Jj ordct of lb board at Dbwetor. ' ; T v , T. P. DEVEUEUI. , v r Fireiubni P. T. Baleigb J... 4, 1139; 3. tf ' - - L. notice; WILL be aaM at (be Co it Hoaar door ia neat, tba MUowbg waat f bad, or -o.l tbevwoa. eeU ef advartiamg b. ha-. He ol Aare. By wboM givee b, aaJUl bom bejeagag. llnboved, UM prapeny ot JamctUbeil IvM f 160 irt ti 171 870 lot AM tbe property of Joaapb Pattraon?JAdnnabg hMda-af Joba. FaUcraoa k Meara de lb properly of Uah FnUoa Levi Kber William Vrat Uanbl Hauler do do do do R AldaV Ualbted. adjommg tbe urry Ime.oa aieva M Won areea, oneinaiiy bv Henry Hurabam aad traaaterrcd bj 1.1m., a MMkkt aitd 't'avlor 53 3-4 f I.l.dd ibe nrooertv of Hartm CMoabvibaaameol Foat Old formerly Iba pioperty of UenjaiUM (Vlae - 04 U0 $rs mt too -0 l III suo I7 40 10 ISO a 83 191 W 10 1CW 30 113 KM 3 lot 100 WjO 90 130 IS 4f $77 111 170 900 130 194 63 30 9J4 90 , tt ' 475 430 99C 994 M 100 too 100 100 JetM Cos " do do do do lar Mary Cox, dea'd, Sylvaea Gardaer do do . Jotepb Holder . tioldiog Crottokil J t met Campbell A (John Carter F,libh Knight v Kobarl Iooag,jr. do do Uotbuu J. Young Uanbl Perry Robert Neat U. Fljnt lor Waa. PbiUpa Benjamin Flyat Richard William WeMMM-tmarMg -- -Tbona FlbcbuM, Sr. Mattliciv Wood , . Thomat Flioehum, Jr. Nathaniel C. Vaaee Hannah Haioea Levy Kvaa Urttoa Canadar. Cbatlet Cbetiy't Eatat rieuertck Warner Henry. Kelnar Cbriatiaa Supeiheer , Jaeob Bomgartea Edmund Headriait- Franaic Kate TboraitA. Slater JothuaCbadnick K. Land Elixabeth Pitt Ueubca Sbiejde Nicbolat Hendrwkt Joba Sbemore John Dodtoa William Mtler do do Michael Cos. Jr. iJacob Bab miaabeth Crank Wm. Sbelton fHt. tot Joba Harria' beira do do ao oo - Wm. Sbelioa' btiri Jamc(Laton, Jr. SherHTt Offlta, Stoke o. Dee 15, 1131 NEW NOVELS, dkc. J.at received and . for tale by TURNER k HUGHES", at die Xbrth Carolina Book Store, The Middy, or Seode from ab lib of Edward eler ' the aelbor Country Ethel Cl 8 volt. a Land Shark and Sea Guilt, by the aulkor of the Naval Sketch Book, , Home a Found, a tequel ta "Homeward Bound" ka. by Coaiicr, ! Tbe Slrtnger b Cbidt io U36-r, by C. T. Dow. Piealula or Captivity Captive, by M. D. Saiaftne, Duty tod loaliaatioo 1 toll, by Mtti L. E. Laar dou, . 'I ' Harry Auitia, f Vol. a Odditie of London Life, by Paul Pry author . of Little Pendleton, 8 vol. : How to obterre; Moral and Manner!, by Mitt H. Martineau, Burton or Iba Siege, by tb author of, South' wett, bt. Life of Hannah Moore, by'H. Tbaniptoa, Napoleon aad bb timet, by Caulineoart, Duke of Yieenia, Pebyo iu t volt., by Sim, Keyaton Cower or lb dyt of Kiag Jeba a Ka ma ace, 9 vol. Poetry ol Travelling, by Mr. Cilman, witb ad ditioaa! akctcbe by a bw frbmlt, t vol. Incident of Travel mi Greece, Turkey, Rattia and Poland, by George Stephen, author of Travel m Egypt, Arabia, ka. with a Map and Engravbg b f vola. Hbtory ef lha RevokMba b Tccaa, partbabrlv et the War et 133 and 34. logctner with the latcat Geographical, Topognphmd and Slaib, teal bmoubi ef the country by the Uev. C NewelL Alee a tplendid lot of Enftith and .famVa Annual tor 1139. Io which ibey weald aall ibe atualioa of the publb. 1 unit en m nuuiw, VALUABLE LfcHtb FOR SALE Mm. Tb uadertigned ufler for e, 'e ry valuable tract of I mm). Iviae five mdet wett nf JRabigu, enntiining about 500 - acre, the greater part bt w hirh I uncleared, .well timbered, well watered, aad a portion of it eoual m brtilily ta aay lathe eoonty. It baa on it a dnelliag and other build, mg, with tprmgt of eaaettewt water aonveaient. The ahuatmn b remarkably beallbr aad beauti ful, and would aaake a very deairabb retidence to any pcrcca wiabbg to locate Bear tbe Cuy. A further dctaripuoa b deemed anBecetiary, ai pertont detirbg to pu rebate will ao doubt Srat vbw tbe piemite.- A grewtbargab aMiy be hadf if early application be made. JANE WILLIAMS. Baleigb, Sept, 94. ItSI 40 tf DOCTOR WHI. 0. BILL Rttpect tally leader bb Probttional arrvicet te the mbabhanli of Bsleigh, and the adjacent country. He may be found at the retidence of na. w a, niu. on niiicuorw Ibe Apotltccary niore ef WM. A CO. aeept when profeiaioullly November ft, Il3t MK. WM. H1UU, on Killaborougb itrect, or at agtgeii. 49 IT p r. . Stale of North Carolina.! CvasiTvcg Coirsrr. Court of Equity Fall Ttrm, 1838. Jearph i. Baiter cf mt -s Ta L Peliiba to call Land, , . The Court. j It appearing to the talitfaetioa of lb Court, tbatlbtid Wdana.a ddandant m tbit mitre, aide beyond tbe limit ot iba Stale r It i there, fere erdered ibat publbatba be and for three atoaihi ia ibe Raluigb Star, br the defeadaat lo appear beJore ibe Coon af Equity Mho held tor tWo aawaiy of Curritwek, at the Court Hon a b Curriruik, aa the aixtb Mou4ty alter the leurth Meaday b March aext, thee aad there ta plead, aeeweror demur to the (aid pet it ion) etherwia the atme will be taken pro coaleito and beard ea parte at to him! "i-.V Vitneu,TuIly Bell, Clerk and Metier of mid court, at office ja Currituck, ih Tib day of Xo vembcr.lSSA . , - , T. BEl-L.C-k M. E. Tfadv. p jo, 3m tbor ol Nbk of the Woodf ka. 8 vole. I . . t Storiet, by Mary UuvelP4iUonl. I vol. J"" "!' ,m,lJr' nB Wil i.m Settoma, In hurvhiU or th two Bride., by L. 15. L, ?Jf "SP.!?' bl SW -! next - -gr"IIINg-J I i? Garmantoa, oa th eooad Moaday of February Wbere itaat. f Head water of Duakia fche4 ereck aajouuag Loarad Neat and others. albert SorrataoaDittrbt Shore Read do llcUtaoy ' do Vwlkw oe de . a do do WaugUtewa tan Holderlllatbavw Ureea. Fielilt, ror- Quakci Gapp Ditrit do da do do' Deep Bieor do do da Baibabara do Meailowt do 5orraoa do do . do do do de do da da do do " do do do do do do da do Mradoe .. do .do -do do do do do do do Ht-leat Creek de Ueep Rivet de Ubbmond do Waogfaiooa do Salem do Richmond do : Sabaa de do do Ualbabara do do do Yalkb do do de Deep River do do do ilo d do do Helen Creek do lliarea Heed du Heaver Itlaad Creek Show Creek Io d Quaker Gapp Diatriat mg Ufeek uo do do . do Suow Creek do do do do do de do dy , 8ALATHIEL STSVE, Sl.ciF. Prbe Adv. $ ijw State of North Carolina. Bkhtib County. Petition to tell Land. Wdlhm Sevena., Nalhab W .j..?yL JaaaVV- v -Rb-r ' Elith H Settorot, Elixt Furmtn, Jane Settomi, Hudril B Settoma, Fran Ophelia Settorot, children of Samuel Settomi, uea'd, ialantt ol tender yeara, and r Skinner and Skinner, grand children of Nathan Seuomn Debadaat. 1 - la thiteate, k appearing to lb mlitfaation of tbe curt, thai - 8kmaer and Skin ner, grand child rea ot Nathan Settoma, are ant retidenti of thic atatei k it Ibercfore ordered thai imblicaiioo be made ia iba Raleigh Star for iixweekt, lhal they be and appear before the' Judge ol our Mid court, to be held lor Bertie ceiialy, at the court bnuae ia Wiadaor, aa the 3d Monday in March eext and plead, antver or demur, or iudgment pro aOnleuo be eaier cd kgainrt them, and in cauM beard ax parte, and a tele ef land decreed. Aad it b ordered aeeordinglv. Ten, L. S. WEBB, C. k M. R. Wiadtor, Dec 10, 1431 f v Prb adv. S3 63 ? ED V CAT ION. Havbg procured at grant palai and expeate, a Lady Iron the well known aad highly approved Seminary .ot Mr. WUlard. at Troy, nTx, I beg bate te bform tbe publb that a Female School uill be opened al car fiance, annate ia Northampton county, N. C, IS mde weal el Murfreetboro', aomueaaing oa Ibe Sad Meaday of January aext. - - - - - la regard lo the qualifimtioa of the lattroct. rete, I deem it aeceuary only -to employ the identical language uted by Mrt. Willard bcraell m recommending her lo ary larorable aoatulerc "n: 'She b a Lady of mom exemplcry moral cbaraeier, and amiable ilitpotitiou, qualified to inttrurt in all the Knglith brenchea, Ficntb, Me ibk, Drawing and Paintbg." Termi prr Seation of Fia Montha. Board and Tuition in all Ike Eaglith - Breaehe "i The Hive with the addition of French Muiie, (a arparate thtre) Drawing and Pawiing (Uo.) 41 13 I The Pupili.will be charged from the time e entering the aahool lo tbe termination of Iba Set tiou, and no deduction will be made for abtenec unlet b can of tickneu, nd not in thai evrnt, wnleH each eat of tiekueia tball exceed two weekt b deration. At the number of Student it limlletl. Parent! andGutrduin whowevrgitto patronbe the ttbooli would do well to make immcdiat applwation, d by letter, lo my adilret at MargarelKville, Northampton county, N. C. JAS. II. WOOD. Nonbamptea C'ty, Dee. 6, 1131 31 till April I, 119. State of North Carolina. Cuhrituok County. Court of Equitj Fall Ttrm, 1838. Sally Oueal w Samuel Oneal, J and Alimoo), Itappearmgia the atlidcetita of the Court that Ibe ilefeudant b Ibe above eatc doe not re aid within lb limit of tbit Stale) It it there. fore ordered' that publicalba be marl In the Kt bieh Star lor Ibree Moatbt. ao: ifvmr the out Samuel Oneal to appear at lb next Term of the f . r c . l . i . . . . ,. . V"" rHy, io aw neiu ai in uourt miau In Cnarkuek un Ibe sillh momlay efter the fourth Monday in March next, then aad Ibere lo plead, aaawer or demur to. Ih Mid petition of Sally Oneal; etherwiae lb mm will be bkea pro con. bate and beard ea parte at lo him. Witacxa, Tally Bell, Clerk tad Matter of our Mid Court of Equity at eflee ie Curnrack, tba 7tb day of November, t!3. T. BELL, d k M. E, Priaa adv. 17 30 W la ATTENTION, GUARDS. Attend at the Capitol IfnuarC on the frit Saturday in Fabuary at 3 o'clock ? Mr Com pletely equipped according to your Bye, Law lor !. it, nH.tM r.i.- .: . ALKX,- CAMl'tJSLL, Sr'y. AMD EoiacopaJ $tool, Ravleigk, ' The Subikeriber kit iakea Ibe bnildiu.'i. longiagto the Eptatopat School, aad propo. to ooatMae ibe laMaotieo upon bib ewa rctDaa.' aibiUv. The next Setaion wdl waaaJT J. 14th, lt. i Pupil will be received attn per aeeeiou of five montb. which anm aaa. Ibe eepeeee al Board. Takioa. Waibtae. W lag Fael aad Light. . A caeh boy ha hit tm. rate bed, every boy at bit Srt entranae btan aa additional ecpeuM af from $10 to 115. a bait aad aeddnig. - - . ; . Tbe boardere' will roaatilate a part f tkt Subacnbcr't family, and lha Mlenlba and dhak pliae will be a parental a aaranauMaaee par it. They wdl be requwed le attend relnon aanL ac oa Suaday, and, whea aot olberwb direetai by Parenta and Goardbut, will aiaompany tat Heator ot. the Sebool to tba F.pnoopal Cburab. my seooiara win oe auMittcii oa tbe lollow. lag tevMit - t Rea.ling, Spellbg and Wrkmg f 18 fO Engtbb CrMamar, Arbbaaaiia, Cea- trVT with lb at of Glob, k. Algebra . . ' .KM Aaabot Language, k higher Math- emntie , . M al) Cam potent Amittania are engaged, end all ibt brancbt of Leammg tmuht la AaadeMba.an4 High Heboolt ol ibe Coonliy will be taught ker. Freaab, Spaaith, aad German, Will b tnUi ken doaircd by Parent, wilbout addhbnal ct. penie. Papili intending ta enter College mil bt direated b ibeir aourte of atody with etnaab refrreijee ta a apeedy preparation it'll aoatiaieat wiih thoroonhnet. , . r , Penoot bteKdiag to enter papil. aad datbwai al farther mfoimalioa, are requeued teaddreai tbe Subtcriber. . "' ' M. A. CUrtTW. Baleigb, De.(, list , t( if - LUMBER FOB SALE. Tbe Subscriber liu bow oa bmd.aibU U iUt, (late lllake't) 17 mile Eaat of Ualeir, liaJ.ug . fael ef eboiae Lumber, of every demriptbt, tawed oot of Lone Leaf Pine, the peculiar m. eenenee' of wbieli it too well knobl6 need aay'" purT. Pertont de tiring ta purehate iH pleam make applieaiioa to Mr. William Peek, llabwh, I or to lltmy lloctnu, al the Mill. The price at (li Mill will be $1 perhundrtdr but. H e Urge quantity be bought, evee IcMlka. that will be taken. .PETER FOSTP.R, Wak en.. May 81, SJ 29 tf COMMITTED, To the Jail of Hurtfordeowaty, nrgrn man, who onlln hit naaj JO, ami ) lie belong to Rea, jamin Bo)t, ol South Carolina, b wat purtliccrrl-by mid Boylcf a Mr. fiitchilti, who imrhmid him of John Skinner. Said aV- 1 ero it about U fret hbtb, af dark a .mplexion, anil My ne it nny-bv yrart ot arc. I'hc owner it requeued lo come forward, pre., property, pay charge, and take him away, orb will be dealt with a the bw direct. ' - . EI1W AltKI) K. JKGITTS. , Hertford ao., N. 0. Sept. 86, U37 ; 49 ' -rhi' .r.Snnulcrttv and t tltblTtbekSau W I liit valuable medicine, render tbe aouua uatlonoft tnnatby adverliaMnt onneettnrj. Numrrnua lealimooul of their vlue (lately rc eeived from gentleMe. of the higbeat reioectt. bility, in addilioe to tbobe aeompanyt,.g C box, may be leva en applwation lo any ol ibt ageatc Tbe pilli are put up in tuiierior ttyb, in tin hotel eoQttining 40 pilb, wilb full dire. tinna. Price 10 cent per box. To ageoti M north a Mra the term of comwittioa audd tcoca ar liberal. All omMuuleatlon will be proaab ly attended In, by THOMAS L. JUMP, Genl. Agent. (ry Office, Morgan St. Raleigh, tit door weal of the Pretbyterba Churh Ln Vnllce Femnle Seminary. Situated iu Hilda enuntv (enui-riitlaat, mile between the towa of Halifax fc Wirrenton. Tbe tubaeriber cana.rlnllw aniift.a hit fricadt bud the public generally, that 'lhe ibove bitlmtioa wi be open lor two reception nl puptli en mna. day the 7lh of Jiauary. The bttuulion will be Under tb r ol two Ladict Irom the none, who brior witb them the hiebrtt recommenda. tiont, Irom gentlemen of tba firat tlindiiig, tf thru- moral ana literary ettauuaeule. Tbanklul for the very liberal patronage hither to received, he flatter hliatelf lhal with all ad vantage in aornl of healthy location, ample ac eovamoilatien ot budding! and bMructioai of lb bigheet grade, tba achool wilt-.rMcatill higher h merit ami publb ettiinalioa The following braache wdl be uught In the a hove btlitulioni Reading, Wriiinr, Spelling, firamraar. bMenlary Geography, United Stalct Hwiory, and Ariihmrtic; Geology, Ancient aad Modem Hlalnry, Unitortal Gcrapby, Amcrf.. can Hbtory, Itlieiorick, Logw, Natural Philonv phy, Cooiitockti Aruott'i i'bytici, licoinurf. Algebra, Attrnnnmy, Moral' and Intellect Philoanphy, Phitiolngy, KUutenll ofaritnba, Chemidry, and llotany. ' i . - ; r or the above braiicbei per lettioa oi five month t, French per acicion of five mealb Ijilm do do. Muiie nt, the Piano Forte Muticon ihe Harp I '. Muttc n tbe I iuilar , 4 Ih-twiug and painting in water Inlor Mexsotiuting, wax Bower and Irakta. get her When taken tepanitely each Bocrd acue.blfua cJimua too ' ia no ii ttitia tot 1100 " ti 40W TlPPOtlS nrtOWNLOW. Halifax ao. N. V, IVc. 40,113. 1IA VIII OW1 UIW Merlie, " S MCEL A RHINGTON , Natlil' J. It. J. DANIKL. Kaleith. 5. l.vt.tAi; rlll-IAKU, Re. S. WF.M.r.lt, MASON L. WlGGI NsTJ'T S M ecklenibm g (mmy. Union Level, A ugutt J, lug. n Mr. E. P. Xach, I bar 861 vititrit the eily of Rich mend b June laat for lite purpow of percbetbg a Fbw fire my riaughirri alter catininn.g iba market and fiinHiig mine wnli which 1 wa pirated, da-, elined Mireliitihg. Ot my nay koine ciUrd yini, iu Peleriburg On examiualmi, bd yourt nl very tuierinr toil 10 any I bad im Iheretere t. termmed n piirrham one ot ine bake ot Stoilart, Wore. Her k Duubami and rcqnetto yon l'i teleet .one, altisb J for win led b lew d.tt. After a long and ba-.trblr A t ine plcacure In intornt yi, that it I an- .iuaitu. menl of the Aril wilor. - Many iienon of (bodi male and lemalc, who ar well qtfali& I judge, bate perfurlued on it and pronounce n to UO Ol a auucriwr UN-, Rwmcaa paw.,, - who beer it are delighted with Ihe wet b't tone, of the bttrumenl. 1 beg bavb ml ra epoetfully le recommend your Piano le all wm may wbh IB purcbat. ' .. Your, very retpeaUuIly A R DORTCHi Col. Dortcb, in firching the Piano cllau ed lo above, left tlie choice of the rnrne t tircly to myxelf. E P NASH. , Peterjabuiy, ttOARDIXG.- The aubtariber i prepared le eonmodiM eiclil or leu gcutleMon with board. ; A. J. LAWTtEXCE. lUlcigh, Jan. I, l39. 1 1 . - -k ' - . -v-- ; ' rw-- 'OMjft. " (;w..a, , . ...T. . .-n.aacepW.-.V.. . . .Mi, : ; :"?'' -vViV:.. :,f.. l..