'.7 Si W crriliou. or .asovl-tal th dul., r (nMii ...d that said eoB..iwef w tu in H uUi. .y refer former, period, ot a Ibem may eeem exped' ,nJ l"Pfr' The- VJttiMtte- plMiutfi J by "ow , constitute.. .lh; Mr. Wise mTv erice at R. Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr' Campbell, Mr.- Hannegaii, Mr. l'ark, M r. J7i"coiV Mr. Maun of N. V. auJ Mr. Clany. : , , r ' , " AT jruliigeet ami true, to -Ar in favor ofinligatioI : i nituteil -stocked, the committee wen t j wort, procee.le.l with Ha task until the 5.1 r March, 1837Y and on that el iiiade reports, at was.tu i.. e UeVn expected.. One report was nined by the mijority of six, the oth.-r " .. i . I I L I .. br the minority i wrcr, an.i r maue a hip-irate rewrtf in which Messrs Lin coin and Campbell did nut or could not unite, f-r wail" of th time to examine it in detail. If 1 am wrong in atoning thi reason fr not having his signature with, .nine, the gentleman Mr. ,L"tn .nlnl now. nreaent will correct the statement.. Mr. I." here nodded -as- sunt to its truth. This report at large, written and composed wholly by my-" L-lf, I t? leave to read it part a the Lest roinipeutury 1 now pan make upon ilii! ",,,,e,,Bv -Irceedincs of that -lt'jfjr ret . Sir, 1 c iulv1 sliuw you pll upon pile of no if, but these instances will serve uh specimens of the-manner in which yon, the SpealierrXtie PriSitiVroflKe' 'United States, the Heads of the Kaecu tite UcparttoSnta, your committee, and itixr whole parly, combined and torf ijiirnl to aiilld invcajigation.when" pro j) me.l in 183T. ' ' . " T ' ' Sir, not only did you and the Ad ministration pursue tiiis tonne upon the lomitiitlee to examine the condition of tlie various Executive D?partinenls, of which 1 was chairman, but, in like man ner, you played the same game on the I'nminittCrt nd .toward the committee nf which my friend unl co'leagiie (Mr, Garland) wa chairman. You repelled i -KPiiiy , ri'l used TCtetTHgarorics, pros- t rated and postponed rcsouitiaiisj ; en t ouiag d contumacy in tYitnessea, re sisted investigation in every form there toj. with tins diHerence ortly, that there t'ne usual throw of the die was 'cin- i 4 ur" instead of 'size tray," my , colleague, the chairman, usually Noting with the minority ol three joiiiisou, lVvtun. Wise. S-Ji-h was vour reform 'Administra tion!' You denied, resisted, and de li-ated alt -investtsation, ail- inqutryi One of the committee was appointed to M on Hfuhen, and the other on Levi,. mouths at the rate-of more than g800, i 000 per aonum his defalcation avera ging, throughout hit oPjciaV carreer, the sum pf more than 8170,000 per annum, lor seven jreara una tint, too, we art now JofiW without iht leait fuspicion! "A jaw may believe it: botl'don'ti" ' Sir, I ta'ul the other; day that I did not rejoice in the public losses' and ca lamities, though I confessed I did feel a thrill of triumph at having gained a -vtctory fdr-tbe trethi The- pet bsn It system and the sub-treasurer have ex ploded, as I said they would,-and ex posed their hidden enormities, conceal ed until they could be concealed no longer) but 1 did not rejoice at it. "I made me no booth to sit and witch for the destruction of .cm-nipt Nineveh. But, sir, there is tine poor human being on this earth alone now in the world wrecked - in reputation blasted -slighted" by men riot half at worthy as he is whose soul at scenes like these does rejuice, must exult Yho am) where ia he ? Sir, if you will go down Pennsylvania avenue to the corner l Kour-atid-a-hair street, . beneath Mrs. Py tori's boarding house, you will find a gray-headed man, stricken in years: his name is lobias Watkint! I hat man. for borrowing money ot public officers, luniis in their linmls, not converting fund in his own hands to his own use, was unprisioued oa the 14th of August, 1 82'J, ami tried on three several in diclmi'iits, op all which he was con vie ten ami nneti, on one the sum ot 830, on another gSOO.and the third 83,000, lie was sentenced to he impnsioned three-in (in ths oil each indictment, in all nine months; but though i.upiisioncd in .J-u-iusf, 1 829. heiras Tiot teleasl un til March, 1833. Kent -in jail three years and six months for, a real or fac titious defalcation ot 83,0.30 Where are nnw the defaulters of the reform Administrationr AVhere is Swart aritut, after embeczlitig public money for eight yeafs in succession, till he had taken and carried a way a mil lion and a quarter ? Wliere is Price ? Where is Gratiot? How long since theircarriage wheels nroudljr hurled the Oly mpic dust of the fashionable streets and avenues of vour metropolis of court and of fashionXNo marshals at their heels no district attorneys prottecu tinggatiistHFm Iriple ihdklitiehisj" they ran awayVn'r walked awajj uftfnr-f bidden none to hinder! Where is .Buyd? the land. officer defaulter, who appealed Wthemhorlunatftpfculation' to elect him to the Senate of his State of Mis sissippi ? These are all innocent and unfortunate or escaping defaulters tSS rise in judgement against' Lis perseca- tors to condemn them. ' . Where is he now? In 'a station where he isno doubt far happier than In hft day ot precarious and , terrnr baunted aiow, when he toiled as a poor siave in one ot tne stalls ol your docu-ment-factorits, called Departments, lie is now a humble, apothecary! and here I will say, for .the benefit ol all who. would be honest, and who wish to blean, that he keeps for sale the very, best of "pah toapn and chloride of lime, and other chemical compositions, to take off the spots of loco locoism, and to cleanse fro.n all corruption ! I re commend to certain Sub- Treasury gentlemen to go and buy; but what ff they be once washed white as snow? they will like the hog, return to their waflowini in the tnire. - " The Administration may pretend that they wish investigation. It is .full time. ". But how is the matter pressed ? Every now and then the chairman of W ays and Means Mr. Cambrelens; comes forward, and in solemn tone, asks you to drop the subject for fwhat he is pleased to term "6mWm" and it it was not the business or tins House, ami its chief duty now-a-days, to look into abii ses. sir, 'ft pgrty UTf in reality, at heart, as much opposed to inquiry now as of old. It serves their turn at this time to pretend to be diligent and teal ous for inquiry.' They are no more its friends now thah they ever we're. ' " Jr. Cambreleng here interposiL ,X hope the gentleman wilt not - do me in justice; I never voted against 'any of I. : . -v a' -K- , nis investigations, iiever: Mr. W. I said your party Mr. Ci Ala nartvi ha ! ha 1 , That is another ifftif- - : . r, W,1 Yes sir, I believe the een tlenianis4anoifvyj7'a,'r'' since the Nw York election. AAnd now that the iniquities of your party are daily com ing to light, now that concealment is no longer possible, every man of "the par fy is prompt to exclaim, "you can sa7 lu,d it ;!' the part j t sel f must be brisk to. make the disclaimer, lest the People set all down as rogues together, those wtio are found out and those who are not. The people are beginning, to compare Vatktns to hwartwout hun t1 rctls of cases-of defalcation- withi nj thirteen millions vf expenditure with thirty or forty millions and to see tliat tTie"A(TiurnT8tfafi6ri T)f Adams, , lioweTrer bad. was, in comparison with the ini IMPORTANT FROM TEXAS."- V TtMMviieMis oa tbs IUo C ramie, bet Jsrini upov Teiaa, it is itaUd. hT nroooaaeed , for the Fsderal GormtaenUisv driven iht Ceo ml troops from the towns of MierjCenago, Sod Rernosss and bav.rvqusied Ute toventoMot of Teas to soopt such refTilstions aa -wilt secure the protocUon of the idheranle o the iederal party. It is believed Utei a epeedy eoehuon iIJ UkepUoe bet weed uYi ulaaffeeted parry and the 1 eXitiUi A epiril or deep disaflecuoa prewM throughout Mexico. . We venture lo predict. that in lees then ten years the iter upon the Tone banir will. Hub ioo (he wtHs ot the famed city of Moatnoma. ". : boom of the Indien tribes be oommeiieed war aaone ihenuelvee; and Gen. liurk, at the bead pf 450 mounted men, b watching their movemenu. . . 3UPREVP COURT, ytn. W. Atiit.oI Darke, and Crracs P. MiisaiLL,bf Ouilfutd, bat bean admilted to County Court praclic; W. P, Miuu m of Guilford, k 11 K Nitm of UUI4wro', to Sun. Court practice. . GiSTOS, J. delivered the opinion of the Curt in tne case of lUiir . King, from Utokee, reter- etnf Ihe judgment below. AbMt, In tbe ease or (sonnet v. aatcbwelldin. frera Beauton, allirm ing ihe Judgment below. Alao, in Hooper r. Hooper, from t;aawcli, effirminir the juugmwil below. Alao, in Farley, . Lea, from CaaweU, reveraiog juJgment (wlaw: and rendering judg ment hero tor the defeniWDt Alao, in Mrroney v. .. Poindeiterin Equity, from l)aio, dircst- ing ilia bill to be dunntnf J. DiMiki L delivered the opinion of ihe Court in tbe case of Melta v. Bright and Wilcox, from Lenoir, affirming the Judgment below. SUPERIOR 'COURTS. aAtoxiTs roa. th sraixa. or csraninv delaultcrs : These are full-handrd publ ic plunderers virtue aii'i iionesiy. oi --ihb ireu-yuij -quities of this dynasty, about as Wat kin to Swart wout 3,050 to 81,225, 000 ! thirteen millions ta Torty .mil lions one case of defalcation severely punisiie.I, to one bu nil red not only un rebuked, but countenanced and conni Edenton, JVewbem,. . Jtiieigri, Wilmington, Hillaboro.' . Saliibury, Mountains, Haundera, Haily, Pearaon, Kettle, Nah, Toomer. AttrMtad bv Ilia beauiilul snmiinena- at nea manihip banging at .lie door, we were tbe mfcer day led io Step hito ttie alett room of Mr. (iood-- aM examine the Mrtorrnaiwee ol hit na- pil- Altbougb bat few Wk had bee taken, ihe itnprovemcat of all was auffleiently apparent to prove the estreordmery kilt ot the leacberand afford thebighcat aneouragenuut lo the learner. No one vhe dcairea to write - a good or elegant band, should nrgleet Ihe preient opportunity. CCj Mr. Urnir, the able and apirited Rep. reeeulative from the Eilgecomb dittricl, i, ad ding new laurels to the high fame which he bad already acquired ia Congrese. During the present eeeeioa he has ably exposed the Ather ton Plot againat 8ou(bem Liberty; and literal ly Huaed up, Dr. Duncan, tbe Abolition Van Buren "Aowter" from Ohio. Tha voice of hie eoDituenii!-the "votce Tif WorthrCaTotmarr nr well done, good and tailhful servant." . .: . . PUBLIC LANDS. Surely tlxrs can ; be toUiiug ' unrcaaonable in tbiei and u U not Uuly aatbmahing that any bo dy sfeould oppoea ao laodaat a ptopoeitionr . Out, la oe aerioua, Ooea H not mamfeat a grasp ing avarice and impudent elBboeS'that would put even a, beartlees Sbylock id the bluaht , Is Ihera-any Mudntee in the mieareble pretext'set op in juauncauon el title ayateni rrobbery, that it is calculated to promote tbe prosperity of the new etaieal (suppose toe legislature T North Carolina bad. paoed an act giving to ihe county of Macon, io which it bee, the fine body land acquired froea the Cherokee Indiana, for the pur- paee of increasing Uie popaJaUon and promoting the pros perl ly of that new county," instead of eelling it and repleoiehing he treasury with tnree or four hundred thousand dollars: what would the people of ihe other counties have aaid to aoch partial, unjust,. and . euicidaj policy 1 Tbey would bave cried out againat it Unanimous ly, with a voice of seven -fold thunder they would bav nullifiej ihe art. and eafrnnerrf-tte authors. Yet Hue ia precisely equivalent 1ft What lite oenerkl Uovernment le asked to de wuh the lands , which it holds ia trust alhe common property of all ihe Htalem!!! It Congress, deei. ring in luld up a city that should at once rival London, were lo paee an act declaring that all the revenue collected at the liort of New lprk ahoutd be given to (lie citisena ef that place, it would not be 'more rank, stark, staring injustice; for we cannot nerreive any differeie ot nrinci- ule baleen giving lo one -Ktate or City tbe pro- ceeile n( its rtmlom hnu,r, anil to another the proceeds of the land offices willim ita limits. - Now is the time for a proper end an equitable disposition of lhee' lands. Wait umil the grow ing West alutll have aciuired a little more atrength, and they will appropriate tliero te their own use, in despite of the claims of justice, or Ihe remonstrance or vole of Ihe old Stales. Al ready ha,-he threat been thrown out, that if these Males wntilJ not now consent to be avu ly & qiiietlif robbed of ihtir own patrimony, die VV eatrrn Btater wtH soon be 'ufRetnrtry- power ful to wreal it from iherobr tbe force" ol imaaer ical atrriiiith. Let,' "then, an act be Immediately paased providing for the distribution of the pro ceed among the States: wh I the eld Stete have the power, let Ibem tnus frustrate this base and fraudulent design; secure their own right; settle Ihe, vexed ooeelion, snd put it forever out Of the" powwmf drwaguguefo use theee lands- lor electfoneenng purpose. H id tbe bill which Sir. CUv introduced into the Senate, and which passed, been permitted to" escape tbe veto power oi iiesw jrkov jr provlmon would have pieced tbeaumof .780.970ln' flieTreasurv of North Carolina'; and mt would now bave been aided in aptiroiiruliona Tar Common ScbooM .dr Internal Improvement bv a fmrtioniif thst fund which wns purchased for us bv the best blood of our tortnithSra, , ,.,,;,'.''., The - Van Buren party dfprived us of this money, warli, thall v-wr ... -.. . P. 8. We are sratiried to Irsrn that the grad nation ' bill has been luitt rn the tahle In tti House ofjtspresentalivei by a declidve vote, MR. RIVE9 & THE GLOBE. The JilT to re ihlce and graduate the price of the Pubiic Lands, which hae jqat passed tbe Senate of the United Sutes, provides Tor lb per petration of one of tbe moat stupendous fraud upon tile great mass of the people, ibut waa rver committed iii any civilised country being noth ing more nor leas than an Indirect mode ofcar" J)c-pai(nj4:ut. Sir. Uubei and Ivvil wi re then in Co. they "rode iutl,lied." V,ut how boon, sir, did truth 'mighty truth, prevail," notwitlistandyigr-TtH Ttir resistance and attempts to stifle lier in'g'ity throea! Sir, this was hi the esAioii ol 1836-'37j tliese committers reported on the 3d of Match before sil ly days expired, the explosion of the pet banks, the cruh of credit, the des truction of corift'leiice and commerce, she mifi of every thing, pi octaiined, thundered, the truth of my charges, to t-stablislt which the Unrland committee wis raised thundered it,' sir, in the f.zfa ol every man- touche.f the nerves 41 ewy msu's pocket; ami it was liter alf .a tangible as to be felt by every man, wuti'au, atul cliilu in tne country. Tub Sccretaiy Lvi himself admitted (lie svsteiu to be corrupt and unsafe to i tie culled session, and poor Reuben has teen turned to tne dogs. And, now, sir, the truth of the charges against the Departments is about to be verined at clearly. by the explosion of the sub- treasurers, swart wout. Price, " uratiot, and, others, aa tbe truth of tbe charges - --in TftatioM o" lhrjpt ahk; was made iiia-iitest by Iheir erutosHm: I Here some of Mr. Wise's friends cntrcatiftt Wvn la. . yield tlie floor far ft motion to a.liourn. I No, sir, I do not yield the floor. I may nevrr ret it again Until the 4th of March,- 1839. 1 will to on, without turning aside from my purpose, to et nose these outrages upon the country. ' l" fief b'elTer now i ' muili better siri"""! was sick last i night these documents wade roe sickvi l.wa porin;: over them late last night..? The tlisrussiou of them in kes me perspire . the , perspiration Mnea now free! v and I am- relieved. I distrust you, sir, to be frank) I wil o n, -and vou must bear it. - rrceivagBi- the explosion of the pet alter aauther in quick succession, of the sub-ti-easurers who were, or are to be, substituted for batiks, and 1 wil ahow you that they- prove , all I ever charged) to tie tnievr-fr-y- - i- 1 a.iid that in December, 1836, when General Jarkann gave his certificate that all was well, honest, fair, this very leg-treasury, bwartweui at new York was-ittefault-34CTr4SaVelV-air, now it antv ars that, in, twelve months after, he ,v.as in default to the tune of Xl.Oi6.9S5h and,1 three ihonths after that time, was a tTtfaulter in the still Wger'sum ot RI,22J,r05,69!L: prtvi out to my attempt at investigation, he had been atealinz public money at the ra3 of S56.OO0 per annum. Afitr the rot trnt btlltit, he stole in one year " '3080,236 B3; and., in, tlie ; next ; three , months S208,78O ST.? r Yevir, after t ia IVestdent ' had given him a certifi -t'e of . honesty, and you, sir, and the r' une, and tne Coromittc, and the Ex -'Trnrr'KTif irsTiTeWJ him from all scru itit; t!cimdTn-onrTfar-the sum'of ;vt.p.D,TJ3f) 03. a,nd . in (he net thrt Sir, so. was Tobias WatWins'unfot tu ate. lie was. born and bred a gentle man; dazzled by the tinsel glare of this metropolis ot "splendid misery and liabby spiendor.'Yas U was once, with equal. furce, truth, and beauty, doscri- bed by that unequal orator of Virginia, John Itaudolph ,) of liberal mind antl Habits, too, lie lavished some three tliou sand iinpr vuleritlv,. thinking in his heart that he should be able to replace tliat sum, and more, and"make .nil straight," and he was imprisitined for his imprudence fur nearly four years. and made to bear a lelon's brand! Ah! sir, but he was a gentleman, he belong ed to ''all the decency," to the "silk stocking gentry" he was not one of your Loco Foco defaulters he was not unlortunate to the amount of millions, he was no robber of a large scale- he was not oue too, full-handed to be touched by the rude hands of the tin- staff he was nut a defaulter of the great democracy, and, poor lellow, lie gutter ed for being a gentleman! Hy Jhe by. sir, that word reminds me ot the fact that it was during, or not until the past summer,, your party first discovered that your Prendtnt was a gtntiemunl The discover wamade first, I think. by granny Ritche. - That ' venerable gentleman took me to task' for finding some gefitleuien in Petersburg, and as a set off, it seemed, boasted that Pres ident Van Buren, too, ; was actually a gentleman !" Very strange ! that a man whom they made President, the sucees nrnr tne -"Ututrrioui m'i ssrv did not find out to be a gentleman until the summer of 1838! - 1 hey must sure ly have been trying to make him out a for myself, 1 always knew he was, in the ordinary aense, a -gentle man) and it was mortifying to me to see THE ST l?. A Re the public lajida, and glflng-them to tbe new What wa baye herclofuje said, mat tWtit5W. UALE1GU JAN. 30, . On llio "19th instant, on angry tfebatotook place in tlio House of Representatives on Saturday night. Some sparring occurred be tween Mr. Wiso'and Mr. Bynum. and he twen Mr. Uynum and MrT Stanly. Mr. By nntn made a long- and abusive speech of the W ines and of tho Committee ol Investigation, to some portions of which Mr. Wise took ex ceptions, and to the whole of which Mr. Stan ly, replied . with creat seventy, fcoine re marks of a personally hostile character pas sed between -Mr. U. and Mr. S., and when tbe latter concluded, Mr. Wm. C Johnson, to prevent the debate from running into great er personalities, moved the Previous Ques tion, which was sustained, and. which accor dingly put an end to the discussion. INVESTIGATING COMMUTE E. The folio windrentleuaen com nose the com mittee appointed by he Hobsr of Represen tatives to investigate the defalcations of public officers; . ; Whioi Jamea Harlan, of Ky.,11 A. Wise ot Vs. , W. C. Uawson, Of Co., and Edward C'iirti of.N.Y. CoxssavATivss F. O. J. Smith, of Met, and jGeo. yV. Itopklna, of. Va, r Ixx o Focoa. tjeo. VV. Owcm.of Georpa, Hen ry A. Foster, ol !ew xork, ana IJavnl U. Wegen er e I'BBaWj. ,;.l n. ... Mr. Harlan baa been chosen: chairman, and I'bilin K. Kendall, of aliimrtou Clerk l lie Committee will eominencs their ittvettigafloit' at New Yorkt ' " - "' ' Mr, Adams baa declared io a speech on tbe sulgeetj tliat while be (aelt himself bound lo preaent tti petnioiu ef tbe abolitiomsts,- be ia opposed lo granting their prayer diet he, should, il the quos lion were taken, vote acainet abotiwiing alavery io ddt District of Columbia. ' . . . Mr. Tall mad re has inuoduoed a resolu publ 8tatss. 6iiicefiKTtivesTiastl(enaboldslsndjainM be adminirtration, ttirfJIolie is out' upon htm with hs patent rpilheta, Among olhcr nick, names the Glij rills Mr, Ilivea a Federalists Now, this latter rhafge prove two thing upon the Globe' man.' If prove hTm guilty of having taken strange liberties with truth;" for Mr. J Kivestlal (l.H cliangrd s singTe 'opiiiKn lTiat"Ii'e entertained when he wa regarded aa one of .the NEOROCS ron SALE. J 1 will enVe tor sale' t, Ihe Town el Oalnrd. at webll sactton, oe Tacsday, the Sib day of Marsh ' ' "98 ta 3 IJkMr Weer ' " ; belonging to the f-t'aie ot the lata John N'edalV - ueecasen, wpoa e creniji m six ranetns. .- t i Bond kh aathtsctory aetuHty, will here- ' ajoired froea the pwrebaaers.' ' . Titus, u. ia i ruuvMiar, u. m. k, Ostord, SJd Jaaj. IS). ,, v t ,- . . Itee Aov. . 85. ,- . : FBANKUif IIOTEW- -.i -. LQUISBVBQ, A. C. ; Z-K',-- I. WOOD cders his reepjcets le bit 'former air s and iriead for past la vera, and respect- -tally aMoanees I tkera and tbe wsblie general tji thai M be removed to his former stand (op. posHt l Uoan Hae) known a . ' Tne rranKiin lioiei, Where be will be pleas d le sceommedaM these wboauy hirer bin, wsh tbeir eompeay.- Tbe DuUdmis' are spaeiont and well tailed lor a House of ewterlahHaemV ' He, pledges himactf that we ' ten ion, ibH be weWtmg lo' reader those who easy call on Kim eomforleble during their stay. Tbe Fraaklin Hotel M the Genera Stan Of- ' JSct for all the Stsget arrhiag at, and departrng iroas inie plat. ' .-!-! Lunbarg, January l, 1IS9 ' . 3w . Backy fflonnt JH annfactnriniT ; sjompany. f ermsnMo an act of the last lgMatore in- enrporatiug the "Itoeky Moant blsnufacluring Uomny," Hook, ol luoseripyon win oe open ed at Kocky Monol, nmler Ihe niicrlnlen(lnc . of Uat.l k ltrohers Kalrieh, C. C. lUllle, Wathiaalon. It. F. ttavenn Waynesboro', John C. Wrightt and St Hali'as, Henry Wilkri) lo be opened immedialel), end kept open till the IH Ol April. IvOpiCB Ul in, .in.r,, ma fiiw vslue nd deseripttoo of Ttie properly, at Used en by rhe present owners, may lie sees t tbe placet of ibseriptienl -1 tij ,i y ln.V9, IK'i - . , ., ssr 1'be Wilmineton Advertiser, Wasblngtm, Whig,' TSrbnm tVess and--HesHveke-Advoeato will pleats publish S wee.H -.m ., , PAlrt eivouoh ; 5 V V i I b e P a r e h a err .s Persons at all jlonbitul of Ihe great eanerior- kv and bih character ! ntonarl, Wereeeier ami Dunham's PIANO t'UHTES, arc rctpeetlully miueeted Wry lUem, Ibey are awoerlliV, T. -- jest ihcmi if .hey are really good, give them Ihe i , , , . i t . i . . . i i - cilsmviBr vawn lis, uvrn invn, it.T -a, vh have need lliern. Nothing lest eaa e askeil, anil nothing mora will be renuireiU hi aev eaas where the pany.it nneertsin abnnt Ihe miallty of the mtu amenity to pay wiilne rtquircil iratll ttity, are talisfieil. These niaiiufacturcrt sr fleter- mined atverto Irl tnr older Uin finl rule r isno rones nmn out ol their wareroomi enntequenl ly, tho who fel disposed I a purebate may rca assured that tltey will Ret ttie ,rv flnett iuMiw mentt no matter whelher they onler I hem by teller or pnieliasn them in wrson. The asnie Sllention wilt be paid to a teller erdering a piano, . a would tta S I von, were Ihsj person piearnt. Many ol the pwnos Ibal I Sell are never teen ay their owner, until opened al borne.. The follow. Ini telle tt'Trom a gvitltemsrwha never taw mttromrnt belore lie epenen It at hw bOUte. 1 havs sew lornte from to t S pianna.- - ....p- j, . - ,Ktr trst of Fedaralltmlt friendsbip or hostility to the ft.:, i.in" i. . r ........ r ..Imin'... Admintttrslion. , .... u... ... U..T.. .. - trstion; and as the Whigs in the iiiterettecl Stated, I. e. the States in which these land l!e go with the Administration on that subject, it is highly important that all the old States should be represented in both Houses of Congress by me who hsv no connection with the trained band of the Executive men who take counso' of theireonttituents, who bow to to the will and interests of the sovereign people, not st th foot stool of Executive power. Are such men to be found in the ranks of tbe new fangled, hypocritical, crouching demcrafr of tho preaent day! Tbe rank monarchical prin ciple which they, have adopted a tbe leading article of their creed, that the President can do no wrong" that " tha Preaident ia the Gov. eminent forbid it The will of the Execo- with such a party, is paramount to the tiou in thd Senate U S. propnainu to amend f hey t the tJoittiitutioti, so that the President ahail oe ciecieu lur dui vim ksfhi vi luur jeara, uiai the Secretary of the Treasury, Treasurer ic Postmaster Oeneral shall be appointed by Congress; and that no member of Congress shall be appointed to office under the United States until the expiration ef two years after he shall lis vd ceased to be a member. . ihaUtwenquirer least, had suppose.l until latelj, that Mi. Wbits, ibe pubUe-epirited and indeiaU the President of the United States coultl aslle Editor of this well-eetabliabed and able ViToiher" tlun a wnneman jti i JginirT Pdi. present, to hieader m the 4enu mean, from its boast f the sudden 1lia 'rJ,"n,!r' ? I" Z'- ,""i;r.Ilc.h.wtDi't - II--. .1 I IBTCIf IIISStV-Dls vw MIVI1 ffW ! WS1I wV-CSja, SMV allKII coverjibut injr colleague there, Mf: LputaUoo of the Meeaenger wiU- be Itereaner (Dromgoolf; will not, however, rccoS- weH .urtained. We are highly gratlBed to leant nise Mr Undue as a genuine Loco Fo- j that the Messenger ie" making headway rapid- co editor.;., (Mr. IJroingoole said, No, j iy..a vy hope the success wbu it so well de- no. he is a ContervaHee. ) There is It rve w. perpetusny Miemi iu .n.ti t.y cheerins consideration connectetV with J?! "u "i T ".f AlWreM uue urscuTcrj, lllOUgll uj tne AUUliniB- (, ( .j. i,cwj H is me urigntesi orrren wnicn nas occurred lor years,, ol Mr. Van Karen's downfalls Yes, sir, that cry r "ftnltetium'l npoti him by his friends will finish ,liim with the par tj whiclL supports lm. they might s well have cried Mma?:do' . It is a cer- tain prognostic that he u Roine down. From the hour that father Ritchie made that fatal discovery, the man's, doom was sealed. But, sir, ihe gentleman! tlelaulter, v at kins, as I . was saying, met his fate, and now that he. lias been puiyfied by the fires ef the law, we may bw'pefitMtted'to'dii Uiro :jutice, and tn rniXrni1m;,Ai WiTritneiit ofreti Ibution. I ca I flint upT I invoke his wmnj;s, his BUfTcrings, hie injuries, his expiation, fo TH?: LADV'S BOOK. have received the January number of uTliBl,AUl'o' JJUUK;" that most ably conducted and deservedly popular Literary Masasinc published Id I'lilladelnhis. by L, A. Godey, and edited by Mrs. Hall and Miss Leslie, in connection; with the publisher. We wuli our limits would permit us to mite a more extensive notice of the work; but, at present, our columns are so crowded that We ara unable to do so. The present number is filled entirely with original papers of the hiirhest literary merit. We take plea sure iu recommending' it to the public, and to the Ladim particularly, aa worthy of uni versal pai oiiagrft. .- ' -r . ,,,': - - 1n the Stale of Massachusetts on th t7lh in t. the Hun." Daniel Wiibster was -re-eiecud to represent that Commonwealth .in .ibe-; Sen- "ils of the United plates, for' tbe' term cT is years from tlie 4th of March nest.' live, Contululien, to liberty, to public justice, to the voice o( the people, and, indeed, to every other Let, it be remembered, the Wbig psrty bold no such dangerous snd, anti-Republican doc trines; but on th contrary are laboring to re-e-iabiish the' good old prirKjip Uught in Ihe burning eloquent of Patrick Hen ry, the sound philosophy of Thomas. Jauersoo and James Madisfn, and consecrated by ihe beaj blood that ever was shed in the cause of human liberty that the sovereiga power resides in the people; that tbey alone poeaece lite right to gov. ernj and that their will, when clearly si pressed, cannot be disregarded by the representative without js violation of tbe tTat fundamental principles on which ia baaed the noble super- struct u re o our Republican GovernmeuL . The Whigs, too, we esn truly boast, are, and always have been, decidedly opposed lo this scheme of injuatiee, plunder and tobbery, by wbicbit Isst. tempted to enrich tbe new at the ei penes ot the oldJStejn.Northjy,a seversl years foreeecn the end to which (be year. ly Ieglltion of Congress wss driving db tbi sulijecl; na Hiey "Bavi soun'dedlbs StSlln;'fhey have resisted it gallmtly and faithfully; and da spite of all die mauaruvering and cunning arti fice of the Van Quren party. Iy whom they bave been resisted at every step, they have final ly siseerted in bold and etrfpbstie btngusg the claim of our State lo her portion of thi rich do. main,- This they bsve done too ia language which even Messrs, Brown and Strange, with all their eltuseneet of intellect all tbeir quib bling, and shuffling, and haughty contempt for the voir pf toe people, could not feel themselves safe .in disregarding. The Whigs, then, and they alone, are perfectly sound on this moment out question; and wa are warranted i the con elusion that the interests of the people cannot bs safely con Puled to any other hands. ; Let Ot now, for a moment., Inquire Into the reasonableness of the object which the new But have io view. Why, it la only to taks away from the people of th,t)iirt!eri original Slates containing the intig.iiiicatit population ol some twelve or rbtmren -miilionr.-trteVast ijuantHie of pubbc land bought by . their blood and treas ure,' and beatow' iliem upon the more importaai three or fear million (itbebiUag the new Btatee : OFFICE OF THE PHCENIX, . ? EUtabeth Cily.M C. Jmu M, 1839. J DsaTavrnra Kia. Tt becomes our pain ful 'duty to record one of ttie most deslruqliv fire with which tin place has ever been vist tod. On Sunday Evening, the SOlh inst. at a- bout 6 o'clock, a fir broke out in the Jewelry stora of Mr. George Storey, on Main-etreet, snd auch wat (he violence of ihe devouring element, that before the Fire-men could gel tlie upper band of it, it had destroyed sit the building b tween Market street and North street, with Ihe exception of the National Hotel which .was, by th eiertione of Ihe firemen, eared. It waa with ihe utmost difficulty that Ihe fire was kent from crossing Ihe street, and bad it i but done so, in all probability soma sis of eight buildings more, including the Jiew three story Hotel kept by Abnet .Williams, snd the City Hotel kept by James 8. Kelfe, would have been consumed.. : . Tbe principal tuflerer sr Geo, Story, bouse and Jewerlry, John A. Uambrelv Dr. Mathews, two buildings, Sais'b Jackson, throe building, -William Laboyteaux, good and furniture; - Mathew Cfuni ne building, : Slissee Gallop's Millinery, John T. Ke-diuf lose pf Bunsk of ; Leather and Uoot and Shoes Robert Elliott. Tailor. Thomas White, who occupied the house op posite lo where Ibe fire commenced bad all hi thing removed, but a is usual In such esses, not more than half ran be found! seversl person who boarded at hi house have also sobered conaiderahly. ? ; ' " . v i - The Editor oi tlu paper has loot part ore valuable Library, which be cannot rsplaca most probably umler four or five years," and perhaps not then, a there were meny ancient Classics, which ar now entirely out ol print, and it it. therefore, very difficult 10 obtain them; hs hid com m need moving over front the office now occupied by him, to tha .upper part of Mr. Storey's house; and, wben the fire -was discov ered such was the greshtess of th smoke that? lie one could get to the room where the book were tbe value of Ibem was about f 000, Several person who occupied .rooms in th National Hotel have also experienced severs lows. Mr. Geo. W. Charles, (Jollector of lbt porl, lost about J30U. W should think that lh whole of the losses incurred will amount le nearly twelve thousand dollar, tnd, a far as w can ascertain, there was no insurance So any of the property de. troyed. .,. - ' -: ,'; : :. ; ; 9.000 11,600 500 - 700 1,000 - 800 300 100 100 . ,. .. i clerstm-gi t s. Ms r. t; Ka .' '!.-jL?:?. T" Dear Sir The I'isno Fifffl! which I pnrebtta ed of you in March !,; maije by- Stndart, . Worcester and DiHiham, and lorwartlrd lo lllnkr ley, bf aiy of the Petersburg Itsil Hosit J sr- . rived in Com order sad free of Iniurr. it is a nest, pt.in. snd lionrfrjiiTivlj JImIiIii'I piano. HlA,. lully tuitaint yon in Mia rrii-vsentlHn mane In ill favr. It it'peonnuiieed bf all wbu have per- - formed on It. naiiie nl -whom are enronetent I llicrelots lake inueh pletaure in rraommrml. . big to tuchpertont at may with loMircbate In wriiuii'nlt nl the kmd, to aopt j to you butort, tiny purchase elseahere lV ,vy ;t ! a i - eiy retpetiluily yow t, w. ; , (Uptiy,r . KICK II. flKIlCP,,; Halifsii enimiy, N. 3. June 27, 18i ' State or North Carolina, , ' JbjnyORD COWNTV. i ' Court of Equity- Term, IS3. - Brackney T. Spiert, ita. s - ' ' Nichols Doon Adm. et st 3 " , ll appearthg In lb astisstinn of lb eonrt that benjamin Ulvl snd Henry Liles, t"0 f Ihe . drfemlanll in this saote, reside beyond Ihe liraiit of this Slslej il it therefore ordered 1bat pulili- r cation be made in tbe Katehb Bltr for six weeks in order thai the taid llenjseiio I .lies sud Henry Uiles, if alive, er ibeie rressntaiives, may ai pear at our nest eourt lo be held for ihe county ot Hertford, at ike Court Houte ia Wialon, en be Xuurtb blouday in March acxt then and . there to plrad, antwer; or demur to the ssidbillj otherwise judgment will betaken pro oaft-iso at lo Ibem, and beard eipsrie. : uiit WM. M. MON riiOMKRY, C. M R. Hertford eouniy, N.C. Jan. IT, 18JS . 0 6t I'liae adv, $4 9. ' BL.iisan- .ja-nsr n i un i T mi n 1 1 ' S i . i i " ' I I i State, of Worth CaroUna;.v JV.RO,l'tMOKS "CotlKTV, i Court ol K(mijFall Ttrm, 1833.' , rraucit nuoa William, 1 bnmst, John and Christopher Wilsoa, -UenjsniiB Tsm, and wile Marthe, Jamet I'm, --v-rv aud wife Margaret, Jesish M, ferry and -" ; wife rbaraba. Alien Hollowed snd wife K . liaabelb, Margaret Newby and infant,' by iter ... , guardian Thomas Xeeby, ileary ., Waring and ' Henry P. Wering. ' - . It appearing to the salltraatioa of the' eourt 1 that John Wilson, Henty Waring and Henry P.' -W arbig, three ol the detendaale is Ibit tuit.resiita ... "V beymid the limits of lb it 8'ate, se that Ibe ordi-'" Bary proetss of lew ssnliot be tervait on Idem, ,.'.', k Is iberefore ordered Ihst nnbliealioa be made ' for tis sks" In Ihe Kareigb SUr for the laid Job Wilson, Henry Waring and Henry P. War ing sppear before Ibe Court of Equity lo be held for the eouniy of Perauimont, St the Court Haute la Hertford wa the 3rd Slondsy after tbe 4tb Monday of March next, then and there la plead, satwer or demur I ihe tald Hill, other- ' . , vriee ltvr same will be lakm preortWsae and isTOis beard exparte a lo ibem. WKnrn,. Stepen F.l , " , , liott, Clerk end Master of our aaid Court of trV' .' ' qnit v, st office, 1n MeTtfnnt,-1 be h day-ofn. ' ; eember. fUfJ. , - it FXUOTT, C M. K," 4 "... y'. 1 .f...: - rriwffn p f V NOTICE. ;. tHj' Ala Isle meet ism rf the- Travtees ,of -be Is. tthute, sh order wat patted lor Ibe laynrg- off and in ol lots. With a view to tlie ereeimg oi a village, a gnmmlt now belohging le Ibe l.islitu.-i lion. I he lale will lake niaee, nr a iirainimnu. en tbe nremitee. oa Wednetds ihe Sib nf Feb ruary next eiies tuen as may vim io prn,ie ibemtelves'wsh a residence in a beattblul and dellghllul section of eoontry, and at the very door of excellent terabiary of learning, will have an opportunity 10 procure tho re pi telle gmnnd for building. - Under eeHain rerlrietlont;' whisk will be metre known on the occasion, the lots will be pot Up at public sale, aud Ihe hilfe est bkliter will be Ihe ur. 0 p - FIIEJSU OAUDTCK SCUD. ' WIU.UMH k HAY WOOD have reecived their usual- tonnly oi FRESH G A ft HEX SEED, raised br Thorbara of New York, In 11.18. -Ji St, 1134 ; .fieowit , State of Worth Carolina, Covnt , or Vrakkux. .rs:Vfi Court of Pleas anil Quarter Sessiona, '.- J0t7ca6f:r TiTn,:1838.'.'Iii4-. Mektlley Jsekton, Lindsey Up.' shureh sud wile luita, ItnbeiS Jones, Justah Jones, Whitman Jones, William II. Jooct, and bomtl C. Jorietj ; , AretiibkM It. Jbtyts Adm, oa the Kjlaia of Nancy Jackvon, dee'd, Ira- Jsektm, I'ritm, Jsekson, Msry Jackson and Uie children Ol lierry Jacka-in, dne'd. Pel it ion for seamiM and seltlvmeni and tliijon. :C- " In lliit ease. It apgiearing In Ibe tstitftelion ot . the Court that the dctendsntt, Ira Jackton, Pry Ion Jackson and Mary Jackson, and the children of Iterry Jackton, reside beyond the! limits ot .. Ibit Stale, to Iliat ibe entinary process of this -court cannot reali Ihemt It it therefore nrdet eit tll publication be rneiln in the llsb-ij;ti Star, lor sis tuceessive weeks, lor Itiem to appear before , the Jutcetnf oor Court of 1'leM.joitl Qunrtbr Sestiont, to be hrlil loe the enonty of hi ."kill). el tne ooiiri nBui, in io,iiiir, on ihc ct-oois . Moartsv in March next t Ihen and there to an. swer the laid Petition, or juitgment prn contosso will b t'nkea as to liwm, uiwl fiuil iltorec en- iereJ.aacording to the prayer r,f H -' rm. - AtteM ' 8. PAT i'ERSON. C . C. ' O fttr : I S "I: :-:';l' ..... 5-' ft Pries adv. J OS :A.;;,'.. - . V

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