fr,:. I I 1 i . r-. r .'Jf ; V r-. ft-. A ... i t . 1 - Doei, W. Srtu.' f .Ukl.i 'P For CktUrt TttUungFtrpurtU J Umtelf. ----- -v., . fit MOTHER AXD NCrtSM. The Mwp af IM I'm through Ui W areata.. srsrairiB Bad danteraat ay mplomt, h Mkmtwa br aubr th rrM''- . nw-bwn.lsaB4,i 1 b gra. eti, the -frxUa m an Milt I tnl. .lb child ta. nwd frraacM " I KUn it M TI, """fS '"V ten, mh! paB of Wmr pertn bdd shriek with estrctae oh-a.. aa threat ftegrre lata h owth. If these arean.eocy a, momma Bra a prdly HiBled. tpasnsud. mvvulsMSa amirrraslry swpervenc. nd aae ata Mm rt-Y of she oafae. II author wba he their fMile am eted wah the ImUncnoUxaswOMUl a.ply IV. William Evan Crtcbrwud Soothing Jtjmi., which ,ha preserved wwwlred of lafwt when lUoujtil p.a recovery, tram Briag edJeaty attacked with that laial MtatxW, aantulMOw a steal Uleotinir la Mothero. Xr. '. tfraV Cdtbruted Scathing Syrvp, Far Children Lulling llutr TffU. Thit inUlibla. rrmtij hu proamod aalrrlt .r I'k.l.Lm Im tlnuhl imM rocrr, trout ooavaWi-. oa lb Sjriap i raaUrd. on tht Mta, ia IhI4 a HI rcoow. km atnn lioo t M . at, o rfiraaioai, aafl M loaM ik hila will nfata la In ill fMI B rab b4 vith a. Wlm iaUoti tra at laa ago of "" iaaiib, lltaajb Ibcrc U aa apucanaMa of lra a.M kj4ih of IM ra taoni'i r4 Iho g4it. In epra taa aurea. t mrwux b aabuat th rnp iu lharrw where her E4m, Im fmrn m BHhllM thai I r..- U' a .owl. I BBalT ifltv Ilka hwht ttmi dmh m iIms law. I hi mp im4-vf 41; (iva r lf g prr n1 hrlti.j Irrt. tktai (Um Proof i'ovthtftflhe FJfic ici of 1"a 4U A(at of Ur, .. Kamam' Srrapi' IVar Sir IM great tMKb.t H fl mjr Mmcr bir iMlaiit at tear Hahwx yropi ia a nc l pra.rulcd aail jmmiIuT. Ucutiliou, ojuh cootiocc rf7 Irallug pwaal ba ccatii ui rati) ipl iaM of mmIi aa ioltila aokeiae M lu rclaxa ittUut raitarr ml luniire. l tirtiiot. altilr la hatf. ia ruf uloh Mill M.Trrm;', lt'l it aa ailackaJ M olija, aal mj i awl family aappoMj tbai death aoald aaa ra lM th bab froarattfa.tb U J w o- ocund a beta - of roar Sjrapt aba p)4il to 0m gam a aoa.UHul liang aa proilucwtl, and Kr a few appoatioa (be child ditplajrad bt M taltcl. and bf anafiaNing ia Hik, I iw '' lufona ;oa. i be al.i'd ba umiilrUljr r.-eoer4 ad aa twewrreeoe of Ibal awful oiapliiil Ita mm oeoarmlilba leotb are aaaiial 4iy ad lb ettiM "' ffrteot hcallb. I J"U tmf ihcerful neriataMoa I maka tli'rt aekaoal rl(iaoat peblM, and will gir aaj Ltlorntalioa aa ihit iraUaee v v WM. JOriNSOV. fljpA rrailtmaa i1iiVHM.h Irial of D.. W. r.ta' &wibiMf Xtrau. ia hi family, ft fr rtevrblBC bhiid ) wfdKI ai4 tut I't. I hs laaad k eBtarely efTuwtaal hi relieimf paia ia e guiai, aad preresting the eorqiiiei ahth awiim fjdlow. We atMerfull omil; wh ..t'reiwM.w-(M. Tfai "Va belir H gBrlly aeksowUdged by fhota who bar trhnl a, thai lb afrolM ng A' mp fur CililrB Cdtting Teeth, dnid mauu.i. vjr aolunaa itahigidy atrial a tut lor th pur ' rxiHi lor whwh it it mtauded. Highly reec4a bla persut,- aiaay-ratay win hate mail Ufr of h,da Bot bctitat to gwa lit inict the eanc:ioa : al their nam. Booa I'ra- elltr. -r ttvct Ciiit nf Teething tvUh . ., , . Summer Compluint v redby lb ailliihle Amarieaa Soothing 5riap MMi V- Mrt-' MeHurraiMi, retidi .g at '' 'ht MJMat toCit :, ,nialiJ!Wteiia ttrvet, N. V . aad peretttwd a h it I of llttMiyr- ap lor her ehttil, eat m talT nag ra.m.iag mh d-Mrmg th pro of deatitiaM, bem ao mw tajreatracd with aoaulinat. ita bel . laa were eaaecdmf , Bad Befool .) d be fwtaod Urn etomar. Maot imod'il aa in tenJ wmaaajiW aiUretitg tympto-at exiM-tly - avtwed, aa by aaataia.og ta a afthe tjniB M bj gaaat, aim boweia aa a abort tiaae be- a. BaneV A ria J grwiin lor the hMtiaaf4rftaj abtod. the aauther ac al harawB aaaord.aad Wreely aemrd p Blioji.o (he abxe. fray b parnaular ia applyiag at ' 100 Chatham tirtct, a there are aemal a lerfe'n adveniwtl. f9 ether plat is Iba any baa Hia renuioe lor tl. . lTlmprtant f MoTatat Chlldrea gener ally ail Bar muth Htieiamett (rem lb cutting. Of fiMtir feeth. i Whtteter daugcroot or fatal . tymptont alteail I'tlt nrorett et i.atare im-y are rn otlueed incarikly frnm the highly irritated and iiflimed eonljttun of the partt Iherelore ihe nrineipal mdiaationt of cure ar to abate Ihe in- flaiaiBUifin, ami ia tmtrn, anoine, ami rcna mw mnV M IU-U I tneene ma mivn preaTwii IriNa tnbwqtrot fever, InDitulaiioa, tpatmodi - aimgh Iwilelimg of teadoat, eroap, aaiiker, and aoataltioBa, ilHTl)iiig their latal aoatcqneac. ll mother. aurKt. or guardiaat bf Iban? babe twiarcd with (wiqiul and proiiaeled aVaikloa, ' ' kI thit untie attraeti their tUaiitia i.iheyahould " BOt be deterred from onrehaamfthntile nf EVAK'S SOOTHISU SVRl'P T irChil'liB Teething, th iuwimp'rabla tirltie i' til ahieh. ia aomutvtalr nriictiBg Ihe mo ilhj. tretaing ( w hen applied to lb atlaut'i gum r at dmatatty H inaniani. i a rmeuy n aiorcd thou-aml of ahil'lrea a lie ea the ' g of rbe grace, to th emhraae again of Ihrir di A .traaied parrota, altaakedwlihjtbat wfulauil mcr liferaat malady onullo. - C AGENTS. , Wm. M. Malioti &Co. Rleigh. . . Hall, Nwbrot - i. M. Iledntoad. Tarborugh II. U. hUchea, Wa.hingtuoi ' F. . Marahetl, llalilac " Spottwal h, Koavrtloa, Fctcrtburgi C Hall, NorMk A Ibjnl, Rammnadi 1 Lwb)iobaBt-iVMl.lagea,l. CL ; ' Martimcr fc Mawhray, Battimere. Tb autMeriber bat takB the Store on Fay ttlll Itrrot, in thl City, formerly occupied Mwam H. & KjfK wliaro bo Jw F"Pff: ed lo icanaect ' . . rammlMlon and ForwarIinc Lb-i. -tol--Pnd,' ni.Owrta (. ry dcnpuoa plecwd in the more tor , will b dipeJ of either M buelioB r prit !, - at thrwBW tiMwamwra. H ploJgoe him- etf thai the graaieat Uanlon ahall be piJ to -mil ktftn ebUwataJita.. hu eem. ji -;, , ,.;,v ALEX. Ji LA VV HENCE. . Brrer io -,.',.."-'', . - file Et.0. Ptitttf ; . r r-' "-" Hon. Dce Camaeif,' . 1)41 W. Sreag, Eo,. ; Cat. Dkwif, EJ. ' Cblaa, OlrtM 4t Q.neentwara. . JAMT.S A. TAYLOR, ' ' . No. 79 Watrr Stuwt. , . ' Degt retpewtfulW le mfwrra hi Iriead aad Mcrehaatt gcowraJly. Virginia tad North Car. ilheWmwiiMC, eBlirelw oeo ' Vtech 4 Good la lb eh Im. eipretely ad. . " antd ta the soulbern trad Ever de atrip-lew ei Rich CHINA ia Mill, end CUT GLASS, to " ntber with a complete aartntent at eacalana Sad QUF.EN3VARC and sroJfB VVAKF. anoantly aa hand, and will b erTrrcil aa Hw ccroMt they eaa be procured in the Caitcd - Slate ' ' "" " - U'ctral eredit will be g'vea when reqaired.-- I Goodt will h ortfutly packed by ei perienaed ' kiaad. Order, by letter, ifretaptty tended to. ... vl faithfully eatd. Th palreaagaat U aM Irieadt, and the acrcaiil comraanity gea. a Ttrgraia awf W-Mr"! arotKM, B r. .-r-jtr SEALED PROPOSAL Wtft jb rmM, entit the VOla at February, for the Ration. KWig a. la e LWi. tad) oT tUcraat, d the U. 8: Amty, to a MOlivM-l there. TM Kukm Ul consist of J of poudof BMO,oclJir Fresh Jiaef 11 can i.- U Hind. Ploei-t iwl K lk KU of poundi of tospl l bairnd! rrf fndir quart' Urnl. ,, of Off.; awl 18 pouads of Mfri to -be hawdred ratioe. Tbe mest re- aril be u rrM IMCt. ii aaTi ai alt. If iK ratioa of Bean eaaaol ba prorar. o1. itwa 10 ll. of Rica ia Iwa of it, vill ra Ta Proaoaml will b funrardea IhroafU Pool Office, to Mia aaacnifaca. Firtiill. S, MCKFrlZlEv Crr. U. S A. 5 .. TAKK OF NOKTII CAUOLIMA. Waiaua. k ha Wra ihtly certified lo me-ibat aiiwtrea iihuoi of the Rnhth Coagreuioakl DixHtt, aaaoeialod llmel logrther at a ioinl atuckeoninjKT for the e row lb aad rnana hilars al ailk. aad bar, mbicribed for one hun dred and Ally harct of tweaty dollar each of lb oapHal atoek of aaal atmpif, aao naea or gaised Ibemaclee by ipaiaiag WeKoa K. tal I'rraiilrat, Kdmuad II. Freeaiaa Seerrla ry.Uhat Ib-wey Treaarr, Nclioa II. Hughe, JaiBc McaVuamea aoa Aioen o. mtui, uireev A.. Ikerrftre. I EbwiBB B. DcntlT. Go- eraar el lb 8iai of Nn-th Carolina, do, la Barwatftea of iba Act of lbeGraerl Altembly of iil Slate, paed at lb kimm of 1136, r- ,j -je ... ,, T , Waeiar of ilk aod augur mi ibm buie, delr txleJ Aa An ia aacoange tt auttore oo 4ad make knawo thai taiil compaay ia 4uly ii enriionleil wider laid At. bj tb name and tile ui I'm UiLrioii Silk Odara(. In TiaTiaoJir waiitor, I bar , eauard the great Stal of the Stale vt to be hereanio tffiieil, baring tign. S . . ed ll wm b my baud, al the 4 .r; . m tu . " 'r enen-ax January, in th year f oar Lord one (houtanil ciekt huadred and lhirtT-ni. and et Aowrkao lutle- peadenee lb aiitythird . EUWAUO B. UUOLEY By the GoTertmr. W. Hut, Srrrttary f State EDCCATIOI Th tiihieribrr uiiead opeamg. Bear hi reii deaee, ia Urang aouniy, ob (he 15th January urn, an ' . Easlish School, nn Iit hit owe uM!riiilen(taii. Board ad Ta llimi will not eiaed f 36 per (ration of 5 monlUa. Pariieuljr attention will be gieea lo Ilia moraU af tkoa ah y b eommMted lo hi re. ee. U,S 58 II " FAMILY FLOUR. Ill ntbanber Milfil at full eperelSoa, and t anaiiaiil unply of Family Floor wdl be kept ea hand by th barrel or InaoU Pereoei from a rlii- lane who ma with le purchtie by the load, will ddrctt him at HilltbereV H. C. THO. Vf. J10L6F.V. . Dm. 1 113. . tr VJS'I0Y HOTEL FOR SALE. Beiag detirout nf removing to the Writ, th autiter iber oRert for tale the Valuable Hotel. JL.. Btw oeeunied be him; ll it tituaied in th City of Ualrigh, on-the enrnr nl .Morgan, ttreel, amr oath tail of the puhli tquare. I lie hotlfe it large, and it amply provided with rbomt and fir placeii the oilier accommoilalioa are quile enncenienl. The aoaliguily of thit lliilel. le Ihe Caiihol. hi tmiile mecomntodation,. and the im- tanvriHa,ft 'which ajfaL iVWrpatwr m Majieri ... a . :. . ; "jfc se fMi ... . . J' to engage la auah an culerprita. Hie hotel wet Inrmerly aad by Mr. Blatchford. If the pur. rhaarr ilcilrt H, be can h all tit atoaa and lur- aitur o haoJ, and inrmeilwie pottettton. i - ALKX. MOIIPHI8. n.lcIghSept. II, 1MI. 39 If FOR SALE. A jenng Negro woman with i cbtldrcB 4 ll 8 tear olrti and a more elderly one, with three. from aiac year to two. ' They will ant ba tnld to pcrmat talendiag t remove them from thit partol tbaeewBtry. Knqair of tb Editor. Kov tfith, lilt 49 If DK. W. W. MARSHALL' Oinfuicnt for Ihe Ulintt Piles. Thit invaluable remedy hat hero trceraf yrart .before the publiei ilt virtue and rfficaey hav been welt Kcteil, and. in numeroua iiuiaii- Ml. in fheiantl argiavated form of Ihe tliwaie In net ( toliiarv cat ha h been known 10 fail in effecting a cure. Many very reijieelahle per tont htvc borne tetiimony to itt efficacy! among whom ii the He. Wm. A. Smith, of the M. If.. Church, and Editor of th Conference Journal, who, Iron hit own eiperience, cnufidenllv re nmmeail il in the publi at "a tire, aeattf am, txn irrK-ituT amr." It may be had at th store of R. TUCKER, Ageat. Kaleagh, N.C... TERMER k IIEGREV X0RTII CAROLINA AUfAX.1C, For llie yrar'nf our Lord l3f. cafitain ing noliei Of lh Kclipet. of lb government of N. Caruliua, timet, ol hulilmg itw Coum, a litt af Ihe llauki liiair branch and officer, th Diiiveriil with a litt of lit nrtifcitori ami th Uookl reuiiit Inr a Student, Internal tmprore- mrnli, lUtei-of pottage, our Mat IIoum. Member! of Congrcii tnd of th Mate Lrgiala. tar, Public Work, iiovcrnmeat ol UuMed statei, r aiming 1 1 mint M with tuntiry hint! lo th Fcrmer, lmerctling notice! ol N. Carolina aofiianHng aacociat A th . progretttv tenia mcnl of the Sute, many ahiuttng (imdulct, It, be It It primed aa fin per, and lit ty pngrtiihy it anvtacptiombl. Juit received and Isr aa! by the (irnc 6. Cruta $1 SO. 75 tenlt a doscn, and 10 eeati lor tmgl opy a lb Nntta CtbOLlSi IliiaC Stolf,, whr all order thall atcct prom'it uentum. TUUNCll ht UUGHES. Nor. . 46 If : RESIDENCE FOlVALE. THE 4tetldeneef ike Jate. Jmlr - Svawell, Bear th -Citv af Ualeich, ia a uttered for aalc. Tab pcrtoa wiahing to ihe adrantte of City and Ceumrv life.aa eqaally riciiraclc iocatioa ia all riieti. t.unot ba luaad at th vicinity of Ma- lL;b The Dwelling IIoum ht nf lwoTlort ceiiuttlnr af eight large and eoBvenieaily at Hrwaxd room. . 1 here it a wiile page below end above tt.irt,rqlly divnlit.g the heatc, that rvarlaravr cch ream ia the whole heat entire ly pri,, The boat 1 at preaenl ia a l ate of. goad rrpair. Vpoa the premi era all hccci tarf But boo art well oaMroied and anoit of Eem aeai tvauia lew wept oi in iiwcl ig Hod, are two Win fcilinf SPRINGS af oat cicellrat water. Altaahcd to lb uremitet .there are 5 aare al lead, 85 of wbiah only are (elcarad, the balanee limbered. Ta uil lb coa- vcafaac ol the perehaeer, cnber the whole or a pan af u mad wiU be told with tba Dwelling Ueee. ' ' . ' Thit properly will b told either at art rat r path bale. 11 net aold al privaia tale be- fere th tat af January But, It will ha publicly aid ta the highest bidder at that tuna aa tba aremiat. Faueaeioa ta ba readerad aa Ihe IM ui JanwarT. ,. is- Taraitef at CJJ7, r Bond with approv. ed tecurily, du aa to let of January IMS, with intcrett from tbat data. . Where the aaanal later- ett thall b piuiaptly pud; and ilie boadt thonld aontinu te b regarded t entirely aafe, perhapt the principal mifrUt aot be dcaaccidcd for w-ver al year. Percoal dwit'oui la purchat are ret pectlully iavked to ttaaiiae the premiar. Ap , Tf .n. it..wr.u. her 8V;tS.- -T-ito ,f f rniirR roR ULC Tk 8abaribar hat a lua Mill. (Ma BlakaHJlT ait East of Halei, iw.uw fori of abate Uambrr, of every acaenutapa. aot ofUmt Uaf P"o, lb oeoal-arca alloaaa of wbiah U too wall kaooa lo ace4 "7 pr Pcnoa olrioflo pwreo wttl plea wk apaltaatioa ia Mr. Will.a fack, Balch, aM- MM.Morlai M'toHnUF-?Kfr'- ' Tb pri Mth Mill wiH be ft per BBbdred) bal, if a laraa aaaalitf ba bought, ca let Ibaa ibat U ba UU. .. rua l ru. fflkl Mif 81. IS3S If COMMITTED, Te th JaU of Hertfordooonty a aerro aaah, wha eallt hit aara JO, and tay be belong la Bra. itaiia Boyl. of Soath Carolina, k wt pnrehated by mid Boyl af a Mr. l.tlchrict, who pnretiaara bna of John akmner sam ae rro at about til feet hie h. of dark OCTiDlexion. aad Myt he it fiUy-fiv year of age. The owaer it reouetted to come forward, prove property, pty charge, and tak bin away, or be will be dealt with at the law direct. EUWAMRD K. JKGITTS. Hertford eo., N. C. Sept 26, l3T 4 6m ' If lllkharnnwh Female School. The. Spring Sciwoa of Ihe Female School in Hilltboroach ander Ui directioa of Mr. and Mr. Burwell. will commence oa the 15th ol Janaarv. Termt Eoglith Stadiet, gl7 50 lm. 10 00 French taurht by a native J ' 15 00 Muti. W) Prtom withing tarther iaformMioB retpee- tmg th tehool, arc referred ta Hon. F. Ntth, IJr. Jamrt Wcbh, Cllilliborough, J. V. Norwood. J Uev. Dnn-y Lacr, Raleigh. lVember 6. . . J b ..Jfawigb , . IteSi tier . and , Jf aarbera Speelator will inert the abov on abootb, and i.rward tlieir account!. pTTTSDOHOrciI v ACADEMY. The Trutleet f thit Institution, baring pro- cared th tervieet of a rerr competent and ex perienaed Teacher, Mr. J JM. Lovejoy, big leave io recommend lo ihe notice of parent and guar- diaot.' Mr- Lovcjoy hat had charge ol tbit achoof for Ihe latt m month t, with about thirty boy under bit tuiliontand the Trutleet aad parent! eiprett anlvaraal gralibeatiuB at Ihe akiltitl and tneeataful mncemnt of that, eentlemaa a a Teacher. Boy ar prepared for Cnlleg at aheap rwiwt, anwr inc moat approvaw uavcipime aau Mrwicct attentm la tbeamotalt and gcaeral de portment. The location It perfectly healthy, aad board can be obtained at J 10 pr. month ia relocatable lamilMa. ... Termt of tuitioa for ttodentt la theeUtticki, per arttioa aomiaeneing the lth January IU9, SIS lor all ether Mndcnl, SIS. .- . By erder af the bdwrd, " - - M. Q. WAODEtX, Searetary 4 9ra Tb Sltnrtard, Obterver tod Wilmington niinniKr will laaen in NTcnucmcHi iur thre monlhi nd forward their aceounti 16 the tubterlbcr. M. W. PRINTER'S INK. The auhieribert keen eontttntlr oa hand tun- ply of tpring. Manner, fall and wiater Prlatera Ink, iiich they will laraitb eh th morLtccomrooda luig term. . UMVMH, KUSSr.K at JUNES,. ' Agent for the-Manefacturer1. Prtrrbur, Va. JanuW.'Jd9. v . , bww..Wo"Aio HWimefiV ST MerTielins ? faJhttTOdt. Dt clover, trtta, goweri mmi centra teeni, nf eve. 1. 1 i. ,i : f : i .... . ry twwij vrmuicj wi ivraim toueaicrvano phvMeuint 0a the mo it lavorabla term. The great popularity and eitahlithed derriand for Ihn valuable metlicin. renilrri the contin ual ion of lengthy atlverlitement anneeetiary. Numerouiiettimuniait ol ineir vaioc (lately re- ceived) from rentlemea of Ihe hieheat rettircta bilily, ia addition lo thote accompanying each box, may be tera nn application to any of the ageatt. I he piiittre put ap in t wpertor njle. in tin bnxet containing 40 pill., with full direc tion! Pric 50 cent per box. To agent! or urchater the term mf com mini on and d ccount ar liberal. All omtnuiiieation will be prompt ly atteadrd to, by .THOMAS U JUMP. Grnl Age- (J Offlsr, Morgan St. Raleigh, lit door weal of th I'reili) terian Church ' NOTICE. 'mle of lots a t wake forest. I Ata late meeting of the Trvttrc of the In- ilitute, an order wa patted lor th laying off and Belling of lot, with a view In the erecting of a village, on groundi now belonging lo the Inalnti lioa. The aala w ill take place, by appointment, on the premiere, on Wednenlay the Sth nf Feb ruary next when tuth at may with to provide theratrlvc with a retideace in a healthful aad delightlul tectioa of country, and at Ihe very door of aa e ice I lent acmhiary of learning, will bv an opportunity to procure the rejuitit ground for building. Under certain retlrictioo. which wdl be made knwwn en the eeeatton, the fott will be pat on at public talr, and the high, eat bhlder will be th buyrr. 6 3t . FRANKLIN HOTEL, LOUISBURG, A", C. J WOOD tendert hit retpeclt to hit formtr al and Im-ndt Tor patf Cavort, aad reiiccl ully nnoaneei la thera and Ihe public reneral ty, thai he hai removed to hii former Maud (op. pwanv in uan nnaavi awnwa a The Franklin Hotel. Where he will be pleavd lo acco-amodatc thote who may tame him witti their mnny. The Baililuig aie apaeiwaeaad well nitvd lura rfoaM al entmiainmeat. II pledge biraaelf tbat no exertion thall be wantmg ta reader thote who way eall ea him aamfartable during their ttav. The Fraaklia Hotel It I be tVeneiW Slaw, n& JSce (or all the Stage arriviag at, and departing irora inapiaar, v. Leuitburg, January tl. I39 ' - 6 3w " Statts of North Carolina, lURrroiiD Contt. Court of Equitja 7Vrm, i838. Brack ncy Spiart, k. , " " . t Bill ia Equity. Nichola Booa Adm. et al 5 - ' ll annearfng ta lb eatitfaeiiea i al tha aaart tbat Uwajamia tile and Henry Lile. two el the defendant ia thit aae, reside beyond the IhaW at tbi Stat tt i therefor erdcred that publi. saliea be mad in the Ralb Star fur MX week la erder that the atid Bcnmia Ijlet and Henry Lilet, if alive, er their repretaalaiive,' may ap pear at oar aext eonrt to be held lor Ihe county ol 1 1 ertfoid, et Ihe Coart Hoot Winton, on lb foanh Monday ia March aextf then and there ta plead, eotwer, or demur tu th auid kill ( XfatrejanVcW-oWte la lbm. and beard exparla. . WM. M. MON ItiOMERT.C M. P.. Itertbrd ounty, N. C. Jan. 17, 1131 I 6t Frhit ad. t ou,-"--'-- XOTICE. urn J. ba adJ t iba Coart tfowaa done ta Genaaatea. o the aeeoad Moaday of F ebruary oest, the lollowiog Iraott of laod, er mweh thereof Iberaoa, aotu el adTwruuxg t. at., wwii WO 59 160 ITS 365 171 870 t fott 438 llBbautd, the property el Jamcalebell . da the property of Joteph Patlereaa't iicira 1 de the property of Leah Fal'oa Lewi Kiaer William Vcat Uaoiel Haoaer do . de do do laehal F. AldlV Ualittctl. ailioinmr tb sorry line, on water of Won ereeK, origmaii by Henry Burcham aad trinalerret him In Petkini aud TbtIot 53 5-4 Cnliatcd. the nroDertr ol Martin Known by the name ol Foi Old formerly the property of Heajamia ythe 804 100 57.5 800" 100 50 91 I IS . 800 7S 17J 40 810 150 68 . 85 S5J 191 167 -1 150 100 50 IIS loo 5 " 1 lot 100 SuO 80 150 16 48 S77 III iro too 150 186 63 50 856 830 II -'475 ' 430 '886 894 300 100 I0J 100 Jeaie Coi do do do do . lor Mart Cut. det'd, SylvwHU Urdaer do do Joteph Holder finldmt Crottwhite jjame Campbell Joha Carter Klipih Knight Robert Young, jr. do , Mo loihua J. Young . Daniel Perry Robert Neal tt. Flynt lor Wm. Philip Benjamin Flynt Richard William Willatia Rearing , .,... Thomat Flinchum, Sr. Matthew Wood Thoma Flinchum, Jr. Nathaniel C. Vane Hannah Heine ' Levy Evaai BryaoB Caoaday Char lei fjhetty 't Ettate rienerica; Warner Henry Ketncr Chrittian Slipeaheer Jaeob Bumgartea . Mj" Edmaad lladrieki " Rote rbomat A. Slater Jothna Chad wick K. band Eliubeth Pitt Heubea Shield Xicholat lieodrickl' John Sixemore lohn Dodasa William Malw da du ...-- Mwhael Cot, Jr: : ' ' . Jaeob Bale Ulixabclh Crank Wm.Sheltoor'J!. toaJ - Joha Harrii' hiri do d do - do Wm. Shellou't heir - - iJaraei.Liwton, Jr,.... Sheriff Office Stoke re. Dee 15, 1131 ' NEW NOVELS, c. . Juvt received and for rale by TURNER et HUGHES, at Ihe North 'Carolina Book Stoie, The Middy, or Scene from lb lile of Edward -.4-aicel lev Peter Pilgri iyiw xYy- Ethel Churtfidl or the tw Uridei, by L. E. L. tot. - Land Shark and Sex Guilt, by the author of the" naval BXetch Hook, . Home at Found, a trquel to "Homeward Bound" k. by Coapcr. The Stranger in Cbioa in 1830-7, by C. T. Dow- ""r. Piccioia or Captivity. Captive, by M. D. Sa'mt'me, Duty aad loeliaalioa 3 volt, by Mill U E. Lao don, Harry Aatlm. 8 Volt. Odditie of a London Life, by Ptal 7ry Uor of Little Pendleton, 8 vol. How tooharrve, Moral ami Manner, by Mill H. Mtrtineau, Burioa or ihe S irget, by the autbpr of South- wett, fit. Life of Hannah Moore, by H. Thompson, Napoleon and hi lime, by Caulineoart, Duke ol Vicenxa, Pelayo in 8 volt., by Sirat, Kovttvn Cower or Ihe diji of King Joha a Ro mance, 8 volt. Poetry ol Travelling, by Mrt. Gilman, with ad dilional iketehei by a few friend, I vol. Incidenlt of Travel in Gi-eece, 1'uikry, Rania nd Poland, by George Stephen!, author of Travel hi Egypt, Arabia, tea. with a map aad F.orravii g! in 8 vol. Hialory of the Revolution in Texat, particularly ol the War ol 1835 and 36. together with the latett Geographical, Topographical and Stain, litil aceounti of lh euuulry by ihe Key. C. N.well. - Alao tplendtd lot ol itngtwk and American Annual lor 1 W9, to which, Uiey would call the attention of the publi. TURNER k HUGHES. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE VJiii. RALEIGH. I ne . tale a land, I The'ondertigned uffert for very valuable tract of , lying five mile wett ol ign, contiining about 500 rfTkm at acre, Ihe greater part of whirh it anelearcd, well limbered. well watered, and a porlioo of k equal io lerlilily lo any in Ihe county. It ha on it a dwelling and other build mgt, wKh tprmgt of exeelleat water Onvenient.' Th (ituation i remat kably healthy and beauti ful, aad weald make a very detirablc retideoce to any per ten withing lo locale near tha City. A further deemed unaeoeaaary, al pertoa l deiirmg to porch , will bo doubt brat vie th premitrt. A great bargain may b had. If early atiplieat'ioB b made -JANE WILUAMS. Raleigh, Sept. 86, ltJI 40 If DOCTOR WM. a. HILL, Retpectlully lender hi Profewional terviec JjMhemJbhBnte aoaatry. He may be round at Ihe retidcuee of MR. WM. HILL,aa Hillaborongh ttreel, er at Ihe Apothecary More of WM. M. JHASOYlf CO. except when profeiiMmally i-ngaged. NovamherM, 1831 49 If State of North Carolina. CummTUCK Court?. Coar of Equitjr A Term, 185. leerph J. Baxter ef al ) l retruoa to ten Lead. Tb Court. J " j , It appearing ta the mtiafactina af the Coart, that David W ilaon, a ucUndaat ia tbi Mil ra id beyead ll limit el thi, Statei It k there fjr. ordered I bat publication ba made tor-three Baoalbi ia the Kalcigh Star, tor tha defcadaBt fa appear before the iitmi of Equity to be acid Iar the eooaty of Curritaek, at th Court Home ia Currituck, ea tba tilth Monday alter the fearth Monday in March next, the anil there to plead, answer ng demur la the said petition! otherwise the mote, will .be taken pro con ten and heard 1M.I. . In nelCcterklnirMMnoM court, at office ia Currituck, the 7th day of No- . a m DmiLIm. fitL-iU-M Um I floller. Celia IJourhtv and her buihand John vemaer, i9B, r. X.. BELUjC klH Tri.d. p. . 50 Sta at will h tuSeieat to ttlitly the lase dae 4 t.'TS-iyiWW allm1wiBTferoT Head water i of Ducking Shoal creek adjoining Conrad Neal and other. Adjoining the laadt of Joha Pattaraon k atber Sorratowa Dittriet Sboret Ueed do Bethany do Yailkm do do da do do Waughlewa ttw enteral UJ Holilei Dtihaiit Creek Ficldt, ror-j - i Qoaker Gapp Dittriet do ' da do do Deep River - do s " do do Baihabara de 1ealowt do Sorra owe ' de de do do do do do do do do do do do do - do do no de do Meadow do ..,,. do. , do Oo do do do - do Relent Creek de Deep Rive do Richmond .do v aueiliow WW. Salem rtichmoad Salera do do do do do do do do di do - do do do Bathtbira do Yadkin - do Deep River do ' do 1 do Relent Creek Shorei Ree'd Bearer Itland Creek Snow Creek ... . . . do do Quakrr Iraprt Dittriet nig ureeK do do . do do Sqow Creek do dd do do de da do dr SALXTHIEL STONE. Sheriff. Pliee Adv. f t) . 1 7w Slate of North Cnrolina. Bkhtik Cousty. Petition to tell Lund. VilUtra-Setaorn, Nathan W Seiiomi, Ann fant nf lender jean, by hit guardian aadiatext irieBU nainuna. V ASTD ' Elith 11 Settomt, Eliza Furmtn, Jane Seitomi, Hudril II Seiaoint, France! Ophelia Setinmt, ehililreii of Samu'l Seiiomi, dee'd," inlanti ol tender year,-and Skinner and Skianery grand children of Nathan Seiiotiit Detendania. la this rate, il appearing to Ihe tatitfnetinn of the court, that - Skinner anil Skin ner, grand children ol Natliau Settomt, are not relidentt of thil Male; H it therefore ordered that publication be made in the Knleigh Star Inr lit werki, that Ihey be and appear before the Judge ol our (aid court, to be held for Bertie county, it the court hnute in Windior, on the 3d .Monday in March next; and plead, tiuwcr or demur, or judgment pro ohIcimi will be cater ed againtt them, nd. the cause heard ex parte, and a tale of (andt decreed. And it it ordered acenrdinglv. Tett, L. 8. WEBB. C. k M. K. Windtof, Dee. 10, 1138 8 6w Price $5 CI EDUCATION. Having procured at great naini and rxnenir. a Lady frum the well -known and highly appruted Seminary ol Mrs, al Troy, N. Y., I beg leave to inlorm Ihe public ihat a, Female School aid be opened at my lloutej 'tiluat In. Northtm pton county, N. Ii milet wett of Murfreetburo', comuicocing on the 3nd Muuday -of January next. . In regard to ihe (j'lilificitirwit ol lire Inttruct re!i, deem it neeeiaary only In emptuy the identical language u .ed by Mr. Willard herself in recommending her to my In vorable considera tion: "She iia Lady of mint exemplary moral character, and amiable diipmittoii, qualified' lo initruct in til the Engtiah binnchei, Ficach, Mu aiek, Drawing and Fainting.'' Term per Session of Five Months. Board and Taition in all the English Brancket - - . $40 The tared with the addition of French 45 Malic, (a leparal charge) , 15 Drawa-.g and Pamiihg (lid.) - .g The Pupil will be charged from Ihe lima o entcrinr tha achrtnl In the lerniinatioa of tha ftea. ion, aud lio deduction will be "mole for'abtenee nnlt in ate of tu.knt.-iii mil not in tint event. unlen each case vf aivkuva thall exceed two week ta duration, r At Ihe number of Student I ii limited. Parent. and Guirdiana who design W patronixc the tehooL would do well to make immediate application, if or tetter, to my auitren al MargarCtuville, ivonnamuion Bounty, it. m. "r JAsm: Avoonr Korthamptoa Cty, Dec. C, 1131 - il till April 1, li9. - St Ale f North Oarolinit. C UVBITCC K Coi'KTY. Conrtof Equitj Full Term, 1938. Sally Oneal -J PrtfcU lr Ihoroi Strop , I Oaral, 5 " ml A""T' , ll irpearing to Jhe ffiiilactian -af the Coart that the defendant in the above eaa doe not re side within lha limit ef Ikjt Slat) It k there- sore ordered thai publication be mail in th Ra leigh' Slar Inr three mouth, BoStfying Ihe Said Samuel f meal la appear at the aext Term nf the Coart of Equity, ia be held at the Court Hubs. a tuarnucx aa the siitb atoaday after the fourth Monday m March a, then and there to plead, answer or demur 10 the. aid petition of Sally Uaeali otherwise lite tame will be kikea pro coa ktao and heard ex pane a la him. W itness, Tally Bell, Clerk and Matter nf our atM Coart of Equity at offle ia Currituck, the 7lh day of November. I8J. T. HELL, C k M. E. . Price adr. $ T SO 50 3m ' WILLIAMS fc HAYWOOD have rreelve.1 their atoal tupply qt FHESf C.JfCA SEt.U, raited by Tliortima of New York, in J to. 49, 11t9 Rocky Mouut naanfac(itfta Companf. . . Portoant to aa act et the tatt LrglilMam -. wjnwniBni law mv i i naiaal. Compaay," Book of MibteriptioB wdl be a?i ed at Uocky M annt, ander 1be tancnnttBow' nf Battle te Bto-heru Karrith. C. C bT Wibigtqn4B. F. Haveni, Waynetbora jjj 41Wr)'aW'1-W beloneacd lmmdiatlf. and bepl cpta tilt iTI lu of April. Copiei ol lb Charter, and Z vmIu and daripltoa ol th propel iy, a Bied H! by the preterit owner, may be teca al tb ph,. in iu.w. .jo f Jan. 29, 1139 Iw 1 The WllmiBgtoo Advertlter. Wathiogta, Whig, Tarboro' tren and Roaaek Advoce, J will pleaae pubiitn a weena. FAIR ENOECH -For the Purchaser.' Per Kin at all doubllul of the rreat lunerk! ky aud high character of Blodarl, Worcaterk Dunbaw'a PIANO FORTES, - are reipeetlut. requeued lo try themi if they are unworthy, 72 jeat themi if ihey are really good, give lhm hif character which hi been gitn litem by all wa have uaed them. Nothing lea caa be atked, ml nothing more will be required! many rate wha the party ia uncertain about Ihe quality af 11 inmuntenl, ne pay will De rtqua-ea until tbtjr are taliafied. 1 heie mauulacturer era deie nncc wevcr to let any oincr tuau ant rat rati. Forte earn oat ol their warerwomi conarqaea. Iy, thote who feel ditputed 10 parchate may ret attared that they will get the tery fiaett wactrt meutii ao matter . whether tbey order ibem k letter or puiehtt theaa ia pertoa. The (aa allrirfion will be paid lo a hrttcr ordering a (aaa, at would be given, were the pertua preieat. Maay of th panotioat 1 tcu are ucvt-i - arc W .their owner until- opcaed at nowioo-lM fcllcw. ing letter it from a gvntknwttvt. 4 mm iottrumrut before be apeoed -it mm. have new lor tale Irom 18 to 11 piauo, S ash. Pcleriburg, Vt KnjkMg-" ....ftinr,. Dear 5ir Th Piano Fort which I rmrcb. ed of yea in March lat, Anad by BtnaW WorceMer and Dunham, and hirwurilrd to BUk. ley, by way of the Petertborg Rail Roadjaf. rived m guoil order tad free of Injury. It at. neat, plain, and handiotnely finiihcd piano, ant hilly tuitaint yon in the, repreieniaiioa mad h in lay or. It ii pronounced by all who bay ptr. farmed on it, 'tome ol whore ar eoiunaiM juifgea.J lo be very nperior toned inUruraeat, in iHuiii'ic" .u iar iu w u.i.uia 1 iherelar lake much pleaiure ia rraommeai ing lo aucli per ton! i may with lo purttiate comment i ol Ihe kind, to ply to you belurt Ibn parchate cite here- . Very reipectfully youn, V. f' (Cpny.) UICF. II. PIERCE: Halifax enitoty, N. C. June 87, 1838 V. Stitfc of North Cnrollua, Fkho;U1mons Coukty. Coart of Equity Fall Term, 1838. Frauei Kixoa William; Thomat, John and Chrlttopher Wilan, BenjnminTomt aad wile Martha, Jamet Po ' ry aud wife Margaret, Joiwh- M. Parry mi wile Pharalm, Alien Hollawcll and wife K. lixaheth, Murrtret Newby and bifant, by her K.iu-.i.ii i iinuiaa.nawuy, iicnry ivaiingaal iicnry i . l aring. ll appearing lo Ihe itttifactina of the that John Wilton, Hem y W urine and Hearr Warnir, threel the detenittmi il Ihii Hiii.rttMK I I . i. i: . r . l c . . . , . . . wvyuiui inc inniia it i.n oiaie, ao iiuu me urn, nary prue?aa ol law cannot be-trrved on Ibea: H I IhereKire ordered that puiilication be i fnrtixnet-kt in the .Raleieh Stir for the auJ John Wilion, Henry. Waring and Henry P. Wir ing to appear before Die Court of Equity te b) blif-for the enuntv of I'ei-nnimnn. iK. fA . - , - j . - ... ' 7- -""it ,lit Jlcrtrom oa the anT Motvrt.v after JacJA, leaii, answer or uemnr totneam llill. otbtr wile the Mine will be taken pro eonletio, twi heard r parte (i to them. Whnri,.Stetca Fb liolt, Clerk and Matter of our taid Court ef F qoitv, at office, in Hertford, th 2Dth da) oI'D. cember, H33. S. ELL10 V I , C M. E. Price adr. $5 GiJ - State of North Carolina, tOUNTY or Fhanklin. Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, Dectmbtr Tertnt 1838. Mehailey Jackton, Lindtey L'p-") church ami wile liuisa, Kohert Jones, Joiiah Jonei, Whitman J one i, William II. Jouet, and Thnmsi C. Juiiet, ' Arehibalil H. Davit A dm en th F.ttate of Nancy Jackson, due'd, lit .lckt'in, IV) toil jlatkion, Mary Jackicn aud the chil'teii ol Berry Jacktan, lUe'd. Petition for account aad trltlrmeat' and diviHua. In (hit cue, il appraring In Ihe Hliifaailnaal the f 'nii't thai the defendant!, Ira Jark'on, IVy. Inn Jackson and Mary J ark ion, and ihe childrca of I terry Jackson, retidc beyond Ihe liuiili 1 thil Sute, iu that the ordinary pinect of tkii court catinnl reach them i It it then-lore nrdervi Ihat puhlwaiina he made in Ihe Halrigh Slur, (ur tlx tiiccettive weeks, Inr them (oeppca brrmf the Justice! nf nor Court oJlet Jnit Q.hi!b Scliiolii. -lo be hrliPFor fTie oounly ol Frstiklia, tt the lini l Home in liuiilinrg, on Uie rnd Monday in M.rrh nexij then aud there la s twpr ihe flil Petition, or jnilgment prn scelcHt will he mkc al tn lliem, .ml a fiM.I lieemta lercJ according to Ihe prat er r-f Pel i l ion. Aueit S. PATTERSON. C. C. C, y .6 in v Pries adr. ( 5 68 DRUCiS tV MEDICINES Sign of the 'CSoltieii Mortar. HavirrCrched the entire deck of Mesan' T. S. Il.kallh k Co. have enrenu'Bisd tb APOI'UKCARY business at Ihe stand forwterfi nvenpiedby Uirm nn rayrttevillt Slreet, raw -dunr nnith id W?r-Ar STrh, -wlteTe" Tbey-have j'lit recrivcil furtlu-r supply nf ' ' Drnffa. Metliclneav . CSInaa, OH. Pniiits. Dye Slnlfs and Per and Per- A with a VI eut of I VLES. Wj i ii in err. (ocether Keiu-rul iiMOortineut FAXCr ART J wTiH-h thry wiirilitiintr ol on the mutt ble terms. ' - Meichanli and other can be rurtiitbrd pCent and other mei.iciiir nn -at 'rr" term. thry can be got snoth of lha Vot1 Person would do well to sail and Cltroia themselrcs. Phttiaiaa at a disunce. wh favor a with their order, will hava promptly sliendcd to' No pains will be tpr U (rWciiug Clieruicalt and Plirmcalil K pamtHiiit, at tluy are rletermhied that a sine but tush at are grunine, shall be sold 5 Ihem. Our of the Fn-m having been IrirenghlJJ in Ihe buainett, to which he will glv hi filled attention,, thereby avoiding ihot "" mlttakct Ihat toosolten occur throne" inrompf trney nresreleitlrti, ihey Imp, hy slrtel t'"J- tmn to minuet, tu merit a shtre ci in Y" pKt'l't'ittty ""J"r'"""'"' la'''J;ilf:","fc,t' w'"1' , rebruaiy, IW . j tv JOB PRINTINO ' O 5' w""u"jf C- o4t o.-Mf dr-paUhi r- .iVn '