f V ". ., - V'.- ! . . ,: ' .V , : . . , . ,. - ,:.!. . . . . V . j. . -: .; : 'j Pi $u I utcIUrjcnccv Play with your fancies; and in tcm behold upon 'the hempen tackle ' hip, bay climbing rhrarUhe shrill whistle, which doth order gire to sounds con Jmm ' rbfholdthe threaden sails, borne v'Uh'ihe invisible and creeping- Minds, draw the liuge bottoms' through the fur- rpwed sea, breasting the lojty surge; 6 do but think, you stand upon the ri vage and behold a city on the inconstant billows dancing. Kino Hknry, V., TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1869. Policy aud Expediency as Substi tutes for; Intellect: and Morality. The tendency of revolutions has al 'vays been, to unsvttlle the, moral prin ciples bf men, and to ignore intellectual irpibiliies, because of their logical deliberation and aristocratic character. . t The cons iquence)hasi been, that what ; tver inherent i virtue might belong to those politicl aqd social upheavals, whatever qaualitjlts of personal purity and patriotic excellence might pervade heir operations, they have nearly al ways ended in , disaster to society , and religion. 'It would be difficult to find purer and better men than Ilump den j and .'Lafayette, and it would "be utterly impossible, to construct a sound er political plat forni than that upon which they planted themselves, wlien .' they surrendered their energies' to the " caue of popular insurrection and.in- - surgency . d yet they both became- leaders of revolutions, whicb smote . jthc i great heart of the world' as with pestilence and ruroj and set back the march of civilization and . moral nro- ' .--! r '.' 1 (B -- ..aarainn(. ' . Perhaps no better solution o' uus, , problem can be found than in the fact, that when the pillars of good judge ment are! s Taken, and men launch themselves out upon the stormy sea 'of political discojiteut, a mad enthusiasm, ; without moral purpo se of control, rules ; the destiuies of the hour. r Popular , j excitenjent, eveii though it may have . Jjad its birth in correct principles, has never failed ultimately to wreck the no blest cause. It took all the courage and martial talents of Richard the Lion v Hearted, to rectify the mistakes which the reckless zeal of Peter the Hermit had infused irt the Crusades; And when this blind enthusiasm has once firmly grasped the help of revolution, then every piratical flag is soou. hoist- U ed, every robber anil cut-throat dashes to the ideck to take, the navigation of the j vessel, and Capiain Kidd 'ranges "'V-the fes in all the furious.' revelry of poJja4ion and t.Iawgiier. Tjiiwit comes to pass, that policy, f syhich is only another name for the ' '..meanest selfishness,1 and;. expediency, which is the polite, nomenclature for I ihe basest dishonesty, are always the f master-spints of poUtical revofutio.ns Andjjiut in proportion as these malig nant influences obtain the control, rnen-of. int.elle,ct culture-and moral character retreat -from the public gaze . Tfeere is no place for the eagle and , birds of plumage and lofty song, when . bats and ugly insects ae abroad. We 1 wonder, where Ihe gallant and gifted lead ers of the First Empire were, when the fiery demons of Paris were shed dig the innocent blood of Maria An obette. But it took the full-orbed ge nius of Napoleon and the strong gov ernment which he established, to bring . them to the light of day. - 00 We need not expect, that there shall be peace, order or prosperity, until this revolution, which the Har riet Lane with her secret supplies, nd the first gun fired upon Sumter,, light ed into, a devilish ijlare, shall burn it self j out. And t will not burn i'sel oit until the last! pine tree has had its rosin and turpentine consumed, and the last blade of prairie grass has beenshiv elled in the Heat. ,In the meantime, let every citizen do what he can to- f wards the national unitv. and leave the result with God. During the absence- of the Presi 'Jent from Washington, his private Secretary, Brevet Brig. Gen. Horace Portjjrr, will remain bu duly iulcharge of the Execptiye Qflice. . The Supreme Court of Arkansas has decued that the 'scrip issued by the city of Little Rock j amounting to fFOR HIE EASTERN INTELUOF.NCF.R. Koop it Before the1 People. Let us have Steam Be. cause it will help restore the shattered fortunes of Washi'icton It will have a tendency to remote from oiir vacant lots" the monuments of a dreary .past, aud to cause handsome storesl pacious ivarenouses, ana Deaumui pweiimgat to occujiy the pfaccs now filled by nox ious weeds." I It' will infuse life, bus-j ;;e"j energy andactivity inti) our pec pie, and a them fro.j. the Hip Van Wfnkle slumber ,u.f.'w ,Ich the have fallen. .It will help rebu.7 oa broken .piers, and dilapidated jwharyts,! and cause th,em to team withpusy life-. It will be one of the means o'f maki ng; our streels autl stores the rhdrts oftridf and merchandise instead of the j re sort of idlers. It will be the pioneer of new enterprises, new interests: open( up new avenues of wealth and fiOurccjs' 0 1 1 rad e ; c r eate n e w y an t s which wi 11 , tax the ingenuity and iudiwrry of the people to supply. It will attrlct strah-j gers to our town from the Jco.untry,1 who if they are met,in the right spirt it by our merchants and not fail to seej that this is um where they can trade with profit and "pleasure oil! ers, will thtj empori1 and traffic It will aft Ford facilities to our fnendte in th adjoining counties, especialJv these' along the river, they have : nojt hereto fore posscs&iidji which will indtice them to make put 'own the! he!ad cenv ter of . their j business rami icatious,: which yili;.either cause the enterprise-1 -tng agents of our river Steamer to make a dailvline to Tarboro, or a rival liud wquld be , put on; which would result in lighter draught .boats beilng used tha' coul(l"mike the trip at al seasons of the y earj with certaintyindidispatch the first resultof which vviuld he. a "Daily Mall," a consumationjmost de voutly 'to iejvvfehed for by all, more especially our business men. lit would have a tendency to increase our popu-t ation, whd with all their wants,, ne cessities, and desires, vouldj prove a source of profit to farmer and merchant: To the farmer in inducing: hiiii to cater to their 'wants in his his Huje, filling our market-house with choice nieatsj vegetables' and fruits thus adding to the .eniovmeiit of all in .'uivfn g us an nnDOrtunity to subsist on some hing be-j siaes uacon, tiounnj j bread, ham and long stalk fns. COI n collardsJ The merchant .would realize us share 1 of the profit by supplying jthe increas ed wants' of both town and Co hntry. i -It would' induce ' strangers from auroau 10 visit us, ior me purpose o examining into ihe resoiuces andapa bilities of cur ' section lor agricultua and other nurposes, which would create a necessity for a, hotel, thus adding another receiving and distil- buting reservoir of mony in t! le midst of our community.' It would the value of pur propertr, by . - l increase k.reatnir demand lor unprovcmentJ in our suburbs! miasmia swamps and levet- factories. " i I Scraggy cedars, and Stragglj ng pines would disappear, and iu their stead would rise up fields of waving corn, luxuriant cotton, ncn ciover, trie cere a Is, garden! tjuck in all varietiesj and last,, though not least, extensive vine yards of the luscious Scuppefnong Thuslv: From little acorns tall oaks VFrom small bcs-inmii'rs starts great en- ! terprine Let us have a Steamship'. Xeroi. Clippings. The now census is to, beAaken in one w eek. The Presbytery- .o f Londoner adopted .the New York basis of reum ion in Boston, Tuesday. 1 j Pat Maloney muxdered ah old nej gro named Pleasant, in Memphis, oh Monday night, T 1 The American brig Corinthian, o Ellsworth, JMe., has been vvrecked near Kingston, Jamaica Seven , persons were . drowned a Crown City twenty miles below Galli opis, Ohio. 1 ' f ' A Woman's Rigiits Conyehtion met in Indianapolis Tuesday. x j Serious disturbances hatfe! occurred at Carnolia, Italy, but order restored. . i has been ' The Regent y bill was read in the Spanish Cortes on Mondayf. j Gen. Canby has appointed Major A. B. Thompson sher ilt for the city of Richmond I Jas. Munroe, President of the Third NatiouI Bank of Syracuse, died at Eldridge on M&uday niht.j ?' ,yT The widow ol Hon Wa. H. George of Mobile, has recovered $5,335.15 from the .Manhattan JLite Icsurauce pompany. Fifteen Norfolk strawtyhtes. fi11; Educational. SATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Dep't of Public Instruction, f. 1 Raleigh, June 1st. 1839. Dear Sir. The undersigned, anx ious to incite the public mind to a -eneral offort on behalf ofducation, do hereby recommend that one or more Educational Meetings be held in each (ouuty, on the ensuing fourth day of July, and that the best' speakers ob tainable be invited to address said meetings. ' We think that there is no way in which jwe can more advantageously or becomingly celebrate the anniversary -f our National Independence. It . f . i ' 1 - will be a pleasing departure certaini, .... , . . J Mny which has render-? from the monow A, i 4;u many cuizens luuinei.. 1 . .Jl!a ui. ui v observance of the day ; and surttj is in adcord with the progress of the age.J W hat will it avail that our aiartyr ed fathers shed , their blood to pur chase Tor us a country extending from sea to sea, and from the Gulf to fthe Lakes, unless their posterity be arm- ed with education'the only means of maintaining that inberitance ? N Ve shall most effectually commemo- ie the noble deeds that established j our National Independence, by taking sfpnn ) will aiff flip rfiilrlrPTi of' the State to an education that will en- The Turkish and Persian Govern able them to understand and appreciate men s have come to an understanding the history'of Uevclutionary tira.es. in relation to the boundary betwleen On Independence day, then, let the the two countries. people aseinDie wiuioui regara to past social or political diiTereuces and let j us enjoy , throughout the btate, a j day of publ c instruction. !- It is. estimated that the capitation 1 I tax, if fully collected, will amount ' to three hundred and seventy thous- and dollars If the people are made to understand' that thVee fourths of this, or-lwo hundred and seventy.-six thousand dollars, are for free school purposes, we conjecture that there will be no difficulty about its collec- tion If you favor: the movement we hop : you will use your best efforts to , Six thousand ScandiHavian immi assenble the largest possible number granti reached Chicago last week. I Ol cuizens, anu 10 secure ine services of good speakers for the occasion.l Respectfully, SiS. ASHLEY, Sup't. Public Instruction. J. W, HOOD, Ag't Board of Education, One Johnson a printer, vr as arrested in Cork on Tuesday evening for cir? culating treasonable documents among the British soldiers. The project for ., regency was re ferred to an appropriate committee at Madrid on Tuesday, Olazaga says that the election of a King is impossi ble. . r " : The National Convention of the Refafmed ' Church of Philadelphia have' declined Pope Pious's invita- tiou to attend the Ecumenical Coun cil. ' J :;: j"''. ,:' ' . ' :' - ; James Warner, who murdered Miss Strange last wiiiter at Little Rock, Ark. , iias been sentenced'to be hanged on the 9th of July next,. ' ! McCook and Allen will fight on Tuesday June 15. The last deposit of $5Q0 a side was made in McCool's saloon, in St. Louis, on Tuesday night. i The Second Advent Society, of the United States, in session in Spring field. Mass. decided Wednestiav to hold the next national camp meeting. near that place, - beginning Aug. 28, and continuing two Sundays. The Detroit River Bridgeor Tunnel Bill was rejected xn Tuesday night in the House oi Commons promising to undertake the work within twelve months i ; i The American Institution of Home opahty esumed iis sessiou in Boston Wednesday, 122 delegates participate in a horbor excusion in tie atteruoon and in the evening: held asocial levece in the Music Hall The cargo of th Italian bark Luife, consisting of oranges and , leroonsi ar rived at New Orleans decaved, and the entire cargo, excepting a few lemons, was thrown overboard by or der of the Board of Health. -! ., 'i f , r. i On Tuesday night !an attempt was made fo rob the Sandy river JNational Bank in Farmii.jrton. Me. The thieves when discovered by the vi lage watchman, had put through the outer safe, and were at work on trie inner one. M . ' Patrick and James Cheever have hesn arrested in Roxburv, Mass., for kiliinsr John Good, Patrick Buckley, suspected of com plicity in the murder of D'Arcy. Mc Gee, has become insane , j '1 Eiehiy' thonsaa emigrants left, Liv emool last week for the United States, , "l.i !.: c c;a: i ne iKaiionai jaDu-ccufci ior?ation is in session la Chicago John Martin, of 600 Annapolis street. Philadelphia, cut his throat on Tuesday evening . 1 The jury in'the McConnel murder case in Jacksonville, 111., have found Robinson not guilty. j The steamer Aries has been rescued from the beach near Barnegat. j The Methodist of Cleveland, Ohio, voted to admit lay members by a large majority. The Metropolitan Police bill has been killed in the JMassachuetts Sen- ate. by 27 to 4. f j The steamer Montana; sailed from Sao Francisco Wtndesday for Panama with $500,000 in treasure. Returns from eight counties- in Washington Territory gives Garfield (Republican), delegate to Congress, 429 majority. , j "--faurfarms, embracing 5,660 Fi.ri 'ed in Florida last year acres, were se -the Homestead under the provisions o . law. The Hairisou-Vreeliind breach of promise case was argued in Irentou, N, J., Wednsday, on motion pfdefeu- .ior a new iriai. - - j . , . ;The Prohibitory . Liquor . bill, ex- cepting the cider clause, passed the Massachusetts House Wednesday 152, to 67 v - ! xVtariv an the iadies of the Societv of Friends in Europe have discarded the peculiar dress of the sect. , I . . , ? j 4, . , u fr : i tin thplr hon-fitlflii Hin lull . frnm I. - . . ' T ' K , 4 f .. ! I niTif rr t irht nanfc nAiinn 'lar tall - I I " A;writer in the Revolution deman.ls r wives equalay with wet nurses, j "Princess Metttriiich says a velo- Cipedeis a "machine.that set a fool on FiiIe, . Sweden has started a female medic- al college. ;. T- . - f, , , ,, n . l . 1 (the jolly old soul,) hav -arrived at Boston, for jubilee practice, . Chicago claims to. have themost val uable horse in America. ' Joseph Jefferson is playing in Phil adelphia. 1 A family of garbage pickers in New Toikve $10,000 in bank. Two millions, of dollars a year, it is ajlegjd, are losfat Ne w Vork gaming tames. ! teachers meeting. will be "held at Berlin this summer, at which about 3,0)0 teachers will bej'present. Nearly all the ladies of the Society of Friends in Europe have discarded 1 the peculiar dress of the sect. Aa?tria hi Austria has 3,000,000 acres of for est.:' ' j ' -I Theives lately stole the carpet from a church near Cincinnatti. Seven niembers of one family in Virginia, are 80 years old. j General Magruder is n Cincinnati lecturing: , John Roe returns the largest income iu St. Louis, j . Anna Dickson predicts that she will 1 i be a member ol Coperes ten years hence. The Russian police cost morethan any other. j I A man in Chicago has a beard eight feet long.. I Longfellow was present at the cele- it- i t Drauou in Florence. The highest income in Philadelhia was $32,831. According to the Trenton True American, the New Jersy peach crop will be unusually latge. - -.1 Japan, it is said, is soon i to adopt a constitution monarchy, patterned af-. ter the British Government. Prussia presents for the ''champ1 ion- Ljjj , jin yy p" King William, who. is 72 years old, and reads without spectacles. ! A husband can5 readily foot the bills of a wife who is not afraid of being seen footing the stockings of her hus band. ' ' . V Nine out of every ten, American newspaper sent to France are it is said confiscated in the French Post Office, A Poughkeepsie - women cut the I 1.1 Jl 1 I 1 1 T 1 ' U,U1 n IUI IQ VIUCI, 03 9UCMI9, IU UM IUC child a kindness." In a Syracuse police court, recently, after all the arrested persons had been - disposed of, the audience ii cou.t and d as grants. The-Washington Star says that the - new issue of paper moiiey,' of ' all denominations, will be ready for dis I tnbution to the nablic onlthe 1st of r. ; , ;. j v ' Juiy. , communicated. TO MY PATRONS. I deem it proper to inform you that as soon as my successor is appointed, my connection with the Universal Life Insurance Company, of New Ycfrk, will cease ; and that I shall hereafter represent the American, of Philadelphia. This change is made not from any want of confidence in the Universal, for I consider it as safe and reliable as any Company now doing business on this continent ; but to advance my interest, for which none can justifiably, censure me: I sincerely thank you for your lib eral patronage, and hope that I shall merit a continuance of it. A change has recently been effected in the management of the business of the Universal, by which its patrons will be greatly benefited. . If you should need any additional insurance on your life, it will be well for you to examine the plans of the Amt.rfcan before making application any other Coznoany. - 1 1 Very respectfully, ;t f. piiics. Washington, N. C, June t " m Sisters and Mothers. These aie ties vvhich, like the invisible strings of couscieuce bind man to the world ol kiudly affection, and are' the last things forgotten when one leaves life. The marriage situation may be one of pure and uninterrupted felicity; there may be, no cloud in its whole happy ; horizon; it may be ever sunny, aud flowers spring in at every season of the age. But even these hap'py ones. who are in this rlime of bliss, remem ber long and late the claims, of a sis ter or a mother to their best affections. In the life of the solitary and single, those who are said to be doomed to ennui of loneliness, the claims of a sis ter and a mother should hold strongly, not only upon their feelings, but du ties. Those kindnesses which men bestow upon their ofRpring and their iiiiroc oiirt wVin nmcpes port onrl in I tvlioin their best views are concentra ted, in the batchelor, are given to the (almost) sacred names which consti tute this heading. In loving a sister, there is none of that earthliness of pas sion which degrades the heart; in the devotion due to a mother comes noue oi me seinsnness oi men. i ne leei , . e .t i I mi r t ings inspired by both sister tnd moth" er, all are derived from sources as pure as the divinity that inspired them. Selected. ' ; LATEST NEWS BY MAIL WASHINGTON, D. C Washington, June, 11. Hoar's opinion regarding the status pf Georgia is not expected under two weeks. The Government loses but $33,000 by the Santa Fe depository robbery.1 It is reported that Turner, colored, Postmaster for Macon, Georgia has s-. cured and filed bond. Stated Turners appointment was determined upon by the Cabinet, and the President under the circumstances declines to withhold his commission. Turner isfhere. The fi ne ot $3,uuu and disability to the service found against Cap. S .41 4-k AAA . I re-enter the service found against Cap Marvin A Park is remitted by , the .', ;' . , , , here endeavoring to have refunded. moueys for restamping tobacco manu factured prior t. July 20th, 1868. Russel Jones, Minister to Belgium, departs on the 26th. The Secretary of War, Rawlins has left for Connecticut. New York. Albany, June 11. Resolutions, by the National Typographical Union, censuring the Associated Press mono poly as preventing the establishment of , newspapers throughout the coun try j were finally referred to a corn mittee. Halleck, of Washington, of fered a series, of resolutions that em ploy ers should not make religious or political views a test of employees, and denouncing the action of the Con gressioual printer Ifoi employing the negro Douglass, a rat but adjourued Without a vote. Cuba. w-wr -w 4 " " 'sTV I W ashington, June 11. eu- sions. among opauisn ouiciais uu ui- cam zed volunteers are increasing. Volunteers have almost the entire control of the Island. France Brest, June 11. Ahanquet was held aboard the Great Eastern in hon or of the successful laying of the French cable. Paris, Jane 10. .The Prefect of Police has had placarded throughout the citv a proclamation urging all good citizens, to aid the authorities in the rxecutiou of the law. and in Le prt- srrvalion 6T public order and peace. Much aeiUtion exists, and. crQ.lt dU lintrer.in'the streets. " , Belfast, Irelakp. Jfune 1 1th Nineteen naembers of the Orange Lodge were ousted for disturbances, OUDSequeuily a collision occurrcu w iween me citizens auu uuiitc, ocvcisu were lenoasly injured. ' A Reward is( oflered by Western farmers for a grasshopper trap. If a dentist and a chiropodist should engage in an altercation, could they be said to be at it tooth and nail?' One hundred aco! fifty persons were arrested in Chicago the other day for leaving their horses unhitched in the streets. ' f ' j: A ma i living near Nevy York, cut his throat the other day because, as i? alleged, his wife wanted so many new dresses. An Iowa papers zelously idevoted to tae cause ol temperance, recomends the keeping of a small-pox patient in each lockup as a means of preventing drunkness. j .A Match for the championship of bootblacks in Chicago broke up rn a iow, caused by a "foul" on the part of one of the contestants, who spit on the boots instedof in the blacking box. Spring chicken bring 20 to 25 cents in Greensboro. Most be "skase,'! Thirty days is the time it now takes for merchandise to arrive from Yokoh ama, Japan, to St. Louis, Mo. . Roasting ears of corn are ripe in Jdalco countv. Texas, and it wa 'oA that :. th corn rrnn would calculau -. . .... 4r . P . . - , ,. x ' ea dv iu lain oi june. be fulh matui. K.,l Forces J,Ifft GlasgowJ . . Cincinnati has a baby it is' proudbi. It fell out of a thirty-story window upon a stone pavement artd escaped unhurt. It struck on its skull, and was a colored infant. i MARKETS, Washington Market. - ; June 13,186J. NAVAL STORES.' Corrected weekly by Joseph Potts Sc. Son Turpentine, Yellow Dip............$2.8n(aU Virgin , dip , . Scrape.1 1 .7" Tar....i : f 1.60(70 GROCERIES, C. i Corrected Weekly by II. Wiswall, Jr Co ton per lb.. 25,26 C6m per Bush.. 56 lbs.,... . ...8 ' H4 Meal " 46 9 (Sll.O Rice " " 43 1.1 $l.l" 8 lbs il. 0 Pea-Nuts per Bush., Hides Dry... 1415 , 7 ...... .3540 Green , Bees-Wax per lb i Tiexr Berne Market, June. , NAVAL STORES. 12 v Turpentine, Dip........ 300 , " Tar ;7- ior. , ri Pitch............ 20 f?a 50 Rosin 2UU400 MISCELLANEOUS. Salt...:.,:...-.. 2 0(12 2 lb)22 31 00 Bacon.... i Pork, per barrel. 1............ Butter... .v T 35(J..r5 38. DCMHU Efrgs ('orn, by auuUy Oats . I "0(511 JO Wood, per cord.... .............. 2 5 (a U I Pine, 1 5(fVi 1 75 Cotton 26 ' New York. Market. June 11, Cotton, firm; Flour firm- i 1 ; Cornl2c better : j , Mess pork f M M't Turpentine moderatelv active at 441 43 Rosin firm at $2.35 to $.2.38 . " Gold 39 ' New Advertisements. Fresh Arrival. 10 ITda. New Cron WEST INDIA MOLASSAS, a nrime article, for sale low. oy j. a. WILLARD. i N OT IC E. nnnERE will be a meeting of the Corpo- I "tors of tho SOUTHERN LAND COM P ANY, in Washington on the 15th instant, at tho fHce of the undersigned, opposite the Court House, at 12 o'clock, for the pm ,pose of oiganization. : 1 ; HIRAM E. STILLEY, june8 2t Chairman pro Um B0GART& SHALL DRUGGISTS, MAI5I STREET, , keep constantly on hand, and arriving, PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, & CHEMICALS, I . - PATENT MADICINES, PERFUMES, &c, &c. XawJdch the attention of Physi tuuiD tuu wo y U-Uiiu, We bay our goods from FIRST CLASS IMP OR TING HO USES NEW YORK, ana defy COMPETITION; as to v . We Cannot be Undersold 11 w hve " Fluid Extracts, Eclectic Medicines and Chemicals a speciality, and our Frescnptipn Department ia now ery complete. , f t&- We ean furnish Country Dealers with .Patent Medicines at very small per- ceutago ua new Aor&.pnces. i .a ui i iKuecnuui ooucitea. feb 9-lyJ ; . jtrno 15 V O'T'M C JO 4 ALL persons having1 work at the shop of the undersigned, will please call fur it immediately, as he intends moving from Washington in a few days. All work not called for, will be sold at public' auction. may tfilm : F.jll. SARTOKIUS. 1 i For Sale. " r1 A FIRST CLASS BAR, fixture, and ' - flock 6(0 t)DLIQrOR. uu 12 month Iicentr.Locail on Mala (Street. A splendid stand for retailing. Pul-fuctory teMoH for sellinK. Cbe fur caslu , Apply Ut i mnjll lml . ,. j J. U.JOHNSON, Art. Important Land Sale ! IN pnrtnc of a decre of tht f upcrlur Coart of ll..l count t, made at the Spring Term. le69, the sub9criler will tell at public auction, at the Court l(oue dior In Ssran Quartet;, 11de County, oa the 15th day of June next, j ' , 1 Nineteen Hundred ACltES OF X, A. IV r I (more or lew) lying on the eiit side of Pang Rlrer, and eoiMh aide of Wilkinson's Creek, and knowa at the - MiV'l Wilklnnon place. The njain public road to liytte Court House runs through the land. ' There is a coniforsable dweihnf, gvKd machint huuxe aud other neceM.try luilding, iwid about 100 acre eirared, ditched and fenced. The wtwle tract Is nnnlj tliu bKred,aud isUPKlaOK HYDE COUNTY LAND tu ly drained, aud good navigab le water wlthl 200 yards of the building-", 'it ' TERMS OF 8ALK. Cah pay Court cost., and one, two, and three years cijedit for the balanre, to b seeorrd by apprred net el, and title withheld uu- , til purcliane money is pald.1 Title undisputed, and ' alo certain to be niade. 1 ; FroiiM he scarcity of Bowytk le strppesed the pro per y will sell very low, and one of the finest oppr- tunlUes lor a profluMe iiiTestmetit will thru be pie se .ted. ' j 3. C. STONK, ! may 114tJ . , Comr.' ORGANS AND MELOD EONS . ' ! i 0 MORE THAN 4 0 ,00 ! or O. A. TRINCt t C0.8- Improyed latent Tilze : LTe5ai (Jrgttns AD XKLOPSONg Aug KOW IK CdS, I j Cnifonnljr awnrdod the first i-rtmluroi wuenerereti nlbiu-U In conpetitiiwith qiher tuskers kod sold si I ''VY are noted fur timir i..ii.!U. ...u. . . ' "'I. roundand rich. Not ih Ht..t r.... i dy" tone cn be uL."fs:trdi resiibling tlie Iip Urgnn. The uni vermil use, bul1 WHUtCJUutrjr sul In Europe, j abundanlai.lv allots thdr rk'ml to be the best iu-! jiliumeits of tlie kind manufiCtitred. i Ttiey nave b-eir In use 10 ears .wiinoa geiiinf out ol order in anjr particular ; although duriug th.ti time many new and decided inproremnit have been ad led, which reflued taste And skillful luertianUiu could prwliM-e 1 ' J hey will be furnished by the underslened, who hss been appointed their Agent, at price to moUtrntt i a to ot wiuiin react prttaufamiitc, as well as Churchts. all aud f et a pi Ice IUt. j j Yt. K DEMILL. Agent. Jt KH1 K I N G S! 200 000 A bemaile Cut Heirinrs, ( ' for sale, by 1 pr27tf- John Jtlynrs Sonr-.J The highest cash price will be. paid 10,000 lbs. cf Wol. Iji May, 2atf . J. MYERS' SO?. .id ml u ifitraldr? .Yotice. ALI.: H-rot linving dumk R!D-t the etl ,or J. E. M. H(w.kH j. UrtM H re-ent tl.im Hr uavmeut Uliln the tiin? ii t-criln l liy-Uw. ur tliis- ; uotice will Ue iH-'l in hr nl ilieir rwoyury Ivorich. II. K. H. illMIAhUi .1(71 r . .TENNER 11 SAIT lirilWAITE, 1 tturncj- and Counsell r t Viw I ITHCtices In the Courts ol Bduuloit, Wit, Martin ml Hde. . .. ; . ... . OFFICEr-Market Street, m-fcr the pon umrc, usn-. ; ngton.Nrc. j - twcli-tf;, ; GKOVER & BAKER SEWLxtr MACHINES TUlE subscriber Is prrpsrrd t.i lurnls lhe h nis'i u fcK)d .Sewing MMclirneOtt Oro"' Manufacture, with Instructions how to u.t Ihnu, al fc try i-rices. ' . , ' ' X lie nmmw.l ' m nmm l. .m .mwm nu. . it-1 1 1 u y d-iily, tint one of wlikh tws proved iniprfi'Ct-.is ths be-t guaranty to offer of their great superiority orer nil other makers. Call nu pet a l'aiaiKuo. Wj DKMILI-, Agent, y Top liti:cry foxm fcJule. riHE subci llwr lias fur sales neat, Leather Top JL' Buftny. but little usx), tor which hs asks a nioU- eiute price. W.jt DICvilLL, Agent MARVIN'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES s HMIE Agacy of these Ju.tly .tititlod "FIRK-PKOOP 1 8AF 8" Is si IU u Ui by nir. and ata ready tu turn- isti any sis at DiHt cost, wttta) exp Dsvs of trauspurta- tiou added, with dispatclt. E. DCMILL, Afsnt. 1WISI1 TO SELL, imtnediately, for CASH, my bouse jand lot. on Second btrcet, At the extreme! eastern end or it.. Also the Schooner 11ATTIE, two hundre-l barrels bartben, in good order, sails, tackle and in very other respect. ' may Slm . JOSKlj'llUS WALLACE Notice: ALL persons havinjr! clames apainst tho estate of tb late Allen Grist are bete- by notified, to file tho samp with tb under signed on or before the first Monday in Oc tober nut, as the Administrators accounts will be made up at that time, so. that all assetts in bis bands may tee distributed. among tho creditors of "the estate, pro rata,. according to the decree of the Supreme: Court. 'I'" GEOEOE L. "WINDLEV, Clerk Snpr. Court, may 2Tth Ct. l.i CAROLINA1 HOUSE L. J. Wise rould most re spectfully inform hi friends, and the travoliag. public, that he lias becom the , - ' T J It JP II rO jP,H XfciT O R ' " v . '-.j ' of this House, on Main street near Market, Washington .N.C., and that he intends to keep a HOTEL, Wnici l j in 'the ; com pleteness of its table, the neat- -ness and comfort of its lodg ings, and the ccominodating entertainment aflbrded to trav elers and guestSp shall compare favorabl with any similar en terprise in the State. ; j Give Wise- a iri al in his n cV tSSTeams provided for l June e-ly 800,000, is worthless. quart pot.