if -: 4 V ft! t : s 4 h Play with' your fancies; and in (hem Uhold, upon the lumpen taclh ship, boys' clirnb 'wg : hear the shrill whistle, which dotK pner give to spunds con fused : behold the thread en sails, borne with the invisible find creeping winds, draw the huge bottoms fhrpugh the fuf jowed seat brpasting the lofty surge Q'do but think $ you stay d upon the rif page and behoWtfcVn pi inconstant. pillows dancing,--Kio Henry, V 5 ' it' TUESDAY, JUp 29, 1869 M1C.4. Cia)Jwll, (of tie firm of Cajdvi'dl &, Brdnizer, General In turance Agents, Charlotte, N. C,,) is in our town, and s prepared to issue -al IkinJs'of policies on the lives of Hus bands. Wives, Children, Wards, Deb tors &.c, in the American Life Insu ranee Company, of Philadelphia a i-ompany thai has had an experience of nearly a quai ter of a century, and 'tnd to-day one of the leading com panies in the United States Call and see him at the Drug Store, of 0. M. Urowu & Co., before insuring els whete. j ; ; ' . -.r Wc cheerfully recominerid him and he American your ponsideration &nd favor. 1 .: We Jiold a nolicy in the American. .', J ILL- . U-.- Bonch ailtl Bar. It would be. difficult to conceive of a inoxe delicate and critical -eltipn!tha:i that which exists between. these two rt:at branches of the law. It is a Jigaturel of xe highest honor ani cour The judge is not simply the tcomplislit'd lawyer, raised., by the of his ;le j1' talents and learning, to the loftiett places of official respon sibility and trusty but he is the -'pro- JfSsionat exponent, of tl,c purest prin- 4 i pies and the noblest maxims which the uninspired scholarship of the ages ha! embodied. We can easily forget the unprincipled Judge, who permit Lid hUnix'lf io be tnide the xcckless tool of James the Second, and the slay er of the wayu'ard Monmouth, when we have the illustrious record bf such ib'po as Sir IIatthev Hale,Cheif Justice .Marshal and others. V ; And on the other hand, the altitude -of the Uur, not the mere Jdle assump tioii of lauttv and affectatiun, nor the luwninir isveophatcy of prolessionaVj cluvery and depeiidencr, is no less Jjonoralle and important. A practis ing lawyer is com relied, by the very i thics 'jf tin? noble brotherhxtod to which he belong, and the very life -l the iniercits v hii It he serves,to re gard with dt (t u'iice and respect the tccupaiit ol the Ufiicli.. In Kn gland," the dignity and '.-majesty of this rela- uonsijip nave ut en prcservetiMue uy bide vvi 1 tin' gipwth of (heir govern men it apd olitjcal iastilutions. And through a i, their storms ol revolution, and the ir ha'ptisms of civil strife,, the men of English history have matfi t their first work, to maintain untar nished theiiutt'grity "of their jurispru dence:'. . j : ': . .'- : An occurrence like the recent con Mict between the Supreme Cpnrt and the Batj of this Stute, Could not have taken place un:der any "political for mula but a lt iuocracy ; and not even ,inder- that, unless in times of irrespou : sihle pirtisatysm and licentious fiberty .of will And now, say what we will of the j esulf, the glory hath departed -indltht! tcniple hath received its stain it is in vain lor the Judges to depre rate the popular .verdict, when their political letters ah.i liv'ing witnesses of their politieai"speec!ies are testifying aaiust them. And it is in vain ft r the proiesting lawyers, to try to separ ate betw een individual Judges and the Supreme Court is session, wheu the very., tame character that a Judge pos sesses out of Court he necessarily car ries into court. The mischief has been done, and, a stigma affixed 'to a noble profession, which will cling to. it - : ,- . . through generations. ';.'., , , Aud now, let 'us stop right i here a single moment, and think, u Would it not be better for us, for our children, for every Interest of this country, to give up this spirit of recrimination, of bitterness, of strife, and to devote our-r stives, jfrom the highest .political, civ il and ecclesiastical othcet down to the humblest citizen, to the woik of pa- - r. .1 tincci of, charity, of unity, ard of progress.! This censorioui inquisito rial yiolence must l; abandoned soon er or later, or YYt are preparing terri Jle Jays for our children. fTheie is no thing of God, .of the christian religion, or of hope, in the conflict of angry souls. f th,ere are bad men in pow er, they will just as certainly be work ed out, if we'd! j&ur'duty, by the log ic of Providence in history, as that the flowers Jot summer succeed the snows of winter. And we must feel after God, and waif patiently for It in;. OUR CALIFORNIA CORRESPONDENCE j Santa Cruz, June 15. ; Mr. Editor. r4 recei ve regularly your PsPer) and always fin'4 it full of news, and useful ) infornYatj0n.vv lu"it$ advertising columns are the names of many of iriy old personal friend., so hating customers 'or then goods, wares and merchandise I judge from the length of their advertisements, and (be great pains they take to let the read ing public know, they sell goods cheap for cash, that they re qware of the fact that Printers Ink hai made more than oiie man a fortune. .J sincerely wish them all success. I have read with great Interest your remarks upon the necessitvof North Carolina Farmers using improved ag ricultural implements. I fully concur w'th you Jn the o lion that )t Wil be absolutely necessary for them, if, they wish to make .their occupation more prontaDie, 1 10 aaopt some otner metho l of carrying on their Farming operations, one more in accordance with the spirit of the age, and to lay aside doing usual their Olu-iasinonea jnoiwns o as their tore-fathers did. The bode of ploughing in North Car olina,? one little mule hitched to one little No. U, 50 (or 60 plow, guided by one man, to do the ploughing in three weeks, that can be done with the same hand with one improveu gang days, plough aim fpur mules, in five is in my opinion, an erroneous and short-sighted policy, and shows either a want otjudgmeijtj pr the need of a proper understanding of the cor rect principles pf farniiugil economy. am leg to this cQiiclusion, from seei ng around me so great a variety of i m proved agricultural implements, and witnessing thC j grand results of their operations when in use. Many of theiu ar so unique in their style apd make, and differ so materially from all that I had ever seen before, and of all my preconceived notions as regards form, construction and sjze?how a farn ing implement should be designed for a special purpose, that J hate been frequently compelled irl my ignorance to ask for what purpose such and sii h implements were intended. I have seen some of these implements at work attended by two or three mcii, per forming t'le same amount of labour in one month, that would require fifty or sixty men to do in the same , time, by the old fiuhioued Noitti1 .Carolina process. I .was astonishedI might say confounded, when on j one ofthe farms in the great San Joaquin VidW, I w itnessed the operations f a graiuj sowing machine, sowing fift r to sixty acres of wlieat per daj of tn hours, attended by one iiian: anil o 1 another farm I saw a gang plov, r; in sowe(r arid iiarrow combined, this i nplement attended by one man, and Irawn by six horses, ploughing up, (in the stiff soil of that chasm.) eirht or ten acres, per day of ten hours, at d sowing the necessary quantity of grain reqnir- ed for each acre, and harro viug it in at the same time. When the grain is ready (not for the Reaper) but for the Reaping Machine, that hug : ungain ly looking, but extremely li ht imple ment, will be sent through the fields drawn by lvo horses, makjrg a swath of twenty to twenty-fie : f ?et wide taking off the heads of the gi ains, and by a remarkably ingenious cdntrivahce. throwing the grain, as fast as gath ered into huge wagons, hi:h accom pany the machine through the field, t 111' :i As to the number of acreb'i iif machine will clean in a day, I am nol prepared to state, but you can form borne idea how many acres a pai rof lorses can walk over in a day in parallelled lines twenty -five feet apart. I, When the grain is deposited in some convenient place in the field ready for threshing, the work is performed y a machine, either driven by steam' r horse ipowp er; these machines are capable of threshing, winiioWiug and bagging from 12 to 1500 bushels per day, land are attended by only a fcmajl number of bands, not to ix.eed 4 or 5. - Farm laborers receive j$35 to $40 in Gold per monthj and board ; the pro- visions furnisbe perior quality, them are of very u- excellent i tlouri beet. pork, bacon, butter, all kinds of veg etables and fruits, tea, A coffee and su gar. our numerous readers will, no w ' - f i'F I doubt be 'astonlsheiu atltlie statemen make as to the amount of wages paid arm hands, and ho at the quality of provisions, furnished them, and will necessarily ask the question, how can California farmers, paying such wages, and furnishing such provisions to their hands,, make money I; at the prices quoted for wheat in that country, viz: rom $1.60 to $1.65 cents gold per IPO pounds. This question is very easl- y answered They make by the exer cise of a little ingenuity ; by contriving plans by which one man can 4o the work in one! day, thaj wouU require a halt-dozen men by the old tashiou ed process,- in a word, they: make money hv the use of improved agricul-. tural implements'. The maximum costs of raising wheat in this country is 50 cents, in Goldjj per bushel. If the farming operations were tarried ou here as in ISorth darohna, no mon- ey could be made. J J. H (COXTIIJUEP IN OIR NEXT.) L GENIAL NEWS Contagjojjs ophthalmia H prevalent in JkrJin, r" Ij- Punkirk proposes, a ship canal across the State of Nfiw Tork. Bridgport, I Ccnnefcticut, cmployjss sixty-five school leaders. i 1 j j- ' ' . ' The Texas grape crop promises be the largest fcr tnaiiy ye&rs ' The colored Methodist Coriferente ' ' ; I - f i i' Ij 1 condemns the use of tKe nicotian; weed. A ne w .revolution is on foot j,n Gua dalajara, j 1 j 1 ;A party of horse tllief hunters cap tured f three Sioux near North .Nebraska. -j. T- f., . . The receipts of the Boston Plattb, Colise- um are reported at $25,000, and the expenses at$3Q0,00l Spotted Tail, with'QQO lodges, has left his reservation, Hkys Gjtj'i' aqd is going to The SJaiix and Reis have had a fight tonne it helow Fort Buford, ii) yhich the cuer were whipped.' ! ! " 1 t - i Gen1. Claflin has signed the JNIassa- i ; it chusetts prohibitory liquor law J to take eftect July 1st The first train 'frond Saratoga passed over the Adrirondack Hail Road on Monday, y j ' Mrs., Ann Festionel was burned to death in Baltimore on Sunday 1 IfV.. 1 . ! by the explosion 01 a can 01 coai 011. The coming election in Mexico is a New London has a ghost that takes itsejf to piecjes and goes through a stone wall. : At the accident at tion,(irant was found on the platform. Annapolis June - placidly smoking1 A schooner, has cleared from New York tor Bahamas, with gun powder and rifles for the Cubans. Three towns in Grand raverse cauonty, Michigarf,Tnade this y$ar 32,770 barrels' of ma tple sugar! Belgian chemists manufacture a chain pi ine which sells at a j franc bottle and yields a handsome'profit. , Gen. A. J. Hamil on promises that if elected Governor of Texas he will ne ver pardoia fairly convicfed prison- er.. ' .''"' ! ' '" Secretary; Fish is confined to 1 us house bv illness. It e has been una- ble to visit the State Department for i i two days, j i In Williamsburge a man 127 years old. by trade,and though i ; s i 11 vely L. 1., here is He is a! A wea too leehle; to wokj On the first of June snow was still visible in a ravine all Bolton, Canada, where" it drifted 'last of forty feet. Winter to a depth ; The j Ruaian church at Sitka J Alas ka, was recently robbed of a copy ofthe Bible, richly studded with va! I . ' ( . I1.1 J- uabie stones, crosses, and otner or naments, and worth $20,006. s -' i I -i 1 ' ' I '' II The value of taxable property New York! is one thousand million in of dollars. In Brooklyn it is only a lit tle over one hundred and fifty mil lions, w hich is only fifteen per cent of New York. It is somewhat curious alphabetical coincidence thnt the names ofthe three last Ministers to Rusia should all be-; gin with a C. like the itle Czar itself . ; i Cameron, Clay, Curt in. The Vermont Republican Conven- tion atRuthland, VVjednesdayLnomina. ted General Peter T. Washnurn ! for Governor, George Wheudle jbr Lieu tenant-Governor, and John A. Page for State Treasurer. Sir Henry RawHnson, the distin guished archaeologist, 'maintains that Babylon is the ite of the Garden of Eden, and fhat thelBabylonian' docu ments now extant give an exact geog. raphical description ot .the seene of man's first disobedience. Ec-Pre iient JohUh is ejected in Washington City about July 1st The Inattiis are reported to be down on Grant '3 Quakers. 1 4Ura!"i cried Ilole-inih e-Bottle, "chTef of the Arraf poes, "Quakers ho good; bring water. no whUlejFf v ;v- i Th Methodist 'foots op the returns ot the vttLs on lav representation, a far as received, as follows, Affirmative 8,752; reVitivfe.f3.043. , J . Cel. Ycrger Xflnl progresses in Jackson, Miss. He is still in irons, aud not allowed to see any one except Ins counsel.',.'; j The Chicago, Cincinnatti & ,Louis ville Railroad, extending to Peru, In- diana has been completed. The road opens a. new route between Chicago, Indianapolis, and the South. ' Special dispatches from Omaha say that several companies of cavalry are scouring ' the country in search of In dians, The Governor of Alabama has ap prover the contract! for the purchase of Weflyllojida. ' .;.( ; : ; j. : ,Qvt? Jix "iiundred ladies of Rock ford, III.) have petitioned the city au thorities' not to grant liquor licenses. Lee Harrison and Thomas Gladman two resectable colored men of Lynch burg, "Va., decline appointments as registrars in Lynchburg because, they cannnotake the oth. A firn) in Meredith Village, N. II. have a large fish nursery, compri.ing three ponds, made by damming up a brook, j They contain twenty-four thousand trout of different sizes, from a wee bit of one to the big fellows that treak a man's pole. They also liaVe ; twPty-four thousand salmon try. ibkX thousand yearling salmon werejpweiri the Pemigewasset last week,; I i . S Abram. Slater, who lives near Fos- toria,' Seneca County, 111. is one hun dred and six year's old. ! He is now ''living "with liis second wife, to" whom herhas been married about nine years. His youngest child is six month old, and this eldest eighty years, il j Detectives Meune and Conncll were bound over at Memphis, on Wednes- day, in the sum of five hundred dol lars,: for trial, for torturing prisoners I by; banging them up by their thumbs; in order a cjakelhem confess. The negroes in Louisiana are fast relapsing into Barbarism. ; IhiAssump- tioa parish last week a netrro man named Ike Murphy disinterred the body of a colored infant recently bu- ried, and severed its head from the neck. LATESTNEWS BY MAIL- , WASHINGTON, D. C j. Washington, June 24. Revenue receipts, $386,000. Reynolds telegraphs that Texas is quiet and ready for a fair elcetion, : ' It is slated that Senator Fenton has secured Butterfield's appointment, vice Van Dyke, and that Boutwell is not entirely satisfied. , jAmoug- the President' appoint- mqnts to West Point, promulajrated to dajr, is a son ofCok Crane, of Ohio, receilly- killed at Jacksoij, INIiss. Graut's present intention, it is very reliably stated, is to issue election pro clamations about the 10th of July; the election in Mississippi to occur jabbut the I5tk of September, and in Texas about the 1st of October. Three daughters of Rev. D. B. er NicholsL in approaching this;, city coming to school, were seized by a ne gro and the eldest ofthe ; three ravish - ed Ihe, negro escaped notwithstanu- i"2 the screams of the three sisters. The girls were white pupils of Howard University. Dr. ? Nichols was for merly well known as Superintendant of the Contraband - Camp, corner of 12h and Q streets :! . Alt the New York papers have ac counts of the escape j of Col. Ryan, with 400 men , to - Jersey City. A Marshall followed theni, with a Reve nue Cutter, but' were deterred from making arrests by a number of Cubans Marshall Downey, Ryan's Custodian, was found r.agged.? . V OHIO Columbus June 24. Republican Nomination. tie Republican Convetion has nom inated R. B. Haynes. ; : V FOREIGN NEWS. . Franre. ;' f Parij, June 24. Pniice Jlenry. of Bourbon, a prom inent Candidate for the Spanish throrfe, nas marnea iu iss ravne. an American leiress. : s 1 WALKER, JONES & CO. Vlio 1 g s o. I e O ro c e v t l and ''' j t Commission llcrchant8 Craven Street New , Heme, X. C: MtnufactDrers Agenti fortbt&l of the best brand! o Virgiiiia and N; aroliua Tobacw C wUnllr on hnl rw of (he l.irgpst storks id Or.ce- rirt hi l.-iDUru tioAh vafohna. liotn lb iy MIA-H-HSTE 1STEWS " , ARRIVAI S. "1 Schooners Haven, Cox, Blount's it Cteek, tar and turpentine. Hattie, Gaskill, Hyde County, ballast. JVfary'Frazier, Dixon, South. C'k turpentine. I ' I ' .... j Travis, Porter, Coast Survey. Revenue Cutter, EV;'A. Stevens -rCarsoh, ISfevj Bern on a cruise. PErAUTURES. Siltoonerf Mary Louise, Caskill, iew York, navel stores. : MARKETS. Washlngton Market. June 29,1869, NAVAL STORES. T " y orrected w eekly by Joseph Potts & Son 'nrptiiithip, Yellow Dip............$2.CU(57U irgin dip ...J8.J.UU scrape. ....fcr.ou Tar......... , .........$1.50CO I CROCERIES, 4C. :t i Corrected Weekly by H, Wiswall, Jr qiottoit per lb ........2526 Corn per Bnsh., 56 lbs... 75 80 ileal 't " 46 .... ... 90(311.60 Rice u . 43 i,...$l.l0(a$i:t5 ea-Nuts per r.ush.; 28 rbs..........;.i..f r.60 Jides Dry ........................,......1415 ecs-Wax per lb... 3540 IS'ew Berne Market, June 20 . NAVAL STORES. Turpentine, Dip...... $ . 2 90 porapo 1 yo J,ar h9 to size... ...l W, i 79 1-Utcli.i....;.;...' 200 ($250 'ttosiu. ......2004U0 MISCELLANEOUS. Salt J. 1 2 00j(g 2 10 22 34 00 3355 33 1820 8085 1 00Sil10 1 jPork, per barrel. gutter... Beeswax Corn, by quantity. i.' t)ais Wood, per coid.....: i Pine.; a 503 00 1GQ&A75 Cotton 20 New York Market, June 24, Cotton, ; firm; at33c . .' Flour firm Corn l.2g lower. Mess pork $32.62 Tirpentinc moderately active at 4H 42J Rosin firm at $2.30 3 Gold 1:J7 New Advertisements. NEW AWAliliS (j. Ml Brown Co. - . at the LOWEST GASH PRICES! PURE MEDICINES, j I'-..: GODFREY S CORDIAL-10 cts- per Lottie, lineman s Urops, JU cts. per bottle, . British .Oil, IU cts. per bottle, Ep ; som Salts, 10 cts. per pound. (Jum Camphor, 10 cts. per punc3, Jiair Dye, 5. cents per bottle. , . . Hostetterand I l'laiitatiou Bitters ; $1.00 per bottle, r i Schiedam Schnapps, $1.'25 per bottlo. Kerosene Oil, 0 cents per tralloo- Ker- osene Lamps from 5 cents to $2 nos AT OLD PRICES. Sweet QUININE. THEYERY THING FOR CHILDREN- We don't propose to sell at half of the isual prices, but we pleqge ourselves to sell at the lowest CASH PRICES in this market. Can furnish cians and Merchants a Physi a very small advance on New York prices. A fine selection of PERFUMERY. FAN CY ARTICLES, Flav-orinc EXTRACT. GIVE US' A T RIAL. ' ! . . . '. Cheaper than tho Cheapest. febD-ly J june 29 State of Xforth Oarolina. BEA.UFdR COUNTY) Superior Court. Robert D. Macnair ) ' ' vs.'. 1 Sliza A. Ellfson.Extr'x h of Henry A. Ellison, j 1 I NOTICE is hereby given, that a warrant of attachment has been issued against the estate1 of paid defendant, being a non resident of said State, in favor of Robert D, Macnair, returnable to the Clerk's office in Washington, for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars, over and above all discounts. oaiu ucieiiuaui uoivwj ""i' y each. 1 ioe Segavs, by box or retail. Fruits Flowers Smokinc Tbbacco. the host in the market. Patent Medici O ! A 1 . Z . I, n.nlti. v.t art. .Aan.l. .. . . . . Hold fhenry of Be Court House in Washington, on the oto Monday after the 3d Monday of September nexf, and defend the suit, or judgment will rendered against her. .. Witxf.ss: fi FORGE L. WINDLEY. Clerk of said Court, at office in Washing ton, the 15th day of June, 16G9, -UCORCE Li. WISDiEY, vlerK. iline 29-4 1 New Berne Advertisements. J. J. WOLFENDEN & CO.,-; Commission Merchants 1 ! and dealers in l"" FZ, 0 VR and GIZ4MJ MIDDLE ST RWT , jl 3o3 NEW BERNE, N. d I. T Car raw ay,4 " CoiiiiiiHsioii Mei'clmnt ' nd dlclq ' Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, ao4 t ; Glassware- i . Court House Puildine;, I uich'9-y , New Uerne, N.4C. YOU OUG II T TO IN ., . IN T AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS JS300,0b0aad rapiaiy 1 THE AMERICAN 13 OliE OF THE OLDEST IN THE UNITED STATES," 1850, ' The Aniiricau has f 2Q0 of Assets for every $100 oT Liabilities, 1 i never Jost a dollar of investments. ! 1 1 Las always been well mauaged. issues policies on all desirable plans ' t i , makes all : navB .ife nohcics non-forfeitable. K -,(. Policies to the ; has no unnecessary restrictions on trareaiid resideucel .Vl.irps dividends annually 1 mnra Tnuuraiico for has fitlM.OOO) One Hundred Thousand Dollars dejioeited with tha State of Pennsylrauia for tbe benefit of all SsGSX All the guarantees that integrity, probity, and, fctonor in men ; by-capacity, economy and energy in management ; by business reputation and solid success, are afforded by the American Life Insuranc:e. Company of Philadelphia. Insure in tlid American. 1 You cannot do bet ter. You way -do worse. ; . ! ? IT WILL PAY ! It will pay to see Capt. I. F. Piich, Atrent American Life, of Phila.. Washineton N. C -..-.tm-0 o- . ., ... First Kational Bank Building, REFER Sf T 0 Gen. Jno. A.l Yotrng, Bankers. CUarlptte. N. C. Hon. R. Y McAden, Tresident irst JVatiortal U.ink auo.ij - - - - . - ' Col. Childi. Pros. 1st Nat. Bank. lotte, K. Ct G. A. JACKS Oil AT HIS OLI! STAND, and with His stock of goods fully re . ; punished for SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, Hot's ford? a Self-raisinsr Bread Preva- tinn I ' T.:: ! I ;. A Jnra-fi nstnrtmpnt rf Ze.nhvr Worsted " o j r -j- r , OrJ?0 HOIBUO ABOUt- HIS j ES TABLISHMENT, BUT EVERY THING Neat, Tasty, Beautiful, and IND'ISPE.N S A B L E, ready for the Patrouago 61" Bujors! Attractite varieties and suitable styles of Gentlemen's Clothing !j i rtroIU PnnrlO TTfite 0 A splendid assortment of :SHOES, r In i i : r. u ni uci ipiiuus auu pi4tC, wm tbe most elegant. Ldyjs GalteiS down to an ordinary Hudins MISSES, BOYS, and CHILDREN'S SHOES!! :o:- Aa exquisite collection of I Yankee Notions, consisting of GLOVES, HOSIERY, . ' HANDKERCHIEFS. :i PERFUMES," , i SOAPS, Jtc. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ' 1 ..... ! " C ONFECTIONA RIES, embracing CANNED FRUITS AND PRESERVES, CANDIES, JELLIES, APPLES, ORANGES. LEMONS, 1 X TT T S A i i Together with a department of Well selected Cigars, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c.! The whole ' establishment being rje- freshed and enlivened by a nice SODA FOUNTAIN AL WAYS IN FULL PL A Y, MA I" BE FOUND AT , JACKSON'S. TRYjJUMl . tSTHe tenders his thanks to his patrons for thc jliberal patronage already bestowed. -' apllO-ly ';, M DR. GODDIN's COMPOUND ! GENTIAN UXi:i?12IlS, Cures Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, In digestion, Uolicr Sick Stomach, Bronc - 1 Asthma, JNcuraig.a, Kbeumatism, &c. . I , . T N C UI5 fc; u .0.,l.r,? P' "a Cure for a4 1 Malarial diseasea, and all di.- bo cases requiring a general tonic impression', Prepared nly bylr. N. A- H. CODDIN, psuwin and tor sal everywhere. - .1 JAMES T. WIGGINS. (Succetsorto J. If. Baker Co.,) Proprietary Argent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Med Ties.- NORFOLK, TA, apr27y J. E. AMYETT, v 1 fiealerla H i .' lateral 11 c rchandise ROVI SIONS, , ; At the old iland, South Front street, : mch9 ly NewBerne, 3V.O., Hollister & 8lovory -OIOCIU 1D-, Commission Mcrcliants. Al fall aMortmcnt of Qocdi (abeir tin kpt con- Consignments of Produce Solicited Corner Pollok and Craven si,,". men 9 -6m ' NEW BIRUE, N, C. LIFE II E :..-!. . - . r increasing. ; : Jinnuiti income, ?ji,uuv,uuu. la insured at t1 ne of ei(rhty of M per centum. ' the s.imu iTionev than other Companies insured id Joe Company. can be offered by Capital, by. ir v..... ( ' - i- . Charlotte, N. C., j . Charlottee, 4 C. Thos. V.. Dewey & Co . Columbia, S. C.. Ref. A. W. Miller, Char -w - - t j jane 29-ly Berne Column. GEORGE BISHOP. .. . .. . iyeio Berne, M 7., Manufacturer of Window Sash. Blinds. Doom, Mouldings. Brackets, &c.. &c, J&c. Bill AM SASH AUD BL m FACTORY Hancock; Street, near A. fc N. C. R. RJ j M1STALIU Burial baiei. Mahogany .Wl- ii$2S&bPJtf nut, audv Poplar r- COFRiPf S t i i r .Js-ji.:-'7Zjrt.T kept - on hand, and furnished at short notice.? C EE O C K W I N D, L E Y. i J GrOCerV aild PrOVlSlOU MerchailtS 1 Keep constantly on lianJ a eooJ stock of, SUGAR,COfFEK,MpLASSES,FLOUll, MEAL, and all other goods in their line. Located on South Front, street, nearly opposite the jUastou House, will sell ; LI- '. L O W FOR CA SH. Eu. GF.norK, formerly of Trenton, N. C. Saml c WlNULEY, forint rly of Wanbing- ton, N. C. June yif-ly WILLIAM CLEVE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ' ( - .-' - ' GR00EBIES, PEOVISIDNS and TISH Keeps constanly on handji full- assortment of articles iu his line, which he will sell JCOIV JFOJl C.1SH, or in exchange for COUNTRY PRODUCE, Middle Street, near tho Market, . june 22-ly j NEW BERNE, N. C. . P. PULFORD, Wholesale dealer in BOOTS. SHOES, HAT, GROCERIES Located at the ' corner . of JSouth'' Front and V Craven Streets. I T E EM S C A 1 Also will crive his personal attention to! all oruers entrusted to his care, tor the pur- on the line of the Railroads, or in the surrl rounding countryj And peceiTinp and dis-'i posing of country Produce, for Cash, or ex changing the same for Gtods, as per order of consignor. "f v. , , Having been long connected with th' mercantile business, and Jfrom his extended acquaintance in the up-cjouutry. he hopca to merit, as well as rcccite, a liberal share of public patronage. june 2j-ly JULIUS ASH & CO., I ' Middle Street, Between South Front and PolUk streets 1 NEW BERNE. N. C, - I Wholesale and Retai il Dealers in r DRY GOODS, CLOTJ IING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Trunks and Valises. ' .''' A large assortment constantly on hand. juno 22-3m. .. CHARLES H.LATHAM, " General Agent for tho Stto of North Caro" Una, for the fca'e of , , ' . BLOODED CATTLE, $IIEEP, SWINE, FANCY POULTRY undi EGGS for setting, . oners to the public the most COMPLETE AND VAJRIED stock in this line, .wliich Will meet the ure wan is r. i ,i -ft. .. V3" Circular, af urti! nn K h'iii,l Td1SHS? fxiTZSL X. SftSS I ; . . i " i ,, Jtt0e "I rW A T B , Ol- V B S,T,, I , !. ; . i 1 I OOOUWier,' olRHOBer ia JJ6W8 sealer. rOLLOK STREET, XEW BEBSE, N. C, 4 . v.i i. ' .... . 1 . Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of School and Miscellaneous Booka. ,. STATIONERY, FANCY ARTICLES,, ic. Also receives regularly, by erery mail, the latest New York DAILY, WEEKLY and ILLUSTRATED Papers, Periodicals Ma gazincs, Fashioa Book, Novels, 8ong Books.' ore. -.'. C, All orders by mail promptly filled. Special discount to teachers and dealers. Pictures framed on reasonable terms, and at short notice. j5J ine W,ly SURE XOV It V

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