.." '-'1' - !.--!. 'l . 1 '' i : i . '.. I , -i ....... .3--.-v.ir-- i V 1 4A- V 11 1 Iffy " Play vsith your fancies; and in them behold, upon the hempen (ackle htpt boys climbing ; hear the sfirill whittle, xchich doth order 'give pfo tounds con fused : behold' the thhaden 3 ails f borne with the invisible ana creeping mndst draw the huge bottom $ thrwghjhe fur rotted tea, breasting the lofty surge ; 0 do but think, yoii stand upon the' ri vage andbtthol$ a city on the inconstant billows 'nghgiKAfKify TUESDAY, JULY .20, 1869. Some Political Suggestions, "There i probably'ijfct a single voter of any"1 .character 07 titan ling, in this State, W-boi not accurately informed o" Jbc importance of the elections soon to tale place. " The'E'AstERN.lNTEL lioknccr aoes not sail under any par tisan flag, but, assuming it to be a du ty to ionvoy with its guns and cut lasses the valuable merchantvrssels which are crossing tljr seas unarmed, it will not hesitate to support the best .- . At-;, ' . . men without xigard to ppiitical msan. I ities. YirgihiC has taught us a lesson which we - v. ill do . wU to practice, possessing the 'highest type of social culture or this continent, and discard jog the crazy prejudices' of the buried past, she : has redeemiMl her political future by' coueentratihg her entire're- tpec;apil 1 , intelligence -auu vuucm 'tioiial influence upu1 a uiodtrate re publican.' She selected no carpetbag-, no radical, no i negro, uor yet a ine secessionist to carrv her banner, but a cultivated Northern gen tleman, of high, character thoroughly identified in his wealth, affinities And plans with her own people, and stu dious of her hiebest interests. This ? is wliat we callfightuig the devil with HF:-,-4lM-atsni Miettv - had his Vs' proceeding, jiisinfernal cannon' spiked down to to the four pounders, and his rwbble hosts driven" from the field: jlSome people are such geese, that ; thy think they will, ultimate!) win success, by abusing their politica, opponents,, keeping themselves ' and their neighbors in Hot water coutinu ally, a;id then, like Micawber, wait- ine for sonethiiir io turn up. In the ipeantimt the toaauy. g'ows worse (nd worse, men get into poitiou - who ire not worth Ihe powder and shot it wouldl take to kill them, and we are ' ,iaxea io me iasi gasp mr money maT , " 00 , . venturers and spoilsmeny'- Now what is the purpose of'good rncn iu these perilous and perplexing times. Is it to restore the reigu of the Democratic Party id this land. 'jfhat party went to a death without a resurrection, when H permitted that old granny, Buchanan, and that arch- demagogue, Douglas, to tear its vitals with tliejr miserable petty quarrels. Is, it, kto place the old Whig Prty again, in place apd power-v Vniggery never had any life outside of the po lijical individuality of Henry Clay, and if it had, would have died of its historic old-fogy ism, just' as certainly as.Julius Caesar fell in the Capitol. Is it to restore - the glory aod restage ol Jonfegeratei fortitudK Rod courage. The Soutbtrn CoQ'fcderacy died, not of Northern bayonetsj but jp the good providence of pod; for il it had Jived, the strifes of Pericles and Cimon, the people on one side and the aristocrats on the other, the , hereditary vanity aad pride of two- States opposed; by tk nntutikr S nrlicnatinn ftf th-rmih-I , r J . Jv j der would sooc have cursed and mur i .v " i V V aerea ine wotiv oi Lee aua oionewau Jackson. Is it to establish and per- . -i ...... . . . . pctuate Republicanism in the laud. . - . ... . A meaner, jaQre diabolical and cruel political dogmatism was never inflict ed upon a people than this. Combin ing the unrelenting terroif of the As syrian tnvaders with the overwhelm' ing plagues of Pharaoh, the wprld pf n it me and of art, of ethics, jcstbetifa " ' 4 f and religipu, of iucjustry, humanity aud charity,, has bepn swept by it as by '.he j dowu-rushing of. a mighty del uge.- What then, is our work. . t is m.S. a. - m simply to save, to reolenish. to purify ; and, to dignify the country. It is to f-culty combining such rare and ex (.elect good and trqe me.n for office'; a)ted talent. ' Parents and guardians whether therb .Northern or South- e.o, Democratic, Republican. Mo- ink calor . Imperialistic. We must have sense enough and charity enough to get puV of these old smoky, castles ol prejuuice, panisanism ana i oairea, where we have fortified ourselVesl If the mountain will pot comi to Ma homet, Mahomet must go'to'the moun tain or the mountain' will prove an other Gettysburg to finish; out Mahom- etand his creed. : J $ow to apply all this tp the case immediately in hand, what is the du ty of the people of North Carolina in ibis emerfci he. .Wedo not hesitate to say, that, in filiing the important V ' ... - omce oi magtsuaic.m cicviii; bcuwui-cqmmittee-inen; in supplying every position now or hereafter, they should concentrate upon a mixed v ticket, if possible Let j them select reliable men out of both the Republican and Democratic ranks, men of honor, re- ecvio wiujr uu vui avici , auu, uui word for it, such a tickel-will be tri umphfntiy elected. Otherwise, we shall have persons elected, who will be a disgrace to the State. We are a friend to the jcolored man, and the colored ? man knows it; but when he seeks ; to 11, positions for,; which he is not'qualified, we shall oppose him till the heavens pass away. We are in faVQr of letting Northern gentlemen hae a chance in our midst, who have come here, not to identify themselves with thieves and cut-throats, but to be decent themselves, and to help the country. And as long as.we keep the line so closely drawn, neitlier respect- ble colored people nor Republican white people from the North, ; can have any identification with, us. Look sharp, fellow-countrymen, j Special Corresponderjce ef the Ivp telligencer. : XAYilson, July 12. 18G9. We write from a point with which you are familiar, and a lonlity well- kowji and dear to many ol your read ers; for Wilson, during the warj was the refuge of several. families of Wash iaton, who, let us assure them, are pleasantly remembered by the mem be'rs of a social circle, to which their good breeding and accomplishments dded so miich that was both pleasant and excellent, 1 The fortunes of Wilson ha.ve some what waned, during .the brief pe riod that has elapsed since the close of the war, and she is not to-day the and onward.. - , ' - The great fire of year before last, following immediately the disastrous failure of the crops of that year, was a sad blow to the gallautJiittle townjnor until the gathering of the better crop of last year, ,did she show I good signs of a speedv and health v recovery. Hut thanks to the itidouiitabie ent-rgy tnd persevefciice of her public spirited citizens, she is' once iuort on the road to prosperity, and under the guardian ship ot prudent anl live men, we no w ook for a brilliant career for the piudk- icst iuJe town n North Caroliaa. I I hu Inirtit ennoro nnnitto t hv I olirl ..V ...... U-.V vnlV lV Vrll House is building up with .large and handsome, brick store houses under the supervision and leading interest ot the moving man of the community, Mr. John T. BarnesI Mr, E- Hos mi thai, who has a mercantile interest, in your town, is also erecting a, handsome Drick-stqre. Mr. E. G. .lark at the depot has recently erected a very large aud handsome brick residence and Utore combined, one of the finest pie es of architecture in the towu, and a de cided ornament, " Many 1 other marked improvements have been lately ruide aud ethers are underwav, too numer-' ous for me to particularly iiotice iu this article. '' 'lj i . I- ! I Th mercantile business of Wilson is fine, and quite a pretty little manu rcu ring interest Is developing itself, which we are pleased to see liberally .sustained aud encouraged. They have two most excellent schools here-r-Mr. Arriuetou,a male school,, and the Female College, Dr. VVm. Hooper, President The Spring I Session of the latter closed on Thurs . . j i i day last, with a musical concert at i . , . . .. night, by the young ladies, in which they all acquitted themselves in a man ner evincing the most thorough prep, aration and instruction jou the part of the ale corps of teachers. On Fri day the school mad; an excursion (or excurzion, as the more j knowing now F w -.f.""?" ' T V . . . n train horlurol ho thu licark II nnnur for the purpose. !; We think' we may safely pronounce this the equal of any female school in he luaeea we co not uow.o Q yqur.secuoo migni very wen cop. wdtrthe cUimsoftnis school, ard the v advantages ot the plact generally, be ing accessible, healthy , and having the very best of spejety . ( , 5 , 1 Wje are much jaded, and lest we weary others, we beg leave to close this unceremoniously. Sperrt. L i FOR THE INTELUOKKCER. . :- f 'l ! ;' r : ' ': ; Mr. Editor : You will please an Bounce, through your valuable paper, that after consultation among many in fluential citizens, of both races, the following ticket has been agreed upon, and is respectfully recommended to the support' of H persons who desire an honest, fair, and economical ad ministration of ' law! and justice, and the hchool fund in Washington Towu ship j' It is j hoped that ihe nomination of three such respectable and intelligent colored menus Messrs. Prince How - ton, will go far to convince the color eupeop mai we aesiremeir inenc- 1 1 .1 j. .ir .r- t! ship tnat we lully recognize then equaj rights before the law to citizen ship I and Kuflrage that they have a common interest in! securing' the ser vices of faithful and: upright officers-- aml in restorr.g prosperity to our ru ined town and country. 1 J VVe cordialty invite all classes of voters, white and colored, -to give thi ticket their support,- and we assure them, ."j ; I . . : 1st. That it will be elected. ' 2d. That these offices will admin ister the flaws faithfully and impar- partially, without i regard to race or polnics. r ; 3d. That' friendship, mutual for? bcarancp and respect betWeeh the two races is the right way to let us have .peace' y '-.; '; I . T . , . 1 : .. j For M AQisTRATEs. -Thomas P, Smaw ; James J. VYhitehurst ; Fran cis P. Hp.lges ; John R. Hardison ; Phaton Tayioe ; Al-red Peyton.; For Schooi, Committee Edmund S. Hoyt ; Rufus W. Wharton ; Prince Howard, -j . i. i i' For TowNsutr Clerk;. Thomas Tuten,:' ! ; ;L ;r t. . For Constable. William Baynor. This ticket, fellow-citizens, will be voted for by many true j I 1 . - S '.' : Conservatives, - Democrats, and i ' Republicans. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL-. WASHINGTON, D. C L- TUh Execut. ye , mansion, owing to the absence of the President, i entire ly deserted by oiScials of all grades, of inipoitance. ,." The PostofHce Department has ad vices iromi New Mexico concerning depredations by the Apache Indians, who had captured several hi ails lately aud killed. and wounded a nnmbex of officials on-the route. The argument in the Yerger case, for piocurjug his removel from the Military Commission and bringing it before the Supreme Court, was conclud ed to-day. The important questions involved in tins- petition for ' habeas corpus has indue ;d the Attorney Gen eral to 'enter, a w'-itten stipulation with the petitioner's counsel, to put the q-iestiou in such a form as nay be con sidered and de!emii;tc tj ibrjL. S. Supreme Court next OctohcK - .Thr- preset? application to the A.hief Jus tice is to remain! snspeisded Th. President aut'lorizts the Attur;iv General to sa) that no sentence oi a Military Commission further thau i netessary for the safe; custody of a prisoner, will be executed until jibe final determination oi'theOouit. Tnis meets the approval of Chast. : 'Cubans here have advices1 that the forces under Quesada report having captured a scouting party near Sau Mignet, sent out by Gen . Letona from Neuvitiis, uunjberine'75 men, I A Cuban force of 300, encamped on Sagua Le Grande river near the town ui uiBi name, were auacKeu uy jinc Spaniards under the comand of Ge . Tritlo, who were three times repulsed, and compelled to retire, leaving a portion of their baggage and kitted upon the field. The Cuban loss was 35 in killed and wounded. An 'en gagement haa been reported at La A :.. I 1 I 1.1 Ksprango, iu which thtj Spanish troops were defeated. Under the direction i i - j f ( of the Volunteer Junta, property of Cubans suspected of sympathy; vvith the insurrection, is being seized .'and confiscated, and families driven from their homes. The houses are given up to pillage. ... ' ;''" RICHMOND. ;a ! i Riohmoni), July. Geo. Froth, a citizen, has died of sunstroke, this being I he Srst death since the Reared term. Thethcrmoro oter is 105 in the shade. , The official count ot the State rote, at Head Quarters, i shows Walker' majority to be 17,500. Telegram from Lexington, to-day says the State Educational Convention, auer an excuing aeuie on ipe pioqc oi eaucaung me coiorea raee, in view of the present anomalous Condition of affairs, tabled The Subject till the next annual session. v j : An educational journal was estab lished. Gen, Lee i taking 50 shares of the stock. '. ;"'"''! ":" j Several of the New York Ge'rmans fell from sun stroke after their match through the streets.1 none of the cases were! fatal. i ; M "l ' r. , - ; Macxhs, July 16 The zamiiiatioa of Turner, charg ed vith trying to pass counterfeit cur- renc jC," bi pin to-day before j U. S. ('omu)iNvt nor, W. I . Morrill. The J,,.,. couci. j, ijw, d that the tes ted that Turuer. in the mi j-' .i - I" Cus year attempted, to pass to a h,ik in ihkcitv a one bun- d j jG:iar bi nhieh w ratted 1 . .... - a xounterleif : ' ihti that lie confessed to J Cij.ir. 5yVf, tdi or ; of the An erican Lnif3,the principal wit ness oukhe'4tb orjiily, that he had, lor Iar he would-be killed and the i-otes loui.d on his person, given $1 ouu in couutetfeit' notes to Marion Hains, :to be returned to him w hen they got home, ti ws lurtber prov ed that. $900 iri amnttrfeit notes on the. Fust Rational feank of Jersey City, was: found on the person of a w oman iu Atlanta1,' wliih were, introduced, i , ' . , , I 4s also -vy as a letter from Turner to the woma , fpud at the! same time. The Cqut.adjourned.till JQ o'clock to-morrow. 1 I FOREIGN NEWS. "j V London, July 16 At XArgaa Is'.and, en the 12th iust., an Orauge mob were pelted with stones. . They' retaliated by des troping seventeen houses occupied by Catholics, the wood work of the buildings and furniture was carried into the street and burned. Order was finally restored. GENEEAL'NEWS. The ladies at Newport are much addicted to crbquet-playing. A movement is on foot to establish a line of steamers between Savannah and a port in Prussia, . Commodore Yanderbilt ha taljen the entire second floor of a hotel at Niagara the. summer c YreixcVWittttir Se'mTramis is at fortress xuonroe looKing alter the Curicux, which has yellow fever on board. ; The yield of the Texas corn crop is pronounced uLbounded. ; Two dollars a day is oliered for hands in sugar making in Lpu-siana. There has been one case of yellow fever; this season at Key SW"st. A distinct shock of an earthquake was felt at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, July 2nd. The Great Eastern baS reached the Newiouudland Banks with the French Cable Con pressmen and others who have recent y visited the Pacific coast favor Chinese immigration. i A g and international taqgerfest is iu progress-, iu Baltimore. Two thous- aud siJti is ait cresart. i i .i:n.';.-.e fai roua o l id e over the A; at kd'if-as City was 1 coi::; ope ed ot) S-turday lat. Tiu pi; priet of licensing woma i to picLcU is btiil under discussion by the preachers' meeting iti New 'York, SatatOjj?, girls, of local growth, art .making their market in advance ofj ine teasn. ; nree iouna ricn uus- bands Boston Herald Pemycratic paper, nominates eX'J inster inaries Fran cis Adams for Governor of Maasa chuset rhd Commissiouer o Emigration of Michigan is go'ng to Germany next weel to induce Germans to settle in hisatdte. . v A Mormon elder wa recently made very much of a parent, f He was pre sentedl with nine girls and five boys tue same morning, , The dii actors of the Savannah and Memphis railroad are laboring to se- cure the completion of the line, and with good prospects of success. l i i A bogus General Moseby visited Oswegocounty, New York, last week and advertised to lecture. Only two persons put in an appearance The whole United States tonnage ou seas, lake and river,June 80,1868, was 4,318,300 tonsabout a millon and a quarter tons less than in I860, Chicago is now the great distributing post ofSce for all the American mails for China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands and the States on the Pacific slope. ...... . . . . i .i . The Chicago Republic says an aver age wheat crop can be relied upon in ! tne wesi j a xair average corn crop ana the usual supply of oats,rje and barley. " The Havana Prenza svs that the number of insu-gejits around -Puerto Principe, hasbjurgely increased;.; but cholera and yellow fever are -makiug hayoc among them. , . . Gen. Thomas' - Jourdan has been named as Commandtr of, the Eastep Division of the Cuban Army, which includes. some ofj the most prominent and successful officers. ; j . , The.question whether members elect of the Virginia Legislature Will be .required to take the iron clad, oath is to be submitted to the Attorney Gener al by the President. Victoria celebrated her fiftieth birth. day by creating six new : Knights of the Gi and Cross, twenty one Knights Cvmmanders. and sixty -five Com pan ions of the Older of the Bath.: I Five, barrels of humau renaains wqre found in the river, four miles above Louvisville, Ky., last week. They were from the dissectinrg labes of one-- of the medical colleges, j On Friday night last the Court House of Decatur county, Tennessee at Decaturville, was entirely consum ed. It was undoubtedlv the work o au incendiary. Loss over .$100,000. There were six: successful women candidates at the recent examination of the JJniversity of London. The prejudice against young women pur suing their studies with young met appears to be getting less over there. A recent trial in Ireland i brought out the testimony of a priest that he had positive order? from Archbishop Mcllale to refuse all the sacraments, a a .a t. even ai toe nour oi aeaip, loinose wno sent tueir children to the free schools. L The marriage of Lojd Eyrons only granddaughter, Lady 'Auue Isabella Noel King Noel, has just taken place, and she is now L&dy Anne Blunt. Byron's only Her mother was Lord daughter, the Ada he laved so passion. ately. A Richmond negro, who bought his freedom eighteen years ago, is now worth $50,000, and owns the largest livery stable in Virginia. The boll-worm has made its appear ance in force in Newton county, Ga. Their early appearance signifies great destruction to the crop this year, . . Two 'bulla, worth 4 000J died in "putney t Vermont, recently1 from t'ie effects of thorough' bath of tobacco juice, administered to kill lice, One of the emigrant1 agents of the State of Minnesota reports that he has succeeded in inducing 75,000 Swedes to come to this State this year. A brute of a husband has ordered a grayr-tone on which is inscribed Let us have peace.1 j He do:il care whether it is erected over him or his wife. ..... 1 '' I; A Chicago paper, noticing with a sigh the amount of work now going on upon the streets, says that it is a costly task to build a great city on a swamp. ii .! Subscriptions are. taking iu Boston fora colloisaj marble. bust of Long fellow for Harvard College to be. ex ecuted bj Ed tnouia Lewis, th 'color ed sculptress. 1 1 The Young Men's Christian Associa tions of the United States and British Provinces are to meet in j National Convention in . Portland, Me., next Wednesday, j !, '. . In lieu of bunting and a flag pole the Paris Republicans elevated a red petticoat on broom stick, and this simple sight drew half a million spec tutors. i,j ,v,f . ... . j r ... 1 English railway had to fight fire with lusbnQui aod. r?1 or 'ng litc before the train reached a Station, and she was rescued. A deserted wife has reached Cincin- uatti all the way from England, had er bigamist spouse arrested and bound I over for trial.1 Greater progress was made! at the . Hoosac Tunnel iu the month of June than in any previous mpth since the I enterprise begun. 1 a drunken ' fellow tried to throw his companion off the Cincinnati sus nension bridire a few nights ago, and only succeded in going himself. Last fall a man drovc into the river i near Montrtaltnd was drowned, A few days since, he was found, by a, canoeist, still gtasping the rail of tht huirgy. ( . Count Aquila, father of the Bour bon who. married Miss Hatnel, is turniug all his -real estate into personal 1 property, that his son may not inherit cent f property . The bark Onward, has arrived at Portland, Oregon, from Hong Kong, with about three hundred Chinamen. The small pox broke out on the voy- The Sunday school system is extend ing in Russia. I Northern Mississippi b overrun with Western drummers.' The first eraiu elevator in Califbr- ma oas Deen erected at vaiiejo. New Orleans expects "laifge shipj ments of grain to its elevator this year. I- I ' . i : .... I .! Western Texas has exported a quar ter of a million head ef cattle this year. There were eve- hefore many persons unemployed in Chicago as now. ' - "'!' v- Tourijts ins said, spend each sea son tne um ol S17d.uuu. inioriu Conway.' .,''L.- ': : . -. 1 ' . , Deaths of children from eating pLos- phojus from the end of matches seeqi to be more common than usual. A. young lady at one of the r promi nent summer 'resorts is said to have thirty breakfast, afternoon and even-1 ing dresses, half a dozen jocky bats, parasols innumerable, and two boxes of kids. . n .-.I -M'-.- George H. Johnson was killed by a horse-car iu JVIalden, Majss. on Tues day. . y: , . ' ; The low lands between Montreal and tbe "Linti" are flooded. The British Shaftesbury has been .wrecked on Bakers Island.! Great numbers of sperm whales are, reported off Phcenix Island and McKean's Island, The Government has ' gained the distillery cases involving j $34,00a, against Edward Lyon and Michael It' r I I. I I tveaver, oi xvcaaiug, rcuu. . Martin Billmire, an illicit distiller of Wiltiamsport, has been sentenced to six months .imprisonment, and $1,' 000 fine. ; ; j .'.'h " . Gen. Carr has surprised a Cheyenne village,. and routed the Indians, kill ing 52 men, and capturing a number of squaws and two white women. Mr- Willis, Collector of the Third Mississippi District,' bis deputy, Mr. Quail, and a distiller, have been ar rested, i ! . t Mrs. B. A. Ormsbee was shot dfad by a burglar in bro .id daylight, last Wednesday morning, in her house, west ct tjreen Alount Cemetery, in Springfield, Ohio. ' -. 1 .' t l Subscriptions a?;' on foot io Quebec, to send ou West tht destitute Swedes and Norwegians brought out y ocean steamers. " j ; ' Peter Holtoc was arrested on Tues- day on thirty , charges pf falsely sam pling seived sugars in New Orleans. A warrant was issued i Wednesday morning in New Orleans, for the ar rest of Deputy Surveyor Charles B. Kirth, ! - . ; . I ARRIVALS. : Schooler's M.O, Near--Conklin, Hyde county. David- Mayo, Rose Bay. Jr Hope f'radle. North Creek. Goo4vio -Goodwin Cedar ; Island. Mary Frasier Fitchet, South Cr'k. Champion, -Snell, North Creek. Sloop . Wurrflien Respass, Bath , hr Pi dt no pi ! y (. , , . .. . Schoonets. Mary Louisa Gaskill New York. .'. f . Paragon AVahabe,' New York, Mary Bryan Longman, Hatteras. Hattie Gaskill, New Berne. I Koskoo. the great Liver Invig- orator, Blood Purifier, and Renovator, preparedly Dr. J. J.. Lawrence, the celebrated Physician and Chemist,1? is a safe, plesant, and reliable remedy, for the prevention and cujre of all dis eases caused by a Torpidj Liver, Im pure. Blood, Disorders of Kidneys J of Debility of theNervous System s I U regulalesthe secretions, eradicates- al humors or tainjs, restores lost or wasted nervous power, and at the same time builds up and imparts tone and vigor to the whole svstem. R, N !i)'UFFY, , People's Market " f NIJW BERNE, NJDUJ ' i ' Whfleal and Retail Dealer ia ; DBUGS, j ' I MEPIGJNES, : y CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, 1 ! -FINE TOILET SOAPS RUSHES and PERFUMERY Pure Wihpu and li a u o r FOR M 2DJCAL TJSE I : - " . ' ' s, Farmers nd Pbyaieians from the country will, please 5FP me a Cfll be. fore purchasing, .They will find my stock of medicines complete, warrant- ed genuine. june 23-ly THE '6opartnnhipVkBogart &, Small is thisldajr ,dioJ ad by mutual con sent. ,Tbe bnsiflest will hereafter be con ducted in the name of DAVID N. ' OGART, who ii entheriaed toi eot trt el lurms due.- and who aMtfmes tlw patment of all tha for nut favoiii and bope by. attention to his business to receive a large share of tha public patro sage V i . ui me arm. no teouers ois uiuu 4AVID N. BCKJAKT. WHITMKLL P. SMALL. WahiutOBi N. C, Jiity -13, 1869. l tt DJ Ii. BOGAET, DRUG Q 1ST;, ' MAIN STREET, r i - . v 1 keeps constantly on hand, and arriving. PUBE DUUQS, MEDICINES, ' " T-r ' . - PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, &c, &c.K To which he j cat i a the attention of Phyai . cians and the public. Ho buys hta. gooda from FIRST CLASS IMPORTING HOUSES N EW YORK f and fiefiea'cOMPETITION a to He Cannot be Undersold ! ! Medicine. tnd Cheinical(( i-.peei.Jity, PrMr .n:. - ) lie haa-toade Fluid i Extract Eclectio and. Prescript; 1 " f - . mm MW. krtry complete. x ttf He cau furn sh Country Dea'ars with Patent Medicines at very small per centage on New York price. A call is respectfu ljr solicited, feb 9-ly . juij 20. Turnip Seed for Sale. YELLOW RUTABAGA Turnip Seed. Norfolk Field " "; EARLY STONE Fl at Dutch t it 7 . . For sale by . JOSEPH POTTS & SON. July SO-2m r L'ryr ii J jjrotlierSj : D1.ALEK8 IN " HAIR, DWARE . HOLLOW WARE, Agricultural Implements, SEEDS, jron, gteel, Jastings, WOOD WfiJU, j DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ANY GOODS IN" THIS LINE, tnot on hand will be ordered prompt iy, and satisfaction guaranteed, j CART WHEELS, i FIRE TEST KEROSENE. KEROSENE -LAMPS. LAMPS REPAIRED ! I ; , 1 . Rags and old Iron Douaht i'' BY-. 1 - " V . HOYT BROTHERS, T414MIP SEEDli POMERANIUM, r LARGE GLOBE, . OREOLK GLOBE, atxd -:,"! 'wj.,..".1 -J'zl . R u t a B a g a: Far sal by Uoyt Brothers. 1 Is feb 23-ly) (Jul 20. ' i - i FUlol Cartridge h, V For saleW ' . ' jnly20 HOYT BBOTJIEEQ. Jo soph potts & oni DISTILLERS OF pd purbaers of ' - N AVA L STORES. so keep constantly on, baud a large lot of Groge ries Dry Goods, HARDWIRE,, Ddctin Struct,, Waatuogia C, feb 9-1 j It -V