M ! ' ' n V . ' " -.1'.' .. " ':. r : ' . . ' '.' ! - . . -: ' 'V . : I I - i -" 1 ' , , w I tit Intelligencer, Play witbyour fancies; and in than ehoidf upon the hempen tackle slAp, : hearhhe thrill whittle, uhich doth order give to. sounds con- fused,: behold the thrcaatn sous, uurnc , with the invisible end creeping winds, draJthe huge bottoms' through the fur towed sea, breasting the lofty surge ; Qdo but think, you stand upon the ti iVageand behold a fit$ vn th inrvnttanl billows dancing. Kin Hknrv, V. WAHiliMGTON, IN. C, aud to beat them in a fair and honor able contest. Hear our arguments thru why you should vote the Peo ple's Ticket, I! V' i; ! In the first place, it is not partisan Our Radical friend may call it Den ocratic or Conservative,-if they please; but it is neither one nor the other.---Examine it for yourselyesL We have thr. e colored men upon it, Peeden. Utduiond and AnthonLatham who are as nsptctable, intelligent, indus trious and reliable, as any persons of their race in the County. They have tlit' con fidence and respect of every influential whits jniah.that knows them, and they have, Moreover, so far as we know, always been Republicans. Col. Smaw, another candidate, and one of , our roost prominent citizens, though understood to be a Conserva- , Suggestions are springs ers. ' ; I T$V A Y. ATJflUST P, 1B69 live in his opinions, was never a se cessionist, but a warm and ardent sup- norter of the Union. The other gen tlemen on our ticket are as intelligent, influential and well qualified as could be possibly required. ! , Hear 'another reason, why you j should vote the People's J icket. The j g nt emeji who coui pose it, if elected, will uistiiaig ii . j " - possible conditions and this sometimes without aoy'conslderation tof what is morally right or wrong. The whirl of trading life is very far from being the best for morals. Fveu in the: legiti mate mercantile business there are . 1 ' M tcm out ions so vanea ana siroug only men firm U what is true ana ngn can entirely resist them, j There are so many who think it but a legitimate part of their business to circumvent or overreach their neighbors, tnai an ai mosphere is created about some depart mrr. r.rtrafip inside of which cio bon est man can breathe with comfort. Jtiou dcUll these things: The mivel is, that in such business character and transactions are without Tl. . . nlin rpil Sm 1 V reproacij. , ; i ur. ujcu y (ail with loss of all, morals as much as money, are. no doubt of the class who have rushed into this sphere of life witli inordiuate desire of wealth. Letyo tug men who arc determining in life think of these thines. Let them get rid of any pre- mav have crent into their juui" J I ... minds aaaiitst industrial pursuus They are among the most honorable, and as times bow are and are likely to be in this country, are really the . . rratti a.r spmring- all .needed Suggc:tic'ai and consequcnuj uc rtw. - when the crew and -i j i tne. caum, molher, of lie Ung.r. re.is.el, .na .fight inemoiucip u: ht nkonaJ were killed. O I . ' ' fThe following communication will explain itself: ! l Washixotoh, July 30i 1869 Hon. Lewis Dent, Washington Vtiy: pEkK .Sir: Haying seen certain No great thing was ever wi naught. No wonderful discovery was ever thd result of investigation without suggestile aids. Frintful research is '!.' ! Us -A k an i.e. trivial mnu aiwaj. - ' : , 'i..- TC., Vrlr Pn some ca ual incident or accident, in Ip ; J "l.L M.r4iJ..S. ;.that' which renewing me repon vat j " ; from the most trifling remind- decline me Vtt ot Mississippi on the jauonai ciuiuu n lit- rr:1- Ufa Jpiirrtnlrnnir o Ihtl ktH inveni. QISCOTC1 I Avcuuwuv!. . . 7 niv v u U liisk ujvu . " v - j i U i' . i i J Ji i. . . . ' .L.fi... .i n1hir in vfliir DreviouslY M.ttfnjit Sav rather tnai -suggeb- vfuctuc. r A sueses- expressed determination yu ui rw- I. I. .'.L- .... f euttlintr 'thl tion discovered a Continent; another ne, lonue . V"T matter fanally. yc uusi j ' y Iast week there occurred, near HaynesvilleJ in Northernj Georgia, the most brutal 'deed of blood of whieh we have ever heard. jThe mccoant given of it is simply thtis: 7 - As Mr. Bryant Edmondson was nassin&T the house of Joe Bass, nisswp- he was invited in to dine. a rode in al the gate hit received a son he : i ' TT V7 , ,,i ltnHousry. They will cue sai- ;Wn ( f.rinRftl Moderation.- - I. . ... . 1..:.... i. mL -n-Ollrellow.tiaef s permit, us , . , . 51(!mi-,r jllf ,'ct. to oner a word or two o, ,aVi.v.i. . n .. r or , ior -thI!t rcW Js III I 1 ' I. I developed the law of gravitation; an other invented the steam engine; sun another! produced tp telegraph. One jnan is more ingenous and able than his felloWa only as withiu his miud. Suggestions are more) prolific than in their's; In some mind a sug gestion is not suggestive at all; merely a platnl dry fact. And facts, abstract ly cons dered, are no better than the veriest nonentitiesJf Unkss they are useful i n hiuts, and,erve to stimulate thought, they are worthless. If they stimulate thought they shape the life, and become man's governing rotA liMhe election wh'cl tranpircVii nxt Thudffy is evidently a good deal ol exejtem -Vheie and per; cial. he manifestation of a strong teni which is neither safeor benefi- 1 or hope. of n vaid, and rt ! that the :oUitd itali has v;t ll as the w hite man. will fce to hiN rights as As nifinbrrS ticket, he has the right to do so, and doubt proceeds upon reasons This is not the way in which to dispose of political questions, nor to decide public measures. It every voter remember, that his neighbor has the same inillehable rights as himself. And' let him also 'remember, that to attack, either iu a private or public manner, the personal character of an opponeut is neither just, politic nor righteous. If a white or colored man ' !. : . .i . j:..-i nl.n.'.Vi:.aii sees III io voie mc run.i ticket, helho which are perfectly satisfactory ;to himself.' We may be satisfied, that he is wrong. We do believe, that the difficulties of this country can never Abe settled, nor its prosperity restored, br a .traijht out ticket of any sort, w hether it be Democratic o Repub licans We steadfastly hold to the theorv. that the work which is' ahead of jus is one of conciliation and chns Uan concession. Gentlemen ma) talk about standing on high ground, and preserving their honor and all that. They forget, that other people think itc uftii? unr to grasp their ' hands over the fiery gulf. They for tj that the first law of heaven and l arlh, ol molality and religion, of Hie and of death, is charity. And that unltfss this law is reduced to practice byjtlie intelligence and culture of the coimtiy, this red, raging warot York ui Laiicitster must go on to a terrible .cousunimtioti. Fellow-countrymen, of all parties, of-the School Couunittee, thcx w direct the educ ill earthly gain. We believe we nr.: safe in that tiiere is no country in th- wr?d, and thvie has i:ee. been i. til. V in ihe h'itory of ihis co r.itry, in U. hU ti such a career was cj.eind to s o . t men who choose to begin at. Jhv ht- ; torn ol the ladder, ad -.r-i a:i in Iu ences. in flu faVor us with an early response. Very Respectfully, &c, E Jeffords j George Moorman. Washington, July 30, 1869- Gentlemen: In replying to your communication, I beg leave to say that, while I cannot decline what has no bJen formally profifcred me, you are at liberty to say to the National Repub lican party, and the people of Missis silpi generally, that, in the event of mv nomination. I shall certainly accept 1 liae never authorized any per- & man nistol shot iu the head from in the emplov of Bass, namcu As he was tiling from his horse PotU .;zd him bv the hair and dragged .! .... . him to tie ground, whe he beat nis r. . r-tiv ith his aistoU and also inner a,u n ivi i - a broke his jaw bone besides breaking the pistol. He then stamped mm m the face with his feet, knocking ou It is said that PotU shot and straddling nne eve. him twice after he fell. Bass then came up, . the lifeless form as it lay ojn the ground, stabbed himj several timts in the bow els. A pejrro : ran up and snatched him off. "fiass threatened to killina. and tried bird to stab hiim, but the lat ter held him u:.til he promised not to Hunter & Coy GENERAL " . Produce Commission MercbSiitJ, Portsmouth. Va. miimnwnta of all kinda coun try produce, including Cotton, Grain, Lum ber, Staves. NaTal Storea,-Fier Dried and Green Freit, Dry and Green Hides, war, Flaxseed, Hotter, uaeene, rKFt , try, UooU and lirU, and all Marketable Produce. -i-.v :' '.' Quick Sales aid psromBV5WMOMi i. j' antaaci. Cah orders (or produceTn"liand)for'CoTf4 Metl. Bacon, Fish,, Fertilisers, or General Merchandise, will bV EUe4 with care and shipped with dispatch 1 ; ; , ) Afiicultuml Lime delivered at depot here, (no charge fbr'Bafca-o Drayagel at $7.50 per Ton. Fresh Ground Flaater $14 Dfif Ton. Baza furmahed.free ot chargwto ; parties desiring to ship us Grains i Al letteri, of inquiry prontpUy aaswewa and best potMb'e inforroauon xarnuneu. . HOYT BHOTHfiRS, DLALEBS IN HOLLOW VARE, - : . H ! -. .. Agricultural Implements, ational interests of tve i trial pursuit or-fn . o. W of prod; c From i t and Township with an eye t the general good, and will allow no uMawlui um piring with those vital questions. . Hear another reason, wny you the People's Ticket. is to your interest' to. do so whom do you derivej, employ men support. Is it from the Radical get tlemcii with whom you nave iiuu- i been identified. Do you coope houses, work in brick and cu farms for them. Vou know ttj and it is not necessary for us ou. Ana is ii ijui i" jvui to connect yourselves, in synipatuy ion thoroughly, and stick to it iaithfuU 4y, ' as is open to young men in the United States at Ins moment. Any nomina- tion if tendeied to me by the National Union Uepublican paity of Mississip rj. I again assure you that my pur- end remains nxea anu If thev d not, they are just , it Saying.'' plain, iry facts, ha.d as rocks, it may son to say I would decline a be, and as barren-rj-noth ug more. .Suj5i:'stious am round isupou every tl.le. Hints of beautvi utility, or ti lith ale r vti where abundant. They , pose to that donot aiwiiya 'work' the mission they uualtenble. I earnestly desire the mi&h wtvtkl j- Mkn's comprehension restoration of the Southern States, with dU it i Uy take them in readily; i oastitutions and laws that will effect or it h dots, j they are as seed fallen ually secure the jcivil and political upoiikony giound, . and fail to bring rights of all persons. vniy oucc iu no back. . : the spot. Bass fled, with he intentioil of escaping, but being hjtly pursued, he was ovei; taken and capluied. j ! The cause assigned for the bloody affau is thit Bass had a furibus dif ficulty with' his step-father aud swore he would teach" him a lessou ahorOr. foith much fruit bov of cood education! who , chooses i ceuturv perhaps, is a splendid achieve . " r . . .. . u f 1 1 .' . : ment born ol ,some uuie suggiic thought,' whicn comes modestly, dis guised so that but one mind recognizes ' Very Respectful It i to eo into a mill or workshop, and make himself master of any branch ot industry, and determine to live by u, y, Yours &.C., Lewis Dent. To Col, Moorman, and Judge Jeffoids. and stick to i:, and make a profession it to be what it J truly is. , I- ' , i .!-. .r . J.ll' ,1 may feel build tivate well, to tell of thoroughness and fidelity as sure of fortune and influence as it is ever permitted to mortals to feel . The very multitude of those w ho will not submit to drudgery, vwho love "gentility" and change, pre f rjobbiiig aud speculating to 'producirig, make : i NEW YORK, v NKw York, July 3D. Fifteen hundrei tailors here have No doubt a gr:atmaniy persons will be anxious 'about the reWted eclipe of the suni (which is tto be on Satur-1 day, August 7th,) until the time has oast, and numbered with the things - i , j .: , that were. I'. j" I s : I'" ' SEEDS, (fastings, , "... I . , II -I . .. .u.. : .tn f.iniitK I his numpn an me ana acuon, wiui me .nc,,..-r...r.( , - aii uv conirasi, auu wic ph." J i . .-. . i . you with work, and pay you (or it., Hear another reason, wht ypu Kn.ild voti the Peonle'sTkkef. The whitU nennle of (his land!,! wha! may , nave you to an iuUiligeit j will del more, we frankly till 1 mjay-lwe ure perception of these truths, and entreat you to be kind and respectful to your political opponents. We judge other persons by our own standard. We feeT conscious of an utter inability to submit to personal vituperation and abuse without a speedy reckoning. There fore W will be careful by God's help, not to insu.t or injure a.iother ; and if we do, we will make , tj.ll and more remarkable the great fields of industry offer to 1 I . . urmiC till t SUCH men, arciiuiuuij M"My We are dull learners, at the best. .i The suggestion of the falling apple s(rUCk for higher wages, was repeated, in that and manifold other forms of falling matter, for thou sands of y ears,! before the wonderful truth it tautrht came to be understood. If tea-kettles were known to! the ante of Commons that the present relations and and Mexico has ICN Ullt BICIIM wini-k" -""fy ' , offi- Neyer give your- liberty ;let it always be your servant. never you master. m Mr. Whitworth, the gun manufac- just made a free gift of Iron gteel, DOORS, SASH. BLIlirS; "ANY: GOODS IN THIS LINE, not on hand, will bi ordered prompt ly, and satisfaction'' guaranteed. CART WHEEIA tongue its fuii FIRE TEST KEROSENE. FOREIGN NEWS. London, July 30. Tin ATinistrv stated inthe House j i diluvians, we must cocl of enormous value. Parents and bo58 are beginning' to find this out, and tve shall see, be fore long, a tolerably general reaction we haVe" little doub i l ... ever may , nave ooen men iuiuji - 'II E course in reference to you, aje now fairly. It they intend to deceive you, they are deceiving us also, j YAu may. ; Hear another reason, why you should vote the People's Ticket This ticket is aholive branch, offerLd vou ti I l i e :i . hinted of iU remarkable power a verf prevented the uoernraeni iroai long while before man would take the cially aiding the holders of Mexi hint.. Suggestions come to uf in every bonds in prosecuting theirclaims. conceivable garb, patiently repeating Shrm.elves for our edification. ' We becom at times exican former Beautiful WoAs. XbfpJllVKi before the eradutng class of Gen. Lee's College by Rev. Dr.; Holland, y !of Kentucky. His word- I . I ... I . . I 11 1 in the interests of peace, harmokiy and parting is noi exceiiea oy anyininK .. . ' i li ' iitu Urn vn fnr nionv VMN. "wVlilp 1 a ..tall .MAItBlU flamfllTD I IT - 111 I V. i7V U WI -1. w v . . . . . your prospects to reject it. s en and felt, that you want no com promise, and intend to accept none; we; have s One other reason, and done, TIf you vote this ticket, and euibraci the proposition madtj you it It Will be n's reference to Virginia and Stone i 1 I -. !' "ll 'l i 1 . wall Jackson win ennance me appre ciation of this beautiful extract; Wrhere, if not here, is nobleness of character a theme in echoing accor Cannot we all with the spirit of the place. We are near the grave of a martyr chief tain, whose uama 1 need not mention in the Village which his memory, like you,' to destroy the hostility aiid .discord be tweeu the i races, than the legislation nf a hundred vear. while an onnos ., t ! lr rudely broken alabaster box of pure course, we greatly fear, wilJ intensify . . . r, . i f .4' ' i lire, nas anoinien wiin periumcs mi of fhe past, I i , i . , i . and deepen thej bitterness of Ihe past Colored man, think quick, and act wisely, i breathe of paradise. 1 II I J I f J o THE DESIRE TO BE RICH. Tnis is the passion of j the. times, We are on , the hallowed soil of a State which, for the lustrious dead that sleep beneath its t cloud-fretted root, s?ems nature's own instant ' Teparaliou addj.t tins pi at lot m. We seei the Radical ticket of th.s ToWi.--sh p. It does .not suit us, becue we believe that superior meis, in point of intelligence and inlluunce, ran be ob tained for the position. No doubt, the supporteis o, that ticket h .ve done the best they could, and are perfectly honest in1 their nominatioiis. No doiibt, they think they have tke in- teiest of the country at ntart, and-aie conscientious as ourselves. Ve be lieve that we have a bitter ticket, better in almost every respect, and we i mean to support it. But let us not do; it by vituj eration and abuse, by threatening and intimidation.' Let us put down every; evil temper from the contest, and try to save the eountiy by our christian manliness and 'patriotic ' devotion. Let us treat our opponents with kindness aud respect,-and we shall not lose anything either with God or man. . ; m i ;- A Word to the Colored Man. We sk you to vote the P ople's Ticket at the election on Thursday next. We do not propose to induce you to do this, by abusing our politi cal opponents, by traducing their cha racter or Impugning their motives. We 1 believe (his to be unmanly, ungenern oqs, unjuit and . wicked, y VVe de- site to give them credit for being as conscientious as ourselves, to treat and is showing. sad effects in 1iave iust I rnany of our industries and i g tne pioductive classes It begets in our young teen : deranging demoraliz- generally. ispositions to turn aide from all kinds of produc tive labor and engage in trading aud soecu'ating, ak promisjn Easier and s etdi-T success in acqwirnig wea tn . Westminster bbeyji Its valleys, lika alcoved aisles, are hung to fancy's eye with battle scenes that depict the sac rifice ot self for principle. Its mouii tains, like memorial pillars, record the pureheartedness of heroes wh.'in the path of duty, marched up to death as to a frund, and took from his onlstretched hand the victor's wreathes of imuVpr l I ' : ' , i . I . tn sai-rta turer, has $100,000 to found thirty scholarships to be held through a icaod artistic training.! ' t by .workmen whd will go borough course of scientt f- Liverpool, July 30. The Cotton Supply Association has the so-ca 4 . ( I " I I .1 - i - - ome familliar with their (seeming, adopted resolutions looking to the worship, imes, yet are blind to'll their sug- Speedy development of railways in .-T" I Th Virginia Council of the Epis copal Chorch has unawimously adopt ed a, declaration against the sacerdotal theory of the ministry! ; the doctrines of baptismal justification, and of the real presence in thel eucharist, and i H - - lea riiuaiisuc- picin. KEROSENE LAMPS. LAMPS It21?AlilEI t ron Bought. Rags and old . BY Brothers. TURIUP SE nnu' niiil.lr "tia &t last . -i " . . - ! 1 I A U Vllfciwi' 1- - - gestiveness. YYtiat tney leacn we India, in order to lacimaie ic - , r- bed be- end . . - 'It " 1 I I . ' f a.t..,.fil I """" ""v" r 4 . f. - eitnen cannor or wu.uoi. icwu. portation oi couon irom xu?zz""iJL- nSing what deaf and i !e of tfie insufficiency, of the su from the Uuited trom American is i . hkeep the mills of ;aged. Spain Madrid, July 30. Several Carlists have been sen- they would convey. 1 Why should we.be thus blind to our best educators i "Why, seeing a vital trutn laugni in me fading leaf, should we not accept it and realize it ? Why, 'hearing the singing brook sing on, whatever be- falls it. snoula we go dumbly forward tencea io oeain. .1 - !!. .' j Li 1 II rt:' ... V.n warrmrAnA wirlr no song on our nps ana no; met- i vrusi uioeuicui iuj t ody in our hearts rWhy, feeling as having died out. within us a loneinlbr Immortality- believing that longinb will sometime Bishop Cummings has offended Bish- be realized do we ifake bfthis mor- ? Whitehouse, ofChicago,by preach tal life a mean andlpiltry thing, with ing in his diocese. ; striving to crush The suspension of work iu the uqiiu (TTiQEe . Alter nDv several days of hard labor, she has States: The stock Deen P'P "Pou luc pouiou... ... not large enough to waiting, and is now ready to be haul- t i,:, r.,n ed up to tne Seaboard tracK. v e uauLBJUiiv auaa x i POMERiNIUM, LARGE GLOBE, NORFOLK GLOBE, ED! I i a unders;aml that her general machinery is not materially injured. We Idon News. . For sale by 1 . r ' 11 oy t Brothers. 15 ag a feb 23-ly) uly 20. i elevating I wheat and corn crops of every unholy passion out what is holy and Tit consinand Iowa will! year. Some of the Mormons who left Virginia and N Utah are returning. ) My dear sir, said a candidate, accost ing a sturdy wag' on the day of elec tion, I am very glad to see you. You need'nt be, replied the wag: I've i voted. , f JPistol Cartridge s9 For sale by ' . " ! nOYT BROTHERS. Prejudices are like rats, and a man a trap; theV get in easily l UD BOt'RBON WIIISKKY y . i for rale Sy may4 JOHN MYERS' SONS. Wis- i i' mines at cranton, great destitution among the miners ail nd nice coal and can't get out at all. Pa., are causing asU be immense this brth Carolina Joi "Is that clock right dyertheref" ed a visitor. Risht over there The cotton caterpillar has made its Certainly i Hain't no where else.' appearance on the black lands of the Dis- LATEST NEWS BY MAIL- WASHINGTON, D. C v Washington July 30. Revenue receipts to-day $1,000,000 SheVmau and Ratvhngs have! con- canebreaks of Alabama. Upper Three tRuns, Rarnwell trict, South Carolina, has had a politi cal ,fight, in which two nen were killed. MARKETS. suited Washington Market. i ' I , . Augusts, 1869. NAVAL STO(RES. r.nrretA weeklv bv Joseph lotU Sl Son v .i,.nivii market rcitnrt this week. t tLi MatmnklWn ATptKnili.t Church I K' Uii...i.......!...J. 1.... i 5feJT o , wv, .v-w-j....- ... . . -m.tfl. m Washington City is $70,000 dollars ZZZ7ZlZliT'hh in debt.' $3,500 were raised service last Sunday, The Bavarian ministry have p Old dip after Tar. I .1 i GROCERIES nnnpri'xrn WEKKLT BV edK" Cottoa per tb...4.........i. C:es.swell r re'it Is stilTcbiiined from his rhev 'have read ot indixidial cases of tality. S TjLd-r its sod as reinaikable success in Ihis1 way, nnd ! eripis,repose the dustbf .n army whose they hurry froth the workshops and ri.rt.eu.be. d oeeaj of p Uriotie va or WVar.i li.tA TtT7r 4 t?. s 'of Irae"' ' niake usnroild" even amid all' the n. ..... .... - - -:i i , ? i i 1 . . . ' t ' . . ,: t : . ii, the cbnfidenee of sooif placing them-, cruptioas which degrade rur race, i.ul.ocK lia Oeen -pppintea wei enue A- Co it-i tir nf lH;i tlasirif-t. , I ' t regarding the; effic4ncy. and d themselves o su port a bill legal i jperBu.. -Z'f econJniy of the military in the South, tng the marriage of Bavarins joined in itice 43 Pea-Nuts pfcr.Bush.l 28 Its .... ,f . r i. Ureen t.. Bees-Wax per U). s.lvis Levond the nmsMt) of any form of hard labor. Perhaps; nih't -nine but risannmnt- unheeded, I be the ex- of one hundretj of them are ed, but the admtiiutioii is Each one thinks be is to ception, and many rust reeklessly- oh in the same course. f ; - j The consequence is not only the disappointment and suffering of the multitudes who fail, but the great loss of porductive industry to tlie commu nity at large. The workshops are, to great extent, deserted or filled with .1 t o. let tor i- j . ' . - - . - . . . . Tht I'le'l.irnt has appointed Miram E oii y-v 4s. ssor of the 1st North that we, too, are men. From its "wind swept forests, as from the riinesi of a ' , , , , ' i ,. i , grand cathedral organ, loltsja ceat:.ess requiem for the fallen, which ever aud ; Car.fIina-Di4t.-ict, and W. D. Jones ol anon swells with swifter rime jnlo i martial stiain that bids the living emu . , -l.i." . ; . . J ' .. their virues lleie. ihen. as in a ' Mississippi, the Preside! t . r. i incompetent workmen. Farms are neglected, consnmers are increased, ! : I while "production is i diminished. The effect is seen in many of j the indus trial and social evils ot the time. There is nothing wrong in the desire of easy competence, or even affluence, if there, is a disposition to make a good use of it, The wrong is an inordinate desirie of wealth, an d 'reck I the purjuit cf it. Unquestionably, enness in t. one . j. .. ... . !.. '; e i . .. A. them with the same politeness and re- ot tne trying eviis oi uiejunics v rwt-t that wo rt-ouife for ourselves. I termination to be rich on the easiest the 4th iN'oitt Carolina Distr ct. In order to sec ire a fair election in f quiet ihapei of this grand old State Bas ilica where to study excellence of mannooa is lonoia iiuercourse nu iuc spirit of itsbest ex imple-so ordt r the steps of your ambition, when, in pursu ing its celestial end, you depatt from the timeshore cf life it may be but to join the glorified band ol' soldiers for tlv true and righ who have already cross el over the river and, with Jackson, are resting in the shade of the tiees. Large quantities o f United States gold coin are used by jewelers. They prefer it on a-icount of the uniformity of alloy whfch.i'.jper varies apprecia ble. The minr bars vary in, purity to the extent of three-thousandths and over. will the United States The Cuban fiibusters recently cap Cured at New York, mostly Irishmen ind lex-CYnfederates, were paid $10 each on Saturday morning, a id dis: ' lj. - Turpentine, Dip J &crape...-....... A German emigrant chest went! Tar -Wo .bs-,.. i 1 ' . rvl fllCU K to pieces in a car ai layton, unio, the other day, and $6,000 in specie li. WlSWALL. JR New Berne Market, July, 31 -' NAVAL 8TORES. . - ' ' order were scattered over ibe floor. ' , They l.u Va lJl ...... Turnip Seed for Sale. YELLOW BUT A BAG A Turnip Sed Norfolk Field EARLY STONE FI at nut ch For sal by ; , JOSEPH . POTTS & SON uly 20-5m . 1 v I . -1 '! NOTICE As I vrlsh to ' irive ao the sale of Dr its Goods and Motions, I will el I at COST tor cah tha balance of injr stock. JaiyCT , at. j E.j.qmx- BINGHAM SCHOOL. . MEBANEVILLEj n . c . Wm Bingham, Kob't Bingham, , W. B. Lynch. 1 , rpnE SE8SION OF 1869-70 begins An- 1 gust 20th, and continues forty weeks. . Tne course of instruction includes the or dinary Engl th Branches, th Anient Lan fuages, French, McthebiAIs; BtSbR-tep: inland tne elements of JXatnrarbcieiico. Expenses, (including , Tuition, ; Board, xuei, w asiunp uooks and Clothing) Mo. Circulars sent, on application. Ijy27 6t. a Board of Registrars (for each county, bring their gold. to be com nosed of one- radical! one conservative and one military officer. The President will not, at present, interfere in favor of either party. Throughl Northern and Eastern mails from New Orleans of Monday 'at. and through mails from points beWe.; New Orleans and Clarksville, iciu1 have been burned. r .i . v ''V : ' " Gov. i'nucey is dead. President Grant see the Secretaries privately. - ' ; vNo! regular Cahinit meetiog to-day . Secretary Fish, wants the Cubans to purchase Cuba, and Sumner favors the fir- t . scheme, and wants Uncle Sam to en dorse the bonds issued for the purchase money. v - i The New York Tribune thinks if the ifational Capitol should be re moved to Chicago the sole amuse - ments of Congress would be looking at the lake tuunel and getting divorc ed.: I :.. J ;,, - -J-.-' j li " " . -, i j'-.':. i Millard Fillmore and Tborlow Weed The policy of the' President regard- latter an estrangment o( twenty yean, inc tile Mississiopi and Texas elee- were reconciled at the Astor House tions will be-governed by foUre events, recently, and a movement is on foot i&osin... MISCELLAH 8alt..' ... Ba con.M ..mm...... Pork, per barrel...... Sutter ...... M..M.M.k...... .p8......m........4...m........ voru, by quantity ....mm4m.. ...r.;.; I Warrenton Female College, i Warren Co.. U ;.Ce' ' rTTTITfi lVHTlTITTinV .Mt Vu. A -! .....J -7i(24 W ,nthe Btk of August," under the direct JLLAKEOUS. . Itlwnof i " '1 ! 270 164 ..t 60 2 8 J .......... Oats. Wood per cord. ' . Pine,.... ....... Ootton....MM.M.......L New York Market, JvJy 23 Cotton, 33J34 Turpentine. 4ito43 Koein, 2 25(3)2 28. Gold, lM- ! 2 00 2 25 ! iu3 ii m r I formerly President, of tha Greensboro Fa v I 1 - tl XT a. al - 12 tue Kle'Kh Oaaton Caliroad.'haa long ' 18120 n Caaioua for healtl) and rejined and in- . I 00s 05 teIen ocic!7J r ' ; " boGum i i pwt! nnt.T.rnr. tiTTVT.TiT-B-aej a ,w A Rock Island ra steamer Dubuque attempted to occu-1 Weed together. tsmafi un the to bring Horace Greeley and Thnrlow a I situated in a beautiful grove, in a. retired I oua and will be put ia thorough repair and well ni;ca up tor scoooi rurposei. With long axporience in connection with , Female College, m lrf e Library; an ex tenslre and we 1-aelecte.d Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and the aid of an able Faen ty, among wbonii that aceom- n1!li1 xltnlav tnH Mnaloian.' Tmt V I I' C IB jfil H IEII i U: 0 E . U A1IE, ws o&r luperior facilitiei to'yeoor ' A r Tg! ttvs -rrmrr mm 1dle iring to becomet we 1 educated and Beard, (exclusive of waiting and Hghti) and Tuition in regnar Co( ege course, per seaaion of Twei ty Week.v ............ .i00 Extra stodies, moderate, ' I ' ' j For fuh particalars, apply to 1 , . r B. F. BRIGGS.L.... ...... I.....PaorKiETOR. Late of North Carolina.) rpHIS HOUSE has been thoronehly re I furni hed and refitted. The patronage oi ine iraTeiung pnoiie is respectrniiy so- ucueo. . su, m , y DKcotaa, amp v aug. 3-tf. ' f T. r.l Joner Prtiident is. , i 1 1 1 r

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