TSDAYUT17, 1869r r i ) . . Josrrir tl. atsox, Swan Quarter,: Hyd county, X. C .JVM F. Ci.jUKB, J-NewlWrne, . 0. . a; JfrAitarK A Co., GoMxbWo, K. 0. J-..OUX I)ASti.LT, M. I)., 4al,.in-tn t.,Brtlt'o, Md. II. 1. 1'KicjK, Traveling Ageut, for Eastern North enroling ' 6 6. Ku iLvku W iv) ley, Lake Landin?, NyJe County, N. C H.e abnvoture authorized; Apouts for The Kastkrk Inth LKiK.si kr, n.l wjj receive replication ami pay-im-nt for sucriptIong and advi-Ttiscmenrg Kuitok ' LOOAL DEPARTMENT.. YES, you certainly should Insure yourXife, but insure it in a Com pany operating under the rigid laws of the State of New York. TIIE WIDOW'S & ORPHAN'S BENEFIT LIFE INS. CO. OF NEW YORK, J . Security, i ;i , ' ; f ' . . . . :. . Promptness; v ;'-,'-: ' Kqujty and ; V : - i V . Benefit to JMhcy Holders are its prominent features.- '. J ','-.. FINCH &, MARTIN, ! General Agents, r - . iW. II Agents W. II. ! Finch, r one of the General i$ now in the, city, and will fcf ,0 scrve .OF ARM EES, i .We cortljal'y recommend Mrt.Fixcii to 1 OMers Interested !! j o,ur eastern people Ho is the riprht man I . .!. j (,ui- eastern people Ho is the right man in the righ( p'ace.' His Insurance Compa ny strike as one of the best', if not the very", best: j Cive him a fair hearing. rj See notice of the removal of Joseph" potts A: Sou to the brick building opposite the lank of Washington. -r ; Lost J'.kaj :ki.i:t.' Road the advertise jnont of -a lost bracelet. If left 'with 15. l 4 Havons, Esq,, or at this office, the finder I 1 i . - ' 1 1 'i ' ' ' : vut ito rewnruuu, Tilt: Wrather, EVei; since the eclipse. up to within a fuw days nasf, it has hecn cold1 enough for lire.' lit is now warm and .pleasant rigrun. J A, T. IlutXK & Co. Wo. see that these gentlemen,: nt a. recent sale in New York, bought the :(irst bale of new cotton at fifty cents a poiind. l-'.nr'y' j-o'tton this, large j.icn, aiid enterprising bilycrs. "The Pnices 'liave more jtViends ajt. the South nrobaoly than any other house, and they deserve IMClll. i ' KntiKyropi) Siiinmi. V0 invite Uio at -tent Inn of jiir renders 't,,'- tiio 'ad vert wotnont of this. scli!. understand, that a riiost Vxi-ellent tpaelier lias heen employed, in Veryjvay 'ompoteiit 1o ;ondt ic tali rs t-e 1 as s .scli..o ''le locality is one of tlie niost Meas?uit in, this section, the pcighborhood f ' Vetiucd, jnnd. everything Wi'l doubtless , n.mbiiio tojgivo satisfaction to cvei v ."patron of the enterprise. W. (I. joUDAX. lioad the idvertisc- inent of Mf Jordan, iiub-t.ilied in this issue. U ;Ue Is jrfciile.man av&11 known to the peo- l-iiwui i,HNu;rn ortn u-aro nia. . f ormerly a resident ot -Wilson: and one of its most (.nergetic niul 'rospernus citizens, he is now engaged iirMho . Commission lino in Norf.ill . -ISorfidk and lialtimoro arc the natural dejiots for ourcotton. Let our far niurs ami others givo this new houso a trial. Tiiom :sKim:i.sn, This gentleman, lorniei ly ii'.fs.c.iated 'vith Mr Getirge Brown in the C'l'inniission business, lias gone to ItoltiiiirrvJo establish, a liciisc in that city. We caii i 1 1 aliVrd to lose a merchant of such activity, i;t';l igeiico. and 'enterprise. W'e wish lii'm ajll tp mucc-css lie can desire in his new homoj. lWc cheerful y coinnicnd liini to .our peojile every where, who may havo luisiiicss transactions in Baltimore. His cjvf.l will bo presented to our readers at an oa.ly day.- . Doi-ni.ij.We learn, that a'very estinia ble citizen, wi 11 known for his -quietness and iiiodu'stv, has replenished his olive ptniits in sf vci-y fruitful manner. Whether hovs.-t.r girl. , he deserves the .thanks 'of all good 'patriots and happy lunisckecpcrr. That is th( vay to keep-thc CoiTiniandmeiitF. To e frniitful And multiply is just as much the duty of a good citizen, as to till the soil, build puWic vorks, establish schools, or anything 4lso. Many blessings upon these infants'. II i 1 Nhw. J CoyTiiAtT ox .the Nnw 1?FUNn LlKK.Ve learn, that Mr. llaight, l,f this towfn, has the new contract between . v aingtfi and New Uemd. and that be 1 1 lnt sweh acconiniodafions on th& line as '' 'tly todncrease the comfort of travellers. ; f"'Ucte that Mr, Haight has managed T win' s kvell, that bis charires are very .- iiahlj!, aivl I that ho studies to please ""aUosiraWprout. --rs. .satefmell IJaynor have cstab- ' ilUO Ot travel, liu ivnv nf .ii..c,.;su t . " ' " v Jr I .' ,tlVVCcn Plymouth. tV r a ffrent ommotlation. to tra- !.".. ,lll0 road is hard; shady and jdcas , .4 vast? Superior' fi the old Stage Road ;-Jr ang direct hy Harvey's Mill. Ad ifmr people wide neon rage this' effort o iirse geu:eineiv by a 'iheral patronage, i : Will !k4 m'litA nni.man..l J ,i . ... j.v.uiau!.!!,, ttua Wllj ue rrreat. iy to tho advantage of aZlf lonest man1 and a food citizen, and (Jied with a reason able hopfe of a glorious immortality. . - Peace o his ashes. - ( Jl, - : : 5 rgiHLC KL ItSCC III Kit wUhesio. bur , J iiii)i,'"li.-if ely, a large wnfc'on ,A , aIS ror.Va n animal, lie il.t lo warrant A.?1UtM;.,,l ntlc. TtubiUer cnb -.funl'caji. JPJ 0I,-e t! f 1 TITP T.TTVTT.l CTTATTIT? Alt A Child's Semi-MontMy Paper;, Jas. Marsh Lons.i Editor. Frank P- Durand, Publisher. Is devote(l to the Interests, Education, Amusement and Entertainment of! the Chi!- dren. It is edited and published by boyi S Its typographical aphcMrance isi in beauty. A host of able nyrite: unexce rk contrib ute to its co'ums, comprising some of the I creates 5'r.tr.lWt.. rf thla r-mmrrv. Amonrr whom may be reckoned the Poetl Wm. H. Carty," and tlat Novelist Alexis De liar. . Will commence the liiiblication in No.7 of a new serial Story, to be cati 'ed, OR THE MASKED FACE. JJV ALEXIS DEBAR. The SiiNrtFAM contains Orityinnl Sfn- I ries, BioirraDhical Sketches. Original v.r i 1'oetry, Editorials, Interesting Com-: munications, fect Rack nunjbers of our paper Kept on Hand. 171c e lor C mos. 50 cents; 3 mos. 25 ceits, " Address; Long, Durand & Col Beanftrt County, 5. 'C. - ' Z J IV etchm rrtr I A T TENT I 0 Itl With n v; nni;,n Tl,ftwTWinJf w 1117 my iiuuuujv iuuuo in ym eastern portfon ot JYorth Uaro- i . 1 '1 -t - . . r una. tnercDV liiaucin?? irami. ! . V Vi ri plo to dispose of their surplus Jand, wc have accepted the Agency of tho ATorth Carolina Land - Company, and invito all who -have Ileal Estate to sell at fair rates, to give us a call, and place the same in our hhnds, L4. .uin uu iuB tiiii uuit vu win uo our uust lur uieir luieresu We are also Ajrents for tlie N. k. Life Assurance, Annuity and Trilst Company, K'f)V-;1l 1'rcsident.jU National Lifo Insurance Company of Jay Cooke & Co., Hankers. j : Jiomc l ire insurance company of Kal- James Uivcr. and Jefferson Fire Insu- rancp Companies of VirgiuiaJ and Kjnrtnieinai x ire insurance company ot Jiaittmore. These are all reliable Fire;1 and Life Companiel and we invite those contcinplat ng In- surance, to give us a call before writing their policies elsewhere Eurbuiik & Oalliiglicr, Washinrrton.V N. D. jtmc 2Q-ly. , . Or, , ' II , N D U F I- Y , People's - Ma ;kct, i- KEV, BERNE, Wholesale audi Retail Dealer .irl DllUGS, . MEDICINES, ; CHEMICALS, D YB STUFFS, j - FINE TOILET SOAPS - JiKUbULSb and i:j!iiiFUJiLiu. Pure Wines and L I Q, U :0 It S , FOR .MEDICAL USE Farmers knd Physicians from the country win piease give ,me a can uc- i L II . fore purchasing. They will find toy stock of medicines comple e, warrant ed genuine. June 22-ly" B. E BOMET, DRUGGrl.ST, MAIN STREET keeps constantly on hani,, and arriving PURE DRUGS, MEDIClNtS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, "'INES ' ' ' &t&c-m PERFUMES To which he calls tho attent tibn of Phy clans and thcjpubliC). 114 buys his goods from FIRST CLASS Uir Ull l IN Or UU V BUB IN H E W Y O R Kv nd defies COMPETITION as to " . ; ' i l-l He Cannot be Undersold i . ' t hi'.! 1 He has made Fluid Extracts,'. Eclectic Medicines and Chemicals a speciality, and 1 , r"- " T complete. tt?" He can .furnish Country Deer with Patent Medicines at very small per- cental on New York prices. ' A call is. rcspectfu'ly solicited feb 0-iy ' f - . . -" ' july 20 L Jr " wholesale; dealer is QRO CERIE S 1 AND Staple Dry Goods, ,?nnfc Iflfl rKflflOC ;JLf CI I III k31JLUL3 1 R fl M M I S fl N M F R H H A M T 1 WifM STICJEUT, Washington, N, 0. . , . ilas constantly on hand a full assort- ment ot upuus in ins line. Head the, following Iist,! and , then: , call and see for yourself: , 1 . 150 Barels FLOUR, all grades. 'For sale Dy li. v lb WALL, Jr. I ba"ell RAKERS and CAKES. cola Ktr TT W 60 Barrels MESS TORK heavy. 'For I i L II. WISWALL, Jr. Q barrels HERRING, for sale by , ! li. W jr. hn.H )'ards Pnnls assorted, for JU'L sale by U f I H. WISWAL I 4 ' 1 i ( STARCH, for sale by . - . h. v. ri5 : f - J 50 boxes ANDY and raisuns, sale by H. W BACON, HAMS,1 SIDES and I r SHOULDERS, for sale bf p r r ; H- w M . i w ? 25 barrels POTATOES, for sale by - : H. W.,jr 1 i . , , ' ! ? 12 boxes TOBACCO, for sale by j ! f H. iWISWALLl Jr. , ,i v i i '-pi'r" 2j,bags COtrLL, Hio, LaguVra and Java, for sale bv H. W 30 barrels MOLASSES and SYRUP, fet sale by 1 ' 11. 'W J00 r,L?ws? 10 11,53, 60 I4,EiA, for sale by H. W.,jr. Ajnes' SHOVELS 4 forsaleby 1 ami SPADF.S H "W ir ' ii ir-a jmttt?t? t .t?:i I1 - " uciitin vj a. , liuiuiai vt , itaii road, Gail and Ax, for sale at BManu- fucturers' prices, by li. WrISWALi,. Jr r - - i r - : Morse ana iMuie tULLAltb, tor sale i "7 - - ! i liW.,jr. 2d barrels SUGAR all I grades, for sale by 11. W., ir. 25 kegs BUTTER and LARD, for sale by UL WISWALL, jr. f ESSENCE COFFEEj i lor sale by ! 11. WISWALL, Tr 35'kegs NAILS, .for sali by Hi"; 1 . I '' 11. W., UM pUI!s plow ASTINGS, I lai salft hv 11. W jr. TT TTTTriTTT ATT 7 ixv ai s. u m u a m m WRAPPING PAPER! all sizes, lor sale by II. W., jr. 15 dozen BUCKETS, aJd BROOMS, for sale by i . . H. WJ, jr Parlor MATCHES, for sale by A Fine SHOW CASE, for sale cheap . -r by Jl. WISWALL Jr. ! ri rw iin I tnr cola rir " v- i v r . IJt M J Jl. 20 boxes CONCENTRATED LYE and pQTASH, for sale by IH. W;jr : 1 . , I . 25 boxes CANDLES, Ut sale by H. W.,jr. DRIED BEEF knd BEEF TONGUES, foi sale by i v if H. AVIS rALLi Jr. No. I MACKEREL and T.0NGUES and SOUNDS, in Kits, for sale by II. WISWALL !, Jr. ! 1 I '" ii 2,500 lards' GINGHAMS, PLAIDS, and STRIPES, forsaleby I! ' H. W..,jr 6,500 V ards brown SHEETINGS and i . by H. W.,jr m a Tk.n t i 1,500 i-ards KERSEY, JEANS. SA tinets, a..a CASSiMERES. Sa e- V ' ' "' J,500 pairs BOOTS and SHOES, sale by . H. WlbWALL, Jr. . I ; . 10 kegs POWDER fori sale hy If. wfSWAT.T. ir r " I - oo Dags anui, assorted sizes, lor sale by H. W. jr NOTICE .. ; As I wish to give qp the sale c-f Dress voous ana motions, i win sell at COST for cash the balance of my July 27 2t. E. J. QUIN- EOLDSBORO' FEMALE COLLEGE. The FALL SESSION will onen jonthe 8th. of " August, and continue Twenty Weeks. I ifrms iier oesMuu i ssu ucc:. i Tuition and Board, exclusive of t-- j -- . wasldn iind lights... 95 00 m. . -in ? I- I imuon, in.couegiaieorAcauemic 1 depai-tment, ..." ' 20 00 Tuition iu-freparatory Department ' 12 50 Fuel...: J... . II .50 Music Ion l'iano or Guitar... 2J 00 Music pn Piano and Guitari.......... 30 CO Use of Instrument 3 00 Ancient and Modern Languages, , each. .L , i& 00 Ornamental Branches at usual prices. Pupils will be charged from' the j time of entrance to close of session. A deduction will be made from tui- 3i:w ;7 h onri rkv tnr Knni; and Ktationprv win i v. r. . f . be required iri advance. uuu CJ " , ...... . 'eJwJ ADAMS, President jul y 6-tf. WOHDBRS of the WORLD, Startling Inciilcnts, - t ' -1,1 INTER ESTIN6 SCENES, AXi) "WOT3""nTIT?.T,TTT. T!VT!T3TSr IX ALL COUNTKIES, ALL aCIES, AND AMONG, ALL PEOPLE. ' 1 -BY i 1 C.G.Rosenberc. Auiiortf"iragmatay" "The Map othePeo l Over 1 ,000 Illustrations. Bv thp most rlistiniriiisripfl Artists in J r-- . . Eiirnnw and America! 1 Trip list of contribitort numbering one hundred and twenty-eight, among whom are found the popular and widely- known names of GustaveDore, Ber- douiu. jvtinffe. renn. liiiDen. uav arm, Henessy, Homer, Milais, Neh leigh, Nast, Read, Horace iVernet, White, Weir, Waud, Miss Ed wardsi lony Jonauuot, etc., etc., etc. AGENTS" WANTED. h every Oitv, lown. i ViHase and County in the Union, for this great Historv. It is bv far the most excit- ihir. attractive, instructive, humsrous. entertaining and valuable book ever issued irom the American press, conr tainino-a larger amount of histonral. u: l,:1 :l :' J .. ii:. ' i idScr.amouui oiUHioricai, I - i -f I .: . uiuyiapuiucii, cunous aim aiuiug in. cidents thdn any work of modern tinies, and nresented in a form so attractive! and prese n ed in a fojir, so attractive that evert 1 1 Tl m-M Tl II IllPUII TY1 v w-i f Tl n CT 1 r it subject f V u- T- V? of absorbing attention. -Over uue iiiuuY"u grvingb, uy uie most ii j ! : i. I eminent artistsrin Europe an emint-iii anisis in Europe ana Aiuer- ica, 128 iik number, making it altogeth- er the mastl unia'ue. comolete. and el- osi unique, complete, ana ei- -1 ? I' I . 11 egant pictorial work ever published. I 1. jr ' . A" ffc-f." aUU ciiivic iv, wu.c an opportunity tor making money is i t m v.. " ! 1. JSVr..J...l iJ Iff. iiere time can refuse to buy it. 1 r i - . l i Sebd for J United i 411 New York Citv. Maylp-ly U,ru AfeRIVAl S PflMRTA NTI Y I ukii niiiiii uwnyiiiiiifci i r1. TVI Rrnum Xfln y. xia. Ja ii y 0FFEES TO THE PUBLIC, at tlic LOWEST CASK PRICES ! 13TTTT? ATTTriTnTISJTrO I it - . . ROSATAIiIS,-$i 25 PER BOTTLE, i ' uupr iiiii uuituiAL,iucts per ootue, Bateman's Drops, 10 cts. per bottle, Bntis Oil, 10 cts, per bottle, Lp- Bom baits, 10 cts. per pound (Jrum Uamphor, 10 cts. per ouuC3. ilair Dye, oo cents per bottle. Jlostetter and . f I Plantation Bitters ) S1.00 pel bottle. ! , Schiedam Schnapps, .25 per bottle. Kerosene si. Oil 1, GO cents per gallon. Ker- oseno Lamps from 2b cents to $2 eachi Fine- Segars, by box of retail. Fruits & Flowers Smoking: Tobacco, the best at old Iprices: ', Sweet Quinine, w mew- r rw r ?-r iiiBin r r r n iiiinnrmi int VCrt I ( mill run UnjlUntn- OUlNINfc. 2 PER OUNCE- . j, . We rlnn'b nrnnnsfi to sell , t n it . , i , , "XX nail 0 tlie USlial priCeS, DUl WC circulars and terms at once. M lor casft a11 grades and ran- s a, r. r . , i eties of 1 obacco, j from thJ rt States Publishing Co. r5- finest. stvle that is brouch't 1111003IL STREET, 1 O nto tuls market, to tne low- '. .1 j.-u. niLbAiu;. pleaoro ourselves to sell at the coffee, sugar, poh moi4im iD qt .tuietrt,uii f J, n . r.TT t-ttt-i .i bv r J. It. U1LLAKD. 1 . lowest CASH PRICES in this market. Can furnish Physiw' cians and Merchants at a very - x i i ,i i 'iiiv ! i : i i i r v v t t i rv " . rrt . , prices; A fine selection of PERFUMERY, FAN CY ARTICLES, Flavoring EXTRACT. - GIVE US A TRIAL. for cheapier cheapest fbbO-ly jue29 for Kosioo. the great Liver Invig orator, liiooa .runner, ana innovator, prepared bv. Dr. J. J. Lawrence, celebrated Physician and Chemist, a safe,! plesaut, and reliable remedy, rr iv, nUpnHnn nrl rnro of all dis- LpCL,1 hv a Tnrn T.iver. lm pure Blood, Disorders ot Kidneys, oi Debility of the N ervous System:. It regulates the secretions, eradicates -i u.. . i. wasttd nervous nower. and at ai uuuiuis ui itituis, iconics iusl ui T.. u -u - same; time builds up and imparts tone and igor to tne whole bystem YOU OUGHT TO INSURE . ' ' "" ' I ": I N THE. ; ".V AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE Cn. flF PHU AnFI PHIA. .CCrT0 Oonnnmfl ,M1W riwOL 10- vJjvUUjuUU . ,J . J . m , lrT1T,Tn , T- rtT1 rtT 1x1x1x0.11x11 10 unxi ux xu.it UiiiXii5i in laxi uniixii; oiaixio, ioou. The American has $200 of Assets for everv . 1 '.t. never lost a dollar of investments. I has always been well man aired. I issues policies on all desirable plans. ' ! 1 I iv f makes all policies non-forfeitable. .-. r ( " pays Life 1'olicies to the insured at the age of eighty.' Las ncunnecessary restrictions on travel and residence. '' : declares dividends annually of 50 per centum. ,f ' . offers more Insurance for the same money than other Companies. has ($ 100.000) One Hundred Thousand Dollar! deposited with the State .of Pennsylvania for the benefit of all figg- All the guarantees that can be offered ZVW ProD11J aim nonor . . . - . l a,,rLL- cueiuy iu luanuguiuieub uy ,. (I , , ! ier. x ou may ao worse. IT WILL PAY ! Jt will Traveling Agent American Life; i i l B j j a First National. Bank Building, R Ef.E R S 1 0 Oexu'Jno. A. Young, - success, are afforded by the American Life Insurance Company ot Philadelphia. Insure in the American. You cteof,dfbet- Bankers, Charlotte; N. C. Hon. K. Y- McAden, President First National Bank-. 1 Col. L. I. Childs, Pras. 1st Nat. Bank, lotte' N- C T "U V TofoaCCO Manufacturer AND IVf I II I'Al'TV i .vat I HAVING MADE FULL AN ND COM ! i PLETE ARRANGEMENTS .TO ESTABLISH THE - i i j TOBACCO BUSI- j NESS IN WASHINGTON UPON A LARGE AND SATISFACTORY, BASIS, 1 ! . 1 .-,,. , ,J 1 Inform3 the public that he ta.pn the store last occu- b pied by Mr.. Bible, near the $2 M i - , J. , . , , W SIarkt, and is hakng it fit- la. - . r- ted up. for the purpost-s of 1 ... A ij;,, w Ohis trade, and is making pre -r parations which will insure parations woicu win insuri I v i I ' .1, iiQc.i- fu;' o fnr hnsln him the .completest facilities s I WMUiWWW.. He win M4liufjll.tq're ,and 1 I- a , j Sell, on the Riost S- 1 ri r.URV1Nan( SMOKING -i r. t ' .... ..t. Z, , a ? , , Tn h'lwn will hnt h be irianu- lacturea anu soiu, in icharac- -- ter and price, to suit the Most ITasticlioUs Taste or the Commonest JZppetite. BEING NOT MERELY a SELLER but a MATVTJFAOTTITIER ! alSOj j can afford to furnish patrons on muc.n l0WPr !erm? tnai? any oiner es i taDiisnmeni in mis country. Contry Merchant , particularly, will find it largely to their interest to 1 . . buy their loDacco at Gre e n w ay's In tlie meantime,! we will inform the public that wel already have a good supply of TOBACCO on hand for said. ( rapr271v GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, ! BOOTS AND jSriQlS, Main Street, Washington, N. 0. - i MULLETS and Pickled nerrbss, warrwiVea, by the MTeI, for sate low, b J. B. WILLARD. at I 1 J. b. willaru. TnrVa T-lr.rl .n,l r.rnnn.l 11I7M SII.T litrul.hv I nflRV SoaiI Ci JLTH Tnl Plmir nl 11 frp.rlM rnn. .w...-, , , StauUy on nar.4, audioraale by , Fresh Goods ! ! IHPT D C f C 111 T n I UUOI ntbCIHU! GREEMAY A PURE ARTICLE KEROSENE OIL'. GENUINE NEWARK CIDER - VliiAAtt. T w m -w rf-w ' a EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. the ; i. is STEWART'S AMBER SYRUP. rnrcun 4rrrpC , rwv FRESH CRACKERS and l,ARLb. - r lou tenv im iccre I" ana examine. the i r. i liiio l iv JT VliiVliltJulJi it-Xt. f-ly june 8. 16C?, Y OUR LIFJE il I uiwvuoiiijj,. . j . y . Annual piCOme, $l5UUU5OUU. mJn -rrvrrm-nTv rn-nn1 i ncA I. ; 1 S10J of Liabilities. J insured in the Company'. Capital, by mmen; py capacity, economy 1 " . j9 .1 l'l uusmuss renuxauon ana SOllQ t ' 1 ' j pay to see Capt. II. R Price, of Phila., Washington. N. C. a ' i u ; 0 T -J . G harlotte, N. C, Charlotte, n1 C.h Thos. W. Dewey & Co Columbia, S. C. iev. A. W. Miller, Char- i ' I j j june29-ly SPRING GbODl WILLIAM SHAW has jurt'received a larg and elegant assortment of wiu ter and spring goods, consisting of DRY GO ODS, DRESS GOODS. HATS and CAPS, BOOTiS and SHOES, READY-MADE CL&TIUNG, YANKEE NOTrONSy HARDWARE and CKOCKERTl BAGGING AND ROPE, Wamily Groceries, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES USUALL Y KEPT IN. A WELL ASSORTED STORE. - i i All of ivhichwill bt. sold at Ihevery lowest Cash Prices, feb y-ly RRnY-MAnF CLOTHES, At Hew York Frices, at feb 9-1 y . JUST RECEIVED : 500 barrels FlourJ t 500 " Herrings. 10 bags Coffee. .-. . - 10 barrels Sugar. 1 "' - ' fi - 3 hogshe ada Molasses., 3 kegs Butter. And a large lot of new ' DRY GOODS AT feb 9-Iy may2I Dr.. La wx bnco'B CELEBRATE I I . - f A safe and .reliable remedy for ' All Diseases Peculiar to Females, . seen a Leuchorrca, or Whites ri, or alHnr o tAc pomb ; lne r. ular, Painful, or Menstruation; Suppressed Fain in i' the Back ; NertousnessyWakefulness, Weakness Sfc Dedicated to the LADIES Olf iMERICA for -whose benefit it was designed, and wuose nappmess it win promoiej by the disco erer, . ., I . . LA WRENCE, If. D.j Chemist. TO PHYSICIANS: :i . WOIAIS FREND The articles of which the Woman's Friend is compounded are published around each bottle, and it is be ievd - to be the best Uterine Tonic and Alterative yet dUcorerd. It is a valuable and reliable agent all derangementslof the Female Re - productive Organs, and in Hysteria, Nervous Headache, Spinal Irritations, occ. - ,i j J. H.BAKER & CO., Wt cb23le Agents. Uo. 4 Main st , liOEFOLA, VA. rF"Tt whem all ordcn or letters must addressed. I apr G-ly Price, $1.00 per Bottle J. J. AVHlTKIItJltST has just returned from tlio with an elegant and, complete stock o f AND SlIIME ii Consisting of Dry Good AND HIS STOCK OF a dies Tiross floods sj vr V,- IS ONE OF THE MOST ATTRAC- : i ".,-.; I . . -. -v-.l v. , N TIVP. A ND HTiTT.T.T A XT I EVER DROUGHT O THIS M A R K E T:. ' . i Ladies wishing to purchase their SPRING AND SMMER :! - - - - ' outfit, will find the most beautiful Imperial Cloths, ' A Silver Cloths, i ' i i Summer Poplins, Grenadines, Muslins, Ginghams, &c. r HIS STOCK OF LADIES' SH O.ES ... ! - ' ' ! ; is very large and well-selected. : It would be well for those wishing to obtain a cheap and elegant shoe, 'to give this part of his stock an exami nation, i 'The attention of Gentlemen is est pecially called to his large assortment of I t GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING h' .,' ! : nd i furnish in ft rr which will be sold for PROFITS mm ' GOQDS ' ANi):J;:..j: 'j V .'' ' :: " : !' . ' .. . ! i ' ' ' ' ' I ;' ". JT. jr. IVIIITEIIUKST hay. ' ... i ' a,. ing taken great paius in thu selection of hiseoods, and having made each department as complete as possible", Is1 determined 'to sell, for O A II, oa ' terms as low as can be bought in this in be m , 1 nch 30 ly ."-. : -: . " ! ' ' ' " : ' ' 'y' -l " V 1 1,

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