An a. Good Jose. A loafer; while stopping at a lavcni up the country, used tb lounge about the bar and drink other Ipeopk's liquor. Not a glass. ' could jje left alone for a moment, but he wobld slip and drink its entire con tents.! 0ne ay"a aSe driver cam in, and ealled for a stiff horn of brandy toddy.j Jehue immediately, played possum by leaving hin ' braudy while he stepped to the door. The bait iook. 'i On turning he .. savvj- hrs glass empty and exclaimed with all the diabolical horror he could effect. "BriTvdy and opium enough to kill forty men 1 -Who drank that pizen V Ml P stammered the lofer, ready to give up the ghost with affright. "You area deadpan I" said the 1 driver! - '. r "What shall I do ?" besccchedthe, other,! who thought himself a gone " suckec. "Down with a pint of lamp soil, or you're a dead man in three miuutes!" answeired the wicked driver. And down Vent the lapp oil, and up came the brandy and opium together with his breakfast. The-" joke was told and he has never drank , other people's liquor since. . A SrroRY of Dickens. On one oc casion Charles Dickensr was uphold ing the theory that whatever trials or difficulties might stand in a man's I path, jlhere is always something to be thankful for. "Let me in proof there ol," said Dickens, relate a story Two men were tojbe banged at Ndw pate for murder. The morning arri ; ved, ';iand the hour approached ; the bell f St. Sepulchre began to toll ; the convicts were. pinioned ; the pro cession was formed : it advanced to the fatal beam ; the ropes were ad , justed; around the poor men's necks: there jwere. thousands qf motley sight seers hi both sexes, of all ages, men, wonien and children,' in'front at the scaflbjd ; when, just at that second of lime'Ja bull which was being driven to Srhithfield broke its . rone, and .. ru . ' charged the mob right and left, scat tering people every where with its - horns;; yhereupon one of the con demned men turned to his equally uii fortuiate; (jornpanioiv an,d quietly ob- ; served., f I suy, Jack, it's a good thing ; we ain't in; thai crowd.' " Mijsic O Music I t!ie theme of bards j from time immemorial who . iiie wot orum oeai nc cianon givco forth 1 its piercing notes -'and legions of arhied men rush headlong to the flercej and devastating battle. Again . dt urn i is muiiled, and its deep notes break! heavily upon the ea, while the dead -warrior is borne along upon his bier, (ind thousands mingle their" tears to his memory. . The tender lute is sounded upon the silvery waters, andJ the lover throvfs aside his oar, and imprints a kiss upon the lips of his beloved. The bugle lings in the mountain's recesses, and a thousand ppearf are uplifted for a fierce and desperate conflict. And now the or gan -penis, audwith its swelling notes 'the fc6u4 leaps into the very presence of thef Deity. I OrLgix of the Pew System. One hundred and seventy years ago an ele gant! parish church at Atherstone, England, vas, as all house of wor mfelup jhad been, entirely open to all hearers : but it entered the mind of an elderly lady that she would prefer to kneiw where to sit. It was unpleas ant td thinkjanybody i hould be placed beside her. She accordingly begged to bej allowed to piit in a piece of boarding to screeu hcrejf off from the rest o" the world. Xo Soont-r tit J this appear, than another manted a parti tion, Jio enable her -to enjoy, as her own, souie particularnot. Then an ! old gputleman thought he would like 1 to hVyeom acepmmodatifcn reserved for liim. This closing in of the church for private purposes gave its interior r such frn irregular and patched appear ance,! that Jt AVS Presently resolved to pewihe whole building," which was accorlir2g!y--done,.a large share of tlie cxpeiise bein defrayed by a family well jkuown in the neighborhood. and so this pew system has grown and grown en until it has become ingrain ed iulEnglish church life. . ' 1 1 . . 1Mb Vkitino. our handwrit- ing'i! very bad indeed, " aid a gentle man ip a . young college friend, who ', was hiore addicfeil to boating and cricketiiig than to hard 'study; "you : . really! ought to learn to write better." ; "Ay jay returned the young man, "it is alLvery well for you to tell, me thatjbutifi were '"to" write better, JrvjJJ HWUIU UC uuuing ouv now 1 fUe Ait old- lady, on being examined before a magistrate as to her pla':e of legal settlement, was asked w hat rea son she had for supposing her husband had Ija legal settlement in that town. The Md lady said: "He waf born and married there, and they huried him ' herei, and if that isn't settling him lier, 1 don't' know what is.'' Trr DIRECTORIES, &c. State Directory. Governor. W. W Holden, of Wake Term expires January, 1872- r ; Clerk Executive Department.' V. R. Richardson. ' . . il j.! l: k Lieut. Governor. -Tod. K. Caldwell, f Burke. I ' )''; I ! Secretary of Slate. Henry J. Men ninger, of Craven. J ' ! Treasurer. David A. Jenkins, of Gas ton, x ' 1: " I , ' r-: Clerk Treasury JJepartmeht.'D. W 13am. .:. - ' Teller.- A D Jenkins, i I ; , Book Keener. -C W Horner. Auditor. Henderson H Adams, of Davidson,i ' ! Supt. Puhlic Schools. S S Ashley, of .New Hanover, SupU Public Works C arris, of llutherford. Adjutant General Abief Fisher of Bladen.- ' . i Geologist Washington Kirr. Librarian 11 D Coley. : County Directory. Commissioners. Samuel Wrindley, Chairman Josephus Peed, J Stancil W aters, Henrv Hodges, Tlioi H Blount. SherifFS. T. CariwJ Clerk of Superior Court George L. Windley. . ,' ' . ' I . Register of Deeds Richard Gran g-er . . . Coroner. TX. C. Cherry Surveyor. It. T. Shields. Standard Keeper E. S. Hby t. Town Directory Samuel Corson, Intendant. Commissioners. Jolln Thomas, Howard Wiswal, George Buckman, WrJ n,irrv Treasurer Charles Gj Buc Town Clerk S. W. 'Stiller! kman, ( Town Officer Jesse Pjiugle. Lodge Directory, Orr Lodge, No. 101, F. Si A. M., meetings 1st and 3d Wednesdays in the month. Phalanx Lodge, NoJ 10, O.O.F., meets every Friday night. Church Direc Presbyterian: I ory. Rev. P I Dalton the Pastor, will deliver' sermons, in this Church," Sunday Mornings and Evenings pi each week, iug on Tuesday nights. Methodist: Prayter Meet- The Station Minis ter, Rev. W. H. Moore, will preach in that? Church, on evigry successive Sunday Morning and Evening, (ex font tVinlliirrl .Villi now nf oaili mnntli rrayer Electing on lhursday nights. 1 Class Meeting on Fi rriday hight.oti every week. Protestant Episcopal , The Rev. N. Collin Hu lies, , the Rector of this Parish, vill'preach ev ery succeeding .Sabbath jn that Church on Suiidav Evenings, '4 o'clock. Presbyterian Will hold one session on babbatii Lvenings, 4 o'clock. Su permfendijnt rhos. Sparrow.' Llf.'jinJ er-H VI ill lirtlrl ttvn eoccinnr oae in the Morning and the other in the Evening of each Sabbatp. Super intenuent John A. Arthur. J ' Medical Directory. Practising Physicians. John McDonald, office it C. 3. Brown & Go's Drug Store. '-M James F. Long, office at Bogart oo-i Small's Drug Store, j j 1 Jesse Bryan, Residence on Water Street, Pungo Town. Wm. Blount, office opposite E Ros enthal. ' . I i ! . I Dav. T. Tayloe, office ! djoor west, oi iioy t rsrother.s. . J Special Newspaper AS D Advertising Jcnernl Collcctioa Agencr for ?iortii Carolina. m; A. Hearno & Co.. Special Agents for tlie Norti Carojina Press, ' ana lenctal Apents. tor the Collection a'.t'iairas m everyj tlcscnption , tiiroujiiont ie Mate, j Utlice, CJOLDSliORO'. Ni Ci Arc nutlionzeu Ajrents fori The Eastehx Intelligence!:. p-27t 1 A. STATOX,...... W. II. 15EXNETT,. T. M. ll.Ut.NA .........i.IIaniilton. NC ....r....:.Nortblk,.Va ...........Georgia. " ' o . STATON, DENNETT & CO, Cotton ractois and COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' '.'Itcfhail'i Wharf, Hdrtolkl Va.. I 1 Thl ltou.-e dia strictly a Coramiiioa Uuslcess, nhd; will, an lor no circauu-taneeJ, tlcpart from tbc wiuclplo 1 FORMERLY GKISWOLp'S i . A. Granger & CO., Proprietors Oolil$loijV 1ST. fO AIjTj IlalifoaJ cenferincr f a t 1 I ! this pyiat, have tbeir Tioket OirJces in this Hotel. ; rnssen?ers roinr; ifoutli , aud W est, time at tins Hotel. Uajrafre taken to and from the Honsc Free of Large, and CLe eked io any do J sirea point. aprV7tt Toscpli T)ottsr & gon DISTILLERS OF . land purehascjrs of NAVAL STO R ES. Also keep constantly on 1 and a larjre lotol G r o c e r i e; s . i Dry Goods, HARD W i! RE Xiiin Street, W on, X. C L H fcb.0-lv SHIPPERS, j&c. E. L. Myers, T. li. is. myers. JOHN 3ITERS' SONS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r i! l ; RECEIVING AND ; FORWARDING AGENTS, shins-ton, Pi , C I I 1 liberal advances made on COTTON V and other produce to our con- signmemt. FOR TAEBOBO and intermediate landings . THE STEAMER mm COTTON PLANT. capt. a. k. iiLjrxoiv is, runing regularly between WASHINGTON AND i TA LEAVIXa V A SING TON Monday, Weanesday and Friday at G o'clock a. nl. and TARBORO', on ., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 O'CIOCki a. m. FREIGHT taken to all points on the river. 1 . ' "through tickets ! - i ' ISSUED ON TUE BOAT FOR and all points on the! W. & Y R. R. ' 1 - This is the cheapest and most expeditious route for passengers bound East, 1 West, Kofrth and South, close connections made with the cars of the IR. K, a special train connects with the COTTON If L ANT, at 1 ; Tarhoro'. . ! j f! ' JOHN MYERS' SONS. 1 t JP R O.VISM O.JV s AND j.,,' 3r O G E jZE: S ! Mess and Rump PORK,! CORN and MEAlJ FLOUR of all grades, English Island and Cuba MOLASSES, in Hogsheads and barrels, ; -1 if Raw nd Refined SUGAR, Rio and Laguyra COFFEE, Turks Island SALT, 1 Ameiiean and Liverpool Ground ALUM SALT. SOAPS, Adamantine CANDLES, x ljiixii liiij u-iiwLj-xne cneap est and best Candle; in use, For sale at : ' '. !"..- :, . JOHN MYERS' SONS. ap'27tf . j j ; . mT , j..,::- COTTON eilS! We are Agents for the Tay- lor, or j 'BROWN vCOlfoRGlNS Manufactured by J t W. G. CLEM0NS BE0WK & CO., ' ' Columbus, Ga These are the best GINS ever in- i i (roduced in this ATarJxt: and i . t " have nearly Superceded all others made. Tiiose .Wno !nAyp used j ..'''. THEM, WJLL NEVER USE ANY OTH ER GIN.. " !: ' ; Call and S eo S am pi e si! JOHN IY1YERS'! SONS TO mm il i - jau P-ly KOSROO ! ! The Most Important Discovery in Modern Phxjmacy! DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT OF kOskoo, I ! ' i - ' . '. FOR THE CURE OF Obstinate I Loiis-Standiiiff ; OR . . CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS, ' ' 1 Nervous System, Sec, SUCH AS Scrofula, and all Scrofulous, Eruptive, Cu taneous. Murcurial, aid Syphilitic affec tjons, 'Chronic Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Pimples, Clothes, boils, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rhtum : Also, Chronic Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Jaundice, Costiveness, Nervous Ieadache, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, G eet, Gravel, and all diseases arising from IMPURITIES or POVERTR of the Bloqd, T0RPIEjITY of the Liver. TORPIDITY of the Liver, Dis orders 6f the Kidneys lor Urinary , Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &c. The great superiority of this nxiicino over all others is, that it thoroughly eradicates, all hu mors and taints, and at the same time changes the Stomach and Liver to an active, healthy state,; invigorates the Nervous System, renews vitality, and can be relied on as a safe, plea sant, and positive remedy. FORMULA' around each BOTTLE. This preparation is prepared by an educated, experienced, ' I: and well-kxown Physician and Chemist, who has thoroughly : .1 ' - tested it in a large practice. It is, therefore; submitted to the public with full confidence that 1 1 its great merit' will cause it to have a popularity unequaled inthe history of Medical Pre parations. PRICE, One Dollar per Bott e. Prepared only by J J. LAWRENCE, M. D., , Norfolk. Ya. FOR SALE BT GaLLAGIIEK, TVashingtos N. C. June 29 ly . - I '"'I ! ' i "OF REAL ESTATE and! PERSONAL PROPERTY I BY THE ! NORTH CAROLINA REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE AGENCY, RALEIGH. N. C. J If $100,000 Capital Stock. CHARTERED BT TlrK LKGISLATCJIS Or F0B7H C A ROUS A, FEBBCAiT 2ClH, 1S69. JOSEPH G. HESTER, President, Joseph Diion, Vice-Prisident. John 0. Hestex, Secretary and Trecuurer, Eobert Q Leis, Legal Counsellor. 3,000 Valuable Pieces of Property to be Disposed of Worth $146,G94! CHAICE. R E AL.EST ATE I -'i ' ' : Seven Fine Residences: FOUR IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH- One residence in Raleigh, N. C, described below, $10,000 8.000 6,500 5,000 5,000 ,2,000 One One One One One n Warrenton, Chapel Hill, One Hotel ir Tayloy$ville,N.C, 2,000 List of Personal Property : Samples on exhibition at HESTER RR03. A CO.; No. 20 Fayeiteville St, Raleigh, N. C., at the Regular cash prices. 10 line rhaetous, C00 each; made by EL D. Sclimidt, naltimore, M. D4 $ 6,000 10 Fine Top Baggies, 3o0 each, made by D. U. SchmiJt, llaltiincre, Md.t 3,500 60 lt Premium 7 octavo Pianos, made by Treniaine Br.,N. Y., f GOeach . 82,500 5 Tariff or CUmch OrL'iDs, 6 etops, f 250 each, made bjj Trwnainc tiros., . Y .. 5,250 600 Sewing Machines, Wilctox k Gibbs or Grovir i Baker's, 60 fach, , 80,000 600 Silk Dresses, best article 12 yards to each dress, $40 t . I . . 20,000 450 8,240 6 Vi locipedes, $T5..., 4 24. Rolls Brussel's Carptr 45 yds each, 135.. C Salamander Safei, Hilder's patent best in tlte world, $260. ,..-..L. ...... .... ... 1 Caah Prize, $1,000 gold . .1 ....... 4 .... . 10 Cash rrizi, $100 cadi 1 200 " $10 I 1.5C0 1.3S4 1,WX) 2,000 3,800 C72 t " , 5 1000 " " 2 M ..I 2.OU0 3000 Prizes. ValJie of the total amount . . .$11C,C04 Total number of Ticket, ti;347. 1 I AU of the above is put in the drawing at the regu' lar casli belluii? prices, and will be uixpaswl of by iliis, she Company will -ll T:i.:47 tickets at 2 tacli. For further information retiU sectiou 10 aud 11 of th By-Laws of the Company, j I BY-LAWS: Skctiox 10. The plan of Jrawin? shall be as follows : There shall be two wheels, ne a prize wheel and one a number wueci, arranged ii some public place in the city, wh?re any oi:e holdini a ticket m;iy be present ou the day of drawing. In tli number wheel tuere shall be aa many tickets correSjjouding in number as tho. e which hare been gold, la tlw prize wheel there fchai: be as many tickets a thefe are prizes ; these tioktU shall be deposited m the wheels by a lkard uf. Super-' visors, who bhall be api-itjted by the Directors, after : which the wheel shall be et-aled up and placed in any Bank in the city, the Directors may direct, Until tLe time of drawing, when the j supervisor shall bring the wneeis 10 me urawing, breau the ttealx, and the draw ing shall be disposed ot by, taking a ticket from each wheel, at the same time, iand the prize ticket taken from the prize wheel shall designtt tlie prize drawn by the ticket corresponding iii number to the one taken from the number wheel at the same time. Thewteel shall be weU shaken after ench ticket is drawn. tEC. 11. The Directors siull de?isna(e the time and place Of drawing, at which liiDe aud place the supervi sors shall be required to be pfreenr, and se that the drawing U eunducteU entirely equ able. A Board of Supervisors will be appointed, who will have exclusive control and management of the drawing. They will conduct the distribuiiun, and see that each person is legally invented with the property lie may draw. A duplicate registry of the tickets sold will bo kept, so that in the event of loss of ticket, the accident may be remedied and uo mistake can occur. The drawiDg will take place in TUCKER HALL, in the City of Ualeigh, iumiediattly after sale of tickets of Which due notice will be given: ! The Company U working under the provisions of a special charter, prauted by the General Assembly of Aortu Carolina, which CumpeU the Cuuipauy to comply faithfuilr with all contract. I Copies con be had on application to the Company. ; i Ail the above nintionel ptv-iteny wiil certainty be disposed of as above stated, and tiiose drawing it will be invented with the title iw fee simple. i IST" N. member ol the Company is allowed W pur clae any tickets. j Ail mintys snt by mall at the owner's risk that sent by txprfs.-, Ilei.-'tered Letters, Checks or Dr-iiu, in tlie risk ot :tl.e Compauy. Jvo property wiil be listed unless the title is Indipu tahle. The Treasurer has been reqnired to give a bond of five thousand dollars for tl.u iaithiul performance of his dutios. lie is required tp deposit, daily, in the bank, all monies received, where it hi remain until all the tickets are sold and all the property will be posi tively drawn and delivered to the parties drawing, or tlie money returned. Send two dollars by express, post oflizc order, registered letter or draft, tt our rik, or by mail at your own, and take a chance at the3,000Ta - uaMe prizes oCered. j i Tickets will b sent any where in the, United States at the Company's risk. 1 . ' 1 ; ' "V ,ne Cae incidence built of brick, In the bet Improved styl, to the City f Raleigh, with ' eiht acres ot jground, and all necessary out bnildiusrs witji many line ornamentals about , theyard. Valine ...j 110,00) One Urve and (foavetiient house in the city of , RUeih, on New hern Streejt, thirteen ilarge comfortable .room, double! parlors, 1 tl r. m-Cfi-s-iry out-building, ljju a-res grbund, a:ida Wauti!ul Oiik trove.j Value .$15,500 One i 're.lioue in XeljernJ and liloodworth urett-:. eontiuais twenty, suitable for a bojoling houje, all necesosry out-buiWiugs with a beautiful oak grove in the yard, aud acreof ground. Value.. .... .. $ 5,000 One beautiful large residence on Nenbern ., rti-eet, eight r .ouis and bascmept, toot ouV buildings and stable, sevenj acre of ground, ; elm grove, very desirable and attractive. Value .. - i J f S,00u One in Warrenton, K. C. known as the Alston property, in perfect order, one of thel beet j' built bouses in the Mate, containing 6 large rooms, double piazzas and porticos-, one of . -the mort commanding and beautiful residen ces in the place, with S acres of ground, fine orchard, beautiful oak gruve in the jard, ' and a!l necessary out-buildiugs." Value,.... $ 5,0X' The property at Taylorsvil'e is very attractive, valuable and cheap. It is a Hotel at the county seat of a fi.miisliing and growing vil lage of a thousand or mure iahabitants, and 't aittiated one square from a gtiod and Nourish ing College, no school of better grale.' right on the line of the Atlantic k Ohio Railroad, and being situated iu the mountain region,'" the scenery is truly fascinating. Contains ; ' twenty rooms, and the buildings axe new. vaine ...1. . .$ 2,000 One in Chapel Hi'.L, containing 4 rooms,' with fire-places, aad one forty-iM4 dining rotAn. Also kitchen,' ont-boose, and one and three- fourths acres of land. Value.. . $ t.OOO Thoe erdcrlng tickets can select any number from 1 to T0,SiT. If the number ordered has been trken, the . -. . . 1 niiuiDcr nevoni iiu iw seuw One three cent fetamp must accompany every order. Persona desiring any further Information wiil please J OUST C. HESTJEIZi Secretary. taayll-ly PUG 8 E. EOSENTHAE has returned from the Nbrthern Cities, eei and is now receiving an ScC, ScO., ScO. Our Stock im . IS very In ALL ITS N H n C Eb -:o: - ' - A . tTo insure large sales, we have marked our goods' at a Very Lowi And we invite e,rery body to I 1 V call and price our goods, belore buying elsewhere, as we" are determined tcsell goods LOW! EE than they can be bought at clse- ' ' j I where, Respectfully, E. It QSEJYTH.IMj mcb. 1 t gant stock of . i llliidnif,& ! ' -1 3 . 9 yJ ,ti yJLS fO' I " : V.. y: :. AND 1 , ' ' f ' 55 Ml ing flflTHTilir. a m m mm m h 1 1 : ' t- - . 1 ' it...- ; . . ' ' - - i ' I- I . 1. . ' . ' 1 1 - large and EASTERN INTELLIGENCER a tceckly Journal published in WASHINGTON, N. O., EVERY TUESDAY! It is intended chiefly for tho advocacy of the1 Educational, V : ' . commercial and Agricultural interests of Eastern Carolina. Beaufort, Pitt, Martin.Washi ington, Hyde, and Tyrell coun ' -1 I " ties will be especially benefit edby this Publication Is T NTULLIGENCEn 1 V NOT DE A LAME NOR FEEBLE But will have brought to its columns talent and culture to make it valuable to the people, and systematic management to make it prosperous and endur V .1 The latest news, from, every quarter, will be card fully col lated and presented. MARKJBTSr The markets of Washington New! Berne, and New York. ". I .' will be regularly exhibited,- .7 ' One copy ibr one, year, 3 0( It six months, - - 2 0( CLUB BATES i Clubs of 10; 1 year, - 1 $25 0 20, " ---40 0 Idrcrtisinzr a JTob Work notice,' for cash only, Job Work, from a. small card to a ! large poster, can beexe- cuted at this office as cheap - the cheapest! feb 1C, 18C9. ; v

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