mm m immm mm !'" 1 " '"" 1 111 " I' in....' " ' ' 1 ' 1 " 1 iT"' - - -- - - ". i ' ; . i i 1 i - - i i 1 1 'jr.- I 1 IIic IjntcIliitjfHtct Play with wur unties; "and .in then hch6ld. won the hempen tackle, ship, boy climbing ': hear the shrill whistle, which dvlh order glee ' to .sounds -contused : b( told the ihrepden suiU, borne with the invisible and creeping winds, "draw the huge bottoms thiough the fur rowed sca breasting the lofty surge ; O do but think, you stand upon the ri t'jge and behold a city on the inconstant biUowrddnting.Kiso H kxry, V", vvAfsifriSrro in , tv. cv A Threatening Epoch m0m'$io man, for the last twenty years, could compare witji uim asU itateuman and a ruler. Lord Palmerston never exhibitcdjiis sagac ityand political foresight more fo;ci bly, thanjin his fiiendsijip forKapo- Ieou. Working his way to imperiaU authority through duageon-h&ids, mil-'j itary faiSqres, stinging cous and fiery persecutions, he nevertheless succeed ed in pliiitiDg himself firmly on the throne o Charlemagne and the Great Enaperori.' And since his first occu pancy ofjlbat dizzy place, the1 world has recognized the grasp and royal influence of a master. ? lie has made politics and diplomacy a game of chess, llis battles have been victories, his negotiations have been models of strat gy, and his. very books have chal lenged the criticism and awakened the admiration of, B-hdats everywhere. The great, Bfuian : diplomat could ' whip the Austrians- vv;th his eedle guris, but he could not defeat Napo leon with his needle bratu. ' Ke has been a mutch loi the iuteHcet, the glittering arm; ries and the traditional hate of the whole wcrld. . . tins mart, ana w no noes no: shudd er j wlien' tidings 'come of his dangVrous' sickness; .The French h'ave no great Bess in themselves. ; Tliey ave scien ; tific, effervescent, spasmodic and reck ;' less. : They h a ve volcan ic fires under their political and social system everv where. jOne single electric current will kindle the whole structure into a blaze. They respect and feel the nt r- ous government oC Napoleon while for his weak Spanish wife, and her helpless ?on, they would manifest ;he greatest contempt. Only let the liou hearted son o' Hortense go under moa umentahmarb!,, add see how quickly France would Shiver from end to end. And if Fiance goes into anarchy again, the whole wcjid will suffer from her . tBro'ea. 1 ' ;k ; : :' ' 1 Oliitiesa Labor. 1 h.iuv .,pui. c1Bmion,ed. Before that concourse ofl TTrtl re are two 'sides -to the question. 'tDQ of which looks to the material ad vancement of the nation, and the oth er to the-possible social and religious deteriorAtion of the people, jt is ad- ;roittcd, tbat the Chinese are industri ous, steady and regular as laborers and that the economical feature ex hibited in their work is well worthy .of the, philosophic coiisiderition of the. tatesm.iin and the moralist It is well Understood,1 that, in the agricultural interests of the Soutli, they will be re- liable in endurance and fidelity, with standing the heat of. the climate, the changes of the seasousaud tjie haid 'sjbips of the situation, and they will prove themselves fully cqualto all the requirements of their employ ers, how ver rigid and exacting they may be. There seems to be only one ground - of alarm, on the part of the reading and thinking citizens of the country in reference to thin class of workman and that is, that they may introduce ambng lis ethical agencies and influ ences destructive of oar social harmo J "4 Peac- Bu; we do cot see, that Ibis follows by any means Even admitting the Chinese to be as igno rant and depraved as they are usually supposed to . be, we do not see h.-w, tbey can levtn with their customs and habits the better civiliztttlcn of the fiouth.J We know that the Irish hare een ''hewers of wood and drawers of waler? for the Yankees through rnanv : J ears, nursing their childruu, superjn- 4T tending their domestic poljcV, ana pre- riding in their kitchens, and yei they I occupy precisely the Wme; Wation 1 occupy precisely the same, !reatin now which they did at the b gjttuing. Besides,, the; Chinese arv poo jn'ear so bad morally' nor religiously a 'tiey are represented to be. Conflciisl was a much purer philosopher th in C ce roand. his teachings, so far ,rrp de moralizing a community jor ijation, are well calculated to elevate. bJpu rify and establish a people. true, that the religion 'of the Chinese is a thing of tradition and speculation; ra ther than ot reason and of factlj But it is a 'tradition with such won Wrful conformity to Divine truth, ... . . J . 'W that it is startling to think ol. tor instance, they haw prophecies as clearly Liiidi- eating the. advent -ol a Lhvti e saviour as tl'.e predictions, ot And they even go so fur, as to dekenibe ih a great measure the parity id be nevolence of His mi'siio'ii. Aufiit'the inhabitants of China oiilv iiy eapprc:x- imatelv near to the moral 1 , ,. ' anfl reiig- i iou elevation of their intki.jis and ! theories, they wii! do'.for th'isilbif'a-jy other country. . J r la.', r .it r: i. i.-iL. i . I - V " y Ti !f J THE LXCliit&inrd TG wiSrtiaSTnS. NORTH CAROLINA - - - - x ,TflE TRIP DOWN ARKIVAL j-WE FESTIVITIES S F K 6 II F.- rUOPOSKD LINE THE RETTiN One ol the most deliabt ul rrxr.ur w stons in which I ever participated has just been completed As tl lb lee t of'1' ie this trip has already ,Wen iu your 'paper, I shall onl i .i . I- 1 nlke a cursory glance at the points oOinter est if I . B tl .L . on the liflc and our reception ai VVash ing'too for to attempt . a detjild ac count w.julUisimply be presjuniptiuOH, On Thursday last we left tlie ivharf of the Albemarle and ChesapeaUe Canal Company, in- the new steamel recent- ly1 built for Governor walkt kef- at the Atlantic Works. Nightfall overtook i's at the mouth of the Nortlij Carolina Cut, and -ow ing to th 'darkness we ' 1 f I were detained there until nett morn ig. :.' Washingt'oh could easily have been reached Wj o'cloek the ueit morning, but to ai oi 1 an un seasonable hour ol auival, w ;, in the: language of our gullant andjpqlile cap tain, Siacum,, is.owed up" so as to reaeli there 'jy 1 o'clock. Utton near- iug the por.t we . discovered jihat .the uui v cs "Were IIH UHU itl hiiii .eiatorV Amid MX of hats in ie ouisiretciiea arms to! grett us, ana lAore thrilling still, the rolhnt of can Hon, we made last to the wharf. jTheir commiitee, appointed to j-eqeiye us, had the necessary preliDjiiipries al ready ai ranged, and the ;nrstf orJer.of til" day was an able and tiuly Llooueut uddress by the Kfck . Jlo ii Long, as lew to thje That gentleman, Avjhqi is gifte men are hi oratbry,' vre past history ci Va5I1lngt oid times when the glistei e good ail and majestic stsamer travertielifblr! neigh bijring vvafc-rs,' freiirhted I Uviklii a harr vtst which grovs more luxfi ii htiy to- day tnan ai any: "period of bf past glory ; and farther, that ncce;usarj ior us iu, assist tnera in a re . -. . . . i liable transportation in order I lat we, a's tvell as they,, might reap tli e ines timable benefit' ot thejr indusir f ; that they were ready, willing' Jr d even anxious, to do anything in the r pow er to further tbe mutual entelprise. At the commencement an& closiug of his address he,-on behalf ol the cit izens of "Washington and sUriounding coimtry, extended a cordial! arid heart felt ( to their hospitalities I must here add th it such a de uotistra- tioli was to us a total surprise ai.d we whelm- beauty aud intelligence our littk. por y-' stood amazed,-and we looked at ond another as il to say. What are we to do ? Fi nally, Col.' Icewellen, whfis ready at all times arid) under all circurtan7-es, came to ouf rescue, and briefly, tho ably exj lained the object of visit, which was, Joy a cordial co-dperation ol the business men ' ofNoiUoik and Washington,! headed by te Oljl Do- r to iin- minion bteamsuip G-ompah meaiateiv tut a iim oi stenmerson between the two ports. . A mojng other thincs, he tJuchinirlv alJudejdl to the Merciless devastation during! the war of the bia itiful city of Wahliingtou, and the pirumount necessity jpf kteam communication between the two ports, in order that her inexhkustiblef com-, merce might be? opened 'up io any market in this country on Europe, which communication would inevita bly rebuild hef decayed wha rves and crumbliug- warehouses, and q iec more bring prosperity to herj docrsl He 'concluded by returning ouij gratefui thanks to the warm hearts t :en weH comipg us to their midst.! :j ;, i' From the wharf we were) escorted to the office of the Hout D.I AI. Carter, where the whoie subject of wilr scheme was presented and discussed n detail The many views interchange!! seemed to harmonize so perfectly ; tjlatl there was, not a voice - raised aainst the Norfolk and .Washington infejj The small amount of nonev to be! raised to complete pur capital stocMf be, taken at that end of the liuJ, so that our exeitions have been cioWndd with succes?, aLd steam commumcktion with Washington is a certainty, fj After this satisfactory : interview we visited, difierent placi of intlrlt, eal ledwlth Mr. Bkkelyi to sde nearly twoni'lion cf the rncit 'perflcijshing- LLOME 1 tTHE 1 ' les, 'recently manufactured by himsejf and brother, and now waiting traoj Potion and then visited th Scnf peroong w me iuanuiaciory ui jxcaaif. Buruank &. Gallagher. To our sut prise, these gentlemen informed us that they now have on hand more ,thau 10,000 gallons of wine, some bf w hich is live years old. - " ! , For the particulars in immediate cqniteelion w th! the -hospitalities )t Mr Havens' family I beg leave lori ferydu to my frieud E. VV. M. Esq., wii is not destitute of either f-point, pith or pathos." I shall ever hold Mr. Havens' tamily iu grateful rrmem- j bra nee. . j At 4 o'clock Washington's fair rlmrrhtpra flnrl: orallant sons assembled at our steamer, and then, indeed the enjoyments of the day for everybody, commenced. The old, he middle-aged., the vcuiie joined in the d mce; ey- ( ery- face was radiant with smiles.; Our considerate and more than emcient su per-visor, Marshall Parks, Esq., spread tht tables with wines and other re- feUin.ents' and dli; we tit ineirs as a :irri.i?e I'. At 7 o'c.ocK we I. m, . . . 1 retyrped to th I m k 'i i (' TT. ..r'nrfl i . rv i ron rnt&:ire W II u I I . iiav ( vi in ii-i - - 5 ,..... j k K it niu ti,i Cnl K'hns the Indies 0 Vihi:;JTtoi:-?-hud pi0p;ired i hsvd aftie a 8'BDner . a's'.voii or I ever sa wj Atter daiidi'ia: until 10 o'alock ait rc Here my frien ''.4 I I '""l u ,u l"1 Mi. P. and Cantaiu VV. lacoiutte ! thl-hivelves handsomely. at exer i eisies of the evening closed with perf feet Ovation offriendty congratulation. Ypu may think this an extended ac count of our. tripregard it as scarce Ivla glance, ' j ';. - . j. " CNext morniug welelt our sisUr city wjth a grateful sense, I hpe, jof dur eternal obligations. May thosenoble arid warm-hearted people soon realize tA? bright prosperity that awaits them and roitv your hurible. correspondent '.uever crasu iu icvcic nu huh). p'.nu t ,i,'U m,mnrv nf th frlorions Old North i .. J a . , , i cii" . i AAn- Oiate, WHICH UttS UUl ICtCllUJ giiuutu- ed his heart , with one of her fairest daughters. i ruiy, -vours. f ; Mi B. Santa Cruz, Aug. p7, 1869 Mr. IjditoT.The Editorial j'Oniy Uiemedyj" in your paper ot August 10 presents in; strong and forcible lang uage the painful necesfdty of adopting soibe plan or scheme to protect your selvei frpm the oppression of men who rule youTConucils for no good purpose and who are assisted in' their nefarious obiect by their colored allies. I laid the flattering unction to my soul that the unexceptionable ticket gotten up by the tax-paying and respectable portion of your citizens, .irrespective - ; i . e I oi color, race or previous condition of J tHout my j sition; "but 1 reckbifed' wi my host." I did sincerely hope that the hostile feeling (which appears to me, li'ow to be irreconcilably fiied in the mi"ds of the colored classes, towards tie v hi tea) had, by tie uniform kind-j ness of the whites beeii in some cou- sderabie degree eradicated buty with the ingratitude of the snake ihev hav e bitten the? hands that fed thenr.L cloth- ed them and educated their ch i .... ... i dren. ' i gave If they should assert that they then- labour for the wages they r Cceiv-r it jvjas oulyTed, and had a right to vote they - I pleased such a i assertioa would be no uiitigation of the offense theyj have given in I distrusting the raofives and t ii ! . . .', , '( ii acts of those who are well-knwn to be gentlemen ' of high ui.oral jworthyH It was not a love of principle wli" them in voting as they did, butj an in ane hatred of the 'white raceUwhich 10 amount o; kindness snown tnem y the whites, no teachings of God's 'Ministers will ever beUb'e to eradicate; ltd a large majority o'f ihvm take pride in exhibiting theii hostility to a i" who is so ut. fortunate a- to possess a Vrhitc skin joined to a itspl. table -li urttftr r 9!.ii ;nmf tr iifatinn &yA so to a coiored man who -has sumc c ti! trains to and: act with your besjl Kieu lor the general good. To pf t ife colored men on the conservative Vcket I have know all my life, they lave always been treated well j'by the L whites, a4fl .by .their corjduct, they al- v-ays merited it, aud I 'thought the colored peopie in your "Township would be proud to vote for such men The tame State of feeling, aud similar idonduct resulting from this had feeling oj the part ot the colored people, led to the ruiu 'of every industrial pursuit iu the Island of Jamaica ! and other V est India Islands, and then finally i;ove. the Planters in scn.e cf the ls - landb to protect themselves which they have most effectually done, by the im portation, oi good reliable labour. This state of things cannot, will not always ia!st. The wants of the civilized vvorid wid not allow such a country as yours to relapse into ioresls and swamps," wbich it vyill certainiy da'if the col cred population persist , iu their ruin ous pohev of opposing ' the interests of those 'bites uhc pay most -of the taxes, and who are in favour oi law, ordtr and good government. But Mr. l Editor their day of grace is nearly ov- cr- the exercise Of the christian duty of forbearance, with them,' is no long er a virtue; Sthe handwriting is on the wail; it requires no seer to, predict' their hiz; they will -go under. The mighty stream of emigration (rom that vast Bee Hive of industry, Cbina, has Set in; and i in its roTtex, the colored man will be swallowed up. i "The mill of God grind slowly, Andtiey grind exceeding sma J: i Tho' With patieuce stands he Raiting, Yet with exactness grinds he all." The introduction of Chinese labour into North Carolina is but a question of time, it is a reliable labouij has been thoroughly tested under the hot Sun of the equator in the pestilential jun gles cf Central America, jri the tem perate regions, and amid the Arctic snows of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and -wherever tested, and by whomso ever tested, has given entire: and tbor ousb satisfaction, i have perfect faith in its efciency for the development of your resources, uiid:I belie vie Air. Ed itor, that' you will U t pass $iai;y mile stones on vour journey of Life,' befoie j y&u will sec the gi.oc rejiUits o; us m i t: oil notion into your biate. j J. H. j That beautiini portion of Goldsboro, j eueially known as the bubine.s pait,' asnes. j.dM ptiiiiiuay;. evening, i in asnes. r ..J i... S.i..'. the 4th nist., niot ot our citizens had retired to rest after a week.y busv toil, little dreaming of the dread(ul calami ty that awaited them, 'ere the dawn of another sun. About 10 o'clock the alarm of fire'. was sounded and, within an hour thereafter, the most beautiful and largest business portion of cur town .vas at the mercy of the flames. The wayne Hook 'and Ladder Com pany, with w hat little force they could command, was upon the spot and aid ed all in their power. But l'orce,as well is water was InsulEcieDt to subdue the element, and ils liquid tongue of flames devoured the entiie block of houses from the corner of Chesinut and west Centre to Walnut Streets, completely destroying everything in that part ol our towol At one time the element became furiou and much anxiety was felt far the safety of the two hotels and the row of business houses on East Centre Street, but fortunately, the ele ment erased its prey after having laid in ashes, 17 places of business, the Masonie Lodge, the Wayne Boarding House, the Messenger 'and Post news paper and Weii's Lum bei Yard. ' We-are among the unfortunate, our presses and other materials have been i der ed and such of our tvpe as '.we i e h'ea arn ?! iniicu Oerangeu. Still with the aid of our . small Job : i i j Pressi we hope to issue a small extra, probably, each day until we can secure another large press, which we hope' will not be longer than two weeks fiorn now,, when' the Messenger will again appear in its usual size. The losses by the lire were Messrs. Weil & Bros., oss $30, .000 ; Win. Robinson. $1j,0 00 ; Einstein &. IkOs, $12,000 ; J. H Piivett, $10,000 ; , $3,000 ; W. W. i Dr. W. H. Fin- Dr, J. M, Huntt Crawford, $3,000 laysou, $2,500; Mrs. M. A. Borden, $2,500; J. D. Waters. $2,500; Jno, H. Powell, $1,500; Hufus Edmund- son,! $1,8Q0: J. Hj Wiggs, $1,500 ; L. D. Giddings, $2,000 J. W.Gulick, $1,500; R. J. Gregory, $1,500; J. W. Morris. $1,500;); A. Bonitz, $1,100; Di. WvT. Robinson, $800 ; W. F. Kcrhegay, $700 and Mrs. M. A. Tompkins. $800 There we;e pther surlier losses j which we c:id dot gather up in time to jo to pres. j 1 c lf is,w,j, prob3b;y , reach ; one hundred and jUvtntv-five thousand I 'iOarjj. ol thjs as ar as we can lea rn, I t,uy ooui aia or u,uuu aoilars worth of propertji was irisured Those insured were Messrs. It. Weil Sf Bto. about 13,000, VvV W. Crawford. 2,500:iaid Z. . Ecstein &. Bro from 3.000 to 5,000.. ' n'x.: tJ!.' . . r me soiuiera oijinis garnscn,- a Iiw Of them worked nobly, but we. regret to have to state hat there were many "conflagration merely of plunder, and as I upon the scene o for the purpose V uany w ere 6eeuJ and in several inst- aitces even pursued by our citizens, while carrying stolen property, to- wards camp, it-is to be hoped that the officers in coiumaud, heretofore always 1 obliging, will cause an iiAroediate serch to be made among their men and have all stolien property returned to the un fortunate owuers. j Many other rogues w ere there for the purposf of getting spoils and. is estimated that not! less than twenty thousand idollars worth of property was stolen. Just here we kake space to r call upon our Mayor aud Commissioners that a, proclama tioti be issued at once, ordering al stolen property, to be Burenderea, i uoi, that a severe prosecution will be entered into, agaiust all such in whose possessipn any stolen property m lv be1 found! - - i The. citizens generally did a in their: power to alleviate the suffering of the unlbrtanates, for which we authoTized to return their thanks, j ' The fire orgioated in a warehouse attached to the rear en d ofCol. J y, Morris's Bowling alley, and as no fire has been in that portion of the building since last spring,it is strongly suspect ed to have been the work of an in cendiary. Ferret him out, by all J ...... . ... .. . . . . j n means, and turn him, Or them, oyer to Judge Lyncb'.' Goldsboro Meaaen- ger, Sept? 6, fxfra. , , j , LATEST KEWS BY MAIL- WASHIWCTOK, D. C - Washington, Sept. 9 I All government business is suspend ed and schools dismissed. There is a fin military display. J ! A careful estimate makes thejnum ber of men in the Avondale mine one hundred aud fifty.' ! At last accounts ninety bidies were recovered. ! Attorney General j Hoar and . 'resir dent Grant leave northward to-night The Treasury Department re-siert.s that there has been no mutiny aboard the Sabine, Information has been received that a small expedition is detained at MaL Icpn, Gal. ' J j j The flags of Custom' Houses through out the country have been ordered at half-mast on Saturday in honor to FeS; jsenden-'s funerals . ' General Cox is absent with a sick. I Boutwell s absent. The remainder of the Cabinet, pres ent, dined With Secretary Fish- -'.'; .' f ' r RICHMOFJO. 1 RiciiM0NDk,"Sept, 9. General Canby issued a proclama tion of election this niorning. Gilbert C. Walker is installed Provisional Governor on tbe 21st instant, and John r F. Lewis Lieutenant Governor on 0c-s tober 5th. -. ". t . The adoption of the expurgated Constitutiou is ai.cunced., . ' , The folio wing Wells Congressmen are proclaimed elected; Ayer, Plfitie, and Porter; and the following Walker Congressmen are elected: Se4gar at large, Booker, Ridgeway, McKeuzie, Minor and Gibson. HEW YORK. New York, Sept. 9 The Sun's Washington special says: It has leaked out that the Sabine mu tiny is true, but executions falsel The "Siibinej" is ordered hmc on accouut of this mutiny. Three witnesses sent pe:ed with arrived in Boston, j None but sailors engaged in conspiracy. But the trial will take place at Brooklyn navy yard after arrival cf 'Sabine.,, Zanesville train coming West collid ed last uight with an extra ci,j,;iut one kiiieii, two lataliy huit. QSkii FKA.iCiSGO. San Francisco, Septt 9. Koopwanshop lett to-day lor a tour through the boutheru Stales prelimi nary to his departuie for China to pro cure cottou Jabourers. bx.1 Louis, Sept. 9, The main shall in the Warrenton coal mine was burned ,io-day. Fifteen m'eii e&tape.d more or less huit; one fa tally... ' AOMAi.jt, bept, 9. Lxpferieaced iniuers have explored every patt t ot' the mine,! but say two bodies ure still missing. The numbcf ot. bodies recovered is 108. VERiVlONT. . MoMrEUER, Sept. 9. J he election is uuusally quiet, and 'vote small; the Republican majority is tvveutj . tliousand. Senate uuauimous Jy Republican. Democrats have four members ih the House.4 Senator Fesseuden is dead. Cheif Justice Chase his gone to Nar- ' . i . i i. - ' ' i ragauset. j' -i ' "' ' j Speaker1 Blaine is ready to step in Senator Fesseudeu's shoes. ' Secretary Boutwell will returu to Washington jri two weeks The wife of Rev. Dr. Bellows is ;.8 sick unto death iu New iYork. ' ! The President has appointed Gen. W. T. Sherman Secretarr of War ad intervn, i ' I t"-; APPtETON'S JOURNAL, A WEEKLY PAPEK. DEVOTED TO LITEEATTJEE, S0IEK0E and AUT. . , PUBLISHED BY I. APPLETON & CO; No. GO, 92 and 94 Grand St. New York. price :$4 a Yat ' aug. 3-ly ." I . j : '-" it '" 1 . ARTUUR'S II03IE MA(iAZI'E, ;This ve eraa JaJies ilajRziuo of Art, Literature aijd Toshion, is tooAvall known to the public to need ' anything more than the usual, announcement of tnrm6; Terms Sin year, in advance. Three copies for io. Four copies for $t. Eifrht cepiag, and one to gtter-up t f 'club, 6 12 Fifteen eopies. tnd ceo to gettemip of club $2U. : For sale Lj a-l i.'sws Aeents at 2u cents a Euiuiwr. 1 &v.s lu-tf yoiTo!l AdTcrtiseiiients. ivn ir m-iiir.lIT. J- JAMES W. LEE; 1 LaUoi Nauiemimd co., Va. j Late of I'etersburg, Va. WRIGHT, LEE &, CO,. " Cotton Factors : " i "'.'. . " '' 1 - ANU GENERAL . ! Commission Mercliaiits? AGENTS FOR THE j S ALE OF THE . !.-. ' ' li : - ! v 'ir . CELEBRATED ;j Petersburg "Gityjl Mills A1ID 0THES BEAlTO Or f FLOUR. ug Sl-ly COTTOITFAOTOB a x d f j ( . General Connnission Mercliant, Office, '30 Uomcierce st-, Norfolk,! Va Cons'ignniouts oi"; Cottou, Cram. Lvufber, Kaval Stores, and country prpduce 'gener Libera' cash' aavaccsjm.ido on all r-nnsiornincnt-i when lcsirod."ifeia i 4 Orders lor General McrelitiuUise promptly attended to- an 104ia A. ST ATON, ......... W. H. BENNETT,. T. M. MARXA...... .Ilamiltonj N.C .Norfolk,: 1 a. Gborcia. STATON, BENNETT &CO., O- Cotton r actor 8 and COMMISSION MERCHANTS UcPbail'a "Wharf, Norfolk, Va? Thio House does strictly a Comratelbii Buoincau, anJ will, unK.-r no circunutanc, lti)rt nioni I ne umeipie , nr4nm , PR EM IU ffl For first Bale of New Cotton! 11T I? K OFFER FIFTT DOLLARS k Premium fur the rirnt Bale oi New O tttr, lTchantab!e, nnj weisliing uot l-s than 300 pounds, whipped t im. tlic ctiKuing reason. n UIU1U, ltt Ac HI. ug8l-0tl Norfolk, Va Dr Lawrence's : i ." 1 ' CELEBRATED WOMAff s FEiem) A safe and reliable reiicdy for AH Diseases Pebuliarito fc-cmales, SCLIl AS Levchorrea,or ri, or fuU'uig Vhites; Prolapsus Ute- m tne IVoijii: Jrregr ulary Paint uly or Suppressed j Menstruation; Pa in in the Bach; A"errouA7iess, Wakefulness, j Dedicatod to t) Weakness c LADIES or AlVlErtlCV 1 Jflfftiil frS4 by tut (ii. ji'overeji', J. J. LA WRKXCZ, M. p., Chemist . j ' o ' 1 i'il 1 fe I U 1 iVJN IS: f The artifclesofwliicli the "Woman's V is cowpouiiueu are pubhslKid around each Irjttle, luiu it is he leved t lie tho het Uterine 1 uuic ana Iterative yet Uistfuverd lt isa-valuahie and re!il)le!a!Te tin at! derangenients ol the male Re Feniate juoductive Organs, and in Hysteria, Nerv ous Headache, Spinal Irritations, k,e J. H.BAKER M Cp4 ilain Et "WlicWsnle Agtnt3. ITo. 4 0EF0LS,VA. vv'T; whom all orders or addressed. I . etters riiust-ho r f . r tapr o-jy Pric, .l.OO pel1, H ttle i i - DS, GODDIN's : co.vj'oiwjr oii:isrxiArvr vorea viui;s aim r ever, jsncnsja, 1 r - u ii.' j -4 jsrcnsja, In :h, lirene Asthwa. Xeurls: a, lllieuiuatif ni, V,c. C5PA tr ,x i y. e ii s a l jrox i A si; re, safe, an'l rjliul!le preventii-ft and cure fur ail Malarial diieasus, and aJi'dia- j oastp requiring a peneral tome imp region. t ii-paicu umy uy in. A-)J1. uUUUIA, iuid fur sajo evsry here.' ' - ' j JAMES T.JWIGGINS. (Successor to J. II. Uahcr $ Cb.,) Proprietary Agent and Wholesale dealer in Putt hi Jlcdi- AUKI ULK, V A apr27y IV O O A !! j 1 he highest cash price-will be paid 10,000 lbs. of Wool, n ; May, 25tf ' i J. MYERS' , SONS. iriTEREA.J P. H. Brown, a.lm'ii of A. J. Thbman, T d'il. llil ti.Kli n nvlitinil hi-t -ro Ihu nlr i.l .1.. Superior Beaulort Cuutii'y. c s:ll th real e-. tt bf lui intptto to .r dtbU.i Kotke Is lieieby (1 teu to ttichei'r t law,uil h11 other pen out itprml ."(iToaid maeer, th:it sa?d petition ban beehtet for1 eU. iu t tb -ffito of tue Clork cr tbe Miprrtur Court, heariuon rt Houac la Mathinptcii. on ihe 15ih dar ' in the C ISO). Oct"br, UI.O. i. H 'M)l.ty, .; i ijflor Court iC'erk. . SVotlce This. ( , ON aoy one' nlve aiiy lulorniatibn of the present U reaideiicei.i; Dr. Wheeltr, fonneitly a UfBtift In tlUa town, aud during the wntr a Captain and Quartermaster Id the Writ to the liiTKLLicwcaH oEce; . aeptl4-tf --: j..' ; ; - . . -. ; )! jr. is. lyiijMj&ilDj GROCERIES, DRY GOODS? BOOTS mD SHOES, MAIN STREET Washington X. C. Mn.LET : and Pickled Uerrins, iwarrantod, by th IwitcI, for ta'jj low, by i 1 JT. B. WII.LARD. Turks Idand a:;d Ground ALUM SLT, f..r uit- by . i ' J. 11 MILLAKO. CO"X, Peed OAT3,j Meol, Flour,; ot all fcra.l:-, cod atantly on hant, and lor n!e by .! . .? i j i 1 i : 3. n. will Ann. . COFfEB, 6ugar, Tot't MolHS8i, Iti qnantitjes t suit b !. J. Ii. WILLAKD. i r-, ! -J- -i la - i.l '.- 1 THE LADY'S FRIEND, A Konthly KagaEini of Literature and a -rt i m ;- r i i i E3HIC21.-! r PffJLISIMJBY f X'tion Sc Peterson. SIO Yalnnt Stre fhi!ade!;tiia. ea 3-ly. : il , Jr., 1 WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND Staple Dry Goods, ' . and Shoes Boots AND DMMISSION MERCHANT , Washington, N( 0 Has constantly on hand a full assort ment of GOODS in his line; Read the following, list, and then call and) see for yourself : - 150 Carels FLOUR, all crades. For sale by. II. WISWALL. Jr. 50 barrels" CIIAKERS and CAkES. or sale by y . IL W., jr. 60 BarreLi MESS PORK-hcavv. For sale by II. WJSWALL, Jr. 50,barrels HERRING, for sale by i.i 1 .': I II. AV.Jr. i ' 6060 llrinx; ssortedf! II. WISWALL, jr ' 25 boxes SODA, S ALARATUS and STARCH, for sale by . n , r ii. w.,jr. 55 boxes CANDY and RAISINS, for sale by II. W., jr. BACON, HAMS, SIDES and ' SHOULDERS, for sale by I H. W.,jr 25 barrels POTATO'ES, Vor sale br H. W., jr 12 boies TOBACCO, for sale by 11. WISWALL, Jr. fob 9-ly.ijF G , I 25 bags COFFEE, Rio, Laguyra and Java, fdr sale by H. W.,jr. i- ' . : ' 30 barrels MOLASSES and SYRUPr. for sale by f II. W. jr. loo plows, loj ii, 58, co, 14, e! a; for sale by . H. W., jr. i" ' ' " 1 : . 1 : Ames SHOVELS and SPADES, for sale bj , IL. W. , j r. 15 barrels SNUFF, Lorillard,; Rail road, Gail and-Ax, for sale at Manu facturers' prices,. by It. WISWALL. Ji Morse and Mule COLLARS,, for sale " H. W., lr. 25 barrels SUGAR, all grades, for i!-jijr- 25 keRS BUTTER and LARD, for' ale hy H. WISWALL, jr. ESSENCE COFFEE, . Ipr iq by . . " ' T ' f - II W. jr. 135 kiep oj" NAILS for sale by, J I H. Ujr. 2,000 pounds PLOW CASTINGS, for sale by ' II. W. jr. WRAPPING PAVER, all size, for sale by, U. W, jr, 15 dozeu BUCKETS and BROOMS. or sale by H, W. jr. " Parlor MATCHES, for sale by ; -; . ; ' :::r: l' ii. W. jr. i A Fine SHOW CASE, for sale cheap. .11. Wjr. 25. boxes SOAP, for sale by II. W. 20 boxes CONCENTRATED, LYE, and POTASH; for 'sale by" j ..H ;.; ' I";' II. W.jr. . 25 boxes CANDLES, for sale by DRIED BEEF and BEEF TONGUES, for sale by r H. WISWAtL, Jr. ' :"- I!., j.. .' " No 1 MACKEREL and TONGUES and SOUNDS, in Kits, : ; r for sale by , i , IL WISWALL, Jr. i - ' ; ' ; , ; 2,500 yards GINGHAMS, PLAIDS, jand STRIPES, forale by ( ' ' : ' ' ' jr 0,500 yards brown IIEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, for' sale by., ILVVf,jr ,500 yards KERSEY, JEANS, S A- sale by 7 " , vii.wiiunij, ior II. W.,jr 1,500 pairs BOOTS and SHOES, for bale by ;r . 1! . WISWALIh Jr. 10 Legs POWDER for sale by 11. WISWALL, jr A 1 j CO hip SHOT,ar brtcd sizes, for mIq. WISWALL II. W. jr ': - ! - 111-.. II I ! h 1 '-!.-': ! - . i T ' i ' ' - ' - ;S I-..;. ' ' I - . i ' :i :- .- :'' ';' " . M ': ' M t I

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