), . 4- i r r Many, persons attending the sessions f the Recorder's Court in "ibis city have been edified by the peculiar so IeianifyTi th Vhicb oaths are admin isterrd, and the awe with which they are taken It so happened that Wed nesday piorniog an ungainly looking specimen of the recently enfiaacljised rnade his appearence before one of these tribunals in the capacity of a witness, The Judge, with an auster ity of visage that once creates the iin- prcssioo of profound nnJanchoJyriield out the hoplf to the witness, and ad rninjstereJ'his solemn idjarati on to speak the truth. At the conclusion, of course it is expected that the wit ness" mil kiss the book. But this 'ward of ;he nation" was unused to criminal proceedings and entertained curious ideas of the manner and pro priety of swearing, and stood erect. VWhy don't, you kjss ?" demaprjed the magistrate. '-Sari'' , .", 'Ain't you Agoing tp' kiss.)" was again inquired. " Sar !' repeated the astonished darkey, evidently mistaking the mean- jng ol the Uourt, and surpused beyond I measure at such an invitation. itViMm f !! . u.a a 4V, a. I JMwftv "ies, sar? yes. sar "exclaimed the frijrhtened and tremhlina ArVe. :z o J l i ur iuc coutrmp.aicu emDrace, ana witnout more ado the long arms of the son o'Ham vrere thrown around the iudicial neelr. : and before he could be prevented in. unu siuacit. rcswunaea iproagnoui me courtroom. ' 'Quit, - you beast help I help ! ahouted the magistrate. But the dar- - V-J . brace yvas renewed with unction. "Take him off! take him 'off!" fZ7 i7 v7a. of the spectators testified their appreci anon oi me mn. At last, however the officers of the Court interfered and the halfstrangled judge was rescu- ed from the claso of the literal wit. ness. ; . " "Catch him ! Put him in jail I ... -. ' as he leaned back atraiLst thP will . .t . - t his clothes torn from the recent n- counter. . . . . .od in Heaven! That I should utr nuegea Dy a niscer V1 and the . ... . judge again bounced forth his vitu- prrations. n ut the ofledino- HorL-Pv l "1 IOCKea P nd the Uourt settled down to its habitual order and qiict.-j-New Orleans Piceyune. i . 'Si oifjuvt . T rn ' irisnmen,stoppingat the Island House, . . ' . Toledo lit their iraR. .nJ.-" i.itl. !. i . ' ' " cows onen. hat rimvn in nmw o .i,n vjVJ vti.i. A he hungriest of Toledo musquitoes soon nociced in and drore them des- Derate. The cleric, wlin moned n wi.A j-i-- rnoned to devise some defence against them, told them to close the window and put out the tr. Thpw a,.A nn ougC9iiuu, aua piacea memselves hptwPPT, th. i.- I Hi i-L . .3 . wuiea had strayed into the room, caught the eye of one of the travelers. He roysi ed his companion with a punch, y iic, waniicy u no use i Here's one of the trttun Mrchiu for u wid V lantern !' A Tavern keeper in a town of Wig- , . . ., , . . 4onsin employed a German blacksmith to do a certain inh of wnrlr far nk!). L .J . - neighbor got a similai job done on credit for a lesa price. Upon being a&ked the reason, the blacksmith re plied ! 'You zee. I've 20 mueh ehartr on my1 book, and I zometimes lose 7em ; and zo ven I have a good cash ,ni)Am:, 1 .!,, . , customer, I sharge good price ; but ven I pots it on my to sharge zo much, book I do hot like to sharre o murK. if I rl p , . ..t7 'em I, no lose zo mnch." vo.viv. 13 .iivvm vi iuuuiig importance; it is important because it is universal, and because the educa- lion it bestows. beinp woTen in with ii. rr -v:i ji j r 1 iuc w w, ut cunuuoou, giyca lorm auu color to the whole texture of life. "CUanlintSS is Bert to godliness and this i the reason my little dears, why you are put in the tub on Satur- .?... . . . . . day nignt belore being taken to eburch m Sundav morninra. An editor speaking of a drink he once had occassion to indulge in, says hprniiUn't (e whether t wm bran. , ... , . . 1 . uy or lorcuiigui prucc&sion going down his throat. A Bachelor merchant's advice in e lectiojria wile, says: jfet hold of a piece of calico that if ill uxuh.9 i m m, ' 1 '. Western papers gtate that the rea f son Chicago was 'not in the line ol the V total rrlirse was. because the Lord - . 1- .... nave mm hung I" were some of the Sunday Morning and Evening, (ex infuriated objurations of the Court cent the third Sunday of each month.) D I E E 0 T O K I E S State Directory Governor. VV. W Holden, h fWake ; Term exrAren January. 1872 K. nicnardson. ief. Goccrnojt.-Tod. R. Caldwell, of Burke. 1 J Secretary of Slate. Henry J, i i fen ninger, of Craven. . ! I . Treasurer.' David A. Jenkins, olGas- " . iit - I ! !i Clerk Treasury Department. pain. 1 , . Teller,' A D Jenkins. I Book Keeper. C W Homer. Auditor. Henderson 13 Adams Davidson, t Supt. Public Schools. S S Ash of riew Hanover, Supt. Public Works C L HarHsy of Rutherford. Ml ' Adjutant General Abiel fisher of J3Iad?n. Geologist Wash ington Kerr. Librarian H D Coley. I County Directory. Commissioners. I Samuel Wimlley, Chairman Josephus'Peed, ) Stancil Waters, Henry Hodges, Thos. Hi (Blount Sheriff-S. T. Carrow. . ' Clerk of Superior Court- trr ue eorge L. Windley. V Register of 'Deeds- Richard Grari ger Coroner: It. C. Cherry. Purveyor. K. l. feuields. ' Town pirectory Samuel orson, Intendant - Joll Xhomas, I GeQrge .J3ucLJ man, Howard Wiswal, Wrn. Cherry Treasurer Charles G. Buckmbn, Town Clerk b. W. Stilley. Town Officer Jesse Pringle Lodge Directory ; Orr Lodrei No. 104. FJ&. A MJ, meetings 1st and 3d Wednesdays in 1 h f month, j . , i ! aoto ovorir T'ri,Uv nmV i Church Directory. ' Rev. P! If. Dalton the Past0, will deliver ' Jmons. ln this Church, Sunday Homines and Evenings ofeach week. Prayer Meet- ,BS on uesaay .nignis. inoatsi. . I x ue oiauon luinis ter, Rev. V. H. Moore, will preach in that Church, on everv sncc4ssi-e , Ji.. r - Prayer Meeting on Thursday nights. Class- Meeting on i nday night ol , h J i &j . j Protestant Kniscormx: T1PR,V. IV cAun TT,i ih. " e)w-T Rpclnr ofth s Parish, ivilt nrnh Mr. ery succeeding A'abbath in that Church St. Peter's Will hold one session. on Sundayl Evenings, 4 o'clock.) Presjbytcrian-W ill hold one session on Sabbath bveninrs. 4 o'clockJ Su 1 ii.iJ.i tl'. o L. I i. I ' -m r .jt ! . virtu i Memoaist vvm noid two sessions, L,n t'-Morning and the other in I 4ho Pitaniili.KfK.Ak C.kk.lU I O I . r mtendeut John A. Arthur. . Medical Directorv. A rracttsing I'hysiclans. Jonn luciionaid, ohicii at U. JI. rMvn a? r...lc.,.J i James F. Lone office af the DruJ Stor nfD. TV. IWnrt. AfniA 'ctrt I I ncsiucutc uu insici Street, Piingo Town. i!f-j I Wm- office opposite E Ros entnal. I r I Dav. TL Tayloe, office 1 door vies I 01 Hoyt Brothers. Special Newspaper Advertising - ilD eneral Collection Autncy for, K'orth Carolina. Vm. A. Hearno & Co., Special .Agents for the North Carolina Press, and General Agents for the Collection I ( T. SM . TJ n it orized AcenU for The E. Intelligencer. ( antf 1 .BINGHAM SCHOOL. MEBAKEY ILL E , N . Wm Bingham, EoVt Bingham, am, Eob' W! B. Lynch. I ' I 'i. oxiBoiUiM jct)'jru Begins AU- I , -n1 o.ontiT,, J fnrtv wlJ I "I16 course of instruction includes the or- Qinary P'l Ancient Lan euaires, French, Mathematics, liooft-keen uag, and the elements of Natural bcienco. Axpenses, (including luiticn, Hoard, 1 I'irniinra cpnt nn nnTIirtiSn Uy27 t.. ; i-r Warrenton Feinale( Po1 ege, WarrOfl 10., r c. I ' I v HIS INSTITUTION j-wt It ie one fined . .v. mh 0f Aucust.l nrider the dircd- tiou of Rev, X. M. JQNHJS, formerly President of the C'rcensboro Fa male College, Warrenton, thce miles from Wn famous for health and refined and in- I 11: . - ,!!. 1' i W5l"s"-1 THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS situated in a beautiful grove, in a retired I Pr f tn8 village, are large and commodj- well fitted up for chool purposes. ; . vv ltn lonif exponence in connection witn remaie uoueges. a large JUiDrrtry, an ex- tensive and vweil-selected i -Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and the aid of an able Facuty, among whom is that accom- flished scholar Jand musician, rrof. F. Jj IXllR we offer snperior facilities to younp ladies desiring to become we 1 educated acd highly accomplished. ' Beard, (exclusive of washing and lights) and Tuition in regu'ar Uol ege pourse, per aefil6n of Tw.ei ty Weeks. .j. ..(... $100 xtra btudiRS, moucrate.i . For ful: particulars,' apply to T..M. Jones, President New Berne Advertisements. J. E. AMYETT, . I . dealer id General mile rchanilise PBOVI At the old ttand, Sotith Front street. mcb 9 ly New Bprne, IV. 0 Jl. .Ti Carraway ' iOommltvcsiun Merchant and deale la J I. Groceries, Hardware ' Crockery, and . , u lass ware-i Court House Buildlnc. t: ; - l mch 9-ly few Berne, N. C. m ORGANS"" MELODhOKS I ,.. i moke than M i i . . ! A ; 4 fi 0 0 0 II of G. A. PRINCE CO.'S i trit Chifomly awarded the Erst prtmlum wbeneTer ex- )s orerthe world. i lltl are notea lor uieir peculiar qoauty oi wne i ' being full, round and rich. i Not the alightest "ree- uy wtiv can ue ueictieti, rrseiuuiiujc uc riyn yi ku l Ii The tin y iiveraal use, both in ihis country and in Kurope, abundan ,8trument of th kind manufactured. iianiy aliens vueir iiiuin. vv uc uo wo ur ii Thpv h hipn in uae 15 : Tears without eettinz out of order in any particular; although during that I d1ed, which refined twte and sklUtul mechankm I mum v i H i I s thvy will be furnished by tha undersigned, who Mi I Teeu appiinted their Agent, at price go moderate I a to be within reach of pritatefamilica, a weU as Churches. Call and get a price lixt. j' W. E. DEMILL, Agent Gr. A. JACKSON, AT HIS OLD STAND, and with his stock of goods fully re plenished for SPRING AND, SUMMER TKADE., i: ' y ii f ' Ilorsfard's Self-raisiug Bread Prepa I ration., ... ' i A large assortment of Zephyr Worsted y ' ' -i . ; ' . S E3NO HUMBUG ABOUT HIS ES TABLISHMENT , B U T EVERY THING Neat, Tasty, Beautiful, and INDISPE NS ABLE, ready for the t IPJitx'oiiafjrc ol Buyers! f ! "' I '' I . t . . al Attractive vancues ana sunauie kjm ox . ixeniie men's uioining ; j ri TTt ri-jn Itt n TFH A I ' I Hill V. 1 1 I II I 4. V I i u y w twY m ;vi mq A snlpni'd assortment i . . I oi fnll descriptions and prices, irom r (he most elegant T..VirfB . down to an ordinarv ISIIOG.W. n iluding MISSES, BOYS, and CHILDREN'S s; H C E S! -:o:- An exquisite collection of Yankee tfotionsj consisting of GLOVES HOSIERY, IlANpKERCIIIEFS. rERFUMES, ' i i SOAPS, &c j A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF I.i .-I ' I ! I CONFEGTiONAUIES, cmbracinjr n k vvrn F.RTJITS AND PRESERVES, CANDIES, llEL ,IES, APP LEMONS, , &C. .ES, ORANGES. .1 i! I NUTS Together with a department of ! Well selected Cigars, ii i Mil r i Smoking Tobacco, j ; - - 'Pipes, &c! The whole establishment being re freshed and enlivened by a nice J SODA ALWAYS IN FULL PLAY, MAY BE FOUND AT JACKSON'S. TRY HIM! for thd liberal patronage already bestowed, apltO-ly THE MORNING STAR. " , 1 1 i - I ; AGAIN ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. THIS WEIL ESTABLISHED AtSl POPU LAR Dmlr Nf ki Der ha. recently bteen CTantl enlarged and iinp-ovtii (the seeoad i nlarument in eigliteen Month.), and Ii conCdently offered to the peo ple of the two Oiroiiiiaa as eccD(l to no daHir journal in either of those States. ! I . i The fcTlvs is a hve, practical and progressive N ewpv per, eiiiinently adapter! to the wants of thia aecuon; Hound and conoervntitftslii its teaching?, arddevoted to fhe Commercial and Aprlftnltural Iuteresta Of tho South ltcortails full aud reliuLle , I Reports of the Markets, telegraphic Dispatches. Local Mews, and ' ! Cencral inteligence. TJEIgJtlSIn Idtahce : jOne Teat :SbtMontV ...... . Three Months One Month.. ... ' Address, apr-9U .....j. :....$7.oo ....j.. ..3.50 ..$2.00 ...4.-....' T5 WJL H. BERNARD, Wilmington, K. C GILOYETL & BAKER SEWING MACHINES riiHE subscriber is pijcpared to arnUSt fhoae who I wish a Rood Mewing Machine of the Grower A Baker Manufacture, with ioauraptions how to ue them, atfao-1 ttrv nrlot. The unmnnr id art.ai nse in this plac and Tlcinity I daily. ot one of which :has proved imperfect U .the UCH CUirauiJ w uuci vt mm icni muyiiwnj tin al other makers. Call and pet a Cftlatogue. n. . ur.xi'lsii. Agent. ,V l;? uriLpKooi UB Agency of the Jttotly Vntitlcd l4r7fti--P00r inuium ptnr hnnar trps iAF ti" In 'U: h. ld br roe, and am ra!T to. rum i any xiie at first wt, with expanses of transporta fon added, nth duratch. r , . i, Are ;yon: Sick, LNervons5 or debilitated? -Arc you; suffer ing from any form of Scbofiila, Rheumatism, liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, or .Nervous Prostration! ;&c ? If so, can be restored to health arid vigor by using Dr. Lawrencers cele brated "Koskoo." ' It ciires the most invetef'ate forms of Chron ic Diseases Mien all otter yem- w aww-' - i j: snn ! Tfi ia not a secret attach medicinms ; the V ,J N . r Wnuln. 1in?rSd standard remedy ox. recognized merit. Prescribed by the; best physicians, and recommended IIV llldllV LUUUU1UM W w.ma citizens. Prepared only by J. i - r. ,1 J - Lawrenck Mt D., offipefand lahOratOrVL lrDn JJ TOut JJullU Alnrket, and Mam i LL mi. - i . i . streets, Norfolk, Va. J OT Sale 1 . . ' .! )y all reSpeCl&Die QrUgglSlS 1U i . j il' 1ni' l- lynitea Biaies anu uw uitiisu JrOVillC6S. For testimdmais of pnrPQ tlfZSL- vuivoiu5 see "Koskoo" AL TTo,TiaC for tlllS &Q,Ym V ' f TnOUSANDS of OUF American ladies sutler ana die every year from diseases peculiar to their 1 i . .i t Ali. Sex in lacttnis lorm oi di$ease 'uaieiV v Bijr, iiuuijr ui liicu An -rVrvrvi voai A irnor txriVirn tuuivuuujfij, Mvauou thpy know of no! remedy. But, fortunatelvl there is a safe and reliable remedv, by the aid of which hundreds have ibeen res- torea to perrect neaitn. v mis Yrroornnin?!! T)r iT.Uronno'o celebrated 44 Tfoman'sj Friend.: 7 Its great merit is recognized bv he best physicians, and from its nature and usefulness in ber joming popular in every part )r,tne country. On account of the great nuin- ber of wonderful cures ofobsti- nate and inveterate cases of Scro. rula. Dyspepsia J ojivci aip cboc; iviuucj Auctiuuis, vjhii- , maae; Dy the celebrated "KoSjKOoit has , . , , ji if i Txri-Ti t ri a nnvian o roTminnnn 1 1 lar medicine everj-discovered. t is daily prescribed by phy- icians, and; recommended by lany thousands of ohr beft citizens. For sale by Druggis m'd Merchants everywhere. indies suffering frop ydisease peculiar to their sex HU1U 1 allVQ peculiar to their sex ran be .restnrfid . tci hvnUh Vv i b TTo- i . -- i. T . . nsin cr nr' T,wrATrp' WnL usiug ut. juawrences man's Friend." It. purifies the ! ; . , r ,. , - seCrCtlOIlS, HT10. reSfcOreS tlie SVS 1 , , ' , . . ... V , item to a neaiinv conaition. TO S H I PI? E R S V W B. L. Myers, T. n. B. Myers. I JOHN oUrSTEItS" SONS' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RECEIVING AND ; FOEWARDISa AGENTS, "W fesliiiig-ton, 1ST, O .. . M - - -! ! ' : , , - I I Liberal I advances made on COTTON and other products to our con- - - i - ; signmemt. i FOR T ARBOR 0 1 J i -i : .-! - I-' and intermediate landings 03ST TAB AEtrVTBH, THE STEAMER COTTON PLANT, Capt. J. Ki HATTON is riming regularly between WASHINGTON j AND TARBORO'. WAS1NGTON Monday, "Wuanesday and Friday ; ' ' i i , at 6 o'clock a. m.land TARBORO', on iuesaay. inursaay . ana j " - FREIGHT taken to al l m POlntS On the Hver. THROUGH TICKETS ISSUFp ON THE BOAT FOR WILMINGTON & WELD ON, and all points on the W. & W 11. R. ! This is the cheapest and most expeditious route for passengers bound East, West. North and i i n South, close connections made ith the cars of the W. 1 & W. R. R., a special train connects with, the COTTON PLANT, at Tarboro7. . JOHN MYERS1 SONS. J' II O'VM'S.M OJV 8 j ? AN Dip. 3& O C E E I E S ! Or ire' and Rlimn pork. m CORN and MEAL. FLOUR of all grades, .Lnghsh Island and p,A.!ifAT icopo : tt i j j 1 Barrels I ! Raw i and Refined SUGAR, , I Rio and Laguyra COFFEE, . j . ' i American and Liverpool SOAPS, Adamantine CANDLES, ekafijnk UADLES-the cheap est and best Candle in use, For J 'JOHN-MYERS' SOUS. apr27tf COTTON ansi We are Agents for the Tay- Tor, or BRQWN COT dn gins ManufactU'j-.d by . G. 0LEM02TS BEOWN & 00 ,.11 si -.it-. 1. J r : ' ..j Columbus, Ga These are the best GINS ever in- troduced in this Market; and have nearly Superceded all others made. Those who have used THElj WILL NEVER USE 4OT OTH . ! . eb GIN. ! - . ' Call and SeeSamplc's! JOHN MYERS' SONS. jan f 'PRIKGil 1? 1 E. ROSENTHAL s 1 has returned from the Northern Cities, and 1 ,is now receiving an ele- gant stock .of tilSTo insure large sales, we have markel our goods at a Very Low ure ! And we invite every body to callland price our goods, before buying elsewhere, as we are j . . , T i A ITT Tl Tl...: SUM m ! GO! J. . l . DfiY GOODS I till Slm, lV m I .Ji :' -M - "' . '-... I But W and ; . - . ! -.v: ''-..v: ni niriTTTTiTn I UUUlllIldU. 1 T 1 ' ! ' ' J I . J - ' j ScO 5cO.; &C- ; :.v-- v -i Our Stock is very ; I I I , I ' II!'. " ' i " ' L Y New ill IIUI I III I I II I ! saw mm mm sk al mm ma mm i swph h bbbiih T ATT. ITS Tl TI TT II " K a ' V ' X (M AMR JL U Jj II 1 i . . ) i .... i k . . . - . 1 i , a j,. - :Ot : " ' , ! .' I. 1 '-j 7. - v w r -f Job Work, a small card than they can be bought at else- to a large poster, can be exe where, Eespectfully: -i cuted at t&is oflSce as cheap as mch. 23-ly I1 1 TUB! -. eastern intelligencer a weekly journal puhlished in ! ' " ' ' ; ; : It is intctided chiefly for the advocacy of the Educational, commercial and? Agricultural a interests of Eastern Carolina, Beaufort, Pitt, Martin, Wash mgton, Hyde, and Tyrell 1 coun- ties will bd especially benefit ed by this Publication. I . . HE TNTELLIGENOET) WILL NOT BE A LAME NOR FEEBLE, i- i "J .!'' - in L ave brought to "its I. ' ! ' cojumns talent and culture to. make it valuable to the people, and systematic management to make it prosperous and endur ing. r,.: .:' i;.;- . , The latest newsj ' from every quarter, will be carefully col- lated and presented. MARKETS: The markets of Washington v I I . ' I Berne, and New York, will be regularly exhibited. 1 1 I One copy for one year, $ 3 0 0 1 1- -i six months, - - 2 00 CLUB RATES I ! j I 6f 10t 1 Car " " 25 - -- 40 00 Advertising s & Job JVorh plegcd on good terms, with neatness and dispatch; ' We will furnish Blanks o? everv desertion, fn n'i l i " ' wvuui,r j, ymuvrs, ana i otners, at short notice, lor cash onlv. w A 1 feb 16. 1SC9. v.-il- V !; ' - f 1jr ; -1! n : i o n g in the dark.J July 27 -3m ' 1 .j Yt. E. DEMILL, Aevni. :4 il

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