-I :w ' ; . .... . ; . - ; . ' .... , , : -. - I 1 VT 'J. ' 5' "' j .piirdta-'gentleinjiu palled at the atot e erilr. Ralph Hardman with a violinbJx onder hit arm. lie pur- J chase da neck?tie?- for which he paid 50 cetils,' and then asked'' permission ' to leave bis bo" white he did a Jew errandsjUowQ Jowp?:)Qld Hardmanr a dealer jn new and secosidrhand clptji jug had no "objection. " .. ' r : lt is a violin-.' said (be gentleman, ."which 1 prize very , highly . It was iv-n me by an old Italian who died at my. father's house. I beg you wjll be careful of ii, sir' ' ; ' Air. Ilardanuu promised, and the pwnerof the precious violin departed. Toward? r.oon, white the old cloth ing !. ak.r. wasVeiy; deeply engaged ia the work of aclii'nR a suit of shoddy fur hangup Prussian Tricott, a stran- jfer-eKtt:red the store a remarkably jytll classed nian, with a disdinguish, e J look.- The vioiin-box wus in sight upnu the Khelf, and asno one was lit-ar ! to 'prevent the new corner slipped . around and. opened the tyoi took out tlie instrument a very dark -lined and it ancient-looking one. Hallo " cried Hardman, when he heard the soqud of the violin. i V hat for you touch dat eh V The stranger explained that he was ft professor that he was leader of an orchestra- and that he could never see a violin without .trying; it. And o jhen he drew the bow across the strings, playing a few passages of a fine pld German waltz. - - , i "JIj soul IV he cried, after he had jrua nis fingers over the instrument awhile, "this is the best violin I ever eawT There is not a better in the city--a perfect, 'genuine old Cremona! I will give you a hnndred dollars for it. , Hardman said it was not his. "I will give you a hundred and fif ty two hundred. 11 Mr, Hardman was force! to explain bow. the violin came to be left in his ' . store.! f ' ' The . stranger, had , taken out his porketbqpk and drawn forth two one hundred dollar bank notes. He put them back,, remarking: 'I must have the violin if money willbuv ih When the. owner returns you will ask him to meet me- here a 6 o'clock. - If he cannot do that, tell him to call at the office of the treasurer of the Academy of Music, ;aiidjnquire for the director of. -.thp .orchestra. Will you do it?" . V' - Hardman said he would. fBut? Suggested the straiiger, "you ; need not tell the man what I have said, about this violin, nor what I offeredj because he may have no idea rtf what a treasure he possesses. You will be careful and 'nrcumspect. , The stiauger went awav. rind Ralph Hardman reflected. In. the course of an hour the owner of the .violin re turned and asked for his box . But the shoddy. man had beeii captivated, by the golden bait. ' What would the gentleman sell his' vioiiu for ? : ' '. At first the gentlemari would not listen to the proposition ; but after a great deal ol , talk het confessed that he himself wastfota' ptofessor, and could not well afford to keep such a valuable instrument. He would sell iMbr one hundred and seventy-five dollars -not a penny less, : ' Ralph Hard m air paid the money, and became the legal possessor of the violin, ready to take any where from threel hundred to five h undred J dollars from the director of the orchestra, as he m. glil be able. But the d-rtctor did not come. At .the end of a uttk Hrdmati -Uarrird the vioiiu to a professional friend and asked him whut was its real value. His frjend examined it and said: ' I "Two dollars and a half witho'at the box." , Ralph" Hardman was strongly of the opinion that the peutlcman . who left the violin in his care was a swind- ier,ud that the director was a part- ner in the business, aud that, together, they had 'made- him their victim.- Tl .:-k, i.. j .. x ' i u. u.6m ouuuu w uiariLea up lea er cent. , ' ; - . UBNIUS.--AlexanaeTllamiUpn Once said t6 an intimate friend : ' ''Men cite me some credit for cre- - piu:;-AU the genius, i have lies jut in thi!Ui When I have a Bubject, 1 fctudv it protoundly. Tf and night - . it is before me. 1 explore it in .11 its ore me. l explore it in ail its ' My mine! becomes pre- . ... , . . bearings. iiy mind becomes pre- i.':.A ..iiU ; ti.- ..tr.... , oi.vvt .tun. tiicu tiic cuuiinmiu the, fruit ofgenius., It is the fruit,ofr,TejJyPre81?nt of. tte4 ?reen8.oro,F labor! and thought.') , Mr. VV ebster onfcc replied to a gen lleman wno pressc mm to speak.on suDiecu oi great importance : , it I hi cnhl(rt mtfrvct. moHoanl but ;.I ! have HO time ; There, . sir," ... J .".-.vu uww.;, then three days off.) 1 1 have no time to answer th& nhicrt ns tr. It ins. jo answer tne subject as to do it jus- lice.' But ":Mr, Welisterl a few Avords . from you would da much to awaken pumic atteution to it. VI t there is so, much; weight it wors as ou reoresent. it is because 1 do not allow myself to sneak on anv pointing to a huge pile ot letters on ous. -ana win m. put in tnorouga repair ana mg taken great pains in ine selection i ; the table, Pe if un.oswered raS. ofhi, goods, and haLV -ad. each f letters to which 1 must reolv before nTi.o t..a t ?k . & 7 -i . the close of this session, (which Was 1 tensive and well-selected Chemical and denartment as com Dlete as possible, is sqbjecj pntU my. mind is imbued with DIBEOTORIE Sr &c j State IMrectorv. Governor. SV. Wv Holden,'f Wake Term expires January, 1872- -v 'i I Clerk Executive Department W. R. Richardson. "MY J -1. Lieut: Governor.---Tod. R. Calcwell, of Burke. r? - - f- Secretary of Slate. Henfy J. Men ninger, of (raven. I ; ! i s Trecurer.pavid A. Jenkins, of Gas- ;.ton,. ' ' - - Clerk Treasury Department. D. W Bain. : . ' I Teller. A D Jenkins ; , Book Keeper. C W Homer Auditor'. Henderion H Vdams,- ol Davidson -1 ' - I Sapt. Public Schools.S S Ashley' of New Hanover, Supt. Public Works C L Harris, of Uutherford. - Adjttlant General Abiel Fisher of Bladen. ' ' i Geologist Washington Kerr. Librarian- II D Coley. County tifectory. C'ommhsiof.ers. amnel Windlev, "Chairman Josephuj Peed, jStincil Waters, Henry Hodges, p Thos. H. Blount. Sheriff S. 1 . Carrow. Clerk of Superior Court George L; Register of Deeds Richard Gran ger Coroner. R. C. Cherry. 1 1 Surveyor. JI..T. Shields. Standard Keeper ES. Hoyt. Town Directory. ' Samuel Cqrson, Intenoant. Commissioners.i ! John Thomas, J George Buckman Jioward , Wiswal, VVm. Cherry. . ... Treasurer Charles G. Buckman, Town Clerk S. W. Stilley. Town Officer Jesse Pringle. Lodge Directory. Drr Lodge, No. 104, F. & A. M.i meetings 1st and 3d Wednesdays in me monin. . i ; Phalanx Lodge, No. 10, .O.O.F. meets every" r riday ,nigat. i Church Directory, Presbyterian: : Rev. P II: Dalton the Pastor, wilf deliver ! sermons lii (his -Church, Suuday Mornings and Evenings of each week. Prayer Meet ing on luesday nights, . Methodist; - , . The Station Minis ter, Rev. W. H. Moore, will preach in that Church, on every; successive Sunday Morning and Evening, (ex cept the third (Sunday of each month.) Prayer Meeting on Thursday nights.! Class Meeting pn 1 riday night of every week. - Protestant EoiscovaXx The Rev. N. Collin Hughes, the Rector of this Parish, will preach ev-j ery succeeding Sabbath in that Church . 1 i ----- 'ii. f ' Suuday School Directory. St. Peter's Will hold one session.' on Sunday Evenings, 4 o'clock. . . j Presbyterian Will hol(l one session' on Sabbath Evenings, 4 o'clock. Su perintendent Thps. Sparrow. ' , memoaxsi in : noa two sessions one in the Morning and the other in the Evening of each Sabbathj Super intendpnt John A, ArtharU I ' " Medical Directory. Practising Physicians John "McDonald, office at C. ill Jirown &, Co 'a Drugstore. James F, Long, office at the Drug &tore ot D. JN. Jbogart, Main street i Jesse Bryan, Residence on Water Street, Pungo Town. ,v 1 -;1 VVm. Blount, office opposite E Ros- enthal. Dav. T. Tayloe office of Hoyt Brothers., ; dopr west Special JTewapaper Advertising .:, a k b ; , . 3enerl Collection Aseucr for North Carolinni Wm. A. Ilcsrne & Co.. Special Agents fcr tie North Carolina Picisf ana uciieral Agents j tor the iCoilection of Claims of every tlescripfion . through'. tit the State. Oflico, tOLDSBORO'.-Nl;C.. Are authorized Agents for , The Kaster Intelligencer. , i M rap-SWtf BINGHAM SCHOOL. Ji EBAKEY IL L El. x . rr ,' ,, .;TI"1 . Wm S, -' EoVt Binnam, WU. Lynch.; HHHE SESSION OF 1869-70 begins Au JL gti5th,and continued forty weeks rlhe course of instruction includes the ort dinarv Kiilih Brawchen. tha Am..,Vrft emasres. 'French. Mathematics. fiook.kARnl inc. B.nd thft elements of Xjifnral Fari.n' 'Expenses, (including, Tuition, Board. Fuel, Washing. Books and Clothing) $365. i i i i -- . i j . ii. Warrenton Female College. 1 ... . 0 " Warren CO., N. C, rTHIS.1IS'r.u."u" b0. ' I I V v lnea i. on the 12th of August, under the direc. nil th itn or Aiiirnsr. rmir th niraAi "C.r m T.T TrTVT1Tc H male Collesre. Warrenton. three miles from the Raleigh & Gaston Kai road has long. - been famous for health and refined and in-i ! eiugent soacty j . r.). " THil O0LLEQE BUILDIItGS I .: . . . . . . . . Im. - . ' enuatea m a beautiful grove, in a retired part of the village, are large and commodj Philosophical Apparatus, and the aid of an. ftble l acuUy, among whom is that acconn plished scholar at. d musician, Prof. F. Ji u s ui? . ,,cr...n.jA.r., i;,' . .j' j AHK, we offer superior facilities to young I ladies desiring to become we!l educated and higUy accomplished ?er?'.' -my l,tr ruiiP. Tnrt,iirat.: For fuil particular!, apply to r . 4 exclusive oi wasr.ing-ana ligcts j I I1IJ M I I Qf H mm QUO J. WHITEHUEST lias just returned fyom the with an elegant and complete stock of IS ONE OF THE MOST ATTIiAC t TIVE AND BRILLIANT ; EVER BROUGHT f TO THIS ARK E T. Ladjes wishing to purchase their SPRING AND SIMMER outnt,, Will find the most '"beautiful Imperial Cloths, ' ' Silver Cloths, ; Summer Poplins, Grenadines, i , Muslins, Cinqhams, &c. HIS STOCK OF j. LADIES' SHOES is very large and well-selected. It would be well for those wishing to obtain a! cheap and elegant shoe, Ito give this part of his stock an exami- nation, ' ' : - ,: ' The attention ; pf Gentlemen. is es I rut. ;vf "T"-8,,"" JMlv llr1 f 1,; - i . " w, .b0 onvivuiciii I of I I hCMTI r M T ill? n I n T II I tl n u L il 1 L L ill L li 0 U LU I fl IflU f ' -w- 111 . , ana I I 1 U 1 11 1 S 11 1 II T i - 1 Mil U f.. b ' SMAIiL PBOFITS. 'J I ' w wwawar -Mrrmtwi trm trr wm f rwi 1. . I . II AMM JL JLtMM JL uav- iptprmined to fiell- for Lt A O Il j , i I i ' terms as low as can be bought in this i ' v' d d i iu n r - ' si it! ti i ? Il l M f D i m b Ida 1 1 - b h I I I I IHB SI II B B i r Consisting of . f AND 1 i : !;-: V:. , i I . V t fl I , . . - ; - AND . : f B I IB B oll II 1. 10 IB II I II B HIT M UCK UF . Tadies TSiress iinnris I i II E-a- r . i . r i . - . . ' i Kew Berne Adveptlaeinenjs . ... - U i ilk. E. AMYETTf i c J . I , eierii - anV tXne P KiOTI SXOlsrS, At the old stand, South Dront street, inch 9 ijf IVew Beme. N.'C , H; T. Carraway, Commission Meroliailt j and deale' ia Grocenes, Hardware, Orociery, and - Glassware Court House Building, . mch 9-ly Ji'ew, Bern, W. C. 0RGAHS?mEL0D0HS " h , i - v 4 5 ' 0 0 0 i 9 v vt v . lm"S..T.Jip J..LawrenCe, M. ;D., office ?nd Unifonnly Awarded the first tf-emlomt wheneTer ex-; LaboratOrV. Iron Front Build Libi ted in Com petition with other maker, mad sold all j . ;'-r over the wrid. ' . ' ' , . me, 'cornor Market and Alain "1 HEY arei noted for their necnllftr onanty of tone 1 bting full, round and rich. Not the alightott Tee- dy" toae can be detected, rembling the Pip Organ. 1 Thu universal n?e, both in ihia country anainturope. Thu universal n?e, both in ihia country anJlnEurope. Btiuinents of the kind manufactured, - I io oe ue oen in- i n - 1 L 1 - i K T. Mtfln. xuey nave neen in ii .jok " uue I oni of order many particputr; annougn uuriug mat time many new and Oeeiat-a lmprorenieau nave peen i added, which a refined taste and BluUful mechanism J couia prouace 11 JIIVUUI.C. : " 'I1 , hey wilt be fnrnisbed by the undersigned, who Mt mfl.Tin.O. tor thlJ? Vtiar. hMai annrvinfml their AffpnL at mricsM MO moderat I Churches. Call and get a price lint. i ; W. E DEMILL, Agent G.l A. JACKSON, AT HIS1 OLD' STAND, and with his stock of goods fully re plenished for ; SPRING AND SUMMER T R A;D E, Ilorsford's Self-raisihg Bread Prepa ... ration. . I i' ' 1 argc (zsorfmcnl o Zephyr Worsted ETNO HUMBUG ABOUT HIS ES-j TABLISHMENT.3 B U T EVERY'- THING Neat, Tasty, Beautiful, and N DISPENSABLE, ready for thd Patronage ol Buyers! I i i I. ' Attractive varieties and suitable styles of i Gentlemens Clothing ! O0QV, Hats, 0 TT n ri " at P. A splendid assortment of r- tt' ca of all descriptions and the most! elegant ices from Lady's Gaiter. down to anordinarr JSROGJl Including xv . MISSES, BOYS, and CHILDREN'S SHOES!! An exquisite collection of Yankee potions. : r ! ;. : ... 7 , consisting of ' GLOVES, HOSIERY, j HANDKERCHIEFS. PERFUMES, " . . SOAPS, &c A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CONFECTlONA RIES, embracing I CANNED FRUITS AND FKilSEKVl-S, CANDIES, JELLIES, ArPLES, ORANGES. LEMONS, NU T S, &C. Together with a department of , - i . I ' VJeU selected Cigars, Smoking Tobacco, ; Pipes, &c,! The whole establishment being re- .j. : - . 1 freshed and enlivened by a nice SODA IFOTJ-XT-A-IIV .1 ALWAYS IN FULL. I ! BE FOUND AT PLAY. MAY 'JAr.KSflN S ' , TRY HIM! C'IIe tenders Ms thanks to his patrons foritho liberal patronage already bestowed. ipn-iy THE MORNING STAE. I LiaDT7Mn .MDonurn 1 ARAIM tNLARfiED AND IMPROVED. r -- THIS WtXL ESTABLISHED AND rofrU LAR Daily Newspaper haa recently been greatl r enlarged and improved Vtne econa eniargemeni in eiKhteen months), and U confidently offered to toe peo ple of the two Carolina as second to no daily journal in either of those Bute. i The Stab i a, live, practical and progresslre ewsps per, eminently adapted to the wanta f tWs aeeUon; sound and comserratiTe In its teachings, and dsTOtod to the Commercial and Asrricaltnral Iutereu of tha South contains fuU and reliable , ' Reports of tho arkets, J telegraphic Dispatches, ; Local news, ana General inteligehce. TERjllS-ln Advance i One Tear...j...... Six Months.... .'. Three Months.... .........$T.OO $3.50 - . 2.00 .................. w WM. H. BERNARD, e vrumington, Jf. C. On Month. .... Address, ' apr-9tf; GROYEIt & BAKEll SEWING MACHINES rlU r ...lixtKiKaa tm waanraVI tn ftimll.: fhri vhn OD I I uiah a eoud iSewinjr Machine of the Grow k Baker J Manufacture! with iDsiructioiu how to uetheni,Mfac- f - to ta.1 Me tWa .ndTjc!nltv daiW. sot one of which has proTed imperfect Is tbe bm-t pnarant jr to offer of their pret superiority over all other Bi Jut era. JU ana ge vnwnnsuo. j I . a. utMiLb, Agent. r MARVIN'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES I tjfg pency f thrms justly entitled "FIBX-PEOOF 'I SAFi S" i sl-iil hW T me, and am ready to furn ish any sixs at first cost, with expenaes of trans porta od Vtf I fx Vr Are you Sick, Nervous, pr debilitated ? ; Are you: suffer ing from any form of Scsorcui, BiEUMATisi LiVex Complaint, Kidney Disease, .or Nervous Frostration, &c. Y If so, you can t.e" restored to health and vigor by using Dr. Lawrencers cele brated "KoskoD,", It cures the most inveterate form? of Chron ic Diseases uchen all other rem edies fail It is not a secret attach medidnne : the Formula LtTa merit. Prescribed by the best physicians, and - recommended manv thousands of our best streets. Norfolk. V a. 0r SaiS , ' i 7 : . . QV all rePDeCiaDie UrUgglStS 1U QV all rePDeCtaDle OlrUgglStS in . . . . tmtea otaies ana ine xnusn . tS j. ! rrnvinces. EOT leSlimODiaiS Ol CUTCS see "Koskoo" Al J" . . - i . I Thousands of our American ladies suffer and die every year irom oiseases Deculiar tnr t hftir sex in fact this form of disease is the scourge of American fe- iutiice. v ci v many 01 mem CO on lrom 7ear to year without help and without hope, because '1 1 1 J J ' 1 I . lueJ aov 01 no remedy.! ism, lortunately, there is a safe and reliable remedy, by the aid of which hundreds have been res tored to perfect health, j This great remedy is Dr. Lawrence's celebrated " TFoman's Friend." Its great merit is recognized by the best physicians', and from its nature and usefulness in be coming popular in every part or the country. On account of the great num? ber of wonderful cures of obsti nate and inveterate cases of Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Liver Dis- ease, jianey iLnecuons, Lrene- ril Bad Health, &c, made by the celebrated "Koskoo," it has won ine enviaDie repuiaupn qt .T51 LUC auu PUPU" Jar medicine ever discovered. it is daily-1 prescribed by pny-. sicians, and recommended by many thousands of Our best . . . J ' . , . . . ritizens. For fia. fi hV Nnifrirists citizens. For sale bv Druersrists nTi( Af PrPrignfjPVPrvrorihyp ' a-fMH1 1 . . . . ttt V any disease peculiar to,tbeir sex can be restored to healthby using Dr. Lawrence's " Wo- man's Friend." , It purifies the secretions, and restores the sys- E, ROSENTHAL Has returned from the v :-!' I !. pforth'erti Citicsf and is now receiving an1 ele- UDODCBS -AND- 9 ScO ScO., iiScOJ .. i . .. . .-.v r- Our Stock is very large and ALL ITS B N H fl I xr R A 0 EO -SOJ- TSSTo insure large sal, ye ; I r have" markecT our goods ' ftt ft . . Very Low Figqre 1 And we inyite every body to I call and price our goods; before 7 buying elsewhere, as we are ) t:;r than theycan be bought at else- ,.; L , , wtere, iwV r T . . : 1 4 gant stock of V t '', ' ' " ' ' ' !:':! i 1 '"'.. ! N DRY GOODS ' ; ' ' ,; ' .:, ' ' !'J I CLOTHE. CfllLEfi, r . - EASTEOW inTEttlBEIJCEir CVCRY TU CO DAY I It w intended chiefly for tho advocacy of the Educational; co mmercial and Agricultural interest of jSastem Carolina. 1 Beaufort, Pitt, Martin, Wash, mgton, HydeTahd leUcouxi es be especially benefit ed by this Publication. HE JUTELIIGEHOEn W?L NOT JIB A LAMB NOB FEEBLH '! . ' . ' ' 'V.; ' But will have brought to its columns; talent and culture to make it valuable to the people, and systematic management tq make it prosperous and endur- i wgJ NEWS: a- The latest news, front every quarter, will be carefully cot- lated and presented. MARKETS: The markets of Washington New Berne, and New York. will be regularly exhibited.' , 4 i F - - TEBMS: One copy for one year, j $3 OOt e monthfi, ? ? 3 0(X CLUB RAESj pleged on goo4 terms, with' Ueajness and dispatch. 1 We ; Vl ftirnish Blanks of every description, to County "l officers, l and others, at ehort - Job Work: from a email Cifd1 5 tp. a large poster, can be cse- 1 cuted at this office as cheap tJ the cheapest f ' - feh 16,. 1869. 'AV-"; '; - ... -Ml if " ' : : v I i' . A y r . ' 1 ' : ' ' ' i T. f:1. JJoncd, President ; tern to a healthy condition. mch. 23-ly ; j. ; j-, it " july 27 8m 1 -v - i. ! i :, . .... ECU OyjT- . - t J' 1 i--'. : !j-.v , . ! - i i ; - . L- ': - j , ; ..- . - ; . L . . V

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