2 it" t . - -r - : -A -. . ft I? A- i 14. r v, a ro.-i Wnifr.'.ia published eve. i ryn.'dr.csdayrby fIc?r-Tr D. ?.Ucn, Gdi xr nt rr-r. dollars 'per annum payahla ta . . - ..''' ;... C . . . . " : ' :.- . - ; - ." . - .' ' i 'lZ - ub z criher 3 who do not reside J n; N, Crc!in.i shall, i all cases, bo required to pay I n ad va n z e, and ho or J e r fr o m fid ch. will be a t tir.Sed to arJfsicconpanied with, the cash. : cV a rcipan-lble reterencc. , -r-.:'' . .iv'trtiKSuients inserted aOixtyceritsa tqtr..r3 the first insertion and thirty cerita for '" "tach caccc-eding one. v .Yearly'iul vetisementii J. hirty-lKret c.id a thirtt per cent, lower 1 ' -All unpaid Utters addressed to tho-.Cd-JicTconnectcd ' Wlth the business of thees- ' r-blishrncnt'. willin nor case, be taken from the post Ot.ire. ; ' ..;'. -.!, . .-.:" v OP THE 41 i I on; J Willi n in A; Grah w in f ; ;,;. r ; 0ORT-CAROUNi;,-i;f'); '-"jr. ' ONT H E: LC&IBlBLi .' ' Delivered in the Smote of. the UnitetlStates, ' -"t .' - rpri 13, 1842. , - Mr Preside?;': In the division the bw l3orof this, body it has hot fallen to my lot ; 'to have' any; especial charge of-the finanpe's lind "cxpe'n'Uit lire's ofjheV G iverntnent. Bin, bding called! Upon to vole for- an additional loan for i he pubh f ervire, I jhaye iVIt nlj self constrained t ex'imine whether, it ? was de manded by necessity j and being now satis feed that Burh t necesiiy exists, I must be- speak the patience of the Senate, while I n Tdcavor lo show itexiatencey and the" causes by which it has been prpduced. , ; ' .? For more than five,years past the expendi ture of thisjGovernment have exceeded, ve xy far exceeded it revenues.i By an oSteial document, from the Treasury Department no ; before mel, it fa plainly demonstrated that in four years, from the 1st of Jan. 1837V to the 1st of Jani IS11, the expenditurea "were 'above one kundreKand twelve millioiM "of Uo'Jar, whpst, in the same time, the agrgre te income from revenue wasbttt eighty four millions of doJI ira In1 found; numbers,', bejng-. an nVeraefhnnUiil expenditure of tiveniy etjht millions,4 with nr. annual revenue of but twenty-oiiel mtlliohi, of: dollars. ( pmit the frtctions ofmilliona to simplify he statement. It thus appears, that during, that spce ;of. tlmej v expehdi'ure eXceeded levenuoby. twenty-eight millions of dolhrs. f - V 1 1 In the four yr irs Irom the 4th ofMarch 13 37. .to th 4th of March 13 U , . i he precise pe riod of SI r: Vh n B i r en'a Ad miniatraiio n j A U e exeesr of expenditure over "revenue: is stilj more surprising. ; It amounted to" more than : th:r:v'-one 'million of dollars, being art aver , age annual excess of i xpense overcome, pC near. eight million pr yearan expenditure greater in" four years than would have been .ylefdedfrnra.ihe 'average revenues: in five . years and a halfc :-. ; , m)-yS' i Such having been the ; condit'on of our , mrtnetary adairs during ihe past AdmiuUf traiifn. the wonder 'is, not th tt we are com - pelled to horrov nowt.Jur how t hey avoided -ft creater" debt heretofore. Having expended i thirtyone millions of d'ollars beyond their in-. , com e froni , r eve nue," that ; wo u hi nam ra II y pe ' expected to be the amrnnt of deVtwhich they lefi in their s iccessors oil. the4th of March ldll,f instead of five and h half mil ! lions, which they admits Such would, ha vei been the amount of debt left hy thern upon t the country, had they, like other ?Adminis: ; tralioni. had no other 'raftiirs to exptrnd but i-fjuch as thy theni-lves raised. But, sir. it ' j-. was ihttir good friune to inherit a" full Treats cry. in realy money, and to have fallen into it, at rocivenient periods during' their-term, j. millions upon j miUiuiv of capfial slock, (hoi Current revenue,) whrvb hud been laid Up by tl;3 Government front the contrihuttona of the pr npl in previous years The surplus in ' the Treasury, was enventeen midions of dol-. Jars, nine of which h?.d beeu directed to be -transferred to the States, athe fourth iiis'tal- I .CJCnt tinder,, the rirpnslte net of 132S. Nine .minims more were received, by them frnnt .t-dVbtVdirMa the" United StateJ, principally, hr.rt v. hally fir I he' sales cf, its ,'fit ock iii t he ae Baak of tha United ySlatcVt 01 15 per . . ...hire.' T Adding ; thess ;tog'4thfcr?: yon have 'j r f "nty six millbri of Uotlars of .extraordina- : ry nn. over and above the r.ovc.iue, ex i';. ' the bit 3 Ad uiitust ration- . Vet, "in . .h..i ta thij, they borro Ved.nvrr. "nnd- a I : fc:.:; i . "li") . j cf "!! .rs by tha issue of Tr'eai . cry r' ' r:-h rere outstan.lihg at the c rf thir. trrr.; r in rdl merer than IF' t.;c n: k ... t V - . I V r , cn' ell th'j : iv. rn--j -..i"f::l '.; '. . ' t! " r a batter administration of the, Chances whi! 3 in -their ch:i rfThe distmiruished and abb Cenatorfroi Pcnnsylvania;(MrV Buchanan) propl.iirne'd ii',. th i z 'd'-nursnn the other day lhatya Vhljv "d niniitrationt: in -theishort ipnce cf ilunccn ir.onthi. was by this bill, a 'bouttoconsunVste a public debt of sevfthteen ra U I i o n a p f v d hlUr;- t n ad d i i ion ;tqTi hat c r fi ve ami a half; millions cf dollars,; which liend i mits ! whs contracted' by their predecei?s6rs Sir, this may be jvery criminal biit, take it without any of tha pailiaiion o (bund in the deCciency of the ' revehuxi a,nd the wants of the public servUel dirthe Sen- aioranti tiiti Iriemis do better when they, nan posreasionoCjhC first act of Coagress at;?thecalled Session under Mr. -,Van Buren, was an act to borrow nine millions of dbllars which had ' been gi ven to t he Siat es by the Isountyof Congress 1 ; say given, because,4 although in legal form it iyas but a deposit'e. for custody, ri substance and intention, atj least oh thepart of many, it was a" gift 0 ahJ "thr theict of Congress to which 1 refer, the transfer ijnereiy postpon ed until the 1st of January 1839, but a repeal of the gift js avoided.;Thi3wasithe movehient of Congress tinder that 'Admihis tration. and the second is like unto it : that is. an actj to borrow ten: millions of dollars by the issue of Treasury notes;. By deductions equally fair withj those o; the honorable Sen ator, it is shown that, not Jnithirteea month, but in seven montbs after coraing into power, the Administration of Mr. . Van Buren nor rcdnineteen millions IoUo was alleged at thejime to be indispensably necessary, because of the. indulgence given to merchants on duty bonds byan act of that se sio.v and the jaUure of the deposite bankahhyfcifio finisheci. vi i h-nii to pay.t he amounts due from theni, to Govern ment-; and; that (these measuresv were o be' merely temporary until those means could be realized.; But althouglr the merchants, and the bankslpaul tip what ihey pwed;yet the fburtli instalment vwasri itcver ipiuf' tolthV Qth csf "of i whb ti 1 1 wa stJor r 'iTv etJlrTTT' r e a s u ry notes were kept afloat by issuing and re- lee hi i ng a ga i n and agaihlehvpfg five and a? half millions outstanding when that AdninU- tratinn closed. ; iW-JH''''. I lit r ; Wo odh u ry f w o u Id r e rh a r U Urr l j ie S e- na t or ; t hat w there .was yei u aer 10 J OUU or 200 QOQ from the banks ot Mississippi nn(d he believety :$S0!d3b from., the Bank of the U- mted States. Mr, five ns ; Fo the last has: been paid, j I M r.r Ga ah am resumed. mo A 'I'h.Tt.ia tri t P If! til cr I an amount to const itute t he slightest a pojogy tor lading to pay the lourth instalment atil re . .-. . n ; ; . ., - -. . -: .. v -- . - . deem all t he Treasury noteaiseued.' It shears no pro port ion to the ht he millions of the-form- er. and the five ter. It now distinctlyvnppftara that -the States lost the been promised fourth instalment which had them, atul a: permaneni debt of fiveand a half imMltonsws routitry,! hot by , reason of the defalcations of ." tne merchants and the banks,? which, for some JinieTwere represented as; I hp ; eohrcei of aU Uls; wh because the expend iiu re's during tile last Ail tnuustrat ion , were raised j- to an annuu aver age amount of t vventy-eight nuIions of fol iar a per year. With, a' revenue admitted to he deficient by their very first act briegisla- 1 ion, and which, by rcgula ion of the jcomprp? m ise act o f. IS33 -waa to decline miteria I ly iluring iheirVcni 1 nuance in au'Ji rity,. a s s 1 em" of expense waa pursued Which notonly overran the yearly incomes; and exhausted all the ear nins of previous years, but super added a natjonardebtbPsUes.;Aguar rwho should, thus managethe' estate. of his wanl, would fltid n- iist causa fur wonder in his removal frOm ioQce. .,, " We are now! told however, that althoush . . .-. ....... . . the , average rate :cf expenditure wa3 large, the graduation Zwa3 downward; and: it has been, reppafediy a'matter of boastvfthat ' in the: last year of ?.tr. Van iBuren,- the whole amount, expended was but twenty two I'arul a hal f ; in i 1 1 i 0 hf .oh d ol 1 ar s. i A nd i t is ve hera'ea t ly "contend edvthat; the experiencO cf ihat vear sho wa t bat sum to bolhe I 'tLzirAzzl a niount far annual expense Viand intbed, that il should (all hVlow itSir P hpp it will found to be enough far aha Vear I vtucport of Govemnssnt. if wecan a Void war, I hops to see tlsa annual esnc reduced totr. rr.ty nnd ons : But; a very rasual examhiaticli cf thelcuI-Uan cf lCCD-MO will shou thhi thi reason why no rnbrc' ihna twenty-t ::6 end a ha'f millions -v. .13 v.p;nJcd: in th.Vb.ttrr'yca'r ;o.-,-;tIit thsliur.l.ifilli.ai..d:r. t-j; w'tb. fjur.J in th?. Vrcccury :cro 'zr.z $ .the r.!r.2 "tvhlch.-ih-y ;.h.:cl' c.c"::ted in ft? ...alia- ti ll -c I . -tlarj I. 1 ; c 1 f , 'T : - - - ' ,r I fi' 'i - . fx . -. t j 2 V7 I. i. Expense wbirh wasdopted:to7,brtn down ejpsnses to inccina T Vaa vanussjasj branrhef ser vice cut ofi 7; yeVe;all Wii psject J whilr yearly cost thfe Goyernnjent nioney ca min ed a ml I Hpsaf- EtruVk "oITa and; discot iniued; which were not supposes! to be Wprti what iney woutu cost in laxes upyu mc if "PT f ;W6 sir;? A; h e w e xped le ht was u eviseif propria ion3 were? hi ule asl usual in ' all nranchPs oi ex rpenuiiurc 5 iiigicja d ecla r in j t ha t t he' object it Hie'- ohi ect a :oi a ppropia t ion were proper, - and were still to receire, the: wasinse'ried inf theaphwnriatibh blfe, au- ihbf fzh'gVhe? President ol tbelUmtedStafea deficiency f of i arevenue r such fposi hone-: nieni in .each oopmAlV:HlPP.aVVi. or unt il the close of. the nest i?epsioh of Cdii gres8manifetly5 iiii ject s ! of Vpropatio1i;Jthba gh hi spehderf mbnirntarilyTor tliew ihereafieridlbe resumed and .finisheibsi ; 1 by auclv resorts a penditures were reduced J in' IS 10 ltd t went y twaandadialfiuhltanoldotla surely no occasion Tor :the .authors of that re duction to hojst of their 'economy,-- nor, to ac cuse t heir successors of extravagance in cbnij? pleting theworka jvhiclrUieyi hntd begun. . In the military ? estanlishment, the. expendituVe was nearly .a millionless ta 134PL than in 1839." AVhy r? :i Because- unr tifvauibritofp ,visions ih,the.acts of :,Cp'VgresstIte Presidehi; could arrest fheoperHtion of,tiie-tnehaidtt: andJaboVerTc iTjfcr pr trowel in- hand at mid day,, and whilst his Contract sjyel unxpire wa 1 l's o f t le I bar raq ks p r l;qu; r t e rs i n : winch assurance however, 1 hat the works were no t abahdotiebutOnlysus gressslipuld prpvi'leadJit arrying them ph ; mean vyhile : the PresiJehj tial 1 elect ion wi 1 1 be oyer. In 1 i k pm an n e rj Zt$EfiLtfT, rfoh' ttri't 4---KahdLif ptlarsf saved by suspending the works. ; on fortifica-- tihns, and 1 eay i n g i he b alf finish ed; walls of your fortresses to wind and weather, until the Treasury: should be . ieplenished. : Mr. Presidenttiiis course ofl teth poraryreduc t ion, i o make a, fair sno wi rig in the aritl uhet ic off expenditure, so? far;;fir6m?te1ng5erc wa s neglect of d d ty Either the mil itary es 'tabl is h men t . a n d the sys t cm o C 1 ions i he , numberof, inen in; thearaiy and , their harracks and Quarter : the armoriesL arsenals. r"t" 1 f- r . r '. . i v f -' t ' ' . .' V , injrTHj cift: ifsnonwi nave neen ne.rmnnnf i v in- sehedvorHleqhtierWve been provide to supporV and "carry thein ' on , efii-, cientlyV Tbepoiicywhicli was avlopteil rie-l ccssarily ex posed. I he public property to dilap idation, v expressly ; Jhtended no permjinent mluctiphJh expenses, am the year 184 1." many of the pecuniary ' bun dens which properly helonffetl to 1840.. ifM pisideht in Jracina' the causes hf the enormbitanTara eight 'mitbotis; per l year durinij tlie last A J-; ministration, I relieve it wdibe found to have! beenfchiefly'owing toTiheir fhuvin H'redii ianTresury wliich1! blisred to provide for t h e ni sel v e s -n $ t,l ie ht i r of : foriuiia is 'getierally a. ?proitgaU ivhile ilia son of :"iiVdus"bmu.by.e ;heedsi Hccumhlaie"frfliiihae1fr ''is.7:feeoHoniVcdrTroirf habits and necessity. . In my liumhlebiunioti. the first and prolific source of, that, rystem of expend i it tt re as we 1 1 a m f : ina'hy p f ; t he oihe t iey ils 1 under which!! hVrouiit rynpw laborsi; was in withholdini; the fourth instalment froui the States:' U deprivesnhe States, of Xa booti which; t hey bad a; just right id ex pec t under the provisions of the ; act "of 18-J3--a boon w h icrr was he hi out totheut as!n s u re r esbu rce for more than t welve montlis ; upon the rea sonable expectation of Which ! hey had cbmi ihenced puhlfo' enterpriser a'nd incurred alebit s ahil which, though taken from t hefr grasp al most at the very moment whenthey were a tc:it to clutch, was sjill suspemled over their heads, like the bowof promiso in the heavens, until ther turhiM and ; overflow ihg. waters cf ps;!)lic expenditure-were rtiisafl hfuh enougti to absorb Ji That many hf t!..; Giutcs uoa d have become deeply, emnarressedindenen dently of the aciionol thia Government m this part icular', t;-.!o; J'no';cout ;but tha, the, em--barrnsfhents'of ttiahy of theta' have, been hastened; and .increased by ijh'O; "loss rtf ihts fourth : instalment. I believe, is equal cer tain. . To themV- in lheir;.pHcultar..i'oiiiliiion. it was every I hing ;?to usf 1 fear, it has Jeen vors3 than ;hoihing. ith iCXne I t ; Al mir.Istratinri expended irt their four years one huiidre.dahcl eleven . or cnahunJred aud U. clve mllliar.3 of dollars. With it it, they would st ill Ji ive Vxpnded cn i hundred 4in'l two, or one hundred and three millias;, gi v i ng fc r 'five r a ca n n riiia I ;e s peh 3 e sf ear t we u-ty-six . n 1 1 i v u per year-i-enou'ih for all rei- ecnabio p urpnr.s- enrtcih,.thr? Tot:ntrwill cay, i.ay; has ,.etsrr.;ir.cdJ for all tha C- thit 3y yield;::;; JhU'.to tha.Ciat: j.-oc-cTtvro n;iii; h:iVw I;:; r :.-id 'c ith .;r v;h!:h - - 1 - .. . ;rf crit . our: ..:.-r.t cn : . I . tr . i I.. , r 1:. - Treasury cf i hU Government, t hereby a i rnr", h e meatisTo rex trav'a'ia'nee.'5 - j' 1 : Nlr. Ca l h o u rf:;sa id-tlm Senat or-wn s;;'not: jier -iirnl of course'icould, cnt kno w t ht rnjt: sohi which had induced hiurto vote for wit ti-' holtljnfj the 4th iastalniHt orn the States. He was opposed to- collecting moneys for distribution, and went for distrihuiinif in, i he first iiistanp.e only ' becaua ;''.;thfO was a purr iIuj ba hand, AYhea iti wa neettedl hevo led to" restore it . it the Treisurv. : But he tiaPPrnpriattpnsJ r Mr. t n raha n sa id he hail not been exitn lnhgthe votes oi tnetenatorIor purposes ut that of the" Senate, towhat l conceive to have; hi'aft an .ti rjlor lu nate ;tni st a ke, in gi ving to t h Goverhmen t temporary nieans so fa r to ex ceed its . regular "income, in its expenditures, antl to irarry thnr-twu ; height ,Yroia;whili" 1 he-present state -of ou r , fina nccs' would ue- nianti so, nnrupt anu jiasty; a ilescent. As it is., a aery ice now ' co s t i n g y o u ' t wen t y od I m llions'of dpllHrs per yeaft is sudilehly let- down upon means no x. e xpeed i n g : t h ir t een and a hall inilhons y and its weight is accurnula ted bya puRi ic d eh t o f fi i'e a nd a rii s d f hiili ohs left by the last Administration, bearing uri annual jnterWt.bi .S33Q,0.0O'A;Ta.-: ifheetihU ileficiency, ' whar ha ve we 1 - Insieacl of sUr- pi us; we have, debt ; insleau oi ext raordina ry: .?ue)utslalltng; inw HaTe'atlaily jticr casing chargeof: interest j- inslpiid; of aariflT:bjl"4tt per cent, we have one n en r ly a ppronch i nsr 20 pervcent .atidhat upprt TlUtlermore than half the im'pprts. What then js" to he done? If We'prppeo bdrVow ni xperteesZof Government,' we re.'told hat Ave aV. running the nation in debt.-; It we prpose 10 levy outies 10 itirntsi h permanent revenue we ar taxing the people. Uifive s'uggest re trciictn'eriti:"afti:chtM Iiil4ic. spr v ice U as a re. not most. - iieedef,! we Hreiplli haJtt lherp is imminent danger ol w.i rt and thivt the most vigorous pt pa rat ion lor it should-tottHm our Whole- d U 1 y in t his. eiuergency see'ma t o; me to he comprehended in thrp.e p;opositions; j ; Is ty. ; Bo r r?w J s uc h , s uirt, jupo n: the best terms ymich obtatha presni hecesstties, and. save 1 he public ldir? u H fr bud i sgcatse;: ;fi u;.;C-;'i,, -2il. RetbicH your expenclitorestOih e s 1 pp u i twh iph t a'o tisis 1 ph tjw i h M n efficient pi it die cr vice't -p. iypi iiifp vs t 5 :3vl,tvyuphlut'esZup necessary 0rheonbmipalv abninislratioii bpf ne.GvWnmehtahd -rnfi:TObVe.':-.;;.? j Butf ; sir, our opponents ' ha ve one. panacea lor all the ilita.Hi!uesol ihe nines, s l ake hack the proceeds; ofliho latidssayyhey. A dii riect proposition: lo tliattfecl wars-early: inl iroduced ly the SenaVor: troth MissburiMf. A.1.1!.'. ! loi PilJ ' pr w hat- may iie 'the par t icii a r?iubj ct vulrjc'ojlea.tlp n. 1 1 is perpetually ;moved by; tyav of amendment. No:, let me ask in'ailcahdori if th'eyare re suuiedinio the Treasury, of tvhaf avail are ibeyj7 r asr y .'iceededrhulliln-!ojfd exceed ingly doubtful ;w.hat: they may be in years -to 1 come - To sav hofhiiiffbf the immense amiri- Hties in ,1 he Imncls of specubttihor rouipaiiies ihe verfiict that large grantsweVe made to tileseveral new States, tiy: thedist ritiuf ion act eiiibraei n g 11 1 H lie w hole ;"i hi nkhea r t wo 1 1 1 ill io ns of ' hp res; ; w it h i he I ihe t y of s e lei iig choice hil it ie$ feet because-niitde j by the state its elf,: ;and in ca pab'e of repeal, w he) ever inod er n id e moc racy may urge ihe cbntrary---will mike those Staaouir ;cbmpMitb apart !fiom the itepression of nioiiey affiira ; diuiiuiKh the receipts from that; source' But. sti pjse theannual proc lions tif dollars, the ihaximum th it has been estiuiated here, wh itr la ihi;conipared Willi f itirteen :niillioii8r.the amount tiy which the. ecretaf yof ihe;TrPasurvinn?riH8u current Jrevetiue of Jthe year ivill be. uleficieut ? With Or without the iands,ihereffC, ihe.iiei cessiiy fora lo tn i- exigentind uh ivoidatdel r Bht.tMr.r Piesifleht, wereZ-it"otliei wise!,! Jwhuid pbrider long belbie lcbultr consetit tiv xiisappoinv tjie jusi expeciaiious 01 ue idiaies and the peoplejn regard tOthese'.lantls. Nq siibjeci has been more discussed or better un dpmobd. iri i 1 his country fir the laVi, ten years; th ah that of 1 bed is trihut ion of t heir pr oeeed s among . the. States.' None occupied a more prominent plapoiu the greVt ca n vass of 1840 Nbhewasinore tlis-lnctly orbOallyiputvJbrtlM a a leadihir article of his creed of policy,, in ' ins , it?iicrr. Hpt-ecnes,ana auurnss '8. .10. ins felibW citizens, bytheilltistrioua mahwho w a s 4 1 h e n ca 1 1 et 1 to ' p r e s ide over it s."; A fid whether W ioo!c.to the reVultsof elections ilie proceedings - .of popiilar;'asBembIies.tor State Legislatures nv measure on which parties in our country have divided has. so tar;. as 1 recollect, . ro many, imd such - tint -qhivocal-evidences of-publis opinion-, in ils favor. : - .,.". "V Sir, to1 my mindit is clear thit ihe Con suiution cf the United Stiues does not ccn letnphite tho public lands as an;.. ng the mean3 fbr theZordinary support of Governinent; -vVhen i he venerable n?en who' framed thai Constitution brcaihi d into tha nostrib cd ;thi3 Government tho breath oflitb, and precrihsd Ihe-la W3 hy'wlnch it should live, and move, and Jiave, its being theyjdeiiarecl upon what ti intent it should siibsist. A.warb 'f.vi be ..yV al tin'port aticoi cf,.th o , inonby.rpo w'cr, 'ivhicli hot.crdy . aCUrds th.3. k-upp!ir3 cf piure butiiie sine ws' cf .var,; tfi.e'; procd.'tirrrcd;:' t!sihe".very. first o ft h 3 a u ! 1 a r i 1 1 2 3 o f C01 re r s, . the pb w c r to day and cchcct .tasehiMPs, imports. andeci-?2, fcr th'O jpurpn; 2 cf paying th derta and'-providin fir ih cnniujnn -defenco ann reiterni wfii'ru cl.tr.3, United ijlute : v.?i- ir: - i . 1. i.Utun, ir.i t?t -r.r.d i3 1 lire 3 Cr t h j -1 in' r.ddiftn'n ta cr 1 1 1 1 n ji en- i ' . . t 6 . . t. i i i lata j ;jr canfirt-d, 11; "i: ; -a to.coriituti.-lc I ;! !-. , , a; , ... r . .- . . f 3 n e d rf th Cnnti' ;;f i!:.n G . srn. . ...' w , . L 1 5 " . ; at : tut '.I. . I I . iwbsther by-sals or gift, whether ch cnb cb . ject cr atnulicr, u jint denucj.f Th3 trurt isT.V without limitation, in ;th3 words cf tha Cc: etitutioni And for in struct! on as to our duty in .administering;.! t, : we a re thrown :'bac !: op on the direct ions of 1 ha donorsin the tleeds"' cf the; ceding States. kTllfes declare them a -V conimfin ;fund f ar; the' 1153 cf eitch ol t hs. , Statesj ns bavei become, or shall becoma memlMTs oft he cbnfedersition, or. federal alb, '' ance,:! And here let tne remark, that ! " 1 recoghise im distinct ion v bst.wen the diipo : sitiort of 1 he la nd s ceiled by Sates, a nd t buy 3 Hcojiired by. treaty. Thatgreat man, iJllr. . . JeCerson,. by.whos3hegotiatiori'." our ; first ; greai purchase of-publici-land3 vwas v tn 21 e, entertained stohgdoubta -to (he power to do. so,mukI it was surely a tloubtfijl question. ' But that diflic.ulty 'iie'iog ' overcome, aiul; thb " Question Eetlled by practice the lanIs -'ihuj' - Hcquiied became I he- terrilnry ol the United Slates jo 4 be disposed of by Congress" : in Jike mahner'witli other territory. : That V that other terrii ory; was not looked to, in the . Const ilut ion,- as a resource-- to; pay current expses nntl Jthat itwas inteneled for tho bent-fit of ihe St ai pa, se ve ral ly I have etnl ea V oredt o , s how. T o enter no farther i n 1 o 1 1 i 3 a rsu men t ; to me i ud oes ap jea r ) i h a t t h e ces-- " sirfus Of.ISrorli Carolina and Georgia made y -afier this present Government., was establish; etl and in full operaiion,. granting their tern- ; tbry iaiheUntted; States hotlbr revehue, v not jlorihe benefitnad f njoy rhenC?vOf the-U States as fo pOlincalhcorporaiion, but lor the use and benefit fd'theUnited States ofAtneri ca, : Snrlh- CuralinrC anl Georgia inclusive, ; aceortli ngt o t h e i 1 re s pec t i v e t ndusu a 1 propor- jion in ;h general charge and expendit ures,". , &tv (the same in aulistance With" J h e gran's of Vj ririhia a pd 01 her Stat es, 'vli icli ced eil u n - r der vthVoIuicoh expbsit ion,?hot ohly of t he jdstgnsof those -k Stares themselves on that suhject.;.btjt of I he ueiieral : uutlerstaiiflmg of ihii deeds of ihe 01 her? Stales at that time. v . .. :ZZa .ir 'Busirtiie ivliale legislation of; Congress ; fn regard to -ihese lands shoivs . that tfiey; " have tieyer been considered; as : slHiding: on i Ije'fiiiiWie'or i' heJ'reyehiVes'of ijfe; hat.ion7 " Ttie immense grants which hav tanmade from time to lime to States State corpora- " Tiohs.' benevoleiit instil us friiiZsaiid ties;tb merithriousibreigneisiu who ;4 havt come amonj; us., wtiuld nevir have been attempted or hloWed ouf bt a lu land wh'clr had tieeh' raised by t iXatiou, direct or indirect. Aiul fr a scries'of lyesirs pasiihe leaditig statesmen p pari ips seem iirnaye concur-; , red ihihe opinhn thaty within a short period Vr Jasthe 'proceed of tlie phblic lands ought nb Ion ge r 1 0 f. be j e I i ed u pe nk& a jjou fce'-hf.i- e-r ; venue the ili(Je"rence hei ween them" being thsit those .with Whom ifis ;hiy pride io .be' aVsppia t ed, adopting the policy of 1 1 e eminent Se.iator, froth Kent upkyi (oir Clay w fio' has repeht ly retired frorii this hotly, were for Tan.equitable distributton of the laud proceeds 1 among all ihe S'ates, while our honorable op- p;nentsf.ipproyln ihe'suggestiou nf'Geti '.' Jack8on, on; this subjectwere for reding the lands 1 hemselves to Ihe States in which they ; are. s 1 1 tia t ed . 1 0 h i s m ess a ge of Dc. 1 832, theiheh President says: V B. is desirphlp, however, 'that' in conveiiient" time ihi3;ma- rhinery( the land nlHces) he withdrawn f, om ; the states, and that the right" of soil and t,e fitttrUUsposiJUh id tA e '"'r Srajegjregprctic " not refer you to i he reptirt ofthe experienrrd ., S etia t or 1 ro ta A-labama. "f Mr lung at the head ofiiie land commtttee of 1 hat session, and t the speeries oltber disling ineh of that pblttical school, to shtiw hat in .: both parties there hap been a general concur- t; renee in the propriety of lobking to the c us omboiie bi''r dhat the. real contest "up -hlhe- subject of. I he lands, has -heen-betweei V a generala n;l eq u itable, a nd a , local h rid pa r t ia Td is . r :bu t io n. TThe evidence upon ibis point liave been abnhtlantly furnish-v 1 by t he Senatorfrom 1 hdiaita. ( VI r Smith) - upon arecentocpsision. I must ther efbre he larioiiedV Mr President, if 1 canrib ly ield to Uieloqiieht appeals-'wllich''areatnlost daily r', ; aliresselitb ' us against wj'thtlrawin -ihe; laud fund Jro'iii the exclieqiier c!" this Gov- prnment anlc"n ht10: the States. ; But.' yesterday we were told thai the lands should lbex'c6hsidered v:orlhUs . Cot re venue j ,nn . we Vtretissuretl, Iromj the same quarter, -that they- are ;ns the; purse ' oi' Fbf tuuatus, .J5Tn-.: have bnly'io retain them in hand and wish " to . rbt a i n w ha t e ve r irea sure you ; vant. . yVhile withbut theni, you can neither get no?;; heynor credit. 'Tbese appeals, sir, are but; the In fieri houghts of the ml vocate after a decisionagainst Jiim upon the points mado at the h earing. And when the people are p?r suadedj as theylarej constant lyi : that every, dollar of land, proceeds listributed , creates a-v-."' her'essi'.forhev.ta fi il ;;;"' to reniemheri hat 1 hoVe whoopposa disi ri bution wheii i... dhaTreasuryj3, empty, didi withequal "earhestness when it was lullr ihey wi! refleci tha t t his taxation';' will bp ths saxn? h',tf''?r the' l,r'l rrovc: ; ;rn tahta " '-; 'from. 1 h'3. Treasury by the flan ol'dislri: ninn, j ioA.hicli tts3 peopla'cf each State . frt ihff; due share,' cr' those'bihcr' plati-cf e'.-.rrc:;..' ;r,'.:' ; cession, or griuSuationby hich i!.3,v.'l;c!o'' ' is iven to a lew; Stales. A nd in thisccur : - - :' ion let jn3 remind you . li f , it tliere .v;cro-"' cbj-rtiona to. the' p : 1 ssa ge. c f t h e Vi! i i t r ih u 1 1 3 n ';; ' bhl,.thre. iire 'r.bjep.itnna- tn.tr.2 repeal h ;c- wise. -As I'-,. have rh-iwri .alrc-uiy, tv;o rrn m. m - . . " iniani cf acres. cflu: ! Irtvs- I ?cn r 0 i: 1 . ' tn v;ujr.i r.r ith ..1...I t ;C;iI hS cf t; .4."tng-; recdh.d. can "th..-'3" rrranttf ;;3 'iUtowpu. to ii i f . f t I ihey r.;:;.;t r;:;..al.:, 'in ).,.,,. 1 Il i . rf, . . --: 1 1.1 my ..u. rini'jn, to l r l tor". n rr "fr: ' 1 h c-;i t': 'C" r If " f ." , r t " -rSt ti f t ' - I,

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