, S. Y)i S C KII'TI ON RiAtES : i z coyf one year i fcix month?, .. ' 'three " ) TaOl A L I IT EM S e-regre lean that an old citizen jf thfe cioufv JansozM Chjuncy Esq. was strtckek wi ; ! s i a 1 i 1 l -w SQrrf to learn, that Mrs. jyaalpisfest linday. '' j j J AVe a sQrr to learn J Kven ol Turbo b. N, C. jis extremelvJIL wit crj.littfe hope pf her recbvery; - J", P ' ; , winds , have made s'lfiH S. Licis our tale mod young count j-m ! "swill lecture at the Court House on Tuesda r Mcveain? next for the benefit of hb", Oxford lli;isylurn'. j V" ;k' i ' : The candidacy tor Register is active, with increasing tendency. These strong March shad scarce. " . . - One of the 'steamers Ibfthe Clyde Line .'eaves New York for this port to-day, V j - iWe ar not in a hurry to grow old. but we can't ifelp from wishing that March would ThlsiKi ! hrry into the past. We dorit mind the weath . ' -li ! er so theAvind dorit. blow. YPsffrffnT t-was a genuine March day ,yxa 1 could hardly hear you rsei i imhi r .- . -mar i -We are inforniedthat the Odd ! Fellowi wil cek'.ntb their ', 56th , atmlversay on April 26th i ncy piuse 10 give a gran a reception ana sup this! J per at tir hlL V' We'll Help them Ujut ,in' thi. tmngiyy let us Know ".ven the 'tapie,s sot." ae that soin nj-.tion was bein taken .-,. t r , tine nmriff rtW.Hl.if:; th fill hiir j bunicimitoicles" t lt ratk'aboitrit in.tiaie. it lln'itaUsue of March i4?h .e Raleigh -NWs )t to f?o the .cho. , Our coiiivi-.'po Mry ought no I ido, us that way, f ;t tc hnvc( ycry Irttle.pace any. r way, a'tdwhn dr.. publish anything , worthy the 4 notice cf such s high t-isicd iournal W the lt ' r" I 1 -Lj , "" -i IV While Mr. W. I'. Wjii!.vson .lccompainedby i Tiss Annie Lucas vail Miss! Kiii Satcliweft were n the way from larbor'jto (.ireenvilfe. last 'hursday, aiid when wifiiiri, a lisile of the latter I1 ace, the horse aunched to . the carriage. 'took - A - LjiirhAt drmahint the 4 vc W. p.is pffCTuis freight jescapedj laento ! whic 'Kfo'un frlsh ll'a -stantlV oU ;'a4 i ; ion of, of, r jeadAr3 to i the p.i.clover'i Englishman Charlie w urst Two' b!un.dred - applications for Job .Work anted rit this office. Who will give ireHhe We learn that Mr. C. J. Brennan who has been sojourning in our midst for some time, wiU opea'd paint shop pti Mondaynexd Or ders left with Mrl Winner will have prompt attention.! . ! The Alphabet of the 'Administb a From the . J3.il Ua ore Gazette. Written f r the (instruction . of .TiiVdo Tiitt, the llitst arrival 'whose education is ahout to commence: is t( U is the Responses that keep out tha j 'i .' i v " : ' . . I - ! tax. " ' S is for Shepherd, his ringites and '. .panders. " .1 , '7 . T is the tax-payers, "vh6se money he squanders. v; - r-u U is for Ulysses that stands by thes ' V is the Villainies that he defends.1 W are the" Witnesses hunted with 1 ; vi'lence.'- ': '"' ' V'T " ' -i- X the 'Saminati6h: whicK he niust ' Y is the Yell. from ,the nation that rings. Z is the, Zeal ' for a new state bf ' things., .. . very, safe in B thcockj wh'o. his n. . his- phciQ. should bo r jn O is for Golfax , Mohilierji's head loan D is Delauo , .wlb swindled the red -1 -t man. is T6r'rErrima' " on England un- 1 1 loaded. s Fbrc'Siu, lhat poor Belknap ex is for Grant, who is partial to ' jkriaves. - I fcpiiars in this issne. He is t; . lohhT! ans' 61 d stah d. " and incd to the public, that I am ish the bid stylo, Ambrotype relss iajtired by ageJthan any klhem for a short while, and d pif irej had better call at once see theliew styles of photographs makin V it. t TA .HardirJ. who has fitted hlmst!i ,;ceY itne stall recently occupied by -1 i -XrbaaV JockyeVr. announces the fact Oa Ptt t-- ?i our coiuinns !t0 day. !rt ;1 p.: tT- ...l,iL' . i ..r l,is ibr.Insralls and Mrs. G.'s watcli, j is lor .iayceJtrwiio,a micentiiing ..M'v-rdi 1 tC is fori Ku-kiux and bloody -shirt Morton". 'V"v. wj was tnei Liandaulet for AVilliams to '-? :.(T :'! ' sport An. . "' f '' . M isfor Marsh, : wicj to .iirocesa is non EST. N is for JSro one but Bristow that's " r;.' honest:-- " ; .;;"" .''v- O is for OrvilleV the go-between bro- Fis for IIerremf, convicii'dns to V smother. i'-..'-'. . ? ''.' Q is the qnestiom that tn onp irni'sf. ; ax. Educating a CmNEsii Bot Peruana it a hot ktibwn that tho Presbyterian Suutlar School of little children,.ia Ktle;ht jire jaew, educa7 . tin a little native Ciine3e boy at, Hong Clnw, in' Rev MK Houston's school., Thi children;' have? .named -him Willie Lacy and at the end of every wk their ''contributions Jo -tiiie end are forwarded -to China. ' Flashed from : ?n a 'Telegraph. ' r . ' . L:eut;Goynor Day i8,H);Misissippi has been, itnueached. - . . v Bank of the:iStttt: if ew York has. suspended ' fiy me n t;; : ; 1 ... : t : -f t 1 News Hump'isliire.. ban fjrone , He publican, tUerbV .fodorsin tho frauds at WrahinctM'n-.D. O. The U. "S. Senate has p.as3ed tlio bill j reduclns: "the salary bf Grant successor,, to $25,000. Grant ' now AriTinlnirrCTrrrtrigirinncriias found--r- ered off Portland iinylaiid. All hands wore lost. - - A ; negro convict in, the work hons t of Wake Co; while at work recently inthc field ' found n iox containing nbout-5C0m--g'old Keeper of jtf tlin reinterre(Vit,'the iveep-r and. a nather r a x. heat him severely to make "him tell where it wag. 11 wal fnplurcd by tho bad ireaicmeni, nr.a M.ul to ce releasee. , jfrom co;ffincrre The kapor las been . - brought to tiial :

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