WEATHER WARMER TODAY WITH RAIN ON COAST AND FREEZING RAIN IN INTERIOR TONIGHT. VOLUME I. U. S. Army Troop# Now Retreating 10 Corporations rormed In County During Past Year Ten new corporations with a total capitalization of over $1,000,000 were formed in Harnett County during the past according to records in the office of court clerk Robert Morgan. Eight of the new concerns are located in Dunn, while Erwin and Lillington boasted of one each. Os the 10 corporations, all but one —the Wellons Foundation—are stock companies. The non-stock Wellons Foundation was formed for religious, charitable and educational purposes by John H. Wellons, C. G. Wellons and 1. R. Williams, all of Dunn. STOCK GRANT •The largest stock authorization was granted for the O. W. Godwin, Inc., real estate firm, capitalizes at $250,000. The Dunn firm was formed by O. W. Godwin, Mrs. E. S. Hinson and V. A. Anderson. VARIED BUSINESSES The new firms include a retail store, a newspaper, two automobile agencies, an toe and fuel company, a drug store and a water company, most recent firm established the Harnett Water Co., Inc., of Erwin, formed Dec. 18 with a capital stock of SIOO,OOO. Incorporators were R. S. Kelly. B. B. Hudson and E. R. Thomas, Jr., all of Erwin. LILLINGTON FIRM In Lillington, the newest concern to be incorsorated is the Brock Chevrolet Company, Inc. Founders arc Earl Westbrook, T. B. Williams and Clifton H. Brock, all Dunn men. A thousand shares were authorized afcsloo each. firms formed in Dunn, in addition to the two mentioned, are: Godwin Building and Supply Company, Inc., by O. W. Godwin, O. W. Godwin, Jr., and D. H. God win, unlimited. The Quality Shop of Dunn, Inc., by I. Rosenfeld, H. L. Rulijick, S. D. Mendelsohn and H. M. Rulnick, aU of Fayetteville, unlimited. The Dunn Ice and Fuel Company, toe., by A. C. Burns, Earl Westbrook tQH Elizabeth E. Burns, unlimited. The Strickland Motor Company, Inc., by Paul L. Strickland, R. Dennis Btrickland and Dee M. Strickland, 100 years. The Record Publishing Company, Inc., by Hooter Adams, Mellicent S. Adams and W. H. Twyford, un limited. Fltchett, Inc. (formerly Fitchett Drug C 0.,), by Carl E. Fitchett, Virginia T. Fitchett and Carl E. Fitchett, Jr., unlimited. £ach of the above six firms has a total of SIOO,OO in authorized stock. TO CALL RESERVES CHARLOTTE, Dec. 29 (UP)— Some 115 reserve Army officers .from North Carolina will shake out their uniforms and dust off their equipment for a return to active duty in the next tjiree months. jgj| rajgjgilsll POLICE GET RADIO lnstallation of the Dunn Police Department’s new two way radio systerfl was begun Friday morning when Deputy Sheriff B. E. Sturgill wid^rectif recehrer agerßTOMMS Police Radio is Installed Santa Claus was a little bit late getting here, but he finally showed up Friday morning with a two-way radip set for Dunn’s Police Depart , ment. Installation of some $1,500 worth of broadcasting machinery was be gun during the morning, when the city’s patrol car got its receiver transmitter hooked up. Deputy Sheriff B. E. Sturgill, assisted by Fireman Mann Norris, Jr., did the honors at Wilson Motor Company’s garage. The main station transmitter and receiver were slated for installation at police headquarters Friday after noon, according to City Manager R. Thomas Hobbs. After the radio system is set up, the city hopes to connect with the main State Highway Patrol broad casting station in Raleigh, said Hobbs. This will conect the Dunn police radio with other police sta tions throughout the State. Policeman Francis Hall will be in charge of upkeep and maintenance of the apparatus, the city manager stated recently. Eventually all mem bers of the police force will be licensed to operate the machinery, he added. Funds for the radio system were earmarked in the 1950-51 city bud get. . . ■ i ■ ■ ■ Two Pile Up On ky Road roads caused two cars to pile up on Highway 421 near the fire tower, the State Highway Patro’ reported Friday. . Thomas D. Ray, 20, Lillington Rt. 3, lost control of his 1947 Hudson on an icy curve and plunged into a ditch on the left side of the road about 10:46 a. m. Friday. A Marine, 22-year-old Charles L. Loechler of Camp Lejune, who was approaching Ray from the opposite direction, ran into a ditch to his left and overturned to keep from colliding with the other driver. No one was hurt in the accident', but Loechler’s 1941 Buick suffered considerable damage. Ray was headed south on the highway when he lost control of his vehicle. Ito JJa% 1 pi*' ’ 1 hk I 1 A SCOUTS HONORED—These smiles of accomplish ment belong to Dan Gilbert, Alonzo Parrish ard Charles Holmes of Benson’s Boy Scout Troop 19. These are the first Boy Scouts to receive their Second Class awards since Benson received its new Scout Charter in September. Sponsoring the Troop is the Benson- Meadow Kiwanis Club. Not shown is Wallace Parker, also awarded his Second Class Badge. The awards were presented by Bruce M. Boyers, Scout Executive for the Tuscarora Council. Presentation took place at a formal ceremony held in Smithfield recently. (Photo by Lewis H. Lawrence,) A not her Sold ier May Lose Arms And Legs BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Dec. 29 (UP)—A wounded 19-year-old soldier who gave his gloves to bud dies so they could continue to fight the Chinese Communists in Korea faced multiple amputation today from deep frost bite of his hands and feet. Dfllcers at Percy Jones. ,Arn»r General Hospital said that Pvt. Hubert Reeves of Joliet, 111., is threatened with loss of portions of al four limbs, but denied he is a “potential quadruple amputee.” Earlier, a public relations officer at the hospital said it was too early to tell how much amputation would be necessary, although Reeves stood, only a “good chance” to save portions of his arms and legs. WOUNDED BY SHRAPNEL Reeves was wounded in the legs from shrapnel near the Chang Jin Reservoir when the Communists attacked across the Yalu River in North Korea. His truck, carrying other wounded, was captured by the enemy. He escaped by crawling into the snow in temperatures from 20 to 30 degrees below zero. The others, who didn’t escape, were shot as they (Continued On Page Seven) DUNN, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1950 STATE NEWS BRIEFS lELfc'rb, Dec. 29—(UP)—Fire in terrupted a prayer meeting here last night, driving some 35 persons out side into freezing temperatures while flames destroyed most of the inside of the West Elkin Baptist Church. The Rev. J. L. Powers estimated damages at between SIO,OOO and $12,000. Insurance covered about $4,000, he said. /, MURPHY, Dec. 29 (UP)— A 55- year-old ex-convict who had spent almost half his life behind prison bars admitted that he strangled his 12-year-old nephew to conceal per verted sex acts, Sheriff Frank C. Crawford said today. The sheriff said the confession signeed by Will Henson ended the four-months-old mystery of the death of young Leroy Henson, an elementry school stu dent and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Henson of Murphy. Henson admitted that he strangl ed the boy with a rawhide thong after 20 hours of questioning and a trip to the scene of the crime, the sheriff said. He was held without bond on a first-degree murder war (Continued On Page Four) BULLETINS WASHINGTON, Dec, 29 (UP) Chairman John E. Rankin of the House Veterans Coittmittee said today he will introduce a bill in the next Congress to give war vet erans all GI benefits except unemployment insurance. * NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—(UP)*—About 35,000 Americans will have died in traffic deaths in the past year by New Year’s Eve, a safety association said today. MEMPHIS, Twin., Dec. 29. (UP) Brown-haired Jeanine Holland came out of the west to win selection as 1951’s “Maid of Cotton” mid show , the Southland’s staple crop to the World 6n A tall Texas frame. Jeanine, 21 and a senior at Texas State College for Women, was chosen here last night from a fieM of 19 girls from nine cotton-ralsipg statdj* a Her brown hMr and eyes, five feet, six and three quarte inched of height, and ■ 124 pounds of modeled figure were shown At their beet in a (cotton) organdy gown she ftwide ' ■ TAMPA, Fla., Dec. 29. —(UP)—The Senate Crime vestigating Committee began public hearings today in this melting pot seaport whose criminal element appears to have nationwide connections through the “Mafia” under world organitaton.Sen. Lester C. Hunt, D., Wyo., came here to conduct the hearings in an effort to pursue what a com mittee spokesman has called definite marks of Mafia con nections with' Sew Orleans, Chicago, Kansas City, Cleve land, Los Angeles and other cities. , * . Prices Vfill Rise During 1951 GOVERNMENT SSEKS TO COMBAT INFLATION; 1 HOARDERS. ARE WARNED | WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 (UP) —The government dug in all along the economic front today to halt advanc ing inflation, but officials predeted still higher food prices next year. Thq major action was to require the nation’s banks to withhold about $2,000)000,009 more ol their deposits as togn securities. The Federal Reserve board said the ruling would actuary take $12,000,000,000 out of circulation. That means fewer loans Tfor autos; TV sets, refrige rators, ar.d other household goods. The government also siezed con trol dl all rubber to make certain that •the vital material is allocated fairly, j From. now on, the general services administration wilt ration rubber! to manufactures on priori ties =dt by the National Pro duction Authority. Military needs will gat first call but the order has no effect on the sale of auto tires by manufaqtures. BOARDERS WARNED The !NPA issued a stem warning to hoarders: They will be jailed for onfe year and fined SIO,OOO if they hoard or stockpile more than they nped or if tney sell on the black toarket. In spite of these Increased con trols, Agriculture Department ex perts Warned that food prices will continue to rise. They figured housewives next year will pay sl.lO for what they bought for a do'’qr in 1960. Economic stabilization official felt t&Sy could do litt’.e-beyontf possible Voluntary agreements—un less Congress grants them more authority to control iood orices. President Truman refused at his press conference yesterday to dis cuss what could be done. :3ut he said government experts are work ing hard to find a solution. Most foods now are selling at prices which give farmers less than parity—the formula designed to give farmers’ dollar the same pur chasing power it had in 19M-14. The government is forbidden to freeze prices below the parity level. BIRTH AND DEATH Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Barefoot of Erwin announce the' birth and death of an infant son in Good Hope Hospital, Erwin, early Friday morning. Burial was In the Beth sada Church cemetery near Benson Friday afternoon. The child is survived by his par ents; one sister, Peggy Louise Bare foot; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Barefoot of Dunn Rt. 2 and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Martin of Erwin. GORDON GRAY, shown here, president of the Greater University of North Carolina and former Secretary of the Army, will be the principal speaker at the annual banquet of the Dunn Chamber of Com merce on Thursday night, January 25th. Dunn civic clubs will join the chamber for this meeting and an attendance of more than 500 is expected. Godwin Is Renamed Market President E. E. Godwin, potato grower of near Benson, was renamed presi dent of the corporation. Other of ficers were named as follows; Joseph L. King, Fasion, first vice-president; Ralph Sechler, Newton, second vice president; G. H.Altman, Dunn, third iWsq-president; H. D. Andrews, Mt. Olive, secretary; Buck Curry, Dunn, treasurer. SUCCESSFUL YEAR The auditor’s report showed a highly successful first year of oper ation. The market here was ranked second in the state by the U. S. and North Carolina Departments o 5 Agriculture. < The Federal-State Inspection Service reported that 98,752 bushels of sweet potatoes were inspected here, placing the market among the leading ones df the state and point ing up the fast development of the local mart during its first year. Tabor City ranked first in the state, with other leading mslrkets as folows: Dunn, second; Bethel, third; and Benson, fourth. Gilbert Funeral To Be Sunday Mrs. Emma H. Gilbert, 77, wife of the late Albert R. Gilbert, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Brockman, in Salisbury Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. She had been in declining health for the past four years and seriously ill for four weeks. Funeral services will be held Sun day afternoon at 2 o’clock from Hannah’s Creek Primitive Baptist Church near Benson. She was a member of the church. Officiating will be Elder T. Floyd Adams of Willow Springs and Elder King of Greensboro. Interment will be in the Benson city cemetery. The body will remain at Rose Funeral Home in Benson until one hour prior to the service, at which time it will be taken to the church. Surviving are two sons, Chief Petty Officer William H. Gilbert of Key West, Fla., and First Engi neer Ovid B. Gilbert of the Ifarttime (Continued On Page Four) Dunn Firemen Hold Election The Dunn Fire Department’s top five men will automaticalhr succeed themselves to office Jan. ). Howard M. Lee, secretary-treas urer, said Friday that the officers, all reelected during the' Nov. 14 meeting of the Tire Department will start a new yt*r eC Service Monday. *• The officials are Mayor Ralph E. Hanna, fire chief; Charles Henry Wv instau&cion services iot tne a... ■ i i. . ii r. .. BE A CHARTER RECORD SUBSCRIBER Dunn Stores L Open Monday Dunn will become a quiet- tton j again Monday when city offices, the post office and banks ” dloss down for the New Year’s Holiday. Stores, however, will remain open. Earlier in the month the Retail Merchants’ Committee of the Cham ber of Commerce voted to take off a single day for both the Christmas and New Year’s holiday. That vacation was observed right after Christmas. Likewise, The Daily Record will continue to turn out its daily offer ing, rather than closing as it did Christmas Day. The City Council will meet a day later for its first get together of 1951. The councilmen voted in early December to hold their bi- | monthly meeting Jan. 2, instead of on the Jan. 1 holiday. A reminder lor celebrants who are tempted to toast the New Year too often: the Police Department will also remain open for business Jan. 1. College May Change Terms Final exams will face Campbell College’s students when they return Jan. 2 from the Christmas holiday. President Leslie H. Campbell said Friday that final exams for the fall semester will be held during the week of Jan. 22-27. The junior college’s 420 students will have somq three weeks in which to bone up before exams begin. President Campbell also said Fri day that the school is tentatively (Continued On Page Seven) Gregory Sells Dairy Firm To Ballentme V -V V- The labor shortage has |bt-the milk businest in Harnett County. You can take the word of Carton Gregory, it’s almost impossible to hire men to get up at 3 a. m. and ■milk cows. _ • For that Mason, the prominent Harnett dairyman, farmer, business-] man and State representative an- ( nounced today that he haa-MM dairy—known as Carson’s Dairy. i Mr. Gregory announced rale'.Of ] of Agriculture, and owner of Ballen-T Une'sDairy_ ] NO OTHER CHANGES 1 NO., 18 Four-Prong Offensive is Awaited CHINESE ARE REPORTED MASSING FOR FURTHER ASSAULT IN KOREA TOKYO, Dec. 29 (UP)— The U. S. Bth Army pulled back the eastern flank of its defense line above Seoul at least 7 1-2 miles today ur\der steadily-mounting Commun ist attacks. Chinese and North Korean Reds also skirmished sporadically with Bth Army patrols along most of the rest of the 100-mile United Nations defense line across the Korean pen insula. It appeared the all-out commun ist asault against Seoul would not be long delayed. A front dispatch predicted a four-pronged offensive by upwards of 250,000 Chinese and North Koreans within 10 days. Field dispatches and communiques from Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s headquarters told of increasing pressure against South Korean forces holding the eastern flank of the Bth Army line. The Reds seemed to be building up for an attempt 1 6 outflank Seoul and cut the Bth Army in two. OTHER RETREATS MADE Two South Korean withdrawals on the eastern flank—one of at least 7-'i miles and the other of nearly two miles —were reported by an Bth army spokesman. One and possibly two more retreats were dis closed in headquarters communique. The biggest withdrawal of 14,000 yards was made by South Korean units under "heavy enemy pressure” from enemy forces believed north Korean in unknown strength, the Bth Army spokesman said. Another Bth Army group nearby • fell back 6,000 yards in a skirmish * with 2,600 enemy troops, also be lieved North Korean, he said. THs , spokesman placed both ac tion! 10 miles south 'rfaSTllßi' ’ parallel and 25 to 35 miles inland east- coast—presumably in the area south of Yongpo, 75 miles northeast of Seoul, and below Oron, 63 miles northeast of Seoul, MacArthur’s headquarters comm unique said pressure from two enemy regiments—about 2,500 troops —forced Bth Army forces to yield ground northwest of Oron. Other Bth Army units fell back under attack by a Communist regiment southeast of Yongpo, the communi que said. United Press War Correspondent William Burson said ip a dispatch from the front that upwards of 250,000 Chinese and North Koreans arrayed northwest, north and north -1 eas’t of Seoul are expected to launch a four-pronged offensive within the next 10 days. Police Still. Seek Slayer Police were still searching for Buster Byrd Friday, as a coroner’s jury decided that Julia Adams died as a result of gunshot wourv&'he Inflicted Tuesday evening. If hp id 1 caught, Byrd will be held without bond for action of the grand jury. Witnesses in the case, all residents of the area with the exception of K. M. Pail, of the Dunn Police Depart ment, told essentially the same story: that Butter Byrd argued with the victim of the shooting on two occasions during the afternoon* and ,• evening, and that he shot her Id she attempted to leave the house. According to the testimony Os, Janie Blue, occupant of the house (Continued On Page Four) - •-*«• vv . a -*-■ >' Ballentine-wUJ continue to lmpnJve the dairy and its service®. “It has been my pleasure to aenre ■ • to thank you for your patronage IMS Mr. Gregory owns more than W i Erwin, and CoaU. MTBaileS ■ Ue *7* w -W. Oregory end bis brother operate Red Bin! Taxi, bo 4 an swine stook. - ■’7 .. - - _A> . . 51& .3£-y Ll*‘SH