THURSDAY. MARCH 15, 1951 STAGE ANNUAL PLAT The Senior Cla& of the Meadow School will present their annual play, “Aaron 811 ck From Punkin Crick," March 16 at 8 o’clock In the school auditorium. The public is cordially invited to attend. Ad-' mission will be 26 and 50 cents. The number of Grade A dairies In Lincoln County has increased from nine In 1944 to 80 in 1951. ! I SEE II VlDhqsi Before You Buy < ■ SEE ! [ | FOWLER ii J; Dunn Lillington < • Erwin II When You Buy ; \ DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITS ■ nl COMPLETE CAMERA EQUIPMENT IWftk- EVERYTHING FOR THE CAMERA * ■> Lewis Studio & Camera Shop m*-M S. Railroad Ave* Dunn, N. C. j=====jgg[ m> .... js^A C*e» «4w*wn l«dMn u, iej- Tampax, 10's 39 Brack Shampoo, 4 oz 60 - • i I. | i i,o ■«. Early American | ° or ?! hy s P ice Perkins “The Fragrance of Roses-and-Spice” Hand Cream Bu y regular For Soft Smooth Lovely I a/\ Toilet Water I Hands * Receive Ts LARGE 1.00 Old Spice Perfume miniature free! Anahist 98 Conti Castile Shampoo, 5 oz. ~. .49 “Cold Bug” Got You? nnllih Get Comforting MM MMMMMJP S i Mentholatum 55*3 (bad breath, too) ‘jyr. 39c $i.25 ELIZABETH ARDEN SPIN-CREAM PERMANENT WAVE -r- COMPLETE KIT $3.50 . PIN CURL $2.00 REFILL SI.OO Ntw "WsHpsskir"— Rev- Built-In AnUnnnt—FM- M^S olutionary! Permits bis AM reception without an 8-lnch Speaker! outside aerial! ■ tz.nlth- Arts,Irony FM — Now Tone Control— Richer ■ **” V*t GENUlNEstatic-freeFM bass! Sharper treble (Truer A on Mi FM bands! tone! A power-packed challenge to “big console” tone and performance! Has largest speaker tier used in a set this site. Zenith-Armstrong FM on both bands plus long distance AM radio for compltlt listening. Plays on AC orDCJtt’i a beauty in rich. Swirl Walnut plastic with Young People Have Prayer Service ■ The Young People of the First Baptist Church were in charge of the Prayer Service held last night in the church. The Primary department with their leader, Mrs. Herman Greene opened the service with the call to worship. The Young Peoples’ ! Auxiliary was in charge of the de votional followed by the singing of “Stand Up For Jesus.’’ Effie Lou McLean read the scripture. The highlight of the program was a play given by the R. A.’s under the direction of their leader, Richard Bene’t. Sentence prayers were said by the GA.’s after which the group sang, “Bring the Light.” During this the Annie Armstrong offering was carried to the rostrum. At the conclusion of the program Miss Evelyn Straughon announced that open house will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 o’clock Friday for anyone wishing to see the new nursery suite. MRS. PAUL G. WHITE, left, has been elected president of the Jnnior Woman’s Chib of Dunn for the coming year, succeeding , MRS. DWIGHT ROWLAND, right, the retiring president. Mrs. White has been a leader in the club for a number of years and has held various other offices in the organization, and this year is serving as first vice president. Mrs. Rowland is retiring after a very successful term of office. The new officers will take office next fall. (Bflily Record Photos.) In And Out Os Dunn Sgt. Leslie Giles has returned to Maxwell Air Base in Montgomery, Ala., after spending a few days here with his wife. While here, he and Mrs. Giles and Mr. and Mrs. Wall ■ ace Beasley visited friends in Jack sonville and Camp LeJeune. Mrs. E. B. Beasley is confined to her home on the Fayetteville high way with flu. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gwinn and son Terry 111 and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staton and son Jim 111 all of Wake Forest visited friends in Dunn this week end. Mrs. J. T. Moody is at home af ter being in the hospital with in fluenza. Mrs. Fannie Lee Altman attend ed the funeral of her sister-in-law Mrs. Ina McCullen Wednesday af ternoon as King’s Methodist Church near Dobberville. Mrs. Ruby Hamilton is a pa tient in the Dunn Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Faison Lee, and Mrs. Katy Lee, Mr. Lee’s mother, visited Emily Frances Altman at McCain Sanitorium Sunday. Mrs. T. A. Brinkley has return ed to her home after being a pa tient in the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Fannie Lee Altman and Miss Margaret Swartz, assistant dean of Meredith College, visited Miss Emily Frances Altman in McCain Sanitorium over the week end. Mrs. Altman also visited Mrs. J. F. Jordan in Raeford. Mrs. J. R. Johnson has been HAWLEY-HARDISON VOWS SPOKEN On Friday evening, at seven o’clock In the Glad Tidings Church of E)unn, Miss'Eva Mae Hawley of Dunn, and Mr. Wallace Hardison of Newton Grove were united in marriage. The bride is the daught er of Mr. and Mrs. George Hawley of Dunn, and the bridegroom is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Hard ison of Newton Grove. Rev. A. A. Amerine, pastor of the Glad Tid ings Church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. A. A. Amerine, pianist, and Mrs. Andrew Stirling, soloist, pre sented a program of nuptial music. The church was beautifully de corated for the candlelight cere money with evergreen and ivy and baskets of white gladioli and fern. The bride was escorted by her uncle, Mr. David Capps, of Selma, who gave her in marriage. Sister of the bride, Miss Daphine Hawley, was maid of honor, and the broth er of the bridegroom, Mr. Sherril Ray Hardison, was best man. Mr. Hunter Tart and Mr. Ervin Ragan were the ushers. Immediately following the cer emony, Mr. and Mrs. Hardison re ceived the congratulations of many relatives and friends attending the ceremony, after which they left for their wedding trip. ' Mrs. Ethel Turlington spent Sunday with relatives in Apex. THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. confined to her home with an at tack of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutaff of Chapel Hill arrived yesterday for the spring holidays. Charles, Stacy, and Donald Bil ly Johnson were business visitors at E.C.T.C. in Greenville Tuesday. Pvt. John Charles Parker of the U. S. Army Signal Corps station ed at Fort Monmouth, N. J. was here over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Parker. PAGE—WILLIAMS Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams of Coats have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Faye, to Devon Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vellie Page of Dunn. The wed ding will take place in May. MR. WEAVER HERE J B. Weaver of Lancaster, Pa., is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. N. McLamb. In about two weeks, Mr. Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lamb will leave for a vacation trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Surles, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coats, Mrs. Char lie Upchurch and Carl Lamm left yesterday for a trip to New York. Little Judy Herring had a tonsil edtomy Monday a t Highsmith’s hospital in Fayetteville. , Mr. Milford Dunbar is reported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Williams of Autryville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turnage Tuesday. ‘Friendly HD Club Holds Meeting The Friendly Home Demonstra tion Club held their March meet ing Monday night at 7:30 o’clock with Mrs. L. C. Upchurch and Mrs. Norcott R. Upchurch as co-hostes ses. Mrs. Roy Grimes, president, call ed the club to order and led in the club collect after which the group sang. “O’ What a Beautiful Morn ing.” Mrs. Haywood Edwards, sec retary, called the roll to, which 23 members responded. The club had as guest, Mrs. Upchurch’s sister Mrs. Edwin Penny. The treasurer gave her report and the club voted to contribute to the Red Cross. Mrs. Cecil Wilkins gave a report on clothing, the facts about accessories to help the individual. The poul try leader, Mrs. L. C. Upcnurch„ gave helpful suggestions on raising spring chickens. The president turned the meet ing over to Miss Vail, the home demonstration agent, who talked on “Accessories and You”. Miss Vail demonstrated the basic suit with ways to dress it up or down. The club women were amazed at the different costumes this suit made. • The hostess served plates of chifiken salad, pickles, stuffed celery, crackers, coffee find cookies. The meeting adjourned to meet in April with Miss Euna Jones. <0 * j t Mrs. Tart Is Bridge Hostess Mrs. Ed Tart was hostess to members and guests of the Tally- Ho Bridge club last night at her home on S. Washington Ave. Attractive arrangements of jon- j I quits and hyacinths were used to •decorate the living room where the 'tables were set for play. Between progressions the hostess served assorted sandwiches, pickles, potato chips and cokes. Mrs. Bill Bryan was winner of high score for the club and receiv ed salt and pepper shakers, sec ond high prize, colorful scuffs, went to Mrs. Sherrill Johnson. Mrs. Na than Cannady received the consol ation prize, a novelty pot with col ored measuring spoons. Mrs. Bart Johnson was winner of guest high, fuel<Q oil PJJ) CLEAN HEAT-COMFORT FOR EVERY TYPE BURNER DIAL 2020 A. F. POPE DISTRIBUTOR 700 S. R. R. Ave. Dunn ! CROSLEY.. cu&KtcaxM** * * DOES EVERYTHING^ / This magnificent Crosley Electric Rangß' ‘ Olr cooks any way you like! Crosley’s five-way V i - Push-button Timing Selector lets you . zl§\ IB I „ s choose any of five ways to cook automata- ■ I \ cally: in the large oven... in the second- —• \ fj|Vb „ oven... in the. deep-we 11... on the deep; / J ' we U <Ait taiafd to the surface ... or with >■ * JUk I ' You’ll find dozens of outstanding Crosley . -< '< features in this cooking miracle for ’5L Ha)t * . They’ll give you a great new concept o£» . Z ) | cooking— fast, dean, cool coolring that helps speed better meals to your table. \ I - \ fMW < outomoticoUv- ; ™ Two ovon *' eoeh \ g broiler. “Divided” .op, \ c££bi.o.«ee* - < m with roomy work space «<> r y f° r oihW^ 1 m between cooking units. Crodoy Rosass. IT ROASTS.o.BAKES..,BROILS I EASY V 1 : | * FRIES...BOILS*..BARBECUES \ i | BY CLOCK CONTROL ggL • • Now “Hastyheot” Surface Unit heats faster than \ model A4-1 • any cooking suel —for the fastest cooking ever! t AparassnKsiis rangewMiMl “* . / 'Ct .ft), ri. 1 king-died ovss. four *•»«!*■ Q • “Colartrol switches give fast, accurate aelec- I j, hnt surfocs units. • tion of cooking unit and exact heat speed R "1 desired. Seven heat speeds on all surface units, —-- xIiMOML CO-l K| . # Instead of the usual five. == f=^»d"oi 1' 7 # • “Mastermind” Clock Timor turns heat on, times If 8 ”?; Cro.tey ■ ; «*g| £ cooking intervals, shuts heat off automatically. d'Dividod" top.*’ Mjjk £ • "TatHotimer" (combined with clock timer) keep® _ | J U —_____ ( 7 tabs on cooking time, buzzes a warning when ShPJ I w tune’s up. ■ B • Exclusive Self-sealing, Self-adjusting Oven J 9 Door plus “heatkeeper” insulation retains more MODSL DOl-1 . I 2 heat inside—brings you cooler, more economical Ab»d fl ot-pricod —1 ■*! i J cooking—proven Y>y actual test. i j ouMmgg fuatur... I J • “VlsWor" Oven Window with “peek-in” light f Q»»o*» DMdbd-t^ Rr> I** B y°° Bß6 w things are coining along. j J 10 SENSATIONAL sdd-i CROSLEY RANGES FOR 19511 Htrlc cooking I . j, 'j luxury on 1 A “Divided” or “duster” top models give choice of **^,'-4 \. » | ueonomical price. ? surface unit arrangement. Single- or double-oven / "Divided" top. 9 models. Oven thermostat with automatic oven pre- t ssmStgi " A heat. Steel uniframe construction. Porcelain-enamel w JM X finish, inside and out. Cutout base for flush-to-the -9 wall fit. There’s a stunning Crosley glee trie Range MHMhRKa fn9 A that suits your cooking needs and fits your budget, X too! Come in and see theml . Rfe- 1 , . ! %, v 4 ■ ■ ...» ■ .... - ■ mm a b mi pB map pppM wm ■ pap popp| wmaHm & ’tk . m, && ammf dill Wk/sEp Hbs U IbFlß wkm |% ■” 1118 B "' * . • . who received a unique lapel pin. Mrs. Bart Johnson and Mrs. Mac Hamilton were guests for the even ing. Members playing in addition to BOUPON SALE MAR. 16, 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M.aBMMMBBB [ours Friday Only K entitles the bearer to one Genuine indestructible VACUUM FILLER SACK- I ’EN, Curvex Tip. One special size to be used by ladles, men, boys and girls. ■ SEE ALL THE INK. THIS IS NOT A BALLPOINT PEN! Some Fountain H Teasing in price and getting scarcer. BUY NOW! Factory list price of $2.95 H 25. Sale here by popular request. 55 “ Zip, only one pull and it’s full. 25,000 words with one filling. Visible ink supply.- ■ , jjj LIFETIME GUARANTEE WITH EACH PEN BY MANUFACTURER ~ © £ This pen holds 20% more ink than any ordinary fountain pen on the market You can t writ# Jjj 2 three months on one filling. No lever filler! No pressure bar! No rubber Sack! ~, q NOTICE— Huiry While They Last Get Yours Now! ' 2 H NOT MORE THAN 4 PENS TO EACH COUPON For Home, School and Office Use.. I| I. Positively No Pens Sold at This Price After Sale •» —, .-I K Please Have Correct Change to Avoid Rush hb >.«*_■F You Must Have This Coupon To Get Pen For 77c. r> 9 f DON’T FORGET FRIDAY ONLY M M U . ■ FITCHEn DRUG STORE, INC. " " V I 9 PHONE 3070 DUNN, N. C. 5 BEAUTIFUL COLORS ' ' ■ is your couponMBBMMBMBIMBBB the guests were Mrs. Bill Bryan, Mrs. Sherrill Johnson, Mrs. Na than Cannady, Mrs. Locke Muse, Mrs. Bill Cunningham and Mrs. Tart. PAGE 3 The University of KariSS school of medicine now requires eleven weeks of training in rural medi cine as a prerequisite for gradua tion.

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