THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 Record Classifieds CLASSIFIED M-Word Mtotamm Me atoms M TMoHbo Typo 3e Wort yiMES ONLY SI JOO This Size Type .. 3c Word 3 TIMES ONLY $1.35 ALL KEYED ADS are strictly confidential and no information will be given. Please do not ask jxl POE SALE FOR SALE: rive room house in western pert of Dunn. T. E. Sum merlin. Phone 2311. 5-11-4 t-p BABY CHICKS FOR SAL* Strong end hardy chicks. Me* Hampshire*, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, White Leghorn. White Rocks, and Puff Orphing ton Ketch days every Monday anL? Thursday. Complete line of poultry equipment? We sex chicks. DOWN HATCHERY, Leon Godwin, proprietor. Phone 27#, Dunn,H.C 3-15-tfnc FOR SAL*: WATER POMPS We have a stock of DSleo Water Pumps, Uniform Water Pumps. * SALES AND » SERVICE p« • - ' ''' ’ * "" Strickland Motor Co. 102 E. Edgerton St, gione 3295 Dunn, W. C, INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER*^ REFRIGERATORS cotoa-rm® these TO YOU* KITCHSN /MM §fSKgBfSSSfBSh f j 4pKe4' for your refrigerate*! '1 fcSSSffISSS#. 1 | fl * M-WiMfrwnr to your kitchen! f A M I#—■# ! 1 I for safe Morage-ca- Colo** am easily faM**- I fUfl J|7f I ■ I parity 50 lb*.! changeable, to Mend or URjffigfl < ]| [ ■>—»»; V | Meives'star new, amh krt ywipyciHMyff K7 / il -t j your borne. Comtia todmjl Wj , ~ I fnHifißßßifrlipßrt VOMvLwt* UfN 000 I nTHITHITi DOAA* STAffnNO AT \ =^gffc||S- %S J| I I $ !19” [in. 'EBPN| . _ "H . ~RFJM Hi SB BBr ■ Br* «B BB aB ,IK B^^ DUNN • E® ERWIN * LILLINGTON f PfftoVy WsLtf pmQM. 0 you Tifori < rtt j. IWMIIII iirtV*. in c/aaar- 4 tooStf U* ns l to fßt OR® at remJ !£s2mr auppff'cSiPAMT: nun hi i Highway. Phone 2640. Dunn. , FOR RALRr One aohd mahogany ] (onr-paster do aide bed. Excellent condition One maple double bed. Good condition. Phone 39# or #M. Dunn. , 5-16-3 t-c FOR SALE: Exceptionally dean fade 19# Plymouth four-door spe cial deluxe, fully equipped. Low mileage. Edwin Stewart, MS North EHto Are., Dunn J*. C. Phone 2173 or 3299 5-17-3 t-c eVTUTTHIKC TO BUILD WITH; We Guarantee: to furnkh everything needed to build your home—except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry Godwin Building Supply Co. In Dunn Phone 2KB or 2875. • M-W-F-tfne SERVICES OFFERED ~ QUALITY PRWTINO at soano ffilral prices at TWYPOKD PRINT WO COMPANY m Dunn. Let os bid on your next order. TeJepboiw -3271. We Win call for and deliver your worn 1-1 39 t pd. FOR ANY MUSICAL SERVICE— sheet music, tuning, piano or or ’ Can rental call Colonial Music Store, Fayetteville, 5377 collect. Dealers er Hammond organ, Stein way, Lester Cable S-14-14t-c J>" " l *" " " Dunn Blue Printers White Prints - Flat* Copies "Perfect Print* Promptly” Over Idisws Cotton Ce. Box (3 Dunn, N. C. Phone 2342 FOR RENT FOR RENT? 2 rooms for rent be tween E. Erwin and Black River. Running water and electricity. See Edrl D. Holland, taxi line, Erwin. 5-l*-3t-p PCJR RENT: Country houses for rent, three miles south of Dunn. ed. Price of rent OM9 to $l9O a 1 room per week. See Louis Baer. (Dunn, N. C. 5-15-3 t-c ; FOR RENT: 2-room apartment unfurnished. Contact Mrs. Tom Bryant at 251*. . 5-l«-3t-c £ V • m Iniwr- y , HELi wAwTHi mw p* giirrSn- mS or woman, white or colored, as night attend ant for cottages. Must be alert, so ber, and able to stay awake at night. Room and board furnished. Good salary. Call 39211. 5-8-ts-c LOST AND FOUND LOST: A DIAMOND DINNER KINO; Lost Friday in or around Wade's Flower Shop, twelve stones. Reward. Return to Wade’s Flower I Shop. 5-17-3 t-c The Record By Catherine Simonegh CATHERINE SIMONETTE Carolina rawer sad light Ca. Home Service Representative Everyone agrees that shad is king of fish for a sumptuous dish! Some times the tboyght o? ail those bones (some five hundred per fish) makes us shy away from serving Shad. For short-cooking, perhaps you may coax your butcher iato boning a shad for you. But if you are ap preciative of fine flavor and will ing to plan a little ahead in order to enjoy a true feast of fish, here is a recipe given us by Mrs. E. It Godwin of Balemburg. The bones actually dissolve, lending a new flavor to the old favorite, und adding greater values in minerals as well. Sirs. Goodwin buys a whole Shad approximately five pounds in weight. She draws and dresses it, removing entrails, head, tail and fins. The roe she reserves for later broiling to served with the baked fish. She stuffs the cavity of the roe with celery dressing*, and wraps the whole shad in aluminum foil. It is not necessary to oil the fish, as shad is an oily fish and the foil will not allow it to stick in baking. The wrapped shad is placed directly on the oven .rack, half way between the broil and bake units, and the oven is switch ed to 350*. Then Mrs. Goodwin goes about her other household tasks and simply “forgets” the fish for five hours, or one hour to the pound. At serving time, Mrs. Good win unfolds the foil, and carefully turns the baked shad into a pre heated platter. She serves it with delicious egg sauce. Believe it or not, there isn’t evidence of a single bone! Every bone Is dissolved into the meat of the shad and it’s truly -a gourmet's dish! (Serves six)’. CELERY STUFFING 4 cup* (1 qt.) coarse br *ad ' 11-3 cup fat any type) -1 *4 cup finely minced onion : .m cups chopped celery 2 tsps. salt , >,£ tsp. pepper ,1 T. lemon Juice _ ■ fCY chopped ptaslef . | Melt the fat in a medium heavy ; skillet; add the onions and cook ; i until yellow, stirring occasionally. ' iTura into a large mixing bowl and t stir in lightly the bread crumbs, i celery, salt, pepper, lemon Juice and : parsley. Toss lightly with a fork. adding just enough hot water,to 4 moisten f the dry CTHmhs. Cool £t-i tore stuffing the fish. EGG SAUCE 3 T. butter 3 T. flour *i tp. salt % tsp pepper 2 diced hard-cooked eggs ; *4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Vt tsp . paprika Melt the butter in a saucepan over low beat. Blend in the flour, l simmering and stirring until the I mixture is smooth. Stir in the milk, ~ switch to medium heat and bring r'to a gentle boll. Cool until tluck s ened, stirring constantly. Remove fߣ DAILY RECORD, Dttffe, fl. C, ■ ■ 1 —Ll"- 1 . !■ A IITUA 'J9 Ujurw » i ? *-' wmw t T" from heat and add WoroMtefshtre i sauce. Fold in diced hard-cooked eggs and pour over baked fish. Dash paprika over tep of the sauce. Note: the sauce may b> served in a sauce boat on the side, and passed at the table. OLIVIA NEWS BY MRS. D. E. GRAHAM RETURNS TO WASHINGTON, P. C. Mrs. H. W. Spies has returned to Washington, D. C., following an ex tended Visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Olive. Mrs. Spies was here for several weeks due to the illness of her mother. WEEK END IN MORGANTON Misses Jean Cameron and Rayn hiide McDonald spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cam eron and other friends in Morgan ton. FROM ASHEVILLE Mrs.'C. B. Johnson and children of Asheville visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holder and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Seawell during the past week. They also visited Mrs. Johnson’s mother, Mrs. Lula Seawell Sedum, who is a pa tient in Lee County hospital in Sanford. SUNDA YGUESTS Ms. and Mrs. Grafton Pierce and son, Herbie of Sanford, Mrs. Harold York of Sanford and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howard and child ren, Etta Brown and Larry of Jones boro Heights, route 6 and Miss Bonny Cameron of Jonesboro Heights, were Sunday guest* oif Mr. and Mrs. F. .L. Cross «pd, t son Campbell. VISITING AUNT Little Miss Mary Frances Sea well has been visiting her sunt, Miss Bertha Seawell in -Lemon Springs. !■ FROJI BROADWAY < l visited relatives Here re cently. AT FORT HOOD, TEXAS A. J. Coleman Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Coleman, who was re cently inducted into the United States Army is now stationed at’ Fort Hood, Texas, HARRINGTONS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Harrington and son of route 2. Sanford, visit ed Din. Josephine Smith and Mrs. Michael Brazo Sunday. RECENT GUEBT Mrs. J.-Ts Smith t>f route 2, Cam eron, was the recent guest of Mrs. Fred Fowler and sons. Other guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fowler were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Spivey and daugh ters of Route 2, Cameron. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Captain and Mrs. Fred Wieder hold of Fayetteville, route 3; an nounce the birth- of a son at the Fort Bragg • Hospital April- 28. The Wiederholds are former residents of Olivia. VISITS CAMERONS Mrs. Josephine Lmith visited Mrs. Ada Cameron and her sister, Mrs. Mattie Cameron. WEEK END IN FAYETTEVILLE : .Mr. .and Mrs, Cun-in spent the week end-in-Fayetteville with relatives. , ... -v,- - „ FROM RALEIGH t .* Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Smith of Ral eigh, visited Mrs. Smith's mother, and sister, Mrs. Josephine Smith and Mrs. Michel Brazo recently., WICKERS HERE Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Wicker and children of Jonesboro Heights, Rt. 0, were guest* of Mrs. Nettle Cam eron Little mrs. McDonald ill < Mrs. Annie McDonald is 111 at her home here with a kidney ail ment. We wish for her. 4 speedy recovery. : 'V _ —■ ' J.^’SSfh^influenza i; 4 •'* , Tviy: FLANS i will fae byca laureate to j a tedie. Howjprd Tuck-j: •r wULact as master es ceremonies. Joyce Olive Is valedictorian. Lucille ' Graham, salutatorian, Polly 'Jean Womack, ’historian ta& Serna Jean ‘ Thomai ui# testator. *■' Class officers are. president, How ard TUcker; vice-president, Eugene Kelly; secretary, Joyce Olive; and treasurer, Billy Smith. Class mas cots are Carol Cameron and Dan- Oyaduatlon exercises will be held Friday evening, May 18. Dr. Mar shall Scott Woodson, president of Flora - MacDonald College, Red Springs, will deliver the address. The valedictory address will be giv en by Joyce C’ive and the saluta tory by Lucille Graham. Senior class inembers are Polly Jean Womack, Alvin Godfrey, Leon Johnson, Eugene Kelly,' Charles Take your shopping list in one hand and your total cash register MIIIILUm receipt ih the other . . . and compare. Your total food bill is CON SISTENTLY less at Colonial 8 tores. That’s because Colonial tags a Ms j ft T low price on every item, every brand throughout the entire store . . . plus several deep-cut "WEEK-LONG specials”—effecivs Thursday * ”” thru the following Wednesday. Colonial’s Store-wide Low Price policy saves you money where savings really count... on yemr TOTAL feed - J th * week! i • w PRESERVES ~ 23^ BAND - s 99*1 S FRUIT- Jasssa. 2 - 39*1 Scream corn = 2 - 29*i| BALLABifa'S LONG SPAGHETTI OB ELBOW IIC ® ***** GBESMAMP tMI \ J MACARONI 5T 10 c LIMA BEAMS v St 15* irpuTFiSH ?-• 29' iBnr.HJISE“tS’ BUCKEYES 16' JUWE PEAS U*l HOMMY 't°‘ 9*lf JIM DANDY Sf 40' wHDDHUt. % OBANULATttFCM FIRM GREEN 9% || CANE SUGAR C 48 c “ 3 lbs. 10c SOFT ABSOBBBNT SCOTT TOILET . ' MWiSMBM&HBBM . L* TISSUE RoM 12 C IS. NO. 1 NEW CROP RED BLISS POTATOES 5 k. 2H| Armour’s Star Cooked Ready-To-Eat juicy medium size fupxda Dim! VrC GRAPEFRUIT 4 FOR 25c^ Mm M ViN B W 9 RED RIPF VIRGINIA WINESAT 6-s us. avg. wt. lb APPLES 2 lbs, 19c • ‘ NEW CROP FRESH FROZEN DIXIANA BRAND ECONOMICAL SALT MEAT 1— Cl»~ilnl»nWW«rt f jjL JjK 11 STREAK-O-LEAN 27c 29c Pork Chop. -69 c I 2L_ L TENDER MFATY PORK Ocean-Frcsh Seafoods MeM ||c 3 ‘ ROAST MM? **\wtr -*4 45c 53c :: • 39c \xssZ" Zsu\z£m7Z?2-vA c o.'L.ll„lSSl—». • M lf BITZ i-Lb. pi, 34c ° c r IzEZESr _ 41c Hol 0r Iced Tea \ m lnwn ■ 9fc*W wnK 9- | Pag. #MHI Measamer, John Rsgfamd, Bißy Rosser, Lewis Rosser Milton Ros ser, Billy Smith, Delbert Strick land, Earl Thomas, Doris Jean Thomas, Joyce Oliie, Verna Jean Lamm, Narvfe Johnson, Nancy Hickman, Leap Hair, Almerla M. Harrington, Lucille Graham, Rena Oflmore, Doris Ann Currie. Betty Jo Cox, Mona Brown, Doris Mae Allen and Howard Tucker. MRS. SMITH CIRCLE HOSTESS Mrs. Josephine Smith was hos tess to the Day Circle of Oh via Presbyterian Church at her home here Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’- clock. The Smith home was beautifully decorated with iris and other col orful spring flowers. Mrs. Florence Graham gave the Survey Article and the Bible study Ra*sa##*aaa (mtntnetw* PiOTTOR/ vItIIM P? —La. F. a F mm ■■■u rigm for vrown Tomorrow Niglrt Kid GavQan of Havsna gad Johnny Bratton of Heir Jersey lead by Mrs, L. E Phelps. The hostess served fruit jeOo, cake, and coffee to the lotto*mg: Mrs. Nettie Cameron, Mrs. Mm Fields. Mrs. Q E. Sexton, Mrs. L E. Phelps, Mrs. Florence Graham, Mrs G C. Childress. Mrs. Mamie Graham, Mrs. L. W. Gates, Mrs, Effie Cameron. Mrs. H C. Camer on. and Mrs Jean Porter Phelps, a T PAGE SEVEN Mb IT kfSr' Jt ta^M m, about K Tank Fean. I hasg ssZh'tsrt zz~M Bet no rttasSt ITI 153? Then witters sdt Osdfan yfat ton. The KM snML ”X theenk al* Then he aafat *Bws tool rift^ Back, bZSZIk atime hMfc.' - rondneted to every stole.