PAGE SIX i\ nL » n j Dunn&harmacyMmmtid Os Ifs Efficient Staff ' '"! ;• iHL | Atong witii Quality drug at lowest prices, Dunn Ptutfttt£>> Ottis "*3p £ the msmbers of the staff navd served for year* and ewy empty oi'lha*’ been trained to fire Tflfe staff adheres strictly to the pol% tght, The customer is al ways right,* And there’s never W reception-irt Dunn Pharmacy, *re*d Os Staff ’■We are proud of our sales force and give* s ®ur clerks credit for the work they -do.” pointed out 4r. Warren today. "Every mem iSS| tike staff takes a personal In terest;. to the. product sold and in the customer they are serving," he fhoraes -and Miss'AUene Warren, *ho will finish st the Oaroliite THE COMMERCIAL BANK SERVING THIS COMMUNITY SINCE 1919 CONGRATULATES Dunn Pharmacy ii/V. -r •’ Upon its continuous growth and progress. THIS PROGRESSIVE DRUG STORE IS A CREDIT TO THIS GREAT SECTION THE COMMERCIAL BANK SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT MEMBER F.D.I.C. 197 W. BROAD ST. PHONE 3344 DUNN, N. C. Truss ELECTRIC CO. Extents CONGRATULATIONS Din Pharmjgy BASS ELECTRIC COMPANY IS PROUD TO HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE ELECTRICAL . CONTRACT FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL STORE. 0 W k oks II N Next Job. & -1 1 Jgi f ?. free v- HI to DQSS EIcCIIIC VOe DUNN, N. C. 1 iM., ......i,, .. ,« t* lizi-jOi ii Hr. Hudson l&stvtfLr .was selected as the outstanding and most cour ■ teous clerk of the mouth In the courtesy conj Set condudha here by Joe Leslie. Active in ciylc affairs. Mr. Hudson is immediate past com mander- of the Dunn poet of the AmeriesnLegion. : ijy’*' . Serving the public behind Dunn Pharmacy's big long, sparkling fountain are Mrs Doris Strict- Pope and Daley | ' C‘" 4 . 060. Duen Pharmacy has booth* : far seeking 30 customers at a time taff 'She fountain department Is a popular one all year rdund. •i dMtg' 1 Mrs Mayme Warren serves as bookkeeper and has charge of the department at the drug more. Mrs. Warren for years held a position with The Commercial Bank here and is exceptionally well qualified She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs June War ren. In charge of the delivery depart ment is Benny Carroll, a young fel low who believes In speeding the goods to you when you call for them. Members of the staff are equally as proud of the enlarged and re modeled store as the two owners. North Carolina Experiment Sta tion tests show that sweet corn can be produced which Is 90 per cent free of earworms by spraying with DDT. THE DAILY BECXI W, SUNN, KA ijQ tivia ff-1 A! ' News Visited todatives Mias Regnhlkl McDwutiy recently were mended In South Cerrvbn* May 39. We offer our congratulations and beet wishes to Mr. sad Mrs *■** ; Baetag In Ohio * Herbert Thomas of Olivia moved into fourth place standing for the Columbus Georgia Grand National Circuit of the National Aaso&Uon for Stock Car Auto Racing by plac ing fourth at Canfield, Ohio in a Memorial Day race. He has been driving in stock car races in many sections of the coun try for sometime and has woo out to many of the small races and is near the top in the larger ones Visiting In Dunn Mr. abd Mrs D E. Graham vis-. lted Mrs. Graham's mother, Mrs. Minnie Warren of Dunn Saturday night. Mrs. Graham remained for a few days Mrs Graham, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. J P. Thomas, Kathryn* Thomas, H. M. Warren. H. M„ Jr Sandra and Jerry Warren visited relatives in Linden Sunday. A kit enables the homeowner to convert ordinary table-lamps with three light bulbs. The unit has a special Inside coating to diffuse light evenly, reduce glare, and soften shadows. Goble Cannon, ll® St liwis, Ma. toys in this day and it doesn’t *att» how old ■ou on it is how young you feel. :i t ..noon says ne's seen a lot i these young, high powered '.eiiows just bum themselves out while folks that know hpw to live never seemed to get old. Mr. as spry as a 16-year-old. Here is what Mr. Cannon said about Hadacol when he heard how Hadacol was helping people suffering from deficienoiee of vit amins Bx, B* Niacin, and Iron. "My job ns crossing watchman for the Wabash Raifrorel keeps me in one pltce and I donthave a chance to get much exercise. I seem to get gas on my stomach and then I lose my appetite. Many times I have had nervous spells and been unable to sleep at night. Then one day I heard how other folks were i»- ng helped by HAD ACOL. Now the gas (to my stom ach has vanished, my appetite Is tint rata and I get a good night's sleep and those nervous spells? 1 ranis3? tsars mighty fine-just look what it has dime for me.” The roost important thing about HADACOI. is tost you get Vita mins Bv (Recto ead Iron in Uquld form, winch means that thev axe ouicklv absorbed and dispattoed to the blood stream ready to go right to work. HA i>A COL helps build up blood (who tton is needed) to cany these precious Vttuu&s ey>n to—i, on of you, body. HADACOL o to aioozloyly mo* ''gggaaeegeeageeeeesssssssssaeeeeeeeeeeeeeegi^ { BUNN'S CITY WIDE BARGAIN DAYS Z THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY I M last CALL I TO WIN | I A Brand Mew HOTPOINT Refrigerator s | Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Contest Ends June 30 « |. r | ' • HOSPITALITY HOUSE! • I FR&m i YOUR HOTPOINT MAGIC KEY J may be the one to unlock our Hospitality 9 W s aJ House “treasure chest’’ of prizes .. . and £ ) j / give you the opportunity to get completely M v r J . ~ - free, the big, beautiful 1951 Hotpoint De % . , v /rZJ •—C -- J ■ i— v Luxe Refrigerator illustrated. Just ask for ™ ™ i> ... // )_ your Magic Key—nothing to buy! You’ll 9 9 // vv S be glad you did. But hurry! This special to( 9 V ' offer for a limited time only. 5 \b S B // Yes Siree, you have nothing to loose, but X r jy Vx everything to gain .. . Just look at these ™ P Uste f eatUreS! G | | # 24-lb stainless steel Speed Freezer •< S, J : ' | wW”'" " "II / • Two Hi-Humidity Drawers, with glass 9 f g' ,::,T 7l / covers—roller mounted • Large Meat 0 9 i ZM ill / Pan, porcelain enameld # Tail-Bottle A 9 fJJ p H f Zone room for biggest bottles # Auto- j i. l||J matie Door Latch plus New Safely Stop 9 L • Automatic Interior Light # Smooth 0 A 3LhIIRIJ 11 r I I Tp Wrap-over Construction # 5-Year Pro- A J | * lection Plan on famous Hotpoint Thrift- | Ii DOME EARLY-•• You m«, to •. Will Be Given Away 0 9. DUNN *.-.j - . jv COATS G TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1951