AY, JUNE 25, 1551 Hj **o% T^p HKHip }'MBWBB .’' A ' j | W \ » I ■• A - ini J|? “T*. Hi *' ~Aii ,; 11l NS 111 MMM ) - I'li tur ' ■gfiflfc SraBHF ?i IfIPSM• rffifflip f BPI :l hero arc some members of Mr CJ5f 7 ■:■•-■:. ■■ •■/■ Hie stall of Dunn I’harmaci *d3& Sg«g § 3Be|K| Du nil's hi; <■ompk tely-re '•gEr .3BF pßk *»'■• 'JmSSKESkL; J» n JHBsfi moui-li-tl .111:1 enlarged drug fIHH t*jSWs»|Wp ' TO" Kit juniiir SSr ■“' * % ,', Jr * y \ ’“^iBKPSHBK'../<■•;> link: Mrs. Mamie Mar BoWF*. AHB • dfSpg n-n. bookkeeper. Miss \llene < s^P^* 2, Warren, pharmacist; and Mrs. .'.-s K. ~ ■'% p ’ bottom t»3‘ J|"|y ESsiM* row: Mrs. Robert Pope, Mrs. mV , L '-i. S*-;_.£.*' • , Roland tioff, and Miss Los- A * * tene Godwin, members of the « . M T» sales staff. (Dally Record pik | Photos by Lewis Studio) . sLLJ. (Roaming OhMind JAe Jmvn ] By JOHNNIE LEE MARKS , It has been some time since I wrr-ate my last ‘Roaming ‘Round. j limt column mentioned a red bird that lost its life at the hands oL a thoughtless boy with a gun. 1 ]Wbelieve the resentment I ex- I pressed then was as strongly felt 1 by the majority of my it was by me. At any rate I re- | ceived more comments on it than : anything I have ever writtep. ! Since that time, through the es- | forts of Mrs. Ralph Hanna,* Sen ator J. R. Young, and others, i>urm has been established as a ! Bird Sanctuary. Maybe that will eliminate incidents such as the j QV- related to me following the ml bird incident I wrote about. I repeat that •as follows, without the narrator's' name, of course: “I was sitting on the curb in front of my house when two boys, ten or eleven years of age came by carrying rifles, and one of the boys had a paper bag. I spoke to the boys .then asked, curiously ‘What do you have in your bag ?’ j so they came over and opened the 1 me to see the results oft, ttfrir marksmanship. I counted sne • “ . birds, two blue jay's, a robin and a bluebird.” Now, sinces the establishment of the panptuary, and the excel- j lent program given this spring as ; a culmination of a project on “Birds,” which the Dunn Gram- I mar School worked on as a unit surely the children of the town ! Congratulations Dunn Pharmacy UPON YOUR RAPID GROWTH AND PROGRESS WHICH NECESSITATED THE ENLARGEMENT OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL AND MODERN STORE. McLamb Plumbing & Heating Co. is proud to have been selected to install the modern heating and air-condition systems in this store. y : . . y . . • . / LET US GIVE YOU A FREE ESTIMATE $ .‘ ; * s „ ;; - , . ;• ! ;- . M ' McLamb Plumbing & Heating I will he less inclined to be so de ! structive to the song birds that I attempt to bring a little beauty ; and color to our town. Children (can find things to do, if en- I couraged by parents and friends, ! that will be useful and that will | bring them joy and pleasure; in stead of a sadistic delight in tak ! ing the life of small tiwgs which : only ask to be let alone, and in re ! turn pay their "rent” by bright ! ening the lives of those about them. I Perhaps some of you have no | ticed that the birds seem already ;to sense 1 a new security in our : town.- I have noticed several spe -1 cies lliat I never saw -in this sec tion until this year. Several oth er people have remarked that they : have also noticed new kinds In 1 their yards. Let s hope our boys ! w'ith guns will* let them stay. I One thing these birds are go : ing to have to learn to do though ; —to protect themselves—and that !is to fly higher! They are, like j humans, too brazen in newly felt security—thry swoop down lift front of pedestrians! 'Mrs. WHaMia-kjAyEt'- y«*T-«eUer j get Bob to ask for a ‘‘Fly Higher” t sign to put under the Sanctuary ! sign! j In our midst are many sol j diers—last week an editorial ap peai. d in the Record urging that we, as. citizens, show them every | courtesy. Maybe you have been in strange placed, lonesome, and would look questioningly about at the people you passed, hoping that you at least might find a friendly smile among a few of : the passer-bys. If that has hap pened to you, then you know how : much it helped when you saw a: smile. A lot of people are natur ally shy, and too, they are afraid that they will be considered for ward, if they look a person in the face and smile. I feel by that like (I do by helping the begger on the I street. Perhaps—as lots of people think —ho . has more than I do! i j Well, maybe begging is a “rack- j et" with some, but who of us j 1 knows which is the beggar, and j | which is the needy ? At least when ■ ‘l’ve put a few cents in a hat I am not much poorer, iie is not much richer, and, in case he might need the pittance I gave ! to help buy food —he will be a t.little less hungry and feel a 1it ,16 more kindly toward the world, because I helped. And so it goes !—a smile or a friendly word cost nothing, and just might make ! someone a little less homesick and lonesome. ! Just yesterday How'ard Lee and j , I happened in the Post Office at i the same time. A young soldier, .’after dropping a letter in the out | of-town slot turned to Howard and asked: "Do you know where X could get a room. I’d be satis fied with any kind, Just so I could write for my wife to come. We could cook on a hot plate, or make out just any way. I have *BK DAILY RECORD, DtJNN. N. C. two days off this week, and I [could go and get her, if I could ■ get any place at all to live.” * Howard and I both knew that there are any number of rooms in town, but we also knew that a lot of the people, “whoso houses 1 > the rooms are, would hesitate to take people in. Some are elderly \ ladies, who with accounts in, , newspapers every day of kind- j nesses being abused, are afraid to open their house to strangers. It is. regrettable that so many young couples have to be refused courtesy because of incidents in which they would never become involved. Let's hope that the sol- ] , diers here will conduct themselves so that in a fe& weeks some of, ' the more reticent citizens of the town will offer housekeeping fa-' I cilities to couples who may be facing many months of separa tion from the ones they love. Should these boys be sent over seas following Exercise Southern Pines it would hardly be possible to get home again In a year. While there is a chance of keep ing the semblence of a Home— surely we can help in some way. After all aren’t those soldiers i j training to protect these very homes we refuse them admittance I to? j Now let's have one little laugh,' before we sign off. I was in a certain doctor’s office last week. A lady came in and the nurse spoke cordially, then asked the routine question: “How are you, Mrs. ?" "Well,” replied Mrs. . “I ain’t none too good. I’ve had this Science (Sinus) trouble, and the eye doctor has put these ‘double division’ glasses on me.” OLD WEST RE-ENACTED ON UTAH CAMPUS PROVO, Utah. (UP) The spirit of the old west was revived at Brigham Young University when the Arizona Club staked an “old west revival” to raise funds for the new BYU fieldhouse. • Those on the campus caught in anything but western attire were fined on the spot and all men stu dents were required to grow whisk ers for the beard-judging contest. The only modem aspect of the event was Inflation. Money flowed freely as students entering the social hail had money changed to super-inflated western “currency" which enabled co-eds and their escorts to pay *5 a dance and SIOO for ‘‘two fingers of root beer.” GET TOP PRICES AT % w**- Benson AND DUnn HOG MARKETS OPERATED BY NOAH WILLIAMS J. A. JONES q • ■■ -•/ m THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ★ -'I Bargain Days : These items priced for Bargain Days ONLY - We are not offering these items for profit —FOR YOUR SAVINGS ONLY! These prices are ! strictly cash. < i|§Sgfe3 VERY SPECIAL ' For this sale only Roller SkdfeT OAKDALE TWINE ... p ■ Union Hardware 3-plv Balls sin oka. vQsTllig KOQ < Limited Supply mr r 7 * Very good 36-in steel | f o.*t7 Q7 r -, or IU rod - springy and tough 1 . _ y,c P er ID> Cork Handles Anyone that ever hit a &0 * | nail on the head will —— )J,7j nvere pass up this bar- —— n _ ARSENATE OF LEAD 1-2 gal. Fruit " only $14.25 p. roaM . jars per case supply limited at this price 2^ 16 oz. Blue Grass COLD PACK Hammer CANNER » canner. Has double tin-- / J §I! while thev last we \ ned ’ "on-rusting lift- « f ;'f 1 wnue tney last we . out rack. Kettle is triple 1 ilvFCTri\] i/ also Stock 7, 13, 20 i; V coated porcelain over irk j hjrff j oz. Blue Grass heavy steel. Reg. $2.00. Wi Hammers • mine. Our Wee _t Kelly - PIPE only $1.59 7 J XA/DPMrU 5 Gal Glass Wood WATER BOTTLE Only $1.49 Cutter / ,ust The Thin s To Take Water To The Rev. $1.65 //' -* aws opening f 2 Burner n o-- :n| KAMP KOOK I sl ‘ 29 $1.69 $15.95 For This Sale ■" J:”--: ” « J The only camp stove that bums regular #W\ J I automobile gasoline. » R MAN?NUY - flp White Wane 32-Pc. Set $6.95 * Easy to use—mixed by Just adding » e cold water. A Sets quickly. Will not In«k tlir- thine Inr „ stain. ★ Makes a water-resistant, rot- JHOI WK . JO»» W UUng IOT Dinnerware proof bond. PUMP ' summer cottage Ideal for repoirt, hobbies A smart modern design of PITCHER \ St. Doniti* high grade china at a bar- ord $375 .ire. Mm3L \ Cuds gain Regular price ° n,y 5 * 50 gj Vacuum Sa g”” pouring spout i Coffee MlfQ for use at picnics . 1 ' WWtfTmJM Sin Soup B«rl ? jr; I WAGON «« ' WVfflffllMm 28-Inch Body »-/. Serving mtT'lJftWUlll/IJM ty lawn. You can very easily ! Altlu QC BOWI have one that’s “the finest in I (filly # J ny, I the neighborhood,” Feed your | I •*! B0LT » lawn with Vigoro, complete 5 mmmmmmmmm wmnmmm- n e tfcnJ plant food. Vigoro supplies all I »- * Ps-s ? M growing things with the nour- I - v -■ :%■ ' Oiancy Curmg . *OF all" V $ 6- tO We have I R Bot 10 )LBGUNS giurden sup- J J* T *y lor Tobacco #Lm«rlce*o finest B-B Gun. ASOshot force-faed | | YmU# 39( S2£ N«.\:3# i fu,,) guaranteed walnut finish stock. Very OK < VWg J accurate. Ask Did to V# w^mr—mm——**—*—m—mmmmmmmmm—mmmmmmmmm—m—mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmk. ■■ ■ 1 ,»p ID ,1.1 l ‘°"' I uIUG UrqSS Japanese Jointed Poles INC ' I I PAGE SEVEN