tHURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 READ AND USE CLASSIFIED ADS I TOR SALE ‘FOR SALE: New four-room home, itile bath, oentral heat, hardwood jfloors. Can be seen alter t p.m. at pU W. Barrington St. «-4-to 17 pel. [baby "chicklfor sale Strong and hardy chicks. NeW Hagipshires, Rhode Island Reds Bpted ftocfcs, White Leghorns, t • SALES AND SERVICE Let Us Repair Your Car For Summer Strickland * Motor Co. 102 E. Edgerton St. Phone 3295 Dunn, N. C. I. EARL HAWLEY OIL CO. « Wholesale Dealer (csSo) ywia> PROMPT SERVICE - COMPLETE PRODUCTS N. Dayton Ave. 3794 Phones 2241 . Dunn, N.C. mn m m m rmmt,mmtm m Mr. and Mrs. Eldridgc Lee of Lee’s Florist will continue doing flower work in their home. They will give the same service and quality in flowers as in the |past until the floist shop can be rebuilt. They want to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone fbr all business in the past, and will appreciate it if you wUI remember Lee’s Florist when needing flowers. I IT ONI,Y COST $218.50 * FOR A SCHOOL BNMHMHMBt terms of payment can be paid in throe quar _ . _ BfillBBBRESliPi terly payments of $27.84 YEAR AT j each. FOR CAMPBELL I INFORMATION WRITE L. H. CAMPBELL % COLLEGE Buie ’ s Creck * N c | I Fall term begins Sept. 17 f V : t View of College Campus ; .■% | What is a Day Student? & I A, day student is one who does not room or Board on the campus, but either I lives itt the College community or rides a lius or car to his home. j£.V.4i 'a \ pf- <-i r ; . • . /, % * S i CLASSIFIED RATES jft-Ward Minimum 50c Sam* Ad ’ This Sloe Type .. .„ — 2c Word : 3 TIMES ONLY SI.OO This Size Type .. 3c Word 3 TIMES ONLY $1.25 ALL KEYED ADS' are | strictly confidential and no information will be given. Please do not ask ior it. -• White Rockr, and Buff Orphing wns. Ha' oh days every Monday And Thursday. - Complete line of poultry equipment. We sex chicks., HATCHERY, £con Godwin, oroprietor. Phone 2740, Dunn, N. C. 3-15-tfnc EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH; We Guarantee: to furnish everything needed to build your house—except framing lumber. Save money, time and worrv Godwin Building Supply Co. In Dunn. Phone 2323 or 3875. M-W-F-tfnc FOR SALE: Hotpoint Electric range, fully automatic. Good as new. A real bargain. Phone 3633. 1 7-11-3 t-p t FOR RENT FOR RENT: Nice four-room apart- I meat with bath one block from the mill on a paved street See ‘ Country Jermjan uptown In Erwin Friday «; Saturday from 10 until 1* o'clock. 7-11-3 t-c FOR RENT: Going Fishing? If you are, then' rent a salt water rod ■ and reel and make your trips more enjoyable. Gilbert: Porter at Por ter’s Restaurant. Phone 2439. M. W. F.-ts-c FOR RENT: We hafc Mr iltal beds and wheel chairs for rent Contact Chair and Equipment Rentals,' phone 5070, Fayetteville, N. C M W F ts-c HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Five female dish washers. Free transportation to and from town. Good pay. Phone 9211. 7-5-ts-c Small family needs dependable colored maid. Must have the best of references and be able to furnish health card. Prefer someone presently employed, but who desires to better herself. • Good salary, and good work ing conditions. No Sunday work. Need someone permanently. A good opportuhity tori the right person. Write NAJ, care *f the Daily Record, giving experience, references, and salary expected. 7-9-st-p 'HELP WANTED: Truck driver. Must be sober and dependable. Phone Wellons Candy Co. 3494, Dunn, N. C. 7-9-ts-c HELP WANTED We need curb girls, a j short prder cook and a sandwich man immedi ately. Apply in person. JOHNSON’S RESTURANT 6-4-tf*. SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY "printing at econo micai prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING COMPANY hi Dunn. Let us bid on your next order. Telephone 3271. We wiT ball for and deliver your work. 1-1 20 t pd. . LLOYD’S PAINTING AND DEC ORATING SERVICE. Residepo*-. m w f tftp: • ;■ v \sT x '1 Dunn Blue Printers White Prints - Photo Copies “Perfect Prints Promptly” Over Johnson Cotton Co. Box 83 Dunn, N. C. Phone 2342 WANTED TO RENT: House or large apartment for family of three. No small children. Will be permanent Dunn residents. Phone 2183 between the hours of 8 a. m. and 5 4). m. 7-12-3 t-c Civilians Tour (Continued From Page One) current maneuver, "Southern Pine,” largest since Wprld War 11. EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION Representatives of the county’s tfttl DAILY RECORD, DttNN, H. C.. Two Dozen Cases Aired In fyurt Judge Floyd Taylor cleared up a round two dos& eases In LU ' ling ton Recorder's Oburt Tuesday. ;The majority of tfta.c/nes concern ed minor violations'of traffic laws. Following Is TViagday’s docket: | Percy Robinson, operating auto while intoxicated and without oper ator’s license, $26 and costs. Samuel Daniel Morano, Jr., speeding and careless and reckless | driving. $5 and Oosts. John Lewis, Jr., operating auto without operator's license, costs. Aaron Harper, speeding, $lO and costs. Victor Carlyle Hayes, operating 1 auto with improper exhaust, costs. William Preston Holland, Jr., speeding, $5 and costs. Berkeley Elwood Freeman, oper ating auto without chauffeur's lic ense and spepo'"" *lO and costs. Floyd Ray Fish, operating auto without operator’s license, costs and not drive until obtaih' license. Billie Matthews, interfering with officer, costs. George T. Dean, operating auto without operator’s license, coots and reckless driving, costs. James Lawrence Collins, operat ing auto without operator's license, costs and not drive until license is renewed. Elton Barefoot, careless and reckless driving, $lO and costs. Ruby Butts Winslow, assauL, costs. James W. Williams, assault With a deadly weapon, not guilty. Ellis Wade, operating auto with improper lights, not guilty. Aldredge Parrish, abandonment and non-support, costs and pay for support of wife and children, Benny Hobbs, public drunken ness; 30 days. Paul F. Huffman, breaking and j entering (larceny),, no probable | cause. Roland Cole, secret asstfult, costs and keep peace. ‘ Edward Coghill, operating . auto without operator's license ahd vio -1 luting prohibition laws, costs. , Benny Chance, violating prohibi tion laws, sls and costs. Otis Ballentine, assault with a deadly weapon, 60 days suspended 2 years ou condition that he pay $25 and costs. Cliff Adams, drunk and disor derly, $lO and costs. UN Team I (Continued From Page One) . cording to UN Authorities, to bring : the prasp*et of ah armistice ’’much Closer.” . appeared W the jVds replied to Jay. I It waS hoped .the breakdown was only temporary. But the negotia tions already had been suspended for one full day. while soldiers died on the fighting line, and quick Red action was necessary to per mit a resumption today. • The Reds stopped a truck convoy containing 20 newsmen, along with other UN personnel, • nine (piles south of Kaesong. The trucks turn ed back. When it became evident the Reds did not Intend to admit the correspondents, Joy sent his ultimatum. It* was believed Joy acted on in structions from Gen. Matthew B. Rldgway, supreme UN commander. . And it was assumed Ridgway may have had direct orders from Washington and the UN regarding the Allied attitude. .’ Indicating the importance he at three newspapers, heads of Lill ingtop civic clubs and their wives and county officials went on the tour which started from the court house at 2 p. m. “The tour is a small expression our apprecia j tion for the fnany: courtesies shown our group since we came to this area,” Colonel Barndt said. Visitors saw (1) a field bakery,, the 102nd Quartermaster; (2) a, ration breakdown point, the 762 G. M.; (3) a field hospital, the 309th; and (4) a portable laundry, 210th Q. M. Laundry Co. All In stallations visited lie east of High way 15-A in the general area be tween Bunnievel and Erwin and approximately two to five miles from Lillington. [ GIT TOP PRICES AT ■BESS. I Dunn I w ifi 99 9 ij TOP SHMNERS AT 77th CONVENTION \v 'v Ml vS , * k Hi y iIS. \ |»| if Wx&M / JSi IJ f Wx . .4 x \/ M - ml me AFTER THE OPENING of the 77th annual convention of the Shriners In New York, first to be held there in 65 years, present Imperial Potentate Hubert Poteat (left), of Wake Forest, N. C., greets Imperial Chief Rabban Judge Robert G. Wilson Jr., of Boston, The latter has bee> nominated as the fraternity’s next Imperial Potentate. (International^ Mrs, Joe Creel's Mother Buried Funeral for Mrs. Sally Maynard Hodges, 77, of Benson, was con ducted at Rose Funeral Home in Benson Sunday at 3:30 p. m. by the Rev. Thurman B. Stone, pastor of Benson Baptist Church. Inter ment was •in Benson city ceme tery. Mrs. Hodges, widow of A. W. Hodges, died at her home Friday afternoon following a brief illness. She had been a member of Ben son Baptist Church for several years. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. J. N. Creel of Dunn, Mrs. Lila Fleming of Raleigh. Mrs. Rob ert Fairbain and Mrs. Harry Lim kie of Union, N. J., and Beatrice Hodges of the home; one son, Sam Hodge?- of Raleigh; seven -grand, children and eight great-grand children': _aji tached to the frpe press issue, Ridgway had waited alongside the road when the Allie convoy started for Kaetong to wish the corres pondents good luck. Now tie and' his command await ed the Red reply which was the next steji. '•' M&m bij j . . . j* M } yfimRHATHINAL HARmTIR ; . REFRIGERATORS i BIG FAMILY SIZE-Hwg* E.2 eu. ft. capacity foji f from top to fioor ‘ ‘ -i. -.Vort I j i] FITS SMALL KITCHENS -Comport cafalaat V' A 1 space only 24’/t In. wW«. J J| » J Adds so much more food storage space, in so much lett floor • ■ • '-llllllliimj: 'll I Ip**, it’s jwt like increasing the aixe of yow kitchen! Aoi I 4 I \\ YmlHtF'jltp 1 f y°! i ß ainever >' thin *>’ ouw * Q,: 9 J E II l • M1 w,d,h Fr **” r locker-held. SS ■ ' H l lb».offro*enfeed.)liceetoetroyt. . , J B*« A i i .«FvH widH»cmi *—r ‘--fit JJ ; llt I ligrWwUWf 91 I | [j[ B . ’V f ■ lj?„ _ ***** 'WmSi ■ j IL il J®- B '{ '1 V v ' ■ 111 j \ JSj B You couldn’t thiok of mom to nsk fori Built-in bcnsle oDnocf B 1: m * .* r . r . l. » " " J I'XVv \|nl| K DOCTicf, tiuite ituenor u ncici*refiKiii£ B \ ' || |;\ \\hH m- 5-y tn warmnty oa , Tighs*wid unit Iti tfci ts* I ■ for wool IB \ . Ij r.\ |4J m . * \ J K \VW W • Virginia Solon East. Principal target or the hear ings, it was learned, will be the much-investigated Institute of Pa-, cific Relations. RFC—Sen. John W. Bricker, R., 0., recommended that the Senate Banking Subcommittee take one last poke at White House Aide Don ald S. Dawson in its final report of its investigation of the RFC. Sour ces said a tentative final report, on which the committee started work, contained no reference to President Truman’s patronage ad- j stop within*. •• UTieonsHtM