THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1951 ■ Jt' *..-»»• &gr . /J| h B IM ||! I c v ** || __ j|| |j||| ||| | ||| I jfl,'-^. m.W II ■ - SWIFT SHIFT —Camera catches action in a Milan, Italy, bout as Alvaro Cerasani of Italy (right) attempts to land an over hand right on the face of the European flyweight champ, Famechon of France. Cerasani failed to answer bell in 13th round. "lyyßEjyßtF |L % 4* *4 ± *L. *jp£ "' *"' '** XNfcdM^ y \f » JL jAJT *' 4 v *• 'nBipBBBipIBBRBBBBBRBH THEY HAVE KICK COMINGI —Before a packed house in Genoa, Italy, two soccer players charge the ball as the goalkeeper makes a dive for it. Italy won this match from French. ®assSg»Kllp’*"' i * : S %n B ■Kfe/ r % ■^' , ' ■ BR\ w LOOK OUT BELOW!—Shortstop Alvin Dark of the Giants has to leap high and wide to avoid stepping all over Peewee Reese of the Dodgers on this game between the two National league rivals it» a series Brooklyn. Highlights in the World of Sports THE DAILY RECORD, Dth4N, N. C. • ym% # ■■ 3113 -» ■ £||BB&§ % -% .. .^zbF Mm R * 'JH| - %* - *fer j| : v -i^aBBW ■ mi m £ >■ ItJli '" " ■ \ j» , jp.-' .. r .s^p/wl s, f IB :jjj b i W 3 * <* '* . *■ %w 54. „ .iJMMb££rSQSaH^%mflEiSPMM£y^i( HEY, OVER HERE!—Dick Kryhoski, Detroit first,sacker, makes a nice play on A1 Rosen of the Indians on a plck-off attempt but alack and alas Dick doesn’t have the ball (as you cut see) and Rosen is safe during a recent series with the Tigers. JHU aßiiiiMiiiti mu*—■ • 1 ; kH|Mgit’ ;i*k jSHHHr 1 ’ROUND THE BEND —And Miss Fiddle is in the lead, but not for long. Famera (in second . now) moved up fast on the outside in the stretch to grab this one at Monmouth Park, N. J, SECTIOH PAGE ONE SECO