THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 16, 1951 The Record. There is no charge. y i£ffli a * "'IS 8 * inyHw 1 v w*. ENJOY WATERMELON FEAST There’s nothing more enjoyable on a hot summer day than a watermelon feast. Mr. and Mrs. James Bahen invited in children of the neighborhood the other afternoon and they consumed several fine melons. Shown left to right are: Mrs. Cora Parker, Mrs. Bessie Baggett, Mis. Bahen, Mr. Bahen, Mrs. Ruby Newsome, Miss Cathy Bahen and James J. Bahen, Jr. (Daily Record photo by J. W. Temple, Jr.) Theatre Group Discusses Plans For Production The Dunn Little Theatre group met last night at the home of Mrs. Paul L. Strickland to discuss plans for their next production. Around 35 members of the group and In terested persons were present. No definite plans were made but a committee was named to decide upon the next play to be presented The committeemen are Mrs. Earl Jones, Mrs. C. I. Thompson. Mrs. Keith Finch, Mrs. Henry Whitten ton, Mrs. Ouyton Smith. Mrs. Wil liam Newsome, Mrs. Howard Dixon, Mrs. Paul L. Strickland and J. Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s^ 10pen ( Credit Account,Tsdnyft * tanley** Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s —Stanley's Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley's Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s VbuvA of QnJtsJULii io Woman Sunday School Stages Picnic The Sunday School of the Dunn Hood Memorial Christian Church held their annual Sunday School picnic yesterday from 4 to 8 at Laurel Lake near Salemburg. The group enjoyed swimming be forc the picnic supper was spread. Dr. George Cuthrell, pastor of the church, pronounced the Invocation at 7 o'clock. Around 125 members of the Sun day School wert present for the affatr. Shepaid Bryan. Mrs. Strickland served lemonade to those attending the meeting. Mrs. Cunningham Is Hostess At Bridge Session Mrs. Bill Cunningham was hos tess to the Tally-Ho Bridge Club last night at 8 o'clock at her home on S. .Magnolia Ave. Mrs. Frank Helote and Mm. Edwin Stewart were guests for the evening. Arrangements of asters, zinnias and other summer flowers were used throughout the home. Club high award, a double deck of cards, went to Mrs. Ed Tart and guest high, a box of candy was awarded to Mrs. Edwin Stewart. Mrs. Belote received candy as a Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s Stanley’s w ftaafc^a V# % 3* - • THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. ERWIN SOCIETY BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Billy A. Hall an nounce the birth of a daughter Sunday at' Saint Joseph of the Pines Hospital, Southern Pines. Mrs. Hall is the former Patay Ruth Martin of Hamlet. Hall ig the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hall of Southern Pines, formerly of Er win. Miss Stevens Is Honored At Kitchen Shower Miss Ruth Stevens, of. Goldsboro, fiance of Patrolman Joe Whittaker, was again entertained Saturday aft ernoon at a kitchen shower by Miss Alice Langston at her. home at New ton Grove. Miss Stevens marriage to Joseph Burton Whittaker of Er win will take place Aug. 24 in the Falling Creek Methodist Church. The honoree was given p corsage of white asters and a dinner plate in her chosen china pattern. | Summer flowers were used for decorations throughout the house with white gladioli predominating in the living room. After bridal games, the guests were invited into the dining room for refreshments. The table was covered with a white maderlan cloth and centered with an arrange ment of multi-colored asters.- Guests present other than th* hostess and honoree included Mis ses Geneverette and Loree Keene, Abbie Jean Porter, Florine and Joan Langston, Peggy and Annie Belle Overman and Margaret Stev- ; ens. consolation prize. The hostess served sandwiches, nuts, cookies and ice cream during the three progressions played. Those playing were the guests, Mrs. Belote and Mrs. Stewart and club members, Mrs. Locke Muse, Mrs. Blil Bryan, Mrs. Ed Tart, Mrs. T. C. Tyman, Mrs. Ben Harts field and the hostess. Dunn Hospital Patients Following is a list of patients ad mitted to the Dunn Hospital Aug ust 15 and 16. Mrs. Patricia Beasley, Rt. 2,’ Dunn; Mrs. Grace Tyndall, Rt. 2, Dunn; Judy Johnson, Benson; Master Kenneth Byrd, Rt. 1, Ang ler; William H. Capps, Rt. 3, Dunn;. Juanita Mae Matthews, Rt. 1, Ben son; Mrs. Annie Page, Rt. 1, God win; Mrs. Evelyn Godwin, Rt. 3, Benson Mrs. Amelia Jones, Rt. 2, Benson; and Martha Davis, colored, ( Lillington. Mr. and Mrs. Yokum Matthews of Benson, Rt. 1. annouce the birth of a son August 15 In the Dunn Hospital. The mother was Miss Jua nita Maness before her marriage. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Franklin Tart of Dunn, Rt. 2, announce the birth of a daughter, August 14, fn the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Tart is the former Miss Ruby Elizabeth Mc- Leod. The birth of a son August 14 in the Dunn Hospital Is announced by Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Stew art of Dunn, Rt. 1. The mother is the former Miss Jeanette Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tyndall of Dunn, Rt. 2, announce the birth of a son, August 15 in the Dunn Hospital. Mrs. Tyndall is Che farm er Miss Grace Williams. RETURNED YESTERDAY Miss Brucle Dickey returned ' yesterday from Greensboro where she has been visiting Miss Ashley Holland. leav£ today Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Temple left this morning for a fishing trip to Sneed’s Ferry. IN WASHINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fowler spent last week end in Washing ton, It. C. TO STAGE PICNIC The Dorcas Class of the First Baptist Church in Dunn will hold their annual picnic tomorrow even ing at 1 o’clock at the home of Mrs. T. A. Core. RETURN TODAY Red Sandlin and Howard Hodg es return from Camp Nimrod to day where they have been junior counselors for the past two mon ths. VISIT BAERS Mr. Mrs.-Jack Aik and daugh ter Irene has been in Dunn fori * PHONE • 8117 BllB or 8118 Mrs. Hall Feted - On 78th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hall and Miss Etta Hall entertained their mother, Mrs. L. D. Hall, on her 78th birthday with a dinner at their home Tuesdr y. The home was very pretty with mixed arrangements of summer flowers. Th; dining table was covered with a beautiful white linen cloth and centered with a bowl of mixed flowers, flanked by burning tapers in crystal holders. The white birthday cake adorned one end of the table. A delicious three-course h.ncheon was served, after which Mrs. Hall was presented with many lavish gifts. Those present included the hon oree and members of her imme diate family. ■ l Baotist YWA Meets At Williams Home Miss Iris Williams was hostess to members of the Young Wo man’s Auxiliary of the First Bap tist Church at her home Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. - Colorful summer flowers in mix ed arrangements made the home attractive for the occasion. The meeting. opened with the group saying together the watch word, followed by the Y.W.A. song. Miss Janet Ennis, president, pre sided over the business session, at Which time officers for the coming (year were elected. They were: Miss Elladine Johnson, president; Miss Patricia Woodworth, treasur er; and Miss Betty Jou Jackson, secretary. Following the election the meet ing closed with the group form ing a friendship circle and singing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” After the meeting a social hour was held, during which the hostess served sandwiches, potato chips, cookies and lemonade to the fol lowing: Miss Ennis, Miss Jackson, Miss Lucy McDonald, Miss Martha i Lee, Mias Judith Holmes and Mrs. Aaron Holmes, Y.W.A. leader. Meetina Held By Ruth Bible Class ‘ ” The Members of the Bible Class of the First Baptist Church met at the home of their teacher, Miss Etta Hall, Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. The meeting opened with a very impressive devotional by Miss PBtsy Leonard, which she follow ed with prayer. Miss Helen Ruth Gomadella cor* (ducted a short business session durirg which routine reports were given and plans were formulated for a trip to White Lake in the near future. Following the business meeting the hostess served cookies, mints, potato chips, salted nuts and soft drinks to the following members: Miss Leonard, Miss Gomadella, Miss Nancy Leonard, Mrs. Peggy Fowler, Miss Jeanetta Taylor, Mrs. Earl Whitman, , Miss Barbara Woodworth and Miss June Ruth Tew. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and son Frederick spent Monday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Barrett and daughter Mary Beth of Fay etteville visited Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Elderbaum Sunday. Erwin Hospital Patients Mrs. Estalene Voorhls, Mrs. Wil ls Dean Tew, Mrs. Kathleen Bare foot, Mrs. Rebecca Parrish, Mrs. Ruth Dixon, Mrs. Lucille Cobb, Mrs. Beatrice Barbour, Mrs. Maky Watson, Mrs. Florence Stewart, Mrs. Betty Holland, Mrs. Helen Stephenson, Mrs. Dorothy Dixon, 1 Mrs. Alene Ennis, Mrs. Helen Moore, Miss Virginia West, Pres ton King, Clyde Pleasant and John Henry McCrimon, colored. Mm. vmsl Sold only by A & P . . . Enjoyed by all! Fresh, Thrifty Jane PaMcer S Pound Coko -- - “.e jfc MflWlM Dinner™* Willi i e,, yßoir ~ e i sfrn Nectar Tea • Rich and Flavorful Dnnk ... *9« Orange Drink 29c «■ 28c ■» 51c iq* fresh Fruits „ Tw • and Vegetable J“» Cuban Size 54s Sweet Ripe 27s t^S^BMiWlMiEaiWai Avocados 3 25c Cantaloupes 27c a&p California Juicy Nice Size , _ . „ Skl.- 2 “ 29c »*“?„"* - “ ,5c Fruit Cocktail String Beans 2 25 c Cabbage Lb. 6c N »2uOfl‘ v Crisp Fresh dan jJIQ i Carrots _ «*»«* 14c Limes .2 u> 29c famout |°** Delicious With Chicken JH Dressing Ocean —- » Ifc Pt 31c Pineapple Del Monte Sliced _ xSi?, 29c . Peas Sultana * , £*e # *''i‘sC| „ . Asparagus A&P All Green 10 &£*‘ 34c Ann Page Strawberry j9|j| Ann Page Creme Sandwich Oreo jjj* 17e Ann Page Peas and Carrots fqpg ■im m i &VJSe Grape Jelly I j£ r 23c Chum Salmon Perfect strike a. 1 48 c: Ann Page „ Flour Sunnyfield Self-Rising Tab? - 75tf Mayonnaise •. Jar 36c Pie Apples Packer’s Label te' Itfi Crabapple --21 c (ft guw—laad tkruokj Mild and Mellow i Soap Toilet r j J C Z Qi fcep ■ I PAGE THREE