PAGE FOUR Chosen As Dunn High School Corbett, president of dw ptMect Council to Dunn High has *rftfnrOTS m SEVENTH GRADE * By RITA McLEAN MA Iterefoot’s seventh grade is proud, or its attendance for the past -4wei weeks. The average has above 96%. Many of thes£absences were due to “cotton ptokißg”. This will soon be over and ore-are hoping to have 100%. In IMF 1 loom twenty homes have been represented in the P. T. A. We IMSC' that all will soon Join. MIS* CULP'S SIXTH GRADE » By HARRY TART .Mis* Culp’s sixth grade elected Offices Friday, September 6. Pres ident," Sandra Blackly; vice-pres ident,* Joanne Godwin; secretary, C? J Godwin; treasurer, Harry j Boto&y Hauly, Fred Newton, Jo- Student Officers At C bats Are Inducted ; •By SUE LANGDON . f STUDENT COUNCIL MEMHRtSr | * ENTERTAINED The. High School student body matt i> assembly Thursday, Octo- Bfcr 6,* for the installation of the Council for the 1051-’S2 isrm .The following officers and .SMmdßtatives took the oath of their respective office; Bresiqpnt, Dennis Pope; Vice-Pres ident. rMarilyn Yarley; Secretary- Treasifer, Ann Pleasants; Home Boom Representatives, Joan Smith, Kathleen Cobb, Raymond Jernigan. Billy fatties, Donnie Pollard, Mc- KeOly .Whittington, Larry Barnes, and Bfelen Sears. \ The brganization has proven very at Coats since formed, load under the guidance of the above dounctl members we know £. wil{ prove even more so this ELECTED The * following students were elected* cheerleaders at a recent Xstfietlg Committee meeting and ’eumiuved by the Student Council: Moore, Shirley Nor- TfC P«tgy Stewart, Carolyn Tur- Gfcria Wilmouth, Max Steph- Nevy Teachers j Added To §sso faculty The Amior Class is rating. They tatfe Mn. Earl Lockamy as faculty IflMier* Joe Barefoot is president, Peggy is vice-president, Shirley *Halr is secretary, Hart Well laKtoca has two new teachers ad fiad to the faculty this year. Mrs. fgMfeei Miller is the fifth grade Igjeberjuid Mrs. Bari Lockamy the home Itonomics teacher. Tjm4 n P r,lcticaU y a new set list year, Robert Baggette, depending on you ujto and from school safely. |fiHro*aeaia this year, but that i Smith, Ann Byerly. 11-Clifford; L. C Draughon. Aubrey Hardeson, Nancy Abernathy and Fannie Sue Tumage, 13- Dixon. I The committee chairmen are: Judicial, Aubrey Hardison; Cafe teria, Faye Jackson; Traffic, Claude Pope; Evaluation, Fannie Sue Tur nage; Safety, Sylvia Edwards; As sembly. T. B. Williams; Building and Grounds, Pat Snipes; Sanita tion, L. C. Draughon; Social, Rita Fleishman; Ways and Means, Anne Byerly and Radio, Dot Laughing house. Library Club Is Organized At Dunn High The Library -Jiub of Dunn High School has organized and elected officers. The first meeting of this group was held on Wednesday Oct. 3. Mrs. Patricia Myers, school lib rarian, Js the advisor for the club. New officers are president Anne Horne; vice president; Exum Kir by; . secretary-treasurer, Billy Jgan Jernigan; student council repreSn tative, Guyton Smith; and serg eant-at-arms, Faye Godwin. It’s purpose being to help stu dents become more acquainted with the principal functions of a lib rary, the club was formed last year. seph Campbell Jimmy Tart, and Harry Tart painted our book shelves. We modeled some clay showing the things we studied in our his tory. MISS RYALS’ FIFTH GRADE By PATSY NORTHCUTT We have been doing some real interesting work In reading. After our teacher puts all the hard words in our lesson on the board we then read our lesson. After reading it we then make a drawing of the most interesting parts of the les son. Our teacher selects the best ones and puts them up around the room. We have some very nice drawings. Come and see them some time. JEM? been order ed and are expected before long. Meanwhile these cheerleaders are doing their best at the football cheering right along. CLASS RINGS ORDERED The Senior Class selected their Class Ring Thursday, October 4, their ring of the year! The 61 sen iors looked quite satisfied with their selection One of our most outstanding football players, Dennis Pope, will be unable to take part in any sport for the next four weeks, due to a broken arm. We regret this, so much and feel sure he will be In there fighting in basketball—if not football. LONG DAY SCHEDULE BEGUN >• We Jbegan our long day sfchedule, Wednesday, October 9, having pre viously been on a short schedule for the benefit of the students get ting home early to help their pa rents. The Sauline Players gave their presentation of the well-known play, “Tom Sawyer”, Wednesday at 10 o'clock We are always glad to hear the announcement that the Sauline Players are tq be here. The grills around Dunn seem to be losing some salt and pepper shakers lately. • Wonder who is taking them? Can you imagine two Mingo Sen ior boys porch sitting on Sunday night? What’s wrong Sue? It seems as though Sue can’t decide between two boys. We’re casting our votes on the ’6l Hudson. Hazel is. carrying her heart in her eyes lately. Could It be a certain soldier la home? Betty Joan, has made ’lt. Wed nesday and Friday nights on con vertibles witk brothers. What; will her sailor say? Don’t fight girls. Beriine just wants her ring, but Martha thinks It would be O. K. to have K W. from Dunn. Hey. Carton, who is that cute brunette? PlahlievT m m . p. | ft# Halloween Carnival win be Sixth Graders Have Teacher From. London MISS HORTON’S OTH GRADE This year we have a very nice teacher from London, England. Our teacher's name Is Miss Horton. W* are enjoying her very. much. She has been telling us about her coun try and city They are very inter esting. In our class room we are hav lng literature stories. Miss Horton is reading us now about Oliver Twist by a famous writer called Charles Dickens. This story is ver yexcitlng. We are also making designs from numbers and letters by turning them around and upside down. After we finish drawing the designs, we are going to paint and color them. i We are very interested in our new lunchroom. We can hardly yd ait to move in. We know we shall enjoy it very much. We painted our blackboard green. They look very nice now. * Our teacher is teaching u tso make hot mats out of string. They are very pretty and very nice to use. Some boys have been making shadoofs, bows and arrows, hat chets and other things the ancient people made and used. We have a club meeting every Friday after chapel. Our president is Billy Tyhomton. vice-president is Joyce Ann Harrelson. secretary, Kay Blacks, treasurer. Betty Ann Lee. Our club is called “The 6-H Club.” We are very happy to say we have a new pupil. His name is Lynn Aman from Clinton, North Caro lina. Reporters, Betty Ann Lee and Billy Thornton. MRS. BAREFOOT’S 7TH GRADE In connection with Fire Preven tion Week, our class has drawn pic tures, discussed what to do in cast LaFayette Juniors Name Class Officers JUNIORS ELECT OFFICERS The Junior Class has elected of ficers for the year. They are as follows; President, Ronald Baker Vice-President, Betty Jo Bailey Secretary, Andrew Dewar Treasurer, Charles Ballard Social Committee, Shirley Hol land, chm. v Julia Sauls and Tommy Jeffries. PTA TO MEET The PTA. will meet Tuesday night. All parents and teachers are urged to attend this meeting to diseuss important business ‘plans. Mease try to attend. JUNIOR PLAY The Junior Play “Crazy Bt Cute” will be given Thursday, November 9. It is a three-act comedy by Ber tita French. The characters are: Buie's Creek School Showing Much Growth The sophomore class of the Buie’s Creek High School chose their superlatives ps follows; Best looking, Celia. Johnson and Travis Ross; best dressed, Mary Lou Har rington and Travis; most studious, Helen Stafford and Ronald Page; friendliest, Celia Johnson and Jack Ragland; wittiest, Alice Dudley; and Evan Taylor best all round, Sulvia Turlington and Pat Har mon most likely to succeed, Helen Stafford and Pat Harmon; most popular, Travis Ross and Kather ine Hudgins; and most athletic, Travis Ross andd Joan Tysinger. The picture for the high school and grammar school were taken Monday for the annual. The pub lishers' of our annual. The Creek, made the pictures without charge. Four years have passed and Buie’s Creek School is still growing. The first year was a hard year for the' students and teachers. The build ing was not finished and there was so much noise It was diffi cult to hear above it. We had French, math, geome try, history, biology, health .science, chemistry, and English with only four teachers. The college offered us home ec. The second year was a better one ppd we were able to eat in the lunch room. Not being ab le to have a larger school district, we lost a high school and grammar school teacher which gave the sbigh chool .teachers six Core; Secretary, Uerlon Allen; Treasurer,’. Botty Sills; Reporter, Jimmy Hinson: Watch Dog, Bobby Ray Honeycutt and Program Chair man, Shelton Weeks. The initia tion will be Be® WWnMday night, October 17, 1961 at 7:90 p. m. The Agricultural boys will be in the huge crowd at State Fair, Fri day. October 19, 1961. We'wondered why a certain Ju nior boy left school early Tuesday morning, and new know. How does nior-SeniGa* Banquet. futility ftSMKft, fltttft* K. (X Os a fire, amd have had current to become conscious of ho* fire* Start and how to prevent serious fires in our school and to our homes. Rita McLean, class reporter. MRS..WAGGONERS tTH GRADE la our room this week Mrs. Wag fire prevention, some oi me pu pils have Written original plays, poems, and rules which they are going so act out on Friday in our class room. We have also drawn pictures and painted them with paints, or colored htem with cray ons. . Each pupil reported on some thing that he had done at home, which might have prevented a fire. In the unit of geography we Just finished we learned a great deal about the solar system and the universe. On paper some epople drew pictures of Mars, Jupiter. Earth, Sun, Meteors and Comets. This w especially enjoyed. Carole Poep, reporter CHEERLEADERS FIXING HUT FOR DANCES The cheerleaders have really been getting down to business this year. They have taken the re sponsibility of decorating the American Legion Hut, where the Teen-Age dances are held, on Fri nights for the Victory Dances. They also have volunteered to clean the American Legion Hut once every week for the American Legion. In the future they hope to learn many new yells for all you spectators to help them with. How about It Dunn? Why not come on out to the ball game tonight and sup port our boys! Dan Dover, Tommy Jeffries; Mrs. Dover, Betty Smith; Mr. Dover, An drew Dewar; Uncle Joe,-John Ar nold; “Oscar” Betty Shaw, Betty J. Bailey R. G Higby, Ronald Ba ker; Susie Higby, Ruby LSwter; Phylis Blake, Julia Sauls; Kathy Brooks, Shirley Hollahd; Mrs. Dos enduffer. Betty Ross Medlln; “Ki lo” Herman Espy, Charted Ballard. SAULINE PLAYERS HERE The Sauline Players were here Thursday P. M Thursday afternoon they presented “Tom Sawyer" ami Thursday evening “Father Knowß Best.” Everyone enjoyed both pro grams very much. < BUS DRIVERS TEST Those who want to drive a school bus met Wednesday a.m. and a test was given to about 19 people. full periods to teach. Study halls had to stay In (he same class witjh the ones who were having class. This year, our fourth year of school in the new building, our senior tlass is the only class whclh has gone through the whole high school. The high school and gram mar school were able to regain their teachgrs, because of the co operation of the students last year. Campbell College is offering us typ ing again this year. .Although we appreciate their kindness and thoughtfulness in offering us home ec., we are glad to have our own home ec. department in the build ing. - Homecoming is Slated At ACC Homecoming festivities on Oct ober 30 will see graduates and far mer students of Atlantic Christian College returning to the college campus for a full program of act ivities and entertainment. Alumni will be guests of the col lege at a luncheon In Bert Hardy Dining hall at 1 p. m. Other acti vities cf the afternoon and even ing will< include a program con sisting of addresses of welcome fcy Dr. Ltodley. president of the eofijft and Jay Gtortc, mjsldent pf#» and other musical organbmtlogs ALUMNI* , The annual business session of the Alumni have* open house for guests?* A Uto dance In the recrtbttWi] !£im Sn& S! ■ ; Beautiful Campus Enjoyed At HCTS By "BUSTER” McLEAN As we look about us, we can clearly see tangible evidence of the rapid realization of the prediction made by Beulah D. Spearman class of ’sl that: “Under Mr. Ledbetter’s leader ship, Harnett County Training School will blossom like the rose.” We are bursting with pride as we now enjoy our beautiful campus which was landscaped by the stu dents along with the financial and physical help of some of our lead ing school patrons. We are seeth ing with admiration over our new addition to the school curriculum —the Commercial course which is taught by Miss Alice J. Morgan. We are beaming with Joy over our new library tables, the new seats for many of the classrooms, the twelve new latest model typewrit ers, and the new typing tallies and chairs. We are chock full of happi ness over the in ter-communica tion system recently installed. Yes, H. C. T. S., is blossoming UkO the mi 1 i g 'l' =gs==*a=W========== . =s=========3 3== s=== - = -“ '' ll r r -- _ H - J ’ Xr~ -Z—sssassssa* M ,M* ’ Only Olbson you a Hjj^j exciting new convenience features and long lasting HBnggMfl dependability! When you a new Gibson you enjoy all the advantages of advanced food-keeping 4 f IK &£ design, the security knowing you can con- Iftaoe lo enjoy this better living yeori and years V *xp«rianc« „,, ~,,,^,,|, „,, , „^,,,, ~..., J *M* 1177. ' ’ ■ ’ rose. Let us continue to show the beautiful flowerv fragrance by al lying with the P. T. A. The next meeting will be held on Monday night, October 15 at 7:30 p. m. A program will be rendered by the Grammar Department. ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS The Grammar Department pre sented two very fine assembly pro grams recently. On the first pro gram Miss L. L. Culbreth was the featured speaker She chose as her subject: “School Manners.” The 6th grade presented songs and dances. Mrs. P. T. Massey furnished the music for the program. Miss T. L. Harris served as mistress of cere monies. The second program was centered around fire prevention. Several papers and skits were pre sented which were very timely dur ing this week set aside to stress the prevention of fire. GRID STARS BACK Coach Peermgn is smiling now. *ju l if jk fgjyffc ft i*ci ■ Flu)Ay AffTEKNuoN, OCTOBER 1*» 1951 Lunchroom Opened At Newton Grove School ward to hearing the bell ring for classes to change. Long day sche dule began Monday. October 8, 1961. _ The lunchroom opened Monday, October 8, 1951 Mrs. Lewis King is supervisor. Mrs. Alice Bass and Mrs. Albert Westbrook are her as sistants. We are looking forward to Having delicious meals this year, because we hare three good cooks. The Juniors are busy planning how to make money. We are wish ing them good luck in any way Funeral Friday For Erwin Woman Bestina Fatrcloth, 70, died Thurs day at 1 a.m. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Minnie Horne In Er win. She had been in declining health for the part year. Bhe was a native of Sampson County, a daughter of the late John W. Fair cloth and Sarah Catherine Hall Faircloth. ' Surviving in addition to her sis ter In Erwin, are several nieces and nephews. Miss Faircloth lived in Fayetteville at Tolar-Hart for 40 years, and ‘she was employed in Tolar-Hart Mill for 35 years You see several of his football stal warts have seen fit to return to school after an unusually long va cation North of the Mason and Dixon. You’ll see what I mean Fri day night when the H. C. T.” Hor nets” meet Carthage in Carthage. SIDE LIGHTS It seems that all H, C. T. stu dents and teachers are Dodger fans. Very little interest has been shown in the autumn baseball clas sic thus far. Why not a single stu dent has played “hooky” from school to listen in on the big show. Ray Codrlngton reports that the T-V show put on by big Monte Irvin of the Giants was terrific. Ray got a chance to see the tail end of each series game each af ternoon over his T-V .set. That was Mr. R. W. .Thacker sitting next to him on the hassock. Miss Alice Morgan, a rabid baseball fan enthusiastically informed all of us sport lovers that the game started 0 to 0. We were so happy to learn that the Giants were able to start off without being 4 or 5 runs be hind. I close by saying the game started off 0-0. See you next Friday. " We are very sorry Mrs. Cain, the fourth grade teacher, hasn’t been able to come to school yet because of sickness; however, we are glad to have Mrs. R. D. Weeks with us as substitute teacher. Mr. Savage is again the basket ball coach, and he is as athletic as ever however, when it is history period, basketball doesn’t cross his mind. Nevertheless, Mr, Savage is a good basketball coach. Since the girls have new suits, everyone is anxious to get a chance to piay ball. prior to her retirement about five years ago Funeral services were held Fri day at 3 pm. in the Massey Hill Baptist Church.of which she was a member. The Rev. D. H: Lowder officiated, assisted by the Rev. S. A. Fann. Burial was In Home Cem etery near Autryyille. LILLINGTON PERSONALS Miss Elizabeth fcihaw of Lumber ton arrived today to spend the weekend as the guest of Mrs. Robert Winston. She is a former Lillington resident. Miss Ann McFaddin of Martins ville, Va. Is spending the weekend with Mrs. Neill McLauchlin. Miss McFaddin and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Joe Sale McFaddin, the for mer Miss Catherine McLauChlln arrived today. Lieut. Robert E. Johnson will leave during the weekend to report to his new Air Force assignment at Roswell, New Mexico after spend ing a leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Johnson. Mrs. Joy Walsh Neibar who was injured recently In an automobile accident is reported improved at Good Hope Hospital, Erwin, where she is a patient. She suffered a fractured pelvic bone. , FARM BUREAU INSURANCE Auto - Fire - Life John K. Snipes (In “M” System Store) Phone 2254