PAGE EIGHT 7m Tattle Tales | By LINDA AT COCK Heflo, there, «uys and gab. It looks' like fair weather again and a bttj warm too. That’s one thing Jea aever can tell anything about, so b<4 prepared for anything! Wfl, Virginia Lee Vann, which is it, Blllv Ray Godwin or Russell Carter? They’re both very cute and very £bgible! Toe bad the Baby Greenwaves got whipped, but they’ll come through next Wednesday. Cary won’t know what hit them. Patricia Lanier certainly has knocked the boys for a loop. Please, Pat,- leave us some. W(Jody Hill wants to know how to get to the Free Will Baptist Or phanage. Is it the orphanage. or the house across the way. : The band is on its wav to Dur ham to attend the State-Duke game tomorrow. Everyone nlans to have a big time watching Duke trample State. A student in Penn State's famous fishihg class had hooked a verv small trout and Had wound it in Till it was rammed against the end !of the rod. “What do I do now?" she cried excitedly. “Climb tin the rod and stab it,” she was told. Seen around: Gaylia Dudley wearing a black Jacket. Peggy Stevenson and Eddie Thomas keeping warm Wednes day Rain! Rain! Rain! (We shore did need it!) Beautiful movie stars. Buddy Buck with Annette Bare foot. Jane Westbrook and Katherine White just wishing for basketball season. Ethelyn Maxwell with a new hair-do, cute, too! Virginia Turlington just looking around. Ditto for Everette Turlington. Mr. Braswell in Fitchetts! William Moody dreaming of Pat Lanier. Daphne Parker as cute as ever. Betsy Ann Tart in a good-looking green skirt. Juniors still waiting for their cass rings. Just can’t wait, can you? Faye Jackson up town in Fit chett’s every day. Charles Maynard and Joyce God win always smiling. The same goes for Joy Lou Ed wards and D. B. Register. and ON LY . onc% g thx ; r M '' ’ . Sb- * ■„ This TINY flame—a true pilot, not a low „ f - ' ill * k ( fire, keeps PERFECTION aK.-iys ready for \ f . any heating need, does away with bother- Bgl „ some re-lighting. With a thermostat that ' llfc automatically adjusts the heat to the weather^ Sir * here is 00 WOrk ' n 0 dirt ' no was,eful over heating. You SAVE instead of SLAVE! p a size far tvm now . see them hire Aim : MhEj' uiinti riiriiitiirG tLo* W -First Quality Home Furnishings M And Appliances" /T V 110 c. Broad st. Phone 3340 m Harold Bass stUl alone. Raymond West as witty as ever! Coach Waggoner going around grabbing everybody’s shoulder where it hurts! Posters in Fire Prevention Week all over! - . Jackie Alphine as dark as can be. Georgia on Miss Barker’s mind. Everyone brooding over the out come of the World Series. Margaret Lee Naylor still mixed up with boys, boys, and more boys on her mind. Purple skirts, purple sweaters, purple everything. Jo Hackett promoted to the Dunn Theatre! Frances Register always think ing of Skippy Smith. Have oyu noticed the new couple around school? They are brother and sister instead of sweethearts. Names? Oh. Lloyd and Velma Elackburn. Dunn was honored with Penny Edwards’. Crais Hill’s and Laurie Nelson's presence Wednesday! Ev eryone was reall eyxcited at the first glimpse of them. Shore are Durty and Craig is really handsome too. The writer, Isabel Dawn was very impressive. They were on tour as part of "Movietime, U. S. A..”> a new progression of the motion picture industry. No sportsman takes his favorite sport more seriously or plays it more intensely than the golfer. A chap returned from a long day on a near-by course. His w ; fe kiss ed him and remarked that their son had just come in, too. “He says he’s been caddying for you,” she added brightly. ‘By golly,” exclaimed the golfer, “no wonder that kid looked so fa miliar!” Test-time is coming up again. Remember report cards next week. Better put up those comic books and get out the history and biology books! There’s nothing that com pares with a hard test, oh, broth er!!! We had a whalloping pep rally last night. It certainly ought to bring out . all the folks for the ball game tonight. Our school spirit certainly hasn't fallen through this year, so everybody come on out tonight and watch Dunn tangle with Rockingham. It ought to be a pretty good gamee! See you there! The best cure for worry, depres sion, melancholy, brooding, is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one’s sympathy the gloom of somebody else. Methodists At Erwin Begin Loyalty Drive At a meeting of twenty-Aeven In terested workers a Church Loyalty Program was launched last Mon day evening in the Assembly room cf the basement of the Erwin Meth odist. Church. The group decided to urge every member and friend of the church to be present at the 11 o’clock service. (We hope all will come also for the Church School at 9:45 A. M.) The whole Loyalty Program will be explained at this service. The Pastor will preach on “The Su preme Loyalty,” a message long enough to challenge and short enough that the sermon and other features of the service will last on ly an hour. In the service popullar and great hymns will be sung (More than usual). MEMBERS OF GROUP The group thnt decided upon and launched the Loyalty Program were: Owen Bennett, Jack Brock, Black's Chapel Revival Is Set Annual revival services will be gin at Black’s Chapel Methodist Church, on Fayetteville Highway, next Sunday evening, October 14 at 7::39 p. m. and continue through Sunday evening. October 21 with the exception of Saturday night. The Rev. Mr. J. E. Sponenberg, Pastor of the Methodist Church at Princetc.n. N. C. will be the guest preacher. The Rev. Mr. Sponen berg is a graduate of Asbury Col lege and Asbury Theological Sem inary, Wilmore, Kentucky. Mr. Sponenberg is a young minister and a good evangelist. The public Is cordially invited to attend of these services. Bazaar Slated At Lillington Chief money-making project of the Lillington Woman's Club for the month of December will be a holiday bazaar which will be held at the Community House Wednes day. December 5. Mrs. C. E. Sorrell, bazaar chair man, who conferred on Friday with her committee members, reported that plans are already underway to assure that there will be a var iety of novel and beautiful gifts for sale as well as holiday foods. A benefit turkey dinner will con clude the affair. Both senior and junior woman’s ' Clyde Crawford. Mrs. Ludie Fow ler, G. V. Fowler, £. B. Hudson, R. A. Hughes, Otto Lambert, W. H. Muse, Mr. and Mrs Eldridge Nor ris, Paul Parker. Bobby Pate, Rev. and Mrs D. A Petty, Mrs. J. H. Price, Curwood Sessoms, Sherrill Stancil, A. L. Oldham, Jr.. Payton Odom, Byron Stevens, D. T. Stutts, Miss Pearl Surles, Mrs. X. R. Thomas, Jr., Clarence Turn age, L W. Tyndall and Marvin West. Plans were made to have a Church Roll-Call and Fellowship dinner at the church a .week from Sunday. Every member and friend will be asked to pledge anew Loy alty to our Church and Lord. At the conclusion of the meeting a group of the men served delight ful refreshments, and the evening was finished with the group sing ing lustily some of the popular and great hymns. James D. Lee At Aviation School James D. Lee. airman appren tice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lee of Route 2. Four Oaks, N. C.. is now attending the Avia tion Structural Mechanic School at the U. C. Naval Air Technical Training Center. Memphis. Tenn. Lee, who entered the Naval ser vice in November, 1950, received his recruit training at the U. S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, 111. clubs arrange one fund raising event monthly, proceeds of which go toward paying off the debt on the community building. Visit Mill End Stare Fayetteville For Top Quality Drapery & Upholstery Fabrics Direct From Mill 121 Donaldson St. Phone 2375 f I B flp Em* mBWf/ B /mm m<^JE at Lee’s Children Shop \ 1 ) Big Days U FRIDAY & SATURDAY jtopr.^ DRESSES r R Buy one at the regular prke ~. Sb DfG<%*%GS yw ° anot^er f° r only . V* sm SIOO ■\f ! *■«* q I /SS Buy one pair at the regular price ShOGS and,another for only PSIOO I SUITS Buy one at the regular price ... f and another for only SI.OO _ Bo ' 1 Buy one pair si Regular Price ST Pantsjy ILvKiN ijHwl 1 I FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 12, 1951